Oh well. Back from the beginning, I guess. At least we have a better home now!

Chapter 1 - The Cold Light Of Day

Ash Ketchum looked up into the sky. It was a clear day, with a crisp, gentle breeze and a glowing sun showering down cascades of light that smothered the earth in their nourishing glow. But Ash wanted none of it. He wished that the sky was full of black clouds that stretched forever. He wished that no ray of light from the sun penetrated to the ground. He wished that it would rain and never stop. He wanted no light to penetrate his soul. He wanted to be shut away from everyone and everything.

And then he cried. He cried tears that had been holding back for days now. He couldn't hold the anger and sorrow that was wrenching his soul apart. It all erupted in the form of salty tears that flowed down his sombre face and sobs that burst out the ringing of a bell. Hard and bellowing. It was nothing like the normal Ash Ketchum, so full of life and happy. He would have been ecstatic with what he had achieved five days ago. He had taken a major step in his ultimate quest to be a Pokemon Master. But right now, that meant nothing to him. He had almost considered giving it up for good. Only his Pokemon prevented him from going that far. Pikachu had been instrumental in that. His yellow buddy was one of very few that could comfort him in his darkest hour. His Pokemon were all that kept him going. That and his mother. Otherwise he would have instantly fallen into oblivion for eternity. But considering the state Ash was in, that might have been preferable.

He wiped the conglomeration of tears and sweat from his shattered body and soul and sighed heavily. He gently trekked across the resplendent green fields of Pallet Town, going nowhere in particular. He wouldn't have known that his bare feet were walking across lush, velvety grass field. It felt more like he was walking along an endless array of hot coals, with no relief in sight. Almost everything hurt him now. Only the touch of his mother and his Pokemon could ease the pain. It hurt him just to be alive. But he knew he couldn't give up now. That would be the cowardly and selfish thing to do. He owed it to her to keep going. Many times Ash had come close to losing his Pokemon, especially Pikachu, but he kept searching for them until he found them again. Team Rocket had always been a thorn in his side, but now they had stabbed him right in the heart, and left it raw and bleeding. For Team Rocket took away from him the one person in the entire world he cared about more than anything. Misty.

Misty. Just the mere thought of her brought Ash crashing to his knees. He looked up to the sky again. A light blue colour. Cerulean blue. Just like Misty's home town, Cerulean City. Misty! Why was she gone?! Ash had tormented himself for five days about the sequence of events that would scar him forever. And still he had come no closer to understanding why things were like this. He should have been feeling on top of the world! For two years he had struggled through thick and thin on his latest leg to get to where he was, and finally he was reaping the rewards. He had been on his Pokemon journey for over five years now, and how they had changed him! When he started he was a clumsy, half-witted kid who wouldn't know the first thing about being a Pokemon trainer. Now he had a deeper connection with his Pokemon than people could ever hope to obtain, and he had the accomplishments to merit his talents.

But what did all that mean if he no longer had Misty? Misty had kept him going the whole time. Initially she was incredibly mean and brutish, very much the brat. Then again, so was Ash. Neither gave the other any form of kindness. But as time passed, things between the two of them healed, and all their past bickering seemed like child's play. They had become close friends and needed each other more than words could describe. Only Misty had stuck it out for the entire journey so far. Brock was there at the start, then he stayed in the Orange Islands with Professor Ivy, came back after rejection, helped them along the way again, then left again. It would have been folly of him to turn down that opportunity of a lifetime. A Pokemon breeding program made up of collaborations with the Laramie family, the Elm lab and the Oak lab. It was too good to refuse! Now Brock was finally able to live out his dream. Tracey was still working with Professor Oak and making groundbreaking discoveries of his own. It was just him and Misty.

Misty. Ash let himself slip away into his memories of the girl that would change his world forever. She was more than what she seemed. She was a beautiful soul. She wanted nothing more than to be the greatest Water Pokemon trainer of all time. And through their adventures, Misty had caught many different water Pokemon. She had an incredibly impressive team. All reflective of her generous and light-hearted nature, which masked the fiery and lively spirit within. Misty was really hard to handle in the early days, but after she became Togepi's trainer, all that changed. She wasn't in the mood to hit anyone or use that mallet of hers if anyone pushed her too far. She still had her intense moments, but she let her softer side come out too. And that seemed to have a positive effect on everyone, including Ash. And with every day that passed, Ash found himself wound up in the world of Misty Waterflower even more. Her shiny, lustrous orange hair was a real charm. The few times that Ash had seen her let her hair down, he went off the planet. She looked like an angel to him those few times he was lucky enough to see Misty in her true glory. Her blue eyes were mirrors to the incredible soul that lay within Misty's dazzling physique. Her voice and laugh were insatiable, and Ash longed to hear them whenever he got the chance. Her smile shone so brightly in the world that it was like a homing beacon for Ash. Forever drawn to Misty. Puberty had started to kick in for the both of them, and Misty's figure was reaching its peak. Her skin had a pearly glow that shone for miles, her voice was mellowing into a firm, sweet, seductive tone, and her chest had developed to the point where she became the attention of many young boys. Ash had to constantly fend them off. A daily trouble they both lived with. Ash's voice was no longer squeaky and high-pitched, but more deep and powerful, which led to more people respecting him. His black crop of hair became even more shiny and tussled. His own chest had now firmed up considerably, and his physique was incredibly muscular now. He was now 18 years old, and Misty was 20. Ash had begun to notice that Misty was beginning to look at him in a certain way. Just like he looked at her. Things seemed bright for the two. And after his latest triumph against the odds, Ash had finally summoned up the courage to tell Misty how he really felt about her. And then it happened. And now nothing would be the same.