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Thread: Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

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    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Wolfsong Vs. men of horror Ref: Oslo

    Okay, i have a free slot and an idea for an arena that i'd like to try.

    Open 3-3
    Abilities are active.
    I choose first.
    You attack first.
    Banned moves: Rest, Perish Song, Attract, and Toxic.
    Arena: The Wolf’s Paw arena: Located in the middle of a grassy field is the arena in the shape of a Wolf’s Paw Print. The heel of the paw is filled with tall grass and trees. The first toe is a mixture of sand and dirt. The second toe is made up of ice. The third toe is water and the fourth is lava. Each of the claws is a small rock formation but the first one has a cave. This is den of the local wolf pack. There are three of them the Alpha (White) Beta (black) and Omega (silver). Most of the time they will leave you alone. This changes if you disturb them too much. Then one of them will come down and attack. For example, an occasional earthquake while might irritate them but they’ll let it slide. However constant use may cause one of them come down and attack for 5 hp damage. However, for every five rounds there is a small chance (5%) that the wolves might give a blessing. If the Omega appears (75% of that 5%) all pokemon on the field regain 10 energy points. If the Beta appears (24% of the 5%) all pokemon on the field gain 10 Health points. If the alpha appears (1% chance of the 5%) all pokemon gain both 10 health points and 10 energy points.

    DQ: 1 Week

    I choose Belle my Female Leafeon with the Leaf Guard ability.

    Any takers?
    Last edited by Wolfsong; 30th May 2010 at 01:54 PM. Reason: left out the amount of hp if the beta shows up and edit 2: adding the standard week dq
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