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Thread: ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

  1. #121
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Yuar Oro - M - Vampire

    I nodded as Liven walked off, and then turned my head to Father Farwell.
    "Do you think it was wise?"
    "What?" The priest looked at me, as I gave him a wary gaze.
    "To send her off on her own when sunset will becoming soon? There are many ... things, out there... which could attack her. She should have some one go with her."

    The priest hesitated, and then glanced at me.
    "I think she can take care of herself... she has good abilities."
    I shrugged as I leaned agained the wall.
    " If you say so... "

    Gyvien - F - Dampiel

    I walked a few steps down the streets as I sighed, feeling my aches and pains all over but luckily, ever since I was little I was pretty good at consentrating on other things to ignore the pain. Ever since I was little I had to know how to do that...
    And with that freak roaming about, I'm gonna have to make sure I'm ready for him.
    I shivered at the thought of him... he still haunted me in my nightmares, still whispered in the wind, and memories still flashed in my field of vision as well... those horrible... trecherous...

    I stopped and took a breath as I closed my eyes, and then moved onward again. I never could forget him... never...
    I ... I ..
    I couldn't even think about it anymore.. it was too hard and I didn't want to be reminded about what the freak vampire did.

    I need... some things then.
    I flashed a grin, as I turned off the alleyway onto one of the main roads. It was risky buisness... there were no humans out tonight- not with Vampires roaming all over. Sure I had to watch not only vampires themselves, but half-blood hunters. I could deal with humans... it was the vampires that were the only skills. And no doubt Oyar was roaming about... the pathetic slime.
    I continued to walk down the main street.. occasionally I'd see a figure and slip into the shadowed alleyways, clutching my gun inside Rudy's jacket that he gave me. It was a bit short... but I'd fix that soon enough.

    After scavenging the area for what closed stores were around, finally I saw a good clothing store, and quickly made my way around to back to it. I pressed my fingers around the door to find it wasn't too thick. So, I put my hand in my pocket to gather my pins and-
    "Sh*t, not my jacket.... no pins here."
    I cursed a few choice words, until finally I just took one of my thinner daggers and picked at the simple-locked door. After struggling with it for a bit... finally it clicked open and I pushed my way inside. I narrowed my eyes and glanced about... and saw that strangely, the secriuty system wasn't activated. I blinked, thinking how... curious that was. Shrugging, I walked inside and quickly searched in the darkness for my ingredients.

    Soon I had found the perfect jacket: Black, soft leather but not too heavy and very movable for quick movement. It was long and reached halfway to my calves, and had tight arms, except flared out around the wrists. I grinned, and quickly took all my belonging off Rudy's given jacket and placed them in this new jacket. I cut off all the tages, and soon had my new jacket upon me. I then grabbed two gloves, cut off the fingers and slipped them over my hands as well. A studded, black dog-like collar was also found, which I thought suited my touch. I placed that around my neck as well, and found it fitted nicely. I found two more like it, except smaller and in a blood-red color, and not has heavily studded. They were for wrists, and I put on one of them on my left wrist. I laughed slightly at myself, and equipped myself with one more item- a crimson red tank top. I put that on as well, after a painful try at making my shoulder not ache when moving my arm.

    I was ready... so swift as I could I left, and I needed only one more store.

    I quickly found a drug store, which was far easier to break into. That required only a swift blow to the lock with my gun to bust the door. I did have to break into the medicine cabnet.. but that required just a swift kick to shatter the glass. I was a bit messier... but I was getting hurried by the ebbing voices in the back of my head about.. him. I grabbed the heavy painkillers that wouldn't down my sensories, and a few pins.

    I was out of there quickly... and after taking a few of the pills, my body was feeling abit better. Sighing, I turned into one of the alleyways, and thought about what actions to do now...
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  2. #122
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Time to set things into motion here. Remember that for now I only want Asi, Kalah and JT to do anything. Also be warned that this next area isn't going to be very friendly so expect some nasty things along with some bad language.

    Rudy Summers
    About 1 AM
    For about the past half hour or so me and Myra had searched for my sister. However so far there was no sign of Gyvien around in this area. In fact except for a clothing store that looked like it had been broken into recently there was no sign of anyone at all. I knew Gyvien could take care of herself but I was starting to get a little worried. Pretty soon we would be entering a rough area of Wood Water known for it's high number of vampires. I felt that only fools that were unprepared would go into such a place and it wasn't uncommon for many bodies to start turning up during the day. The worst part was that even the most experienced hunters avoided the area during the night due to the high risk of traveling there. It got to be so bad that after awhile it became known as the 'Blood District' among vamps because it was so easy to get a meal there. In my opinion it deserved that nickname.

    As me and Myra entered the Blood District I motioned for her to join me down on the street. Once she had done so I took a moment to explain to her just how bad things were around here. "I don't think you'll need to worry about running into hunters while your around here" I told her. "Don't be surprised if you find some bodies around the area or see a vampire or two feeding on someone. Chances are if you enter this area and are not a vampire or dampiel that you won't be leaving alive." As she nodded I said "It may sound bad but for us it's pretty safe. Usually you can easily get around with no questions asked. It's the quickest way to the south side of the city but due to the high amount of danger in this area hunters and humans try to avoid it at all costs. Gyvien is the type of person that wouldn't care about the danger so I'm sure that if she were heading toward the south that she would have passed by here. For now maybe we should spilt up. We'll go our seprate ways for now and meet back in this area in about an hour." Myra seemed to like the idea and I couldn't blame her. Since running into me this was her first chance to look around on her own. Granted it wasn't the best place to take a tour of the city but she was able to take care of herself. If anyone did try to mess with her I would be quite surprised.

    As we seprated Myra took the main road while I went down an allyway and then down another road. Not even five minutes passed before I came across a woman's body. She was clearly the victim of a vampire attack but that wasn't what caught my attention. The blood still smelled and looked fresh. Chances were whoever killed her wasn't very far away. After a few more minutes I came across two more bodies. This time however it was a bit more grusome. One of them was a woman and was also killed by a vampire. The other was a guy and was cut open right down the middle exposing his innards. If I had been a human chances were the sight would have made me sick to my stomach but instead it was having the opposite effect. Suddenly as I was looking over the bodies I heard a woman scream from one of the allies. Running as fast as I could it didn't take too long to find her. She had her back to me with a hand to her neck and was holding herself up against a wall. Whoever this vampire was he, she or they must have been thinking they hit the buffet tonight. As I approached her to see if she needed help the woman suddenly slipped and went down. However as I bent down to see if she was still alive she suddenly spun around and without warning stabbed me in the stomach. Needless to say I was quite shocked but before I could do anything else I got tackled to the ground and chained up by what seemed to be a small army. I was at their mercy and pretty soon all my weapons were stripped.

    As I recovered from the sudden attack I saw what I was up against. There were six guys in front of me and each appeared to be armed with everything from swords to guns. As for the woman who I was trying to save I got my first good look at her. She was nothing more than a vampire who was faking it. However the real question was why she did it. It didn't take look for me to get an answer as she turned toward a rooftop and yelled "You were right about the fact that he would jump into anything if he had the feeling someone was in trouble." Before I saw who she was talking to I heard his voice. "Well I hope you remember what I said earlier tonight Rudy because this is were it ends for you." That was all I needed to hear. As he jumped from the roof I got straight to the point. "How did you find me Oyar?" I had asked him. All he did was laugh at me as he started to go into another one of his lond winded rants. "You've always been a simple minded person Summers. Did you honestly think I was just going to walk away? Once I was sure you wouldn't follow me I retraced my steps and quickly caught up with you. However I kept my distance as I tailed you to were you were staying. I was thinking of breaking in and killing your friends but then at around midnight I saw my chance. Your sister seems to be out past her curfew." As the female vampire held me against a wall with her foot I shouted "I swear that if you even touched her again that I will make what I did to your boys in the park look like nothing!" Oyar just laughed some more and said "Try whatever you want Summers because your not getting out of this one on your own." I hated to admit it but he was right for once. This wasn't good at all for me.

    Suddenly up on the roof where he just was I saw Myra appear with her katana drawn. Despite this she stayed back. I was sure both of us knew she wasn't going to fight eight vampires armed with both guns and swords alone. Just then Oyar seemed to notice I was looking at something and looked up there as well. However thankfully Myra was already gone. Turning to the female vampire he said "Check it out and make sure whoever was there can't help him. See that some harm comes to them." Doing nothing more than nod at Oyar she started to make her way up to the roof. Just then he added "And if it's his sister keep in mind she isn't your plaything. Just kill her and be done with it." I quickly caught the meaning of that and despite how serious things were cracked a smile. However once Oyar saw that he walked over to me and kicked me were I had been stabbed. This caused me to fall over due to the amount of pain it caused. As he picked me up again he said "You have a problem with that Rudy?" Shaking my head I said "No I don't. I just find it amusing thinking about what Gyvien would do if she ran into someone like her." Oyar just ignored that and started talking about Gyvien again. "Going back to how I knew you were coming. I just followed your sister for a bit and then contacted some friends as you can see. I knew it would only be a matter of time before you'd be coming right behind her."

    By this point about ten minutes had passed and there was still no sign of Myra. All I could do for now was wait and hope she didn't run into trouble as well. She had no plan whatsoever it seemed and I was sure she knew if she rushed in it would only get us both killed. Just then Oyar grabbed my attention again "It's funny watching you when your culeless Rudy. You must have thought that robbery was just something a human did." I quietly cursed at myself for two reasons. The first was simply because I didn't check it out. The second was because Gyvien had to rob that store. Of course I had no room to complain since I was also guilty of doing it once or twice. When money was tight you had to do what you could to survive. As I was thinking Oyar was still talking but the next thing was something I heard crystal clear. "You know she looks so sexy in that red tank top she took. Maybe I'll have to......" He didn't even get the chance to finish. Already knowing where he was headed I yelled "Lay a finger on her and your a f****** dead man!" If I wasn't being held down by his thugs I would have lunged at him despite the fact my arms were chained. Suddenly he took one of his men's pistols and shot me right in the leg. As I shouted he said in a calm voice "Such outbursts can be so rude. I guess I should take care of that little problem." With those words he aimed the weapon as my head and got ready to pull the trigger......

    I'm going to stop it right there and leave that as a point for Gyvien or Myra to jump in at. I'd say about a half hour passed from the start of this post to the end so when you guys post keep that timeframe in mind. Also remember that I only want JT, Asi and Kalah jumping in to help. I've had something planned and only their characters should be involved.
    TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
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    Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
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    Never compromise the Brotherhood.
    Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
    -The Assassin's Creed

  3. #123
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Gyvien - F - Dampiel

    I walked down the streets... blinking slightly as I walked down. I was in Blood District of course.. .well actualy, just entering. Sure I knew the bad rap it had... how you had to watch your back. But right now, I sure as hell didn't care. Plus if any stupid vamp wanted a piece of me they would have to get through my gun. My nice silver gun... which would blow their head off before their fangs would even shine in the nice moon light.

    I rolled my eyes as I walked a few dead bodies... some of them were even Dampiel hunters. One of them however looked familiar, so I bent down and gazed at him. His dark brown hair stained was blood... and hisi eyes. He was Yven, one of the leaders of the underground dampiel hunter association. I was the ring leader I suppose.. .and, well, seeing this slightly saddened me and pissed me off at the same time. He was a good hunter... and him being dead wasn't ... pleasing. I sighed and reached down to his neck and saw the silver necklace with our s ymbol- the cresent moon. I shook my head sadly as I grabbed it and yanked it off. Slowly I put it in my pocket, until suddenly..

    "Actually mourning for some one?"
    I whirled around to see Myra, standing there gazing at me with paniced yet bitter eyes. I sighed and stood up, gazing at her with an annoyed look.
    " Did Rudy send you off on another wild goose chase? If you are after me... I'm not coming, I don't want to put-"
    "I don't want your renegade replies! Rudy is endanger and surrounded by eight Vampires. I can't possibly defend them myself... so I found you. Unless you don't want to help your brother."

    Silence ensued, as I cursed under my breath.
    "... I hope to god it isn't... " I gazed up at him.
    "Whose the Vampire ringleader?"
    "Some vampiric named Oyar."
    I breathed a sigh of relief... it was Oyar, good... it wasn't the other one.
    "You seemed relieved.- isn't Oyar the one who got you?"
    I growled.
    "He snuck up on me off guard- he's a coward and I know how he thinks. Let's go... can't leave Rudy hanging now can we?"

    Myra then dashed off in the darkness as I followed, and though we didn't really care for eachother I think for once we respected each other. She loved Rudy, I knew that... I could tell, because despite our blood diferences we were both female. FEmales know when one loves another of the oppisite gender- it's just a vibe. I was his sister... and we, well.. I at least felt I had an obligation to protect him as well as he did to me. Besides, I had to repay him... I hated being in debt.
    The darkness followed our footsteps where ever we went... and as we ran I wondered what Oyar wanted. Probably revenge... but I had a feeling it was some thing a bit more.

    Myra then leapt upon the rooftop silently, and I followed with a swift motion. She jumped a few more tops, until finally she slowed down and inched forward and I stepped up from behind her and we both peered over the edge. There... were seven vampires.
    Myra and I both gazed at eachother, knowing that one was missing. Myra smirked and gave me a look like she had taken care of that one.. .and I nodded. We then gazed over as suddenly the ring leader- Oyar as I instantly recognized it, held up a gun point black at Rudy after some words were exchanged.

    Myra made a point to jump down at that moment with out hesitation behind the six who were watching. I then pointed my sleek gun at Oyar's and bit my teeth.
    You dirty bastard.. I growled, as I pulled the trigger and hit Oyar's gun. Instantly the bullet shattered as the sound exploded through the air. The gun that Oyar held flew out of his hand several feet away. He cursed and dove for the gun but I already had jumped down. Before he could lunge for it I had my foot upon the gun and aimed a high kick to his face. It smashed into his jaw as he cursed and blood spattered in the air. I then scrambled for hisi gun, seized it and instantly brought up. I held both guns with both hands- mine at Oyar, the other one at the six. Myra was already struggling with them but they froze as they saw the scene.

    "How nice of your fine figure to join us.." Oyar teased, as I snarled.

    "Shut your mouth you perverted bloody bastard.." I hissed.

    (Just a note: No one interfere o'course cept for JT, Rudy, Asi... oh, and just another note: Gyvien's pissed and not about to let anyone get the best of her. heh..)

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    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  4. #124

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    OOC: time for Koger to become involved again........


    The night had become most disagreeable to Koger. He had nearly come full circle since the real mystery began. He started the mystery in search of a dampiel hunter named Gyvien thanks to some incomplete intel gathered from the open-mouthed Oyar. His search for Gyvien had taken an unwanted turn at around midnight though. Just as soon as he had caught her trail he stumbled upon another predator by accident. Fortunately for Koger his skill as tracking and remaining concealed was much better than Oyar's. No sooner had he found Gyvien than he found himself tracking Oyar whom was also tracking Gyvien. It was enough to give one a headache.
    Koger waited patiently, watching the predator track his prey. The game went on for almost an hour before Oyar broke pursuit. And Koger was left with an interesting dilemna. Oyar had seemed quite intent on acquiring Gyvien's company earlier this night so why would he so readily drop the chase? What could be more important to Oyar all of a sudden? Would it also be more important to Koger, or should he stay the course and catch up with Gyvien on his own? A most frustrating decision he was fortunate enough not to have to answer on his own.
    Just as Koger was about to move onward and catch Gyvien for his answers, he was distracted by a souind. It was distant at first but he was sure he recognized it. It was a pair of boots he had spent some time following much earlier in the night.
    " little protege'.........the plot thickens," Koger thought aloud.
    The decision had been made and he would wait here, watching over Oyar carefully. Oyar was setting a trap for someone and young Rudy Summers seemed as likely a target as any. So, Koger lay in waiting in the shadows.
    It took only a minute before Rudy was in sight, rushing towards a fake peril. It would have felt good to intercede but that would not provide any answers. Crazy though Koger may be he was not stupid. He needed answers and he was not going to get them by trying to evade a gang of vampires with a hapless youth in tow. He would have to let the first scene play itself out.
    His patience would be rewarded, though barely. Two vampires erupted onto the scene with great speed. Arriving mere seconds before Koger himself would have felt pressed to action.
    The actions of these two female vampires led to a fairly quick but tenuous standoff. Gyvien certainly had Oyar at a fatal disadvantage but should the other 6 cease to care about his well being her and the other female would not survive much past the first shot fired. Once she fired, the other six would turn in trio's upon them and it would be a short fight. Two against one on even footing they would surely overcome, but three on one with no decided advantage.......It would take a vampire far more ancient than them to beat those odds. Obviously this meant that the odds needed fixing.
    Being the sporting fellow he was, Koger decided it was up to him to even them. With blazing speed he corscrewed down to street level from the balcony he had been hiding on. Halfway down both his swords were drawn. In his downward spinning top motion he decapitated one of Oyars six companions as he landed, Before anyone could adjust to his presence he was already turning sideways to decapitate one more. As he came out of his spin he had one sword to the neck of Oyar's closest companion and the other hovering dangerously close to Oyar's jugular. Koger's smile lit up as he panned his neck to take in everyones expressions.
    "Sorry to drop in unannounced but I think I might have some business here," Koger said cheerily.
    "You've got to be kidding me," Rudy mumbled painfully.
    "No, I can say quite honestly that I am not kidding. It would seem that Mr Fatality and Madame Shoplift over here both have information I find myself in need of my boy," Koger chimed back.
    "This is no business of yours Koger! If you must make it your business though I think I could pay a good deal better than these hunter twins," Oyar ventured cautiously.
    " delightfully survivalist of you. Trying to bribe a mutant with a sword at your throat," Koger replied, his grin almost glowing in the darkness. "You are mistaken though. I have much business here. You put the lovely Gyvien on my agenda of things to investigate in that awkward dealing earlier dear Oyar. I had much interest in a different vampire before that encounter though."
    "What are you talking about? What is the that traitor of a vampire to you?" Oyar said, shifting his eyes back to indicate Rudy.
    "Call him a pet project of mine," Koger whistled, turning to give a wink at Rudy.
    It was hard to tell if it was for reassurance or to betray a less benevolent intention. Rudy wasn't about to argue the point while chained up though. Nor was he ready to question Koger while his blades were still to the throats of his enemies.
    A drawing silence ensued. No one was too eager to say anything. Everyones nerves hung on the edge of a knife, quite literally for some present. It was a silence that could have gone on forever were time not such a consideration for everyone but Koger.
    "F***!!" Gyvien spoke at last, voicing her frustration.
    "Indeed," Koger added quietly. 'I would be most pleased to stick around like this all day but I feel it might become rather boring in about 4 hours. Don't you all agree?"
    Koger's smile deepened as he carefully watched all the vampires around him. It did give him a small sense of advantage knowing that he could outlast all of them in a standoff thanks to his lack of vampiric blood. One of them would have to make a decision soon as to what would happen next. Would Oyar's companions give up the chase and flee, surrendering him to his fate? Or would they stay and play so that Koger may line his pockets with whatevers trinkets they have concealed on their oimpending corpses? Whatever the case, Koger was sure to have fun. His patience had indeed finally paid off at least in that regard.

  5. #125
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Whoa, I missed quite a lot! ^-^() So Im going to back up a bit and give me a chance to write some of Myra's point of view of all this. Keep in mind that Im writing this WITHOUT knowing what the 'plan' is yet so if you dont like what Im writing then its not my fault ^-~
    Oh and it might be a little late in the game but I guess I had better post warnings ^-^() Yeah, this post isnt going to be pretty, cussing, blood, the works. Hey its the bad side of town what do you expect? ^-~

    ~~~~Myra Link~~~~
    Wood Water City (Blood District)
    :::1:07AM::: 4 hours and 53 minutes until sunrise (6AM is fine Rudy ^-~)

    I had been walking down the main road of the 'Blood District' for only a few minutes when I had decided that I did not like this place. The streets stank of garbage and the faint smell of blood, small fanged animals hissed at me before rooting around in the trash, and thugs, vampiric and human, leered vulgar obscenities at me as I walked past. All in all, this place seemed deeply rooted in filth of all kinds.

    Why would Gyvien be in this bloody cesspool anyway....

    But I just disregarded the filth all around me and kept my senses tuned to finding Rudy's sister. I wondered what was south of here and where she thought she was going. After all, Rudy had saved her foolish hide once before, and she was still injured from that vampire Oyar's attack, so she was in no condition to be doing any heavy travelling. Not that I wanted her to stay with us, her leaving would just make it so I didnt have to deal with her bitchy attitude, but I knew that she was Rudy's family and even though she was rude and very ungrateful he cared about her. So, for Rudy's sake, I would find her.

    Suddenly it was as if somebody kicked me in the stomach. I went down to one knee in shock as a thought pierced through my mind like a beam of light on a moonless night. Rudy's in trouble!! Somehow I just knew, and by the rising feeling of dread that I felt I knew it was BIG trouble. But before I could get up, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Whirling around I saw a large human man standing over me, swaying from side to side and grinning. He was wearing dirty work clothes with a nametag that read "Bill". He licked his lips drunkenly and said "Hey, missy whr ya goin....wer jes gettin 'quainted an' yer leavin'?"
    Trying to resist the urge to kill I gave him a look that wouldve told any sober, sane person to get the hell out of there, and said, "Get. The hell. Offa me. Now." I was trying not to kill him only because I had made a silent promise to Rudy to deserve his love, and killing people without warning was not something he would approve of. However, the drunken b*stard in front of me wasnt going to make things easy.
    Totally ignoring the fact that I was a vampire with a murderous look on my face he pulled me to him, saying, "Yer a firey 'un, jes th' way ah like 'em...." And then the filthy beast made like he was going to kiss me.

    Total unbridled rage flowed through me. First he keeps me from helping Rudy and now THIS!!! This is unforgivable, Rudy couldve been hurt by now, even......... And then all clear thoughts were chased from my head by the rage. In the blink of an eye my left hand changed from its usual softness into a 5 fingered metal claw and slashed him from his face down to his thigh. Blood sprayed all over me and he made a gurgling cry as I instantly took to the rooftops, not knowing if I killed the human or not but also not caring in the least. Someone that dirty and stupid deserved to die...

    It wasn't long before I saw a shape outlined on a rooftop. Sneaking closer I was able to pick up on what he was saying. "....tonight Rudy because this is where it ends for you." The figure then descended from the roof and disappeared from my line of sight. However that was all I needed to hear. I quickly flew to where the vampire was standing and looked down where he went. The sight that I saw then made my anger with the human moments before seem pleasent.
    Rudy was bleeding from a wound in his stomach, chained up and being held against the wall by some vampiric ****.. The male vampire in front of him laughed at Rudy's predicament and got within inches of his face. "Try whatever you want Summers because your not getting out of this one on your own."

    My eyes widened and I felt a darkness overtake my soul. Oh don't worry... I thought dangerously as I drew the katana Rudy gave me. Rudy is NOT on his own....

    I was about to leap off the roof and take as many of them out with me that I could when I saw Rudy look my way. Our eyes met and he had a look that clearly told me that what I was about to do would only get us both killed. That was so Rudy, his own life was in danger and he was worried about me. But he was right, this time. I gave him a look that told him I would not be abandoning him and then got out of sight.
    Though It seemed like I was too late because I heard the male order one of his flunkies after me. Good. Let them come. A swift death met whoever came after me at that moment. The sight of Rudy chained and bloody was burned into my memory and I doubted anything couldve chased the rage from my mind.

    Suddenly I saw the vampire ***** that had been pinning Rudy to the wall. Stupid **** had giggled at his pain, and was even giggling now, anticipating the thought of being able to kill. It disgusted me. I leapt behind her and without realising it, began cursing at her in the native language of the aristocrats. "Vilgehk pedlr, E'mm syga oui byo vun fryd oui'ja tuha du Rudy...."
    She whirled around in shock but made no signs of understanding what I said. Pathetic, so she's a changed human, I thought briefly before I attacked.

    The fight lasted a minute at the most, leaving me with a cut across the face and her, well, practically in shreds. I took out all my anger, pain and frustration on that unlucky little whore, but even though she was dead, Rudy was still in danger. And I couldnt help him by myself. Frowning with a sick feeling of dread I knew I only had one choice. The only one on Earth I knew besides Rudy.

    His sister.

    Post two

    I had to do what, for me, was nearly impossible--swallow my pride and ask Gyvien, whom I was NOT on good terms with, for help. But I would do anything, ANYTHING to help Rudy, even such a thing as beg for help. Even though it didn't come to that, because she decided to help almost right away. I could almost like her for that.

    It wasnt long before we came to the scene where I left Rudy. Without wasting a second I ran in and got ready to defend myself. Gyvien knocked Oyar's gun away from Rudy's head and we had a regular standoff going on. Then when it looked like things couldnt get any worse, who should show up but that annoying little mutant. Though it looked like he might decide to help us, I didn't trust him. But right then all I cared about was making these vampires pay for what they did to Rudy......

    Man, this is taking too long....I'll go back and put more detail in the last part later, but for right now, I think SOMETHING is better than nothing ^-^

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  6. #126
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Yuar Oro - M - Vampire

    (Around 12... some where just after Liven left.)

    Father Farwell was trying to sleep, as I stood against the darkened wall and thinking. As I stood there... thinking about my past, and about what my goal was here I suddenly recalled that very faint memory...

    "Yuar.. you must leave now."
    My mother spoke to me, her words harsh but out of love she was forcing me to leave. I was only about 8... and already I had to leave my home.
    "She's right YUar... if you stay here, they will kill you."
    I blinked at my father, and felt a twinge of anger towards the Vampire who had started those nasty rumors just because he saw me on Earth. It pissed me off... and now my parents were forcing me to leave. But they were right, if I stayed here... there would be an uproar in the Vampiric community and they'd kill me or do some thing worse.

    In a flash I was at the dock, gazing back at my parents as I nodded and left... entering the realm and into a place which was as cruel as any kid could imagine, but it made me grow up... and it made me who I was..

    I sighed, as I remembered the night I went back to see her. It was then I realized what innocence was again, and then later in her life I realized what corruption and mistakes really were. Sure I wasn't there... but I heard things, I had a way of knowing things when I never was actually there. But now...

    Guns... Vampires...

    I suddenly was hit by a wave of some thing unexplainable.

    Danger... Protection...

    It hit me twice, adn I closed my eyes to see flashing images of ... a dark alleyway. I blinked and pressed a finger to my forehead as I winced, and then suddenly it became clear. I wasn't here to protect Farwell... I wasn't here to get Roland or to help everyone like I had planned. I was here to ... to sort things out, to protect her and to tell her every thing.

    With that I gazed at Farwell- he wasn't sleepign yet.

    "I'm leaving.." The priest looked at me as if I were surely joking, but I s hook my head.
    "I had forgotten the reasons I truely came here... and now I've been reminded. I'm not here to help you, and I'm not here on a mission to slay Roland. I'm here for one reason... and I must go to that reason."

    Farwell was silent as he then nodded his head. I gave a soft smile and then turned away.
    "Good luck."

    With that I slipped into th enight, prepared for my leave back to Wood Water City.


    Gyvien - F - Dampiel


    Well didn't this f*ck'n s uck? Four rogue Vampires with Myra near them wanting to kill them, we had Rudy in chains with a sword at his throat, we had Oyar with a sword and a gun upon him, and a Mutant who thought it was amusing.

    It was a very bad situation which would need some 'thinking' process but we didn't have the time. We would have to act, and right now I believed I was the only one who could act. I had no death threats at me... but the fact that the mutant was holding a sword to Rudy's throat was the only danger to me.

    The Vampires- the four of them, didn't seem to have any guns. Oyar had the gun, and the decapitated one as well but the others were just holding daggers and knives. If they had guns, they would have used them in teh first place- I would have known that, I used guns. So I had to make a bet about what the 'cause and reaction' would be, and I would have to hope that there wasn't a drastic reaction to my 'action'. I had to make a choice... had to break the ice. And I would... a very bloody ice breaker.

    I swiftly turned the gun I had pointed at Oyar, to one of the four Vampires. I already had Oyar's gun pointed at one of them, but I was lightening quick with this action. All to quickly I pulled the trigger on both guns, and immediatly shot both of them in the middle of their heads. The one with my gun fell down instantly, but the one with Oyar's gun sputtered, coughed and then fell down with a sickening thunk. Blood poured over the ground to intermix with the already decapitated ones, and Rudy and Myra looked as if they were in shock at my actions.

    I narrowed my eyes at Myra as if to say, 'kill the other two!'
    Myra however, didn't have a choice as the other two decided they better flee. Myra swiftly took 'care' of those two however, as everyone else consisting of Rudy, the mutant, and Oyar were silent. I gazed back at them, and held my gun at Oyar again as I stuffed his gun in my jacket pocked and then took out my dagger form my boot. I grinned slightly..

    "Sorry Oyar, but I had to dispose of your friends. I figured that he.."

    With that I guestured towards the mutant. He flashed a cocky grin as I smirked with amusement.

    "... wouldn't care if I took care of your friends."

    Actually, that was the bet I had to make. I didn't care if he blew off Oyar's head, but if he decided to take off Rudy's then I was screwed. But I didn't think he woudl by me killing them- there would be no point in that. Plus he seemed to have an interest in Rudy like he said before... I was hoping that interest didn't run into what color blood RUdy had.

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    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  7. #127

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Well looks like ill have to force some interaction


    I crept slowly and quietly down the hall to the room occupied by the two i had seen on the roof. I was pretty sure i had the right door, judging by the window that was open near them when i saw them this was indeed their room but as i approached the scent of evil became thick in the air and my fears were confirmed.

    "Vampires" i growled to myself, keeping my voice low.

    I drew my Sword and unholstered my Pistol, readying myself before the door. With a single kick i broke the lock from the door and entered the room, weapons readied however what was on the other side was to say the least....dissapointing.
    Noone was here. The beds were unmade and messy telling me that they were indeed staying here. I walked to the open window and shook my head. This was my first hunt in quite a while and in my haste i had forgotten that it was still night, what vampire would remain in their rooms at night after being trapped there all day.
    I checked the clock on the side table and noted that they may be gone for a number of hours. I closed the door, repairing what i could to hide my entry. And checked the clock again, an hour had passed but still......"Just enough time to set a trap".

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

    ASB Record
    W-12 ~ D-2 ~ L-2

  8. #128
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!


    "Im going to kill you boy if you dont GIVE ME MY ETERNAL LIFE BACK!!!" I yelled as i gripped his leg. I calmed down a little and said, "So boy....why dont you bite me again and get this silly thing over with? You know you want some blood...your hungry for it! Come on!" I taunted at him. He looked down at me with hatred as i spoke to him, he seemed to want to kill me. "No Roland." He said to me. "Oh but why not? Dont you want me to be your Brother Skyler?" I asked nicely. He gritted his teeth at the sound of that. I grinned as i started to get myself up. Just as i was about to, a foot landed heavly on my arm. We both looked at the person who had come. I then noticed who it was, it was that Lady i have met before. The one with that weird weapon and the long purple braided hair. I got angry at her being here, "And what the hell are you doing......" I was cut off at her laughing at me. "Ahaha You poor pitiful Human! Looks like you lost your vampiric side!" She laughed in an insane tone. I just watched her walk towards Skyler. She looked down at me and picked me up by the scruff of the neck. It choked me alittle, i forgot just how weak a human body is. She grinned letting her fangs show, "I can give you your little eternal life you know....but you have to be on my side...." She said. On her side? no matter once i get my eternal life i wont make the same mistake! ill kill that Skyler when i get the chance! I thought as i nodded my head slowly. I grinned as she went for my neck. I looked over at the boy Skyler and smiled. "Hehe you wait boy!" I said just as i started to get weak from the lose of blood. Everything was getting dim and then the world went black. A minute later I was awake and was starting to make the change. My fangs grew and my strenght returned as i started to laugh. Skyler seeing he was in trouble ran out into the dark street. My glasses gleamed as my head was bent back as i giggled to myself. I clinched my fists and slammed them on the concret. "Yes!! I have finally got back what was mine! I shall always be a child of the night!" I yelled into the street.
    Liven Dinas

    I was walking down a small part of the town, i was passing by little bum camps. I looked at the poor people and felt bad for them. I felt bad only because they would probebly be an easy meal for any of those vampires out there. "I hope Farwell is ok...I didnt really want to leave him alone with that vampire.." I sighed. "Oh well im sure he'll be ok.." I said to myself. Just as i said that i heard some laughter coming from an alley way. "is that...Roland?!" I asked myself as i jogged down the alley. I just turned the corner when i saw it was just two drunken bums. They were throwing beer bottles at some stray cats. "Eh...." I sighed at their stupid acts as i turned and walked out. " Man sometimes i wonder why i try to help the human race..."
    A few mintes later I saw a young man leaning on the side of a wall, he looked out of breath. Hey that might be that Skyler Kid i was sent to find! I thought as i walked up to him. He looked at me as i came. "hey..your Skyler right?" I asked him. "Yeah..thats me." he said. "Good! I finally found you, well anyway. Are you ok? Cause Father Farwell sent me to find you because he thought you were in danger." I said as i leaned against the wall next to him.
    Take it from there.

  9. #129
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    You'll have to cut and paste these links.

    Alright... I have some pictures of Gyvien and a little one of Yuar.

    The beginning of the RPG Gyvien was sorta dark and very moody and was more 'morbid' -

    And this has a quickie sketch of Yuar- the first guy pic I've drawn! heh... he doesn't have a shirt on but who cares^^; Gyvien is at the bottom, more emotional and towards the 'current' status of the RPG... because of what's happened. But she also is still haunted by her past..'

    I know they aren't the greatest but I sorta rushed them... especially the last one. ^^;;

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    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  10. #130
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    OOC-I've been kinda busy as of late and I'm a little overdue for a post here. I know Rudy is kinda the main focus of this whole thing but it's gonna be at least another day before I can get enough time to post here in Dawn. For now don't worry about moving on without me. After all Rudy's a bit tied up at the moment.

    *laughs at his stupid one liner before noticing it doesn't go well with chains*

    Ummmm..... ^_^;
    Anyway like I said just move on if you guys have to do so. I can always go back and fill in Rudy's POV later once the events have passed. It'll just give me more stuff to write so I can tourture you guys with one of my long posts
    TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
    3DS Friend Code: 3196 4256 7846
    XBL: Enigma1985 NYJ
    Steam: enigmaticwonder

    Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
    Hide in plain sight.
    Never compromise the Brotherhood.
    Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
    -The Assassin's Creed

  11. #131
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    I forgot to mention it last time but Asi was using the Al Bhed language from FF 10 as the lanaguage that people who are born as vampires know. If you need to translate it just go here:

    Keep in mind that names and places are kept in English. If you try to translate those you'll get nothing but gibberish.

    Finally quick warning. Bad language ahead in this post. Then again by this point it should be expected with Oyar and Gyvien ^_^;

    Rudy Summers
    1:40 AM
    Oyar's plan had once again fallen apart thanks to Myra and Gyvien quickly showing up but I had mixed feelings about the whole thing. First off there were no signs of his female friend. Next two of Oyar's men had ran off once the other four went down but that worried me. Did they chicken out or did go for more help. Finally where did Koger fit into all of this? I had no idea why he was here and I didn't trust him one bit. However there would be time for other things later. Right now my main problem was getting free while being held at gunpoint by Oyar.

    As I sat there trying to ignore the pain from being stabbed and shot Oyar said to Gvyien without looking at her "Tonight I told him that even if I died that one of you would be coming to hell with me. Either you drop your gun or your little bro's brains are gonna decorate the street." Gvyien just scoffed at that and asked Oyar "Do you honestly think I'm that f****** stupid? Why don't you put your gun down and then I'll let you go?" Now it was Oyar's turn to laugh as he said "I could do that but I'd shoot him before you even made a move." As always my sister had something to toss right back at him. Her next remark didn't surprise me. Verbal sparring seemed to be something she was quite good at. "You can try but I bet you I can shoot you before you can shoot him!" All of a sudden the two of them were fighting over who could shoot who first. Before this got too out of hand I jumped in. "HEY! I'm the guy who's being held hostage here so I think my opinion counts!"

    Getting serious once again Oyar said to me "Your opinion means s*** to me Rudy. I don't care if I die tonight. I'll be statisfied knowing you went with me." Nodding my head I said "Oh yeah? Two can play at that game Oyar!" Looking at the others I hoped this worked. However before doing anything else I said to Myra "Ev drec kuac pyt drah bmayca vunkeja sa Myra. Ev drec bmyh pylgvenac drah zicd nasaspan dryd E muja oui." As expected it looked like Gyvien and Koger had no idea what I said. As for Oyar he too was clueless but that was only because he refused to speak our language. He felt it was pointless to speak it when most people on Earth spoke English. Looking at Gyvien it was time to set my plan into motion. "Listen to me" I said to her. "If you don't think you can save me then just let Oyar carry out his plan. Just keep this in mind. You may not have known our father but this bastard is the one who killed him." Gyvien was normally level header but for a moment I thought I saw anger in her eyes. It was the same look I had recived when she learned I was her brother and didn't believe me. However as always Oyar laughed. "You talk pretty tough for a guy that's about to die." Smiling at him I said "You don't have the balls to do it don't you? You always talk about how you don't fear death but then you always run off. Now that it's actually here in your face you just can't handle the pressure can you?" Out of anger Oyar fired another round. This time it was nothing more than a grazing blow to my arm. However that was enough to set Gyvien off. Wasting no time she shot him in the hand sending his gun flying away and then hit him in both kneecaps.

    Knowing he was pretty much screwed now Oyar gave up the key to my chains easily. Myra rushed over and quickly helped me get them off. She was about to help me up as well but I said "Not yet. Can you get me my weapons first?" She did it for me but seemed a bit confused as to why I wanted those first. Drawing one of my daggers I told them "I feel like walking out of here on my own power. However first things first." I knew this was going to hurt like hell but I didn't have much choice. Taking my dagger I cut into my leg so that I could get the bullet out. It wasn't exactly a smart thing to do but I didn't want it to heal up with a bullet in it. Once that was all done with I managed to somehow stumble to my feet. Normally I wouldn't care if someone helped me. However I didn't want to give Oyar the statisfaction of seeing me like that. Limping over to where he was on the ground I picked up his gun and gave it to Myra. I was about to walk away when Gyvien asked me "What do we do with this bastard?" Without looking over at her I said "Originally I wanted to see him suffer for what he did to our father and to you. However I'll be lowering myself to his level if I kill him the way he is now." Turning back toward everyone I saw everyone was shocked with my actions as I continued to explain why. "Oyar may deserve death but I will not kill anyone who is defenseless no matter who they are and what they've done." Oyar looked like he was about to thank me but I put a hand up to stop him. Shaking my head I told him "Don't look at me. She's the one who's going to decide if you live or die." At this point I took a brief moment to turn my attention to Koger. "When we're done with him I want to hear what your story is. I don't quite trust you after what happened earlier tonight." Once I was done with him I looked back at Gyvien and said to her "Don't feel as if you have to let him live because of my actions. If you think he must die for what he did to you, our father and myself then finish the job." Handing her my katana I waited to see if Oyar would be losing his head or if he would live to die another day......

    Be warned people! That closing line might be the first of several refering to Bond movies titles if I get the chance to use them. Some of you people that aren't fans might be surprised at just how many can be used as one liners in the right situation.

    *thinks he has too much time on his hands*
    TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
    3DS Friend Code: 3196 4256 7846
    XBL: Enigma1985 NYJ
    Steam: enigmaticwonder

    Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
    Hide in plain sight.
    Never compromise the Brotherhood.
    Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
    -The Assassin's Creed

  12. #132
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default .... man, why do I have to make up the descisions?

    Gyvien - F - Dampiel

    My eyes were glazed with anger... that fool,- thinking he could outdo me in a gun fight. Anyone who had any sense at all should no better then to deal with an angry, hell-bent Dampiel hunter.
    Now Rudy said he wasn't going to sink low enough to kill some one who was defenseless... and that pathetic coward Oyar looked thankful. Myra was nervous, gazing between me and Rudy as they both wondered what I would do.

    It was horrible- I felt the mutant who was there also starring at me, his gazing burning at my face. Oyar made his pale face som ehow paler... as he seemed to know that death was coming. Maybe Rudy had morals... but I had none. I was not raised by anyone who could ever teach me the proper morals Rudy had... my life had no morals- it had no right and wrong. The only thing life taught me growing up was either you live or die. I knew if I let Oyar go... he would most likely heal up and try to get us again for hurting him. .... but maybe not. If we took appropriate action perhpas he would finaly leave us alone. But I doubted it... most vampires were bastards.


    "Kill me already you b*tch" Oyar gasped, upon the ground looking utterly helpless and defeated. It pleased me to see him this way and yet it made me sick at the same time. I rolled my eyes...

    " I told you I could whoop your *ss any day in a gun fight. You should know better then to taunt some one like me. I'm a reckless fool, remember?"

    I walked over to him, standing above him with the gun pointed directly at his head. He did deserve to die... all the things he did. He didn't even care about anyone but himself the selfish...
    " You were the one who killed Yven, weren't you?"

    Oyar's eyes gleamed... but I didn't need words. He had sent some one to kill Yven..
    " You'll never give up, always trying to flush out us dampiels? Especially the hunters... but I will tell you this about my little organization you f*****, you'll never get us. We are more ruthless then you are, more skillful... and by far more deadly."

    I narrowed my eyes and bent down towards him, the gun still pointed at his head as my eyes narrowed and my auburn hair slowly brushed over my face and tickled at the air. His eyes were more fearful... for when I wanted to, I could look like a deadly viper which was about to kill- probably scarier.

    " You may have killed our father, you may have killed Yven, you may have almost killed Rudy and I... but I can guarentee you one thing: you will never reach your goals of killing what you deem unworthy. You will never kill Rudy, you will never kill Myra... you will never kill me. And now..."

    I suddenly reached down to my boot, and felt the dagger I prided so much in. I released it out and shinned it in the moon light as Oyar's eyes widened and he whispered some thing inaudible but I knew what it was.
    "Yes... this is that dagger. This is the dagger which most call, 'Dra yjahkan' ... that is the only words I know of the vampiric language- but you know as well as I what it means even if we are not good with the language itself. He gave it to me... and though I do not remember him ever giving me his name, I can sense he is still out there- waiting. I know you were hired by... that lowly vampire who I don't want to say, to attack the vampire who kept me safe as a young dampiel. It was you... but you couldn't kill him, - could you?"

    Oyar's eyes filled with rage as he refused to answer. I smirked and nodded.
    "Yes... so he is still alive."

    With that I took the dagger and suddenly with a quick, swift ripping motion I sliced Oyar's right shoulder. He winced in pain- he wasn't as good as I was to hide it. I then sliced his leg... he abdomin... and many others to mimic what he did to me. I then shook my head and sliced him where he didn't slice me- on my face. I cut a fine, yet deep-enough to leave a scar... right over his cheek bone in the shape of a cresent. HE swore and tried to jerk away but he cried in anguish.

    I then with drew the blade after wiping it on his clothing.
    " You will live... if you are any thing you say you are- you will live. You are a disgusting, scum vampire after all... you coward."

    I then looked to Rudy as if to give him a nodd.
    " Never come near us again- remember that scar that will remain upon your cheek and never touch me or anyone I know or care for again."

    I then walked over towards Rudy, as we began to walk away- Myra, Rudy and I... with Koger curiously behind.

    (I'll post for Yuar later..)
    [Please Send Tell]
    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  13. #133

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!


    Koger looked between them and Oyar as they began to walk away. This was not what he had intended. Gyvien and Oyar both had answers he wanted but he couldn't get all of them if they went seperate ways.
    He hesitated for a moment with indecision. If he left Oyar to go with the others he might not find them again so easily if they wisely chose not to return to that inn. He would lose his only chance to interrogate Oyar, though.
    "Once chance to appease my curiosity," Koger whispered into Oyars ear as he quickly slithered up beside him, sword hovering against Oyar's neck. "Give me his name and I will let you live as they intended. Withold it and you will not live to report me as an enemy to your new master. I give you five seconds to satisfy my curiosity."
    Oyar let out an audible hiss and a gulp as he noticed the others were no longer in the alley. He was alone with the mutant called Koger. Gyvien and Rudy's motivations were clear and easy to understand. Their nature would always betray their actions. Koger was much worse though. He was unpredictable and did things with no sense of reason. You could never tell what he truly had in mind.
    Oyar bowed his head reluctantly and let out a low whisper. It was so low that even Koger, mere inches from his mouth could understand what was said. It was enough though. Koger was able to make out a name from the brief slurred speech. A name he would now know to work against.
    "You have been most helpful old friend. I just hope that by letting your masters name go you have not signed your own death warrant," Koger whispered cheerfully.
    He had gotten the first bit of information he required. The part that had to be supplied by Oyar. Now he would have to find out Gyviens involvement and place in everything. And for that he would have to catch up and convince the dampiel hunter to share with him no doubt highly guarded information freely. It should prove much more of a challenge than Oyar had.
    Swiftly he delivered ablow to the back of Oyar's head to render him unconscious. Before Oyar's head could hit the ground Koger was off like a flash. He had only lost a minute on the vampires but they could usually move very fast. Of course, they couldn't move very fast with a bullet having been just removed from one of their legs. Koger rounded his second corner to run right into them. To avoid crashing into them he sprung into the air doing a spinning flip to land in front of them.
    Gyvien took the action as a sign of hostility and reached for her gun. Myra also pulled the gun she had been given only a moment ago. Koger reacted just as quickly and had both swords drawn. When everyone finally stopped moving Koger had a sword at Gyvien and Rudy's necks but both Gyvien and Myra had guns aimed at his head and chest.
    "Well this was unexpected," Koger said plainly as his eyes shifted between the three vampires.
    "If you want to live you have three seconds to lower those swords," Gyvien said angrily.
    "You all know so little about me," Koger smiled. "I think perhaps you should lower your guns first."
    "How many times am I gonna have to go through this tonight?" Gyvien almost shouted, furious at being thrust in the same situation again.
    "I have no intentions of killing either of you!" Koger answered firmly. "I assure you, though, if you fire those weapons two of you will become headless. If my luck holds all three of you would die headless and I'd have little more than a couple cracked ribs and a concussion. As I said, there is much about me that you do not know. I am a mutant, remember and you have yet to ask once what my gift is."
    Gyvien shifted for a moment considering. Rudy's eyes rolled upwards, resigning to the fact that nothing was going to come easy on this fateful night. Myra took a step forward so she was closer and her aim rose to his Koger's head alongside Gyvien's. Over a minute passed in complete silence as they stood there on a thin backstreet of the Blood District.
    "Or we can stand here for an hour like imbeciles until the three of you become crispy critters," Koger chimed jovially, the smile returning to his face. "I can hardly kill either of you outside of self defense you know. Gyvien, my lovely dampiel hunter, you have information I find myself in need of. Rudy........I would be such a poor mentor were I to slay my own protege. What say we all lower and sheathe are weapons on the count of four? Or would you rather we all die one big happy family? I remind you again that I am the only one with the time to spend on such a decision. The sun rises in three and a half hours now if I am not mistaken."
    Koger smiled broadly, tightening the grip on his swords. He had infinite patience when patience was appropriate and he did still have that time advantage while they were out in the open. He was fortunate to still not be the one that had to make the first concession. They would have to agree to his idea and drop their guard simultaneously or they would have to lower their weapons first. Koger would take Rudy and Gyvien with him if they chose to act stupidly and if not he could wait them out all night. The ball was once again in their court.

    OOC: aren't I evil? no one should interfere here. Only Rudy, Myra, or Gyvien should respond. And before decidint to do anything but the smart thing of agreeing to lower weapons simultaneously remember that Koger may not be as strong as a fully matured vampire but he is just as fast and agile as one.

  14. #134
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Excellent...I was hoping Id have the chance to interfere!

    Bulbie: Nice pics! Ill put them on the site as soon as Im done with this! ^-^

    Rudy: 'All tied up'? -.-() lol I swear, I think your getting worse than me *looks at Die another Day pun* Ok now I KNOW you are! ^-~

    and JT: Yes, you are evil...x.x

    ~~~~Myra Link~~~~
    Wood Water City (Blood District)
    :::2:01 AM:::
    "Ev drec kuac pyt drah bmayca vunkeja sa Myra. Ev drec bmyh pylgvenac drah zicd nasaspan dryd E muja oui."
    I almost died when Rudy, beaten and bloody, had said that to me, it filled me with an emotion that despair couldnt even begin to describe.
    So when the danger was FINALLY past, and as I walked with Gyvien and the limping Rudy down the street, I decided to let him know what I thought. "You know, Rudy, if you weren't so injured Id have a good mind to smack you for what you said back there. I know you might like to be dramatic, but I'd like for you to at least try to stay alive" I said with a slight smile on my face. He groaned but before he could say anything I continued. "Yvdan ymm, E teth'd vymm eh muja fedr y pnugah pmaatehk lynlycc tet E?"
    He smiled, recognising the mirror for his words earlier that night, but then suddenly the mutant leapt in our path. Without missing a beat Gyvien and I pulled our guns on him, who in turn swung his swords into position at the necks of Gyvien and Rudy. This...THING seemed to have it in for them, and didn't seem to care at all what happened to me, which didn't exactly make me feel better. I wouldve liked the situation a lot more had the sword been pointed at me, because then if I attemped to fight back and got hurt I would only have myself to blame. With people I cared about in danger, yes, even Gyvien, I was 10 times more helpless than if I was alone.

    One wrong move and it would be MY fault that they died.

    No. This WASNT going to happen. I wasnt going to let this hideous malformed creature dictate who lived and who died. I was going to call the shots, even if it was just one.

    "My name is Myra Link." I stated, looking the mutant right in the eyes. "Tonight is my first night on Earth, and I don't know you, OR what your problem is, but you seem to have something against Rudy and Gyvien, so you have become MY problem as well. If you want us all to lower our weapons and talk this out thats fine with me but--" I glanced at Rudy then quickly back at Koger. "--I dont make deals with someone who points a sword at an injured man." I finished meaningfully with a stern tone of voice.
    Koger studied me curiously for a few moments, then turned his attention to Rudy for a few MORE moments. And then he laughed. "So Im guessing youd rather it be on you instead, little prissy missy!" he said, swishing the sword quickly from Rudy's neck to mine. I smiled wryly and gave Rudy a relieved glance. "There," I said to the mutant in a somewhat sarcasic voice. " that wasnt so hard was it?"
    With my main crisis over I looked to the situation at hand. Both me and Gyvien had a sword at our necks, but we also each had a gun pointed at Koger. If we all lowered our weapons than everyone would be safe, provided the thing kept its word. And if it didn't.....then I always had a weapon that no one could take from me. And if this thing was lying I wouldnt hesitate to use it.
    I shot a look at Gyvien. I could tell she wasnt happy about the whole thing but she scowled and nodded anyway. I nodded back and took a deep breath, regarding Koger with an icy stare. "On four....."

    OH MY GOSH!! Myra's.....TALKING her way out?!?! Whats GOING ON HERE!? lol ^-~ I dont know what Kogers going to talk about so I ll just leave it at that ^-^
    EDIT: Just fixing some mistakes I noticed -.- Man I really need to get some sleep...

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  15. #135
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Gyvien - F - Dampiel

    Well... this situation was f****** hopeless. I rolled my eyes... but I knew we had to do it. And though I didn't entirely trust this mutant, I did believe he would keep to his word. Why would he kill me anyway... if he needed information?
    "what information I wonder..." I thought, narrowing my eyes at teh thought. Nodding slightly however, Myra chanted...

    "Four...three.. two..."

    I quickly twirled my gun into the underside of my new jacket, and sighed, as Myra put her gun away and the mutant followed. The mutant smiled,
    "Now wasn't that much better?"
    I rolled my eyes, keeping my mouth shut as I sighed.
    "What the heck is your name anyway- since you so obviously know mine?"
    His eyes twinkled with some devious plan I sensed, but I forced myself not to be bugged by it.
    "Why... it is Koger." He said with a playful yet sarcastic tone which I was growing to be slightly annoyed by. He was smart... at least he wasn't stupid- ignorance and stupidity was something Icouldn't tolerate.

    Koger was about to speak once more... until suddenly I heard a voice-
    "Vehymmo, E ryja vuiht oui..."
    I cursed.. .not another vampire...

    Yuar Oro - M - Vampire

    It had been a while... but finally I was in Wood Water City. It disgusted me however- I was in a place called the, 'Blood District'. Not some thing I wanted to be in... because of it's reputation. Plus, if I were a vampire foun dhere... it would look bad. Why would Yuar Oro of Justice be located here?

    To find her.. I thought, and sighed. It was then suddenly, a female Vampire bursted through an alleyway and instantly bumped into me. I recoiled away, melting away from the blow like a piece of rubber as she instantly hissed.
    "Watch where you are going!" She t hen tore off again... and I swore I heard her mumble some thing about 'getting away'.
    It struck me odd... and I had no idea why, but some how I got the feeling where she was fleeing was where I wanted to be.
    Instincts- always go with them.

    So I turned into the alleyway, and walked amongst the uncomfortable and suffocating shadows. Last time I was here was ages ago... and I vowed that night never to return.
    But... I vowed never to return because of her- now I was here again for the same reason.
    I only had a hunch to go by... but tha twas reason enough to follow this instinct of mine that she would be here. I could only hope.

    It seemed a while... but suddenly I heard two gun shots. My eyes widened, and suddenly I felt my body pound as I ran off towards the direction of the shots. It was a while until I arrived where I believed the shots to be fired- but ahead of me I saw four figures. Narrowing my eyes in the night, I saw that three of them were recognizable- they were the ones at teh bar.
    For some reason I thought it would be them..

    The male Vampire noticed me, and his eyes widened but I decided to instantly show I was friend and not foe.
    "Vehymmo, E ryja vuiht oui..."
    His eyes widened in wonder at what it meant... and I didn't even know why I chose those words to begin with. I sighed, as a mutant whirled around to face me and soon I had the dampiel as well. Her name was Gyvien- I remembered their names well.

    " Why... how nice of you to join us again." Gyvien snorted, crossing her arms as the mutant gazed at me in bewilderment to why I was here and who I was. I sighed, raising my eye brow as I gazed at this scene... how... incredibly odd.
    It was then however, when suddenly the memories I had long ago smacked me right there.

    My eyes widened... as their piercing olive-green gaze turned from the one named Gyvien, to the one named Myra... I then gazed at Rudy, the mutant, and the two again. I gasped... taking a staggering step back -and for once in my life, or rather the second time since that fateful night... I lost my composure in a gasp and gaping look.

    "You... " I said, gulping...
    "Both of you..."

    (I'll let Asi take it from here!)
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  16. #136
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Ohhhhhhhhhh Bulbie your so evil! Makin the train wreck do all the work! lol j/k ^-~ to handle such a tough situation....
    ~~~~Myra Link~~~~
    Wood Water City (Blood District)

    Just when you think things can't POSSIBLY get even more complicated....they always do.
    By this time I had pretty much been resigned to the fact that nothing normal EVER happened on Earth, so I just watched, unfazed, as the newcomer vampire stared at us and stuttered. The way he was acting, it seemed like he knew me and Gyvien, but I knew I had never seen him before...
    Koger, who obviously wasnt happy now that he wasnt the center of attention, danced back into our line of sight and began to address the new vampire. "Nope, not very polite, now are we? This is a private party you see and YOU have not been invited...." he said with a tint of insanity that couldnt hide the dangerous undercurrents of his tone. The male vampire didnt even seem to realise he was there as he stepped forward closer to us. I could see the change come over the mutants face as he realised he was being ignored. He knew he was losing control of the situation, he might have been able to take or outlast two young vampires, one of which was injured, and a dampiel, but with the arrival of this vampire it made things very uncertain for him. He darted a look at Rudy and then looked at us again, with a face devoid of the insane smile it usually wore. "Tell him, girls...tell him to go away....or I might have to put young Rudy Summers out of his misery after all....and we wouldnt want that to happen...." he said in a voice that was frightingly different from the happy-go-lucky voice he usually had.
    But I wasnt fazed. We were ALL going to get through this night in one piece, and I wasnt going to let some low class freak make it otherwise.
    Stepping right in front of Rudy, I pointed my left hand at Koger, and let it slowly change into the claw. "Four have seen death tonight by my hands. If you dont want to be number five, then stay away from him." Koger saw an opportunity to get Rudy angry and sneered. "Dear Rudy, what kind of man are you, to hide behind a woman?" he said slyly, watching Rudy carefully for any signs of anger at what he said. I dont know what Rudy's reaction was because I was angry. "What kind of woman would I be if I didnt stand up for my man?!" I demanded of the mutant. But he had stopped listening to me. Something that was going on between the vampire and Gyvien had caught his interest.
    The male vampire was standing in front of Gyvien, obviously too close for comfort for her. "You better stay the f*** away from me..." she said, pulling her dagger out slightly. Seeing it, the male vampire smiled slightly, and said something that threw Gyvien into a state of shock. "Dra Yjahan. I see youve taken good care of it for me, Gyvien."

    Her eyes widened and for the first time since I met her she seemed at a loss for a smart-@$$ retort. "" was the only thing she managed to say. The vampire nodded and smiled, and I jumped slightly as he turned his attention to me. "And I know you too, Myra......Myra Link, isnt it?"
    I barely felt Rudy's hand on my shoulder as I studied the vampire suspiciously. This vampire didnt seem to mean us any harm, but how did he know me? Who was he, and why did I think of my mother when I looked at his eyes?
    The vampire just smiled at my confusion, a warm, teasing smile. "You've grown..."

    Ooohhhhh!!!! And its OUT! LOL I think everyone can figure out how Yuar knows Myra, as if I didnt make it obvious enough ^-~ Ok, Bulbie or whoever, take it away! Now Im off to ice-skate, ciao!! ^-^

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  17. #137
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    Default Mwhaaaa!

    I think I'll let Yuar's point of view take this over...

    Yuar Oro - M - Vampire

    The mutant tried to distract me and the others... but I couldn't let him. I wouldn't..

    I remembered these two- I knew them both when they were little yet since they were young they barely noticed me. Gyvien... she had the dagger. It was strange how I had not noticed it before... but now it all made sense. Had the strings of fate done this for me? What ever it was... it seemed to me, to be a miracle. A vast miracle... and act of destiny or fate. More destiny perhaps... since anything can stray away from what was meant to be.

    'Dra yjahkan' She had that dagger... and only one Dampiel upon the earth could ever have it, or would ever have it. And that was her... the girl I took care of so many years ago until I was attacked.

    I felt a faint pain of... guilt. I swore to her that I would protect her... and instead I failed, they attacked me, swarmed me and...
    but she did get away... she was alive.
    Perhaps I did keep to my word... but I had no idea what her life was like after she left. We were both young in age- I older and wiser of course at teh time, and being a Vampire... well, it naturally made you a bit more adult like. She was purely young... at the time- and then she ran because I told her too. What had happened to her in that time? Obviously the way she turned out... she probably had it rough. Would it have been better if I told her to stay?
    Surely those rogue vampires... and Oyar, would have killed her.

    I swallowed hard, as Rudy seemed bewildered but slowly it was sinking in.
    "You... you..." He stammered, as I turned my flickering gaze to Myra. She was confused as well... but I shook my head softly as my auburn hair floated over my eyes.

    " Who are you?" She questioned, as Rudy seemed extremely protective of her at that moment. I grinned wryly- how ironic every thing naturally was at this moment.
    " I am Yuar Oro... or as my full name states- Yuar Oro Link."
    Myra's jaw practicly dropped open, as Rudy and Gyvien were frozen like statues. Even the mutant who was very annoying pastly, was listening intently. I did not care who knew anymore- I was sick of hiding.

    "Drana ec cu silr du damm oui... " I mumbled, as I shook my head.
    "Too much almost. And to tell you upon this street in the darkness with morning waning almost to us? I believe that perhaps... if you allow me to join you." I turned my gaze to the mutant.
    " So I am not intruding with anyone here... I would like to tell you.." I turned my gaze to Gyvien and Myra.
    " Both of you what I know... all of it. I will even let your dear Rudy know as well. I do not care who knows my true identity any more... I am tired and weary of keeping myself a secret. I do not believe the Vampiric Community will harm me anymore as well. They would not be able to touch me... not anymore. I am... I will not hide."

    Gyvien then spoke-
    " Well isn't this a b**** of a night? Just when you think it couldn't get any more f***** up.." I turned my gaze to her, a bit pained. She never used to be that cold... or taht harsh with words. Sighing, I shook my head.
    " I will tell you all you want to know Myra and Gyvien... even you too Rudy."

    I smiled softly...
    "I had a feeling that you both would be here.. it was as if some presense inside of me told me to leave the place I was at and to find you. And here you both are... together strangely. I will say it again however- let us leave this street and seek shelter for morning, while we wait I will tell you what you need and want ot know, and perhaps... after you learn, you can tell me what you have been up to as well. I have not heard of news of our father for a long time... nor how the City of Night is doing..." I then turned to Gyvien.
    "And tell me what happened later... when I told you run."

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  18. #138
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Rudy Summers
    2:10 AM
    Shock didn't even describe what I was hearing. Yuar was the one who looked after my sister and was also related to Myra? How come she didn't know about him? Just then I noticed how stupid the question was. Things were going bad in the City of the Night for a long time. He was older than her and more than likely left before all hell broke loose up there. However it was at that point that he asked the question I'm sure both me and Myra were dreading. "I have not heard of news of our father for a long time nor how the City of Night is doing" he said to her. I still wasn't sure how Gyvien would like that news Myra had told me and I knew she wasn't ready to talk about it again so I quickly covered for her. "How about we save that for later? You've still got a ton of unanswered questions yourself. I'd like to know when you met my sister and how long you protected her."

    Yuar looked at me for a moment seemingly knowing we were hiding something. However after a moment he dropped it. "Fair enough. We can discuss this and everything else once we get back to where you are staying." For the most part everyone was now quiet as we made our way back to the inn. Due to my injuries it took longer than expected and we spent about 45 minutes getting back over there. Luckly the number of hunters seemed to have dropped as we didn't run into any. That was a good thing because even with Yuar, Myra, Gyvien and Koger I might have been a sitting duck. If they were smart they would have went after me first. When we were finally back at the inn I looked up at our window. Myra was the first to speak as we stood there. "That's funny. Didn't you put the lights out Rudy?" It didn't take long for it to click as the two of us drew our weapons while the others looked at us not sure what was going on. Looking at them I quickly said "Someone's up there." Despite my injuries I was still ready to fight if I had to do so......

    What's this?! I made a post no longer than THAT!!! Is the world coming to an end????

    The truth is that for now I'm not sure what to do.
    *blames the writers block on Bill and kills him*
    In any case I guess you've now got something to do eh Gav? ^_~
    TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
    3DS Friend Code: 3196 4256 7846
    XBL: Enigma1985 NYJ
    Steam: enigmaticwonder

    Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
    Hide in plain sight.
    Never compromise the Brotherhood.
    Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
    -The Assassin's Creed

  19. #139

    Default My leave

    I just want to inform you all that I will neaver agen becoming on this bored agen, so this is my good bye.
    I and giving my character to Asi-chan or shaka-chan (or you can share her)
    Also If anyone would like to know ask asi or shaka or you can e-mail me and I will tell you.
    Good bye,

  20. #140
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    OOC-Sorry to see that your leaving Nyoko. You were a good RPer and I'm sure many people around here will miss you.

    As for me this hasn't been the best week. I've been sick the past three days. If I do manage to post tonight it'll more than likely be in FS since my attention as of late has been mostly towards DBRB and Dawn. Hopefully tommorow I'll be feeling a little better.
    TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
    3DS Friend Code: 3196 4256 7846
    XBL: Enigma1985 NYJ
    Steam: enigmaticwonder

    Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
    Hide in plain sight.
    Never compromise the Brotherhood.
    Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
    -The Assassin's Creed

  21. #141
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Ohhhhh -.- Nyoko.....I was hoping you wouldnt say that....
    Well I cant force you but if there's anything that will change your mind let me know....Im sure nobody's happy to see you go...
    As for the RPG, I for once DONT have a writers block, but I cant put my plan into action unless I know what a certain someone is going to do *cough* GAV! *cough* ^-~
    I know sometimes I say I never plan anything out but this is too cool to NOT if any of you are dying of curiousity maybe Ill tell you at least part of it if you happen to catch me on MSN or AIM. MAYBE. ^-~
    Well, thats it for now, until I see what Gav is gonna do....(D*mn, I hate waiting....)

    BTW Hope you feel better Rudy, I was sick last weekend, and I would apologise for giving you my flu but thats kinda impossible! ^-^() Get well soon, train wreck! ^-~

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  22. #142
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    I am proud to announce that Dawn of the Blood Moon has won some awards! But, since Im only the one who started it, these awards really go to you, the cast! An RPG is only as good as its cast after all, so thank you for making it great! Congratulations, all! ^-^

    Best Dark RPG

    Best Non-Pokemon Anime-based RPG

    Most Wanted Sequel/Prequel (tied with Cursed)

    Also, many DotBM characters have won awards, so another congratulations goes to those who did! ^-^
    Im going to have to draw some pics to celebrate! Anyone else that wants to can too.

    Moving on, to save space Im going to post for Farwell here, its about time I stopped ignoring him ^-^()

    ----Father Farwell----
    Dark Moon Motel
    I looked at the door that Yuar Oro had just walked out. I understood his leaving, he had something important to do, even if I didnt understand what that was. I would just have to go on by myself. And now was as good a time as any.
    Picking up my Bible I walked out of the motel room, and headed over to the carriage. Every moment I wasted, was another moment Roland was free to harm others. I couldnt wait any longer. As I hoisted myself up and grabbed the reins, a hooded, cloaked form came out of the shadows holding a tall thin box.
    "Excuse me......" It said, in a low, slightly hissing voice. "Good priest, if you are heading to Wood Water City might I get a lifffft?"
    Despite the fact that this person seemed suspicious, it was wrong to judge someone before you knew them. But I wasnt going back, not yet. "I will be heading there, but not yet. First I must go to the City of Three Stars to get an artifact." I didnt tell him what it was or what it was for, but he seemed to know anyway. "Could it be this, yes?" he said, pulling the lid off the box to reveal what I had been searching for---the Vampiric Insence! "I share if ride you give...."
    " did you...." I tried to say. I thought, I believed, that it would be very difficult to acquire the artifact, and here it was in the hands of this strange person.
    Well it didnt matter now, time was of the essence. "Yes," I said reaching a hand down to help him in. I didnt know who this person was, but only one thought occupied my mind. It was time for me to correct my mistake.
    It was time for Rolands killing reign to end....
    Just a little something so you know Farwell is still alive..^-^

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

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    Default snicker!


    I stood up grinning, looking out into the darkness. Then i felt a hand on my shoulder, i looked up and saw the lady that bit me. "Damnit.....i almost forgot....." I said fixing my glasses. She smiled slightly and walked a little ahead of me. "Yes Roland.....remember that you are my servant....dont forget....." she jumped up to a roof top, then looked down on me. " what ever..." Then she was gone. I clinched my fists again. "Sh*t it was better with that damn brat! No matter....still have to kill that little ingrate!" i walked down the street.
    As i was walking a carrage ran past me in a hurry. "hm? And wha....?" I stopped in the middle of my sentence as i noticed a glimps of that priest i used to work with. "Farwell....." I gasped madly. I ran after it and leaped on top. "Heheh...maybe i can kill him on the way...." I said raiseing my gloved, blood stained hand into the lighted street. I used my vampire speed and strength & bashed the top of the carrage off. The people in side all looked up in horrer. I jumped in next to the driver and grasped him by the head. "Well.....hello FARWELL!......." i grinned and threw him out of the carrage. The other pasanger sat up a little and dropped something. Noticing this i picked it up and put it in my suit. " so sorry have to die!" I said bitting him and throwing him out of the carrage also. I jumped form the swift vehicle and landed right infront of the priest. I knelt down and lifted his head by his hair,"Well...didnt see this coming did you? & looky what I have now PRIEST!" I took out the candle thing and showed him. "What are you going to do now?" I said smashing it in my hand. "ITS ALL OVER! NOW ITS JUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed madly into the night. "And now Farwell.....You...die." I said lifting his head up and showing my fangs. "No! No Roland dont!!" Farwell cried as he heald his cross up at me. "Heh...a cross huh?" I said grabbing the cross, i could feel it burning my skin. "Your God wont save you now Farwell!!!!" I yelled ripping the chain off his neck and throwing it to the other side of the street. I looked at him and bit down on his warm neck. "No! Roland!!" Farwell managed to gasp out as i drank his blood. When he was about grained of blood, i stopped and dropped his head. "Well...Farwell. This is the end! And just to make it a little fun...i would like to watch you suffer somemore, master calls!" I said as i stood up and patted his head. I turned to walk away, then turned back. "Oh and Be seeing you" I said then laughing i jumped to a roof top and ran into the night.
    Sound track for post: Tearing away, and Im dying.

  24. #144

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Sorry Im late


    "Hmm" i mumbled to myself. "Five of them, i had only expected two, three at most in such a small room". I looked more closely, making sure i kept myself hidden. One was injured, that was clear. Another of them wasnt even a vampire, a mutant in fact, and there were also..."Females" i gumbled to myself, "things just got tougher" ever since i was a child i had been taught to respect and treat females right. Even after i became aware of these creatures that had not changed and killing the females was always tough..if i held back against such a large group i could prove fatal.
    I glanced at the clock beside me, not long till dawn...but long enough for them to kill me and escape to avoid the sun. I could possibly catch them by surprise and delay them, hold them off untill the sun rose and finish them in their panicked state..

    It was the best plan i had and so i quickly vaulted up onto the window ledge. "Look, there" one of them shouted before i jumped down, deliberately making it look over dramatic to catch their attention and confuse them. I landed just as dramatically. Landing in a crouched position, letting my coat drape across the floor around me as i slowly stood. Leaving my weapons hidden i prepared to draw them as soon as a real threat produced itself but for now, delay and deception would work best. If they believed i was like them, then perhaps.......i allowed a small smile to cross my face, although not a pleasent one, more predatory, the kind ud expect from a bloodsucker.

    "A good nights Hunt?" I questioned the group, "or are pickings here just as slim as other towns?"

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

    ASB Record
    W-12 ~ D-2 ~ L-2

  25. #145
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    Default Gyvien and Yuar... man, they have a lot in common.

    (3rd Person so Ican post YUar'n'Gyvien at teh same time)


    As the figure suddenly leapt out of building, Gyvien spotted it with in an instant and she narrowed her eyes and took a step back. Whenever a shadowy figure leapt out like that... her huntress instincts always came to her.
    She quickly brought forth her hand to her boot, ready to unsheath her dagger if needed be... as Yuar stood calm and collected, unmoving like Koger as well. Rudy and Myra however seemed to be transfixed.

    "A good nights Hunt?" He called to the group, "or are pickings here just as slim as other towns?"

    Gyvien's anger burned slightly... he associated her with drinking blood... with taking down innocents. Yuar crossed his arms as Myra was about to speak but Gyvien went forwad.
    Gyvien's whole stature was cool and relaxed as her crimson shirt seemed to add and eerie affect to the night and her black jacket and skirt as she stared at him with her deep, piercing emerald gaze. Her wild, auburn hair blew in the gentle breeze.

    He was definatly part human- that was clear... but Gyvien also sensed some Vampiric blood as well. Yuar sensed it almost instantly - his tracking techniques were far advanced beyond most vampires. He already knew that this guy was probably a hunter of some sort... otherwise he would have no reason to come out.

    " Actually no..." Gyvien replied with a smooth voice, not threatenly but also s howing she had no fear of this person.
    " The pickings were quite bountiful."

    The guy narrowed his eyes a bit... as Gyvien smirked slightly and then shook her head.
    " I killed 4 vampires tonight, usually I go after the big ones but tonight was full of the weaker, new vampiric race. Although I almost took down one vampire..." Gyvien's gaze slightly averted to look at Rudy- she was talking about Oyar.
    "But some morals got in the way- not mine, mind you." She quickly added the last part in, as the male figure in front of her cocked his head to the side.
    "You a hunter?"

    Gyvien nodded...
    " I am a Dampiel who hunts Vampires, so yes I am. It appauled me that you would associate me with taking down humans to drink blood." Her voice turned slightly cold at the 'drink blood' part, as the others remained silent. They knew that Gyvien was affected by being associated with the marks of being a full-blooded vampire.

    " Why are you with these vampires... and not slain them? And with a mutant as well? I thought Dampiels didn't associate with those..." His eyes flickered towards the mutant slightly.
    Gyvien took a breath...
    " The facts are, that... I owed this vampire a favor." She motioned to Rudy.
    " He did me a favor, and I felt obliged to return it. Plus, for your information... these two vampires here do not drink the blood of humans." Gyvien motioned to Rudy and Myra, who nodded as well.
    "Surely vampires who do not drink blood are of no harm to anyone but themselves."
    Yuar shifted slightly, and Gyvien knew that if this hunter questioned Yuar... that Yuar could handle himself.

    " So you see... we do not 'pick' off those you probably thought we did... for we are not the likes of those blood-thirsty..-" Gyvien was about to say a few choice words but she cut off the language for once.
    [Please Send Tell]
    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  26. #146

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    o_O Oh crap I missed a lot...

    I walked along the the alley with the girl, who introduced herself as Liven. The alleyway was lit by flickering lights, illuminating the spray painted graffiti.

    "How did Father Farwell know I was in trouble," I asked her.

    "I don't know," she repiled. "He was dozing off, and when he awoke, he told me to go to find you."

    "Strange..." I said as I thought about my vision.


    A chain broken. A cross hit the ground, splashing in a pool of blood, Christ begin bathed in the red liquid. A fallen body. A face flooded with dispair.


    I awoke on the ground, Liven staring down at me.

    "Are you alright?" she asked.

    "Farwell!" I gasped. "He' trouble..."

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  27. #147
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Liven Dinas

    "Farwell." Skyler gasped. "Hes in trouble." He said. Once i heard him say that my best friend was in trouble i almost left Skyler laying there. "Oh! Skyler how do you know?! Did you see where he was?" I asked as i helped him up to his feet. Skyler looked up and pointed in the direction. "I think hes down that way...." He gasped. Just as he had finished what he was saying, an empty carrage raced by us. "Wasnt that Farwell's carrage? It looks familiar!" I said in a slight panicted voice. I turned towards Skyler, "Come on we have to find him and help him! I dont want him to die!" I said almost in tears. We both ran in the directon that the carrage raced from and in a few minutes we came upon somebody lying in the street. "Farwell?!" I yelled as i ran to his side, Skyler right behind. I knelt down and lifted him up,"Farwell? Farwell...wake up are you ok?!" I asked as i shook him slightly. He only moaned and opened his eyes a little. "Li...Liven?" He whispered softly, he had been drained of his blood, but only had enough to live for a few minutes. I turned to Skyler who was standing beside me & Farwell. "Skyler what do we do! Hes lost to much blood! Hes going to die!!" I cried. I looked back at my old friend and remembered the time we first met.
    I was only about 13 years old and a couple of gangsters were trying to mug me one night. It was about mid-night and i was walking through the streets looking for a good place to sleep before the sun came up. Then about 5 buffed men up and tried to steal any goods i had even my sword my father gave to me before he was killed. I tried to fight back, but i was still too young and couldnt fight. Just as they were about to make thier move i heard a voice. I turned to see a nice looking Priest, he didnt seem like he could fight....but somehow he had managed to fight off the 5 gangsters. "! how did you do that?" I asked astonished. "By the Power of God my child!" he had said as he smiled. "My name is Farwell. Whats yours?" He asked as he extended his hand out for me to hold. " is Liven Dinas.." I said a little shy, as i took his hand. "Liven? Thats a pretty name." He said. "Do you need a place to stay?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled back. "Yes! Thank you Farwell!" I said. He let me stay there as long as i liked...he was like a second Father to me......But hes dying. What do i do?! i thought. Should i bit him so he wouldnt die? i asked myself....What should i do???

  28. #148

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    *sees Koger didn't win most mischievous character, grows angry; sees someone closed a certain poll despite the fact new votes were coming in daily, gets angrier still*

    Methinks it is time for some wholesale mayhem. Time to unleash the hounds of chaos, so to speak........


    "So you see... we do not 'pick' off those you probably thought we did... for we are not the likes of those blood-thirsty..-" Gyvien said before cutting herself short for a change.
    "B@$tards!" Koger finished for her with a twisted smile.
    The new dampiel looked at Koger and his eyes fluttered yet again. Just the slightest twitch, hardly noticeable. Koger was all about details though. He never missed little things like that.
    "Now, what pray tell were you about to say........" Koger paused, grin spread from ear to ear. Before the new person could venture an answer Koger bolted forward in a flash of unexpected movement. He reached the new person, blade drawn before anyone could level a weapon at him. By the time the blade reached this new persons throat, though, two guns were pointed at the back of his head along with a sword. "with those what?"
    The night seemed quite happy with repeating itself in some form or other. Once again Koger found himself with guns pointed at his head while his sword was resting neatly a quarter inch from someones jugular vein. Even the new person was halfway towards drawing a weapon on Koger, though he dare not pull his gun out while Koger's blade lay so close to his lifeforce.
    "This dance again?" Koger mumbled just loud enough to be heard, half in amuzement and half in frustration. "When will you people learn it is best not to interfere with me?"
    "When you stop drawing your sword on people not holding a weapon!" Gyvien barked back angrily.
    "You drew first in our last momentary conflict dear Gyvien. Now, shut up and back away while I have a chat with our new friend here. Need I remind you all that he was waiting here to kill those of us with vampiric blood?!" Koger shot back sharply.
    His voice was not playful or coy for once. It was dark, purposeful, and malevolent. Koger always came off as disturbing but now he was coming off as downright frightening.
    "Now, where were we little trapmaker?" Koger said as he turned his ice cold malevolent stare at the new person. "Yes, I believe you were going to answer my question. But I don't need an answer, do I?......yes.....yes, I know what you were going to say. Not a very pleasant thing. Weren't you ever taught that it is rude to condescend towards someone while they are present? And in the third person as if they weren't there at that......Not nice at all. We mutants may not be immortal like the vampires or you halfbloods but we have other gifts to compensate. I assure you we are not inferior. There are several souls on the other side that could attest to that. Unless you desire to meet them for yourself, you had better align yourself with the facts. Fact one, I may not be as strong as a fullblood vampire but my speed can match the best of them. Fact two, I can match my skills to anyone here and walk away alive. I have an advantage you are all painfully unaware of and morbidly not the least bit curious about. Fact three, If I had wanted any of you........"
    Koger's speech was cut off by the sound of a single blaring gunshot. Koger stumbled to his left for just a nano-second under an impact. The new person took the opportunity to roll away from Koger's blade and draw his weapon, taking a few steps back to stand next to Gyvien(who's gun barrel was smoking) unintentionally. Koger turned around, his eyes fiery and full of angered amusement.
    "Ow," he said with a false tone.
    "What the......." Rudy said for the umpteenth time this agelong night.
    "I cannot believe you shot me in the back," Koger said, somewhat dumbfounded.
    "You should be down.......that shot should've shattered your shoulder blade at this range..........." Gyvien said warily, just as dumbfounded as Koger.
    Koger leaned down, picked up a small object and tossed it to Gyvien. She caught it in her free hand. She turned it over a few times before pulling it close to her eye to examine it. Gyvien let out a small sigh of a chuckle before looking back up at Koger.
    "It's a rubber bullet," She said plainly.
    "So it is. It was metal when you fired it though, wasn't it?" Koger's mischievous smile returned. "As I said, we mutants may not be immortal but we do have other gifts to compensate."

    OOC: I know the post seems to end abruptly but I am too tired to keep typing it up. I am not finished with this post yet though so please don't move ahead if you are in that group just yet. I will post the rest of it later this afternoon.

  29. #149

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    I stared blankly at Farwell, he getting palier by the moment. Tears streamed from my eyes...he was dying...

    He had taken me in when there was no one. He had fed me out of the kindness in his heart. He offered me a place to, street trash. He was a kind soul. He always saw the good in people...

    More tears flooded my eyelids, it was my fault. I should have stayed with him...protected him...I knew that Roland was dangerous...I...I...could have stopped him...

    I sat silently, watching Farwell...if there was anyway to save him...I would do so....

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  30. #150
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    ----Father Farwell----
    Wood Water City
    ...Fading in an out of consiousness..........darkness......blood....light ......
    The light was so was like a warm, summer day, running through the grass in my bare feet and feeling the gentle breeze toy with my hair. Laughter, light, happiness......I could almost hear my little sister calling, but that wasnt possible...she was dead...
    Ronin Farwell.......Farwell........
    "Farwell!!" I heard and started out of my daze, jerking my eyes open with great effort. "L........Liven....?"
    "Farwell..." she said, her eyes welling up with tears. I heard her sob and another voice sobbing as well. I let my head roll sideways so I could see. "...S....Sky...ler..." I whipered, giving a weak smile. "Good....she.....found you.....youre.....alright...I wouldve never forgiven myself if Roland had hurt you..."
    Skyler knelt down beside Liven. "He did this to you didnt he?!" he said, his voice choking with anger and sorrow. I tried to reply but could only groan in response. My life was fading, I could tell. I didnt have much time on this Earth, and I knew it. "Dear...Lord...please forgive Roland...and please.....look after...your Children...." I gasped out, my eyes unable to stay open any longer. "In Your name I pray......A-men..."
    As the last words of my prayer whispered through my lips, I could feel the mist closing around my mind. I felt sure that this was my end...
    Frank, check your PM, I have an idea.
    Ill see you all on the weekend, later! ^-^v

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  31. #151

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    I stared into his dying eyes, tears going down my eyes. I knew I had to save him…but how? With out thinking, I latched to his heck with my fangs. His blood began to pour into my mouth, the warm liquid running though my teeth, hitting my tongue, and stimulating my taste buds. But then, I couldn’t stop! The salty liquid going though my mouth, it felt so good to me, tasted so good, it was addicting. It swept over me like a storm, taking me over, controlling me. My vampiric side had won, as my human side retreated to the back of my mind.

    Live cried out, and stabbed me with her knife, pushing me to the side, yelling in anger, “Get off him you blood sucking piece of s***!” She bit him once, and them moved back, still keeping an eye on me suspiciously, as Farwell began to change, his wounds healing, getting paler, turning into a vampire. All I could do was stare though. I don’t believe it, I had almost killed my only friend. I was disgusted with myself, the blood still in my mouth. I was just as bad as that monster, Roland…I deserved to die.

    Liven picked Farwell up, and began to walk away. “Don’t try to follow us,” she said sternly, unturned. I just stared in shock, as she walked away with Farwell, disappearing from view. I snapped out of it, and wrenched the knife out of my stomach, the blood fresh on the blade, and threw it to the ground. ”I’ve driven all my friends away…there’s no hope…I deserve to die...” I picked up the knife, and placed next to my heart, and got ready for the plunge…but I stopped and tossed the knife to the side hastly. If I was to die, I would take that abomination, Roland, with me. I stumbled off, my wound still bleeding…

    Meanwhile, a figure in robes flew to the ground and picked up the knife. He licked at the blood, grinned, and only said, “Brother,” and walked off, in the direction I left from.

    But no one noticed a little box, sitting unguarded in the carriage.
    Oh no! Skyler’s trying to find Roland, but Roland is on his trail! Liven is carrying Farwell away! And no ones noticed that the Vampire Incent thing is left in the carriage!

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  32. #152
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Sorry JT but I can't wait any longer. Not only am I overdue for a post here in Dawn (along with FS as well)but it has been a few days since you said you'd finish your post. I know this might be making me look impatient but I believe it's time to move on.

    Rudy Summers
    About 3 AM
    A little over three hours until sunrise
    This night could not get any weirder could it? At first I looked at this newcomer as another threat but then I picked up on the fact that it was a trick to see what side we were on. Gyvien on the other hand didn't like it one bit and I couldn't blame her. My point of view and how I was raised had a great deal to do with who I had become. However most people really didn't see it that way. Those that knew or found out what I was always saw me as the type that would not think twice about killing someone innocent. I may not have openly showed it but I had a dislike when it came to people jumping to conclusions. As I thought about this I started think once more about my past. I was a vampire and yet here I was fighting my own kind in an attempt to keep peace on Earth and to protect those that couldn't fight. It's kinda odd. I thought to myself. With my beliefs and point of view I sometimes wonder if I should have been a human instead. However there was no point it thinking about such things since that was impossible.

    As my sister gave this guy a nice long talk me and Myra just sat back and listened. However when Koger jumped in suddenly that gave me good reason to worry. He quickly proved I had a good reason to do so as he drew one of his weapons turning things into yet another standoff as Gyvien went for her guns. With a groan I just shook my head. How can the same s*** happen to the same guy so many times in one night? Myra seemed to have an idea of what I was thinking and whispered to me "Don't worry about it Rudy. I'm sure she'll get things under control in a moment." I was about to respond to that when suddenly Gyvien fired a shot at Koger. Personally I didn't like killing but all night long Koger had given us good reason to do so. I still had no idea what he intended to do. However as he stood there after a hit that should have at least knocked him off his feet I just stood there shocked. As strong as myself, Myra or any other vampire may have been compared to a human I knew for a fact that we would go down quickly if we were shot. It wouldn't kill us but I knew all too well that a bullet had some good stopping power and hurt like hell.

    As I stood and watched with everyone else Koger picked up something and tossed it to Gyvien. "It's a rubber bullet" she said while looking it over. Koger just simply smiled and said "As I said we mutants may not be immortal but we do have other gifts to compensate." By now I didn't know what to think of him anymore. However as the newcomer prepared to fight I decided it was time to end this. Limping over towards them I got inbetween everyone and drew my katana. Without getting into a defensive stance or preparing to fight I looked at everyone around me and said "At this point I don't care who you are and I sure as hell don't care about the fact that I'm hurt. If anyone insists on continuing this pointless violence they will have to get through me before I allow them to fight someone else." I said it as if it was directed at everyone but as I looked at Gyvien and then Koger I was pretty sure everyone got the idea at who it was dierected at. Even so it was still more of a bluff. I would not fight Gyvien for any reason whatsoever. The same held true for Myra and everyone else. Right now all I wanted was for things to end and for this night to be over with.

    As I looked around again I saw that everyone could tell I wasn't serious about it. With a sigh I just put my weapon away and said "I just don't want to see anyone fight anymore. It's been an extremely long night. I'm sure most of us are pretty tired and right now I just want to get inside and finally get a bit of a break." Looking at Yuar I told him "You still haven't had a chance to explain yourself. I'm sure your sister would like to know about you not to mention Gyvien must be wondering where you've been." Afterwards I turned my attention to Koger "As for you I'm not going to lie. I don't like you one bit. You can go ahead and come inside with us but if you do no quick moves. That will only get you killed." All Koger did was smile. Knowing him I had no way of figuring out what was on his mind until it happened. Finally was the stranger. As I looked at him I smiled a bit. "It takes a ton of guts to go up against five people. I don't care if they are humans or vampires. In either case the numbers are against you. I'd like to know a bit more about you so if you want to tag along for a bit then your more than welcome to do so." Once I was done talking I didn't wait for a reply from anyone. Starting to walk away from the group and towards the hotel the only thing I was thinking of at the moment was the hope that everything was finally over for the night. It wasn't normally like me to do that to anyone but I had many things on my mind at the moment. With less than three hours until sunrise I didn't think anything else could happen tonight. However with the way things had gone I now knew that it wasn't a good idea to let my guard drop until the first sign of sunlight......

    Anyone else involved with that group may continue ^_~
    TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
    3DS Friend Code: 3196 4256 7846
    XBL: Enigma1985 NYJ
    Steam: enigmaticwonder

    Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
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    -The Assassin's Creed

  33. #153
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Ok this isnt going to be very long because I have to go to work soon -.- But I just need to add something ^-~
    ~~~~Myra Link~~~~
    Wood Water City
    The mutant and Gyvien were at it again, only this time someone new had joined the 'Lets all kill each other' party. I was getting sick of everything. With the exception of meeting Rudy, nothing good had come out of this night, and I couldnt wait for it to be over. But because of these homicidal idiots, we weren't going to get any peace any time soon.
    I wasn't going to tolerate this madness ANYmore.
    I was about to go off on them all, demanding that everyone stop thier idiocy and explain themselves so that we could finally have some ANSWERS instead of more questions, when Rudy beat me to it.
    Rudy stepped forward and began to take charge of the situation. I watched him, a slight smile on my face.
    I guess great minds think alike.
    lol I had to add my little bit because you really DID beat me to it Rudy ^-~

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  34. #154
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Ok time to start putting some things into motion...wahaha
    ----Father Farwell----
    Wood Water City
    Thump. Thump. Thump.
    With each steady thump I heard as I lay, my head throbbed in rhythem. It seemed the whole world was pounding, all I heard were thumps in different rhythems like many drums pounding their own beats all at once. As I started to come to, I started to realise what they were.
    Liven's feet pounding against the ground.
    Liven's heart pounding in her chest.
    Liven pounding on a large wooden door.
    I realised she had been carrying me somewhere, after I had passed out. But how....why was I alive? Still very confused, I just lay motionless, not really paying attention to the world until the thumps were sharply interrupted by the distinctive 'clik' of a shotgun.
    "What the hell do you want?!" A stern voice rumbled. I opened my eyes to see the face of a man shoving the barrel of a shotgun through a slot in the door. It seemed we were outside....yes, we were standing outside the Wood Water Inn. Still unable to speak, I could only listen in on what happened next.
    "Let us in! Im a vampire hunter and my friend is hurt!"
    "Your friend...." The eyes glanced down at me and instantly widened as he brought the gun closer to my face. "A vampire dressed as a priest! So, your friend is that damned monstor thats been killing people! Well then you can die too!"
    Vampire dressed as a priest...? These words floated through my mind but before I could think about what they meant I heard another voice. "Jack O'Conner! Are you sticking that thing at more innocent people!" The man's eyes were replaced by female eyes and the voice continued. "Good heavens, its Father Farwell! What happened to him?!" The door swung open and Liven stepped inside, the woman leading her towards an empty room where she placed me on the bed. After a few moments I felt that I could move again and sat up. Somehow I felt a strength return to me that I never had before. It was like I felt stronger, but that wasnt possible...a few moments before I was knocking on Heavens door. Suddenly I knew what had happened. " it cant be....!" I looked down at my hands, they had become pale and colorless. I could feel fangs in my mouth, and the sounds of Liven's and the others heartbeats seemed extremely loud. I realised I was a vampire! "L..Liven...." I said, my voice heavy with sorrow. " did this happen..?"
    She cast her eyes downward. "...We found you.....when Roland bit were dying so I....I changed you so you would live....I'M SORRY Father! I just couldnt bear the thought of you leaving me too! After my dad died..." then she started sobbing.
    I got up and patted her shoulder comfortingly. "There there child, I forgive you..." But I still couldnt believe this had happened to me. I had become something unholy, a child of the night. I could never go back to my church.....but I would not forget my faith. "Liven, " I said, my voice serious. "Where is my cross?"
    She pulled a chain out of her pocket. "Here....but Father, you...." She trailed off as I put it on, hearing my flesh under my shirt hiss and sizzle. It was very painful but, I resolved, I would not take it off.
    I would not forget who I was.

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  35. #155
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Well I guess it's time to get both groups together as one finally.

    Rudy Summers
    3:10 AM
    Since my most recent cuts and wounds were pretty bad they wouldn't be able to heal up instantly like most small injuries. Both the stab wound in my stomach and the gunshot to my leg would need at least several hours to fully heal. In the meantime I took the time to at least bandage them so I wouldn't be bleeding all over my hotel room. One of the beds was already soaked in a ton of blood due to Oyar's earlier attack on Gyvien. As I looked at the group before me I could see just how small and cramped up this room was. In addition to myself, Gyvien and Myra we now had three others in here as well. There would be no way everyone would fit into my room. However as luck would have it the other three rooms were currently empty. The Wood Water Inn wasn't very large to begin with. Add to the fact that I always had a free room as long as one was empty and my things were always stored here and you had one cramped up inn. At least we weren't all going to be stuck in the same room together. I had to remember to thank Jack when I had the chance.

    As I sat down it looked as if we were ready to start this whole discussion. However our attention was drawn outside to muffled voices. Both the newcomer who had introduced himself as Wynder and Koger seemed clueless as to what was going on but the rest of us seemed to know who it was. Yuar was the first to speak about it. "That sounds like Farwell and Liven." As I got up and moved toward the door Myra said "Maybe they've come with the news that they managed to kill that freak of a vampire." Shaking my head I turned to rest rest of them and said "I wouldn't count on it. No one told them we would be here. I'm getting the feeling they managed to get into trouble." Nothing could have prepared us for the shocking site as we all made our way out into the hall and towards where they were.

    They were in trouble all right.

    Liven looked to be ok but she was clearly very upset. As I looked at Farwell my eyes grew wide. He was no longer human and was now a vampire like myself, Myra and Yuar. With a sigh Gyvien just said out loud "Either this is someone's idea of a sick joke which I highly doubt or this night just got worse." Liven turned towards us and it was pretty clear that she wasn't expecting one of us. Instead she had the entire group plus Wynder and Koger in front of her. As much as I knew she disliked us it didn't look like Liven had anything to say. I took a moment to ask Jack to leave us alone. Once he did that it was time to find out what happened to Farwell. It didn't take very long for Liven to tell us about how he was attacked by Roland. Now wanting to see him die she had saved him by turning him herself. Once she was done with the story she did nothing but blame herself. In a slightly unexpected move Myra was the first to talk and try to ease things over. "You shouldn't blame yourself. If it wasn't for that creep Roland attacking him then there would not have been a need for this." I smiled slightly at what she said. While it was a different situation it did somewhat mirror what happened with Myra earlier tonight.

    As I looked at Farwell I told him "Well in any case I think you should be lucky to be alive." That really seemed to confuse him. "Alive? I thought vampires were considered to be dead." Now I had everyone looking at me seemingly unsure of where I was going with this. Crossing my arms I said "Maybe they would be by human standards but as far as I'm concerned if your walking around and talking then your alive in my book. It might not exactly be the greatest situation in the world but take one good look at me and then at everyone around you. I think we're living proof that what you are does not automaticly decide how you'll act." As Farwell looked at each of us I pointed at Koger and continued. "With him being the exception we've all been through what's going to come for you soon. If anyone here says it's easy then they are lying. Certain things about having vampiric blood can make your life hard. However if you can avoid giving in to them then it shouldn't affect you too much." once I was done Farwell smiled a bit and said "Thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that." All things considered he seemed to be taking this pretty well. Looking at a nearby clock I said "Anyway the sun is coming up in a few hours. Seeing that you two have nowhere to go you guys can stay here for the night. In the meantime perhaps you should join us. Several of us have some things to say. Afterwards I'm afraid I've got a little bad news. As bad as things are with Roland on the loose I'm afraid he isn't the most dangerous vmapire out there at the moment." The looks on Farwell and Liven's faces spoke more than words could have. I was pretty sure that they were trying to deal with him most of the night. They looked as if they had no idea how they would be able to handle someone worse than Roland......

    Things seem to be about ready to heat up. Anyway in case you didn't notice I left Sky out on purpose for one reason. Seeing how Liven is gonna be a bit upset over him nearly making Farwell into dinner I figured she would 'forget' to mention that part about the attack. Perhaps once Farwell gets over his shock he can remember him and the characters that are still able to go outside in the daylight can try to find him? If not then I guess that could be the first order of business once the sun sets again. Since most of the characters can't go outside I doubt much will be done in the daytime. I think it would get boring watching Rudy, Myra, Yuar and Farwell hang out inside of a hotel room for about 12 hours. As for Myra sorry if that seemed out of character Asi. However after everything that's happened I kinda figured it would be something that she should say
    TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
    3DS Friend Code: 3196 4256 7846
    XBL: Enigma1985 NYJ
    Steam: enigmaticwonder

    Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
    Hide in plain sight.
    Never compromise the Brotherhood.
    Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
    -The Assassin's Creed

  36. #156
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default The past that few ever knew... Yuar reveals the truth.

    ^^ Alright, remember in this post that no one really knows the whole Lantis/Gyvien thing...e ven though you all know it, the charries don't! ^^; Oh yeah... bleeeh

    Yuar Oro - M - Vampire


    Well, this night was certainly the most interesting nights in quite a while. It was distressing for some parts, especially to see the likes of Myra and Gyvien being placed with in unremarkable danger. BUt danger was some thing I was accustomed too... and strangely, t he way of fate had intertwined the paths of two close to my heart, to weave back to me at teh same time. Maybe it was destiny... but whatever it may have been, they were safe now despite the turn of events.

    We had to go inside... two hours of darkness left, RUdy had reminded us about it. This priest... Farwell... I narrowed my eyes, suddenly feeling guilty for leaving him for my own selfish reasons. As Liven helped him along as we walked back inside the hotel, I quickly went to the other s ide to help him as well. Liven gave me a strange look, but from learning a bit more about my character earlier she did not question me. I was hoping that she was beginning to understand that I was not evil or any type of vampire many accused me of being. She did not speak to me, but some thing about the silence sat well. Instead I spoke to Father Farwell...

    " I am truely sorry Priest, if I would have stayed with you... I would have-"
    He interupted me howver.
    "Do not appologize Yuar. I can imagine you... had some thing worth while to attend too. Plus, you could not have helped what happened... "
    I was silent, narrowing my eyes in thought as finally we came to a room. Setting Farwell upon one of the beds, it was interesting to hear Liven's story. I couldn't believe it... and still..
    I shook my head and muttered..
    "IT was my fault... I should have stayed with him."

    I got up and walked to one of the walls, and clutching my fist tightly I smacked the wall with just a slight rum. Gyvien instantly scolded me for it, telling me I would draw attention to others who might be in this hotel as well. I sighed, as Rudy made a point that it wasn't my fault but I quickly turned around, leaning agianst the wall. STaring my calm, cool and basically unreadable olive-green gaze at him, I shook my head.
    "You do not understand."

    Rudy was about to persist otherwise, but stopped short as my gaze did not leave his. Despite how good and loyal RUdy was, some times I believed he talked too much. Butting in where he wasn't wanted... but he had a good heart, and I respected that. Plus he treated Myra well, which it was obvious by the way they spoke that they cared for eachother. I had yet to see any signs of Gyvien and him having good relationships... but perhaps I did not see all. I sighed again, as my dark yet some how lightly shaded redden auburn hair slightly wavered over my face, as I leaned against the wall with my hands in my pockets, my jacket flapped open to expose my short, atheltic-suiting shirt exposing my abdomin a bit. I gazed at the scene as a few mumurs were heard..

    There was Rudy and Myra, Rudy in a chair as Myra gazed him over softly and Gyvien was standing w ith her hands across her chest... as if thinking. Father Farwell was upon the bed, Liven not too far off as well... strange scene indeed. I gazed outside... two hours... that was plenty of time. I could make in a half an hour if needed... but...

    "Yuar... " I sharply turned my head to gaze a casual stare to Myra, who gazed at me with a confused look again.
    "You know me, say you are my brother... and you know Gyvien. I am sure all of us.. at least Gyvien, Rudy and I... are interested to know how."

    I smirked slightly, but it would be a pain. Not the fact in telling the tales... b ut in reliving everything. Of course the shadows of my past painfully biting at my heels every time I walked. I was used to it though... but... it...
    I was Yuar Oro, the Draconin. I had done far worse then tell a simple story...

    "Fine, but I warn you standing to perhaps sit down. It might take a while... "

    No one moved, and I sighed as I took my right hand and ran it though my lofty silk-like hair.
    "Well... I'll start with Myra's questions first. I'd not want to confuse you ... so chronilogical order would suit the best fancy."

    Memories flooded past me... and I couldn't believe I was about to speak what I had promised was behind me. But... I guess I was just used to being so, mysterious. Everyone... well, those who had a glimpse to see me save them, kill the evils of the world or just pass by thought so.. .my apperance wasn't exactly bright and happy. I was always trying to look unreadable yet approachable... yet, perhaps I did seem justifying and well... distant.

    (To be different, instead of telling this though his exact words I amm going to write his 'flashbacks' or what he is seeing in his mind as he tells. You can make up the words he says about it.. ^^ Just dont' say anything like swear words or stuff, 'cuz Yuar wouldn't swear!! loll, unless he was really mad.)

    There Yuar was, gazing at his two parents with wide and interested eyes. Meier Link and Charlotte Link. Both parents had escaped to the City of Night a long time ago. Yuar was very curious ever since he was little... always asking questions about Earth, since he was born in the CIty of Night. They told him the true stories of earth... about the humans and the vampires, about why they had to escape to the City of Night... how Charlotte became a Vampire. They probably told Yuar too much, since this sparked his curiosity even more.

    Yuar excelled well in the fields of academics, but what made him stand out most all was his training. Indeed, he seemed to be strangely agile and very stealthy-even for a vampire. And the combo of having intelligence, witts and agility along with stealth made him a good fighter, but of course it wasn't anything useful in the CIty of Night for a young Vampiric boy. But, because of the honesty and the stories that his parents told him of Earth... at the first chance that he could, he snuck aboard a ship that went to Earth. Instantly there, he met a dampiel whose name illudes him to t his day. In t hat little time, the dampiel taught Yuar that vampires and humans were a like. Both were capable of hate and both had evils in their hearts, but yet both had potential in good as well. both had equal rights to the earth... b ut some just brought it forth too far and were blinded by their dark sides so they could not see.

    After learning and being s howed the world from a neutral stand point, Yuar began shaping his beliefs about how humans and vampires were both fine in t heir own ways. Yuar as soon as he could, snuck back aboard a ship to the City of Night. When he told his parents the story, t hey grew wary of him. Quickly as word grew, they told hiim to not tell anyone about the travel of him going to earth, nor about the experience with an outcasted VAmpire. Many in t he Vampiric community were growing suspicious of Yuar's curiosity and strange view points, and many heard of his 'wild stories' of traveling to earth and meeting a wise old Dampiel. But like al ways... some thing happened.

    Yuar met a Vampire by the name of Lantis, a while ago from a younger age. Of course, competition grew between the two... and when Lantis finally became twisted in his mind. That night when Yuar snuck aboard to Earth and met that dampiel, Lantis was there as well. It was then he watched Yuar from afar... and saw him talk with the dampiel. Not even waiting to see what hapepned... Lantis immiediatly returned to the City of Night shortly after Yuar returned. Lies and rumors were spread about wildly from Lantis- jeleousy and envy being his main motive for corrupting Yuar's life. Lantis went on telling all that Yuar was plotting with dampiels and humans on Earth how to rid the world of Vampires, and was planning to join them and place mutiny upon t he Vampiric community. Even though Yuar was only 8, people believed Lantis's easily-told lies and were growing irritated.

    Finding out about the plans to 'rid' Yuar, his parents quickly told Yuar he had to flee from the City of Night. So he did so, and after a few years he heard about the pregnancy of his mother with Myra. Interested and wanting to see his sister.... he cut his hair short, and changed his clothing. After severe training and harsh conditions upon earth with hiding himself in t he shadows and living in the dark, he was firmly built and quite handsome. He of course, snuck aboard a ship and went to the city of night under the name of Yuar Oro, b ut to others he was just 'Oro Draconin.'

    It was during that time that Yuar grew the reputation he lived with now. He was known as, 'Draconin'... the lone warrior-like Vampire who helped those who needed aid, the one who protected humans attacked unmercifully by avenging Vampires. But he also helped innocent vampires and dampiels attacked by blood-clouded hunters... and t hus he grew a mysterious reputation for 'dropping in' and t hen leaving when he had helped those he aimed to aid.

    It was then he met a young, baby-like Dampiel upon the street. He gazed to the house that she was in... and after investigating, saw it was a human mother who was clouded by superstition and was unworthy in his eyes, of even being a mother to a beautiful baby. So he took Gyvien himself and raised her until she was five. During those years, he taught her the same thing he learned- about how Vampires, Humans and even Dampiels all had capabilities of hate, love and all the same emotions. He taught her it was what you did with those emotions that defined who you are. There was no 'evil' race or 'good' race either... we were all the same. He also taught her how to fight... and how to use a wide array of weapons- even though she was young, s he was abnormally adaptable and learned quick. She could even outgun most humans at the age of 4 and a half.

    BUt one night it changed..

    Yuar had heard rumors of Lantis finding out about Yuar's true name, and about his raising of a dampiel. He also heard through the underground t hat Lantis also found out about Yuar having a sister... that sister named Myra who was under Lantis's care. Feeling a threat rise... Yuar quickly led Gyvien out of their hidden home in the outskirts of the suburbs and tried to find a new place. But there they were ambushed by a group of six vampires - Oyar being the ring leader. Oyar and the six vampires quickly attacked Yuar... but Yuar defended them off with Gyvien actually shooting and killing one of them. BUt as Oyar made a move towards the young dampiel girl,Yuar stopped him.

    It was then he learned Lantis had hired them to kill both. Oyar was paid off by what little Yuar had to let Gyvien escape, and so Yuar quickly handed over his precious, ancient dagger he had obtained a long time from that dampiel and gave it to her. He told her to run... to run and to get away. He then fought off the vampires, and through a long fight which lasted almost until the rising sun. The vampires all died except for Oyar, but with the morning rays rising in the dusk he grew in pain and fled. Yuar gritted his teeth and managed to drag himself into an alleyway and hide inside a garbage disposel for the day. After that he never found Gyvien...

    When Myra was born, Yuar snuck in one night and watched his sister, standing over her shortly. It was there he vowed to stay out of her life for now... believing himself to be a jinx or jaded in some way.

    He lived in the City of Night under his new name, not even telling his parents he existed. He watched as Myra was trained by Lantis, and even t hough Yuar grew extremely angry and vengeful at Lantis for telling his sister lies (which he eavesdropped and watched from afar), he kept his cool and remained out of her life- keeping to his word.

    Yuar understood why his parents never told Myra anything about Earth- because they didn't want her to end up like him. He felt pained for causing his parents the mournful loss of their son... for to them, he was as good as dead for they never heard of him. Yuar felt pained at this and guilty, b ut he remained inthe shadows. The night he heard the words of Lantis to Myra about the lies of his mother, so he grew inraged. Angered he left before Myra left... feeling furious but not wanting to intrude and suddenly show up before Myra. Plus, if he revealed himself as Yuar... he was afraid heh would indanger his family and his sister as well.

    I took a breath after my long story. Sighing I suddenly stood up straight. It was about an hour until sunrise now. They were speechless... but I sighed.
    "It's all so complicated isn't it?"

    Yuar then sighed... as he gazed to Myra and Gyvien, and then everyone else.

    (Alright... reactions needed! Just one note: Yuar is going to leave before the sun rises. So if you guys want to include that because you want to keep it moving go ahead. Yuar is going to leave... or you guys can post to the point wher ehe says he is leaving but you guys can try to stop him or whatever. Just leave it to that point so I can post his actual exit.)
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  37. #157
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Ok, things are coming down to a point, a point which would affect the lives of all in ways they could never have imagined.....^-~
    Oh, and Rudy, its ok, Myra probably would say something like that now. After all Rudy's being such a good influence on her so why not? ^-^

    ~~~~Myra Link~~~~
    Wood Water Inn, Room 9
    :::5:02 AM::: About an hour until sunrise
    It was all, so much...too was strange how things had a way of connecting, how peoples lives could twine around each other through actions that seemed unimportant at the time. How my brother whom I never knew I had could have rescued and raised the sister of the man I would come to love. How we would all meet again, with strangers that were not stangers to all. Somehow we were all connected....
    My head was swimming with thoughts, ideas, and lost memories, and I felt a bit lightheaded. But Yuar's strange story wasnt the only thing that was going to make me feel dizzy, for the question he asked next was one that I had been dreading ever since we found out who he was.
    "Now, Myra, I need to know. How are Mother and Father? They have not returned to Earth with you, have they?"
    I felt like I was being backed into a corner. The eyes of everyone in the room were on me, waiting for me to respond with what should have been an easy answer. I knew that my brother had to know, but I didnt want to tell him. Rudy had been very understanding but I doubted anyone else would be. Even so I knew it had to be told. Frustrated and feeling very alone I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breath to keep the tears away. "No..." I said, my voice wavering. "They didnt....and they wont......because Lantis killed our Father, Yuar...and.." I knew I was probably dooming myself with what I said next, but I couldnt run from the truth. "I was ordered to kill our Mother." I could see everyone jump in shock as I said that, and I felt more sad and alone than I ever had before.
    But then I felt a hand squeeze mine gently, and looking I saw it was Rudy, with an expression on his face that said I wasnt alone. Looking at everyone gathered in the room, he spoke with a voice of authority. "Listen, what Myra had to say was very hard for her. But I want you to keep in mind that people can change. Being on Earth for even this short night she has learned a lot and has realised that she had made some bad mistakes. She is a different person than how she was then and should not be judged wrongfully for what was in the past. Im sure all of us have things that we wish we hadnt done in our lives, and if we could we'd do it differently." Rudy looked at Yuar for a moment and then looked at me with a tender expression. "Myra is the same way."
    I looked at him gratefully and squeezed his hand back, lowering my head slightly. Though it was true, that I did regret what I had done very much, I wasnt sure if anyone else would listen to what Rudy had said. Forgiveness did not come easily to all people, and I had just met my brother and me and Gyvien never really got along. I could only guess at what they were thinking.
    Suddenly the changed human known as Farwell spoke up. " 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..' Yes, no one is without sin, everyone at one point has had doubts, or committed crimes, or betrayed someone they love. But we all should try to forgive past wrongs and to try hard not to make the same mistakes again." Though it mustve burned him he touched his cross as he spoke. "Just remember that God forgives you whether you forgive yourself or not."
    I only nodded, in a bit of shock. I had never heard such things before, and it made me feel a little better. Just then Yuar spoke up.
    "We have bigger things to worry about than forgiveness Farwell, if what Myra says is true..." I wasnt sure what his reaction to what I had done was, he was masking his feelings about it. He continued. "Am I correct in assuming that he is the one who brought you here?"
    I nodded. "Yes, at sundown he went off to feed and left me to wander about by myself and fact I havent seen any trace of him since then..." Which worried me, I feared he would do something horrible....something I would not let myself consiously think of.
    Yuar frowned. "If Lantis is on Earth, then we re all in trouble..."
    Ok....sorry if I stole a little Rudy speech in there ^-~ but I wanted Myra to have that secret out in the open before something else happened.....I have a request that no one move past 5:45 AM , I need the 15 minutes before sunrise to put something in motion for the next night. For now, your characters are free to come and go as they wish of course, but for now I want to keep Myra and Farwell out of any life and death fights, what I have planned is pretty flexable as far as everyone else ^-^
    Oh and also I request that no one have Lantis show up, you can talk about him but dont have him show up just yet ^-^
    Thats about it, I dont really like telling people what to do in an RPG but I request the above for future plot purposes ^-^ Thanks, and Ill see you all next weekend! Ciao! ^-^v

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  38. #158
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    Default Yuar and Gyvien...

    Time for double persona post!

    Yuar & Gyvien - M/F - Vampire/Dampiel

    Gyvien wanted to retort... she wanted to accuse Myra of being a hypocrite. Here, Myra had given Gyvien a hard time for not trusting Rudy at first and being cold... and here, she herself killed her own mother.
    But yet... I wanted to kill my father..

    Yuar however, could tell that everyone wanted him to answer... but most of all, Myra wanted him to answer. He turned his gaze so that it rested upon hers, which were clouded with salty tears and ... fear? Yuar did see fear... in his younger sister, the killer of their mother. He saw as Rudy clutched her hand... and she returned it, as they awaited for more then just a speech from Father Farwell. As Myra gazed at Yuar closer, he could tell she wanted him to say some thing... anything. Yuar was always the perfector of blank, relaxed expressions that didn't change... and right now, it was killing Myra. Sighing, he gazed away from her, his auburn hair swaying infront of his eyes. He still leaned against the wall... as he gazed out the window, through a crack of it's cloth.

    Lantis... the evil b*st*rd. Yuar saw the lies of what he had told Myra when raising her... and ... enviornment has it's play on the souls and minds. Yuar didn't need Rudy to tell him that people change... Yuar didn't need the stupid lecture about not to judge what others have done. Glaring at the air at the thought, Yuar's cool words rose above, slicing the air.

    "Myra... I'm not angered with you."

    Yuar turned his head and gazed at her slightly, as his deep emerald eyes were calm and expressionless.
    " I was there... I saw when Lantis told you the lies of Earth, I heard him speak them to you... I heard him fill you with empty lies and brainwash the impressionable you into believing what he wanted you to believe. You were his pawn... in his big chess board of evil plans."

    Myra didn't seem to like those words much... but yet she seemed accept them, as Yuar stood up straighter and continued.
    " If you killed mother, then I did as well. I probably killed father too."

    Silence... and then Rudy gazed at Yuar.
    "What is that supposed to mean?"
    Myra nodded slowly, confusion flooding her facial featurs..
    "You didn't kill them... I- "

    Yuar was firm though, and the level of his voice seemed stern and uncounterable.
    " No. Stop. I was there Myra... I occasionaly would watch over you at night, as he would train and talk to you. BUt I didn't interfere... I was ... Iwas... afraid. Afraid that if I tried to tell you the truth, you would think me as a stupid stranger, a monster and believe me to be wrong. I couldn't have possibly told you who I was and tell you teh truth... because then I would be exposed. If Lantis would have found that out... he would have killed our father and mother either way or got others to do so in rebellion of what they thought I did when I was little. Maybe they would have killed you too..."

    Sighing, Yuar closed his eyes for a breif moment as he spoke the last of his words carefully.

    " But I should have... I could have told you what earth really was. Then maybe you wouldn't have been talked into killing your mother... I could have protected Father from Lantis. If I would have... I would... I could have prevented all of this. It's.. It is my fault. But I have a lot of faults... for disappearing from Gyvien's life, from going to earth when I was young and putting my parents through the pain of losing their son..."

    Yuar shook his head, as he walked to the window and stared though the whole glass. Loweirng his head Yuar heard Rudy's voice...
    " Still... it ... your past doesn't matter. You couldn't have prevented it-"
    Yuar turned his head around to look at Rudy and shook his head.
    " Sorry to be blunt... but please, hold your tongue. I do not need to be lectured or comforted by you... not that I do not welcome your friendship or courting of my sister, but I do not want pity or words of comfort."

    Silence ensued again... but Yuar wasn't finished.
    "Lantis is out... and if he is, he must be looking for either Myra or I. I don't know what he wants... but I know he must be looking for either or both of us. He's always wanted to kill me... our rivalry runs deep. And if he knows Myra is about... Oyar has already probably told of him who you are with sister. He probably wants to reclaim you as well."

    Gyvien then suddenly shifted in her position... as she glanced about rather nervously. Yuar sensed some thing was wrong... but he didn't feel the need to press it. Perhaps when she was ready she would tell whatever was bothering her.

    " There is about an hour of night time left... I'm leaving."

    Yuar suddenly opened the window, as Liven spoke up for the first time.
    "Why are you leaving? If Lantis is out... surely it isn't safe if he is as dangerous as you all say. ANd if he is more powerful than Roland, I hope you don't plan on trying to take him down."

    Smirking slightly, Yuar turned his head to gaze at Liven softly.
    "I don't plan on finding Lantis... not tonight. But tommorow night.."
    Yuar began to open the window fully, and Rudy spoke.
    "Where are you going then? There is only an hour left... "
    "Why are you leaving?" Myra added.

    Placing his hand upon the sill Yuar sighed.
    " I have other things to attend to in a... a place of mine. I should go there for the daylight hours to prepare, and then at the first sign of the sun going down I will be back here to meet you all."

    "Take me with you!" Gyvien suddenly said, loosing her composure strangely. Everyone gazed at her with a bewildered gaze... Gyvien sighed, leaning back.
    " I... with Lantis about... well.. I.. well.."
    Was she loosing it?
    Sighing she turned a cold shoulder to everyone, her back facing Yuar, Rudy, Myra and the others.
    " Never mind... I know, I can't go."

    Yuar nodded, and then slowly he slipped out- leaping into the air and landing upon the ground with an effortless leap. He turned his gaze up to peer at the window... as he saw Myra look out the window slowly.
    " Keep well Sister... since I have found you, I would never forgive myself to lose you again."

    Yuar knew she probably wondered about him as well.. and that he wasn't telling everything. BUt that was how Yuar was... he was mysterious. And he would always be one of night's mysteries..

    He walked onward, disappearing into the thickness of the night.

    (Attached, I have a picture of Yuar looking away. That is what he looked like in the scene above when he looked away after hearing what Myra said.)

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  39. #159
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Just something quick showing Rudy's thoughts on this whole thing.

    Rudy Summers
    5:05 AM
    Why couldn't anything go right tonight?

    As I watched Yuar walk away my mind was elsewhere. Mainly I was thinking about what a horrible night it had been overall. Sure I had found Gyvien and fallen in love with Myra. However those two events where pretty much the high point of the night. As good as those moments were I felt that the good was greatly overshadowed by the bad. After hearing about how Lantis and Oyar knew each other I saw my mistake. While I would fight and always try to protect people there was one thing I tried to avoid when possible. Ever since I was born I hated killing. However I knew it was something I couldn't get around at times. As much as I had wanted to see Oyar die I refused to end it. Now I had a feeling that Lantis might have found him and had discovered where we were. That mistake was in the past however. Granted it might have been one of my worst ones but I couldn't change it now. The one thing I could do however was try to make sure things turned out for the better and that nothing else happened.

    As I tried to get over that I remembered some of the things Yuar said. Several things about his, Myra's and my sister's past became much more clear. However there was one thing that caught my attention and I didn't like it one bit. According to Yuar him and my sister were attacked by a group of vampires many years ago. It wasn't just any group however. It was a group led by Oyar who was in turn hired by Lantis. I started to think about this for a moment. My father always told me stories about his encounters with Oyar and he was pretty perplexed about the whole thing. The two of them had never met each other and Oyar seemed to have no good reason to start attacking. As I thought about this something suddenly came to mind. Gyvien and Yuar's ages seemed to match up with about the time Oyar had started to go after my parents. On a normal night I would pass it off as just a strange occurance but this night was far from normal. Was it possible that Lantis had somehow managed to discover Gyvien was a Summers and then hired Oyar to take us out? I had my doubts but there was just too much going on for me to ignore it. However that raised one more question. If it was true then why would Lantis have any reason to take out my family?

    As I was trying to piece together this whole thing I suddenly remembered another thing about Lantis. According to Myra and Yuar he was very old. Surely he had been around and met many people. If my suspisions were correct was it somehow possible that something caused him to have a reason for wanting us dead? Dad had kept the truth about Gyvien to himself for a very long time. It wasn't until shortly before Oyar and his thugs had managed to kill him and leave me without a home that I heard about her for the first time. Were there other things as well that he might have taken with him to his grave? I now had a feeling he wasn't entirely honestly with me about some very important things. Even so I was sure he had his reasons. However there was one thing I knew for a fact:

    Something was not adding up and I didn't like it one bit......
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  40. #160
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    OOC: Ok, now, Im finally going to get to post tonight after work, but in the meantime, if anyone wants to do anything then go ahead, short of what I mentioned before. Otherwise Im going to plan on sunrise being very soon. ^-^ Be back in a few hours!

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

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