Glameows ( Pearl Exclusive Cat Pokemon ) I have 1 Level 29/30 Male or Level 1 Glameow Babies
Chimchar I now have 1 Level 1 Chimchar Babies
2577 9615 9143
Welcome to the TRT, instead of everyone posting annoying threads, post here if you are wanting to do your buisness.
ALSO! Include your Pokemon and FriendCode just in case here as well.
Glameows ( Pearl Exclusive Cat Pokemon ) I have 1 Level 29/30 Male or Level 1 Glameow Babies
Chimchar I now have 1 Level 1 Chimchar Babies
2577 9615 9143
Last edited by Roy Karrde; 1st May 2007 at 01:37 PM.
Right my Phione egg give away is continuing in here. I'm probably gonna have another one when I go on my game tonight again so that's another one open. As said in the topic I made earlier, I'll accept anything basically, after all... it is a give away.
And may I suggest this topic just being named 'Trading Thread' perhaps. I think it would make more sense since it's not just for requests. It'll stop all the trading topics.
Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139
Mmm, you wouldn't mind something else from me, would you? I currently only have that one master ball and I'm about to trade it off for something else.
Avatar made by Jade Dragonair. Thanks very much, JD!
Once I get my wi-fi figured out, i would really love it if someone who beat the game would be nice enough to trade me a Yanma.
All right, Storm, I have a Charmander on Diamond now, I just need to breed an extra one to trade. And Sceptile_Master, yeah, a Phione egg sounds cool. I'm about to go to bed though, so I'll have to do the trades tomorrow.
Edit: Oh and if anyone's interested, I have Feebas.
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Diamond: 1418 3196 1413 - SoulSilver: 0217 4582 5426 - White: 1119 9535 7054 - White 2: 1421 4560 4887 - X: same as 3DS
3DS: 3866 8018 5231 - AIM: IslanderJeff02
Joined November 8, 2004 - Modded October 24, 2008
Right sorry for the absence I've come back from girlfriends now so i'm ready to trade. And yes Negrek I'll accept anything.
Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139
Ok, so I was looking for
Sandshrew (allot of people already looking out for me)
Larvitar (Sceptile_Master has an egg)
and now also: Staryu
Also, I would like to trade Palkia up and down with the diamond-cover-pokemon, and i have a graveller that should evolve by trading.
So I could still need some friends![]()
I'm trading Feebas eggs if anyone wants to try and trade for one
Storm, I have a Charmander I can trade, level 1.
Winner of the Unown Awards: 2008 "Hard Work", 2010 "Dedicated", 2012 "Journalist", 2012 "Unown", 2013 "Anchorman", 2014 "Unown", 2015 "Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff!"
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Diamond: 1418 3196 1413 - SoulSilver: 0217 4582 5426 - White: 1119 9535 7054 - White 2: 1421 4560 4887 - X: same as 3DS
3DS: 3866 8018 5231 - AIM: IslanderJeff02
Joined November 8, 2004 - Modded October 24, 2008
I know this is the wrong thread for this, but is there a way to know how many Pokemon I can possibly get? I have Diamond, Pearl, Ruby, and Fire Red, and no Game Link Cable to trade with the last two, no Gameshark or emulator, etc. So, I'm trying to figure out all the Pokemon I can get in these games. Does anybody know a site where I can do that? I can trade for the rest of them here.
BTW, my FC is 1074 7305 0195. Sign me up, folks!![]()
Kallah, I would greatly enjoy a feebas, if you could still spare one once I get my Wi-fi set up. Also, if any of you have beaten the game, it would rock if one of you could be lovely and catch you a yanma. If you'd like to, PM me for specifics.
As for what I have?
Bidoof, anyone?
That's me offering Feebas
Anyway yeah, I can trade you one if you want one. I'll be available after 3:00 eastern today.
Winner of the Unown Awards: 2008 "Hard Work", 2010 "Dedicated", 2012 "Journalist", 2012 "Unown", 2013 "Anchorman", 2014 "Unown", 2015 "Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff!"
Facebook - YouTube - Miiverse
Diamond: 1418 3196 1413 - SoulSilver: 0217 4582 5426 - White: 1119 9535 7054 - White 2: 1421 4560 4887 - X: same as 3DS
3DS: 3866 8018 5231 - AIM: IslanderJeff02
Joined November 8, 2004 - Modded October 24, 2008
I can make Rilou and Piplup bebehz, so if any of you kids want 'em, I'll breed one up for you.
PLAYER : Trent
FRIEND CODE: 3179 2598 5701
Wishlist : Trading Partner, Team Building Advice
hey Trent, i'll trade you a Feebas egg for Riolu egg?
Alright, already have a feebas, but that'd be fine, I have a bunch extra. Unless you have a Bagon..? I don't have one of those right now.
EDIT: Or a Hondour, really. I wouldn't object to a Drapion pre-evolution thingie either, whatever you call 'em.
Last edited by Trent; 6th May 2007 at 06:24 PM.
PLAYER : Trent
FRIEND CODE: 3179 2598 5701
Wishlist : Trading Partner, Team Building Advice
I have baby Eevees! If anyone wants an Eevee, I'd like to get some starting pokemon from any version of the game. (besides, DP's Piplup since I have that.)
^_^ It is so hard though... getting an Eevee and then walking around for 10,000 steps or so! But still... if anyone has starters or something they think I'd like, I'd love to trade. I'll post my friend code soon or PM me.
[Please Send Tell]
Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over
There are SEVEN Eeveelutions now... -_-;;;;;;; I'd be more than willing to accept some help, Kalah.
Unfortunately, I can't offer much in the way of Starters - I could always restart Pearl for Turtwig/Chimchar, or if you don't mind waiting a bit longer, I could use my Fire Red and Ruby versions to send a Bulbsaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip to the Pal Park... Um, OK, maybe I CAN offer a lot of starters. Except the GSC ones - I never managed to trade any 2nd Gen Pokemon to my other games. Bummer.
~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~"Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's
Ah! Okies. Now I must find some pokemon with that ability... do you know what routes I can find them at? (Thanks Andrew!)
And Blademaster, I'd be more than willing to wait a while. ^_^ I'll hatch an Eevee and have it ready fer yah! I'm sorta Eevee obsessed anyways... so handing them out to people is no biggie. I find that I haven't gotten very far in the game DUE to my obsession with breeding and contests and UNDERGROUND DIGGING! xD Although I only have Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon and Leafeon thus far. FInding those darn evolution stones is quite tiresome. (But I do make a pretty penny on all the fossils!)
So yeah, if you guys want to trade... just find me on AIM and we can do it then. My messenger handle name is mentepazza
[Please Send Tell]
Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over
I'm looking for a charmander or bulbasaur. Right now I've just got squirtle and mudkips to trade, I'll have more to trade tommorow once I can go back to the pal park.
I still have to see Drifloon, and then I can do all the fancy stuff you can do when you saw all 150. Since Drifloon can only be caught at friday, I was wondering if i could borrow someone else's for just a few seconds..
>> Hey uhhh... anyone got a Magby w/Magmabooster. I'm in dire need of two Magmaboosters. Yeah two. If ya can lemme know. That would be great.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
I've got a level 1 Magby with a Magmarizer. Only got 1 though (other than the one I'm keeping for myself).
Master of ElectricityCredits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian
I've got gible up for grabs if anyone needs them.
PNT, if you still need them I can get you a Charmander and Bulbasaur egg.
For terrible Pokésex: 2148-4736-7219
Looking for a female Charmander/-meleon/-izard
Hey Elec...>> Wanna swing that by me then?
I can do the clone trick on the item, no biggie >>and I can breed Magby' yeah 1 will do fine for now.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
i guess at one point, after the euro release, it will be a nice idea to have a trading subforum. a real Wailmerstreet
Okay, pay-back time! After you all have been so helpfull I finally have something to give back. To get my perfect Larvitar I had to do some cross-breeding, and got quite some extra pokemon I won't be using myself. I'll post them here, so you can pick one out if you want to. Please reply with the nickname I gave it (I can change the name for you, if wanted though), otherwise this could get really confusing
Sceptile_master made me do all this crazyness, so he gets first choice.
Charmander (Charlotte)
Female / Level 1 / Gentle nature
Good perseverance / likes bitter food
Dragon Dance
Charmander (Flynn) Sceptile_Master
Male / Level 1 / Relaxed nature
Likes to run / likes sour food
Dragon Dance
Charmander (Aria) Ghost (for Cyndaquil, cool!)
Female / Level 1 / Naughty nature
Likes to run / likes spicy food
Dragon Dance
Charmander (Rathbone) Shadow Djinn (for Sandshrew, w00t)
Male / Level 1 / Hardy nature
Proud of its power / likes all food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Zeta)
Female / Level 1 / Serious nature
Sturdy body / likes all food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Berlin) Mega Horny
Male / Level 1 / Lonely nature
Sturdy body / likes spicy food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Newton)
Male / Level 1 / Lax nature
Proud of its power / likes sour food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Wuv)
Female / Level 1 / Rash nature
Good endurance / likes dry food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Napoleon)
Male / Level 1 / Naughty nature
Quick tempered / likes spicy food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Vegas)
Female / Level 1 / Timid nature
Likes to relax / likes sweet food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Rock DJ)
Female / Level 1 / Lax nature
Scatters things often / likes sour food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Mont Blanc)
Female / Level 1 / Impish nature
Mischievous / likes sour food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Catalunya)
Male / Level 1 / Relaxed nature
Highly curious / likes sour food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Stalin)
Male / Level 1 / Jolly nature
Highly persistent / likes sweet food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Cacao)
Female / Level 1 / Naughty nature
Scatters things often / likes spicy food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Nemo)
Male / Level 1 / Quiet nature
Quick tempered / likes dry food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Kroket)
Female / Level 1 / Quirky nature
Sturdy body / likes all food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Newton)
Male / Level 1 / Lax nature
Proud of its power / likes sour food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Kingston)
Male / Level 1 / Hasty nature
Loves to eat / likes sweet food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Castro)
Male / Level 1 / Modest nature
Proud of its power / likes dry food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Rhein)
Female / Level 1 / Jolly nature
Somewhat vain / likes sweet food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Jett) Sceptile_Master
Female / Level 1 / Adamant nature
Strong willed / likes spicy food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Vanita)
Female / Level 1 / Relaxed nature
Sturdy body / likes sour food
Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Dantes)
Male / Level 1 / Hardy nature
Proud of its power / likes all food
No Dragon Dance
Larvitar (Hood)
Male / Level 1 / Bold nature
Strong willed / likes sour food
No Dragon Dance
If there isn't too much demand, you can get more than one of course to breed a perfect one yourself. I don't need anything special in return, altough I do look for: SANDSHREW, CYNDAQUIL, STARYU, WEEDLE, SCYTER
This thread will be updated when any of the information above changes.
Last edited by Storm; 9th May 2007 at 06:34 PM.
Well, that's awfully nice of you to offer these guys. If I could have one, I'd naturally want Jett, but, perhaps that's the one Sceptile_Master wants. Berlin would be my second choice. Also, if you need a trade...I don't have the national dex yet, so I don't likely have anything you want, but, once I do get it, I can trade over some Scythers from Leafgreen that I bred baton pass onto. That sound good?
Storm -- you can change your DS date ahead to friday if you need a Drifloon badly.
Perfect, also without a nice trade I'm more than happy to spread these pokemon out in the world. Ok, let's just wait for Sceptile (shouldn't take too long..) and we can close deals.
Wow, I really like breeding somehow I found out.. Perhaps that has something to do with my girlfriend now being away for four months..
EDIT: Ok, so I have myself a adamant male and i run out of nicknames so I'll stop hatching Larvitars for the moment
I added one with a Jolly nature, also a nice one I think!
Anyway, tomorrow I'll start my next project: Shinx with quick attack and ice fang
2nd EDIT: Wow, those are actually quite allot.. And you know how the market works; with more offer than demand a product becomes wortheless![]()
Last edited by Storm; 9th May 2007 at 10:47 AM.
Sure DarkestLight. I'll keep it for you until we can get on and do the trade.
I'll need your FC though.
Electro: 4167 1030 1523
Master of ElectricityCredits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian
I'll just have any of the male charmanders if that's okay and I'll take that adamant lavitar if you're offering lol. What do you want for them?
Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139
Bagon'd be nice. I'll trade whatever :|
PLAYER : Trent
FRIEND CODE: 3179 2598 5701
Wishlist : Trading Partner, Team Building Advice
I'm looking for Squirtle, Charmander and all 3 Johto starters. I'd prefer females and/or decent natures, but it doesn't matter, as I have some Ditto migrated in from Kanto ^^;
In return, I have the three Hoenn starters and a whole slew of Kanto and Johto pokemon that I can breed, so just ask and I'll see what I can do.
FC: 2406 1620 7133
Storm i'll trade you a male cyndaquil for
Charmander (Aria)
Female / Level 1 / Naughty nature
Likes to run / likes spicy food
Dragon Dance
Ok! You'll get Flynn then, it's my favourite.. Well, also liked one called Lenin, but he was occupied being the father of all the Larvitars..
Well, that Ditto we were talking about would be cool, but besides that nothing too special at the moment, only the ones at the end of the list with pokemon I offer!
Sounds excellent! We could do it right now?