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Thread: Banner: Featuring Sonic the Hedgehog! Please take a look!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Default Banner: Featuring Sonic the Hedgehog! Please take a look!

    Whazzup all!

    I need your help.

    I am trying to make banners and need feedback. Can you guys rate this banner I made and tell me what I need to add/improve, or what you like about it?

    Note: I made this for a website where my name is "Hyperblade"...just like my email!

  2. #2
    Elite Trainer
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    ha, I like! ^_^ I like the color scheme, the blues and yellow go together quite nicely the only thing I'd say to improve on is that it's a little plain, needs a little more detail? I dunno.. it's practically perfect o0 hehe good job ^_^


  3. #3
    Cool Trainer
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    wow! That's awesome man! I need to learn how to make banners like that...
    The human soul is an overrated commodity. I've bought sold, and traded them for pokemon cards"- Mr. Hell

  4. #4
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    Wow, thanks...I'm learning how to make good themes and schemes and stuff....but I didn't expect good feedback! Thanks again!

    More feedback though...keep posting!!!

  5. #5

    Default Banners

    Dude thats pretty cool. Can i make a request?

    Can i have a Red Background with Ultimate Charizard embossed on it So it barely shows up but just noticeable...
    ...with Salamence, Exploud, Blaziken, Gardevoir, Rhydon, Gyarados at the front but kinda faded...

    Also if you have time could you do me a Sonic one too....

    Smiliar to yours but with him running from just left of center to the bottom right corner and faded images behind him with 'Sonic Boom' written on the Left

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

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  6. #6

    Default Banners

    I have 4 words for your banners.........................DUDE THAT KICKS @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
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    Thanx for the compliments!
    Ultimate Charizard, I'll start immediately if I can find some pics...I think have some!
    I'll post it tommorrow or tonight! If I finish, if you dont like it...I''ll make changes! And for the Sonic banner! I think I can do it!

  8. #8

    Default Banners

    Actually dude the Pokemon one, it doesnt matter about that one.

    Its the sonic one i wanna see.

    If you understand what i mean.

    Basically Sonic is like on your banner, with a different Pose, on the Right Hand side, with after images trailing off to the left, ill leave it to you how far they go but i guess the longer they are the faster he looks lol.

    Add the 'Sonic Boom' text in the Lower Left corner.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

    ASB Record
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  9. #9
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    Ult. Char! Here are your requests!

    I think the Pokemon one was hard to do...because I had to fade each image and they faded into each if you dont like it...let me know...I can make a different approach!

    Pokemon Banner #1 : Flared Background

    Pokemon Banner #2: Blurred Background

    The Sonic one was pretty simple...however I could find no Sonic Adventure version images of Sonic it might look funny.

    Sonic Boom

    If you hate any of these...let me know...I'm welcome to try something new! As long as its not too hard! I'm really better at these single character banners! Like the one I have for you all to evaluate below!

    Tell me what you think of this:

    That is Balrog from the Street Fighter series....any opinions on it?

  10. #10

    Default Banners

    Thanks M_C

    The Pokemon one is cool but could u do me a favour, post a version without the Fading. So the pokemon are solid?

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

    ASB Record
    W-12 ~ D-2 ~ L-2

  11. #11
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    Sure! I think I can do that by tomorrow morning....

    How does Balrog look though?

  12. #12
    Elite Trainer
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    that balrog looks pretty cool, but I couldn't help but notice: it's the same design as your sonic one. faded character on the left of the background, clear character in the right foreground, and small one-word text in the left foreground o0 maybe if you changed things up a bit, it'd be a little more interesting. just a thought, though ^_^


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Those are really neat I like how you blended in the words with the picture... gives it a really washed out look, especially with the vague picture in the background

    Great job!

  14. #14

    Default Banners...

    Your avatars well great and these are super cool so keep up the good work I love the sonic one at the top.


  15. #15
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    Default Next Installment!

    Thank you all for the compliments and help.

    Ultimate Charizard:Here is your banner!

    Katie, what you said was VERY true, i also thought that my banners were to similar its like once you saw saw them all!

    So....I made a new one that is SLIGHTLY different (see below) and I plan to make another, COMPLETELY diferent once I find some backgrounds and borders! Anyone know any good websites with that stuff?

    So here is the next one of Astaroth from the Soul Calibur series.....

  16. #16
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    Hey, i love your banners! Good work! My fave banner of yours is the Astaroth from the Soul Calibur series.

    I was wondering, do you take requests? If so, may i please have a banner? Green in colour, with a green articuno piccie, and of course, the words Green Articuno.

  17. #17
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    Green Articuno!

    I think I can make an attempt at that! Check back tonight or tommorrow for it!
    Thanx for your opinion!


  18. #18
    Elite Trainer
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    Your banners are very impressive. I like how they look professional and and some time spent on them. Some banners I see every now and then look like they were just thrown together in two minutes. Yours look great! I think the Sonic banners look the best out of the bunch. I'm not a great fan of Sonic, but he looks sharp in those banners. Great work! May I ask what program you use to make these? Is it a program you bought in a store or is it download-able? I really think the quality of those banners is amazing. Keep up the great work!
    Visit my Adopted Pokemon here!

  19. #19
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    Thank you very much Meowth Kitten!
    By the way, I use Adobe Photoshop to make banners, you can get it at stores...or if you know someone who has it...borrow it and download it...(cough...cough)

    As for your banner Green Articuno:

    * If you have any problems or dislike it...PM me with any changes you like...other than that....ENJOY!

    Also, any more opinions on the Astaroth? I need any constructive crticism I can's how I get better! Also, as you can see I take requests as well, as long as they aren't anything overly-elaborate....I'm still a beginner....but most importantly CRITIQUE!


  20. #20
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    Thanks for the banner! It rocks! No changes required, i love it Thanks again!

  21. #21
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    Glad you like it!

    How does this one look?
    Its of my fave pokemon! Hitmonlee!!!

    I know its not the most SPECTACULAR thing...kinda plain...but this one is to be to the point! Showing that I like Hitmonlee!
    Opinions please?

  22. #22
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    Hey! I take the lack of responses shows that, that Hitmonlee banner...was not so hot!

    So, I'm gonna show an new banner for "rating" and critiquing...and made myself my very own first signature banner! I still wanna thank Shadow Trainer Ash for making my first banner for my sig! But, I've learned to make my I'm gonna see if I like it...if not...I'll probably put yours back up! So thanks SOOOOO much!

    So please post opinions on the banner in my signature! Thanx!

  23. #23

    Default Banners

    Hey there MC. Goin' fine with the pics eh ^_^ Good job you've done so far, you're getting the basics done pretty well... But maybe you need to change your font, Banners are all about using different fonts XD

    Its good you know how to tweak around the opacity and place em in different areas... However, you might need to start working on your background, some of your banners are a little too plain... But I think you'll do pretty well, you have the determination and stuff

    Your Astaroth one was the one I liked the most for now.

  24. #24

    Default Banners

    OMFG ur banners rock man, i just have one question how do u fade the images like that, i would like a tip. from artist to me(sucky artist)

  25. #25
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    Dragon Lover,
    Dont put yourself down man! I'm only beginning at banner making myself! If you want to fade images, use the opacity option.(Photoshop...because that is what I use) Decrease opacity to fade and increase opacity to stand out! If you ever wanna trade tips PM me!

    Anymore opinions of the new banner in my signature? (Yes. The red one. ^_^; )

  26. #26

    Default Banners

    Can you make me a banner, where Scizor, Gengar and Typhlosion are. If you can, try make them look like action. Not just standing over there. A text in the middle would read Mindprobe. Let's see what you come up with, since you have really good work and I expect nothing but the best from you.

    And your previous banners are really neat, but some of them look exactly like the another, Balrog = Sonic. As someone said, you just need abit more changes, but your style rocks, and that is all that matters.

    EDIT: I would like the banner backround color to be blue. Color should be between light-blue and blue. Or would ocean blue the right word for it. Dunno, but I hope you know what I mean. If you don't, just make a banner, and if I don't like the backround color, I'm sure you'll be so nice to change it. Thank you in advance.

  27. #27
    Elite Trainer
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    I agree with azura, your banners are very good but lack a little detail. play around on whatever program you use for making the banners, see what cool effects you can make =o think of the backgrounds in STA's banners (I hate to compare artists like that but that's the only example I could think of o.0') yah! stuff!!!!! =D

    ps. yeah, change the font! :< even if it is a cool font, it gets boring after a while!


  28. #28
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    Hey, thanx all....the suggestions are very true...I'm gonna do mindprobe's request and hopefully I can find action pictures......

    However, I have a question about the forums...In the video game section, there were three sonic topics...all of which MYSTERIOUSLY DISSAPEARED.....Then, i posted a thread asking where they went and it has disappeared as well....What do I do? Where have they gone?

    I think some very biased mod is going on a power trip....too much control in the wrong hands if you ask me, and frankly I'm angry....I almost wanna stop posting here.....

    Anywho, I'll try to work on the banner...check back tommorrow or later tonight.....

    -Metal Claw/ Hyperblade

  29. #29
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    I was starting on your banners...and I found some pix off of Google...of action poses of the pokemon....

    So consider this a sketch....can you tell me what you want me to do with what I have so far?

    "Sketch" #1:

    "Sketch" #2:

    *Also, these are the best pix I could find, If you dislike them...could you send me some of exactly what you want?*

    BTW, anyone know what I could do about the disappearing posts problem?

  30. #30
    Random Drop-By Elite Trainer
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    you are one amazing banner artist dude, and i liked the hitmonlee one. just didn't see it until today . my fave for some reason is the pokemon team you did with the awesome fade. keep doing them, you're really good!

    as for the disappearing posts, it could just be a glitch. i don't think any of the mods there would go on a power trip as far as i know them. hopefully it stops happening. if not then i'd talk to lp about it.

    anywayz, i've always wanted a 1337 banner of a dratini and a haunter back-to-back or in action poses or something, with dratinihaunter13 written across it, of course the dratini part being under dratini and the word haunter under haunter. i don't wanna swamp you though, with too many requests, so don't worry about it if there's no time. i'd really appreciate it though, thanks!

    dratini by day

    haunter by night

    Best. Forum. Ever.

  31. #31

    Default Banners

    Can you take the text from the sketch #1 and attach it to the sketch #2. The backround program is nice, but can you put something like waves or like that. Also, if you could, try to minimize Typhlosion. Scizor is really kewl and so is Gengar. And on thing more, can put a picture of Tyranitar in the empty spot? If that's too hard, let it go. Some fading on the two other pokemon would be nice, Scizor looks kewl. And the pictures are fine. Anyway, the sketch #2 is slightly better, but I would like it more if there would be those modifications.

    EDIT: Use the font that you used on your own banner, the one with Metal Claw aka Hyperblade. It would be kewl.

  32. #32
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    Aight Mindprobe....

    Here is your finished product...

    I had to redo it...hahaha I forgot the layers were I started from I took all of your changes and made a better banner! (According to what you wanted, of course.) Enjoy!

  33. #33

    Default Banners

    Thank you Metal Claw, that's just what I wanted, especially the text is neat . And you picked just the correct place for the Tyranitar. Thank you so much.

  34. #34
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    No prob man, thanx for the challenge!
    I'll be back later for more banners to have "rated" thanx all!

  35. #35
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    I'm gonna work on some of my banners soon...but does anyone have a request? As long as it is not super difficult....I can try!

    Post here if ya want one! Thanx!

  36. #36
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    Default I have returned!!!

    Hey, I'm back...and I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!

    I have this "prototype" of a SPAWN (so cool) banner here. I need to know what would make this a good banner. I think an electric effect on an ARIAL font would be nice for the text: Hyperblade, or Maybe Metal Claw.

    I also think that it should be black as the background goes....

    What I've done so far,
    -Added a glowlike border around Spawn...well made it stand out.
    -Added a wind layer over it to make it stand out a little.

    Any suggesstions?

    Here it is below:

  37. #37

    Default Banners

    They're all so cool! I wan'tbanner of Jesse Smith!
    The only reason why I'm here now is to get my full name off this website. I might not be listed in the Icelandic phone book now, but since I'm a grown-man it will happen. And people could use that information to find out where I live. And I'm not willing to risk that.

    As soon as my full name is no longer public, I will leave again, and no, I don't plan on coming back after that. YouTube is the best community anyway.

  38. #38

    Default Re: I have returned!!!

    Originally posted by Metal Claw
    Hey, I'm back...and I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!

    I have this "prototype" of a SPAWN (so cool) banner here. I need to know what would make this a good banner. I think an electric effect on an ARIAL font would be nice for the text: Hyperblade, or Maybe Metal Claw.

    I also think that it should be black as the background goes....

    What I've done so far,
    -Added a glowlike border around Spawn...well made it stand out.
    -Added a wind layer over it to make it stand out a little.

    Any suggesstions?

    Here it is below:
    Urgh... I'm totally out of ideas today.... anyway, your background STILL is too plain for this pic. x_X I'm so sorry fi I sound too critical, but that's my impression of it, and I can't think of anything to improve it because I am simply dead chuffed. Though I think you faded out Spawn too much... I mean the clouded effect woud look ok if you had more items in your sig. Uh... yeah. x_X;

    I got royal food during an etiquette course today, my mouth still has traces of mango cheesecake and coffe...

  39. #39
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    Default Banners

    Mango cheescake? That sounds REALLY good! Anyway, I agree its plain...but I wanted him in the shadows...I didn't know any other way to put him in shadow...except making the whole banner dark....

    If you can think of anything...please feel free to let me know!

    And BHS, I can attempt a banner for you...but, WHO IS JESSE SMITH?

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