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Thread: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

  1. #1
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Bulbasaur4 sat upon the velvet-soft chair of crimson, crossing her legs neatly as she held a cup of warm tea. The steam rolled off of it lazily, wiggling only in the slight brush of a breeze as unfamiliar figures would pass. Her blue-bitten eyes were a bit tired from the previous night- staring at papers, jotting down notes and thoughts had plagued her. Yet today would be a different day, or at least she quietly hoped so. She had even rose earlier in the morning to dress herself in formal attire- hoping it would add to the seriousness of the situation.

    Her silken dress of rose and black palettes was one she carefully chose, rather liking the black tie that wrapped into a bow at her back. Reaching just above her knees, it was rimmed in black as well along the sleeveless lines along her shoulders. The slightly plunging neckline helped expose the glittering silver necklace that tickled against her collarbone. Her hair was hanging loosely down- she had fought with the flatiron for a time to tame the wild and rather stubborn tendrils- but at least, it agreed to flow loosely about her shoulders in its dark, mahogany hue. Lastly had been her shoes- oh the shoes. Bulbasaur4 had never liked shoes very much, having a difficult time to pick any pair in a store, let along in her closet. After several minutes of contemplation, she finally retired to choosing black, crisscrossed sandals of glistening ebony.

    "Bulbie... we're almost ready." A voice called to her, snapping her out of her meandering haze. She had been waiting in a rather empty room. The walls were plainly painted white which made a stark contrast to the couple of crimson chairs and black tables. Magazines were strewn about the tables from various past dates, as the water machine occasionally made a grumbling bubble-ensued noise.

    "Alright, you're on." The voice called from outside the hall. The door was open and she rose swiftly, nerves clenching at her stomach. Things like this always made her nervous- always tormented her insides. She was not a very confident person- not in the least, although she had quietly mastered the fake appearance to seem wholly so.

    "You've made announcements before... there's no worry. You have done this many, many times... no worries... no worries..." She thought repeatedly as her shoes clacked against the faded wooden floors. She could see the podium out upon the stage as she approached it from the left and the sight of it immediately sent her heart into her throat.
    It was true she had done this many times, but not like this. Lately... well, not lately but in the past year or so such things had left a sour taste in her mouth. Her life was a roller coaster, especially now as she struggled to march her way through her final year of studies and prepare her thesis for her hopeful graduation. Yet, the more she had strived towards this, the more she strained to keep the contacts that so long ago she had acquired. In earnest, she had hoped that understanding and encouragement would have ensued- but the hope, seemed to wane.

    Perhaps they thought her deaf, or perhaps they knew she could hear and they wanted that. But indeed, she heard the whisperings from other departments or from those who delved in multiple ones. It was tiresome, it was harsh... it was something that did not inspire her, but rather it deepened her already dismal outlook. She wanted something to be done, she had tried many times and yet her failures seemed to stick into minds like glue rather than her success. It was something she wanted to stop and it was something she was going to be frank and upfront about - something many had failed to do out of courtesy.

    A murmur rumbled through the seats before the podium and Bulbasaur4 couldn't help but flicker a nervous gaze over at them. All of them were familiar faces- most of them members, some of them visitors that she had come in contact with. She tried to soak in the smiles aimed in her direction, ignoring the sour faces that seemed to stand out like a bright light.

    Taking in a deep breath, she reached the podium and placed her hands neatly upon the edges. A glance down at the ground, a glance back up at the group before her. This was why she was here; for them, for the department.

    "Whatever the outcome... this is for the best." She thought, her face flickering from anxiety to that of a bright, wide-eyed smile.

    "Greetings, fellows of the RPG forum," She said. "I am sure are all wondering why I have called for this... conference of sorts. Allow me to explain."

    It has come to my attention that for quite some time, there has been some discontentment with the overall forum. I hear whisperings and rumors of varying degrees, and at first I tried to put out such discontentment on an individual basis. Yet, then I realized I was merely putting out candles when there was a blazing fire behind me. There is simply too much backtalk to hear everything, so here I am addressing everyone openly, frankly and deliberately."

    Let us face it, the RPG forum is not doing well. It can barely be called active and seems to be moving to a pace that to some, is embarrassing. It has not gone unnoticed. I've heard that many wish for a new moderator or believe that perhaps a new moderator will bring inspiration and new movement into the RPG forum. Others have said that they want new things to be done to the forum itself- new activities or such things to help bring new life to the forum."

    As the senior moderator, I felt that this whole ordeal should be brought out in the open. Let me assure you, whether you choose to believe more or not, that it pains me greatly to see the state that things are in now. Not to throw my years around but to speak the truth, when I say that over the years, the RPG forum has become very dear to me. I've lived through and grown through its disappointments, its successes, its dramas, its spirited moments... I've been around through it all. The forum to me, to put it in a slang way, is 'my baby'- I love it more than any site and I take pride in all the things its done."

    So, in that perspective I want whatever is good for you, the members. Because if you haven't realized by now, the forum is not an object that we have come to love and enjoy. The forum is us. If you love the RPG forum, you love the interaction with your fellow RPers, their characters, their stories. The relationship a member of this forum strikes with one another is far different than in any other forum. All of us should take pride in our abilities and our relations, regardless of the good or bad that comes with that. We would not be human if with every rise, there isn't some fall."

    In that perspective, I have called together this meeting as a chance for discussion. It is quite obvious to me that if the RPG forum is to climb towards greater activity, it must be a group effort. It cannot be done by a single member, because the forum is a group effort, just like any created RPG. So if the RPG can gain some more activity, even just a little, then let's try."

    What is it that you, the forum, want? I hear cries of 'new blood' and 'new ideas' but yet I have yet to have anyone address this to me. If there is something you'd like a moderator to start or try, then let me, us, know. Share your ideas, your desires and whatever else you might believe in. I cannot read your mind nor can any of the other moderators, so these things must be communicated. Of course, remember too that you do not need a moderator to try new, innovative ideas! This is your forum just as much as it is ours."

    On another note as well, if you wish for a new moderator and truly believe that will aid in revitalizing the RPG forum, then let it be known. There is no sense keeping it to yourself or telling it to other members, because it will not accomplish anything but unrest. I cannot speak for the other moderators in this case for they can say it themselves, but I will step down as a moderator if others wish it. While it would be with a sad heart, I would rather see everyone else be happy and aid the RPG forum then cling to it out of my own selfishness. I've only wanted what is best for the forum, while at the same time balancing my own life- as we all have our own lives outside."

    So, now let us start our discussion. All that I ask is for everyone to be civilized and watch your tongue. While I want honesty, I do not want cruelty."

    She took a large breath after her large speech, feeling a great weight being lifted off of her. Her face was slightly pale and strained. Things were out in the open know, but at the same time she knew it was only the beginning... for soon hands were raised.
    Last edited by Bulbasaur4; 5th September 2008 at 04:01 AM.
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  2. #2
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Hmm very noble and good of you Bulbasaur4 to post this. I've never really been a rpger been in a few and I know I've signed up to a few. I think there just aren't enough people on the boards in general and I can't speak for others but I have other things to do and I just can't seem to get motivated to post in rpgs that I sign up to. In fact I can't be that motivated to post anywhere at the boards. I would like to post, its just everything is the same and there just isn't anyone new. Things aren't what they use to be.

    I'm not sure about rpg politics and the like. But I really can't see what you mods can do to make things better. The fact is the whole of tpm is small now, we don't get new members and thus we just have to live with the fact that we're gonna die eventually. We're more lucky than some. One only has to look at UPN these days to see how sad a forum can really get.

    I wish you and fellow rpgers luck in making this particular forum better.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  3. #3
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    What do I want? RPers that can commit themselves to an RPG more than three frickin' days! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!

    It's weird. Everyone clamors over the new RPG. And then it's like someone flicks on the light and everyone runs for cover, save for a few slow ones.

    I'm sick and tired of spending thirty minutes or more, time and creativity that can be used on my fanfiction, on a character that will just be swept into the recycling bin! I think I've been in two RPGs in total that were able to be finished. Out of the...three or four years I've been active in this forum. And I'm not proud about Kite's antics. ^^;;

    It's gotten so that I don't even sign up for RPGs until I feel certain that they'll at least start.

    I'll be more than happy to devote my break time (starting week after next) to help you whip this forum into shape. It's my duty as a game design student and a member of TPM. But the big thing I wish for is more commitment out of everyone else.
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Like fp said, we're a smaller forum now than we used to be. The members that are here and are active are the same ones that have been for up to 8 years now so we've seen enough to spot a good RPG and a bad one, leaving some newcomers to the field to shy away from creating or joining new and original RPG's. Furthermore, having older members (except for those lucky ones of us in China) means having busier members who can't get to posting at times.

    This doesn't mean that it's dying per se or that it's not doing well for its current size. Sure, we should probably have 5 or 6 good, active RPG's running at any given time and not just 2 or 3 snail's-pace ones, but that's what we have to work with at the moment. People like Heald and you, Kalah, are still brimming with great ideas that reach a wide audience.

    We count on you to lead us in the right direction and I personally think you've done a great job for how long you've had to run this show. I can't think of any way better to mod this forum, actually; it's not like you can force someone to join or make a new RPG or character. This forum survives on the good graces of those who post in it; if we want this thing to survive, we need to show it some attention. I think the way we run things now is fine, though; I can't think of any realistic option to magically get this place running like it used to.
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  5. #5
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Um… if I may. *stands*

    I… think the moment many seem to shy away from creating long and interesting RPGs is because even with a good group, they don’t seem to last more than 2 pages, several months in slow cases. Which leaves the creator of that RPG to not… um… want to do it again because it makes them feel like their ideas aren’t wanted anymore, and no one wants to play in their games.

    Like with Chains of Dragons... *everyone groans* Yeah yeah, I keep bringing it up, but it was a great RPG wasn’t it? It is the [b]one[/i] creation of mine that lasted a good solid year, we had a lot of character development, there was so much more I wanted to go with it, however, it was also the first year I started College back in 03-04. Before that I had come up with several ones that the Sign-ups died within months, and after it the only “popular” and active RPG that seemed to draw people was Scourge, and after that I’ve just had a few RPG ideas, and even fewer that I went along and actually put up a Sign-up sheet.

    So, even if we GET new members… the one problem might be the fact that many of us have been around for 7-8 years, and gone through the trials and tribulations of learning how to be a good RPer on the Forums. I can say that it helped me for my Table Top Games, and how to come up with interesting story-hooks for my players, but at the same time…

    Such detailed and creative RPGs may intimidate new players that think that their RPG is nowhere up-to-par with our current set of senior players. Our current solution to this is, of course, the RPG Idea Topic, however… I don’t think it’s enough.

    The RPG Idea Topic is great, it lets some RPers get some feedback on their ideas, but at the same time, it doesn’t give enough, I think, feedback ON the idea itself until the person actually works on it a bit more and posts. You can post an idea, and the reason for the topic is to give constructive feedback on what needs work on the idea to make it playable. What I see happening is, only one or two people post on it, and if no one else posts a comment, it’s swamped away by another topic and then skipped over.

    Another issue, may be inter-player relations and interactions.

    I think it is, that there are some players, that others don’t want to deal with because of past actions. Probably because the player themselves miss-read part of the previous post, then spends a single post to chew out everyone else because they weren’t “taying appention” in the first place. This can have serious strains on a group, because people miss-read things all the time, it HAPPENS, and no one should fly off the handle at someone else for it. If nothing else, PM or IM them and ask why they thought that your character was doing something else. Maybe you worded something oddly and the next person to post about it took it a completely different direction.

    Another may be what I call “Storyteller Pressure.” When someone creates an RPG, they want it to last and survive to the end (what they consider an ending). However, when the players run out of… ideas themselves and wait for others to post, slowing down the RPG, the Storytellers (those that created the game in the first place) start annoying people to “Hey! Post!” And that’s just bad manners. While it’s, disheartening to watch as your Game slips further and further down the front page, to the second, to the third, and so on... A ST/GM/DM (Storyteller/Game Master/Dungeon Master) should NOT annoy their players to post, because just like above, players are going to start saying bad things about them because the ST/GM/DM is too pushy and will refuse to play in a game with them. I… myself, try to avoid this. If I do bug anyone to post, I usually do it once a week IF I see them at all, and rarely have I had anyone bug me to post. I also don’t have everyone on a massive IM list that I can annoy on principle rather than for gaming purposes.

    Quite frankly I see the same thing happen in real-life with Table Top Games and the group of gamers in my town. And it’s not far of a stretch to apply it to the RPG Forum as well.

    One thing I think some, not all mind you, RPers need to work on is Player Etiquette. Treat the players and the ST/GM/DM with respect. A ST may have a master plan, but he/she should also be flexible to put aside the Main story-line to give the other characters (besides his own) some spot-light. Players like it when you pay attention to them and the characters they created, so do that! And players should talk to the ST if they have questions. We, at least I, don’t bite, and we don’t (shouldn’t) get offended when you have questions about the world, characters, setting, placing of other characters, because the ST has a bit of pull as to what happens (as long as he doesn’t abuse this power/ability/skill/annoyance). Players should respect other players characters as well. Not everyone is the uber-power-house badass we’d like them to be, so “power gaming” is a BAD IDEA, because not only do you make your own character look cheap, you make yourself look shallow as an RPer because you are unwilling to give your character any drawbacks.

    Like I said, I think the previous statement is only towards a small percentage of the RPG Forums, but it is something that everyone should keep in mind at all times none-the-less.

    What would I like to see? Well for one you can stop blaming yourself Bulba4. If stepping down as a Moderator is a good choice for “you”, then do it. We shouldn’t have any say in what you do with that aspect of your being a member, because it’s your choice. I don’t want you to step down, because I think you’re a great Moderator. If you step down it should be because you, quite simply, can’t do it anymore due to school/work/life/ect… I’m not going to tell you to step down, so don’t be asking me to say such. Sides, you worked hard in your position, I’d like to see you continue it for as long as you’re able.

    I think we need… more… gah, how do I put it. Okay, individual things I’d like to see return, implemented, or improved:

    The RPG Newsletter: This was a great idea, and granted we “borrowed” it from the FanFic Forum, and even they’re on a slow decline as well. I think the Newsletter should be brought back, posted in the RPG Lounge and used as a compilation of various members working to improve the quality of RPing on the Forums. Have some members volunteer to do articles, I’ve offered a few of my own experiences growing as an RPer to the Newsletter back when it was still around, and have a schedule/deadline for a monthly release. Do an RPG/Member (or both) of the Month, with maybe some general tips on improving RPing and a look at other stuff, an RPG, or RPG Forum Member (hey, we all like attention).

    RPG Idea Topic: This is a great topic, however it’s not being used to its full potential. I, personally, have posted several ideas for RPGs and only received feedback on two… maybe three, and even then they weren’t that helpful. “Tweek this and that.” “I’d SO play in that.” While those comments are useful (and needed), they aren’t near as what I would like to see it become. Give feedback: Say that you like the concept, but some of the plot (which is still under construction I’m assuming, as I use it to put ideas on paper for feedback, like a sketch for a commission) but needs work or a direction (I have received these, I’m just not “plot” oriented right now XP, and I think the Players should make the majority of the plot.. but then again that's the Table Top gamer in me talking ^^U). When I (or another hopeful ST/GM/DM) don’t get feedback, more often the RPGs fall short… Much like Book of the Dragon King, and right now Dual Nature. But this is from MY perspective, and I think it could be expanded upon. Usually when you get round to starting an RPG, you spend a bit more time on it, working out the mechanics, the time, the place, the powers, because you want it to be balanced as well as fun.

    Member Rankings: I think Weasie’s done a good job with this, and I’m glad it was implemented. May fluxuate as school and jobs become more of an issue, but other than that it’s doing good.

    Art (?): For those of us with artistic talent (which writing is artistic, don’t get me wrong), maybe we need an art topic or something similar on major art sites. We could always bug the Fan Art Forum, but our stuff isn’t really “fan art” because it’s of our own characters (many times, other characters).

    Direction: We. Need. Direction. Generally we’d expect the Moderators to help in this, as our “ruling” class. BUT! It is you who is asking US (the peons) for direction, which is good. You said yourself that you want to know what we want, but it’s also not just up to us, it’s up to everyone (the Mods included). I’ve seen a few people volunteer their time and energy to help you, but help you on what? We need ideas, we need feedback, we need dedicated Posters and serious & fun Role Players. So how do we go about this? We need a plan before we start shuffling off in random directions like cockroaches when the lights come on. I say we pick some paths, get some backing (from the members) and THEN go off to work on those ideas, and Mods should be there with the cattle-prod zapping our butts to make sure we’re working on those aspects, if the members who volunteer start slacking. Hey, we took the job, we might as well finish it.

    So, don’t blame yourself Bulba4. You should know better than that. The RPG Forum’s decline is not the result of one person, but of the community as a whole. And everyone’s guilty of it, not just you.

    So. Let’s pick a direction. Chart the course. And get the dice rollin’!
    ~Mew Master

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  6. #6
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post

    One thing I think some, not all mind you, RPers need to work on is Player Etiquette. Treat the players and the ST/GM/DM with respect.

    To be honest, I don't think this has actually been a problem for at least a year, but I haven't been participating all that much so I may not have noticed it.

    The RPG Newsletter: This was a great idea, and granted we “borrowed” it from the FanFic Forum, and even they’re on a slow decline as well. I think the Newsletter should be brought back, posted in the RPG Lounge and used as a compilation of various members working to improve the quality of RPing on the Forums. Have some members volunteer to do articles, I’ve offered a few of my own experiences growing as an RPer to the Newsletter back when it was still around, and have a schedule/deadline for a monthly release. Do an RPG/Member (or both) of the Month, with maybe some general tips on improving RPing and a look at other stuff, an RPG, or RPG Forum Member (hey, we all like attention).

    I was actually thinking of asking Kalah if I could restart the newsletter, so I'm glad someone else has the initiative as well.

    Member Rankings: I think Weasie’s done a good job with this, and I’m glad it was implemented. May fluxuate as school and jobs become more of an issue, but other than that it’s doing good.

    I was the one who first suggested (or at least openly, anyway) the idea of rankings a few years back when we were facing a similar crisis of lack of interest. The thing is, now it actually has/was implemented, I don't think it served much of a purpose. Everyone was given a one time ranking that never really changed and to be honest I doubt anyone really cared about it to be honest. No offence Weasel, it was an ambitious challenge but in practice the system really wasn't necessary, nor did it help or hinder really. I actually don't think it is needed any more, nor was it in the first place. People should be RPing for the love of it, not to gain some meaningless score. Hopefully this would be replaced by 'RPer of the month' in the prospective newletter if it gets off the ground.

    In fact, I propose scrapping the rankings and instead having monthly nominations for these catergories:

    Roleplayer of the Month
    RPG of the Month
    Post of the Month
    Character of the Month
    Moment of the Month

    These could be decided through both recommendations from members who PM those in charge of the scheme, plus the editors of the newsletter who collaborate in the likely event there aren't enough nominations to make it meaningful.

    Art (?): For those of us with artistic talent (which writing is artistic, don’t get me wrong), maybe we need an art topic or something similar on major art sites. We could always bug the Fan Art Forum, but our stuff isn’t really “fan art” because it’s of our own characters (many times, other characters).
    I'd just like to say I'm in favour of this.

    Anyway, I've just realised that my recent activity may have been spurred by the fact that I'm in between employment and returning to university, which may impact my RPG life. I will try and not to let it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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    Alright well I agree on the newsletter and would be glad to help Kalah in anyway possible.

    I also would like to work on the RPG TCG, we went a long way with it and then some of my main helpers and inspiration kind of disappeared on me ^^;; If Heald and I could work together we could set up a ban list, tournies, etc

    Also I would like to suggest maybe the possibility of RPGs that have shorter posts. Everyone wants to show off their writing and detail skills which is great but off putting to others. Back in the old days the posts were incredibly small. Maybe a few fast paced short posts RPGs could help

    Also possibly game incorperated RPGs, things like Anime Wars or other things could really be fun. Anywayyyy... * Dodges Kalah's flamethrower *

  8. #8
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    Also I would like to suggest maybe the possibility of RPGs that have shorter posts. Everyone wants to show off their writing and detail skills which is great but off putting to others. Back in the old days the posts were incredibly small. Maybe a few fast paced short posts RPGs could help
    I'd have to disagree. Some of us like to write long posts, but we also shouldn't discourage others from writing short ones. Everyone should post how they like.

    EDIT: The problem with fast paced, short post RPGs is that they could get too fast. Someone could get unexpectedly busy for a couple of days and then come back to find out that they have to read a page or two of posts. Like what used to happen in Twilight Town.
    Last edited by classy_cat18; 5th September 2008 at 11:52 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by classy_cat18 View Post
    I'd have to disagree. Some of us like to write long posts, but we also shouldn't discourage others from writing short ones. Everyone should post how they like.
    Yeah I know but very long posts tend to cause people to think they also have to write their own long posts. So maybe possibly one or two RPGs based around short two or three paragraph at the most posts? I am not saying all RPGs go that way, but have a few quick fast paced short post RPGs.

  10. #10
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    Yeah I know but very long posts tend to cause people to think they also have to write their own long posts. So maybe possibly one or two RPGs based around short two or three paragraph at the most posts? I am not saying all RPGs go that way, but have a few quick fast paced short post RPGs.
    Actually, no. I have said in some of my RPGs that I started that "I like detail" and possibly pressured others into it subconsciously, but I DO like detail (scientist talking again). However Long posts don't (shouldn't) pressure others into writing long posts. If you write long posts, then you do so because you want to explore your character and their interactions with others. It's not a BAD thing so much as it is a bit time consuming to write that up. If you write short posts, then it's fine. Sometimes RPGs go faster with short posts, but it also leaves out a lot of character exploring.
    ~Mew Master

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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    I agree with the RPG Idea Topic needing a revamp, is there some way we could make it so people could post more on the said idea?

    Player Etiquette, in general I don't think it's a big problem that everyone is bouncing around swearing, and tearing each other limb to limb... The problem lies with the fear that someone is going to do this. Perhaps some RPGs suffer because people are afraid that if they play a character wrong or do something unplanned, that someone is going to bite their head off for it.

    People shouldn't be afraid to get something wrong, if you make a character do something that's off, it's all right. Fact being you'll learn better from that experience than not posting at all. Another thing is if someone does something unplanned and it involves your character, bare with it. Part of RPG in my opinion is bracing the new ideas and using them to your advantage. There will always be another time you'll get a chance for whatever you wanted to do, so suck it up and play with others.

    Shorter posts, while possibly faster, leaves everything way to open. In my opinion anyways...

    Anyways, maybe we should change the way we RP? I talked to Mew Master about this, perhaps if we actually had a Storyteller (like in WoD or D&D) telling you certain things every so often and you reacted to them... Maybe the RPG would get somewhere? You're getting portions of the plot faster than a regular RPG, but we would still be able to post and such just like now.

    I'm sorry if it not very clear, I'm bad at explain things... ^^'' Just an idea though.

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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal Tears View Post
    Anyways, maybe we should change the way we RP? I talked to Mew Master about this, perhaps if we actually had a Storyteller (like in WoD or D&D) telling you certain things every so often and you reacted to them... Maybe the RPG would get somewhere? You're getting portions of the plot faster than a regular RPG, but we would still be able to post and such just like now.

    I'm sorry if it not very clear, I'm bad at explain things... ^^'' Just an idea though.
    Well...that could possibly work. It's a good option for those who are fans of the D&D style. Will people sign up to be the Storyteller of specific RPGs or will we have a team of them, like ASB has their referees?
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    I think the Storyteller would be whoever created the said RPG. However, we could have team of them (or sign ups) if the creator/designer(s) of the world(s) didn't want to do it. In the long run it would at least get people interacting with each other and might overcome some barriers.

  14. #14
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    Heh, CT, you're making me feel possibly loved! XD

    Anyway... if we do pick a ST/DM style RP (which is still up for debate) I say we stick to a specific way of posting, that way everything can stay... somewhat balanced. So... how bout I post an example of how I run Werewolf: The Forsaken on CATTG's Boards?


    Let’s say that we have two players and one ST. The two players are myself (~DR) and Helios Raven. Let’s say that ~DR is playing a character known as Vincent Nelson, a Ghost Wolf Irraka Paranormal Private Investigator, while Helios Raven is playing Weeping Star, a Hunter in Darkness Irraka. If ~DR Posts first, then here is an example of what I’m expecting:

    Quote Originally Posted by Storyteller
    Chapter: Death’s Hand


    Moon Phase: Waning Half

    Time in Game: 11:34 PM

    Date: August 24th, 2008, Wednesday


    The moon lights the run-down areas of Denver’s slums lightly. Clouds move across the face of Luna as she stares down upon the world. Walking in from a side-alley is a man. His tan trenchcoat nearly touching the spoiled concrete. A lit cigarette rested between his lips as he searched the shadows for signs of his contact. He was already late in getting here, Azlu were tenacious bastards when they were hungry, a set of fresh wounds still bleeding under his clothes.

    His contact wasn’t hiding from him however. A wolf was melded, nearly perfectly, within the shadows, and Vincent knew he had found who he was looking for…

    ST Notes: Go at it…

    Time in Game: 11:41 PM

    Current Health:
    Vincent (9): XXX
    Weeping Star (8): None


    Helios Raven
    Quote Originally Posted by ~DR
    Vincent inhaled on his cigarette, drawing the ember closer to the filter. The injuries were healing, so he didn’t need to keep it in check by using his own spiritual fuel. He took his hands out of his pockets and faced the wolf, melded amongst the shadows. Reaching into his trenchcoat he pulled out a collection of bone-like objects tied together with a leather string.

    “I am Vincent Nelson, a Ghost Wolf. I’m glad you’ve come here to meet with me, for we have some urgent matters to discuss.” He held the leather strap higher so that the wolf could see.

    “These are the parts from an Azlu nest I happened upon while coming here, I hope this makes up for my tardiness.” With that he tosses the leather chain to the wolf crouched in the shadows. “But now we have business to attend to.”
    And then Helios Raven Posts afterwards:

    Quote Originally Posted by Helios Raven
    Weeping Star Looked at the figurer standing before him unsure if it was indeed the man he was waiting for at first until he speaks, “I am Vincent Nelson, a Ghost Wolf. I’m glad you’ve come here to meet with me, for we have some urgent matters to discuss.” He held the leather strap higher so that the wolf could see.

    “These are the parts from an Azlu nest I happened upon while coming here, I hope this makes up for my tardiness.” With that he tosses the leather chain to the wolf crouched in the shadows. “But now we have business to attend to.”

    Weeping Star looked at the leather chain as it hit the ground, heh, at lest he has a good reason for being late with that he looked to make sure they were alone before switching back to Hishu form he then stepped out of the Shadows so Vincent could see him better, "It's about time," His voice was cold for he was not happy about the situation, "so what news do you have for me? "
    The Storyteller will take the post given by the player, incorporate any rolls that correlate to the actions taken, and then base the post upon the success or failure of your actions. They will also play the part of NPCs, final saying on outcomes, and dice roller. With such examples as above, the Storyteller shall make their post as follows:

    Quote Originally Posted by Storyteller
    Chapter: Death’s Hand


    Moon Phase: Waning Half

    Time in Game: 11:41 PM

    Date: August 24th, 2008, Wednesday


    Being late, Vincent produces the evidence for his tardiness. The Azlu will never bother Uratha again. He gives the trinkets to Weeping Star as a token of good will, which the Hunter in Darkness considers before going to the business at hand.

    One of Weeping Star’s former charges has been implicated as being a Bale Hound, and the word reached Vincent. Due to the Ghost Wolf’s opinion of Bale Hounds, he wants to investigate along with the accused former supporter. Before jumping in and just decapitating the werewolf, Vincent is going to go through any means to dig up whether there is any truth to this accusation, hence his deed name: Truthstalker.

    The Hunter in Darkness is appalled and shocked at the news, but is also concerned with one of his former charges. For a tribe that prides the Oath, such a connection would leave a blemish on the Tribe and on Weeping Star’s own renown (Sensing Lies: Wits + Subterfuge + 1 (Subterfuge Specialty: Spotting Lies) = 7 [0 Successes! FAILURE!]), but the other Irraka is telling the truth from what the Hunter can tell.

    ST Notes: Now the two Irraka have to work together to uncover any information regarding the accusations. First off they need to track down the source of the information, and whatever dark paths that may lead…

    Vincent heard the word from one of the spirits that he’s had good ties with. Time to go track it down again.

    Time in Game: 11:58 PM

    Current Health:
    Vincent (9): X
    Weeping Star (8): None


    Helios Raven

    However this is just a small snipit of my... basic rules for posting in THAT game...

    But, if we do change the way we RP, or to mix it up, we'd have to agree on a system such that everyone would agree on it. However, I'm already running three or so games on CATTG's boards.. I could handle more.. but I don't know if I really wanna... <,<U
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    I also would like to work on the RPG TCG, we went a long way with it and then some of my main helpers and inspiration kind of disappeared on me ^^;;
    I DID NOT DISAPPEAR ON YOU! :V The idea, while popular, was hard for people to understand and there wasn't enough support to generate cards and characters... there were only like 3 people making cards. Since already a good number of people didn't know how TCGs worked and most people were only familiar with one type of TCG, so they couldn't get their heads around another playstyle, it was too difficult to incorporate especially since this was all on whim. Additionally the success of the idea required way more devotion than the members in RPG could give, at the time.

    ....Umm I have nothing else to say except I apologize on behalf of WO, Chiko-Sai and I for the sudden hiatus of FurinKazan. Please expect the RPG to get back up on its feet 30 years later when we're all settled and retired!
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    Actually, the RPG TCG was a good idea, however there were really ... any rules or restrictions on MAKING cards. What's the basic template for building the card. To make it work I think we should have some groundwork to start with and build from there.

    But that's just me.. ^^U

    Besides, we seem to be getting off topic ... just a bit...
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    Quote Originally Posted by EngiMatikul View Post
    I DID NOT DISAPPEAR ON YOU! :V The idea, while popular, was hard for people to understand and there wasn't enough support to generate cards and characters... there were only like 3 people making cards. Since already a good number of people didn't know how TCGs worked and most people were only familiar with one type of TCG, so they couldn't get their heads around another playstyle, it was too difficult to incorporate especially since this was all on whim. Additionally the success of the idea required way more devotion than the members in RPG could give, at the time.
    No no please please dont think I was talking about you. It was a few others, that I don't want to mention, that went away for most of the summer. I hope that they are now back that we can begin the project again but they are only on sparatically.

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    I know that, for me personally, I just keep having shit pop up... and trust me, this is affecting every part of my life. I'm once again unemployed, yet I'm too screwed up to really work right now, anyway. But that's not my point.

    My point is that, like it or not, we're older now. We have responsibilities and problems that we never had before. It's one thing to goof off online with your friends when you're in middle and high school, as compared to college. We have rent, car insurance, health problems, computer crashes on small budgets, work/school (or even both), just to name a few.

    Gods, I hate getting old. ><

    I agree with the others that have said that we have the ability to become active again, even with a smaller population, but only if we're willing to make a commitment (ZOMG, the "C-word"!). With the other commitments that our society requires of us, it's hard... really, really hard. If we're willing, I know that we're able.

    Getting back to myself, because I know I've been constantly criticized for randomly disappearing while in the middle of a project, I'm just now getting to the point where I can take care of myself, much less my commitments. I'm facing the possibility of early MS, which scares the crap out of me...

    Take this as my pledge that I WILL NOT GIVE UP. I refuse to allow another RPG to die while I can keep it going. If anything goes down, it will NOT be due to my lack of activity.

    However, as much as I try, I cannot do this alone. A healthy RPG requires interaction between members both on the boards and off. The most successful RPGs that I've been in also had character exploration chats that allowed people to get a better feel for others while posting.

    Now that I am in a more stable environment, I will be available more often. I'm totally ready to tackle this problem head-on. Kalah and Roy (and Wurzle, when she returns), you both know that you can call on me for anything. Drusie is reporting for duty. *salutes*

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    I'm in favor of shorter posts, more participation, and breaking away from the cliches that this board has built itself out of over the past... Well... Awhile. Seriously, how many RPG's have there been based off angels/demons? Mythological creatures? Anime? RPG's like Final Fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons?


    OK, now how many RPG's have we had involving futuristic settings? How about mummies? Dinosaurs? The Apocalypse being caused not by a war between experimental monstrosities or the armies of Hell, but, say... The Sun exploding? A storm of sodium-based meteors that sets the oceans ablaze? A dimensional distortion that turns the planet into a hypersphere and fucks up every aspect of everyday life?

    We need more original ideas. Maybe it's just me, but you can only do dragons, demons, werewolves, emos (Mention Ivan and I'll punch you. ) and names that sound like Star Trek convention word jumbles so many times before the shpiel gets old and tiresome...

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    Wow, I'm glad for all of the responses. Here are a few more of my thoughts...

    1.) Newsletter
    I loved this when I started it way back when and I'd love to get it rolling again. I'll probably copy the Fan Fiction in doing their announcement and call for articles. And also, I'd like to add to Heald's idea of not so much rankings, but awards for the month such as post, character and RPer of the month. They could be announced in the newsletter, giving it even more purpose. me likes!

    2.) Shorter Posts
    Bah. If you want to post shorter posts, do so and if you want to post long posts, do so. I really hate putting limits or restrictions on posting styles. I have yet to see anyone complain for a long time on a post being too short or too long. We all know eachother well enough to not be afraid to ask (and if you are, you should then privately PM the creator) if you have problems.

    3.) Change RP-Style
    This is in regards to the Mew Master & Co. idea of new RP styles. I, personally, do not think our style of RP is much of a problem and not one of the reasons for slow posting. I find the idea of, 'I'm not posting because I don't know what to do' rather... well... cliche. If you don't have interaction, make some or PM a fellow member to inquire about some future interaction. Take some ownership! But as for the new style, it doesn't hurt to try! While I don't see it having to be something board-implemented, obviously, it can definately be something that RPers can try out. I say, if the interaction or the RPG is slowing down, then the creator can take some action to move things along. It never hurts.

    EDIT: 3.5) Cliche

    I don't find cliches to be a huge problem... the reason cliches are cliches are because they are popular. However, if you want something different I suggest that requests be placed in the ideas topic as well. If you want to see a new genre, but don't have the creativity to start one... request it in the Ideas topic! Also, in regards to the Ideas topic... I will try to check it out more and comment on it. Truth be told, I rarely look at it and I'll make more of an effort.

    4.) Curtious
    This is my own note, but I know that we're all busy at times. It's completely understandable and no one is going to argue that. My only pet peeve, is when people say they're busy and yet they're posting many posts in other parts of the boards. If they don't want to post or don't have the brain power for it. then INFORM the RPG you're in! There's nothing more annoying then asking RPers (nicely) if they would be active in your RPG, and then finding out that a.) they're really busy and can't post for weeks or b.) aren't interested in being in it anymore. I don't mind if that happens, but at least be kind enough to inform the RPG you're in, rather then the creator having to be left in wonder along with the rest of the dedicated members.

    Thanks for all the suggestions and as I *think* said before, this is a discussion topic so feel free to keep posting. :3
    Last edited by Bulbasaur4; 5th September 2008 at 09:18 PM.
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4 View Post

    3.) Change RP-Style
    This is in regards to the Mew Master & Co. idea of new RP styles. I, personally, do not think our style of RP is much of a problem and not one of the reasons for slow posting. I find the idea of, 'I'm not posting because I don't know what to do' rather... well... cliche. If you don't have interaction, make some or PM a fellow member to inquire about some future interaction. Take some ownership! But as for the new style, it doesn't hurt to try! While I don't see it having to be something board-implemented, obviously, it can definately be something that RPers can try out. I say, if the interaction or the RPG is slowing down, then the creator can take some action to move things along. It never hurts.
    Um... in my defense (and so I don't get killed) I would like to re-establish the fact that it was Crystal Tear's suggestion that we try different RP styles... I just gave an example of how I run a Table-Top-like RP system...
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Might as well keep plugging along.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4 View Post
    2.) Shorter Posts
    Bah. If you want to post shorter posts, do so and if you want to post long posts, do so. I really hate putting limits or restrictions on posting styles. I have yet to see anyone complain for a long time on a post being too short or too long. We all know eachother well enough to not be afraid to ask (and if you are, you should then privately PM the creator) if you have problems.

    OK, yeah. We all know each other pretty well. But there are a few people out there, myself included, who simply post TOO MUCH. I remember once in The Scourge that I posted a battle between Ivan and a demonic steelsmith; I had to scroll down FIVE TIMES to read the whole thing.

    Then there are people who simply put too much detail into too many unnecessary things. I won't name names, but emotions and scenario are one thing. The color and fabric of your character's fez is quite another.

    If posts have no length limit, that's fine. But if you're post is more than, like, 10 paragraphs, I think you should be considerate enough to at least put a tl;dr at the bottom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4 View Post
    EDIT: 3.5) Cliche

    I don't find cliches to be a huge problem...

    Like the cliche you just mentioned about how people don't post when they dunno what to do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4 View Post
    the reason cliches are cliches are because they are popular. However, if you want something different I suggest that requests be placed in the ideas topic as well. If you want to see a new genre, but don't have the creativity to start one... request it in the Ideas topic! Also, in regards to the Ideas topic... I will try to check it out more and comment on it. Truth be told, I rarely look at it and I'll make more of an effort.
    That's another big problem: Dumping all our complaints into the Idea Topic will fix nothing. Because nobody ever POSTS in the Idea Topic. Even if we put our complaints and ideas there, we almost NEVER get feedback or advice. It's the equivalent of cleaning your room by jamming everything in the closet.

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    I agree with Blade that the Idea Topic needs a complete over-haul. maybe make it a bit more structured. Like make it a Feed-back area where memebers PM their idea to the heads of the Feed-back and then it's scheduled to be discussed for interest and work on the plot, story, any other constructive ideas they need.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    I agree with Blade that the Idea Topic needs a complete over-haul. maybe make it a bit more structured. Like make it a Feed-back area where memebers PM their idea to the heads of the Feed-back and then it's scheduled to be discussed for interest and work on the plot, story, any other constructive ideas they need.
    Scheduled? Maybe that's a little too structured.
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    Maybe we need some structure right now...
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    Blade, by cliche I meant in RPG ideas as in plot-wise. I think you knew that. No need to be jabbing.

    As for the Ideas Topic, I doubt many realized there was such a huge problem with it. Maybe with it being brought to attention now, people will be more apt to look at it. However, this is my suggestion for the Ideas topic that might make it more... fun to participate in it.

    How about we gather a list of all the RPers who would be willing to give their 10 cents on an RPG idea. (And by 10 cents, I meant they give meaningful, quality feedback on an RPG.) So let's say we have, 5 people who are willing to do this. So we take that list of people and make a new Idea Topic. These five people are listed in the topic, along with a little info of their interests. It would be like this...

    Bulbasaur4 - Likes: Fantasy, Neo-Gothic, Romance. Dislikes: Fighting-orientated RPGs, sci-fi. UNBIASED

    The "UNBIASED" remark would be the RPer's personal view that they think they'd be unbiased in giving feedback to an RPG. So that is to say, even though they dislike sci-fi, they'd still give good feedback and wouldn't be a complete downer about it.

    So we have the list of RPers, so when people want to try out their idea they can fill out the Idea form in the topic. They can then ask for a particular RPer in the list to give them feedback on their idea. (They should also PM the RPer as well, if they want a more prompt response... wouldn't be required, but suggested.) They also could mark "free for all" on their sign-up, which would mean anyone else who'd want to give feedback on that idea could feel free to make remarks. That way the topic wouldn't be entirely formal, but it woudl guarentee that at least SOMEONE will respond to your idea and perhaps even more!

    I think that would work... or at least, would be good enough to try. What do you guys think?

    As for requesting genres, perhaps we just simply create a Genre Request thread. That way people (like myself at this point) who want to make an RPG but aren't sure how to go about it, can glance in the thread to see what people want. The requests can be as specific or broad as they like. :3

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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4 View Post
    How about we gather a list of all the RPers who would be willing to give their 10 cents on an RPG idea. (And by 10 cents, I meant they give meaningful, quality feedback on an RPG.) So let's say we have, 5 people who are willing to do this. So we take that list of people and make a new Idea Topic. These five people are listed in the topic, along with a little info of their interests. It would be like this...

    Bulbasaur4 - Likes: Fantasy, Neo-Gothic, Romance. Dislikes: Fighting-orientated RPGs, sci-fi. UNBIASED

    Consider it done.

    Name: Blademaster
    Likes: Originality, creativity, science, action, horror, comedy, some anime, video games.
    Dislikes: Romance, fantasy, religion, mythology, rehashes of past ideas.
    Bias Level: Simon Cowell

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4 View Post
    As for requesting genres, perhaps we just simply create a Genre Request thread. That way people (like myself at this point) who want to make an RPG but aren't sure how to go about it, can glance in the thread to see what people want. The requests can be as specific or broad as they like. :3

    How about... No?

    Instead, how about we put that where it belongs: The IDEA TOPIC.

    Look, I know RPG has gone to Hell in a handbasket. Most of TPM has. But why in the name of dolphin-safe tuna do we need the ABANDONED Twilight Town, the DISUSED Idea Topic, AND a Genre Request Thread?

    Denny is right - we need to structure this place because there IS no structure here. None. ZERO. Nobody responds to ideas. Up until recently, nobody had posted in Twilight Town for SIX MONTHS. And nowadays, the rare new RPG that appears, let alone gets STARTED, never breaks a page or two.

    I don't wanna see TPM die. This place was my first online home. I want it to stick around.

    But for that to happen, we need to rip this place apart and build from the ground up. RP-er's have to start posting again and using the damn ABSENCE Tower. Countless useless threads have to be removed and replaced with a sturdy system - even ASB, as withered as it is, is still built on a foundation of rules that keep it running smoothly. We need that here.

    And lastly, and I know this sucks to hear, but the 'Out with the old; in with the new.' approach applies to the Moderators here, too. Weasel Overlord has pretty much vanished from the face of the Earth. Roy Karrde does little on TPM nowadays but debate. Ultimate Charizard, Plantae, and God-knows-who-else that was here before my time have all either been demodded or left.

    The only Moderator that even makes an attempt to keep this place running is you, Kalah. You need a new staff. A staff of regulars that can keep order and come up with new ideas, and not leave this place to stagnate when things start to slow down.

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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post

    How about... No?

    Instead, how about we put that where it belongs: The IDEA TOPIC.

    Look, I know RPG has gone to Hell in a handbasket. Most of TPM has. But why in the name of dolphin-safe tuna do we need the ABANDONED Twilight Town, the DISUSED Idea Topic, AND a Genre Request Thread?

    Denny is right - we need to structure this place because there IS no structure here. None. ZERO. Nobody responds to ideas. Up until recently, nobody had posted in Twilight Town for SIX MONTHS. And nowadays, the rare new RPG that appears, let alone gets STARTED, never breaks a page or two.

    I don't wanna see TPM die. This place was my first online home. I want it to stick around.

    But for that to happen, we need to rip this place apart and build from the ground up. RP-er's have to start posting again and using the damn ABSENCE Tower. Countless useless threads have to be removed and replaced with a sturdy system - even ASB, as withered as it is, is still built on a foundation of rules that keep it running smoothly. We need that here.

    And lastly, and I know this sucks to hear, but the 'Out with the old; in with the new.' approach applies to the Moderators here, too. Weasel Overlord has pretty much vanished from the face of the Earth. Roy Karrde does little on TPM nowadays but debate. Ultimate Charizard, Plantae, and God-knows-who-else that was here before my time have all either been demodded or left.

    The only Moderator that even makes an attempt to keep this place running is you, Kalah. You need a new staff. A staff of regulars that can keep order and come up with new ideas, and not leave this place to stagnate when things start to slow down.
    Can I make a few comments that I hope don't sound completely stupid?

    We can merge the Absence topic with the Twilight Town to something that helps us know what's going on in the offline world.

    We cannot foresee some things that make us absent, like computer crashes, sudden illnesses, even worse. Sometimes it's hard to notify because of a lack of a computer. This seems to be one of the main killers of RPGs. It happens.

    About the moderators. Weasel Overlord was dealing with work, college, or both. Isn't she an English major? Roy Karrde has been spending a lot of time in Misc. and I agree that he should help us with RPG in general before concentrating on ASBRPG and the RPG TCG. He has started Anime Wars so it's kind of a start.

    If push comes to shove, maybe a assistant mod if we don't want another full moderator.
    Last edited by classy_cat18; 6th September 2008 at 09:48 AM.
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Surely Pokemon TCG and ASBRPG are attempts to get activity for TPM which surely should be good for the roleplaying board?

    I didn't know this topic was an excuse to go bash moderators.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    Surely Pokemon TCG and ASBRPG are attempts to get activity for TPM which surely should be good for the roleplaying board?

    I didn't know this topic was an excuse to go bash moderators.
    It's not. I just think that for now, we concentrate on the main RPG forum before trying to restart ASBRPG and the TCG.
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Well, I suppose the Idea topic could contain requests as well although to me that seems a little less structured. The Ideas topic, from what I understood, was for people who HAD ideas to check to see if they'd be good to do and use for themselves. Where as requesting genres were for people who didn't want to start an RPG but were offering their own advice as to what genres they'd like to see. Personally, I'd rather have the two topics divided so I don't have to waste my time spanning through one big topic to pull out what I want from what I don't.

    But in anycase, I'd like feedback on my previously purposed revamp of the Ideas topic. Do you guys think that'd be something to try? go back to my previous post if you're not sure what I'm referring to. ^_^

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  32. #32
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Roy Karrde does little on TPM nowadays but debate.
    Looking back at the last 100 Days.

    ASBRPG, RPG TCG, Pokemon School, World of Heroes, Anime Wars, Gunslinger Pokemon, One Breath from Immortality.

    All of these are RPGs I have either made, or particpated in. I know you do not like me Blademaster, but lets keep from spreading outright lies around here okay?

  33. #33
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    *Jumps from the shadows*

    o.o K. I read alot. Henceforth ya dun really ever see me post. But I've tried my hand at the RP here, and yes, it kinda sucks. The ideas dun suck, and the attitude of the RP'ers dun suck. What does suck is the amount of involvement. (Its alot from VERY FEW-as opposed to a lil from everyone-which would make RP's many pages longer, rather than the 1-3 birthing steps) Yes, unforeseen things come up; but its harder here where the general community is around the same age bracket-and now most everyone IS at that age when crap happens and there's nothing you can really do about it for like, years.

    I kinda like this part of the Forum too, and that's because it has a chance to flourish, but I get turned away by far far too many remixes of ideas as well. So that Idea that was mentioned by you B4, with the choice list of members and likes and dislikes-would help everyone throw out new ideas that didn't seem stale. People would have a chance to be different and not feel like they would reach out to a few people (let someone start a Dino RP. What!?!?! Would not believe my involvement.)

    No one can control attendance here, so interest is really your only major pull. Keep interest high, and people will FIND ways to return. They'll remember there's that sweet azz story they want their character to post in, and even though they won't be back for a little over a week-they'll get it done. (least I'm like that...)

    Secondly, structure may be necessary, but its harder here when the main idea to flow. You need a stream of people ready to go to an idea, rather than an idea and snag people (as retarted as that sounds)

    Like-the signup stuff. Seriously, how many RP's here have sign-ups before they begin. Start the danged RP and people will jump in, as long as you (the HM of the RP) continue to post. You might be RPing with only 1-3 people at the start, but hey, as long as that's a start, people might jump into the microRP you've started and explode it into the MacroRP you wish it to be.

    I dun think anyone would get turned away if like,the HM of the RP was RPing a starting conversation with the first few rapid players that jump in, people wold just be like "Oh, they're having a convo. That's easy to get into" and then it'll grow until its gangrene

    But I can see why sign-ups are necessary as well. You wanna make sure all slots are filled. Well, sometimes, ya just gotta go with what ya got :O.

    --Dun really know if that contributed to anything here, just wanted to offer my thoughts as well *Dives back into shadows*

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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Let me retract my previous statement about Roy. Now I will bow out of this discussion before I put my virtual foot in my virtual mouth again.
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    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    Surely Pokemon TCG and ASBRPG are attempts to get activity for TPM which surely should be good for the roleplaying board?

    I didn't know this topic was an excuse to go bash moderators.
    I don't think anyone's bashing Mods here, just stating the evidence as seen. I don't think any of it was meant as hatefull or bashing, just... blunt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4
    As for the Ideas Topic, I doubt many realized there was such a huge problem with it. Maybe with it being brought to attention now, people will be more apt to look at it. However, this is my suggestion for the Ideas topic that might make it more... fun to participate in it.

    How about we gather a list of all the RPers who would be willing to give their 10 cents on an RPG idea. (And by 10 cents, I meant they give meaningful, quality feedback on an RPG.) So let's say we have, 5 people who are willing to do this. So we take that list of people and make a new Idea Topic. These five people are listed in the topic, along with a little info of their interests. It would be like this...

    Bulbasaur4 - Likes: Fantasy, Neo-Gothic, Romance. Dislikes: Fighting-orientated RPGs, sci-fi. UNBIASED

    The "UNBIASED" remark would be the RPer's personal view that they think they'd be unbiased in giving feedback to an RPG. So that is to say, even though they dislike sci-fi, they'd still give good feedback and wouldn't be a complete downer about it.

    So we have the list of RPers, so when people want to try out their idea they can fill out the Idea form in the topic. They can then ask for a particular RPer in the list to give them feedback on their idea. (They should also PM the RPer as well, if they want a more prompt response... wouldn't be required, but suggested.) They also could mark "free for all" on their sign-up, which would mean anyone else who'd want to give feedback on that idea could feel free to make remarks. That way the topic wouldn't be entirely formal, but it woudl guarentee that at least SOMEONE will respond to your idea and perhaps even more!

    I think that would work... or at least, would be good enough to try. What do you guys think?
    It's a start, but I was thinking something more along the lines of this:

    RPG Idea Topic

    *Short introduction of the Topics goals, ideas, message statement*

    *How to ask for help*

    *Sign-up forum for a rough sketch of their RPG*

    *List of Members who would volunteer their time and energy to discuss and help the RPer like so*

    Short Description:
    Genre's liked:
    Genre's Disliked:
    RPG Forum record: (how many started, how many succeeded [past three pages], how many with GOOD plot, ect)

    *schedule of who's RPG idea is going to be looked at for the week. If no one posts on it, it stays on the list until it's given appropriate feedback. Everyone who Volunteered must post some constructive feedback. Those who aren't on the list can comment and give their feedback as well, even if it is just "I'd play in that cause of [insert reason here]", however the Volunteers cannot do that*

    *once the above is finished, the group moves onto the next RPG on the list for consideration.*

    *list for RPG Requests [This is so we can group the RPG Request Board and Idea topics into the same thing with a bit more structured] If there is a genre or certian type of RPG you want to see, request it and some of the members can (and are encouraged) to make one based upon it for feedback in the new Topic*

    Basically... it's based off of the FanFic Reviewer Forum in a way (only more active and helpful... hopefully) I think it gives structure as well as the flexability to help those dealing with the issues of wanting to start an RPG, but not sure whether anyone would be interested.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulbasaur4
    Well, I suppose the Idea topic could contain requests as well although to me that seems a little less structured. The Ideas topic, from what I understood, was for people who HAD ideas to check to see if they'd be good to do and use for themselves. Where as requesting genres were for people who didn't want to start an RPG but were offering their own advice as to what genres they'd like to see. Personally, I'd rather have the two topics divided so I don't have to waste my time spanning through one big topic to pull out what I want from what I don't.
    If we do it right, that's not going to be a problem... sides... there's always the "Search" option ^^U We need structure before we can have flow as DL so eliquently put it... Without some structure, then... well we all go off in a random direction.
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    It'll go quicker than the FFRO, as the idea viewer won't have to carefully analyze and write a full critique. Actually, it doesn't sound bad now that I've looked carefully at it. Maybe we could have more than one person working with the idea person.

    ...Sorry, but I just wanted to input a little comment.
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    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Quote Originally Posted by classy_cat18 View Post
    It'll go quicker than the FFRO, as the idea viewer won't have to carefully analyze and write a full critique. Actually, it doesn't sound bad now that I've looked carefully at it. Maybe we could have more than one person working with the idea person.

    ...Sorry, but I just wanted to input a little comment.
    By all means... it's just a rough draft...
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  38. #38
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    These are the roleplaying forums for the top five pokemon message boards on the internet.

    Remove the pokemon roleplays and I think you'll agree with me that they are just as inactive as here and not only that these forums still get new people something we just don't get here. So perhaps have some perspective.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  39. #39
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Okay… I’ve taken a look at the Current Idea Topic, and with the help of a Biologist/Paleontologist’s friend Statistics we can see just HOW much the RPG Idea Topic needs an overhaul.

    As of last night the Topic was started on 4-9-06 and has been going to 9-05-08. It is 4 pages long with a total of 128 individual posts (using standard Forum settings). For an understanding of how it’s slipped into decline and … not really THAT helpful… I’ll break it down page by page.

    SPAM: While it stands for Stupid and Pointless Messages, and hardly anything in the Topic is Stupid and Pointless, I’m using this to categorize the conversations that could easily be converted over to PMs, IMs, or start a new topic for fleshing out the ideas once support has been gathered. I mean no insult in categorizing it as SPAM.

    Page 1:

    Started: 4-9-06
    Ended 6-11-06
    Total RPGs Proposed: 16
    Responses: 22
    Useless SPAM within: 6

    Now, at first glance that seems to be pretty good, and yes it is pretty active to start, as with a lot of topics. However, to show how “useful” it is, we need to break it down into who posted an idea, who gave feedback, and how many times they gave feedback (positive or negative) on the ideas.

    RPGS PROPOSED: Who submitted an RPG idea for feedback.

    Ghost: 1
    Inferno_Dragon: 1
    RaZoR LeAf: 2
    Fireguardian: 1
    pokemon4eva: 3
    classy_cat18: 1
    Mystic_Clown: 1
    Gladiator: 1
    Bear: 1
    Kalad1: 1
    OutlawJT: 1
    Hyperness is a Good Thing: 1

    RESPONSES: How many comments they received for their idea.

    Ghost: 0
    Inferno_Dragon: 0
    RaZoR LeAf: 6
    Fireguardian: 2
    pokemon4eva: 5
    classy_cat18: 1
    Mystic_Clown: 5
    Gladiator: 0
    Bear: 1
    Kalad1: 1
    OutlawJT: 1
    Hyperness is a Good Thing: 0

    Now, in Hyperness’s defense, they were the last poster on my page setting for the boards, which is 40 posts per page.

    FEEDBACK:: Who responded to the ideas with comments, feedback, and support.

    Fireguardian: Commented on RaZoR LeAf
    Ultimate Charizard: Commented on RaZoR LeAf, Mystic_Clown
    Plante: Commented on fireguardian
    Drusilla: Commented onfireguardian, RaZoR LeAf (2), pokemon4eva, Mystic Clown
    Kalad1: Commented on pokemon4eva
    Bulbasaur4: Commented on RaZoR LeAf, pokemon4eva
    pokemon4eva: Commented on classy_cat18, Bear, kalad1
    Deathborn: Comment to Mystic Clown (2), OutlawJT
    Ghost: Comment on RaZoR LeAf

    From the current data, it looks like RL came up with a few good ideas that got peoples attention. However, feedback on an RPG and how to quantify “useful” feedback is difficult. For a better understanding of the conversations going on, I’d suggest reading through the Topic itself.

    Page 2:

    Started: 6-13-06
    Ended 9-28-06
    Total RPGs Proposed: 16
    Responses: 13
    Useless SPAM within: 14

    Good, good. Still going strong.

    RPGS PROPOSED: Who submitted an RPG idea for feedback.

    Pokemon4eva: 4
    Toxicity: 1
    Kalad1: 3
    Arnen: 1
    Kevvaelli: 1
    Roy Karrde: 3
    Mystic_Clown: 1
    Crystal_Tears: 1
    Inferno_Dragon: 1

    RESPONSES: How many comments they received for their idea.

    Pokemon4eva: 3
    Toxicity: 0
    Kalad1: 2
    Arnen: 3
    Kevvaelli: 1
    Roy Karrde: 1
    Mystic_Clown: 1
    Crystal_Tears: 1
    Inferno_Dragon: 0

    FEEDBACK:: Who responded to the ideas with comments, feedback, and support.

    Ghost: Commented on HiGT (1), Mystic_Clown (1), OutlawJT (1), pokemon4eva (1)
    Pokemon4eva: Commented on Kalad1 (1)
    Smeargal: Commented on Arnen (1), Kevvaelli (1)
    Fireguradian: Commented on Kalad1 (1), Mystic_Clown (1), Roy Karrde (1)
    The_Missing_Link: Commented on Arnen (1)
    Mystic_Clown: Commented on Arnen (1), pokemon4eva (1)
    Kevvaelli: Commented on pokemon4eva (1)
    Samchu: Commented on Crystal_Tears (1)

    Page 3:

    Started: 10-5-06
    Ended 8-6-08
    Total RPGs Proposed: 23
    Responses: 13
    Useless SPAM within: 6

    Okay… this is where we start slipping downhill. Halfway through the page we have the proposal of nearly two dozen RPGS and only one dozen comments or responses to those ideas. That doesn’t add up, and someone wasn’t getting a reply to their ideas. And that’s unacceptable. There’s also the long break of nearly two years for this whole page. I know we get busy… but two years?!

    RPGS PROPOSED: Who submitted an RPG idea for feedback.

    Master Rudy: 2
    Shadow Djinn: 1
    Dark-San: 1
    Pokemon4eva: 2
    Fireguardian: 1
    Perfect Chaos: 1
    Roy Karrde: 4
    Mystic_Clown: 1
    Mew Master: 6
    Kalad1: 1
    Houndoom_lover: 1
    Drusilla: 1

    RESPONSES: How many comments they received for their idea.

    Master Rudy: 2
    Shadow Djinn: 1
    Dark-San: 1
    Pokemon4eva: 1
    Fireguardian: 2
    Perfect Chaos: 0
    Roy Karrde: 2
    Mystic_Clown: 0
    Mew Master: 4
    Kalad1: 0
    Houndoom_lover: 0
    Drusilla: 0

    FEEDBACK:: Who responded to the ideas with comments, feedback, and support.

    Asilynne: Commented on Master Rudy (2), Roy Karrde (1)
    Crystal_Tears: Commented on Shadow Djinn (1)
    Shadow Djinn: Commented on Dark-San (1)
    Roy Karrde: Commented on pokemon4eva (1)
    EngiMatikul: Commented on fireguardian (1)
    Mystic_Clown: Commented on fireguardian (1), Roy Karrde (1), Mew Master (1)
    Shizo: Commented on Mew Master (1)
    Houndoom_lover: Commented on Mew Master (2)

    Page 4:

    Started: 8-7-08
    Ended 9-5-08
    Total RPGs Proposed: 3
    Responses: 4
    Useless SPAM within: 2

    RPGS PROPOSED: Who submitted an RPG idea for feedback.

    Heald: 1
    Mew Master: 1
    Classy_cat18: 1

    RESPONSES: How many comments they received for their idea.

    Heald: 2
    Mew Master: 1
    Classy_cat18: 1

    FEEDBACK:: Who responded to the ideas with comments, feedback, and support.

    MToolen: Commented on Heald (1), Mew Master (1), classy_cat18 (1)
    Mew Master: Commented on Heald (1)

    Now, of course page four is only 8 posts long, so it’s a bit of a stretch to apply this to the decline in RPG Forum participation, but I’m examining the whole of the RPG Idea topic and how “useful” it is in its current form. So. Those are the over-all statistics for the current pages and posts. When we add them up, let’s see if the support out-weighs the SPAM and RPG ideas.

    Total Ideas Proposed: 59
    Total Responses Posted: 52
    SPAM: 28

    As we can see, only 52 RPG Ideas have gotten ANY kind of response. However, when one looks at the data collected, it can be seen that there is a bias among the data towards certain ideas that grab member’s attention, while others get little to no feedback after a certain point after they post. This is an INEFFECTIVE system, and should show that we need to over-haul the whole thing in order to make it workable and positive. The data is also misleading as a single person may have suggested 4 RPGs and get 4 Responses, but looking at it closer shows, often, 3 responses of support for 1 idea, and the others tend to get ignored.

    Just the scientist in me trying to make a point. ^^U
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  40. #40
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    Default Re: *~ RPG Forum Conference ~*

    Having a set of reviewers could be a good thing, especially considering that no one is a fan of everything. I know that now after going through some of the RPG ideas again.

    Also...maybe revamping the RPG ideas thread might get me to pay more attention.
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