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Thread: Costume Party!!!

  1. #1
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Costume Party!!!

    October Contest I is here. Better name will appear.

    1 Pokemon. No reservations.

    2 rounds.

    4 Slots. Yes. you read that right. 4 slots.

    This contest is for newer folk that aren't sure how contests works. n_n. So all you gotta do is post what Pokemon you'll be using-and use three attacks-slightly describing how'd they look in a contest setting.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  2. #2
    Did the dew Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    I"ll use Azula the Torchic

    Use Fire Spin upward, then spin using Swords Dance and Will-O-Wisp

  3. #3
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    I will use Oddish.

    Razor leaf going up, followed by Sweet scent, and then mixing it all up with a petal dance! (Flower blender!)

  4. #4
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    I'm so cool.
    Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 2nd October 2009 at 01:23 PM.

  5. #5
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Don't be mean MLG let the new ASB'ers have their own little contest don't go clod hopping around their playground.

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  6. #6
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    I will gladly give up my entree as soon as there is a newbie that needs a place.

  7. #7
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    :3 I'd join, but I'm not new and I'd end up raping you all with my pure force of awesome.
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  8. #8
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    ...Sign her up.

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  9. #9
    perpetually absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    *kicks MLG down* Bad! At least wait a few days, you silly mod. We're not all as godly as you are.

    *puts Linus the male Poliwag down on the floor*

    Let's start off with a Bubblebeam and freeze the bubbles in midair with Ice Beam! Shatter them with Hidden Power.

    Bubblebeam~Ice Beam~Hidden Power

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    17:27 Samchu if Becki won't let me kill off Sara then Cici can't use super effective one-hit adorable ko moves on anyone

  10. #10
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    * Looks up Kuro's Skirt as she kicks MLG * Wow... * Pulls out Camera before realizing others are looking at me * Oh... reserve me a spot, I'll post my moveset in the morning.

  11. #11
    It's like Rossy, but more! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    * Looks up Kuro's Skirt as she kicks MLG * Wow... * Pulls out Camera before realizing others are looking at me * Oh... reserve me a spot, I'll post my moveset in the morning.

    ...moving right along.

  12. #12
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rossymore View Post

    ...moving right along.
    There is no unseeing that which has been seen. Also, you obviously don't frequent RPG.

    I'd consider this, but (A) I'm not really new, just newly restarted, and (B) Contests don't really interest me.
    SteamID: virtualplay
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    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  13. #13
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    ...Sign her up.

    :3 Blademaster has spoken XD
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  14. #14
    perpetually absent Advanced Trainer
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    ...Linus, Double Slap that perverted fool!

    Click for my VS Seeker entry!

    Winner of the 2009 Jack of all Trades and Rising Star Unown Awards!
    Winner of The 2009 Diamond Masquerade's Most Valuable Newbie and Best History Awards!

    17:27 Samchu if Becki won't let me kill off Sara then Cici can't use super effective one-hit adorable ko moves on anyone

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Nuts Darkest where is a noob with out their King to lead them. besides it's been ages since I last entered a contest, that and I never done that well in them... -_-;

    Go Trill my male Murkrow! Trill use Haze then Mean Look finish this eerie combo off with Perish Song!

    ~Charles Legend
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  16. #16
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Alright I will be using Buneary use Ice Beam to create a block of ice extending as high as she can make it. Follow it up with Double Team to create a perfect copy of yourself. Finally using the copy as a muse, use Rock Crush on the ice block to create a perfect copy of yourself made of ice.

  17. #17
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Ok. So Unbraced, Ayeun, Kuro and Roy are in this contest. Sweet.

    Charles, MLG-you two are bad :p. Anyway looking at Bigger contest now...:peed::

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  18. #18
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Ok. So Unbraced, Ayeun, Kuro and Roy are in this contest. Sweet.

    Charles, MLG-you two are bad :p. Anyway looking at Bigger contest now...:peed::

    And Contest Round 1 is up

    Costume PARTY!

    Hi hi folks. I'm DL, your super crazy ref-and this is the October mini Contest. Yes, this one is for all you newcomers that want to try their hand at Contests and yet, dun feel like being tormented by the older people. You still get a Ribbon and points, just like the other contests, so don't worry about that.

    As there are only 4 of you-the max payout is 2 points. Because they're only 2 rounds. So yeah. Let's get it underway.

    #1) Unbraced and Azula
    Fire Spin~Swords Dance~Will-O-Wisp

    Alright. In this wheat field leading to the Pumpkin Patch where the other contest is being held, we have our newer competitors. Unbraced and his Torchic come up first and bow to the crowd-before starting.

    Torchic instantly spins in a circle,a trail of fire streaming from his beak. It ignites the wheat in a circular form and the Flames shoot up, scoring the sky for a few feet. In the center, Torchic then begins to dance, the winds starting to chop the flames down, as if Swords were cutting them apart. Soon the Flames are but mere embers of what they used to be, and to accentuate this, Torchic wills them to float together into a sphere, a Wisping sphere, and fly away into nothingness...or into a giant factory where fireworks are, whichever Unbraced chooses.

    Round of applause engulfs Torchic as he hops off.

    #2) Ayeun and Oddish
    Flower Blender: Razor Leaf~Sweet Scent~Petal Dance

    Oddish roles onto the slightly scorched field, and sways back and forth to the light wind. As it sways, Leaves fall from its top and shoot skyward, cutting the sky. A Scent then spreads from the little root, cycling up around the leaves as well. The light scent seems to hang on the blade of every leaf as they start to settle, but then everything is tossed into a tumultuous rage with the onset of a Hectic Petal Dance. Leaves go everywhere and the whole arena becomes this tornado of leafy barrages.

    Some people look in confusion as the appeal ends, and some clap, Oddish skipping off.

    #3) Kurosakura and Linus
    Bubblebeam~Ice Beam~Hidden Power

    Well now. Number three is Kuro and her newly hatched Poliwag, Linus. Linus flops up and with his swirly stomach, begins to mesmerize the crowd by firing off a stream up bubbles right above his head. Everyone watched the Bubblebeam, and then really get stunned as the Bubblebeam starts to freeze. An Ice Beam shoots up the exact path to catch the Bubbles in its icy matrix. The bubbly ice now starts to fall toward Linus, but he shows no fear.

    A orbital force is released from the little water type, and these enigmatic spheres crash into the falling bubbly ice, shattering it into small non-harmful pieces that glisten in the sunlight. Audience claps as Kuro bounces away.

    #4) Roy and Buneary
    Ice Beam~Double Team~Rock Smash

    Last but not least is Roy, with his Buneary. The rabbit bounds to center stage and gets to work blasting the earth with an Ice Beam. It begins to build upon itself and for a minute, all we see is a massive block of ice being formed.

    Satisfied, Buneary then backflips, creating one solitary clone of herself. It seems to have above average staying power, as it stands perfectly still. Buneary then walks over to the block of Ice and clenches its fists, before punching and Smashing it into controlled pieces. Chunks fall left and right until Buneary bounces back, revealing a perfectly sculpted image of the clone Buneary from the ice! Nice.

    End Results

    1) Unbraced: 8.0/10

    Nice appeal, accented well at the end with the Will-O-wisp-a last remnant of a grand fire. It tied together well, and that's why I liked it.

    2) Ayeun: 6.5/10

    Kinda got away from Oddish there. The beginning seemed to work well, having the leaves catch the scent, but then the Petal Dance kinda threw everything all willy-nilly and made it hard exactly to see what you were going for. It didn't have a blender feel, more of a tornado feel.

    3) Kurosakura: 7.0/10

    Well, There was nothing bad about it, the end saved you because of the glistening ice shards. Otherwise, it was just..good.

    4) Roy: 7.5/10

    A sculpture is a sculpture. There's not much one can say about that. Its a nice sculpture, but as an appeal its hard not to simply be average about it. The whole sequence made sense; sculpt this target, but there was very little to engage with, to connect with until the sculpture was done.

    Alright. That leaves Roy and Unbraced to the final round!! Standard Appeal as well
    Last edited by DarkestLight; 3rd October 2009 at 06:21 PM.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  19. #19
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Yay oddish! Woooooooooooooo

    We love you oddish, even if your out...

  20. #20
    Did the dew Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Great Job Azula!

    First use Sunny Day to power yourself up. Then Bounce up, we can't have innocent people getting hurt. Finally go all out with an End-all OVERHEAT!

  21. #21
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    Sorry it took so long guys

    Alright Buneary! We made it this far lets give them something really amazing to look at! First start off using Substitute to create a Substitute doll. Second grab ahold of the Substitute doll and use Bounce to jump high in the air with it! Third when you reach the maximum height of the jump, use Charge Beam at close range, to send the Substitute rocketing back to earth in a explosive blaze of glory!

    Substitute ~ Bounce ~ Charge Beam

  22. #22
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Costume PARTY!

    This is the Final Round! Let's end strong!

    #1) Unbraced and Azula
    Sunny Day~Bounce~Overheat

    Well now, at the onset of the second Round, Azula hops out, ready to show the audience that she knows whats up. The Torchic chirps high and loud, and the Sun screams out in response, giving everyone a much needed warm blast in the nippy air. Torchic, really reveling in the sunrays bounces up, almost flattening the wheat stalks, Everyone watches the bird as it hovers for a mment, beore suddenly noting a trail of fire coming from Azula.

    The Fire suddenly turns into an inferno-a burning comet headed straight for land. Torchic speeds to the ground, Overheating from all the sunlight-and loving It. She lands, creating a wash of flame that billows out in all directions, but the billows do not near the crowd. The audience applauds, and off she goes.

    #2) Roy and Buneary.

    Not to be outdone, Buneary steps on the field. That stinking Torchic, trying to match his style! Well, she wasn't going down without a fight. Swiftly, it was an artsy affair once more-witha Substitute being created in her likeness from wheat and dirt-a natural scarecrow. Grabbing her creation, she slams those bunny feet into the ground and soars skyward, higher than Torchic did. That's a serious bounce....err anyway, as we all gaze up, we see Buneary falling, and then a Charge Beam is fired at the back of the Substitute.

    That sub goes flying down, as if speared by an energy and explodes upon smashing into the ground. Bunearly lands where the scare-Buneary crashed, and bows. People applaud, and she leaves.

    End Results

    1) Unbraced: 8.8

    Strong finish. Simple aspect, using the Sun to showcase your mastery over flame, and a great visual display all made that Appeal work well.

    2) Roy: 8.6/10

    Unique. Didn't know where you were going with the bouncing Sub idea, but then making it seem that it was a foe that needed to be destroyed was the feeling I got. Especially after watched that scarecrow smash into the ground with that kind of force behind it. Strange, watching two appeals bounce as well, wasn't expecting that.

    And well, that's it. By a slim margin, Unbraced is the winner! Congratulations.

    Unbraced, you get 2 points, and Roy you get 1 point, and Yeah. Now that you all have a feeling of how Contests work (again) feel free to join in any other contest (Except October's, that one is closed..) from here on out.

    Now to move on to the larger beastly one..

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  23. #23
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Dammit Darkly why didn't you tell me this was finished!?

    ...Ahem. Congratulations, Unbraced. As the winner of this Contest, I present to you and your Torchic the Lackojan Ribbon.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  24. #24
    Did the dew Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Costume Party!!!

    Thanks Blade, ...and DL of course

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