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Thread: War of the Forums

  1. #401
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#32)

    Whoa pervert jokes tehe........I never thought Blademaster could get into so much trouble.

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  2. #402
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#32)

    Sorry for the delay in reviewing - I couldn't get to my computer because my living room was flooded.


    Why are you looking at me like that...?


    Comic #28: Becca came to Earth in a UFO? Wow, all my questions about her have suddenly been answered. Oh, and Ada's joke about Mega Horny's name FTW. 7.5/10
    Comic #29: XD That was perfect. Totally the way Blademaster would react to that situation. 9.5/10
    Comic #30: Gavin is funny when he's in denial. 8/10
    Comic #31: Strike that... Gavin is SCARY when he's in denial. And why does he get an office and I only get a crappy little cubicle? 7.5/10
    Comic #32: XDXDXDXDXDXD Once again, the exact way Blademaster would react... Are you spying on me? 9.5/10

    Overall score so far: 8.0625/10

    On the way to a perfect score... Keep at it, Bri.


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  3. #403
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#33)

    Phoenixsong: Your plot-twist senses are tingling? XD Heh, you have no idea...

    #32 was tough, because I couldn't find a picture that quite explained it... I had hoped that the fifth frame would demonstrate TML's absence. (The only one I could find with Blademaster turned the other way had him facing a hallow... that wouldn't have really worked.)

    As for TML's affiliations, we'll be getting to that soon enough. ^_^

    Houndoom_Lover: I think they said it in a lot of episodes, actually... if I remember correctly, Jackie would repeatedly grab Jade just as she was leaping in with a flying sidekick or some other technique. Later she'd just shrug it off: "Yeah, yeah. Greatest victory, battle not fought. I got it." As for the mods fighting, well...

    MH: Yeah, it's hard to find good pictures sometimes. Most of the time, you can just ignore the clothes. ...Please? ^_^;;

    Faiz: It's not all that original of a censoring method, but it's still fun.

    The question about how long Blademaster was there is actually rhetorical, because I don't know. The point is, he was there for awhile. And he "won" based on the title, simply because he didn't fight. Heh.

    Gabi: Hehe, thanks! Blademaster missed his chance and got called a nasty name... it hasn't been a good day for him.

    CEB: Yeah, he's in the midst of some serious hijinks! Funny how not drawing your sword can get you into trouble.

    Blade: It's not quite as funny when you go through it yourself.


    Yeah, #28 brought about quite a revelation. I'm glad the crossed-up plotlines of Gavin and Blademaster are working, as well... it wasn't easy to figure out the order of those pages.

    Oh, and see that speck of dirt in the corner of the room, behind the computer? Yeah, that one right there. That's not really dirt. It's something a little more... technological.

    Heh. You should see the look on your face.

    #33: Gavin's phone just keeps getting new tunes. This one is No Doubt's "Too Late."

    And we have another reference to Andrew! But he hasn't been shown anywhere... the camera just doesn't love him, I guess.

    Incidentally, the title's a reference to an old TV show that didn't make nearly as big of a splash upon being revived.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  4. #404
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#33)

    Ah, candid camera. I remember that show. "Smile! You're on candid camera!"

    I'm sure we all know what the report is about. Oh boy, wonder how long Gavin can continue his denial, until he a) make up with mr_pika, or b) become insane. Guess it'll be more towards the second option.

    I think Gavin's face at the last two panel is really fitting. Oh, and Brian: I think you meant the speck of dirt on his DS screen.
    Please take it easy~

  5. #405
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#33)

    You update really fast, it's hard to keep up..(for me at least =O)
    but for number 33, in the first panel..I thought it was Andrew saying those words to Gavin, not his phone ringing.. ^^U

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  6. #406
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#34)

    Faiz: Yeah, that was a good show back in its prime. *sniffs sentimentally*

    If you're thinking about what I'm thinking about, then yes, that report is about what you're thinking about. We'll see how ol' Gav copes with it.

    And I'm really glad you liked the "shocked beyond belief" look...

    Hyperness: Well, this is the fastest I've ever updated any project, largely because it's so easy for you all to read a single page. If I were to post a whole chapter every day, I suspect I'd lose readers who fell behind... with this, though, it's easy to play catch-up.

    As for the phone ringing, I may have to change how I do that. Maybe add a musical note or something, because people don't seem to always recognize the altered text alone.

    #34: I decided on the character for Charles Legend long before he became a reporter (although the final decision was made after the cover page was done). Somehow, it still kinda works. He's got the whole suave, kind of sly guy thing going for him. And he works for the Fanfic E-zine. What does that tell you, huh?

    The reference given by the title should be obvious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  7. #407
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#34)

    Wow, Charles gets an ace character to be him! Vash rocks. XD

    Keep up the good work, el Bri! *waves flag* (wow, my comments get less productive every time, eh?)

    this is hell
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  8. #408

    Default Re: War of the Forums (#34)

    Lol. Charles Legend as Vash sddfklaskl;dlfsd super long name I can't repeat. XD And it doesn't surprise me ever, considering her portraying character's origins, that she's an alien of sorts.

    Ah, and I like Gavin's shocked/immensly horrified face. keep up the good work.

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  9. #409
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#34)

    The continuation of the shocked face of Gavin!

    Wow, so Charles is Vash huh? I didn't think he'd make an appearance this soon... So, when will Andrew make his appearance? And wonder what role he will get?
    Please take it easy~

  10. #410
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#34)

    Finally I get to see all three comic strips. -_-" Took me quite a while though with Imageshack's pictures not appearing on my screen and Photobucket down last night. But thanks to Brian, I get to see the other two.

    #32: Damn Blademaster is too absorded into his little own world and by the time he realized that Rebecca is gone, it is already evening. Waste of money to employ him, Mega Horny. But then again, lets see if Blademaster can redeem himself.

    #33: A shocked Gavin lost for words! Hah, thats what he get for failing to believe in Brian. Well afterall, you are suppose to trust your teammate right? Even in the army, we were taught that if you want others to trust you, you have to trust them first. This teaches us an element of teamwork. Hope he learns his lesson now.

    #34: OMG! It's Charles Legend and he is in Vash's form! XD Lucky Charles, you got the coolest animated character compared to others. But then again, let's see if Brian intends to let your character stay cool. Lol~ the evil plans of Mr Pikachu...

  11. #411
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#34)

    I just have to reply again just because you seem to read and answer on all the posts, no matter who sent them.

    Printed the pages 8-10 yesterday, and page 11 as it was on about 14:00 Finland (or actually Moscow) time. As for someone who doesn't have money, it would be better if you weren't so fast updating, they must buy new ink too often. BUT you have to buy the ink in any case if you want to print...oh well. And yes, I must buy my ink with my own money as well.

    Am I just imagining or are you using the same characters more and more? I haven't seen any new ones, if I didn't miss anything. Still waiting for me.

    EDIT: Oh, stupid me, I read the last comic too fast. There is a new character isn't there?
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 12th May 2007 at 12:12 AM.

  12. #412
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    Cool Re: War of the Forums (#34)

    Heh. Something tells me she didn't want that much exposure.

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  13. #413
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#34)

    Wooooo! Mr. Charles is so lucky!! Vash is awesome! ^.^ And yeah, I do remember that crazy useage of that phrase, and then they'd go kick butt XD. OOOh! Keep up the good worky work!! ^-^.
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  14. #414
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#35)

    Weasel: Yes, Vash is truly cool. One does have to wonder, though, if he'll stay that way. Just look at what happened to Blademaster!

    And I don't mind the cheerleading. I guess you don't always have to be productive...

    Saff: It's actually a little ironic, when you think about it. Vash the Stampede isn't technically human, but Charles appears to be every bit a Fanficcer. As for TML, it does make a fair bit of sense, doesn't it?

    And Gavin's expression is fun, huh?

    Faiz: Well, I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce Charles' character. And isn't it interesting that the "ace character" works for the E-zine? Maybe some of you would benefit from a little reporting... ^_^

    As for Andrew... well... Blademaster can tell you just how much I love running gags.

    Dark: Yeah, I E-mailed the pages to you as soon as I heard about Photobucket. Aren't I nice?

    Perhaps it was a waste of money. But then again, wouldn't you be freaked out? At least Blade's recovered his senses now...

    As you said, trust and teamwork are essential elements for any group, whether it's an army unit or an administrative team. Let's see if Gavin learns his lesson.

    And once again, Charles is Vash. What, you didn't see that coming?

    Mikachu: I should skip you now, just to mess with your head.

    Anyway, I don't want you to go bankrupt printing pages... just make sure you're able to pay the internet bill! And why bother printing them anyway, if you don't pay enough attention to notice big introductions? >_<

    Gabi: Hehe... we'll see just what that does to her vested interests.

    Houndoom: Vash is indeed very cool. And Jackie Chan Adventures was a cool show in all respects. Too bad it met its end.

    Okay, yesterday was... long. Was directing a chess tournament until 5 p.m., had to clear up some administrative stuff afterward, and then I went to see Disturbia with a friend. (That is a weird and suspenseful movie, by the way. Very suspenseful. And weird.)

    Of course, around midnight I realized that I hadn't gotten a Mother's Day gift yet, so... long story short, I got home at about 3:30 in the morning and simply collapsed. So that's why there wasn't another page yesterday.

    Anyway. Here's the next one!

    #35: I'll just let you all wonder whether we really have conversations like this.

    Anyway, the title is a reference to one of Karania's many short stories. It's yet another fic I wish life didn't keep me too busy to read...

    Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  15. #415
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    Thumbs down Re: War of the Forums (#35)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of TPM?
    Yes, I do. Very much. Like now.

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  16. #416
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#35)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of TPM?
    Hey wait ain't both life and TPM getting over my Pokemon Pearl? Damn...

    #35 - Wait you dudes are discussing on what to do with Rebecca and Gavin is not contributing? Now give me a minute...

    *grabs Gavin by the collar*

    *start whacking him till he snaps out of his shock*

    *Throws him back into the comic strip*

    Now we will see if he comes to his senses now.

  17. #417
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#35)

    O.o.... Ok, that's odd my post vanaished..... Odd I tell you it's just plain odd because I recall typing it out and posting it the other day after faiz told me to check it out..... O.o

    Anyways Brian, you were right I do think Vash fits me, do to the fact that one of my Favorite types of Pokemon besids Dragon types is Grass types...

    Oh yeah Brian just to let you know I am realy enjoying reading this fic, And I dubt the FanfFiction board well ever truly be the same after this fic.

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  18. #418
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#35)

    Panel 6 is the best . I'm going to try and guess who said what -- I think dh is top left, Brian is right and I'm bottom left. I love it how Gavin's just centred in the whole thing and staring into space. About the broadcast, yay for shameless e-zine advertising. Charles Legend 's character seems to suit that role.
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  19. #419
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#35)

    Ada, that's uncanny - I had the same characters assigned to each speech bubble in panel 6. I'm pretty sure we're right on which words belong to which character.

    Classy stuff as per usual, Brian. Loving the character development of the mod characters and also the inclusion of Charles Legend as the reporter dude. Plot-wise, it looks like things are about to get really interesting ... what will happen next? Will full-scale war break out? Only time will tell ... and knowing how long mods take to reach a decision, that will probably mean a great amount of time.

    I really liked Panel 6 in this last one. A bit sappy, maybe, but a very effective way to portray the feelings of the WotF Gavin.

    My only other comment on the past few pages (apart from the obvious "good stuff") is: Too Late? Why did I post that? Heh. Was cool to have Andrew calling for a change, a bit of character development stuff there. I'm wondering what song you're going to use next, actually, since most of the one's I've posted in that thread since No Doubt are from relatively new/underground bands or songs. Interesting ...

    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  20. #420
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#36)

    Gabi: Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that life gets out of the way soon!

    Dark: Everyone loves that line, I see! But why don't you multitask by playing Pearl and surfing TPM simultaneously, Dark?

    Hehe, yeah, Gavin's in a bit of a daze right now. I wonder how much it'll take to snap him out of that funk?

    Charles: Your post vanished? That's odd... of course, it's possible that you hit the "Submit Reply" button and the forum just had an error. But if you actually saw the post after it was made, and then it disappeared... that's weird.

    Anyway, I'm glad to hear that my choice of Vash fit! See, like I told you, it was either going to be perfect or a complete mismatch. Glad it was the former. ^_^

    As for Fanfic never being the same after this... I just hope that the War doesn't destroy the board.

    Ada: Hehe, interesting guesses. Since the whole point of me doing panel six like that was to leave it open to interpretation, I'm not going to confirm that your guesses were correct or tell you that they were wrong. I do know who I had saying each line in my head, but they could easily be mixed and matched. ^_^ And yeah, Gavin's zoning out a bit, huh?

    As for the E-zine... *turns to everyone else* ...if you want to be cool like Vash, write for the E-zine!

    Love and peace!

    Gavin: "Character development." ...Suddenly I feel very proud, since those are two words I've never attributed to any webcomic. Thanks!

    Things are definitely going to get interesting. In this case, though, the mods had better act fast. Otherwise, the situation could get out of hand... And panel 6 was very fun to make.

    I'm actually intrigued by how important the songs are becoming. Having them be such a major feature was not my original intent, but they do seem to have captured the attention of a few people. Hmm...

    Anyway, announcement time. I'm going to be going on vacation, starting either tomorrow night or Wednesday morning. As such, I'll have somewhere between minimal and zero internet access through the beginning of June. So even though I have more pages completed, we're about to hit a delay in posting. Either this page or the next one will be the last page for awhile, unless our vacation plans change rather drastically. But never fear; the War will continue in June! Look forward to it!

    #36: You can't even change clothes in public any more! How lame is that?

    Note how saying "Becca" apparently isn't safe in this setting. And remember #18, where things had to be confirmed "secure." What's with that, anyway?

    The title refers to a one-shot by pokemon4eva, which in turn refers to the old saying, "Out of the frying pan, into the fire."

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  21. #421
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#36)

    #36- Now the three poeple who had seen Becca morph would be Blademaster, Gavin and you. Poor Becca, to think she has to leave the cast too early.

    @Brian- I tried it isn't working. Multi- tasking pearl, TPM and animes doesn't work well.

  22. #422
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#36)

    hehehehehe, morphing, sounds funny ^_^. The comic is progressing nicely. I think Becca likes to Morph a lot.

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  23. #423
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#36)

    Someone is not who they are pretending to be. I smell espionage! My suspicions fall onto my character, mr_pika and Blademaster. Hmmmmmm. Or someone else. Interesting. Veeery interesting.

    We'll be there for the next installment whenever it comes along, Brian; until then, have a good trip!
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  24. #424
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#36)

    Wow, this is getting deeper! I wonder who's talking to her and what her 'agency' does.

    And yes, I hope so too. At least I'm done correcting exams. Once I've survived Friday, things should get better for a couple of days... I hope.

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  25. #425

    Smile Re: War of the Forums (#36)

    Instead of posting a comment for every issue, I am going to combine them together in one post. First of all, things are getting out of control here. Poor The Missing Link, I guess she should have been more careful. Now everybody knows about here and things are going to probably go down hill from here.

    And poor Blademaster, just when he cornered TML, she disappeared ... and is called a pervant again.

    Things are getting really exciting and I can't wait to see what happens next.

    By the way, how many issues will this story have anyways?
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  26. #426
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#36)

    Quote Originally Posted by Inferno_Dragon View Post
    And poor Blademaster, just when he cornered TML, she disappeared ... and is called a pervant again.
    Hey, if you were chasing a shapeshifting alien beauty all around the planet, you'd have people calling you a pervert, too.

    Now, while I finally have a break, I guess I should get a review in.

    Comic #33: Oy... Poor Gavin looks like he's finally cracked. I'd feel sorry for him, but... Eh... I like him better this way. 8.5/10
    Comic #34: Charles Legend as VASH?! No f**king way! How... buh... whuh... why... Vash?!?!?!?! 7/10
    Comic #35: I disagree with Gavin and Ada - I think Ada was top-left, Bri was bottom-left, and Martin was on the right. The way it was worded just sounded more like something that an old 'sage' kinda guy would say... 7.5/10
    Comic #36: Heehee... A whole comic focused around Becca... But now that I think about it, she keeps being called 'Agent 01...' That means there must be other agents, besides just her and her boss... But who are they? The ASB Mods, perhaps...? 9/10

    Overall score so far: 8.05

    These numbers are getting harder to keep track of...

    Well, until June, then.


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  27. #427
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37)

    Dark: Trust me, a lot more people have seen Becca now. 90% of Fanfic amounts to more than three Fanficcers.

    CEB: Yeah, we're moving now! But what do you mean about Becca morphing a lot?

    Gavin: Someone's getting suspicious, I see! S'pose your full attention's on this fic now. Awesome! Hopefully you'll like the next installment...

    Gabi: Oh, you have no idea about the depth issue. We'll see how accurate your "agency" comment is...

    And I hope that things get better for you soon. Enjoy the weekend and the weeks to follow!

    Inferno: "Out of control" sums it up nicely, I think. Becca's job is about to get more difficult... but what is her job, anyway? Now there's an interesting question.

    Blademaster's profession isn't an easy one. From dealing with crazy clients to fighting women as they strip, what's a mercenary to do?

    And the number of pages... well, that's my little secret. ^_^

    Blade: Excuses, excuses. You could still be a gentleman, y'know!

    Gavin's being forced to change his whole outlook on life or live in denial of an obvious truth. That's not an easy situation, but we'll see how he handles it. Vash is indeed Charles personified - or is it the other way around? And yes, Becca is Agent 01. But just because you're given a number doesn't mean that others come after you. Just look at Blademaster and his "Syndicate."

    And you know, if you just gave a "10" each time, it wouldn't be so hard to calculate the score. ^_^

    Okay, it's time I pulled a page from Gavin's playbook, in more ways than one. How do you all like cliffhangers?

    #37: Here's a fun fact: I actually completed this page before #36. See, I got started on writing it without thinking, and it just seemed stupid to stop in the middle. So I finished the page and went back to do what I'd planned for #36.

    Anyway, it looks like Gavin's about to look Fanfic in the eye and tell the most blatant lie of his career...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  28. #428
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    Ooooh, what an evil liar... *lols*
    damage control all the way!
    in the second panel, is the guy with silver hair supposed to be Gavin replying or is he off-screen(panel)...?

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  29. #429
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    *whistles* Hehe, cliffhanger in the sense of a hiatus until June? That's taking a page out of Gavin's book all right Anyways. That's one risky plan... and it doesn't make that much sense either. She can morph because she hacked an account? (By the way, it's weird to see a reference to accounts. Are our characters more than our accounts? Hmm...) But at least I see the reasoning behind detaining her.

    I like your final comment (panel 6). Have fun on your trip, and we can all jump on you and demand #38 on your return.
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  30. #430
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    Account hacking? I wonder how that works over there.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix View Post
    Account hacking? I wonder how that works over there.
    Never question the technology that Rebecca possess, Gabi. Besides you too originated from the PCG planet! Hence you should know about the technology that Rebecca had, better than the rest of us would. ^.^

    #38- Now with Gavin back as the boss, would his attempts to catch Rebecca falls through or would it fall into place? My money bet is on him failing too. ^.^ Sorry Gavin but from the looks of it, you are doomed to fail since this would make the plot more interesting.

  32. #432
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    WOW! IT got so deep, so WAS THAT!? *whips out my beating bat* What was that Blademaster -_0? You best not touch that alien, or Bertha (the bat) will get a work out!...

    ^-^ This is so good!! Keep up the good work...and Jackie Chan lives on, in a fanfiction somewhere...out there. *thumbs up*

    The scence (sp? 0.o) are so colourful! They keeps blonds like me watching ^_________^
    Last edited by Houndoom_Lover; 16th May 2007 at 05:48 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  33. #433
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    Whoa. A suspenseful cliffhanger AND a hiatus? That's definitely taking a couple of leaves from my book.

    Nice to see my character doing something other than sulking for a change; though it is indeed a risky move. I wonder how all this is going to play out ... intriguing. I'll be back in June for the rest of the story - once again, great stuff!

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  34. #434
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    Exclamation Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-San View Post
    Never question the technology that Rebecca possess, Gabi. Besides you too originated from the PCG planet! Hence you should know about the technology that Rebecca had, better than the rest of us would. ^.^

    #38- Now with Gavin back as the boss, would his attempts to catch Rebecca falls through or would it fall into place? My money bet is on him failing too. ^.^ Sorry Gavin but from the looks of it, you are doomed to fail since this would make the plot more interesting.
    Aaah! They're onto me! *Hides.*

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  35. #435
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    glad to see this is still so successful mr_pika. it's brought out a lot of your creativity! also i'm happy to see the plot take center stage now after a really funny beginning. have fun on the hiatus and come back safe!

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  36. #436
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, hiatus until June)

    Love that last line. "You're crazy to try this, Gav! Totally nuts.'s good to have you back."
    Please take it easy~

  37. #437
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, still on hiatus...)

    Okay, um... replies first, whining second!

    Hyperness: Hehe, it would appear that Gavin's really pushing things! Maybe he'd be willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the mod staff, although that is a devious way to do it.

    At any rate... um... there's nobody else in the second panel. *waves hand mystically* You saw nothing! Nothing, you hear me? Nothing!

    ...Yeah. ^_^;;;

    Ada: You've gotta love those month-long cliffhangers! Anyway, Gavin's getting ready to blatantly lie to all of Fanfic. If he's going to tell everyone that TML's been detained when she really hasn't, why should he be truthful about the reason for said detainment?

    You do bring up an interesting point about the accounts. I'm glad someone picked up on that, because I'm hoping to go further into that later.

    Gabi: Account hacking is tricky business... but I'm not sure how to explain it here without giving away a lot of the basis for this world. You'll see, though... eventually.

    Dark: Otaku to otaku, you should know better than most how badly Mizuho's "alien technology" tended to malfunction. ^_^

    As for Gavin's plan failing, don't forget that he's not the only one on the staff. Maybe someone will pull his buns out of the fire. ...Then again, maybe not.

    Houndoom: I'm glad you like the thickening plot! It's weird, because this project will probably be littered with comedy, and yet it's supposed to eventually get really deep... not sure if that'll pan out, but I'll try to make it work.

    Ironically, my initial idea involved using the exact same picture every time a character appeared. Looking back, I'm glad I deviated from that little plan.

    Gavin: Oh, you'll be doing a lot more than sulking soon. Maybe it'll involve an execution, and maybe it won't. Either way, it'll be fun! ^_^

    And it's good to know that things are exciting. Hopefully they'll remain that way for a while longer.

    Martin: The plot is starting to get some emphasis, although there's still quite a lot of comedy as well. Still, I'm hoping that this grows out of its initial "joke of the day" tone into a rich story. Thanks for the compliments, and I hope you continue to stick with this work!

    Faiz: Even during tense moments, a one-liner can work wonders.

    Now for the bad part. Some of you are probably wondering why there's not another page at the bottom of this post. "You promised, Pika!" Yeah, I did. But unfortunate circumstances (including the roasting of my computer's motherboard) have forced me to prolong this hiatus a bit.

    The good news is that the tech guys at CompUSA claim to have recovered the data and deposited it on my external hard drive. I haven't had a chance to check that yet, but I can always kill them if they lied. Bloodshed is fun!

    ...There are two pieces of bad news. The first is that I won't have my new computer for about a week, or maybe even longer. Until then, I'm really hesitant to mess around with the hard drive to post individual pages... after all, every single file from my old comuter is now on that thing, so I really hate to take any chances until I can permanently throw them onto the new one.

    The other bad thing is that, according to those techies (again), they don't salvage programs. Only files. This is bad news, since Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop were rather critical for the whole process. Now, I think I can find a way around that issue, but it may take me a little time. Even if I can't get fix the problem immediately, I'll post the new pages until I run out. And if I run out, well, I may have to do some overly expensive software shopping. >_<

    Anyway! In sum, I'll post the new pages as soon as I get my new computer, or sooner if I just get really frustrated by the delays. And I'll do everything I can to get the programs I need to keep the project going. Because there's no way I'm letting the War die. Not until it's reached its proper end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  38. #438
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#37, still on hiatus...)

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Dark: Otaku to otaku, you should know better than most how badly Mizuho's "alien technology" tended to malfunction. ^_^

    As for Gavin's plan failing, don't forget that he's not the only one on the staff. Maybe someone will pull his buns out of the fire. ...Then again, maybe not.
    It only misfunction when Keisuke hit Maria by surprise during their first meeting. Otherwise it would still be working perfectly.

    Then of course about your next chapter, I can wait for good stuff since I am one patient guy. But then of course, do not drag the release for too long either. ^.^

  39. #439
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#38)

    Hiatus over. Let's rock!

    #38: The title is an obvious reference to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as well as to the fact that Becca is taking orders.

    Hmm... 40 could be a nice, round page number with which to end the series...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  40. #440
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#38)

    40 pages, eh? I somehow don't believe that... but who am I to know better than the author? I can't believe Becca still wants to be with Mega Horny after all this. The picture in panel 2 is really pretty, and I like the aliens' line in panel 5. Sounds incredibly like a computer being difficult. Well, I'm glad this is back.
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