OK, time to vote. ^^
The RP’ers.
Best All Around RP’er
~Weasel Overlord
Best Character Creator
Best RPG Creator
No vote (Can't decide. :-/)
Best Plotter
~Crystal Tears
Most Creative
Most Detailed
~Weasel Overlord
Most Dedicated
Best Writer
~Weasel Overlord
Most Enjoyable Writing Style
~Mew Master
Nicest RP’er
Funniest RP’er
~Mew Master
Most Improved RP’er
~Shadow Djinn
The RPGs!
Best RPG of Winter '06
No vote (Can't decide again. ><;;; )
Most Original
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
Best Pokémon RPG
No vote (Don't play either one. >>;; )
Best Non-Pokémon RPG
~The Scourge (Mew Master)
Most Persistent
~It Sucks To Be Us! (Mystic_Clown)
Best Prequel/Sequel
No vote (Don't play either one again. >>;;;;; )
Best Remake (Restarting an old RPG)
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*
Best Book Based RPG
~Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*
Best Anime/TV/Movie Inspired RPG
~Sonic Zeroes: Fragments of Time (Fai D. Flowright)
Most Wanted Prequel/Sequel
No vote (You guessed it. ><*)
Most Enjoyable RPG
~The Scourge
Most Wanted RPG Type
~Mario (I don't care if you don't want one - I'll make one anyway! )
Best All Around Character
~Denny Roth, The Scourge (Mew Master)
Coolest Villain
~Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Waves_of_Darkness/Envoy of Time) *Auto-win*
Best-looking Character
~Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)
Most Original Character
~Angelo Weiss, The Scourge (Mystic_Clown)
Evillest Character
~Shujoteki, Fruits Basket (Waves_of_Darkness) *Auto-win*
Friendliest Character
~Wiggly, Here Comes the I-Squad! (Houndoom_Lover)
Most Aggressive Character
~The Hellmonger, Here Comes the I-Squad (Mystic_Clown)
Best History
~Marian Loxley/Maiden Mesmeric, It Sucks To Be Us! (Mewtwo-D2)
Most Tortured Character
~Laura Anderson, It Sucks To Be Us! (Toxicity)
Most Mysterious Character
~Hyde, Tales of Aselic (Mystic_Clown)
Cutest Couple (can be male/male, female/female, or male/female)
~Brigh Dangerfield and David Johnson, It Sucks To Be Us! (Master Rudy and Kuro Espeon)
Quietest Character
~Amaya Sohma, Fruits Basket (Toxicity) *Auto-win*
Funniest Character
~Leucetius Daithi Iomhar, The Scourge (Weasel Overlord)
Most memorable moment
~Blizzard’s betrayal of Nargel, Here Comes the I-Squad (Envoy of Time)
Saddest Moment
~Kiina meets the Unicorn, The Scourge (River) *Auto-win*
Funniest Moment
~Kyoshiro meets Ivan, The Scourge (Shadow Djinn)
Most Wanted Soundtrack
~The Scourge
Best RPG Inspired Art (Include Artist's name)
~Denny Roth and Kíashkiklah, The Scourge (Mew Master) One
Best Quote
~ (after falling 50,000 feet) "Oh, fuck you." Cross, Tales of Aselic (Crystal Tears)
Best RPG in the History of TPM
~The Battle for Twilight Town (Everyone)