Dun dun dun DUN!!! ^-^ Im back from the Con of Neko! heh..but in between yelling and cheering at the cosplay to talking non-stop practically all weekend, I have no voice.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
But oh well! ^-^ I got a cool souvenier, a drawing of me, Kuro, D2 and my sis Shaka (Nyoko and Bear were at the dance at the time )in our costumes by one of the artist people ^-^ its coool!!
Well anyway, on with the show!

~~~~Myra Link~~~~
::: 7:13PM :::
I studied the vampire man in front of me. I wasnt sure why he was so calm and so....non confrontational....but I had just shrugged it off. After all, he had shown the proper respect for a lady.
Still, the thing he said about hoping we never meet again bothered me....just a bit...though I don't know why. But, enough stalling. I cleared my throat politely and brought myself up so I was sitting up straight. "My name is Myra, from the great House of Link. As for my past...." I vaugly wondered what gave him the idea that he deserved to know about my past, after all I didn't know him, I had just met him a few minutes before. However... I studied the quietly curious look shining within his otherwise vampiric blue eyes, Despite all that...I feel like I should tell him.
"Well...If you must know, very well, I'll tell you.." I got a far-away look in my eyes as I remembered......

"Always be proud of who you are.."
Thats what my father always told me. And he said it again now, as I sit moping, staring disinterestedly out the window at the vast expanse of endless night. I turn to assult him with my frustrated gaze. "But Father, Maerid told me that Mother was a human once, and she was not born an aristocrat like us! He said that the Link family was a laughing stock, and that it was an embarrassment to his family that I was betrothed to him!" My eyes were beginning to well up with tears, the only way a child of six could deal with such shame and humiliation. My Father sighs quietly as he takes my hand and helps me stand up. "This may be true, you Mother was a human once," he says gently, concern and a small hint of sadness shining in his eyes. "But even so, be proud of who you are....."

"So, you were born in the City of the Night...." the blue haired man said, mostly to himself than to me, as if he had been making assumptions about me and had found one of them confirmed. I sighed and looked faintly annoyed. "Yes, I was, and I've lived there all my life....Now..." I shut my eyes, and waved my hand with an air of distain. "If there are no more interruptions...."
The man nodded and I continued....

"Oh, its the Link wench. Why don't you crawl back to whatever stinking beastial wasteland your mother came from so I wouldn't have to taint my family's bloodline with your filth?"
Maerid. Still vulgar and insulting as when we were small children. But now, 6 years later, I did not stand for such rude behaivior from someone who obviously was less of an aristocrat than me. "You'd be smart to shut your oversized mouth, for its only showing that I am more of an aristocrat than you will ever be. Marrying you would be an insult to my family. Weren't both your parents once human?"
His eyes show his enormus shock at the fact I knew his secret. He stutters as he tries to regain his fallen pride, before stalking away shamefully. I won that round.. I think to myself with a swell of pride.

"That was the last time I ever saw him, though I can't say Im sorry he's gone." I said with darkness in my voice. The man looked even more curious. "What happened?" he asked, leaning in slightly as he waited for me to answer.
I folded my hands and paused before continuing. "Well, that night, a few of the old generation vampires decided that some changes had to be made, that they were tired of living in the City of the Night. They wanted to return to Earth, because it is the vampire birthright to rule Earth, and it had been without rule for too long. So they did away with everyone who was less than worthy of the title Noblemen. Everyone who renounced thier aristocratic birthright, everyone who refused to return to Earth to claim back the night. My father, who once told me to be proud, forgot his own advice and became passive, as if he were one of the filthy human cattle. My mother also, ignoring the gift of becoming a noble acted like the human she once was and spoke out against returning to Earth. So I renounced them."
I paused, realizing I had probably said too much already, and fixed the man with an expectant gaze. "Well, thats enough from me for a while....now I believe its your turn..."
I told him more about myself than I would usually tell someone I had just met, but I still did not tell him everything. I decided I would wait and find out more about him before I placed my trust anywhere, even though he was a fellow vampire.
After all, one never knew what surprises Earth might hold....
Well I hope that makes SOME sense..Ill let you decide, Rudy, if you want Rudy to be able to tell his story, or if you want Koger to interrupt it. ^-^
I'll write Father Farwell's part later, I'm hungry!