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Thread: The japanese names(R/S only)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Default The japanese names(R/S only)

    They are not in the right order!

    Kimori - Treecko
    Juputol - Grovyle
    Jucain - Sceptile
    Achamo - Torchic
    Wakashamo - Combusken
    Bashamo - Blaziken
    Mizugurou - Mudskip
    Numakuroo - Marshtomp
    Raguraaji - Swampert
    Pochiena - Poochyena
    Guraena - Mightyena
    Jiguzaguma - Zigzagoon
    Massuguma - Linoon
    kemusso - Wurmple
    Karasarisu - Silcoon
    Agehunto - Beautifly
    Mayurudo - Cuscoon
    Dokukeiru - Dustox
    Haasebo - Lotad
    Hasubero - Lombre
    Runpapa - Ludicolo
    Tanebo - Seedot
    Konohana - Nuzleaf
    Daatengu - Barkon
    Tsuchinin - Nincada
    Tekkanin - Ninjask
    Nukenin - Shedinja
    Subame - Taillow
    Oosubame - Swellow
    Kinococo - Shroomish
    Kinogassa - Brelom
    Patchiiru - Spinda
    Kyamome - Wingull
    Peripaa - Pelliper
    Ametama - Surskit
    Amemoosu - Masqurain
    Hoeruko - Wailmer
    Hoeruo - Wailord
    Eneko - Skitty
    Enekororo - Delicatt
    Kakureon - Kecleon
    Yajiron - Baltoy
    Nendooru - Claydoll
    Nozupasu - Nosepass
    Kootasu - Torkoal
    Yamirami - Sableye
    Dojotchi - Barboach
    Namazun - Whicash
    Rabukasu - Luvdisc
    Heigani - Corphish
    Shizarigar - Crawdaunt
    Hinbasu - Feebass
    Mirokarosu - Milotic
    Kibania - Charvanha
    Samehadda - Sharpedo
    Knuckler - Trapinch
    Biburaaba - Vibrava
    Furaigon - Flygon
    Makunosita - Makuhita
    Hariyama - Hariyama
    Rakurai - Electrike
    Raiboruto - Manetrike
    Donmeru - Numel
    Bakuda - Camerupt
    Tamazarashi - Spheal
    Todogura - Sealeo
    Todozeruga - Wailrein
    Saboena - Cacnea
    Nokutasu - Cacturne
    Yukiwarashi - Snorunt
    Onigoori - Glalie
    Runatoon - Lunatone
    Solarrock - Solrock
    Ruriri - Azzurill
    Banebuu - Spoink
    Buupiggu - Grumpig
    Purasuru - Plusle
    Mainan - Minun
    Kuchiito - Mawile
    Asanan - Meditite
    Chaaremu - Medicharm
    Chirutto - Swablu
    Chirutarisu - Altaria
    Soonano - Wynaut
    Yomawaru - Duskull
    Samayooru - Dusclops
    Roseria - Roselia
    Namakero - Slakoth
    Yarukimono - Vigoroth
    Kek-king - Slaking
    Gokurin - Gulpin
    Marunoomu - Swalot
    Torupiusu - Tropius
    Gonyonyo - Whismur
    Dogoomu - Loudred
    Bakuong - Exploud
    Paaruru - Clampearl
    Hanteeru - Huntail
    Sakurabisu - Gorebyss
    Abusoru - Absol
    Kagebouzu - Shuppet
    Jupetta - Banette
    Habunake - Seviper
    Zanguusu - Zangoose
    Jiirachi - Relicanth
    Kokodora - Aron
    Kodora - Lairon
    Bosugodora - Aggron
    Powarun - Castform
    Barubito - Volbeat
    Iruumize - Illumize
    Ririira - Lileep
    Yureid - Cradily
    Anopusu - Anorith
    Aamurudo - Armaldo
    Rarutosu - Ralts
    Kiruria - Kirlia
    Saanaito - Gardevoir
    Tatsubei - Bagon
    Komoru - Shellgon
    Boomanda - Salamence
    Danbaru - Beldum
    Metangu - Metang
    Metagurosu - Metagross
    Reji-rock - RegiRock
    Reji-ice - RegIce
    Reji-steel - RegiSteel
    Kaiorga - Kyogre
    Groudon - Groudon
    Rekkuuza - Rayquaza
    Latias - Latias
    Latios - Latios
    Jiraachi - Jirachi
    Deokishisu - Deoxys

  2. #2

    Default The japanese names(R/S only)

    Out of curiousity, aren't japanese names in japanese characters?

  3. #3
    Not-So-Cool Trainer Cool Trainer
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    Default The japanese names(R/S only)

    I believe that's a rough translation of how the word in Japanese sounds. Although it's in kanji, people do still pronounce Latias Rah-Tee-Us in Japan.

    Anyway, I have no authority over this kind of thing, but it could possibly help out. Nice job, pokeguy76!

    EDIT: Oops- he has Latias there. This is because most Oriental people cannot pronounce the "l" sound, and it comes out as a rolled "r" (hence Engrish).
    As long as I'm singin',
    Then the world's alright,
    Ev'rything's swingin',
    Long as I'm singin' my song...

  4. #4

    Default The japanese names(R/S only)

    EDIT: Oops- he has Latias there. This is because most Oriental people cannot pronounce the "l" sound, and it comes out as a rolled "r" (hence Engrish). [/B]
    They can pronounce it, it isn't in most Asian languages through.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Default The japanese names(R/S only)

    Actually, they can't pronounce it. Watch Christmas Story

  6. #6

    Default The japanese names(R/S only)

    Originally posted by Hikaru
    Actually, they can't pronounce it. Watch Christmas Story
    I know people who are Chinese and have no problem pronouncing it.

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