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Thread: ASB Chat Thread - 2015 Edition. Now with improved posts!

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  1. #11
    The Jigglypuff Master! Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Goomy Goomy Gobstoppers

    ^Yeah it is crazy and hard to evolve Sliggoo but you get a final Dragon Pokemon evolution from an already evolved Dragon BEFORE level 48 which is pretty rare. Kingdra is pretty much the only second evolution Pokemon to do this.

    edit- I was wrong. I forgot about Vibrava evolving at level 45. As to getting Goodra, it has to be raining AND level 50. I just looked it up. I thought Sliggoo would evolve at level 40 and up in rain.
    Last edited by CaptainJigglypuff; 20th October 2013 at 12:36 AM. Reason: I was wrong.
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