Incubation Station
Hello everyone, and welcome to our new and improved Egg Center-now renamed the Incubation Station! It is here that all of your planned partnerships will occur, from egg hatching to continuing evolution!
Let's dive right into the new stuff, shall we? For the first time in ASB, you can now purchase evolution stones! Yes, these handy dandy stones will assist your Pokemon in that great feat-allowing those whom wish to, to achieve that desired form.
For 6 points, you can purchase a Small Stone. This allows you to evolve a Baby or Basic stage into the next stage. Now, for 8 points, you can purchase a Large Stone. This stone allows you to evolve a First Form into a Second Form. That's really all there is to it.
Fancy adding a spice of mystery to your team? How about a little uncertainty? Buying a new species is fine and well, but by buying an egg, who knows what you'll get?
An egg costs one point to purchase, and takes 3 days to hatch.
The procedure is as follows. You come here, and ask for an egg. You pay 1 point, and we will give you an egg. You do not have an egg until it is actually given to you. After the 3 days for the egg to hatch, we will make a post here saying what your egg hatched into. You must come here - we will not contact you about your eggs hatching.
Now, it has been noted that some people may have Pokemon with the Flame Body or Magma Armor ability. You can leave that Pokemon here with us as well as the Egg you choose. This cuts the hatching time down from 3 days to 1 and a half! Something to consider..

Hydro Egg: Water/Ice types. This light-blue egg has a frosted pattern on it. It is quite cold.
Nectar Egg: Poison/Bug types This egg is a murky green color with patches of purple near the base.
Mineral Egg: Rock/Steel/Fighting Types This egg is quite a bright silver color. It is very sturdy and durable.
Earth Egg: Grass/Ground Types This egg is a dark brown color with smears of green around it.

Volt Egg: Electric types This egg is a vivid yellow with a black stripe around the base.
Plain Egg: Normal/Flying types This egg is a light grey color with an odd feather-pattern in a sky-blue around the base.
Mystery Egg: Dark/Ghost types This egg is very mysterious. It glows an eerie purple and has a patchy black base.
Salaman Egg: Fire/Dragon types This egg is hot! It is a dark red adorned with a black flame pattern.

Light Egg: Psy/Fai types This egg gives off a brilliant sheen, as it is speckled with yellow and pink spots
Wonder Egg: All types. This mysterious, golden egg has a perpetual glow. It emits a gentle ringing noise, and can contain any species of Pokemon
Trinity Egg: Fire/Grass/Water types This egg is pure white in colour and very mysterious.
Duel Egg: Duel type Pokemon This egg is a two-tone pink colour. It is larger than most eggs.

Pure Egg: Single type Pokemon This egg is a a very bright pink colour. It is smaller than usual.
Redgre Egg: 1st Gen Pokemon An egg which is a deep red infused with a number of green streaks around it, this egg only contains a Pokemon from the 1st generation. (001-151). | 
Golsil Egg: 2nd Gen Pokemon This egg is very glossy and fat. It shimmers with a metallic sheen but is adorned with gold specks all over it when held in the correct light. It only contains a Pokemon from the 2nd generation (152-251) | 
Rubsap Egg: 3rd Gen Pokemon An egg with a thin shell, care must be taken when handling it. This egg is a very pale blue colour. It contains a Pokemon from the 3rd generation (251-386) |

Diapea Egg: 4th Gen Pokemon This very pale, beautiful egg is soft and smooth. It contains any Pokemon from the 4th generation (386-493).
Blawhi Egg: 5th Gen Pokemon This Egg has a stark contrast of black and white enveloping it. It contains a Pokemon from the 5th Generation (494-649). | 
Exwhy Egg: 6th Gen Pokemon This new egg has a cross stitch pattern of blue and red that seem to resemble the letters X and Y. It contains Pokemon from the 6th Generation. (650-716). |
Each egg costs 1 point, and will always contain a basic-stage Pokemon. We do not breed legendaries. The Pokemon is decided by a randomiser, and we are using the National Dex (Bulbasaur = 001) to choose the Pokemon.
Breeding Center
Ever wanted to pass down those Move Tutor moves you've learned but never had a chance to? Well, fear not, trainers, because now you can! All you hafta do is bring in two compatible pokémon of opposite genders, pay the slim fee of 2pts., and wait a week. When that week's over, your two pokémon will leave you an offspring that might just learn the moves!
Here's how it works~~
You bring in a Male Blastoise and a Female Empoleon, and pony up 2 points to make them do the nasty. Let's say that Blastoise has learned *Taunt, a move not normally learned by either species. They do their thing, and then we go on to phase two.
One week later, you've got a brand new baby Piplup who's now learned *Taunt!
And that something?
But what if Blastoise has more than one Move Tutor move? Well, anonymous question asker, I'm glad you asked that question anonymously. There is a chance that your Piplup will be born with either move or all of them if you're lucky -- it's all based on chance!
Don't worry though. If your pokémon only knows one move, he will always pass that on to his offspring (provided the offspring is compatible with the move in the Move Tutor shop), no questions asked.
-You must have the correct amount of points to purchase whichever product you are here to buy. (1 pt=Egg 6 pt=Small st. 8 pt=Large st.)
-Eggs or stones can only be purchased once a week.
-If you get, for example, a Salaman Egg expecting a Bagon, don't bite our heads off when you receive a Slugma. It is random, and you shouldn't expect a specific Pokemon or else you will nearly always get dissapointed.
-You cannot sell eggs or stones back, or change your mind once you have purchased the egg/stone. Once you bought it, you keep it.
-You cannot give eggs/stones away to other people except at the Xmas tree.
-If you have any questions, PM MLG or me. Either of us will enforce these rules.
-Pokémon bred from the Breeding Center cannot be given back. Once you have them, you have them. Their abilities and genders will also be randomized.