What, in your opinion, are the worst episodes of Pokemon that ever existed? Here are my opinions:

Kanto: The March of the Exeggutor Squad
The only real good part of this episode was that Charmander evolved into Charmeleon. That Melvin guy was my least favorite character ever, because he was weird!

Orange Islands: The Wacky Watcher
All this episode was about was someone who studies a Pokemon that has been in more episodes than I can count. It was nice that Tracey got to meet someone that he always wanted to meet, but it still was a bad episode.

The Johto Journeys: Flower Power and Grin to Win
I don't know what it is about Johto Grass Pokemon that I don't like, but these two episodes weren't that great. Flower Power didn't seem to have a very good plot, and Grin to Win had a plot, but it was the weirdest plot I had ever heard of. Who wants to enter a contest where the prize is noodles?

Johto League Champions: The Dunsparce Deception
So a kid missed a Dunsparce swarm while he was on vacation. Who honestly cares? Dunsparce isn't that great of a Pokemon! Plus, I thought that his Caterpie should have evolved at the end.

Master Quest: A Tyrogue Full of Trouble and Xatu the Future
First, the Tyrogue episode: Kiyo mentioned the P1 Grand Prix, and nobody bothers to mention that Ash had a Pokemon that won the Grand Prix! I think that was the real disappointment of this episode. So, I didn't bother paying attention to the rest of it. Secondly, the Xatu episode: Well, practically nothing happened. The only good part was that Delibird made an appearance. I was watching this episode, and when they said that a big flood was coming, I thought "So what?" The only there there was for miles was that huge auditorium-like place.

What are your least favorite episodes in Kanto, Orange, JJ, JLC, and MQ?