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Thread: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    TPMers, you have your say in the last Nomination topics. For better or for worse, here are your choices of who gets the awards. Vote for your favourite!

    Erm before we vote here are a few side comments from me, this award topic tells me about some truths,

    Mr. E is indeed the most mysterious member in TPM.
    Kevin is one inactive member which most find it troubling.
    Brian, aka mr_pikachu, has officially attained cult-like status in TPM.
    Andrew being linked to the more undesirable factors like being X-rated, giving infractions and cocky. 0.o;
    Heald is the most surprise mod choice package.

    And no, I am not particularly happy with walking away with the Otaku award! Dark-san's presence here does not equates to being a mere otaku. Although, he is one. XD

    ** ~ **

    Unown A
    Archaic - Magmar
    Artist - Bulbasaur4
    Activity - mr_pikachu
    Advertiser - Number1ChanseyFan
    Answer - mr_pikachu

    Unown B
    Brutal - Kalah
    Buddha - shinypkmnchaser
    Backbone - Kevin
    Back and forth - Roy Karrde

    Unown C
    Colors - Number1ChanseyFan
    Card - Dark Sage
    Cocky - Andrew

    Unown D
    Debater - Roy Karrde
    Deism - Kevin
    Damnation - Little_Pikachu

    Unown E
    Effective - Number1ChanseyFan
    Eager - Houndoom_Lover

    Unown F
    Final Fantasy - Weasel Overlord
    Finder - firepokemon
    Friendly - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Friendly - Lady Vulpix
    Flamethrower - firepokemon

    Unown G
    Game - Fett One
    Guide - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Ghost - Mr. E

    Unown H
    Hardwork - Jeff
    Hyper - Houndoom_Lover
    Host - Green Lanturn
    Hancock - Charles Legend

    Unown I
    Infectious - Weasel Overlord
    Invisible - Kevin
    Integral - Inferno Dragon
    Infraction - Andrew
    Incorrigible - Dark Sage

    Unown J
    Judge - Darkestlight
    Joker - Mew Master
    Joker - Master of Paradox

    Unown K
    Kanada - Knight of Time
    Knockout - Drusilla
    Killer - Blademaster

    Unown L
    Leader - mr_pikachu
    Lecher - ACE1535
    License - The_Missing_Link

    Unown M
    MIA - Kevin
    Mammoth - Ash_300
    Mystery - Master of Paradox

    Unown N
    Never expected - Heald
    Nostalgia - firepokemon
    Niisi - Heald
    Negro - DarkestLight

    Unown O
    Otaku - Dark-San Automatic Win - Congratulations!

    Unown P
    Pokemon - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Pick me Up - Andrew
    Pokedex - Jeff
    Point - Roy Karrde
    Politician - Roy Karrde

    Unown Q
    Quick - Fett One
    Queen - Lady Vulpix
    Quiet - homeofmew

    Unown R
    Reformed - firepokemon
    Reboot - Jeff
    Return - Master of Paradox
    Return - PancaKe
    Royal Blue - Bulbasaur4

    Unown S
    Super Moderator worthy - mr_pikachu
    Sailor Moon - Magmar
    Signature - RedStarWarrior
    Suggestive - Mystic Clown
    Signature - Blademaster

    Unown T
    Timeless - Austrian ViceMaster Alex
    Tutor - Gavin Luper
    Translator - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Talkative - Chris 2.1

    Unown U
    Unisolated - firepokemon
    Unlucky - Heald

    Unown V
    Visual - Bulbasaur4
    Veteran - PancaKe

    Unown W
    Why me? - Blademaster
    Writer - mistysakura
    Worker - shinypkmnchaser
    Website revival - mr_pikachu
    Wise - Crystal Tears

    Unown X
    X- rated - Andrew
    Xenophobe - woz

    Unown Y
    Yearn - Crazy Elf Boy Automatic Win - Congratulations!

    Unown Z
    Zing - Blademaster
    Zetta - Hypotenuse Man

    Unown !
    Amazing Comeback! - PancaKe
    Video Games for Life! - PNT510

    Unown ?
    Mystery? - Mr. E
    Modded? - Heald
    Where is he? - Kevvealli

    ** ~ **

    Why wait? Vote now! All voting will ceased in 11 November 2008.
    Last edited by Dark-San; 5th November 2008 at 08:53 AM.

  2. #2
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    I demand a recount on Auto-Wins K and Y. My nominations were not included.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    I demand a recount on Auto-Wins K and Y. My nominations were not included.
    Missed out on yours. Besides your Unown Y nomination is not specific. Technically anyone reading your post would be entitled to it. So I left it out. Unless of course, if you have a better reasoning.

  4. #4
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    I'm very sorry Dark-San, but you didn't include this either:

    Quote Originally Posted by shinypkmnchaser
    Unown K - Blademaster for "Killer". He kills monotony with killer comments, killer signatures...killer...whatever.
    I think you should look at the earlier topic carefully, I don't know if there are others, this just attracted my attention.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    There shouldn't be anymore missing ones now. I must have left some of those nominations out when I was simultaneously trying to chat with both Becki and Fai. >.<;

    Now let the voting begins.

  6. #6
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    Unown A
    Advertiser - Number1ChanseyFan

    Unown B
    Back and forth - Roy Karrde

    Unown C
    Colors - Number1ChanseyFan

    Unown D
    Debater - Roy Karrde

    Unown E
    Eager - Houndoom_Lover

    Unown F
    Friendly - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown G
    Ghost - Mr. E

    Unown H
    Hyper - Houndoom_Lover

    Unown I
    Infectious - Weasel Overlord

    Unown J
    Joker - Master of Paradox

    Unown K
    Killer - Blademaster

    Unown L
    Leader - mr_pikachu

    Unown M
    MIA - Kevin

    Unown N
    Nostalgia - firepokemon

    Unown O
    Congrats Dark-San

    Unown P
    Pokemon - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Q
    Queen - Lady Vulpix

    Unown R
    Reformed - firepokemon

    Unown S
    Super Moderator worthy - mr_pikachu

    Unown T
    Tutor - Gavin Luper

    Unown U
    Unlucky - Heald

    Unown V
    Visual - Bulbasaur4

    Unown W
    Why me? - Blademaster

    Unown X
    X- rated - Andrew

    Unown Y
    Congrats CEB

    Unown Z
    Zetta - Hypotenuse Man

    Unown !
    Amazing Comeback! - PancaKe

    Unown ?
    Where is he? - Kevvealli

    Optimist award 2012.

    “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” (Linda Grayson)

    Thank you everyone... for being so kind and for bringing out the best in me! You are definitely awesome! ^_^

  7. #7
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    Unown A
    Activity - mr_pikachu

    Unown B
    Back and forth - Roy Karrde

    Unown C
    Colors - Number1ChanseyFan

    Unown D
    Deism - Kevin

    Unown E
    Eager - Houndoom_Lover

    Unown F
    Final Fantasy - Weasel Overlord

    Unown G
    Game - Fett One

    Unown H
    Hardwork - Jeff

    Unown I
    Integral - Inferno_Dragon

    Unown J
    Joker - Master of Paradox

    Unown K
    Kanada - Knight of Time

    Unown L
    License - The_Missing_Link

    Unown M
    Mystery - Master of Paradox

    Unown N
    Niisi - Heald

    Unown O
    Otaku - Dark-San Automatic Win - Congratulations!

    Unown P
    Politician - Roy Karrde

    Unown Q
    Queen - Lady Vulpix

    Unown R
    Reformed - firepokemon

    Unown S
    Sailor Moon - Magmar

    Unown T
    Translator - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown U
    Unisolated - firepokemon

    Unown V
    Veteran - PancaKe

    Unown W
    Website revival - mr_pikachu

    Unown X
    X- rated - Andrew

    Unown Y
    Yearn - Crazy Elf Boy Automatic Win - Congratulations!

    Unown Z
    Zing - Blademaster

    Unown !
    Video Games for Life! - PNT510

    Unown ?
    Modded? - Heald

    I voted for myself once, is that legal? And I ended up voting many of my own nominations.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    Hah, I haven't really put up my votes yet. Here they are without further a do.

    ** ~ **

    Unown A: Artist - Bulbasaur4
    I know this one is going to be bias. Being an avid manga fan, I would give this award, ahead of Brian's activity, to Kalah. She deserves this award more than other people. Let's hope that the manga series of her in fanart would not end.

    Unown B: Back and forth - Roy Karrde
    Well, Roy do have a tendency to repeat some of his pointers over and over at times. But that is probably his main strength here. I will keep him around in my board of directors if I ever open my own company.

    Unown C: Cocky - Andrew
    Although, the color award is more about a more internal joke. It still beats nothing of Andrew's attitude. Perhaps that is the reason that made Andrew unique. *shrugs*

    Unown D: Damnation - Little_Pikachu
    Do not pissed Suzie off. Unless you want to earn her wrath in her own unwritten rules of hell. *snigger*

    Unown E: Effective - Number1ChanseyFan
    I cannot really make up my mind for Unown E award. I do not know Houndoom Lover that much so this vote will probably go to Christ. Well regardless of the reason, Number1ChanseyFan is also at times effective at tormenting my eyes. She knows the reason best herself.

    Unown F: Final Fantasy - Weasel Overlord
    I believe nobody will beat Kirst when it comes down to Final Fantasy obsession. She is one freaking Final Fantasy walkthrough guide. I believe if you have no idea on what to do for your FF RPG, just leave a MSN message to Kirst and you will surely get the answer.

    Unown G: Ghost - Mr. E
    An award just right for a guy who refuses to make his presence known in TPM.

    Unown H: Hardwork - Jeff
    Jeff earn this position. TPM needs your web building skills ability now. Ganbate Jeff! Of course, TPM expects a deadline soon for the web building project. That will be by the end of this year, Jeff! Work slave, work! *crackles whip at Jeff's back*

    Unown I: Infectious - Weasel Overlord
    I am about to give Andrew his second Unown award but I guess this one truely belongs to Kirst. Don't tell me why. I am after all a very unfortunate victim.

    Unown J: Judge - Darkestlight
    For his overwhelming contribution to ASB, this award can only belong to him. I am not in favour of giving any awards to jokers.

    Unown K: Killer - Blademaster
    No idea on why I voted Blademaster here. Don't blame me, for someone who have master the way of the samurai sword, is by no means an ordinary person. He can only be a murderer, a killer ... *gasps*

    Unown L: Lecher - ACE1535
    Ace's recent posts convinced me that he is one. 'Nuff said.

    Unown M: MIA - Kevin
    Ash300 is history. This award shouldn't be award to historical figures. Well although Kevin was active a few minutes ago, doing some upgrading the site I believed. But, his lack of activity within the board still nonetheless convince me that he deserves the 'M' for missing.

    Unown N: Never expected - Heald
    Calling people negro isn't a very good thing to do, Blade. Over here, you will be branded as a racist. People will distance away from you. Even if you do not like it, tolerated it. The world isn't create just for you nor does it revolves around your world. Practicing tolerance is after all part of maturing. As for Heald attaining this trophy 'N' is quite a feat by itself. From a pesky irritable member, he grew in status and became MISC moderator. But then being moderator means more responsibility and I have reasons to believe that Heald is up to that task.

    Unown O: Otaku - Dark-San
    Yeah, congrats to me. *shifty eyes*

    Unown P: Politician - Roy Karrde
    Forget about getting a job in the game design industry! Roy Karrde will make a good Republican. Come 2012 presidential election, he will become the next Republican presidential candidate and toppling Obama's government. In the process of becoming the youngest president yet at the age of 27.

    Unown Q: Quiet - homeofmew
    Shhhh, Mikachu! Gabi isn't exactly Queen, you totally forgotten about Suzie, the only female administrator here. Hmm well if that is the case, my vote would go for homeofmew. She seems pretty silence these days after the last bombardment of her meeting WPM topic. Although I still feel that we should seriously avoid any discussion with regards to him now.

    Unown R: Reformed - firepokemon
    I am in a dilemma in between choosing Tara and firepokemon. But in the end, firepokemon's recent actions convinced me that he deserves this vote more than ever. Firepokemon has a very 'colorful' reputation given his clashes. But then its history and we shouldn't be always bringing them up. We have to look forward and firepokemon had already demonstrated to us on how to do it.

    Unown S: Signature - RedStarWarrior
    Let me just say that I applaud his courage!

    Unown T: Translator - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Mikachu for translating Finnish into English. He actually has the time to do all that. I am kind of surprised myself though. Everyone who is bilingual can technically do translations. But this award only goes to the one who makes the most effort.

    Unown U: Unlucky - Heald
    Well it would an interesting case to see Blade becoming moderator and Heald being an ordinary member commanding Blade. ^.^ hehe. I guess that day will never happen.

    Unown V: Veteran - PancaKe
    Kalah already gotten the artist award. Getting another award with roughly the same meaning is just plain silly pointless. The award goes to PancaKe, a Fanfic veteran, who vanished and return once more. Let us hope that it is permanent this time round.

    Unown W: Why me? - Blademaster
    Blade is a joker. When Andrew warned him, he asked the reason on why was he warn. When Zak deleted his post, he asked why him again. Trust me Blade, you are not marked by the administrator staff here. Lol, it is just that the posts you made sometimes touch on very touchy issues and at times balanced between the fine lines of decency and spammage.

    Unown X: X- rated - Andrew
    Nobody puts their own pictures more times than Andrew in this forum. Well, the other reason is more of an internal joke too.

    Unown Y: Yearn - Crazy Elf Boy
    Get your ass back down here, elfy boy! We need to talk soon. Congratulations to you too if you are actually reading this post.

    Unown Z: Zing - Blademaster
    The word Zing relates more of Blade compared to the Zetta of Hypotenuse man.

    Unown !: Video Games for Life! - PNT510
    Tara got my Unown V's vote earlier. I guess that paves the way for PNT510 to win Unown ! award. But being a video game moderator by no means is a simple feat. Imagine the number of hours you actually spent with your eyes glued to the screen to play that massive amount of games. 0.o;

    Unown ?: Where is he? - Kevvealli
    An avid member of the past relic. Where on earth has he disappeared to?

    ** ~ **

  9. #9
    Moderator Moderator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    I will make this festive looking... my choices are highlighted in Magenta!!

    Unown A
    Archaic - Magmar
    Artist - Bulbasaur4
    Activity - mr_pikachu
    Advertiser - Number1ChanseyFan
    Answer - mr_pikachu

    Unown B
    Brutal - Kalah
    Buddha - shinypkmnchaser
    Backbone - Kevin
    Back and forth - Roy Karrde

    Unown C
    Colors - Number1ChanseyFan
    Card - Dark Sage
    Cocky - Andrew

    Unown D
    Debater - Roy Karrde
    Deism - Kevin
    Damnation - Little_Pikachu

    Unown E
    Effective - Number1ChanseyFan
    Eager - Houndoom_Lover

    Unown F
    Final Fantasy - Weasel Overlord
    Finder - firepokemon
    Friendly - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Friendly - Lady Vulpix
    Flamethrower - firepokemon

    Unown G
    Game - Fett One
    Guide - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Ghost - Mr. E

    Unown H
    Hardwork - Jeff
    Hyper - Houndoom_Lover
    Host - Green Lanturn
    Hancock - Charles Legend

    Unown I
    Infectious - Weasel Overlord
    Invisible - Kevin
    Integral - Inferno Dragon
    Infraction - Andrew
    Incorrigible - Dark Sage

    Unown J
    Judge - Darkestlight
    Joker - Mew Master
    Joker - Master of Paradox

    Unown K
    Kanada - Knight of Time
    Knockout - Drusilla
    Killer - Blademaster

    Unown L
    Leader - mr_pikachu
    Lecher - ACE1535
    License - The_Missing_Link

    Unown M
    MIA - Kevin
    Mammoth - Ash_300
    Mystery - Master of Paradox

    Unown N
    Never expected - Heald
    Nostalgia - firepokemon
    Niisi - Heald
    Negro - DarkestLight

    Unown O
    Otaku - Dark-San

    Unown P
    Pokemon - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Pick me Up - Andrew
    Pokedex - Jeff
    Point - Roy Karrde
    Politician - Roy Karrde

    Unown Q
    Quick - Fett One
    Queen - Lady Vulpix
    Quiet - homeofmew

    Unown R
    Reformed - firepokemon
    Reboot - Jeff
    Return - Master of Paradox
    Return - PancaKe
    Royal Blue - Bulbasaur4

    Unown S
    Super Moderator worthy - mr_pikachu
    Sailor Moon - Magmar
    Signature - RedStarWarrior
    Suggestive - Mystic Clown
    Signature - Blademaster

    Unown T
    Timeless - Austrian ViceMaster Alex
    Tutor - Gavin Luper
    Translator - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Talkative - Chris 2.1

    Unown U
    Unisolated - firepokemon
    Unlucky - Heald

    Unown V
    Visual - Bulbasaur4
    Veteran - PancaKe

    Unown W
    Why me? - Blademaster
    Writer - mistysakura
    Worker - shinypkmnchaser
    Website revival - mr_pikachu
    Wise - Crystal Tears

    Unown X
    X- rated - Andrew
    Xenophobe - woz

    Unown Y
    Yearn - Crazy Elf Boy

    Unown Z
    Zing - Blademaster
    Zetta - Hypotenuse Man

    Unown !
    Amazing Comeback! - PancaKe
    Video Games for Life! - PNT510

    Unown ?
    Mystery? - Mr. E
    Modded? - Heald
    Where is he? - Kevvealli
    Last edited by Number1ChanseyFan; 8th November 2008 at 10:22 PM.
    Best Ruby/Sapphire Moderator!!
    TPM Awards 2004, 2005, 2006

    Winner of 2007 Unown Award N & 2008 Unown Award C!!

    Chicoslavocia's Revenge is my best bud on TPM!!
    Visit her Oekaki Board!!

    14 Years at TPM: 11/06/2000-11/06/2014

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    Gold/Silver/Crystal Help Moderator: 02/17/2001-05/15/2001
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    Currently 48th Place: Most Posts @ TPM!!

  10. #10
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    My votes (sorry, I can't pick just one for A: they both deserve it!)

    Unown A
    Artist - Bulbasaur4
    Activity - mr_pikachu

    Unown C
    Colors - Number1ChanseyFan

    Unown D
    Debater - Roy Karrde

    Unown G
    Guide - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown H
    Hyper - Houndoom_Lover

    Unown I
    Infectious - Weasel Overlord

    Unown L
    Leader - mr_pikachu

    Unown M
    MIA - Kevin

    Unown R
    Return - PancaKe

    Unown S
    Super Moderator worthy - mr_pikachu

    Unown T
    Timeless - Austrian ViceMaster Alex

    Unown V
    Visual - Bulbasaur4

    Unown W
    Website revival - mr_pikachu

    Unown X
    X- rated - Andrew

    Unown !
    Amazing Comeback! - PancaKe

    Unown ?
    Mystery? - Mr. E

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  11. #11
    Cloyster Moderator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    Unown A
    Artist - Bulbasaur4
    Tough one, so I'll go with my nomination here.

    Unown B
    Back and forth - Roy Karrde
    Because watching his quote-and-post debates is like watching a tennis match. Back and forth, back and forth.

    Unown C
    Colors - Number1ChanseyFan
    Case in point, her post in this very thread.

    Unown D
    Debater - Roy Karrde
    He sure does debate a lot.

    Unown E
    Eager - Houndoom_Lover
    Kind of overlaps with Hyper, but I obviously have a different person in mind for 'H', so this makes up for it.

    Unown F
    Finder - firepokemon
    I'm still impressed with that huge list of stuff he dug up from the archives.

    Unown G
    Game - Fett One
    One name that I always see at the PCG forum during my occasional outings there.

    Unown H
    Hardwork - Jeff
    This is my only self-vote by the way, and if voting for oneself isn't allowed, feel free to disregard it.

    Unown I
    Invisible - Kevin
    Where is he?

    Unown L
    Leader - mr_pikachu
    Enough said really.

    Unown M
    MIA - Kevin
    Another one that should go to TPM's creator, who is anything but omnipresent.

    Unown N
    Never expected - Heald
    Quite a surprise.

    Unown O
    Otaku - Dark-San Automatic Win - Congratulations!

    Unown P
    Politician - Roy Karrde
    Another one for TPM's master debater.

    Unown Q
    Quiet - homeofmew
    Haven't heard much from her lately, but she's still around.

    Unown R
    Return - PancaKe
    I was pretty surprised to see her back. Even though I didn't know her back then, it's still nice to see a little bit of nostalgia.

    Unown S
    Super Moderator worthy - mr_pikachu
    If one of the supermods ever gets promoted to give us a more active admin, we'll need someone to fill the void. I can't think of anyone better.

    Unown T
    Translator - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    For all those Finnish translations.

    Unown W
    Website revival - mr_pikachu
    I may be doing a good bit of the work and modding the forum, but don't forget who started the thread that grew into my "domain".

    Unown Y
    Yearn - Crazy Elf Boy Automatic Win - Congratulations!

    Unown Z
    Zing - Blademaster
    It just seems to fit.

    Unown !
    Amazing Comeback! - PancaKe
    Kind of a repeat, but it fits the exclamation mark well.

    Unown ?
    Modded? - Heald
    Another repeat, but this seems to fit the question mark pretty well.
    Winner of the Unown Awards: 2008 "Hard Work", 2010 "Dedicated", 2012 "Journalist", 2012 "Unown", 2013 "Anchorman", 2014 "Unown", 2015 "Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff!"

    Facebook - YouTube - Miiverse
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    Joined November 8, 2004 - Modded October 24, 2008

  12. #12
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    Unown A
    Artist - Bulbasaur4
    Hey, she's leading the Art Department for the forthcoming website, after all.

    Unown B
    Back and forth - Roy Karrde
    This is the only one that seemed to make any sense to me. I don't totally get what it means, but somehow it still seems fitting.

    Unown C
    Card - Dark Sage
    No explanation is necessary.

    Unown D
    Debater - Roy Karrde
    I would've gone with A for "Arguer," but this works too. ^^

    Unown E
    Eager - Houndoom_Lover
    Anyone who would introduce the phrase "seven different kinds of awesome" to TPM has to be enthusiastic.

    Unown F
    Friendly - Lady Vulpix

    Unown G
    Game - Fett One
    Fett's been one of PCG's most prominent gamers for years.

    Unown H
    Hyper - Houndoom_Lover

    Unown I
    Infraction - Andrew
    He's helped with crowd control during a few recent attacks.

    Unown J
    Judge - DarkestLight
    Seems fitting enough.

    Unown K
    Killer - Blademaster
    Come on, you know it's going to happen someday.

    Unown L
    Lecher - ACE153CC
    Quite the title, isn't it?

    Unown M
    Mystery - Master of Paradox
    It boggles the mind why Mr.E didn't get this nomination, but it still works for MoP.

    Unown N
    Nostalgia - firepokemon
    He's talked a lot about TPM's history in recent years, and he's also helping us go through the archives for our website.

    Unown O
    Otaku - Dark-San
    No one else was nominated.

    Unown P
    Politician - Roy Karrde
    Is this a good thing or a bad thing? We report, you decide.

    Unown Q
    Queen - Lady Vulpix
    She's totally going to be adminned someday.

    Unown R
    Reformed - firepokemon
    fp's been really cool lately. We're all thankful to have his help for the website.

    Unown S
    Signature - Blademaster
    Few are willing to go quite as far to entertain as he.

    Unown T
    Translator - Mikachu Yukitatsu
    This is quickly becoming one of his most prominent traits on the forum... our resident linguist.

    Unown U
    Unlucky - Heald
    ...Mostly because "Unisolated" seemed awkward.

    Unown V
    Veteran - PancaKe
    I already gave Kalah props for her artistry. This one goes to Tara.

    Unown W
    Writer - mistysakura
    She's one of Fanfic's top prospects for someday becoming a successful author.

    Unown X
    Xenophobe - woz
    I almost gave Andrew the X-rated tag, but there are just too many others who better fit the bill.

    Unown Y
    Yearn - Crazy Elf Boy
    No one else was nominated.

    Unown Z
    Zing - Blademaster
    That's pretty much become his role here.

    Unown !
    Video Games for Life! - PNT510
    Would VG be the same without PNT?

    Unown ?
    Mystery? - Mr. E
    There's the Mystery award I wanted to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  13. #13
    Master Trainer
    Master Trainer

    Join Date
    Apr 2001

    Default Re: Unown Awards 2008 - Voting Phase (MA TML)

    Votes are closed. Tie breaker topic to be put up soon. Results are as below,

    ** ~ **

    Unown A
    Advertiser - Number1ChanseyFan 1 vote
    Activity - mr_pikachu 2.5 votes
    Artist - Bulbasaur4 3.5 votes

    Unown B
    Back and forth - Roy Karrde 6 votes

    Unown C
    Colors - Number1ChanseyFan 4 votes
    Cocky – Andrew 2 votes
    Card- Dark Sage 1 vote

    Unown D
    Debater - Roy Karrde 5 votes
    Deism – Kevin 1 vote
    Damnation - Little_Pikachu 1 vote

    Unown E
    Eager - Houndoom_Lover 5 votes
    Effective - Number1ChanseyFan 1 vote

    Unown F
    Friendly - Mikachu Yukitatsu 1 vote
    Final Fantasy - Weasel Overlord 2 votes
    Friendly - Lady Vulpix 2 votes
    Finder – firepokemon 1 vote

    Unown G
    Ghost - Mr. E 3 votes
    Game - Fett One 3 votes
    Guide - Mikachu Yukitatsu 1 vote

    Unown H
    Hyper - Houndoom_Lover 3 votes
    Hardwork – Jeff 4 votes

    Unown I
    Infectious - Weasel Overlord 3 votes
    Integral - Inferno_Dragon 1 vote
    Infraction – Andrew 2 votes
    Invisible – Kevin 1 vote

    Unown J
    Joker - Master of Paradox 2 votes
    Judge – Darkestlight 3 votes

    Unown K
    Killer – Blademaster 3 votes
    Kanada - Knight of Time 2 votes

    Unown L
    Leader - mr_pikachu 4 votes
    Lecher - ACE1535 2 votes
    License - The_Missing_Link 1 vote

    Unown M
    MIA – Kevin 5 votes
    Mystery - Master of Paradox 2 votes

    Unown N
    Niisi – Heald 1 vote
    Nostalgia – firepokemon 2 votes
    Never expected – Heald 2 votes

    Unown P
    Pokemon - Mikachu Yukitatsu 1 vote
    Politician - Roy Karrde 4 votes
    Nostalgia – firepokemon 1 vote
    Pokedex – Jeff 1 vote

    Unown Q
    Queen - Lady Vulpix 3 votes
    Quiet – homeofmew 3 votes

    Unown R
    Reformed – firepokemon 4 votes
    Royal Blue - Bulbasaur4 1 vote
    Return – PancaKe 2 votes

    Unown S
    Super Moderator worthy - mr_pikachu 3 votes
    Sailor Moon – Magmar 1 vote
    Signature – RedStarWarrior 2 votes
    Signature – Blademaster 1 vote

    Unown T
    Tutor - Gavin Luper 1 vote
    Translator - Mikachu Yukitatsu 4 votes
    Timeless - Austrian ViceMaster Alex 1 vote

    Unown U
    Unlucky – Heald 4 votes
    Unisolated – firepokemon 1 vote

    Unown V
    Visual - Bulbasaur4 3 votes
    Veteran – PancaKe 3 votes

    Unown W
    Why me? – Blademaster 2
    Website revival - mr_pikachu 3 votes
    Worker – shinypkmnchaser 1 vote
    Writer – mistysakura 1 vote

    Unown X
    X- rated – Andrew 5 votes
    Xenophobe – woz 1 vote

    Unown Z
    Zetta - Hypotenuse Man 1 vote
    Zing – Blademaster 5 votes

    Unown !
    Amazing Comeback! – PancaKe 4 votes
    Video Games for Life! - PNT510 3 votes

    Unown ?
    Where is he? – Kevvealli 2 votes
    Modded? – Heald 2 votes
    Mystery? – Mr. E 3 votes
    ** ~ **
    Last edited by Dark-San; 11th November 2008 at 06:17 AM.

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