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Thread: War of the Forums

  1. #1281
    The Aura is with me. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#150)

    Whoah! Revelation time! Armaggeddon and Apocalypse, scheduled for next Thursaturday!

    ... Seems the prophecy wasn't made to keep our hopes up for a chance at survival, huh? ... It looked to me Brian was swearing because the prophecy ended in the middle of the sentence, but it seems that wasn't planned, you say. Although it seems unlikely the text would continue for just a half sentence on the next page, that's actually exactly what happend in HP&TDH, too, so meh...

    And woah, wow!? Jay returns? If he can, so could Martin, right? But, it's still a forbidden technique, so... Does this mean Kijoni and fandom can return too? And will he have gained any special necromancing powers from the experience?

    What a way to start the year... (Happy '08, by the way! May the horse be with you!)
    Thanks Orion, for my reflection...
    Numbuh 24/7, Teen KND Operative of Sector TNT, [Hey, I can dream, can't I? ]
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  2. #1282
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#150)

    Nice eye-opening layers.

    Of course Jay had to return. That's what he's infamous for.

    About that book... it makes me wonder who wrote it. A follower of "The End", perhaps?

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  3. #1283
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#150)

    Happy New Year! And like Crystalmaster Mike said, the beginning of the end is an awesome way to start the year.

    I laughed at the last panel, though. But that was only because the picture made me immediately think of Nathan Explosion. Although on a serious note, looks like the prophecy is coming true a lot sooner than to a Fanficcer's liking. But now that there's He, could She also be of relevance to the same troll group order?

    May health, happiness, and the schwartz be with you in '08.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  4. #1284
    Good night and good luck! Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#150)

    ...Sorry I hadn't reviewed in a while, been really busy with my own fanfiction and plus some stuff happened at home. Yeah, pretty much this is a catch up review, so sorry if I said anything wrong or if the reviewers said it before. ^^;

    I have to say that everything is coming together so far from the last time I reviewed.

    I felt sorry for Ada going through two hours of Martin's ramblings until the very end. Wills...sometimes it can be good and bad. XD Something tells me however that file will be important later on.

    So Master of Paradox knew Dark Sage is spying on him? I skimmed through the reviews and your response and I do think there's a mental war going on. Have Mewfour in that video to scare him? If Mewfour is going to be in the war, then Dark Sage better be prepared!

    Aw shoot, Jay is back? everyone else said, "she" could be that blue haired lady with the sword and I think "he" is Jay (don't remember if anyone took the guess of "he" yet...)

    Well, so far so good. Looks like now things are going into high gear! ^^

    PS- For some reason my guess is the last chapter will be I have no clue when it'll end, depending how much the rest of the fic there is left. XD
    Also known as Bay =D

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  5. #1285
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#150)

    Faster than LTL? Bastard.

    These were two of the most effective pages I think I've seen in the whole fic, at least, in terms of style.

    #149: A very good use of breaking the usual six-panel format. I feel it was possibly more effective here than when you did it on page 128, just because now it's not so unexpected. I think #128 seemed a bit random and kind of confused people a bit, but now we kind of have an idea what it's all about (or at least, we're starting to think we do), so it seems to work a lot better. The last two panels were both very well-made, I feel, it terms of the 'less is more' approach. So ... a prophecy of the end of the world. Creepy. And terrifying, if they've already seen the first couple of signs. But why was it only Brian who seemed to know of the prophecy? Hmm. Anyway, this is a brilliant way to start closing up book three - a real revelation, and a real cliffhanger. I'm lining up some nice new hats, too, and no, I don't care to share!

    #150: Gnarly last page for the book. It sets everything up for the next book really well, I think: we've got Brian with the prophecy, and now Jay has returned from the dead kinda, to present yet another adversary. The best thing about this page was the eye-opening format, and the gradual way in which it was done. It also serves to break the monotony of the six-panel pages we're all used to. Also, the 'thought orbs' looked really cool on the black background; and the last panel was a great line to end the third book of this ... series? ... on.

    Great job, Brian. I'm looking forward to the remainder of this comic - and, naturally, it's conclusion. Something tells me 250 or 300 pages wouldn't be an utterly outlandish estimate at this stage.

    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  6. #1286
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Mike: Thursaturday? Couldn't it just as easily be Satuesday?

    Ah, I see how you could've gotten that impression now. It was intended to be just one set of many pages that mr_pikachu read; that one happened to have pertinent material yet not quite give away anything. And considering that I'm still only halfway through Deathly Hallows, I don't think I've even gotten to the part it seemed to resemble. Believe me, we won't be seeing a three-word extension any time soon.

    Perhaps Martin could return, yes. But one has to wonder if there would be consequences for such a summoning... would it be worth it to yank Martin from the afterlife?

    I don't have room to keep a horse with me. Although I did get one of those reindeer that poops jellybeans for Christmas. Is that close enough?

    Gabi: Thanks! If I need another blurred image in the future, I have a few different techniques I want to try. But this one worked well in this instance.

    Jay would come back, wouldn't he? You just can't get rid of the guy.

    Good question about the book's author. Maybe I'll delve into its origins, and maybe I'll just leave it as a mysterious tome. Haven't decided yet.

    Laura: The same to you! I'm glad you liked the book's close, too; had to plan well in advance to time it right.

    You know, I hadn't noticed it before, but they do have a striking resemblance. Good thing that Mr. Dethklok has to put on face paint to achieve the effect. It's understandable that people would resist Armageddon, no matter how futile it may eventually prove... but what does "She" have to do with it?

    I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate!

    Seadra: Hey, don't worry about it! Things happen, just like the things that slowed down my updates for awhile. It's terrible when real life gets in the way of TPM.

    You do have to pity Ada, don't you? But at least it wasn't completely pointless. What was Martin trying to hide?

    Yeah, Mewfour's sharper than he looks. But in a battle of wits, can sheer fear and force win the day?

    Who are He and She? Only time will tell, because my lips are henceforth sealed.

    Things are beginning to get heated. But how much longer will it last? I guarantee that we're not stopping with #150...

    Kristian: Aw, how mean of you!

    Well, I'm glad you liked the style. Those two pages took a lot of time to create, so it's good that it was worthwhile.

    Yeah, I see your point about the initial style break now. It's not so unusual at this time, and I'm a bit more comfortable with doing it too. The close of #149 really didn't need to be wordy; I figured it was more important to keep the mood flowing. How better to do that than with a single swear word?

    It is beginning... ooh! As for why mr_pikachu was the only one knowledgeable in this area, that may be important later. Haven't yet decided how far I want to delve into it. Oh, and remind me to send you some new snack foods. Hehe.

    I really wanted this to be a dramatic close. In the past, the divisions between books have been somewhat arbitrary; they could have happened in almost any other place, but that happened to be the multiple of 50. This time, though, it actually means something. And it's nice to hear that my methods worked. Hopefully any future deviations of mine will be similarly well-received.

    I honestly don't know how many more pages this will last. But my initial private estimate of 50 seems absurd now.

    There's just one more thing to do before we can jump to Book Four...

    Extra #3: Sometimes I'm surprised I haven't gotten more hate-mail over this series. But then I remember that my self-ridicule sets the torment bar at an unreachable level.

    Time for another panel-by-panel guide!

    Panel 2: I've actually taken the quote directly from a post by Crazy Elf Boy. But hey, I was the one who first made the "joke with no punchline," as Ada said.
    Panel 3: Whether Weasel Overlord's pulling a Playboy or having one of her trademark shower orgies, you always leave thinking about more than just a plot twist.
    Panel 4: Maybe Mega Horny will someday get revenge for all the torture to which his fellow characters have subjected him.
    Panel 5: Okay, I can't believe it took so long to craft this one panel. It's based on #32. And for the record, I really thought I knew more swear words... actually had to do an internet search to get some of these.
    Panel 6: Who is that guy, anyway?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  7. #1287
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Alright, I'm back!

    And once again, I've been perfectly portrayed.

    Yes, it may be hard to believe, but in real life, I'm a lot less friendly than on TPM. Especially vocally. Since I don't have time to think of witty responses and then press 'Enter' in person, my response to aggravation is typically "**** you!"

    Online, however, I can plan my responses out and be far more eloquent. For instance, I can instead say "******* - guzzle **** and go **** yourself with a *****-***-covered **** up your mother****ing *******, you ******-*** monkey-****ing piece of ****-sucking ****!!!"


    EDIT: Anyone who can guess how many DIFFERENT curse words were used in that sentence gets a cracker. [::]
    Last edited by Blademaster; 2nd January 2008 at 07:20 AM.

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  8. #1288
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    I love the extras. There's just something nice and self-deprecating about them - or maybe self-parodying is a better word? It's nice to break the fourth wall sometimes. Panel 5 would be the one that amused me most; although panel 6 was more illuminating. Has it really been a whole book since we saw Eyebrows? WHY, GOD, WHY? Bring him back, we want the mysteries solved.

    I'm gonna say it might NOT be Andrew. Just because he was mentioned earlier (on the phone call to Gavin way back, when ringtones were still used *cough*) and Gavin therefore obviously knew him; but then, if I remember right, he pulled a gun on him early in book 3?

    So ... who IS it?
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  9. #1289
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    "You can't make fun of the dead." True, but we can make fun of the way they died.

    "You can't substitute nudity for a plotline." Tell that to the hentai writers at

    "You can't make real people look like morons." Don't have to. They can do a good job by themselves. Am I right?

    "You can't censor your own characters." But some really need it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post

    Online, however, I can plan my responses out and be far more eloquent. For instance, I can instead say "******* - guzzle **** and go **** yourself with a *****-***-covered **** up your mother****ing *******, you ******-*** monkey-****ing piece of ****-sucking ****!!!"

    EDIT: Anyone who can guess how many DIFFERENT curse words were used in that sentence gets a cracker. [::]
    I'd say about three different curse words.
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  10. #1290
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Panel 6: Who is that guy, anyway?
    I assumed you would know.

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  11. #1291
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix View Post
    I assumed you would know.
    Lmao ... I just had to quote that. How dry of you, Gabi.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  12. #1292
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Cool, extra!

    "You can't make real people look like morons". And... that is because...?

    LMAO at Gabi's post as well XD

    Oh yeah, what's so great about eating crows, anyway?
    Please take it easy~

  13. #1293
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Online, however, I can plan my responses out and be far more eloquent. For instance, I can instead say "******* - guzzle **** and go **** yourself with a *****-***-covered **** up your mother****ing *******, you ******-*** monkey-****ing piece of ****-sucking ****!!!"


    EDIT: Anyone who can guess how many DIFFERENT curse words were used in that sentence gets a cracker. [::]
    I counted 10.

    But yes. Blademaster has been known to know more "foreign" words than the average person on Gaia Online when he gets angry. ;3

    Very amusing strip and many witty responses to it.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  14. #1294
    Good night and good luck! Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Hehe, quite like that little extra. My favorite is the last one because it's been a while since we saw the man with the huge eyebrows. Urgh, why hadn't I notice that before? O.o I'm usually good at noticing if a person/object/animal/etc. hasn't been on a story for a long time. XD
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  15. #1295
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#150)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    And I saw the whack. If I could draw half that well, I wouldn't be doing this fic in the Ctrl+V style.
    To be exact (I am not sure if I use the correct English words though, I bold them) I drew the Shinjis through from printed WotF pages with my lightboard. But Ranma I drew all by myself, only looking at the first Ranma manga cover. I Ctrl+V:d a part of the same Ranma to the fifth panel. And 'WHACK!' is my handwriting.

    And keep this coming, I predict you shall even include my character here, the signs are such, you see, you even quoted Crazy Elf Boy in one panel!!

  16. #1296
    The Aura is with me. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Ah, seems it isn't Thursaturday today, but Funday! (Yeah, we really miss an 8th day in the week...)

    About my earlier HP:TDH: I wasn't referring to any prophecy mind you, but to a letter... Almost forgot what I was referring to in the first place. *thwomps self* And there I am, calling myself a dedicated reader.


    "You can't do that in War of the Forums!" - And there I was expecting some good-for-Jackass material.

    "... and a good writer dare not break these hallowed rules!" - Yet Playboy is probably one of the most succesful pieces being "read".

    "You can't make fun of the dead." - But being dead, you can't hurt their feelings!

    "You can't substitute nudity for a plotline." - *exits*

    "You can't make real people look like morons." - "... while they have you at gunpoint. In other cases, good ducking capabilities are a prerequisite."

    "You can't censor your own characters." - Luckily for the virgin ears, the board's configuration can.

    "You can't make a cliffhanger and then leave it hanging for an entire book." - *pictures Brian, at age 65, hanging from a steep cliff in the Grand Canyon as he loses his grip* "Curse you, writer's block!"
    Thanks Orion, for my reflection...
    Numbuh 24/7, Teen KND Operative of Sector TNT, [Hey, I can dream, can't I? ]
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  17. #1297
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Quote Originally Posted by classy_cat18 View Post
    I'd say about three different curse words.
    WAAAAAAAAY off. No cracker for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toxicity View Post
    I counted 10.
    Still not enough. You're getting close, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toxicity View Post
    But yes. Blademaster has been known to know more "foreign" words than the average person on Gaia Online when he gets angry. ;3
    Don't get me angry, TPM... You won't ****ing like me when I'm angry...

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  18. #1298
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    #143: I like the image in the first panel. It's pleasant, what with the snow and streetlights and all. ^^
    #144: Lol at the fate of the oven. XD I'll pass on the turtle soup for breakfast, though. XP
    "When does the killing begin?"
    It's things like that that make me glad to see Mewfour again. XP
    #146: The "thingamabobber"... XD And oh snap, Dark Sage, MoP found out you were spying on him! XP
    #147: Great title, first of all. XD I liked Shuppet Master's lines in the first panel, too.
    "Logically, it must be here somewhere. Unless, of course, Gavin's been taking my stuff. In which case, murder would be justified."
    #149: O____O Killer presentation there. ^^
    #150: JAY IS BACK. OH SNAP. OH SNAP. Nice eye-opening effect on that page, btw. ^^
    Extra #3: That title misled me. I wanted to see someone get slimed! ;-; Good stuff anyway, though. The second, fourth and fifth panels were especially great. XD

  19. #1299
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Ok..Mr P.

    I just spent 3 hours reading every last one.
    Very awesome and entertaining series, funny and very gripping really.

    That Death Note was hilarious though, sux2Bu.

    Now. I demand one thing. Fix issue 105 Because that was the sole issue that does now show up anymore >>

    Oh and you didn't use the girl from R.O.D :O I was waiting for her to show up...but she no here!

    And Blade, can it. Im about 50 times more lewd mouthed than you.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  20. #1300
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    Thumbs down Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    **** you, you ********** ******* ******** from **** ******* *********** ******* ******* **** *****-*** ****. You have booze assisting you. I'm sober. Ergo, you lose all speaking rights, so SHUT THE **** UP!!!!!!!

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  21. #1301
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    Oh and you didn't use the girl from R.O.D :O I was waiting for her to show up...but she no here!
    Yomiko. mr_pikachu already said he had plans for everyone on the first cover. And this is the second time I myself say he was going to use them already in the first book.

  22. #1302
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Blade, consider yourself warned for spamming. Please don't turn Brian's fic thread into a spamhole, or I'll be forced to infract you.

    *brandishes mod whacking-stick*
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  23. #1303
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Hey, that's not fair! It was his fault, not mine!


    OK, OK, fine...

    Well, so as not to get an infraction, how about an on-topic question: Where's the next comic/book/chapter?

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  24. #1304
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    ::Hugs Blade:: It's ok. I won't say anymore things.

    Mikachu: Yeah I remember him stating that very early on, I was just making sure I didn't speed-read past a chapter when she popped up briefly. Love Yomiko n_n!

    My 2nd question. Mr P.: I do wonder though-since it seems the Forums are their own sovereign nations in this fic-have the Forums ever tried to send diplomats to each other before? They all seem so angry at one another....but maybe I'm just reading too far into it.

    I only state that cause the Cowboy bebop girl (was she B4?) was like "They never ever saw another Mod before" So I'm like "What? how didn't they ever see different mods before?"

    but Jay being alive..say what now? Anxious for that to be explained. As well as more exchange between Roy and Weasie. Shinchan ftw! XD

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  25. #1305
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    I'm going to pre-empt one of the questions that's been asked. While I've done most of the planning and some of the scripting for WotF well in advance, there aren't any new pages yet. Let's just say I've been working on something... special. It's absorbed most of my free creative time over the last few weeks, so no new page.

    I don't have the authority to disclose anything yet, but I hope that will be granted soon. At any rate, I'm confident that when you see it you'll thank me for taking this hiatus from WotF.

    Anyway. To the individual replies!

    Blade: See? I'm good at reading people! Or maybe I'm stalking you...

    At any rate, it's clear that we have very different definitions of eloquence. *hits Enter key*

    As for the next page, see my above response.

    Gavin: Heh, I think both of your descriptors work for the extras. It's been almost a whole book since we last saw Eyebrows, and we'll hit that full 50 pages (maybe more) before his next main page appearance.

    Intriguing analysis. However, it's still quite possible that Andrew's turned traitorous... perhaps I'll reveal how it's possible shortly. Or maybe we'll get into the 200's first.

    At any rate, my mod stick is bigger than yours. Really!

    Shonta: Remind me to get you a Darwin Awards book.

    Hentai fanfiction on I thought they were pruning that variety of rubbish from the site...

    As for the moron quote... *hugs* I don't even have to say it and you get the inference!

    Some characters do need censorship, you're right... don't mess with the freakin' FCC!

    Gabi: How very droll.

    Faiz: As Shonta said, because it's so much funnier to let them do it themselves. Then all you have to do is point it out!

    Crows are probably a delicacy in some region. Everything else is a delicacy somewhere... pass the beak, will you?

    Laura: Does he use filter-evading techniques, too? It wouldn't surprise me...

    Seadra: I'm glad you didn't notice his absence. It means I've kept you too entertained to think about it!

    Mikachu: See, if I tried tracing, my version of Shinji would probably look vaguely like an amoeba with three mustaches. I'm that bad at drawing.

    Oh, and Yomiko Readman will appear in WotF. Her arrival draws ever nearer...

    Mike: Yes, your calendar makes perfect sense. Absolutely!

    Jackass material? And here I thought Lil' Pika, MH's Youtube video, and Roy's flirtation had provided plenty of that.

    I said good writer, by the way. Anyone can be successful alongside the right... visual aids.

    Ever heard of chaos theory? Insult a dead guy on TPM, his parents get angry a few states over, and a dagger magically appears in your chest. Change one thing, and everything changes!

    The board's censors have limits, you know. I could put a bevy of swears in an image and let them try to block it. Think they'd knock it out? I think not.

    As for the literal cliffhanger, it's a good thing I have super-strong hands that totally aren't injured from turning my bike into a catapult. Yes.

    Sike: I do love juxtaposing different moods at times. I'm glad it worked for you. But it's scary, the sort of things that can happen with modern appliances when they don't work right. Mewfour is pure awesome in his own twisted way, but perhaps MoP's more interested in his funny hat than in his team's wishes.

    Isn't it fun to see people ranting? Especially when they do so completely irrationally. Thanks for the compliment on the style for Pika's prophecy... and Jay is back! Look out, heroes, whoever you are!

    What, you wanted goop all over those nice jokes? Aww... but then they'd get all sticky!

    DL: Whoa, what dedication! Thanks for your support, and welcome to the club. I'm glad you like it! ^_^

    It's not so great to know the future. Knowledge can be a serious burden...

    #105's been fixed, by the way. If that happens again in the future, feel free to visit my alternate download page. There's a link to it in the first post of the thread. (Let me know about the void nonetheless, though.)

    Yomiko's coming! Soon... very soon...

    As for the different forums, remember that they're not really different nations so much as different planets. How would you react if an alien landed in your backyard and demanded to negotiate for the release of a covert agent? And if you were an intrepid space cadet, what would you do if a bunch of crazy extraterrestrials snatched one of your crew members?

    Do you think that our president has engaged in open communications with the king of Mars?

    And Jay's alive! Want an explanation? Check the title of #150 and see if it sounds familiar...

    I'll try to get the next page up ASAP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  26. #1306
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Shonta: Hentai fanfiction on I thought they were pruning that variety of rubbish from the site...


    *laughs harder*

    What made you believe that?
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    Wink Re: War of the Forums (#150)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Charles: *tries to remember the last PM I sent you*

    Well, perhaps it's a good thing that you're at least partially oriented with Team Chaos. ^_^;
    How in the world could you of all people forget you gave me a me a Spamming Infraction?! I even made a Reference to it in my comic "The Misadventures of Charles Legend..." btw I'm not mad at you Brian, you were just doing your job...

    Yeah, I guess it is, but I was more or less telling Bademaster to take a chill pill... anyways JAY is back which is Interesting, also Extra #3 was very funny...

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  28. #1308
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Extra #3)

    Ahh different planets. Ok, that makes more sense. Course, I was thinking interforumdimensional time rifts, but that's just how my brain works. Ok then. :O

    :Waits paitently-O yeah 105!::

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Cover #4)

    Shonta: Evidently not from actually reading their fics. Excuse me as I go throw up.

    Charles: Ahh, right. Didn't realize that was the last PM; thought there might have been one or two since then.

    Will the ominous mood continue into the next book?

    DL: Interforumdimensional time rifts? Now there's a concept... may need to keep that in mind, actually. Perhaps it'll come in handy for a few future plot twists...


    Cover #4: For once, we've actually seen every character on this page before. From top to bottom and left to right...

    Row 1: Shinobu Maehara (mistysakura), Love Hina; Saya Otonashi (???), Blood+
    Row 2: Kenshin (???), Rurouni Kenshin
    Row 3: Commander Amarao (???), FLCL; Orochimaru (Jay), Naruto

    I personally like the whole "on the surface" effect with the last three characters. Hopefully you feel the same way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  30. #1310
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Cover #4)

    Hmm, IBrowse R da Devil? That, or he could really use an earpick... (Yes, I'm aware they're guns, btw.)

    Heh, nice to see this new cover. What with the spoiler - ad in your sig (what you call those, ficware?), I can see we're in for another ride of a lifetime (or two, in Jay's case).
    Thanks Orion, for my reflection...
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Cover #4)

    Interesting... everyone on this page looks so violent (except Ada). Even Eyebrows has guns and looks like a maniac. And Kenshin's the central character? Funny, he hasn't done much yet -- a late main character? I do like the 'on the surface' effect.
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (Cover #4)

    I'm seconding Ada here; something tells me that Kenshin is in the center because he is a "brand new" face, and thus will have a major role in this arc; if not, then start a rise towards that level.

    The "on the surface" effect looks snazzy in my opinion, too. Although what dragged my attention at first was the shadowed look of Amarao ("Mr. Bushy Eyebrows") in correlation to his position on a darker part of the moon's surface.

    Maybe we'll see exactly who this "Mr. Bushy Eyebrows" is this time. And I wonder if my predictions as to exactly who Kenshin may be are correct. Either way, I can't wait for the next page!

    ...I'm not dead yet!

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#151)

    ANNOUNCEMENT: I've been a little dissatisfied with some of the pages to this point, mostly because I saved them in the .gif format. So from now on, all pages will have a .gif version and a .jpg version. You can access the .jpg alternatives as they appear by going to my Photobucket page (linked in the first post). Thanks!

    Mike: Evil iBrowse! Eeeeevil!

    It's good to be moving again. As for the graphic in my sig, I refer to that as the trailer. Hopefully it's a sign of intense things to come.

    Ada: Aww, you're a pacifist! Yes, iBrowse is a little scary there. Then, again, he did go after a mod in his only scene to date. That's gotta count for something. As for Kenshin, no comment. But I'm glad the cover effect worked!

    Toxicity: Well, I don't include characters for no reason. Everyone has a role to play, and so does good ol' Kenshin.

    I'm relieved that the "on the surface" effect was... effective. I was kind of worried that Kenshin would look as if he was hovering, but your reactions seem to say otherwise. And yes, iBrowse's placement was intentional.

    Bushy-brow, Kenshin, that metal dude... lots of characters whose identities still aren't entirely clear. I guarantee, a lot of insights will be coming your way in this book.

    I no longer remember who coined "iBrowse," but it's an effective tool for referring to the dude with the 'tude. Anyway, next page!

    #151: It's pretty bad when you have to pull rank on the person you're trying to rescue. But in such situations, you do whatever you've got to do.

    Will this Romeo and Juliet-style subplot end as tragically as Shakespeare's original?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#151)

    Ho boy, another situation that may turn ugly...

    I've read several of what I call the "E.T. Reverse Syndrome" in comic books, where an alien doesn't want to go home for one reason or another. Like I said, it can turn ugly.

    So what now?

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#151)

    Good cover, Brian. I thought maybe the characters were there to symbolise each group that they come from, but not knowing who half of them are, it's hard to be sure. Another book, another box filled with tasty-looking hats, I guess.

    ... and the first page is a corker. Becca doesn't want to be rescued by her own people? By her commanding officer?! C'est bizarre!! But the question is ... why? Stockholm syndrome? Something tells me I already should have picked up on the answer, but maybe I'm wrong, and it's a brand new curveball. Anyway, though there wasn't anything revolutionary about the structure of this page (like the last two), that's as to be expected really - there's no way you can do something brand new every page for 151 pages. The choice of panels was effective as always, in particular the last one ... which I'm interpreting as a glare from Becca?

    Seeya next page!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  36. #1316
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#151)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    I no longer remember who coined "iBrowse,"
    Right here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Becca doesn't want to be rescued by her own people? By her commanding officer?! C'est bizarre!! But the question is ... why? Stockholm syndrome? Something tells me I already should have picked up on the answer
    No kidding. Look at the page title.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    The choice of panels was effective as always, in particular the last one ... which I'm interpreting as a glare from Becca?
    Glare = anger. She looks more sad or conflicted than angry.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#151)

    Huhr? What's that? Don't tell me TML fell for MH's..., I mean his... Scratch that, because, now what could she see in him? (I can think of a perfect answer to that question, but it would likely be censured.)

    Anyway, so what might Saffire do now? Open zeh fire? And, well, maybe I'm mistaken, but the people Saff could be have been limited once more, because Searching the Member List, I only got one match.

    Though, taking into account dh13 was stabb-- I mean demodded a while back, I suppose it might be someone else entirely still, though whether that person would also be so closely connected to TML...
    Last edited by Crystalmaster Mike; 29th January 2008 at 01:19 PM.
    Thanks Orion, for my reflection...
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  38. #1318

    Smile Re: War of the Forums (#151)

    Hopefully, that won't happen because what I remember from Romeo and Juliet ... they both died. Yeah, not a very happy ending for either of them. Hopefully for Mega_Horny and Becca, their happy ending will be a lot more cheerful.

    Also the last frame was interesting. Sometimes you don't need words to describe what is happening. A simple picture does it all. And her expression really is powerful in that last picture.
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    Prue: Inspector, actually.
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#152)

    DS: Reverse E.T. Syndrome? That's a new term to me, but I can certainly see how it applies here. As for what happens now... you'll see very shortly.

    Gavin: Don't you just love speculation? The placement of the characters is relevant in a few ways, but I can't just tell you... we want you to have a fiber-filled diet, after all.

    Clearly, someone's forgotten #38. Yes, Becca doesn't want to leave Fanfic. Why? What's her vested interest? You're right that this isn't a brand-new curveball... more like a well-timed changeup. And no, there's certainly nothing new about the six-panel format; I save my deviations for only the most important and dramatic moments. Don't worry, there will be more. ^_^

    As for Becca's last look, I'll let you and your fellow readers decipher that if you like.

    Blade: Dang it. I was afraid of... er! I mean, uh, I should've known you'd be the one who came up with such a witty, precise and concise name!

    *sweats bullets*

    Mike: Nah, that sort of thing's only censored for people who have their filters on. This is Fanfic, baby! Bring on the crude language!

    Saffire's... uh... a secret member! Yes, secret! And the fact that she was called "Saffire Persian" in #142 only further adds to her ambiguity!

    ...You're not buying this at all, are you?

    Inferno: See, I'm not hoping for a better happy ending. I'm just hoping for a happy ending for our two lovebirds. While secretly plotting their destruction alongside everyone else in this wretched world. Muahahahaha!

    I've honestly grown hesitant about using panels that completely lack words, as they haven't worked well in this past. I'm glad this one was a rare hit.

    If two aliens fly away in a UFO and nobody believes the conspiracy theorists, are they really little green men?

    #152: If the other forums are abandoning their mission to Fanfic, that might put a damper on the whole "War of the Forums" thing.

    Poor, poor Becca, estranged from her lover...

    The most frustrating thing about this page was that I had to redo it because of a numbering error. Might have gotten some snide remarks for a second #102.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  40. #1320
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#152)

    In my defence, that page was over half a year ago. Now I know how my readers feel. ^_^ Ah well, at least that old page makes more sense now. Becca's infatuated with MH. Saff wants to get her the hell out of there, which makes perfect sense from a diplomatic standpoint.

    So, they're aborting the mission, eh? That was unexpected. Somehow I don't think that's going to stem the impending conflict, though - not in the least. Something's gotta give. Also ... "Fanfiction is simply too primitive" ... hehe, that made me chuckle.

    I also feel the need to add that the third panel just looks ... disturbing ... somehow. I think I glanced at it and thought she had her finger in her mouth, and it just looked very very wrong ... then I realised that would have made her a six-fingered alien.

    I like fibre. Bring it on!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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