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Thread: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA] - HELP WANTED!

  1. #81
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Splashing after the Poliwag, you hastily ask what would it take to prove yourself to her. She glances over her shoulder at you as though to check that you're being serious. When she see's that you really are, some of the hostility leaves her expression and she smiles slightly. 'If I'm going to go with a trainer, I'd want to be reassured that if something happens to me or another, then we'll be in competant hands. Show me that that is you and I'll reconsider.'
    What are you going to do?

    3 Pokeballs
    3 Great Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball

    Tethys (Horsea F, L11)

    "Okay." I'll say. I'll follow her where she wants to go.

    I'm back.

  2. #82

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: *Murkrow on Today at 09:13:26 AM

    Although feeling sorry for the Cacnea, you decide to move onwards, but not before you give a brief round of applause to help lift his spirits. As you walk away, a Doduo comes trotting through the bushes, in the middle of an argument between her two heads. Quite what they're arguing about, you can't tell, as a Natu has just caught your attention. She is sitting with her eyes closed, solemnly preaching to a Weede about events that will happen in the future.
    What are you going to do?

    After the Natu gives its speech to the Weedle, I approach it and I ask it if it wants to join my pokemon journey. Then I turn to the Weedle the same thing so I don't make it feel like it is left out.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  3. #83
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Meh. Didn't update because I was hoping Amy would. But as I said, meh.

    Kyle~ You talking about an Ultra Ball? You never used one. And apologies if this update sounds odd, I knew what I wanted to say, it was putting it into words that was the problem.
    Watching the charging beam, you prepare yourself for the inevitable. However, the Aerodactyl's paralysis is still keeping him frozen as a statue with no control over the attack...which eventually means that as the energy ball grows and grows, it finally reaches its threshold point. And explodes.
    You and Hydronix cover your eyes (and your ears) before you feel the earth shake as something large and heavy crashes onto it. You risk a look and see the Aerodactyl sprawled on the ground, bleeding heavily from his mouth and head; his eyes are open but glazed so you approach cautiously. He doesn't flinch, not even when you carefully place the Ultra Ball by his side. Still nothing. You tap him with the Ultra Ball and he goes inside, the ball clicking shut almost instantly. Congratulations! However, he's in a very serious state so you might have to consider what to do with him for a while.
    Aerodactly L17 M
    What are you going to do?

    Poliwag nods and the pair of you paddle back to the shore, hop out and continue walking. You keep an eye on the Poliwag in-case she shows any sign of interest in, well, anything. However, she just seems to be ejoying the walk and after a while, you relax too. Walking in a now much more companionably silence, you point out to her a pair of Luvdisc playing in the shallows with a Clamperl. She smiles then glances further out over the lake and motions for you to look. You do so and see the fin of a Sharpedo slipping easily through the water as its owner swims by.
    What are you going to do?

    Waiting until the Natu has finished preaching, you hear a lot of prophecies about future events, some of which you would really have prefered not to hear at that point in time. The Weedle is look increasingly nervous as well and soon starts to look around for an escape route. She spots you, gives the Natu a quick look and and crawls your way. If the Natu is aware of this, she shows no signs of neing bothered by losing her audience.
    You waste no time and ask the Weedle if she'd like to come along. She stares at you teary eyed and whispers that she'd never imagined somebody would want a Pokémon like her on their team, before squealing happily and crawling hastily up onto your shoulder and snuggling in happily. Slightly surprised at the quickness of her acceptance, you look back at the Natu but she is still completely out of it.
    What are you going to do/What ball are you going to use?

  4. #84
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Poliwag nods and the pair of you paddle back to the shore, hop out and continue walking. You keep an eye on the Poliwag in-case she shows any sign of interest in, well, anything. However, she just seems to be ejoying the walk and after a while, you relax too. Walking in a now much more companionably silence, you point out to her a pair of Luvdisc playing in the shallows with a Clamperl. She smiles then glances further out over the lake and motions for you to look. You do so and see the fin of a Sharpedo slipping easily through the water as its owner swims by.
    What are you going to do?

    3 Pokeballs
    3 Great Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball

    Tethys (Horsea F, L11)

    I'll keep walking along with her, and if she jumps in the lake, I'll follow her.

    Pokeballs, please!

    I'm back.

  5. #85
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Kyle~ You talking about an Ultra Ball? You never used one. And apologies if this update sounds odd, I knew what I wanted to say, it was putting it into words that was the problem.
    Watching the charging beam, you prepare yourself for the inevitable. However, the Aerodactyl's paralysis is still keeping him frozen as a statue with no control over the attack...which eventually means that as the energy ball grows and grows, it finally reaches its threshold point. And explodes.
    You and Hydronix cover your eyes (and your ears) before you feel the earth shake as something large and heavy crashes onto it. You risk a look and see the Aerodactyl sprawled on the ground, bleeding heavily from his mouth and head; his eyes are open but glazed so you approach cautiously. He doesn't flinch, not even when you carefully place the Ultra Ball by his side. Still nothing. You tap him with the Ultra Ball and he goes inside, the ball clicking shut almost instantly. Congratulations! However, he's in a very serious state so you might have to consider what to do with him for a while.
    Aerodactly L17 M
    What are you going to do?

    Great, I caught the Aerodactyl.

    I expected he would be in bad shape upon his capture, but hey, when it comes to catching a tough one, sometimes I do have to give it that much damage (the same could be said for another Pokemon of the Flying type, if I find one of them here) to have enough confidence to catch it.

    I'm going to name the Aerodactyl Tyranno, and I'm going to make his trait Pressure. As for his breed-on move, I'd like it to be Rock Slide, if possible please. For his free TM, hmm, this one's going to be tough, if I made it Fly, and I brought him into Expedia, would I be able to ride on his back and fly around with him? I'd prefer an answer before I make a decision on his free TM.

    Anyway, I'll keep going, but at this rate, my hope of giving my Rapidash to someone else is getting more serious, as I was hoping an Aerodactyl would have been the last Pokemon I would have gone after here. Now, unless I give my Rapidash a new home with someone else, I won't be able to catch both of the other two Pokemon I came here for.

    Edit: Just a slight tweak, I meant to put in hope instead of choice (in my third paragraph).
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  6. #86

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: *Murkrow on Today at 04:55:10 AM

    Waiting until the Natu has finished preaching, you hear a lot of prophecies about future events, some of which you would really have prefered not to hear at that point in time. The Weedle is look increasingly nervous as well and soon starts to look around for an escape route. She spots you, gives the Natu a quick look and and crawls your way. If the Natu is aware of this, she shows no signs of neing bothered by losing her audience.
    You waste no time and ask the Weedle if she'd like to come along. She stares at you teary eyed and whispers that she'd never imagined somebody would want a Pokémon like her on their team, before squealing happily and crawling hastily up onto your shoulder and snuggling in happily. Slightly surprised at the quickness of her acceptance, you look back at the Natu but she is still completely out of it.
    What are you going to do/What ball are you going to use?

    Since today is monday, I would like my pokeballs.

    Taking out a Pokeball, I offer it to Weedle so it can fully join my Team. I wander over to the Natu and offer a Great Ball to the Natu if it can join my team. If the Natu isn't interested, I will continue on through the forest.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  7. #87
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Sorry I haven't been around in a while. First off for a while, it was mainly due to insominia along with some personal issues irl and during that time i wasn't online much at all. Then, recently I got a job upon which two of the five employees just quit so i've been working like crazy this last week in addition to my hernia acting up since Friday. However, things are slowly getting better as today was my first day off and since i can't sleep and i'm wanting things to get back to normal here i am. Apologies if the update isn't the greatest, but bear in mind it is 2 am.

    Sorry to hear about that Steve.


    The murkrow's coloring finally aiding in your decision, you reach for a pokeball that is on your belt, and press a button on it. In a brilliant flash of red light, Ryau emerges and gracefully flaps her wings to keep herself aloft. After she receives her instructions, she casually circles around getting closer and closer to the shiny murkrow. Finally, he can't help but notice as the pidgeotto tries to initiate a conversation. Unfortunately, he isn't all that interested in joing the care. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just he doesn't really see what the point in it is. Instead, he asks Ryau a question. "Why should I join your team?" he asks genuinely curious. What will you do?


    *hands over the pokeballs* The two of you continue walking along the shore of the lake, until something in the distance catches your attention. As you draw closer, you discover that it is a pair of Qwilfish that are trying t o see which can puff up the most. Nearby are a seel, a krabby, and another poliwag who are making wagers as to which one of the two poison fishes will win. What will you do?

    Knight of Time

    Satisified with the capture of your new aerodactyl, you continue on your trek through the Forest. Soon you hear voices and, as you draw closer to the source of the sound you begin to make out some of what is being said. "There has to be something around here that will let us know to let us know who took it." Silently making your way closer, you soon discover a hoothoot, a nuzleaf, and a sunkern standing around a hole near the bottom of the tree. "When i find the pokemon that stole my leaf stone..." the nuzleaf muttered, as the Hoothoot began looking around. "We might as well see if we can find somethign that doesn't belong. It might help us find the stone." It is at that time that the sunkern makes a strangled sound. It seems that she spotted you, and the hoothoot and the nuzleaf stiffen. What will you do?


    *Hands over the pokeballs* Reaching for a pokeball, you hold it out to Weedle who quickly taps it as if she is afraid that you are going to change your mind. She is quickly sucked inside and a ding is heard almsot immediately. [/i]Congrats. You caught a L.6 F Weedle[/i]. Next, you carefully make your way over to the natu who is now staring off into space. Taking a great ball off of your belt, you ask the natu if it would like to join your team, but it continues to stare off into space as if it is waiting for something. Shrugging your shoulders, you continue on though the forest. Soon you come across a Doduo running in circles as if it can't make up its mind about what direction to go in. An anorith and a Heracross watch on in amusement. What will you do?
    Silver Wolf
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    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  8. #88
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Knight of Time

    Satisified with the capture of your new aerodactyl, you continue on your trek through the Forest. Soon you hear voices and, as you draw closer to the source of the sound you begin to make out some of what is being said. "There has to be something around here that will let us know to let us know who took it." Silently making your way closer, you soon discover a hoothoot, a nuzleaf, and a sunkern standing around a hole near the bottom of the tree. "When i find the pokemon that stole my leaf stone..." the nuzleaf muttered, as the Hoothoot began looking around. "We might as well see if we can find somethign that doesn't belong. It might help us find the stone." It is at that time that the sunkern makes a strangled sound. It seems that she spotted you, and the hoothoot and the nuzleaf stiffen. What will you do?

    Hmm, a Nuzleaf here is looking for a Leaf Stone...I recall seeing a Bulbasaur earlier with a Leaf Stone in his possession (he asked me who it belonged to, and I didn't know back then. Now, I really believe it must have been for the Nuzleaf). So, I'm going to tell the Hoothoot, Sunkern and Nuzleaf that I recall seeing a Leaf Stone here earlier, and that I can backtrack with them to find it (as backtracking is pretty much the only way I'll find it again). Just to hopefully make sure that the Leaf Stone is found, I'm going to send out Xeno my Alakazam, asking him if he can sense the location of the Leaf Stone I once ran into here.

    Edit: Slight typo...
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  9. #89
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong


    The murkrow's coloring finally aiding in your decision, you reach for a pokeball that is on your belt, and press a button on it. In a brilliant flash of red light, Ryau emerges and gracefully flaps her wings to keep herself aloft. After she receives her instructions, she casually circles around getting closer and closer to the shiny murkrow. Finally, he can't help but notice as the pidgeotto tries to initiate a conversation. Unfortunately, he isn't all that interested in joing the care. It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just he doesn't really see what the point in it is. Instead, he asks Ryau a question. "Why should I join your team?" he asks genuinely curious. What will you do?
    Shrine of the Sun

    Ry will explain that Murkrow is the favourite Pokémon of his would-be trainer and he'd be looked after like a king if he did join. She'll also point out that if power is what the Murkrow wants, then he couldn't look in a better place, at which point she'll casually point out Omega to him and explain that I helped raise him from a low leveled Shelgon to what he is now.

    Approaching the trio, hastily explain that you overheard them talking, and that you believe you know whose got the Nuzleaf's Leaf Stone. The Nuzleaf -who was looking at you with a snarl on his face- looks up quickly and immediately asks where. You point back the way you came before sending out your Alakazam who you hope will be able to sense the presence of the stone. The trio scramble to their feet to follow you and you all set off. Walking past the area where you battled your Aerodactyl, the Pokémon mutter to themselves a bit. You try and ignore them, focusing your attention on a Heracross who is flitting around. The Nuzleaf notices you watching him and snaps; 'was it him?'
    What are you going to do?

  10. #90
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Approaching the trio, hastily explain that you overheard them talking, and that you believe you know whose got the Nuzleaf's Leaf Stone. The Nuzleaf -who was looking at you with a snarl on his face- looks up quickly and immediately asks where. You point back the way you came before sending out your Alakazam who you hope will be able to sense the presence of the stone. The trio scramble to their feet to follow you and you all set off. Walking past the area where you battled your Aerodactyl, the Pokémon mutter to themselves a bit. You try and ignore them, focusing your attention on a Heracross who is flitting around. The Nuzleaf notices you watching him and snaps; 'was it him?'
    What are you going to do?

    Okay, I'll ask the Heracross if he has seen a Leaf Stone this Nuzleaf here is looking for. If he (the Heracross) has seen it, I'll ask him if he can lead us all to it, if he hasn't seen it however, I'll thank him anyway, and have my Alakazam try and help out with the search for the Leaf Stone (in hopes he can sense its location).
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  11. #91
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    *hands over the pokeballs* The two of you continue walking along the shore of the lake, until something in the distance catches your attention. As you draw closer, you discover that it is a pair of Qwilfish that are trying t o see which can puff up the most. Nearby are a seel, a krabby, and another poliwag who are making wagers as to which one of the two poison fishes will win. What will you do?

    4 Pokeballs
    4 Great Ball
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball

    Tethys (Horsea F, L11)

    I'll ask the Poliwag I'm with when she'll let me catch her.

    I'm back.

  12. #92
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    The Heracross apparently doesn't like the look of the group hanging around you as he flies off rapidly. The Pokémon trio snigger to themselves before you set off again. Xeno is still attempting to latch onto the Leaf Stone-being as it's not actually a living thing- so you try to trek back along your original path. Something hisses in the rees above you; glancing up you see a pair of gleaming eyes staring right back at you. The Nuzleaf notices this as well and instantly assumes a fighting posture and begins to swear and jeer up at the owner,
    What are you going to do?

    Poliwag gives you an odd look when you ask your question. 'I'm waiting for you to do something,' she exclaims. 'Anything, prove yourself to me!' She thumps her tail on the ground in agitation, then sighs. 'Wait here.'
    She dives into the water and vanishes; you uneasily glance about, unsure if she will bother returning. You soon find out when she sticks her head back out of the water and smiles. 'Time to see how you cope,' she explains cheerily, then points further out into the lake. As you watch, you notice the water is begining to circle, slowly at first, then getting faster and faster. None of the other visible Pokémon seem to have noticed the sudeen appearence of the whirlpool.
    What are you going to do?

  13. #93
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    The Heracross apparently doesn't like the look of the group hanging around you as he flies off rapidly. The Pokémon trio snigger to themselves before you set off again. Xeno is still attempting to latch onto the Leaf Stone-being as it's not actually a living thing- so you try to trek back along your original path. Something hisses in the rees above you; glancing up you see a pair of gleaming eyes staring right back at you. The Nuzleaf notices this as well and instantly assumes a fighting posture and begins to swear and jeer up at the owner,
    What are you going to do?

    I'll patiently wait for the Pokemon in the trees to show itself before I make my next decision here.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  14. #94
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Poliwag gives you an odd look when you ask your question. 'I'm waiting for you to do something,' she exclaims. 'Anything, prove yourself to me!' She thumps her tail on the ground in agitation, then sighs. 'Wait here.'
    She dives into the water and vanishes; you uneasily glance about, unsure if she will bother returning. You soon find out when she sticks her head back out of the water and smiles. 'Time to see how you cope,' she explains cheerily, then points further out into the lake. As you watch, you notice the water is begining to circle, slowly at first, then getting faster and faster. None of the other visible Pokémon seem to have noticed the sudeen appearence of the whirlpool.
    What are you going to do?

    4 Pokeballs
    4 Great Ball
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball

    Tethys (Horsea F, L11)


    I'll go get the Seel that I saw nearby and ask it to use an Ice attack to freeze the water as much as it can to sllow down the whirlpool. I'll also send out Tethys and tell her to swim around the whirlpool in the opposite direction as its swirl.

    I'll be gone for about two weeks starting Friday, FYI.

    I'm back.

  15. #95
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Pausing to wait until the Pokémon reveals itself you gradually find yourself feeling rather uncomfortable under the unblinking stare. The Nuzleaf is getting more and more wound up, but even he jumps when the owner suddenly lunges forward; it's a Scyther, and there's a rather nasty glint in his eyes. He stares at you all in turn, then snickers and slashes his scyther in front of him.
    What are you going to do?

    Patrick~ Ok.
    Shouting to catch the attention of the Seel and her friends, you point to the whirlpool and ask the Seel if she could do what you want. She looks worried, then nods and shoots a beam of ice towards the vortex's centre. Something momentarily flashes, but you focus instead on your Horsea, instructing her to swim in the opposite way to the waters flow. She gives you a nervous look but swims off...and within seconds is joined by the Krabby, Poliwag and Qwilfish who are all willing to help. The Poliwag next to you looks surprised at this and comments that Pokémon in this area rarely are willing to help each other like that.
    What are you going to do?

  16. #96
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Pausing to wait until the Pokémon reveals itself you gradually find yourself feeling rather uncomfortable under the unblinking stare. The Nuzleaf is getting more and more wound up, but even he jumps when the owner suddenly lunges forward; it's a Scyther, and there's a rather nasty glint in his eyes. He stares at you all in turn, then snickers and slashes his scyther in front of him.
    What are you going to do?

    Great, a Scyther. I remember having one on my old captured Pokemon team one time, but that one was a female. Nonetheless, I'm going to calmly ask the Scyther if he's seen the Leaf Stone the Nuzleaf here is looking for, saying that it's very important to him (the Nuzleaf). But if it turns out the Scyther wants to battle, I'll have Hydronix (since he's still out) use a couple of Icy Winds on the Scyther first (BTW, if anyone other than Hannah updates next, Hydronix is a Blastoise).

    Edit: Oops, forgot to clear Patrick's update from the quoted post until now, sorry about that.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  17. #97
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Patrick~ Ok.
    Shouting to catch the attention of the Seel and her friends, you point to the whirlpool and ask the Seel if she could do what you want. She looks worried, then nods and shoots a beam of ice towards the vortex's centre. Something momentarily flashes, but you focus instead on your Horsea, instructing her to swim in the opposite way to the waters flow. She gives you a nervous look but swims off...and within seconds is joined by the Krabby, Poliwag and Qwilfish who are all willing to help. The Poliwag next to you looks surprised at this and comments that Pokémon in this area rarely are willing to help each other like that.
    What are you going to do?


    4 Pokeballs
    4 Great Ball
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball

    Tethys (Horsea F, L11)

    I'll jump in the lake and motion for her to follow me, and swim with them to help.

    I'm back.

  18. #98

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: Wolfsong on August 22, 2006, 03:32:50 AM


    *Hands over the pokeballs* Reaching for a pokeball, you hold it out to Weedle who quickly taps it as if she is afraid that you are going to change your mind. She is quickly sucked inside and a ding is heard almsot immediately. [/i]Congrats. You caught a L.6 F Weedle[/i]. Next, you carefully make your way over to the natu who is now staring off into space. Taking a great ball off of your belt, you ask the natu if it would like to join your team, but it continues to stare off into space as if it is waiting for something. Shrugging your shoulders, you continue on though the forest. Soon you come across a Doduo running in circles as if it can't make up its mind about what direction to go in. An anorith and a Heracross watch on in amusement. What will you do?

    I will name the Weedle Stingmon after one of the 2 Season Digimon. Looking at the Doduo, I feel sorry for it. Seeing that neither of the three pokemon want to be distracted, I will continue on through the forest.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  19. #99
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    You know, it's really sad when you rant at people telling them just how irritated (to put it mildly) you are about a certain situation and they do absolutely nothing about it.

    The Scyther makes his intentions clear as he hisses, extends his scythes and shoots towards you before you can ask about the Leaf Stone. The Nuzleaf and his pals scatter shrieking leaving you in the target line of a very angry Scyther.
    Shouting a command at Hydronix, he instantly lets out a numbing wind of ice that the Scyther crashes directly into. Alarm creeps across his face as his muscles begin to spasm in response to the cold; he flutters his wings frantically but another gentle gust of icey air is enough to lock them up and he tumbles to the floor, shaking badly.
    What are you going to do?

    Diving into the lake without a second thought, you begin to swim towards the other Pokémon, shouting back for the Poliwag to help. She just smiles and shakes her head, stating that that wont be necessary. Before you can ask what she means, she gives a loud whistle; with a crash a Staryu explodes through the Seel's Ice Beam, spinning rapidly and glowing with psychic power. As it swoops overhead, you feel the tug of the whirlpool fade and die. Obviously enjoying this, the Poliwag playfully sticks out her tongue at you then high-fives the Staryu.
    What are you going to do?

    Despite feeling sorry for the Doduo, you move onwards. A Taillow is perched on a low branch, wrestling with a twig. You stop and watch for a minute before you hear a high pitched chirping from above; a glance upwards shows another Taillow clinging to a half made nest and glaring down at what is evidently her mate.
    Meanwhile, a Gligar seems to have taken pity on the male Taillow and swoops down to cut the twig the male is unsuccessfully trying to pluck.
    Then all three freeze and stare in horror as a shadow flits by overhead; you look up and's a Salamence!
    What are you going to do?

  20. #100

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Posted by *Murkrow on Today at 02:37:45 PM

    Despite feeling sorry for the Doduo, you move onwards. A Taillow is perched on a low branch, wrestling with a twig. You stop and watch for a minute before you hear a high pitched chirping from above; a glance upwards shows another Taillow clinging to a half made nest and glaring down at what is evidently her mate.
    Meanwhile, a Gligar seems to have taken pity on the male Taillow and swoops down to cut the twig the male is unsuccessfully trying to pluck.
    Then all three freeze and stare in horror as a shadow flits by overhead; you look up and's a Salamence!
    What are you going to do?

    Seeing that this is an opportune chance, I pull out my Master Ball. Deciding to use for a second, I decided to go for it. Looking at the direction where it is at, I throw the Master Ball hoping that it doesn't fly past it.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  21. #101
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    You know, it's really sad when you rant at people telling them just how irritated (to put it mildly) you are about a certain situation and they do absolutely nothing about it.

    The Scyther makes his intentions clear as he hisses, extends his scythes and shoots towards you before you can ask about the Leaf Stone. The Nuzleaf and his pals scatter shrieking leaving you in the target line of a very angry Scyther.
    Shouting a command at Hydronix, he instantly lets out a numbing wind of ice that the Scyther crashes directly into. Alarm creeps across his face as his muscles begin to spasm in response to the cold; he flutters his wings frantically but another gentle gust of icey air is enough to lock them up and he tumbles to the floor, shaking badly.
    What are you going to do?

    Okay, if I feel the time is right to move past the Scyther, I'll keep backtracking in an effort to either find the Leaf Stone, or the Bulbasaur I found earlier who had it and asked me if I once wanted it.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  22. #102
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Ok, I'm going to be blunt. My interest in Pokémon is flunctuating rapidly and my desire to continue playing these games is declining ridiculously fast. I'll still continue updating for the time being because it's not fair for me to suddenly vanish and leave you with nobody who will update with semi-regularity *ahem* but if a few days go past without me logging on, please note that at the moment, this forum is the last in the long list of things that I like to do when I come online. I'm going to stick it out until the release of Diamond/Pearl because if there's one thing that can revive my interest, it's them. But until get the picture.

    Thanks guys.

    Hurling the Master Ball upwards, you cross your fingers hopefully as it rockets towards the shadow....which registers the ball heading towards it and suddenly lurches to the side. You feel a stab of dismay, but then a blue blur rockets past; it's the male Taillow, and he rushes upwards, grabbing the ball and hurling it at the Salamence. Unable to dodge this time, the Salamence roars once before the ball opens and drags her inside. The Taillow snathes the ball out of the air, before returning and dropping it gently into your hand.
    Congratulations! Salamence L22 F
    What are you going to do?

    With the Scyther no longer a threat, you walk in the direction the Nuzleaf and his gang went, which just so happens to be the way you originally came. Soon you can hear the Nuzleaf's voice, but can't see him through the vegetation and dim light. A Duskull comes floating past as you walk while a Venonat scutters through the undergrowth. Glancing around for the Nuzleaf, you notice him and his friends staring upwards at a Farfetch'd and Swellow who are roosting calmly.
    What are you going to do?

  23. #103

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Posted by *Murkrow on Today at 06:34:27 AM

    Hurling the Master Ball upwards, you cross your fingers hopefully as it rockets towards the shadow....which registers the ball heading towards it and suddenly lurches to the side. You feel a stab of dismay, but then a blue blur rockets past; it's the male Taillow, and he rushes upwards, grabbing the ball and hurling it at the Salamence. Unable to dodge this time, the Salamence roars once before the ball opens and drags her inside. The Taillow snathes the ball out of the air, before returning and dropping it gently into your hand.
    Congratulations! Salamence L22 F
    What are you going to do?

    I will name my Salamance Kazul, after the main dragon character in the Enchanted Forest Series by Patrica C. Werde. Kazul's Bred On Move will be Dragon Dance. And her two TM Moves will be Aerial Ace and Steel Wing.

    Thanking the Tailow for the capture of Salamence, I say goodbye to all of them. Tired of the Forest for now (I can return to this location later if I want to right), I decide to explore the North Caverns.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  24. #104
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Ok, I'm going to be blunt. My interest in Pokémon is flunctuating rapidly and my desire to continue playing these games is declining ridiculously fast. I'll still continue updating for the time being because it's not fair for me to suddenly vanish and leave you with nobody who will update with semi-regularity *ahem* but if a few days go past without me logging on, please note that at the moment, this forum is the last in the long list of things that I like to do when I come online. I'm going to stick it out until the release of Diamond/Pearl because if there's one thing that can revive my interest, it's them. But until get the picture.

    Thanks guys.
    With the Scyther no longer a threat, you walk in the direction the Nuzleaf and his gang went, which just so happens to be the way you originally came. Soon you can hear the Nuzleaf's voice, but can't see him through the vegetation and dim light. A Duskull comes floating past as you walk while a Venonat scutters through the undergrowth. Glancing around for the Nuzleaf, you notice him and his friends staring upwards at a Farfetch'd and Swellow who are roosting calmly.
    What are you going to do?

    Great, a couple more bird Pokemon here.

    Well, I'm going to ask both the Swellow and Farfetch'd if either of them remember seeing a Bulbasaur and/or a Leaf Stone earlier. If either (or both) of them have seen the Bulbasaur and/or the Leaf Stone, I'll ask the Swellow and/or Farfetch'd if they can point out the direction of the Bulbasaur and/or Leaf Stone.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  25. #105
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Hannah Your teammate explains all the various benefits of joining your team to the Murkrow (including dental plan and a free hot plate). The Murkrow looks more and more interested as the conversation continues. He looks to you and nods, saying "Yeah, I could definitely see myself on your team. You've got a partner." What do you do?

    Inferno_Dragon You can indeed. You move into the North Caverns and survey the environment... what initially appeared to be a line of stalagmites is actually a group of Snorunt, huddled together and shivering. A Sableye lurks in the shadows of a boulder, eyeing you suspiciously. You look to your left and see a large indoor lake, featuring a pod of Lapras. What do you do?

    Kyle You approach the bird Pokemon quietly. However, upon your arrival, the Farfetch'd squawks and flaps away; the Swellow merely opens one eye and regards you calmly. You inquire about the Bulbasaur, but the Swellow claims it's never seen the Grass-type. However, a Bellsprout pops out of the nearby bushes and says "I, uh, I know where your, uh, buddy is... aheheh...," looking really shifty-eyed. What do you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  26. #106
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    Kyle You approach the bird Pokemon quietly. However, upon your arrival, the Farfetch'd squawks and flaps away; the Swellow merely opens one eye and regards you calmly. You inquire about the Bulbasaur, but the Swellow claims it's never seen the Grass-type. However, a Bellsprout pops out of the nearby bushes and says "I, uh, I know where your, uh, buddy is... aheheh...," looking really shifty-eyed. What do you do?

    Good, looks like I might find the Bulbasaur from before sooner or later.

    I'm going to smile at the Bellsprout, asking it politely to point the way to the Bulbasaur.

    Edit: Okay, I decided on what Tyranno's (my new Aerodactyl) free TM will be. It will be Fly.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  27. #107

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: TheBlueAvenger on August 31, 2006, 09:32:04 PM

    Inferno_Dragon You can indeed. You move into the North Caverns and survey the environment... what initially appeared to be a line of stalagmites is actually a group of Snorunt, huddled together and shivering. A Sableye lurks in the shadows of a boulder, eyeing you suspiciously. You look to your left and see a large indoor lake, featuring a pod of Lapras. What do you do?
    Northern Caverns

    I approach the pod of Lapras and say hello. I also ask if any one of them would like to join my Pokemon Team.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  28. #108
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    Hannah Your teammate explains all the various benefits of joining your team to the Murkrow (including dental plan and a free hot plate). The Murkrow looks more and more interested as the conversation continues. He looks to you and nods, saying "Yeah, I could definitely see myself on your team. You've got a partner." What do you do?
    Shrine of the Sun

    A Murkrow needs a dental plan? O_O

    I'll hold out a Crystal Ball.

    The Bellsprout squints at you then snigger's and waddles off. You follow him, keeping an eye out for the Bulbasaur. A couple of Pidgey take to the air as you walk past, before the Bellsprout stops and points to where a fallen tree is lying. 'Your buddy was hanging around there,' he smirks before backing off. You glance at him, then walk forwards. Something rustles and you smile as you see a familiar looking shadow watching you. Approaching to say hello, you hear a laugh, then...SMASH


    When you regain consciousness, it's dark; you've got a bad headache but you can still sense the presence of something nearby.
    What are you going to do?

    Smiling at the sight that greets you, you walk over to the Lapras, who watch you warily before a large male glides over to see what you want. He listens to your request, then turns and asks the rest of the group if any would be willing to join your team. Some of the younger looking ones look up in interest; seeing this, the male turns back to you and says that if one of his pod wants to join you, then they can, but only if you beat him in a battle first.
    What are you going to do?

  29. #109
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    Stepping forwards, you hold out a crystal ball. The murkrow takes a deep breath before pecking the ball with it's beak. The crystal ball opens up and the murkrow is sucked inside and the ball sounds with a faint ding. Congrats. You caught a L.11 Shiny M Murkrow. What will you do now?
    Silver Wolf
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    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  30. #110
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    *Ahem* Please post, people.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Stepping forwards, you hold out a crystal ball. The murkrow takes a deep breath before pecking the ball with it's beak. The crystal ball opens up and the murkrow is sucked inside and the ball sounds with a faint ding. Congrats. You caught a L.11 Shiny M Murkrow. What will you do now?
    Shrine of the Sun

    *Hugs Murkrow* Yay. I don't have any idea what I'm going to name him, nor what his bred on/L10 move will be, so I'll just move onwards now.

  31. #111
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    You keep moving on, incredibly pleased at your new teammate. However, your pleasure is short-lived, as you are rudely interrupted by... what looks like a flock of Doduo, who are somehow flying through the air. Suddenly, they drop back to the ground, and it becomes apparent that they can just jump really frickin' high. You take the opportunity to look around some more: a sleeping Hoothoot is sitting in a tree, a Delibird sitting next to it and scanning the area intently. A pair of Zubat and a Golbat are flitting from tree to tree. What do you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  32. #112

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Originally Posted by *Murkrow on September 04, 2006, 11:51:04 AM

    Smiling at the sight that greets you, you walk over to the Lapras, who watch you warily before a large male glides over to see what you want. He listens to your request, then turns and asks the rest of the group if any would be willing to join your team. Some of the younger looking ones look up in interest; seeing this, the male turns back to you and says that if one of his pod wants to join you, then they can, but only if you beat him in a battle first.
    What are you going to do?
    Northern Caverns

    I release all my pokemon and ask the lone Lapras which one of my pokemon he or she would want to fight.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  33. #113
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Hypotenuse Man
    You keep moving on, incredibly pleased at your new teammate. However, your pleasure is short-lived, as you are rudely interrupted by... what looks like a flock of Doduo, who are somehow flying through the air. Suddenly, they drop back to the ground, and it becomes apparent that they can just jump really frickin' high. You take the opportunity to look around some more: a sleeping Hoothoot is sitting in a tree, a Delibird sitting next to it and scanning the area intently. A pair of Zubat and a Golbat are flitting from tree to tree. What do you do?
    Shrine of the Sun

    We'll move on.

    Inferno_Dragon~ Can you state all of your Pokémon if you send them all out again, please? Sorry, just I can't always remember what everybody owns and as you haven't added your Salamence to your site then I'm not sure if I might have missed one.
    You send out your Chikorita, Mareep, Seedot and Salamence. The Lapras stares at each one in turn, before his eyes light up as they come to rest on Kazul. Your Salamence returns the look with a smirk and the Lapras glances at you.
    'She'll do,' he states, grinning. The rest of his pod back away further to give him more space as he settles into a battle pose. Kazul glances at you, ready for her orders.
    What are you going to do?

  34. #114
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Diving into the lake without a second thought, you begin to swim towards the other Pokémon, shouting back for the Poliwag to help. She just smiles and shakes her head, stating that that wont be necessary. Before you can ask what she means, she gives a loud whistle; with a crash a Staryu explodes through the Seel's Ice Beam, spinning rapidly and glowing with psychic power. As it swoops overhead, you feel the tug of the whirlpool fade and die. Obviously enjoying this, the Poliwag playfully sticks out her tongue at you then high-fives the Staryu.
    What are you going to do?


    4 Pokeballs
    4 Great Ball
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball

    Tethys (Horsea F, L11)

    I'll swim back to shore.

    I'm back.

  35. #115
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Turning, you and the Pokémon paddle your way back to shore. The Poliwag runs to meet you and gives you a cheeky grin. Now that's taking the initiative,' she states happily, before leaping forwards and bowling you over as you clamber out of the water.
    You land with a splash while Poliwag happily nuzzles your hand; you stare at her for a second, unsure what's caused such an abrupt personality change, but she just smiles and gives you an expectant look while nodding furiously.
    What are you going to do?

  36. #116

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Posted by *Murkrow on September 17, 2006, 05:48:35 AM

    Inferno_Dragon~ Can you state all of your Pokémon if you send them all out again, please? Sorry, just I can't always remember what everybody owns and as you haven't added your Salamence to your site then I'm not sure if I might have missed one.
    You send out your Chikorita, Mareep, Seedot and Salamence. The Lapras stares at each one in turn, before his eyes light up as they come to rest on Kazul. Your Salamence returns the look with a smirk and the Lapras glances at you.
    'She'll do,' he states, grinning. The rest of his pod back away further to give him more space as he settles into a battle pose. Kazul glances at you, ready for her orders.
    What are you going to do?
    Northern Caverns

    Sorry, I have just forgotten about that. I have been trying to split my time from the real life and here equally.

    I will have Kazul use Dragon Dance and then use Aerial Ace on the Lapras.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  37. #117
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    Inferno_Dragon~ K.
    Kazul shoots into the air as the Lapras does the obvious move and sends an Ice Beam crashing her way. Kazul barrel-rolls to avoid, then begins to sway in the air, easily linking the intricate dance moves together. The Lapras smirks at this and begins to copy her actions, sending waves crashing towards you as he moves through the water. Backing away, you comman an Aerial Ace; Kazul pulls her wings in and dives, swooping round to strike the Lapras from behind. Unable to dodge the fast move, Lapras grunts in pain, then shrieks and unleashes a Blizzard that erupts out of nowhere, instantly covering the entire area in a mass of churning snow. You squint through the mass but you can barely see anything.
    What are you going to do?

  38. #118
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    You move on, the Pokemon occupying that part of the Shrine not interesting you. A buzzing noise from your left alerts you to a Scyther and a Butterfree locked in battle. Steering clear of them for the moment, you very nearly collide with a Xatu, who is lazily flying along with a Natu perched on its head. Apologizing, you look around and see a Gligar eating an apple it just pulled off of a nearby tree, and a Farfetch'd, looking for all the world like it's practicing swprdfighting. What do you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  39. #119
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Hypotenuse Man
    You move on, the Pokemon occupying that part of the Shrine not interesting you. A buzzing noise from your left alerts you to a Scyther and a Butterfree locked in battle. Steering clear of them for the moment, you very nearly collide with a Xatu, who is lazily flying along with a Natu perched on its head. Apologizing, you look around and see a Gligar eating an apple it just pulled off of a nearby tree, and a Farfetch'd, looking for all the world like it's practicing swprdfighting. What do you do?
    Shrine of the Sun

    Farfetch'd are sweet, but we'll fly on.

  40. #120
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    The Bellsprout squints at you then snigger's and waddles off. You follow him, keeping an eye out for the Bulbasaur. A couple of Pidgey take to the air as you walk past, before the Bellsprout stops and points to where a fallen tree is lying. 'Your buddy was hanging around there,' he smirks before backing off. You glance at him, then walk forwards. Something rustles and you smile as you see a familiar looking shadow watching you. Approaching to say hello, you hear a laugh, then...SMASH


    When you regain consciousness, it's dark; you've got a bad headache but you can still sense the presence of something nearby.
    What are you going to do?

    Man, am I glad to be back here. Just before I started college, the computer here ran into some major problems (basically, to anyone wondering why I disappeared for so long, something caused the desktop to behave strangely, showing none of the icons on there, then automatically logging me out whenever I tried to get in, it almost immediately logged me out on subsequent tries). It's going to take me a while to recover, but I assure everyone I'm still here, even with less activeness, unfortunately.

    As for my newest update, I'm going to wait to see if a Pokemon made the tree here fall, if it turns out to be the Bulbasaur (or if he evolved by chance), I'm going to ask him if he still has the Leaf Stone, telling him it's needed right now by a Nuzleaf wanting to evolve. If the mysterious Pokemon isn't the Bulbasaur, or either evolution if it did evolve somehow, I'm going to wait a few minutes to see what happens.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

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