So, I just caught a Charmeleon today, thanks to Ultimate Charizard.
It's thanks to the Friend Safari in Kiloude. Basically, how it works is that a type and list of 3 Pokemon of that type is generated from your Friend Code and anyone who has you registered as a friend on their game can go to your friend safari, and catch the three Pokemon associated with your friend code. This can be done even for friends who don't have X/Y, however the third pokemon will only start appearing if that person has the game and has beaten the Elite 4.
Since the pokemon list is decided based on the friend code, any person's list will be the same for anyone who's friends with that person. So, for example, since I found a Charmeleon in UC's friend safari, anyone else who's friends with him should find one as well.
With that, the main reason I started this thread is to list everyone's friend safari, so here are the ones I have so far:
Asilynne (Brandy) - Flying: Doduo, Woobat, Fletchinder
Ayeun (Lillian) - Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, ?
CaptainJigglypuff (Akuma) - Poison: Seviper, Ariados, Toxicroak
Cferra (Chris) - Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Liepard
Chaotic Heavens (Mark) - Psychic: Drowzee, Espurr, Gothorita
ChobiChibi (Beck) - Fighting: Meditite, Sawk, Hariyama
Dark-san (DarkSan) - Flying: Farfetch'd, Hoothoot, Tropius
Darkest Light (Q.S.) - Poison: Gloom, Ariados, Whirlipede
DivineAll (Tony) - Flying: Doduo, Tranquil, Hawlucha
DragoKnight (Tony King) - Poison: Kakuna, Venomoth, Whirlipede
Elekidkid (Steve) - Dark: Pawniard, Crawdaunt, ?
Emerald_Gen.3 (Derek) - Tangela, Ivysaur, Quilladin
Fett One (fett) - Fighting: Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama
Jeff (Jeffrey) - Ice: Spheal, Bergmite, Piloswine
Kevin (Kevin) - Fire: Magmar, Pyroar, Braixen
Knight of Time (Kyle) - Ice: Spheal, Beartic, Lapras
Lady Vulpix (Gabi's Mii) - Electric: Emolga, Stunfisk, Galvantula
Loupeitak (Vux) - Fire: Pansear, Charmeleon, Braixen
Magmar (Barry) - Ghost: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Golurk
Master Rudy (Rudy) - Flying: Doduo, Tranquil, Rufflet
Mikachu Yukitatsu (Mikachu) - Flying: Doduo, Tranquil, ?
Oslo - Psychic: Drowzee, Espurr, Gothorita
Perfect Chaos (Sean) - Ground: Phanpy, Nincada, Diggersby
Samchu (Sam) - Farfectch'd, Tranquil, Tropius
Shadow Wolf (Lou) - Electric: Pachirisu, Pikachu, ?
The Missing Link (Beck) - Bug: Paras, Beautifly, Heracross
Ultimate Charizard (Sonikgav) - Fire: Magmar, Charmeleon, Braixen
Weasel Overloard (sai) - Flying: Pidgey, Tranquil, ?
So, if anyone has any more info that we can fill this in with that's be great, mostly third pokemon since I'm missing most of them since I keep forgetting to go online and haven't caught many of you online . Also I have no clue what's in my own FS, so that's one omission I'd like to take care of.