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Thread: .:~Light Illuminate~:. {{Begins, Rated M}} LSUs/NPCs Accepted!

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    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Between tomorrow and yesterday

    Lightbulb .:~Light Illuminate~:. {{Begins, Rated M}} LSUs/NPCs Accepted!

    For new characters/NPCs, discussing the RPG, or questions check out the Lounge Topic, White Tower Courtyard.

    Mistriss Mirajane waited at the top of the wide marble steps which led to the grand door of the White Tower for the new novices which would be arriving. As the Mistriss of Novices, it was her duty to instruct the new charges in what they needed to know while living and working within these hallowed walls. Among them, she knew, were a couple of wilders, such unpredictable channelers especially needed her guidance, for if they began channeling without supervision they could cause harm to themselves or others. But all novices were valuable, this she also knew. The White Tower's population was not what it once was in days long past, and though Aes Sedai did not speak of age, she could remember days when many more novices dwelled within the Novice Wing.

    But now was not the time for such reminiscing, the novices were arriving, and so she greeted each one with a smile.

    Ren Da'shain, the Tinker wilder, wide eyed and innocent, though more curious than afraid.

    Kienna Li'alla, a Domani, a pretty young lady but with an inner core of strength.

    And Talia Arien, a very petit Tairen, neutrally inspecting the White Tower's grounds as she walked with a measured step.

    Such a varied group, wearing different styles of dress, though that would change soon. Mirajane gave a soft smile as she remembered her own rebellion to the novice white oh so many years ago. They would adjust. As the small group gathered around her she gave them a kindly smile.

    "Welcome to the White Tower." Reactions ranging from intimidated to excited flitted across their faces. Extending her hand, she touched each novice briefly, testing their ability to channel through Delving. The Novices would feel only a slight chill as the Power was used on them, they wouldnt know what she had done, though of course it would not hurt them. 'Yes', Mirajane thought. 'Their abilities are not slight, they can be taught.' With a decisive nod, she introduced herself. "I am Mistriss Mirajane, the Mistriss of Novices. You will address me as Mirajane-Sedai, with a respectable curtsy, as you will be expected to show all full Sisters this same respect. This way please."
    The novices were led into a small room with a closet and a few leather chairs around the fireplace, which had been lit to warm the room. Mirajane opened the closet to reveal a plain but clean woolen dress for each of them. "You will now be required to change out of your clothes into the Novice White. You will be provided these white dresses, and it will be your responsibility to ensure they stay clean. Dirty novices will be sent to me for punishment." Nervousness could be sensed from the novices, but Mirajane smiled slightly to reassure them. "Yes, as the Mistriss of Novices I am responsible for giving punishments if you break any rules, however, I am also here to be a guide and counsulor should you need one. You may find Novice life hard, but every Aes Sedai has gone through it, myself included. You will survive, if being an Aes Sedai is what you truely desire." She handed a white dress to each of them, instructing them to change, which they did, if a bit halfheartedly (save for Talia, who did so with utmost confidence).
    She then instructed each novice to gather up their discarded clothes. "Now, its time to bid goodbye to your old life, for you are beginning a new one as an initiate to the White Tower." She knew they would not like what came next, she saw how at least two of them took pride in their sense of dress. "Throw your old life into the fire and stand before me a blank slate, ready to learn the ways of the Aes Sedai." She heard a slight squeak from Kienna, and saw the look of trepedation cross the innocent features of Ren, but one by one, led by Talia, the three new novices did as they were told.
    Mirajane wove a thread of Air to guide the billowing smoke of the burning clothes up the chimney as she led the novices out of the room. "You may have noticed I channeled just now to clear the air. As a novice you are not permitted to channel unless specifically asked to by an Aes Sedai. Anyone caught channeling without permission will be promptly sent to my office for more than just a chat." She gave the novices a firm look before smiling once again. "Lets move along shall we?"

    They walked the marble corridors of the White Tower, the tiles in the center swirling with the colors of every ajah, Novices and Accepted curtsying the Aes Sedai as she led her small group onward. Other Aes Sedai of various Ajahs also nodded their greeting, some gazing upon the novices with unreadable faces, perhaps trying to decide how well they would fare, and if they would make a welcome addition to their particular ajah. Seeing one particularly trustworthy girl wearing the banded white dress of an Accepted, Mirajane called out to the girl. "Esyllt Teardhrin, would you come here please?"
    The young Accepted nodded and hurried over, curtseying with a smile. "Yes, Mirajane-Sedai?" Mirajane smiled, Esyllt had always proven herself to be helpful and of even temper, and so she trusted her as a messenger whenever it was necissary. "May you please fetch Chimera-Sedai and ask her to wait in my office? After giving these girls the tour I would ask her to begin their training immediately, and also show them their quarters."
    Esyllt curtsied again. "Of course Mirajane-Sedai," she spoke before hurrying off to locate the Aes Sedai in question. As the girl left Mirajane couldnt help but give a smirk. She knew that Chimera-Sedai was less than fond of teaching novices and other mundane tasks such as that, but it was part of her new duties now, and while none other than Chimera and the Amyrlin Seat knew for certain if Chimera were here for penance, it seemed most likely, for what other reason would she choose to stay? Speaking of the Amrylin Seat....
    "Every Aes Sedai must be shown respect, but you must show even higher respect for the Amyrlin Seat and her Keeper. These are the Leaders of all the Aes Sedai in the Tower, and those who dwell and travel outside in the world. She can have you banished, or stilled with a word.....but such a thing almost never occurs with Novices. Still, be sure you keep to the rules. No channeling without permission, never be late to an Aes Sedai's class, keep yourself, your clothes and your room neat and tidy, do your chores without complaint, do not leave the tower without express permission, show the proper respect to all Aes Sedai..."
    She trailed off briefly as she reached the next part of the tour. Resting one hand on the door to one of the inner courtyards, she turned to give the group a serious look. "Be sure you also never come here without an Aes Sedai's express permission." Pushing open the door she revealed a beautiful garden, which also happened to, at that very moment, look like a training barracks. Men fought with swords against straw dummies and each other, as the occasional Aes Sedai looked on. Spotting one particular Aes Sedai close by, she gave the Green a greeting. "Ah, Li'Lendra, I see Mr. Sumen is training a few of the new Apprentices. How are they doing?"
    The other Aes Sedai gave a playful smirk. "Many of them have...potential." She said, leaving the statement deliberately open. Aes Sedai could not lie, but what you heard may not always be what she meant, this was widely known. And Greens had a reputation for seeing "potential" in men. The Green went on, not noticing or not caring (the latter was more likely) how her statement had sounded. The woman gestured to each man as she mentioned them. "Kiren Tursch, quiet and shy but with great passion for one so young. His strength could be worked on but he seems to do well at the Forms." The forms were of course the art of swordplay, each movement flowing into the other almost like a dance. A tactical dance, beautiful to watch but deadly. She gestured to another of the young men. "Wystan hes an unusual one. Decent with the sword, but his true talent is archery. I swear the boy has quite the eye for targets, moving or otherwise." Her eyes travelled over the rest of the apprentices, before putting a finger to her lips in thought, nodding towards a gangley young man sitting on a boulder, studying his sword carefully as if trying to figure out what he was doing with it. "Vitch Nyora," she paused, frowning a bit. "To be honest Im not quite sure why hes here. He's passable, if barely, but hes only been here a week, and if anyone can make a fighter out of him its my Eldar." She gave her Warder a proud smile as he stood across the room, arms crossed and watching the apprentices spar.
    Mirajane nodded to her collegue before turning to her young novices. "As you may or may not have heard, every Aes Sedai, with the exception of most, if not all the Reds, have a Warder, a male swordsman who is bonded to her through the Power. There is a special weave which bonds him to her, so they both can feel each others emotions and physical health and beings, as well as knowing where each other are at all times. However," she reguarded them sternly and seriously. "ONLY Aes Sedai may bond a man to her, and novices and Accepted alike are banned from even learning the weave let alone weaving it. The punishment for breaking this rule is very severe."
    At her words the novices turned away from watching the men, feeling the seriousness of their entrance to the tower settling upon them. Mirajane gestured for her charges to follow her back inside and down the wide marble corridors of the Tower once again. For a long while they walked in silence, not daring to whisper even to each other lest they break some rule they did not yet know, until they came to one of the large wooden doors which lined the halls. Opening it, she revealed a room of novices sitting behind small wooden desks, their attention riveted upon a tall, black haired young woman in a banded Accepted's dress. Sitting next to her, looking very disinterested in the class was, of all things, a man! The Accepted stopped talking at the Aes Sedai's entrance, before Mirajane waved her hand and spoke. "Please do not let me interrupt Na'Wynth, I am only showing these new Novices what they may expect." She seemed about to speak to the novices when a novice within the class attracted her attention. "Elya Daneiri! I will be seeing you in my office after lunch once again today, fix your skirt this instant, we do not wear our novice white in such a shameful manner." The novice in question hid a small smirk as she unpinned her skirt, letting it fall below her knee as was proper.
    Sniffing with annoyance, Mirajane turned to her novices just in time to hear Ren whisper to Talia. "Is that man her Warder? I thought Accepted---" But before even Mirajane could correct her, Na'Wynth spoke up loudly, fire flashing in her eyes. "Most certainly not! I plan on being a Red! Hes only here because I----" Her face flushed red as she cut herself off, even before Mirajane corrected her behavior quietly. After the Accepted had calmed, Mirajane turned to answer Ren's question.
    "Tahl'Atri is an Apprentice Warder, like the ones in the Courtyard. Accepted are not permitted to bond a Warder, and Apprentice Warders may not be bonded unless they have been deemed ready by at least three Warders." Mirajane gave the young Tinker a somewhat stern look. "From now on do not speak unless spoken to." She nodded towards Na'Wynth. "I apologise for interrupting your class, Miss De Luun."

    Carefully closing the door behind her and the group, the Mistress of Novices set a brisk pace down the hall. "Now, your tour is complete and you will be shown to my office, where Chimera-Sedai will lead you to your quarters and begin your intruction." She paused beside the door to her office. "If you have further questions you may come to me as you need, its my duty to help you through this difficult transition, and not merely give out punishments." Pushing the door open she guided the new Novices inside, effectively beginning their life on the road to becoming a full Aes Sedai.

    And so begins the RPG. This post tells you where you are and also who is around you, so you have some free character interaction to build on to start ^-^ Your welcome! lol

    Besides the rules the Novices must go by, here are a few of the rules of this rpg:
    ~No 'waiting on someone else to post'. The beauty of how I set this up is, if you feel stuck on your character and dont know what to post, you may either make up an npc or use one of the provided ones to post with as if it were your own. So you have no excuses lol
    ~You CAN double post, but not as the same character. I know generally you wouldnt be allowed to double post but in this rpg I realise it may be necissary (or you may have a really good idea that cant wait) thats fine with me ^-^
    ~You will be rewarded for posting. What this means is, when you make a post that has either great character development, interaction with other people, interesting plotlines, new NPCs etc, you will be rewarded with new weaves, secret information, important missions etc. The more you put into it the more you and your character will get out of it.
    ~Your character may end up as an NPC. The opposite of the previous, if you have a very noticeable absence, unless you post about it in the Lounge Topic beforehand, your character may go into the pool of NPCs. All this means is you will be kept in the story, but others may post as your character as well. Should you return and post actively again your character will come out of the NPC pool and be a player character once again.
    ~Talk with your fellow roleplayers! ^-^ Not only is it fun but you can also plan interesting plotline or scene ideas with each other. You are encouraged to use the Lounge Topic for this, as well as PM's, MSN or whatever instant message service you want. We're all working together in this story <3

    Thats all for now. Feel free to begin posting, and Welcome to the White Tower!
    Last edited by Asilynne; 23rd May 2010 at 02:30 PM. Reason: adding a bit I forgot

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

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