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Thread: Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

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  1. #1

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Yeah, LSUs were allowed because I'm a nice person. Weefun >>; (Note: Please post your profile on your first post!!)

    Name: Hoshi Tsukimiya
    Age: 18
    Dorm #: 85
    Room Mate: Becki Aqua, Chris Kerkin
    Pokémon: Togetic, Espeon, Umbreon, Meowth (follows her everywhere)
    Classes: Pokémon Battle Technique, Pokémon Breeding, Choir, Animation, Japanese, Advanced Algebra, American History, Biology, English, P.E
    Clubs/Bands: Cheerleading, Pokémon Battle Club
    Personality: Tries to keep to herself, but is constantly out in the spotlight. The daughter of a gym leader and can hold her own in a Pokémon battle.
    Appearance: Waist length blood red hair, green eyes, average height, always seen in white jeans with little stars up the left leg, a black crop top with a baby blue star on it, and black flip flops. Usually keeps her hair in braided pigtails.
    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    I sighed. "Another year, another school...." I said to myself. I looked around at everyone. My Meowth looked up at me. "We'll be going inside sometime or another..." I muttered, plopping down underneath a tree. I played with one of my braids for a while. I reached into my bag and pulled out a Pokétreat and tossed it to Meowth, who ate it happily. I sighed again, grabbed my Pokéballs, and let out the rest of my Pokémon and gave them all a treat too. I reached into my bag again and pulled out a pack of gum. I quickly unwrapped it and popped it in my mouth and chewed it thoughtfully. After a while, the bell rang and I brushed the grass from my now white jeans with a huge green and brown spot on the butt and ran inside.

  2. #2
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
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    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Name: Becki Aqua (no, i'm not in team Aqua!)
    Age: 18
    Dorm #: 85
    Room mate: Hoshi Tsukimiya, Chris Kerkin
    Pokémon: Leafy (Meganium), Paul (Poliwrath), Jade (Granbull), Charizard, Ampharos and Espeon.
    Classes: Pokemon battle Technique, Pokemon breeding, Music, Pokemon Medicine, ITC (computers), Maths, Japanese and Art
    Clubs/Bands: pokémon battle club, swimming.
    Personality: Loves to train, is always happy and never hides away. Always tries to have her friends around her and is trying to get her licence to be a Gym leader.
    Appearance: Sholder length blonde hair, normally tied into 2 pigtails. Has greeny blue eyes. She wears jeans and a long sleaved top with a pink Butterfree on it.
    (BTW, are we starting in September? If yes, then after a month of Uni, i'd be 19!)
    First day of Uni, it was kinda scary. I hadn't been to school since i was 10... I had completed the Johto League, Kanto league and Orange league getting pretty high rankings in each of them. My old teachers tried to get me back in school for the exams, but i wouldn't go. So here we are, Uni....
    Espeon was sat next to me on a bench, waiting for the bell to go. We hadn't seen so many people around the Johto League! She looked up at me and rubbed her head against me, like a cat. I gave her a Pokétreat and she ate it gratefully.
    The bell went and we trooped inside.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  3. #3

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    "Let's see..... 85, 85....." I muttered, searching for my dorm. I finally found it and opened the door. The furniture seemed pretty new, the window overlooked the front of the school. "Hmm... not too shabby..." I thought. I threw my suitcase onto one of the beds and started unpacking. At the bottom of my suitcase was a framed picture of me and my boyfriend sitting on the beach that my friend took before he moved. I set it on the nightstand and looked at it for a while. I sighed, got up, and checked my schedule. "Let's see......... P.E..." I muttered. I grabbed my P.E clothes and ran off.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Name: Marcus Midelnor
    Age: 20
    Dorm #: 86 (If that's okay with Pichu Lover and Luvcheez)
    Room mate: Pichu Lover and Luvcheez (Note above statement.)

    Marcus' first pokémon, but not by a very long amount of time. Fingolfin doesn't trust anyone but Marcus, and tends to distance himself from others. He very rarely says anything at fact, even Marcus has barely ever heard him speak.

    Marcus' second pokémon, but again, not by a very long amount of time. After he'd gotten Fingolfin, his mom gave him Yavanna, when she was still an Exeggcute. Over the years, her and Marcus have formed a telepthatic bond. They can read each other's thoughs. They can sense one another's emotions. They experience one another's pain, and if one dies, the other goes down with them. Yavanna is quite level-headed, and usually doesn't let her emotions get the best of her, which is good, because if her three heads started arguing, Marcus' head might explode!

    Feanor has a lot of pride within himself, and it usually gets the best of him. He tends to be quite boastful, and tends to over-estimate himself. He'll often charge into bold, risky actions without even thinking about it, and comes out with a smug look upon his face, bragging. However, when he fails, he tends to be seriously downcast, no matter how insignificant it is.

    A fairly recent addition to Marcus' line-up, at least compared to the others. Beren has a large temper problem. It isn't at all hard to set him off, and once his anger gains momentum, it's almost impossible to stop his destructive madness.

    Luthien was added to Marcus' lineup at about the same time as Beren was. The two are the only pokémon Marcus has ever had that are mates. Luthien, despite her connections to Beren, however, is quite the opposite. She tends to be rather shy, and reserved, but holds a caring, motherly nature for others, often worrying herself to a frazzle over other's wellbeing.

    The most recent addition to Marcus' lineup, whom was found just a few months ago as an oddish. Elbereth has a very happy, up-lifted spirit about her. Marcus is still trying to decide wether to giver the lead stone, or the sun stone.

    Pokémon Breeding

    Pokémon Battle Technique
    Pokémon Medicine

    Clubs/Bands: Gardener's Club, Pokémon Battles Club, Pokégg Pals

    Personality: He tends never to hide his own emotions, laying it all out on the table. For some reason, there aren't many that he gets along with too well, aside from his room-mates. Tends to spend a lot of time outdoors.

    Appearance: Isn't very tall, though not exactly a midget. Shorter than most guys, however. He is bald, and wears a green bandana over his head. He tends to wear old, worn out clothing, as opposed to glamorous duds, and his shoes are caked with years of mud.

    "Here I am..." He stated to hismelf, quietly, looking about the campus.

    He walked through the grass, taking in all the green, appreciating it all very much. He had a thing for plants. He approached a tree, and place his hand upon the bark, and walked on by, making his way into the school.

    He walked by another girl, who walked out of dorm number 85, wearing a gym uniform. Looking at his schedule, he saw that his dorm was right next door, and in he walked. He had some time to unpack his stuff, his first class didn't start for about 30 minutes.

    He opened up his second suitcase, which was a deep emerald, exposing some pots, a bag of soil, and some ziploc bags, contain various plants and flowers. He kicked the other suitcase beneath the couch, and went to work planting and potting what he could before his first class.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Name: Tazo Moritomo
    Age: 18
    Dorm #: 86 (next door to the other people b4 me)
    Room mate(No more than 3 people in a dorm): Pichu Lover and Marcus
    Dynamo (i will post the actuall pokemon in a sec)
    Classes: English, Biology, Advanced Calc., Japanese, Spanish, Pokémon Battle Technique, Pokémon Breeding
    Clubs/Bands: Pokemon Battle Club, Gardeners Club (for water/grass type lovers.), Pokegg Pals
    Personality: Vey smart and overachieving, finished most of his credits in high school so he can become a PokeVet. He is nice and caring.
    Appearance: 6'4'' and skinny, wears a lot of t-shirts and shorts. Likes to wear beach-style clothes and he is very tan.

  6. #6
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
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    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    The new nickname for Espeon is Essie.
    I watched everyone with there big heavy cases and laughed. They obviously hadn't learnt to travel light.
    "Essie, can you find dorm number 85 while i get my timetable?" I asked, "Tell me telopathicly."
    "Es!" Essie replied and ran off to find the dorm.
    I hurried to get my timetable and find Essie, i didn't want to loose her. I found my dorm and Essie was there, growling at another girl who was trying to get to her PE class.
    "Hey! Does this pokemon belong to you?" She asked.
    "Yes, sorry. Essie, stop that!" I said.
    She stopped and stared at the girl.
    "I'm Becki, this is my dorm." I said.
    "Hi, I'm Hoshi, this is my dorm!" She replied.
    "WOO! Essie, we have a room mate!" I said happily.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Name: Boris Black
    Age: 19
    Dorm #: 11 (if he allows it)
    Roommate: Craig (if he allows it)
    Pokémon: See Bottom (hey, Craig, where do you get those images? What link do you use?)

    Pokemon Battling Technique
    Pokemon Breeding
    Computer Game Design

    Pokemon Biology

    Clubs/Bands: PokeU Web Designers, PokeEgg Pals.
    Personality: Boris is highly intelligent, easy-going, cooperative, and a high team player. He doesn't talk much, and is often hard to calm down when angered. Loves music and is currently writing theme songs for his team. Boris likes to be honest. He will tell his opinions and is often brutal when giving them. He is a real techno-wiz, but also loves nature. Boris likes to be an outside thinker; he doesn’t often use the natural techniques of his Pokemon. In fact, his Pokemon each have at least one move that Boris had made up. Boris has dreams of becoming a video game designer when he grows up.
    Appearance: Gigantic for his age and very athletic. He has navy blue hair and dark blue eyes with somewhat tan skin. He often wears a simple blue T-shirt, black jeans, and white boots. His hair is very wild and uncontrollable. Sometimes hunches because, otherwise, he can’t fit through the door.

    (Sensai): Boris’ best Pokemon. He is like his name. He is patient, calm, and smooth. He is very intelligent, but also has Boris’ tactlessness. He will criticize you if you mess up, but he tries to help when he can. He is always first to try a new technique Boris cooks up. He is very persistent. Often immobilizes his opponents with ‘Limb Lock’
    Theme Song: Battle On

    (Dallas): Dallas is often mean-spirited in battle and is not above going for where it hurts. He’s a heavy drinker, no he’s not alcoholic, he likes to drink anything that is drinkable, but it’s usually alcohol. Dallas is also very intelligent, but often straightforward. He likes to play it safe and often uses long-range attacks or sneak maneuvers. His favorite moves include “Shotgun Needle Burst.” Dallas is a heavy risk taker. Theme Song: Shotgun Cowboy

    (Bayou): Bayou is of normal intelligence, but he’s a thrasher. In battle, he doesn’t think and is very stubborn. He’s courageous, persistent, but very violent. Outside of battle, however, he’s sweet, kind, compassionate, and somewhat lonely. He hopes to have a girlfriend someday, but sees his fearsome appearance as somewhat of a turn off. He’s very diligent and is often seen looking around for a job. His favorite is “Final Tsunami” Theme Song: Silent Bayou

    (Claire): Claire is the moral center of the group. She is like Bayou in the fact that she is nice to others, but she is also someone who likes to help others. However, her temper is easily aroused. When this happens, all fear her. Likes to use “Pin Trap” Theme Song: Desert Days

    (Gastro): Gastro is friendly, trustworthy, caring, and everything needed in a good friend. He rarely argues with the other members of his group and plays the reasonably neutral character when in a debate. He is very laid-back and a bit of a coward, but he remains loyal to his trainer. Special move is “Meltdown” Theme Song: Scorching Summer Blaze

    (Rex): Rex is young, playful, curious, and likes to be helpful. He is often intimidated by his older teammates and, somehow, is afraid of heights. He likes to bite things and isn’t afraid to use his monster jaws in battle. He hasn’t learned any of Boris’ techniques yet. Theme Song: Musical Mesozoica
    Boris stared up at the massive building that was the university. He looked around to see his Pokemon follow him off the bus. Sensai and Bayou carrying all of the extra luggage Boris decided to bring while Claire and Rex were goofing around with each other. Dallas had instantly dashed off toward the nearest vending machine and Gastro was just looking up in the building in awe. Behind the baggage, Boris could tell that the two of them were giving him the death glare. Sensai voiced his irritation.

    "I'll kill ya' Boris. I'll kill ya' in your sleep," he said in mock anger. Bayou merely grunted in agreement.

    "I'm carrying stuff, too, so shut up," the blue haired youth replied. This instantly quieted the two of them

    "Now let's get to our dorm, you guys!" He yelled so that all of the team could hear. He didn't want anyone to get lost, especially Rex.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    I'm sorry I din't realise this was going to start now. I might not be able to reply for a while because I'm very busy right now. But if I do heres my profile.

    Not my real name but i just think it sounds like a cool japanese one
    Name:Hiro Nishimura
    Dorm: #53
    Roommates:none yet.
    Pokemon:three of these are my real ones

    Oinkby the grumpig, female
    First pokemon caught, extremely loyal and very energetic, though when shes finished she sleeps like a pig.

    Swampert, Male
    Caught while walking along a marsh he is very strong in attack and is sometimes hard to control.

    Puffball, Azumarril, Female
    Very cute up close, but that is the opponents downfall. when it passes off puffball as too cute and weak to battle she leans up and hits it with hydro pump.

    Swino, Piloswine, male
    Hiros favorite when it comes to overall battle goodness, with a balance of attack and defence, piloswine is a force to be reckoned with.

    Clubs: Pokegg pals, cold Water: water and Ice apreciation club, Pokemon reasearch society.
    Classes: P.E.,Pokemon battle techniche, algebra, pokemon breeding, Science, history.

    Personality:Like chris he is extremely smart and jumped many grades, other than that he is a good friend, loyal to his pokemon Shy to alot of people, but in the end good natured.

    Appearance: Dirty blond hair, with very broad shoulders. not that tall, and is rather pudgey around his sides.

  9. #9
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    We let Hoshi go to her PE class, well, i made Essie let her go her PE class.
    I finally got inside my dorm and looked around our room. There were 3 beds. There must be someone else sharing our room...
    "Essie, the bed near the window is mine!" I said, racing her to the bed.
    I looked around the room, the funature was pretty new. I took out the clothes from my bag and put them away. I found my timetable and looked to see what lesson i had first.
    "No lesson... YES! First period free on a Monday! YES!" I said happily, Essie looked at me as if i'd gone mad. "That means no getting up early on a Monday morning! That means sleeping in!"
    I returned her to her pokéball and made my way down to the cantine where i got a mug of coffee. There were a few other people there. I hadn't had coffee in a while due to the traveling. I think i will miss the great out doors... Maybe...
    It was nearly time for my first lesson: Pokemon Battle Technique. I decided to go up there early and see what the feild was like.
    When i got there, there was a lesson going on. I sat down on one of the benches and watched a battle between a Pidgeot and a Azumarill. It was a great battle. At the end, every one left apart from the teacher.
    "What are you doing here?" He asked.
    "I had a free lesson. I came up early." I replied.
    "Would you care to tell me which pokemon you have?" He asked.
    "I don't like telling oponents my pokemon. I like the element of surprise."
    "How many badges do you have?"
    "20. 8 Kanto, 8 Johto and 4 Orange Island ones."
    "Ok... I would like to see you battle."
    At that, the rest of the class appeared.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Boris looked grimly at the dorm room he would be sleeping in. It was big enough for three people, but it would not be able to hold any of his team. This meant they will have to go in their Pokeballs. Something they did not like.

    "Hey, we understand Boris," Sensai was the first to speak up. The other members nodded in agreement. Sensai was the only member of the group who could talk in the English language. Sensai did it with surprising ease, despite how hard it was.

    They all took off to the cafeteria. Dallas beat them all to it, and he didn't break a sweat or whatever a cactus would do when they are tired. The others were exhausted trying to race Dallas down.

    "How can he still have any energy to go on?" Sensai wheezed. Claire and Rex had collapsed on the table while Gastro was just lagging along. Bayou, for some reason, was seeing if he could be of service to the people working in the cafeteria. Dallas was using his mouth to place a coin into the soda machine. Then he pounded the thing in annoyance as the machine ate his coin.

    "Dallas moves very fast with proper motivation," Boris mused as the machine's soda slot pounded Dallas with several cans of Mountain Dew. In his joy, He went into a jig in front of everybody. As soon as he noticed everyone's stares, he quietly picked up his loot and went back to the group.

    After they finished with breakfast, Boris placed his team inside their respective Pokeballs, explaining that he was heading for Battle Technique Class, and he need to keep them concealed. When he got directions on where to go, he took off toward the class.

    "It seems as if I am on time," Boris said to himself as the class began to assemble before the teacher. Behind the teacher was another one of the students, a blond girl with green-blue eyes as well as a shirt that seemed out of the ordinairy. At least to him, he had to wonder if he'll be challenging this girl.

    (I wonder is she can handle the techniques I have cooked up) he thought pleasently to himself.

  11. #11
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
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    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    That's mean, i don't know what types Rex and Dallas are! I don't have Ruby or Sapphire yet...
    I noticed a guy in the crowd of people staring at me, he was planning something, i could tell. I didn't have a Psycic pokemon for nothing you know! He wanted to challenge me. Essie helped me see what pokemon he had, two of them were ones i'd never seen or heard of before in my life!
    "Alright, welcome to the Pokemon Battle Technique class! I'm Professer Davis, i shall be taking this class." said the Teacher, pacing up and down infront of the class. "I want you to find a partner and we will begin this lesson with a 2 on 2 battle."
    I walked up to the guy who was staring at me, "You ready for this?"

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  12. #12
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    My bad. Had no clue, Dallas is Grass/Dark and Rex is a Dragon type.

  13. #13
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Thankyou! *hugs* I am greatful.
    "What are you doing Becki? You're not allowed to challenge him. I want to battle you." said Professer Davis.
    "I'm allowed to battle who i like!" I said angrily.
    "No, you have to battle me."
    I looked over to the guy, "It's ok, i'll battle you soon." he said and went off to find another partner.
    "Gengar, i choose you!" shouted Prof Davis.
    "Essie, go!" I shouted.
    People laughed at her nickname. I just glared at them and got ready for battle. No body else started to battle, they just gathered around. What publisity!
    I shall get the games as soon as i can!

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Ah phooie! Oh, well, I can take an opportunity. I was working on a story with Boris as the main character who used a team similar to the one here. I'll just modify the one chapter I have written, and use that.

    Boris became annoyed as the teacher drove him off. Deciding that there was nothing he could do, his eyes began shifting from left to right to find a new opponent.

    Soon, a crowd of people clustered around in a circle, ooh's and ah's filling that area. Boris shifted his gaze to see a man about a foot shorter than him who had just defeated some other trainer. Boris’ first thought upon seeing his opponent was ‘vampire.’ His skin was almost pale, as if he stayed inside all of the time. His spiky hair was a bleached blonde and his sharp eyes were a dark green. His red cape was blowing in the artificial wind generated by the fans. His attire was a black shirt with blood red cuffs and a pair of jeans. His sneakers were black and had a lightning bolt symbol on the outside of each shoe. As if aware of his gaze, the man turned to Boris, staring at him in cold contempt.

    “I am David Archroy. Do you wish to challenge me?" the man said. His tone was cold and icy. Boris wished to have punched his lights out, but he felt more like humiliating him.

    “Alright, I'll place a challenge. One-on-One. Interested?" his opponent nodded, sure that he would be victorious. Boris looked around the area he was in. The entire room looked like it hadn't been swept, dusted, or in anyway cleaned for months. This gave Boris an idea.

    David, however, made the first move. He pulled out one of the standard Pokeballs before sending out his Pokemon, calling him “Razorleech.” The Pokemon that materialized in the arena was, at first, unfamiliar to Boris. However, once the Pokemon materialized, Boris recognized its brown armored skin, sickle-like claws, arrow shaped head, and scrawny arms and legs as the features of a Kabutops. He laughed to himself, he definitely knew who to open with. He reached for a green Pokeball with little spikes jutting out of it.

    “Shoot em’ down! Dallas!” he said before sending out his favorite desert Pokemon. The Cacturne appeared before everyone, smiling almost malevolently. Topping his head, was a dark brown cowboy hat that he stored in his Pokeball. Both David and the Kabutops groaned to themselves. This was an obvious Grass Pokemon. Dallas looked over to Boris, who only nodded. Dallas than turned back to Razorleech and smirked.

    Razorleech was the first to try to attack; his claws began to glow as he opened with an attack that Boris recognized as Fury Cutter. The kabutops swung his scythe at Dallas, but almost as quickly as he swung, a huge gust of wind blew by and temporarily blinded Razorleech with sand. When his vision cleared, Dallas had disappeared. His amazement soon turned into pain as he felt several sharp pricks of pain running up his spine. Razorleech turned his head just enough to see that Dallas stood right behind him, smirking at him, his right arm missing several needles that were soon replaced. His anger grew as he saw this…sand veggie humiliating him in front of the crowd. The amazing speed at which Dallas was able to kick up both a Sandstorm and a counter attack shocked the spectators.

    Meanwhile, Boris looked at his match in dismay. He was hoping that this person would have put up a harder fight.

    “Fury Cutter, Razorleech!”
    “Giga Drain, Dallas!”

    Razorleech slammed his sickle into his foe’s stomach. Dallas doubled over in pain as water began gushing out of the wound. He winced and growled, but managed to wrap his arms around his opponent, needles burrowing into his armored body. In a few seconds, Razorleech could feel incredible fatigue as his energy was being drained to seal Dallas’ giant gash, which soon faded into a scar. Then, laughing sinisterly, Dallas seemingly vanished as the sandstorm kicked up. Razorleech, and his trainer, were confused as to how this Pokemon was able to vanish like that.

    “I’ve never seen a Pokemon do that before. How?” David asked in irritation.
    “I take it you’ve never left Kanto. I had captured Dallas in a desert on my travels. The cacnea and sandshrew who lived there learned to hide within the desert wind storms. You know, I was hoping for a better fight than this. Don’t tell me this is the best you can muster,” Boris enjoyed the face that David was giving him.

    “Alright, that’s long enough. Dallas, Needle Arm!” he finally commanded. Razorleech was swerving around, hoping to see Dallas before he struck. Then he felt it, first the sharp pain of Dallas’ needles piercing his armor, then the impact of Dallas as he landed on his head.

    “Get up, Razorleech, he’s humiliated us far too long. Blizzard!”

    There was the sound of a thud as Razorleech got up and knocked Dallas over. Then another sound was heard. This sound was similar to the sound a sword would make when slicing the air. Similar sounds, repeating in a pattern, but gradually accelerating followed it. Dallas looked up to see that Razorleech was spinning at high speeds and lowering the temperature of the air around him. Soon, a small icy whirlwind blew up. Dallas had to think fast.

    Fortunately, Boris did it for him, “Time for the clincher, Shotgun Needle Burst!”

    Dallas, upon hearing the attack that Boris had taught him, stood up like a bean pole. Folding his arms across his chest, he began extending the needles on his arms. Suddenly, a loud gunshot noise was heard as the needles on his arms rocketed away from him. At about the same time, Razorleech stopped spinning, unleashing the blizzard on Dallas. For a moment, the moving blizzard and sandstorm blocked the view of everyone looking in on the battle. Soon, however, they could see all that had happened. Dallas was the first to be visible. He had not reacted well to the storm. In fact, he was trapped inside an icy tomb. Razorleech, however, had hit the mat. The needles from Dallas’ attack were burried into his chest and stomach. While the attack wasn’t fatal, the attack caused the kabutops to collapse due to immense pain. Boris smirked. David was fuming.

    "It appears I have won," Boris said.

    "That match shouldn't count!" David bellowed, sweat dripping down his brow, "No one's even heard of that move you called out. How can anyone defend against it?"

    "Why don't you teach YOUR Pokemon an attack that it wouldn't learn normally. It seems that you don't think much of your Pokemon's intelligence!" Boris retorted. This seemed to have shut David up.

    "Oh, yeah. I must warn you. If you want a rematch, just remember I have a lot more moves where that came from."

  15. #15
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    "Ok Essie, Psybeam!" I ordered.
    "Gengar, reflect!"
    Essie's eyes glowed a bright purple. All of her glowed blue, so did i. The psycic conection between us is strong. Essie shot a psybeam straight for Gengar. Gengar quickly made a mirror like barrier which made psybeam come back towards Essie, it hit her. She tumbled back a few feet and got back up again.
    "Essie, Morning Sun!"
    This time she glowed yellow as she stared at the sun. She was healed.
    "Gengar, Shadow ball!"
    "Essie, first use agility to miss it and then use bite!"
    Gengar created a black ball infront of it, it fired it at Essie. She quickly ran out the way and charged at Gengar, her mouth opened ready to bite into her opponent. She got to Gengar and sunk her teeth into it.
    "Espeon can't do that! Espeon doesn't learn bite!" Shouted Prof Davis.
    "But Eevee does!" I shouted back. "Essie, lets finish this, Hyperbeam!"
    "Gengar, use Hyperbeam too!"
    Essie and Gengar made a ball of white light in front of them. Essie was quicker at letting it go. The beams of light reached each other and crashed together, causing an explosion. It kicked up the mud from the ground.
    I could see Essie clearly through the sand because of the glow that she had. Gengar was no where to be seen.
    "Essie, use your psycic powers to blow the sand away."
    The mud and sand dropped to the ground and i saw a knocked out Gengar infront of me.
    "I appear to have won that." I said with a smirk on my face.
    "I'll beat you the next time we meet!" said the Prof as he returned his Gengar.
    I looked at my time table, "What? Tomorrow lesson 3?" I laughed, "Not very likely."
    Essie came over to me and looked up at me with her big purple eyes.
    "Hey, you were great out there." I said, i picked her up. The bell went and i walked down to the Uni's pokemon centre and healed Essie.
    i looked back at my timetable, "Oooh! ICT! Now to muck about with the computers!" I headed towards the computer room.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  16. #16
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    Default Meh...WTH...

    Yes, I b a LSU, ph33r meh PPPPP

    Name: Tarak Kahland
    Age: 18
    Dorm #: 84
    Room Mate: N/A
    (Cerberus) [M]

    Ceberus was Tarak's first Pokemon. Tarak first ran away from his step-mom, who was treating him like ****. Originally, his father and mother died in a car accident, at the age of 8. Unknown to Tarak, his father was seeing another woman and his last wish was that she take care of Tarak. She, at the time, had her own child as well. Althrough his life, he never received the mother's love that he needed and deserved. Soon, he couldn't take it anymore and ran off when he was 10. He was running through the woods one day when he had an encounter with a drunken man who planned on killing him. But then Cerberus, who was a Houndour then, chased him off and he has been his Pokemon ever since and is considered his strongest Pokemon.

    (Sage) [M]

    As a Seedot, he was the first Pokemon Tarak ever caught. Sage is kinda mischievious, but knows when it's time to joke and when not to. You can usually find him and Shadow playing harmless pranks with most people. However, comes to battle, Sage doesn't take things so lightly. He's a great strategist, and knows what it takes to win an important battle.

    (Avalanche) [M]

    Avalanche is sort of the loner of the group, and good reason to. He's very cold to people and Pokemon he doesn't know very well and kinda gets along with all of Tarak's Pokemon. He seems to like Tarak best though. In battle, although he doesn't plan out his way of attacking, Avalanche proves that he doesn't need to plan by putting on the good fight

    (Tempest) [M]

    Tempest is the calm and reasonable one of the group. He doesn't get mad very easily, (although when he does, you better watch out.) and this helps him out since he doesn't lose his focus during battle, even when the odds are against him. Is good friends with Cerberus.

    (Shadow) [M]

    Shadow is the most mischievious member of the team. He's very cheerful and lighthearted (what can you expect ffrom a Pokemon with a zippered smile). He loves to play pranks (harmless) and sometimes does it with Sage. However, sometimes he doesn't really know when to stop and needs to be told too. He doesn't really mean any trouble though. In battle, Banette is sort of the same way as he is ouside of battle, but comes through in the clutch.

    (Titan) [M]

    Titan was the most recent Pokemon to be caught by Tarak (as a Larvitar). This guy, you really want to be careful with. He has a kick-*** attitude and it takes very little to get him enraged (and you REALLY don't want him mad) He usually listens to Tarak, but Tarak mostly has a hard time when he's really enraged (which is like almost always). In battle, Titan is the same when he's outside of the battle. He goes into a all-out attack frenzy. But it's not really a bad thing since most of the time it works, when you have big brute strength.

    Classes: Pokemon Battle Technique, Pokemon Breeding, American History, Calculus, English, P.E., Advanced Chemistry, Advanced Spanish
    Clubs/Bands: Pokemon Battle Club, Baseball, PokeEgg Pals
    Personality: Cheerful, brave, he's funny, smart, very friendly, even with kids that no one usually socializes with. He's also a born-leader type of person
    Appearance: Here, the RS Bird Keeper (the one with the cage by his side), just get rid of the arm bands, throw in black fingerless gloves, and a silver hoop earring on his left ear. Also has a somewhat distinctful slash scar on his left cheek.
    Relations: Has a crush on Hoshi (if you don't mind CS)
    Other: All your other are belong to US!

    Tarak Kahland
    "Let's go Tempest, I think we're almost at the university" I yelled, over the passing wind, to my Skarmory. [Yeah, I think we're almost there too, Tarak] Tempest said. Soon, after flying over a passing cloud, we saw a large, red brick building. There was a silver sign on the front of the school, over the top of the door, reading in black letters, "Pokemon University." "Tempest! You can land now" I yelled. [OK, hold on tight] he replied. We made our descent and landed smoothly on the lush green grass, right in front of the door to the school. I got off Tempest's back and said. "Nice job flying, Tempest. You should get some rest, so return!" I finished, holding up his PokeBall. A bright red laser shot from the ball and hit the large Skarmory, his form dissolving in red light and then returning into the PokeBall. I strapped his PokeBall onto my belt and grabbed my stuff, heading inside the school. I went to the front desk and a young lady with curly brown hair and glasses was sitting at a receptionist's desk, looking at a computer screen. She looked up and smiled and asked, "May I help you" I smiled back and said, "Hi, I'm Tarak Kahland, I just transfered here" She typed something into the computer and replied, " second please." She got up and went into a room in the back. I could hear the sound of a printer working. She soon came back with a sheet of paper and a small silver key. "Here you are Mr. Kahland. You're schedule and room key, Dorm Room #84." she said smiling. I grinned and took the paper and key, saying, "Thanks" I grabbed my bags headed into the main hallway. There I found an elevator and headed inside, pushing for floor 8. I reached my room and used the key. I entered my dorm room. The whole place was dim and had almost no light, except for a little coming from the shades that covered the windows. I searched for a light switch and flipped it. The room illuminated and I got a good view of my room. In one corner was a Queen sized bed with a medium-sized nightstand, containing an alarm clock and nightlamp. Near the bed was a 27" TV with a stand that could fit my PS2 into. The kitchen was a few away from the bed and it had a stove plus oven, a microwave ontop of the stove, a sink with a dishwasher and a refridgerator. I checked it and found it stocked with food. I grabbed a Mountain Dew Code Red, opened it and started drinking. The bathroom was kind of small, had a sink, toilet, and a shower. I put my clothes away and the rest of my stuff. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had P.E. first. I grabbed a pair of black Nike shorts and a white shirt and changed quickly. I grabbed my Pokeballs and backpack and headed off toward the gym, hoping to see if I could make some friends in my first year at Pokemon University.....

  17. #17
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    People stopped and whispered as i walked. It happened all the way to the computer room and i got really mad. I grabbed one of the nearest people that must of been talking about me.
    "Why are you talking about me? What's so strange about me?" I asked, my face right up close to his.
    "Nothing is strange about you-" He began.
    "Then what is it then?" I asked.
    "It's just... Nobody has beaten Prof Davis's Gengar before in the University..." He said.
    I stared at him. I let go and walked into the computer room, a smile of statisfaction on my face.
    I sat down at a computer and typed in my user name and password that had been given to me when i got my time table.
    I got bored waiting for the teacher and started to surf the web.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  18. #18

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    Man, and I thought P.E. was hard at my old school..... I wiped the sweat from my forehead and tugged at the small black bands holding my hair in place. I combed through my hair with my fingers, causing the braids to fall to gentle waves down to my waist. I quickly showered, changed back into my normal clothes, and check my schedule. "Hmm.... Japanese...." I muttered. I gathered my stuff and walked quietly to the Japanese room.
    Sorry for not posting in a while, I have 3 projects due from now until the end of the year X_x;

  19. #19
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    Tarak Kahland
    Man...P.E. class was really hard. Luckily for me, I had alot harder training classes before. We played basketball and I had a clear advantage, being like 6'5". I did make a new friend, Kevin. He and I clicked right away and we even managed to get together on the same team. We awed almost everyone in the gym with each of us setting each other up on an alley-oop. It was really awesome. We both were also checking up on some girls in the class too. I didn't really see which one he was checking out but one that really caught my eye was this really hot looking red-head with bright green eyes. She had a nice body. I was literally on the brink of drooling but then we had to head to our separate locker rooms to shower and change. It felt good, letting my hot sweaty body just stand there under the cool needle-like spray of the shower. I changed back into my regular clothing and was walking out the hallway. I pulled out my schedule from my pocket and looked at what I had next. "Hmm...Advanced Spanish, huh?" I said to myself. In the meantime, while I was saying this, I collided into someone. We both fell right to the ground and I looked up to see who the person I bumped into was. My eyes went wide and I could tell my jaw was hanging wide open. Holy ****! It's the same girl I was checking out at gym class! I thought to myself nervously. I quickly got up and helped her up to her feet, saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you their, let me help you up" "No problem, no harm done really" she said smiling. I grinned at her and thought, My God, she's gorgeous! I held out a hand and said, "BTW, I'm Tarak Kahland, I just transfered here today...."

  20. #20

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    "Um.... hi.... I'm Hoshi Tsukimiya. You were in my P.E. class, right?" I asked. He nodded. There was an awkward pause, then I continued on my way to the Japanese room, singing some J-Pop song I had heard a while back. "tatta hitosu kawaranai mono, zutto egaiteta yume.. Ima no jibun wa, dou utsuru no, ano koro no chiisana hitomi ni.... Nee miagete, konna ni hiroi yozora dakara...
    Sou, sugu ni.... Wakaru you ni seiippai kagayaku kara hayaku... Full moon wo sagashi te..." I loved that song, I had no idea why, but I did. I continued singing until I reached the Japanese room and sunk into one of the desks and kept singing of the search for the full moon. A few moments later, the teacher walked in and I had to stop.
    For the Japanese impaired, Full Moon wo Sagashi te is an anime, but it means Search for the Full Moon. There you go. You know something in Japanese.

  21. #21
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    The first day in Breeding went by quickly for Boris. The teacher, Ms. Daniels, just gave them an overview of what they would be doing in this class and an introduction to everyone currently in the room. Bayou was out of his Pokeball, doing some rearranging for Ms. Daniels while she made her introduction. At some point, the teacher mentioned that, if the students and Pokemon allowed it, the class could help play matchmaker for their Pokemon. Bayou's reaction to this prospect of 'dating' was priceless. Boris chuckled to himself before trying to snap him back to reality.

    "Bayou! Snap out of it!"
    "Gatr" he responded, slightly embarrassed, before going back to rearranging the teacher's files in alphabetical order.

  22. #22
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    The teacher came in, at last. We started by making profiles of our pokemon. I already had one though, in my pokedex. I just copied it from there and spent the rest of the lesson emailing my best friend, Roxi, who is currently traveling to the Uni. I don't know why i bothered. She would be here tonight... I couldn't wait, i hadn't seen her in years!

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  23. #23

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    "Hoshi Tsukimiya?" I raised my hand. "That's a very nice name. Do you know what it means?" "I know Hoshi is star and I think Tsukimiya is a shrine to the moon, but I'm not sure." I replied. "Well, you were right. Very good." the teacher praised me. "Would you like to read the sentence off the board?" "Yes ma'am.." I replied quietly. I looked at the sentence. "Neko wa kawaii desu." I read. "Very nice, Tsukimiya-chan. Do you know what it means?" she asked. "Umm...... The cat is cute." I finally pieced it together. "Very nice." she praised me. I sat down and thought about what had happened earlier. My stomach growled at me. God, it seemed like I hadn't eaten in a year... I wondered if there were any snack machines in the halls around here....
    Yeah, I took Japanese last year and yes neko wa kawaii desu does mean the cat is cute. But usually, teachers don't add endings to names, like -chan, -kun, -san, etc.

  24. #24
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    Tarak Kahland
    I managed to make it to Advanced Spanish before most of the class. There were a couple of students there, including a couple of girls that looked like they were in this school for a while and seemed part of the "popular" crowd. They all seemed interested in me and I looked right over at them, one blonde winked right at me. I went unfazed at the gesture. For some reason, all my life, I've been chased after by girls. Most of them, I didn't like since they acted all snobbish and bitchy. I wanted a girlfriend that was beautiful and "hot" but I wanted one that also had a personality in which they didn't seem like they were like a huge goddess and everyone lifeform on Earth had to worship the ground she walked on. I wanted to be able to get along with everyone and yet also socialize with the people that most people don't really pay attention to. Soon, the rest of the class came in, followed by the Spanish teacher. I'm guessing to girls and women, he was a regular Enrique Iglesias. I could see almost every girl in class swooning over his looks. He smiled and said, "Hola, me llamo Sr. Rodriguez. Soy su maestro espanol por este ano." He then reverted back to English, and he had a thick Spanish accent that made the girls in class swoon even more. I snickered to myself but it was loud enough for Mr. Rodriguez to hear. He turned to me and asked, "Please tell me, what is your name?" "Name's Tarak Kahland, I just transfered here" I replied back. "Ah, I've heard about you, Mr. Kahland. You seem to be a top student in Spanish at your old school, even though you are...Indian" he stressed the last word. I felt a little bit of anger at what he just did. "Yeah, I was" I said back, with a tiny bit of annoyance in my voice. "Well, let's see how well you are. I will ask a question right now" "Pasara usted mi clase estudiante como primero?" he asked me in Spanish. I answered back, with a cocky tone "Si, pasare a estudiante como primero y en el estilo." "Ah, I see we have a student with a bit...cockiness, huh class?" he said looking around, mainly at the girls. They all nodded in a daze, just staring at him. "Well, Mr. Kahland, you seem good enough in Spanish, shall we see how well you are in your skills as a trainer?" he asked. "You're asking me for a battle?" I asked him. "Si, eso es lo que yo lo pregunto. Acepta usted?" he asked. "Si, permitanos la batalla" I answered back. We all headed outside to the battle arena the school had. We went to our separate sides of the grass arena and one of the guys in my class reffed our battle. "One on one sound good to you, amigo?" he asked me. "Si, let's go" I answered back. He pulled out a Pokeball and tossed it, saying "I choose you El Bailarin!" The Pokeball "exploded" and out came a Ludicolo, one of the goofiest looking Pokemon I've ever seen. I called out to him, "eso es el mejor usted ha obtenido?" "Si, escoge su Pokemon" he said impatiently. I pulled out one of my customary Pokeballs that contained my Pokemon. What was so different from my Pokeballs from regular Pokeballs was that they had a black bottom and the top represented the type the Pokemon was inside. I threw my black and silver Pokeball and yelled, "Let's go Tempest!" The ball also "exploded" and out came my Skamory. "Alright Tempest, let's show this Mexican pineapple what you're made of" I said. [I'm ready, Tarak] he replied. "El Bailarin! Use Leech Seed!" Mr. Rodiguez said. "Tempest, counter the Leech Seed with a Whirlwind" I called to him. The Ludicolo lowered his head and shot out a whole bunch of large stone-sized seeds at Tempest. But my Skamory followed through with my advice and started up a huge wind that blew the seeds to the ground. I saw a small vein bulge out from Mr. Rodriguez's head. "Bailarin! Use Water Gun!" "Tempest, use Agility to dodge. Finish it with a Steel Wing!" I told him. [My thoughts exactly] Tempest replied. The Ludicolor fired a huge stream of water from the top of it's head right at Tempest. Again, my Skarmory cleverly dodged it by speeding itself up. It started to move around in many directions, making the Ludicolo dizzy and confused. Tempest's wings started to glow and with a loud cry, he flew down and slammed into the Ludicolo. It flew back a few feet and landed at Mr. Rodriguez's feet. It didn't move for a minute and then the guy said "El Bailarin is unable to battle, Tempest and Tarak win the match!" Tempest flew done and I gave a small hug and congratulated him. Mr. Rodriguez looked in dismay and in a small voice dismissed us. All the girls were in a whiny babyish mood, seeing their "poor" Mr. Rodriguez in such distress. You gotta be kidding me..."poor" Mr. Rodriguez my *** I thought to myself in annoyance. I walked back into the university. Then a large rumble was heard and I realized that I was actually hungry. "Wonder if this place has any vending machines..." I thought. I looked around in desperation and finally managed to find a vending machine. I got myself a bag of M&M's when I heard the footsteps of someone walking by. I turned around saw the girl of my dreams. "Hey Hoshi" I said....

  25. #25
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    All of his classes ended, one by one, Boris stood near a vending machine. He wasn't doing much, just pondering song lyrics to the rhythmic beat of Dallas pounding the soda machines, uttering profane curses as the machine would not give up its booty of Mountain Dew.

    (He needs to learn to just say 'Please') Boris thought to himself before continuing his lyrics design in his head. Working on Dallas' theme would prove difficult, he had never heard a Wild West themed music before.

    (I'll just have to pull it out of my arse, Oh well) he mused before mumbling a few words on his own.

    "He's sneaky. He's cruel."
    "He's underhanded."
    "Keep up your guard"
    "Or you'll get needle branded!"

    "He's Dallas, The Shotgun Cowboy."

    <Needs a whip sound effect after Dallas> the cactus Pokemon replied, still trying to pound the machine into submission. The sound of footsteps, however, stopped his efforts. Dallas bolted behind Boris' leg, wanting to remain inconspicuous. The sound of the snack machine relieving its contents was heard before the figure actually spoke. Boris turned his face to get a clearer look.

    It was another man about his age with silver spiky hair, red coat, white shoes and jeans. He seemed to be mustering up the courage to talk to someone. Who, he couldn't tell from his vantage point. Eager to know how this would turn out, Boris remained where he stood, not saying anything. He moved his arm to a special blue and green Pokeball with red little plates coming out of it. With a press of the button, Bayou materialized before them. He looked curious and confused, but obeyed when Boris told him to hide with him and watch. This experience may prove useful for when Bayou begins looking for a girlfriend.

  26. #26

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    "FOOD!!" I practically yelled when I noticed the snack machine down the hall. I took off running and nearly lost my shoes at least twice. Stupid flip-flops... I thought. I searched through my pockets for some change, only to find I was totally broke. I sighed quietly and my stomach growled at me again. Then I got an idea. I grabbed a Pokéball and released my Meowth. "Meowth, use Pay Day!" I ordered. "Meow!" she agreed. Soon, I was showered in coins. "Thanks!" I said happily, tossing Meowth a Pokétreat and sending her back to her Pokéball. I bought a bag of Skittles and a can of Cherry Coke. I checked my schedule. Free period? Cool! I thought, taking off for my dorm, again nearly losing my flip-flops. Suddenly, I got a totally crazy idea. I looked at my hair, which still hung limply to my waist. Should I? I thought. Then, I finally decided. I would. I finished off my snack, walked outside, and noticed a hair salon down the street. I took off running for it.

  27. #27

    Default Minnaaaaaaaa.........

    Doko wa minna-san desu ka........
    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    God, that was a big mistake.... I tripped and fell facefirst to the concrete, tearing the knees of my jeans and giving me a nasty scrape on my chin. I slowly got up, dusted the dirt from my clothes, and walked slowly back. Okay, so no haircut..... I walked into my dorm and rebraided my hair. I glanced in the mirror and noticed the scrape on my chin was bleeding. I quietly wiped the blood away and put a band-aid on it. It still hurt, but at least I wouldn't be staining everything in sight..... I heard the bell ring and checked my schedule. "Animation? Sweet!" I said happily. I ran out of my dorm despite the horrible pain in my knees to the animation room.
    Yay, I made a little graphic of (a very sassy looking) Hoshi. It's attached. And stuff. Yay.

    [attachment deleted by admin]

  28. #28

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    I'm getting really frustrated here.... --''' DOKO WA MINNA-SAN!!!!!!!!!!!! ><
    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    "Waaa.... Doko wa minna-san desu ka......" I said quietly, noticing how empty the halls were. I walked quietly to the animation room, my patter of my flip-flops on the floor echoing through the halls. Kowai.... I thought. I finally found the animation room and sunk down in one of the desks. I saw a few people, but not many. Doko wa minna-san desu ka.... I thought, really freaked out.
    Quick Japanese walkthrough
    Doko wa minna-san desu ka = Where is everyone?
    Kowai = Scary, creepy

  29. #29
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    It's ok! Clam down! I couldn't think of anything yesterday!
    After an hour of computer fun, i went down to the cantine. Hm... I'm hungry... I thought, and it's not even lunch...
    I sat down on one of the comfy chairs and Paul got out of his pokeball.
    "Poli? Poliwrath?" (Where? Where are we?) he asked.
    "Uni, i told you that yesterday..." I said, getting up to get some coffee.
    Paul followed me, stretching himself on the way. I remembered 8 years ago, when i first started training, that he was one of the first pokemon i caught. He was only a Poliwag then...
    I got some coffee in a polistrine cup. I looked at my timetable.
    "Oooh! Art! Hey Paul, i'll scetch you this lesson!" I said to Paul.
    "Poli!" He agreed.
    Yeesh, people aren't always online...

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  30. #30

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Yeesh, I'm not the only one in this RPG online for 4 days.....
    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    I yawned sleepily as the animation teacher explained a few drawing techniques. I doodled a little samurai in the same style she was explaining. I smiled at it happily and stuffed it in the back of my notebook. My chin was still sore, but it didn't bug me until the bandaid failed and blood started to drip onto my jeans. I raised my hand. "Can I go to the bathroom? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseple....." "Okay, okay! You can go!" the teacher said frustratedly. "Thankyouberightbackbye!!!" I yelled, halfway out of the room, trying to keep from getting blood on the floor. I stared at the wound in the mirror. Ugh, that fall did a number on me.... I wiped away the blood, washed the blood from my hands, and put a different bandaid on. I quietly walked out and back to the animation room like nothing was wrong.

  31. #31
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    Hoshi looks soo pretty! ^.^
    I got to art with my cup of coffee in my hand. Paul was happily walking behind me, looking at some other people's water pokemon.
    I sighed "Is that all you think about?" I asked.
    "Poli..." (yes) croaked Paul.
    I sighed again and pushed the door open. There was no one in there. I sat down at one of the desks and got out my scetch pad. I started to draw Paul.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  32. #32

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Thank you! ^.^
    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    Well, animation wasn't as interesting as I expected..... I walked out and checked my schedule. Ick! how did I get stuck with choir?! I thought. No matter. I was stuck. I checked the room number. 258. I checked the room number of the animation room. 104. Great, it was upstairs. I walked quietly through the halls, searching for a flight of stairs. I finally found one and ran up them so fast I nearly tripped. "Geez..... Today isn't my day...." I muttered. I grabbed a few skittles from the bag I had stuffed in my pocket and finished them off in a few seconds. I finally found the choir room, I swear it looked like a concert hall it was so big! I walked to the front row, took a seat, and waited for the rest of the class. Suddenly, the teacher walked by. "Hi Mrs. ....." I checked my schedule. "Mizuyama!" I finally finished. "Hi..... Um, what's your name?" she asked. "I'm Hoshi Tsukimiya." I replied cheerily, giving her an innocent smile. "Okay, hi Hoshi." she said. She handed me a copy of the sheet music. My jaw dropped to the floor as soon as I looked at it. "We're doing New Future?!" I said in shock. "Yeah, why?" she asked. "I love that song!" I said happily. She smiled. Oh well, at least I'd like one of my classes.
    Note: New Future is the song that's in my sig. Neato, innit?

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    Paul kept on running around, making it hard to draw him. He finally stopped and i drew him. Half way through drawing, i felt someone breathing down my neck. I turned around and grabbed a pokeball from my bag, shoving it in the person's face.
    "Woah, no need to be jumpy!" Said the guy standing there.
    "You startled me! Normally when people sneak up on me, they're Team Rocket..." I said.
    The guy was wearing i long steaved white shirt, blue jeans and a dark blue apron.
    "Are you the art teacher?" I asked.
    Woah! He was young! He must be a newbie teacher.
    I'll draw a pic of Paul that Becki draws. Laters, still got art homework...

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

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    My art homework doesn't have to be in for another 2 weeks! *throws a party*
    I continued to draw, waiting for other people to come.
    Some one came through the door.
    "Hi, is this the art room? I'm Tracy."
    gtg, Buffy is on! WOO!

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  35. #35

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    No fair, my art project is due Tuesday =(
    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    *riiiing* I got up from my spot and noticed that the choir room did not need to be that big. Out of about 150 seats, only 40 or so of them were filled. I checked my schedule. Pokémon Battle Technique? Ha, time to kick some major loser trainer butt! I ran excitedly outside to the battle arena. The teacher met me at the door and I nearly ran right into him. "Well, at least some people are happy about this..." he muttered. "Are you kidding? I love battles! My dad's a gym leader back in Vermilion City!" "YOU'RE Lt. Surge's kid?" he asked disbelievingly. "Yep yep, Hoshi's the name, trained in my dad's gym since I was 4, can kick major trainer butt when needed!" I said, a firey glow in my eyes. "Then, I challenge you." he said calmly. "Fine with me!" I shot back.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Sorry, I'm back

    Being freshman...SUCKS!

    Tarak Kahland
    God...I thought Advanced Chemistry would NEVER end I thought to myself. Chemistry was so boring, especially when you learned almost everything about it from your dad when he's a pharmacist. I managed to find a seat in the back of the classroom and went to sleep right away. I was lucky enough that the teacher didn't notice me and that I managed to wake up just before the bell rang for the next class. I looked at my schedule. Hmmm....Pokemon Battle Technique. Sounds really interesting. Maybe I can see what kind of trainers this place really has... I thought, an evil smile appearing on my lips. I walked outside to the battle arena and saw alot of other trainers outside, tending to their Pokemon. Then I noticed a large crowd over near a battleground. They seemed to be interested in a match. I walked over and took a look and my eyes went wide and I thought my jaw fell down to the ground. Holy ****! That's Hoshi! I thought to myself, dumbfounded. I saw that she was about to fight a trainer that looked like he might be the teacher of the class. I asked a kid nearby me, "Hey, who's the guy trainer the girl's going to fight?" "He's the teacher for this class, Mr. Sazanka" the kid replied. I turned back to the battleground, waiting to see what Pokemon each person would choose....

  37. #37

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    I noticed Tarak standing out in the crowd that was starting to form. I waved happily to him. "Oh, saying hello to your boyfriend, I see." the teacher said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I could feel the blood starting to rush to my face. "He's not my boyfriend! Now, can I just get this dumb battle over with so you feel tiny and defeated so I can take over as teacher?" I shot back, grabbing a Pokéball from the small backpack I carried. He smirked. "Go Azumarill!" he yelled, throwing a Pokéball. Out of the flash of light came the water mouse. I smirked. "Big mistake! Go Raichu!" I yelled, throwing my Pokéball and releasing the Raichu that had once belonged to my father. "Raichu! Use thunder!" I ordered. "Azumarill, use-WHA?" The teacher was cut short upon noticing his Azumarill was now well done. I smiled sweetly at him. "You asked for it!" "Shimatta...." he muttered at me. "Now, now, Mr. Sazanka, that wasn't very nice. Don't make me tell the principal you're saying stuff like that around students. 'Cause if I do, it's bye bye Mr. Stupid-Teacher-That-Got-Beaten-In-One-Hit-By-A-Little-Girl-With-A-Raichu! Soooo...... Damare baka!" I said. I walked away and sat quietly on the bench. "Good job, Raichu!" I said happily to Raichu, giving him a Pokétreat. "Rai!" he said happily, eating the Pokétreat as I called him back into his Pokéball. "God, don't they have Advanced Pokémon Battle Technique? This class is way too easy..." I muttered.
    Shimatta - Darn it
    Damare baka - Shut up idiot

  38. #38
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    lol, you wooped him good!
    I looked up from my scetching, sure enough it was Tracy Scetchem, the guy i found in the orange islands. Paul moved away from where he was to do something, he poked the teacher. -_-''
    "Hey Tracy! Long time no see!" I said happily as i got up and walked over to him.
    "Hiya Becki, where's Raichu? Has he run off again?" He asked.
    "Ummm... He's with Prof Elm, i didn't want to get into trouble with him here." I said.
    "OMG! Becki with out her Raichu? That's a first!" He said jokingly.
    The class started to fill up, i took my seat and Tracy sat next to me.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  39. #39

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    Hoshi Tsukimiya
    "Miss Tsukimiya?" the teacher asked. "Yes, Mr. I-battle-like-a-5-year-old?" I replied sarcastically. He growled at me. "I called the office and told them you were out of this class. Go back to your dorm, you get free period." he said. "Why not just transfer me to Advanced Pokémon Battle Technique?" I asked. "Because this school doesn't HAVE that class, Miss Smartypants." "That's Miss Tsukimiya to you..." I muttered. I didn't move. "Go on now." he said sarcastically, shooing me away. "No way, I think I would be a better teacher than you, Mr. My-Azumarill-makes-a-better-paper-weight-than-a-Pokémon-for-battling!" I shot back. "Then why don't YOU teach this class!" He said angrily. "Fine, I will!" I yelled, not showing any signs of backing down. He walked back inside and I took his spot. "Now, is anyone going to question me?" No one said a word. "That's what I thought.... Now, for our first lesson...."
    Wee, I still have more mean names for the teacher

  40. #40
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
    ChobiChibi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In your base, killing your dudes.

    Default Pokémon University - Starts - LSUs Accepted

    lol, she desurves to take over the class! Go her!
    I finally finished my picture of Paul when everyone else was still scetching. I looked at it proudly.
    "Paul, return. Go Ampharos!" I said, getting out Ampharos to scetch.
    "Amp!" He said happily as he came out of his pokeball and stretched.
    "Now you just stay there while i scetch you." I said, turning the page of my scetch book.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

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