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Thread: <Game> The New "OR Game" Version 3 (LV Approved)

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    Jedi Hunter Moderator
    Fett One's Avatar
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    Oct 2001

    Default <Game> The New "OR Game" Version 3 (LV Approved)

    Originally created by homeofmew.


    1) You are to pick one of the two choices that the previous poster has made.
    2) You must give a reason for why you made the choice that you made
    3) After you make your choice and explain it, you must create 2 choices for the next person to choose from.
    4) Repeat steps 1-3
    5) Make sure to follow all of the rules of PCG.

    Here is an example of how the game is played:

    Poster 1
    Candy or fruit

    Poster 2
    Fruit because I'm allergic to candy

    hat or glove

    Poster 3
    Hat because I don't like wearing gloves

    hand or foot

    "end example"

    I hope that clearly explains everything, so lets begin.

    cowboy or indian
    Last edited by Fett One; 9th April 2009 at 08:02 PM.
    1) There's no excuse for laziness, but I'm working on it!
    2) I will live forever or die trying
    3) It's only funny until somebody gets hurt...............then it's hilarious

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