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Thread: I chalenge Impereon

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  1. #1
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    Default I chalenge Impereon

    ok this is a:

    3 vs. 3
    DQ:7 Days
    1 pokemon out at a time each
    You release first
    I attack first
    Arena: A wide circular Arena with seven 10 foot tall Pillars of fire holding stone slabs at there tips. from which you release your pokemon. Outside of this arena is a moat of lava.
    Does not power up fire type moves
    Ref: some one experienced

    I hope this arena is ok if not, someone said you had some kind of gym arena we could use it if this isnt good enough


    Edit: A friend said i sould add that its an elite battle

  2. #2

    Default I challenge Impereon

    If my Medal and TM are approved by the end of the battle, we'll call it an Elite battle. Can't make any guarantees at this point, because even though I have most of the thing written,

    1) I have to get home before I can get the stuff I've already written together and post it for approval.
    2) ASHarris may not be inclined to approve it without changes that might delay it beyond the end of this battle.

    Hyacinth is my female Koffing, and she'll do nicely as my starter. I'm sure most of the spectators remember her. She's more than capable of floating, which removes the locomotion difficulties experienced by most other pokémon.
    This admin may at times offer members a choice where the member has no chance of success.
    Sigs owned: 98

    Owner of the Judge Trophy

  3. #3
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    I shall use my onix her name...Everest...

    *thoughs out a heavy ball to reveal everest*

    ok everest i want you to create a large substitue using 15% HP.

    then hit it with a strong double edge to inflist some damage,

    Then i want you to finish up with a Harden.

    Subs: if koffing uses her sig and substitute failed i want you to use an iron tail to make sure it doesnt effect you.


  4. #4
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    sorry for the double post but who are we gonna get to ref this? i dont have anyone in mind so if you could find one thatd be great

    (i would like a rookie or elite ref though)


  5. #5

    Default I challenge Impereon

    You know, I can ref this, I need a reffing job.I'm only a Novice ref though, don't expect me to make any big plays.

  6. #6
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    EDIT: aww, heck…you two are taking too long. Forget I ever volunteered to ref here…I found another battle I'd much rather ref…
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  7. #7

    Default I challenge Impereon

    Just dropping in to save this topic from falling from lowly page four to the even lowlier page five. Since Impereon's around, I figured I'd do GW007 a favor and grab his attention.

  8. #8

    Default I challenge Impereon

    Oh, I kind of wondered where this went to.

    Well, Hyacinth. Our opponent has made a crucial error... Onix can't hit what it can't reach. Float away from it, trying to stay in the shadows of the pillars that come up from the lava. Even if it CAN reach us, its balance will be thrown off so much that it will risk falling into the lava... which isn't good for its health, rock type or no.

    And what's more, we can make keeping its balance an awful lot harder... if the pillar an Onix is coiled around drops into lava, so will the Onix itself! Produce the most explosive mix of internal gas you can manage, Hyacinth, and direct it down towards the base of your opponent's pillar. Make sure you stop spitting it before it makes contact with the lava, though, and stay out of the blast radius. When it hits the lava at the base of the Onix's pillar, it will hopefully explode, weakening or maybe even destroying that pillar. Repeat as necessary until the Onix drops into the lava, and then float upwards to get out of reach again.

    Smog, repeat as necessary
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    Sigs owned: 98

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  9. #9
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    im just wondering but how can a pillar of fire be destroyed or be coiled around for that matter? it has no actual substance its pure energy.


  10. #10

    Default I challenge Impereon

    Removing the stone is perfectly fine, regardless of where it connects to the fire. Flames or no flames, there's nowhere for your Onix to stay if the stone pillar slab she was on got blown into teeny-tiny pieces.

    Although honestly, I'd kind of pictured stone pillars, wreathed in flames, that went down into the lava, rather than stones that just sort of hang there. But either way, that one is going kablooie.
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  11. #11
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    ok but how can the stone slab be destroyed if you aimed it at the base of the pillar? *seeing as how the pillar is fire holding the slab in mid air*


  12. #12

    Default I challenge Impereon

    I see where part of the problem is coming from...

    It appears that Impereon is under the impression that there's lava directly beneath the slabs on the pillars of fire. However, the arena description explicitly states that the lava is in a circular moat surrounding the area - not beneath.

    So Everest won't be immediately driven beneath the lava, though there's nothing stopping Hyacinth from loading her Smog full of flammable vapors.

    As for Hyacinth floating away from Everest, keep in mind that Onix are one of the longest-reaching Pokémon on record; if Hyacinth intends to float out over Everest's reach, she'll probably have to spend an action or two doing so.

  13. #13
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    I have been asked to ref this match. I am not a "ranked" ref, but then again, I don't ref here much. DRWS knows me, as does Impereon, so I have nothing to worry, I'd hope.

    The arena is going to be a version of what you've said, GW, as your description was vague. It will be a stone arena, normal size, with a fire moat around it. The Pokemon will be released on the aforementioned stone platforms, which rest on continuous flames spouting from the ground, which means while the stone can be broken/moved/etc, the flames will continue.

    A Koffing and an Onix are thrown out onto the pillars, as the Onix glows white, as seemingly nothing happens. Koffing floats high in the air as Onix stands tall on the base of its tail. Unable to attack from afar, the Rock Snake Pokemon simply looks at the poison gas Pokemon and roars..

    Koffing gives that trademark smile, however, and spits out a Smog attack towards the base of the flame tower. Slowly, the cloud of purplish-black gas hovers towards the bottom, as it is simply engulfed by the powerful flame. A small explosion happens, but nothing that would cease the powerful flames from maintaining what appears to be one Onix. The Onix appears happy at the lack of anything serious occurring, as it begins to Harden, glowing white, gaining both a huge temporary boost and long term bonus for a few rounds.

    The second smog hits the base of the pillar, as it too is simply sucked in, another minor explosion still rendering the pillar in tact, and Onix is steady. A third comes, as Koffing is angry and showing signs of wear, the three smogs coming at a price.. Onix doesn't look tired at first glance, but that's because it's a Substitute. ^_^;

    Hyacinth - Koffing - 100% - A little tired from the 3 smogs, but fine
    Everest - Onix - 85% - 15% substitute - Looks fine..

  14. #14

    Default I challenge Impereon

    Stay well away, Hyacinth... She'll have to keep one half of her mass on her slab to keep from falling off, but she can still reach pretty far. Try to keep out of reach, heading above her when you get the chance, and when you see her make a movement that throws her mass to the edge of her slab... Blast her with a Psybeam. With any luck, she'll fall off and go crunch.

    If you manage to get directly above her this round (it's a long way, and you'll be keeping your distance), drop a Sludge on her. Carapace or no, Onix don't like poisonous liquids.

    Psybeam, Sludge
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    Sigs owned: 98

    Owner of the Judge Trophy

  15. #15
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    way ta go everest you rock
    Shreak: "oh how original
    Me: -_-;
    anyways i want you to mimic koffings psybeam and then use it right back at it as much as you can.


  16. #16
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    - The theme of this reffing is: "Thank God tyger allows the refs to interpret everything in their own way."

    - Sub-theme: "Trainers are silly."

    Hyacinth - Koffing - 100% - A little tired from the 3 smogs, but fine
    Everest - Onix - 85% - 15% substitute - Looks fine..


    Here's where the fun starts.. Koffing flies up, waiting for Onix to move.. The substitute does not move (even though the real one actually moves slightly), so Koffing simply flies up...

    Getting above Onix took some energy, but Koffing is still fine, as the Poison Gas Pokemon spews a Sludge onto the substitute, who simply takes the hit, not wanting to move, lest the platform become unstable...

    Koffing remains high in the air above Onix, as this battle will go on for a long time, it seems...


    Hyacinth - Koffing - 100% - Kinda tired, but still fine..
    Everest - Onix - 85% - 12% substitute - Looks fine..


  17. #17

    Default I challenge Impereon

    Someone is sure taking his sweet time posting his attack orders...

    I know you're out there, gamewizard007. I've seen you posting on other threads in this forum. Remember, just because the DQ time is one week does not mean you HAVE to wait the whole week before posting. It's a maximum time, not a minimum time.

    Normally, I'm quite lenient about DQ times, but I also don't want someone sitting in my GL Battle slot and not doing anything. There's plenty of other people who want a crack at my Medallion, so I'm afraid I'm going to be a little more stringent about DQ times in Medallion battles than regular ones.

    You're not at risk quite yet, of course. You've got a couple more days. But really... Be courteous. You're active enough in other threads, how hard could it be to spend 30 seconds posting in mine?
    This admin may at times offer members a choice where the member has no chance of success.
    Sigs owned: 98

    Owner of the Judge Trophy

  18. #18
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    AH dont hurt me! *hides*

    sorry ive been planning my attack carefully... but anyways heres my attacks,

    If Koffing uses Psywave OR Psybeam or any fire attack i want you to use mimic! If your sub breaks i want you to use another one at 20% HP.
    Koffing's floating so high is gonna tire it out quick, so that sould do.


  19. #19

    Default I challenge Impereon

    How, exactly, is hovering in place going to tire Hyacinth out? Koffings always hover, it's like standing and doing nothing.

    Well, Hyacinth, it looks like it won't even be attempting to attack you this round. So Sludge Bomb away from directly above until something interesting happens. Try to avoid tiring yourself, naturally; we want to be able to kick some major booty later. Assuming that Onixai have booties.

    Sludge Bomb, Sludge Bomb/nothing, Sludge Bomb/nothing

    OOC: "Something interesting" would, in my opinion, include the breakage of a Substitute. But I don't technically know about the substitute, so Mozz can interpret that phrase however he wants.
    This admin may at times offer members a choice where the member has no chance of success.
    Sigs owned: 98

    Owner of the Judge Trophy

  20. #20
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Floating just out of the reach of the substitute, Koffing smiles down at the giant rock snake Pokemon, as Koffing spits out three balls of a dark brown goo. Each glob flies several meters, as they seem to all be aimed at Onix, although only 2 are direct hits, the third tailing wide left. On contact, the three balls each explode, dealing a fair amount of damage, although Onix is protected by his rocky hide.. Luckily for gamewizard and his Onix, the substitute remains, as the visible Onix still appears ready to battle.

    Koffing pants a little bit, as Sludge Bomb is a quite powerful attack, but the round between three Smogs helped out a lot. But Koffing remembers its orders, and spits out another three balls of loving towards Onix, as another two are direct hits, the mild explosions are enough to make Onix... disappear...

    Koffing looks, and sees the true Onix appear on the back of the stone, as that qualifies as something "interesting", no? Koffing is done for this round, as Onix gives a violent roar, letting Koffing know that it's ready to battle, as Koffing remains out of his reach, and kinda tired, it seems.. Onix, seeing no threat from the Koffing, glows again, as another Substitute stands in its place..

    Onix: 63%, Substitute 22%, slightly tired from creating Substitutes, but otherwise fine
    Koffing: 100%, still untouched, but looking a little tired

  21. #21

    Default I challenge Impereon

    Annoying little thing... Or excessively large and hard thing, as the case may be. Knock it down into the flames with a Psybeam, Hyacinth. Let your poison reserves regenerate for a bit, since we can't afford to have you all exhausted.

    This admin may at times offer members a choice where the member has no chance of success.
    Sigs owned: 98

    Owner of the Judge Trophy

  22. #22
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Ok I want you to mimic that Psybeam and then before you fall in the flames use your secret weapon Immunity. Then after you get your balance use psybeam riht back at koffing

    Description: Everest opens her mouth and out pours a black aura which surrounds her and hardens to become a coating which lets her become immune to all environmental effects such as water and lava flows. The coating however absorbs an average of 10%HP of physical damage per round.This aura lasts 3 rounds and there is a 3 Round Gap between usage from when aura fades.
    Type: ??? | Effects: Immunity to Environmental Changes | Sucess Rate: 99% |


  23. #23
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Onix: 63%, Substitute 22%, slightly tired from creating Substitutes, but otherwise fine
    Koffing: 100%, still untouched, but looking a little tired


    Onix waits on the ledge, showing now signs of emotion or concern, as Koffing's eyes glow in a mysterious rainbow glow, as a Psybeam shoots out at the rock snake. Onix takes it head on, and it doesn't seem to have done a whole lot of damage. The attack itself isn't especially powerful, and isn't going to be moving the gigantic Pokemon anytime soon. Onix gives a roar, and then concentrates on the attack which just struck him. He then attempts to Mimic the attack, shooting out a pathetically weak Psybeam towards Koffing from its eyes, which hits, but, even with the Poison Gas Pokemon's weakness, does little damage.

    Nothing gained, nothing lost, as each Pokemon is hit with a weak attack. Onix didn't need to use its sig, since there was no fear of falling, as both Pokemon are at a standstill...


    Onix: 63%, Substitute 15%
    Koffing: 93%, took its first hit, but it wasn't too deadly...

  24. #24
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Originally posted by Impereon
    How, exactly, is hovering in place going to tire Hyacinth out? Koffings always hover, it's like standing and doing nothing.
    Impereon, as you seem to be determining the laws of physics, may I remind you, gravity affects everything. Even things floating in space are affected. Koffing has to exert a force to go higher, so like all things, it must maintain that force once achieved.

    Lets apply this to a helium balloon. Helium is lighter than air, when in a balloon, the helium floats up through the baloon, eventually, the helium leaks out. The difference between Koffing and a helium balloon, is unlike helium, Koffing is NOT(contrary to popular belief) lighter than air. If Koffing wants to go higher, it must exert a force. It must maintain this force to keep it(though once obtained, it is easier to maintain). It must let go of this force to lower. If it should be startled, its concentration on this force, will faulter, and it will fall like a rock untill it regains control.

    Koffing is a living being, a helium balloon is not. Helium is a chemical/compound/whatever with no thoughts, that will continue to go higher untill it leaves the atmosphere, Koffing is not a chemical/element/whatever lighter than air, it can create these gases, but it requires energy to do that, and if you studied, you would know that energy is not unlimited. Although Koffing may be hovering, it had to exert a force to reach this height, and it will have to keep up a force to maintain it, whether you think gravity applies or not.

  25. #25
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Man i know this is rigged!

    He then attempts to Mimic the attack, shooting out a pathetically weak Psybeam towards Koffing from its eyes, which hits, but, even with the Poison Gas Pokemon's weakness, does little damage.

    How come a Psybeam only delt a 7%HP Damage on koffing when it is weak to it? May i remind you that in the episode with sudowoodo, every attack mimiced and delt back overcame pikachu and cyndaquil easily. It makes no since whatsoever.

    And as for the foating i agree with Deck.*wants to be in his science class* lol

  26. #26

    Default I challenge Impereon

    Deck Knight:

    FACT: Kojiro's Koffing/Weezing has been shown to be able to float in place for long periods of time without any strain at all. It never does seem to land on its own accord, which suggests that floating is its natural state, one that it is more than capable of handling for a long time.

    FACT: A fish is mostly denser than water, but it has an air bladder in it to keep it steady so it doesn't either shoot up to the surface or sink to the bottom, even if it isn't paying attention. This air bladder holds it steady without any particular effort on its own part, or even its awareness.

    You have to exert a force to sit in a chair, too, otherwise you'll slump to the ground. For a Koffing, floating in place is every bit as routine as standing would be for a person. While it does cost energy, just like sitting up costs a human energy, the overall energy cost is basically negligible for the purposes of this battle. It also costs an Onix energy to stay sitting up on that narrow little platform, carefully angled so that it doesn't dip into the flames or slide off. Chances are this delicate balancing act costs the Onix far more energy than floating costs a Koffing, simply because Koffings float their entire lives and are therefore specifically designed to do it well and efficiently, while Onixes usually stay on the ground where they belong.

    Does this mean that the Onix should be draining fatigue just sitting in place? No, that would be absurd. For while sitting still costs the Onix more energy than floating in place costs my Koffing, the energy cost is still effectively negligible, relative to the massive demands they deal with as a matter of course in executing even the most basic attacks.


    If you mean "rigged" in the sense that I've bothered to look at Mozz's other reffings and therefore know that in his reffings the tactics you're using are bad, then I guess it is rigged. You would have known too, however, had you bothered to find out what Mozz's reffing style was. For most experienced players, researching the referee's style is fairly routine. Prevents you from getting a nasty surprise if you run into someone who didn't just directly copy the style of one of the veterans.

    Now post your attacks. Judging by Mozz's reffing style, this first part of the battle is going to be horrendously long and probably tedious, too. Both combatants are virtually immune to the entire moveset of the other, assuming we take basic defensive precautions.
    This admin may at times offer members a choice where the member has no chance of success.
    Sigs owned: 98

    Owner of the Judge Trophy

  27. #27
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    fine then! Sandstorm to conceal yourself then i want you to use two strong curses.


  28. #28
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Originally posted by Impereon
    Deck Knight:

    FACT: Kojiro's Koffing/Weezing has been shown to be able to float in place for long periods of time without any strain at all. It never does seem to land on its own accord, which suggests that floating is its natural state, one that it is more than capable of handling for a long time.

    FACT: A fish is mostly denser than water, but it has an air bladder in it to keep it steady so it doesn't either shoot up to the surface or sink to the bottom, even if it isn't paying attention. This air bladder holds it steady without any particular effort on its own part, or even its awareness.

    You have to exert a force to sit in a chair, too, otherwise you'll slump to the ground. For a Koffing, floating in place is every bit as routine as standing would be for a person. While it does cost energy, just like sitting up costs a human energy, the overall energy cost is basically negligible for the purposes of this battle. It also costs an Onix energy to stay sitting up on that narrow little platform, carefully angled so that it doesn't dip into the flames or slide off. Chances are this delicate balancing act costs the Onix far more energy than floating costs a Koffing, simply because Koffings float their entire lives and are therefore specifically designed to do it well and efficiently, while Onixes usually stay on the ground where they belong.

    Does this mean that the Onix should be draining fatigue just sitting in place? No, that would be absurd. For while sitting still costs the Onix more energy than floating in place costs my Koffing, the energy cost is still effectively negligible, relative to the massive demands they deal with as a matter of course in executing even the most basic attacks.


    If you mean "rigged" in the sense that I've bothered to look at Mozz's other reffings and therefore know that in his reffings the tactics you're using are bad, then I guess it is rigged. You would have known too, however, had you bothered to find out what Mozz's reffing style was. For most experienced players, researching the referee's style is fairly routine. Prevents you from getting a nasty surprise if you run into someone who didn't just directly copy the style of one of the veterans.

    Now post your attacks. Judging by Mozz's reffing style, this first part of the battle is going to be horrendously long and probably tedious, too. Both combatants are virtually immune to the entire moveset of the other, assuming we take basic defensive precautions.
    I suppose this means you think Koffing is out of range, well, unless Koffing is a sharpshooter, even a big target like Onix is tough to hit from a distance. and Onix has ways of closing the gap too. Not to mention, the higher Koffing goes, the thinner the air gets, if it goes up too high, it will get light headed, it happens to anything which ascends quickly. Onix has a few range attacks, and Koffing may be able to go up, but his lateral movements are relatively slow by comparison, and, should a heavy thing slam into it, it will lose a sense of balance, and fall. Floating may be second nature, but is someone bashes your head over with a rock while you are sitting, chances are, you're going to fall off that chair, and recieve a nasty lump on your head in the process. Koffing must hold within it some poisonous liquid that acts like water ballasts in a blimp, it lets some out to go up. but when it needs to go down, it has to increase production or this poisonous Liquid. And if bashed down by a heavy object, in order to keep its height, it will have to let more out to obtain the desired effect. Koffing may be safe in the air for now, but sooner or later, Koffing is going to be in for a rude awakening.

  29. #29

    Default I challenge Impereon

    This is going to take a while, if we don't do something...

    Hyacinth, blast that thing with a pair of Sludge Bombs. If this doesn't poison it, drop down and try hit it in whatever spot you can while it's grunting in concentration on rather futile defenses. You may take a hit retreating shortly, but it'll be worth it if you can poison the beast. You can probably nail its nostrils, mouth, or eyes, since its attention is elsewhere.

    Sludge Bomb, Sludge Bomb, Toxic
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  30. #30
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    If I may remond Mozz, Sludge Bomb is mostly liquids, Sandstorm is a well... a Storm of Sand, with strong winds and sand EVERYWHERE. chances are, the Sludge Bomb liquids will catch on pieces of sand and they will fall harmlessly to the ground. Not to mention Onix's Substitute is still up. So your chances of actually hitting the Onix, much less poisoning it through its rocky hide, are slim to none. Eyes, Nostrils, and other orfices are extremely hard to hit, even when you CAN see your opponent. (and, bewteen Substitute and Sandstorm, chances are, Hyacynth CAN'T.

  31. #31

    Default I challenge Impereon

    You would do well to start minding your own business, Deck Knight. I seem to remember you causing trouble in a certain DRWS/TMM match, too... Unless you have something particularly meaningful to say, keep quiet. In most battles, that won't be the case, especially if you are not what we call a "participant."

    I'm not too worried about Sludge Bomb hitting the mark. Toxic will be a little harder to execute, perhaps, but by that point Hyacinth will be closer, since I told her to close in. Mozz has seen the move Sandstorm in use about four or five times more than I have, so I'm certainly not going to dispute whatever call he makes.
    This admin may at times offer members a choice where the member has no chance of success.
    Sigs owned: 98

    Owner of the Judge Trophy

  32. #32
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    It may not be his business but i feel what he is saying has warant. Disagreeing with you is allowed even though you may think it isnt. I do not recall him isulting or anything that could be mistaken for an insult, He has simply been stating facts. Last time i checked facts are consider meaningful.


  33. #33
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    I have an idea. DK, if you think you know Sludge Bomb, tell me how it's a liquid after you watch the Raikou Special.

    I'll ref it how I see it, not taking into account any post which doesn't contain the attacks for this upcoming round.

    Reffing soon.

  34. #34
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Originally posted by The Mozz
    I have an idea. DK, if you think you know Sludge Bomb, tell me how it's a liquid after you watch the Raikou Special.

    I'll ref it how I see it, not taking into account any post which doesn't contain the attacks for this upcoming round.

    Reffing soon.
    Sludge Bomb: The user spits out a glob of darkish LIQUID. This glob is viscous and hangs together well enough to be spat a fairly long way, where it proceeds to splatter. This LIQUID is very acidic, and anything that comes in contact with it may be either burned or poisoned. Good damage. Good accuracy.

    Straight from the Attack List Beta. Now Mozz, you can use the Raikou special, or use Imps very own description(it is, after all, his battle), it's really up to you.

  35. #35
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    I'll use my own description from the PASBL list which I wrote:

    Sludge Bomb (PO) --The user fires a few large round 'bubbles’ of sludge at the target. The bubble itself becomes hard in mid-flight, then explodes on contact like a tiny bomb. The sludge inside is very reactive, which is cause for the explosion. Damage is dealt as 1/16th an explosion for each good hit.

    That is how I reffed it the first time it was used, and I heard no qualms from either side. If you'd like to continue this conversation, you know my AIM SN, right? ^_^

  36. #36
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Originally posted by The Mozz
    I'll use my own description from the PASBL list which I wrote:

    Sludge Bomb (PO) --The user fires a few large round 'bubbles’ of sludge at the target. The bubble itself becomes hard in mid-flight, then explodes on contact like a tiny bomb. The sludge inside is very reactive, which is cause for the explosion. Damage is dealt as 1/16th an explosion for each good hit.

    That is how I reffed it the first time it was used, and I heard no qualms from either side. If you'd like to continue this conversation, you know my AIM SN, right? ^_^
    And how exactly do bubbles get through a torrent of whirling sand? I'd be intensely interested to see how that happens to hurt Onix... a bunch of airborne Koffing farts... Well... at least the description is amuzing.

  37. #37
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    I'm going to delay reffing this so I can show some of the people in charge a little conversation. Good thing AIM+ saves chat rooms.

  38. #38

    Default I challenge Impereon


    Referee harassment, verbal abuse, lying about the league rules, spamming, match interference, poor sportsmanship...

    And to top it all off, you accuse me of cheating.

    I'm closing this. Since clearly I am not viewed by certain parties as an impartial source, ASHarris can clean this up when she comes back. I suspect she'll agree that there's a grievous problem present.
    This admin may at times offer members a choice where the member has no chance of success.
    Sigs owned: 98

    Owner of the Judge Trophy

  39. #39
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    Default I challenge Impereon

    Can I not be sick in peace?

    Of course not. That would make too much sense.

    I'll deal with this in full tomorrow. My mother would scream if she knew that I'm out of bed right now. She might even use my middle name, which is never a good sign.

    But just to make it perfectly clear: gamewizard007, Deck Knight, I am not impressed. Not at all. And you've picked a bad time to make me upset with you to any degree. For your sake, I hope you keep an extremely low profile between now and when I return to clean up your mess.

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