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Thread: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

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  1. #1
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    The Crystal Caves Pokemon Capture Center

    Mod Approved By: Lady Vulpix, Wolfsong and Jay

    The year was 2002 AD. War was sweeping the world, slowly enveloping everything in its path. The Dark Lord was rising, ready to take over everything in its path. The world's only hopes were the Dragon Tamers and the Pokemon Avengers. They won many battles and hope began to dawn. The people began to think that they were saved, that the DT and the PA were going to win, and overcome the Dark Lord and his dark minions of evil. But some people didn't foresee a victory; they doubted that anyone could overcome the Dark Lord. They thought that the Dark Lord had the power to crush them all, and then take the world for all it's worth. They left by shiploads, looking for a place to hide overseas, a place that would be their sanctuary. The ships sailed off, leaving their homes behind and moving on, to what they thought was safety.

    The journey was a troubled one; no one could have foreseen the results. The sea was against them, its waves tossing the boats around like limp wooden puppets. The waves crashed upon the sides of the boats, rocking them from side to side. The sea soon began to get rough, the waves getting stronger and taller, the raging waters splashing up onto the deck. Soon, the waves began crashing upon the boats, snapping their masts and taking the boas down with them, escoting them to their watery grave. Soon, only two ships were left. Led by their brave captains, Matt and Frank, they sailed onward, through the virulent storm. But no matter how long they sailed, it seemed that the Dark Lord willed them to fail, the storm following them wherever they go. Soon, the waves seemed to attack the two lone boats, the waves beginning to crack the hull of the ships. The Captains called all on board to the safest place in the boat... the storage room.

    The storage rooms of the boat, being on the bottom of the boat, was covered with more layers, and has a water proof seal on the door. The water bursted through the outer hull, sweeping away the panicked passengers, as they tried to get to safety. The water enveloped all who didn't make it in, and took their lives. The last of the survivors huddled around in the storage room and formed a close community. They were all that was left. The rest of the boats were ripped to pieces by the savage waves, but the storage rooms of the two boats were miraculously saved. The waves swept the metal rooms around the sea, tossing and turning all who was inside.

    They spent weeks in this state, living off of the canned food in the storage. Days rolled by, and people began to die. Death was gnawing at them, slowly sucking their precious life away. Then, the whole room rumbled, both the storage rooms screeching to a halt. The survivors of the journey stepped out of the room, and found themselves in an underwater cavern. On the sides of the metal enforced room, there were clusters of Dratini, who seemed to have pushed them to safety. They owed their lives to those blue, snake-like, Dragon Pokemon. The captains picked up what looked like the two who led the effort, and thanked them. They walked on, bringing the Dratini with them, and found... paradise.

    The world they found was unlike any other. There were Pokemon everywhere, the land untouched by human feet, uncorrupted by human greed. They journeyed inward, and began to explore their new home. They began to build houses and live off the land. The food was plentiful, the lands lush. They began capturing the Pokemon, and starting a whole new civilization there...


    You are one of the last survivors, ready to explore The Crystal Caves and to find what wonders lie in this untouched place. To start, you will either post any Captured Pokemon that you own already in this topic, or forfiet the right to use them here. If you don't post any, you get a Master Ball to catch one. You will also be given 3 Pokeballs, 1 Great Ball, 1 Ultra Ball, and 5 Special Balls of your choice. To capture Pokemon, you will explore each of the different locations.



    Pokemon: Ground (50%), Rock (25%), Steel (15%), Fire (10%)
    A great light source brightens this location, leaving it sandy and batten, drying up all the surface water and withering away all life. IN this location, you will most likely find Ground types because of the existence of ground water, deep underground. Rock types are also likely to be found here, as with steel and fire.

    Pokemon: Grass (40%), Normal (40%), Electric (20%)
    A large plateau covered with lush, vivid green grass. It is a cool area, not too hot and not too cold, the ideal place to find Pokemon.

    Pokemon: Flying (40%), Bug (30%), Grass (20%), Ghost (10%)
    The trees here provide cool shade, but block out most of the sunlight here. Flying-types find refuge here in the trees. THe bug-types are also found in the shade. Don't stay here after dark....

    Pokemon: Water (85%), Ice (10%), Dragon (5%)
    The rushing rapids of this long river is the blood line of the Crystal Caves, supplying fresh water directly from the fresh water lake, carrying many Water pokemon with it.

    Pokemon: Water (95%), Dragon (5%)
    A crystal clear lake that has the purest water in the world, it holds a high concentration of water types, enjoying the clean water unobtainable anywhere else.

    North Caverns
    Pokemon: Ice (60%), Dark (20%), Ghost (20%)
    A cavern filled with icicles, it is the coldest place in the Crystal Caves.

    South Caverns
    Pokemon: Psychic (45%), Fire (30%), Dark (25%)
    A cavern shrouded with psychic and dark illusions. Watch your step. You may end up falling into a hole. Yet, rumor has it that there is a mysterious pond somewhere in here. It may have rare pokemon in it....

    East Caverns
    Pokemon: Fighting (60%), Dark (30%), Dragon (10%)
    A cavern filled with water, there is a rumor that powerful pokemon live there...

    West Caverns
    Pokemon: Poison (40%), Bug (30%), Fire (30%)
    A wasteland, it is filled with tar pits, spweing out toxic gases, making it very much uninhabitable. Only a few can survive here.


    State the location you wish to explore and one of our helpful workers will state what Pokemon you have found/stumbled upon. You then will post three actions that can trap, weaken, or whatever you can think of that could help capture the Pokemon. Then, one of the workers will state the results of the actions. You do not have to throw a Pokeball after three actions, but may see the results first. Also, throwing a Pokemall or using one of the many items you can buy takes up an action. Also to make it more easier, I have designed a simple form for you to use.


    Post Form

    <quote><i>Originally Posted by (Insert Ref's name here)</i>
    (Insert last reffing here)</quote>
    <b>(Insert Current Location here)</b>
    (Insert Action Text)

    Remember to replace the "<" and ">" with "[" and "]".



    There are now new locations to explore. However, these locations may only be accessed if you have the corresponding SM. Note: You must have the actual SM. You cannot simply give your pokemon the TM with the same name and then expect to be able to access the new areas.

    Shrine of Time
    A hidden rainforest, filled with exotic plant-life. The atmosphere is humid and the temperatures are high. This location is sealed off by a thick patch of vines that seems to be purposefully forming a gate... regrowing withing a few minutes. Only someone with the "Cut" Skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Grass (100%)

    Shrine of the Sun
    Rumor has it that the source of the life-bringing light of the Crystal Caves is contained here. A large forest surrounding an with a glowing, yellow ore with a single tree growing from the lava itself, located on top of a sheer cliff made of the finest Crystal Caves trademark crystal. Only someone with the "Fly" Skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Flying (100%)

    The Volcano
    A wide mysterious land shrouded in fog, across a river with strong, raging rapids. Through the dense fog, you can see a giant peak, glowing in red, molten lava. Rumor has it thta a fast pokemon has been seed, speeding around the land, blur-like. Only someone with the "Surf" Skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Fire (100%)

    The Ruins
    Seismic waves from the Tremor Games have unearthed the ruins of an ancient city, showing that a sentient species had lived here, long ago. Whatever happened to this place... no one knows for sure. Only someone with the "Strength" Skill may open the heavy gates of the ruins and enter.
    Pokemon: Psychic (100%)

    Cave of Darkness
    A cavern deep under the Crystal Caves. No light has ever made it to this dark cavern. Only someone with the "Flash" Skill may venture through this place.
    Pokemon: Dark (100%)

    The Whirlpools
    Seemingly everlasting proof of the destruction that occured a year ago, the whirlpools rage over a totally submerged part of the caves. Once a place teaming with life, it is now only a ruin of the past. THe only object seemingly untouched is a cavern at the bottom of the water. Only someone with the "Whirlpool" Skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Steel (100%)

    Shrine of Suicune
    As the paths were cleared, people ventured deeper into the Caves, exploring unmapped territory. At the source of the bloodline of the Crystal Caves, is a giant waterfall, the crystal clear water pouring from its peak. At the top is a shrine dedicated to Suicune. The salt water seems to flow into the shrine... and out comes the purified water... Only someone with the "Waterfall" Skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Water (100%)

    At the bottom of a now uncovered lake in the caves, there is a mysterious ship. No one knows where the ship came from or how it got there... though we know it won't be going away anytime soon. It is rumored that this location is haunted by the very people and Pokemon that died on htat ship. Only someone with the "Dive" skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Ghost (100%)

    Magnetic North
    People have always been confused by why their compass arrows always pointed down - now they know why. A cave hidden deep under the Crystal Caves, it hold the center of the magnetic field of the Crystal Caves. An immovable rock is in the way of the entrance. Only someone with the "Rock Smash" skill may enter.
    Pokemon: Electric (100%)


    Special Pokeballs

    Fast Ball - Captures Faster Pokemon More Easily

    Heavy Ball - Captures Heavy Pokemon More Easily

    Lure Ball - Captures Water-Type Pokemon More Easily

    Stun Ball - Captures Pokemon With Status Effects More Easily

    Crystal Ball - Has An Equal Chance Of Being A Master Ball, Ultra Ball, Great Ball, Pokeball, Or Not Working



    When you catch a Pokemon, you get a free bred-on move OR TM (A TM can be Ruby, Sapphire, emerald TMsHMs, GSC TMs/HMs, RBY TMs/HMs, Stadium 1 or 2 moves, and move tutor moves). Then at Levels 10, 20, etc, you get a free TM. If you start at or over level 10, you get your bred-on move/TM and your level 10 TM.

    You can't repost unless we skip you.

    Post where you are in the center every time you post.

    Quote the reffing when you post, too. Don't quote the entire post, just your part.

    Don't put where you are in the subject line.
    If you do not follow these rules, we will skip you until you repost with the correct format (shouldn't be too hard considering that i created a form to use).

    Absolutely no hinting pokemon. (ie. I'll ask that Pikachu if he has seen a flygon anywhere).
    That is not allowed. Doing it continuously could result in a permanent ban from the center. You'll be warned if you do it once, but do it again after the warning and you're at risk.

    Also, no complaining/pestering the ref about how your update was done. Most of our workers use randomizers to choose Pokemon. And if things don't go your way, it's for a good reason, since a game that's too easy isn't very fun, lol. THough, if you feel like a worker is constantly picking on you, please PM one of the owners.

    When referring to Pokemon by nicknames, please place the type of Pokemon it is in parentheses.

    Every Monday, Pokeballs, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls will be given out. Post to say you wish to recieve them. You can't have more than one of each kind, and we aren't forcing you to take them.


    List of Links

    Crystal Caves Kiosk
    Crystal Caves Battle Arena


    Founder: Link10 (Aka Matt)
    Owner: Wolfsong
    Workers: TheBlue Avenger, *Murkrow, Dark Dragonite

    The center wouldn't be here today if it weren't for our past and present employees: Link 10 (Matt), pokemasterfrank, Aipom of Doom, Jay, Cheesey, Wolfsong, aragornbird, *Murkrow, Linc, TheBlueAvenger and Dark Dragonite.

  2. #2
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Releasing your Alakazam and Jynx, you instruct them to both focus their psychic abilities to try to locate whatever was contacting you. After a couple of minutes of intense concentration, Xeno lifts a hand and points to the right.
    Moving off in that direction, you cautiously walk forwards, gradually becoming more and more aware of a presence around you. It doesn’t feel like that which originally contacted you……and it doesn’t seem as friendly, either.
    What are you going to do

    Deciding to try a different approach, you crouch down to the Poochyena’s level and casually ask if he would be interested in joining you on your travels. His ears perk up at that and he gives you a thoughtful once over.
    ‘Hmm….what would you be able to offer me if I did go?’ He asks eventually, as the Houndour and Growlithe watch eagerly.
    What are you going to do?

    Shouting over to the Mawile, you manage to get her attention surprisingly easily; you motion at the two battlers, getting across that you’re curious about why they’re fighting.
    She smiles and shouts back that this is simply a play fight between the two. Right.
    You glance up just as the Lunatone shoots an Ice Beam at Aerodactyl, which he counters with a Steel Wing. Some ‘play fight’ that is.
    What are you going to do?

  3. #3
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Releasing your Alakazam and Jynx, you instruct them to both focus their psychic abilities to try to locate whatever was contacting you. After a couple of minutes of intense concentration, Xeno lifts a hand and points to the right.
    Moving off in that direction, you cautiously walk forwards, gradually becoming more and more aware of a presence around you. It doesn’t feel like that which originally contacted you……and it doesn’t seem as friendly, either.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Well, it definitely won't be a good idea to rush toward whatever Pokemon I'm bound to run into, so I'm going to slowly keep going toward it. If I see the mystery Pokemon, and it turns out to be a Dark type, I'm going to immediately recall my Alakazam and Jynx, knowing that neither of them would be good choices against a Dark type.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  4. #4
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Shouting over to the Mawile, you manage to get her attention surprisingly easily; you motion at the two battlers, getting across that you’re curious about why they’re fighting.
    She smiles and shouts back that this is simply a play fight between the two. Right.
    You glance up just as the Lunatone shoots an Ice Beam at Aerodactyl, which he counters with a Steel Wing. Some ‘play fight’ that is.
    What are you going to do?

    I'm going to carefully make my way over to Mawile, being sure to watch out for any stray attacks.
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  5. #5
    Passion's Flames Burns Bright Junior Trainer
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    Its not important....

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow

    Deciding to try a different approach, you crouch down to the Poochyena’s level and casually ask if he would be interested in joining you on your travels. His ears perk up at that and he gives you a thoughtful once over.
    ‘Hmm….what would you be able to offer me if I did go?’ He asks eventually, as the Houndour and Growlithe watch eagerly.
    What are you going to do?
    Soth Caverns

    I'll ask the Poochynea what exactly he wants fron me.
    Penname( Twilight The Umbreon

    Am I back? Maybe...just maybe...

    250 posts - October 6th, 2006

    I'm a pokefan, writer and gamer. And don't you forget it!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Slowing your pace, you edge forwards. As you move, the presence in your mind and the pressure it's focring on you increase. Pulling out you Pokémon's Poké Balls, you hold them ready when a figure jumps out of the shadows and hisses warningly at you. It's a Magmar, and it's eyes seem to be strangely out of focus.... though that seems to be the last of you worries as it curl its claws into flaming fists.
    What are you going to do?

    Ducking your head, you time you moment before rushing out into the open, angling for the Mawile. She shuffles over to make room for you behind the boulder she's hiding behind, then squeaks in alarm as a massive crash from above is followed by a thud as the Aerodactyl is knocked from the sky, falling to land, obscured by a sand dune.
    You hastily scramble over by the Mawile as the Lunatone floats down slightly to get a good look at the fallen Aerodactyl
    What are you going to do?

    'Well, if I want a trainer the he/she will have to be willing to train me, feed me constantly, pamper me, pander to my every need...and so on and so forth. I'd also like to evolve someday, so I will expect to be helped greatly along that route, and....'
    His voice trails off as he notices you, Houndour and Growlithe staring at him with bemused expressions.
    'Ok, maybe I'll just be happy with a decent amount of food and training,' he mutters, rolling his eyes.
    What are you going to do?

  7. #7
    Passion's Flames Burns Bright Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    'Well, if I want a trainer the he/she will have to be willing to train me, feed me constantly, pamper me, pander to my every need...and so on and so forth. I'd also like to evolve someday, so I will expect to be helped greatly along that route, and....'
    His voice trails off as he notices you, Houndour and Growlithe staring at him with bemused expressions.
    'Ok, maybe I'll just be happy with a decent amount of food and training,' he mutters, rolling his eyes.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll tell the poochynea that i will train him, but also politely say that i will not be there to pamper him either. It he accepts this, I will use the Master Ball I have (since I didn't start with a pokemon) to capture the poochynea.
    Penname( Twilight The Umbreon

    Am I back? Maybe...just maybe...

    250 posts - October 6th, 2006

    I'm a pokefan, writer and gamer. And don't you forget it!

  8. #8
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Ducking your head, you time you moment before rushing out into the open, angling for the Mawile. She shuffles over to make room for you behind the boulder she's hiding behind, then squeaks in alarm as a massive crash from above is followed by a thud as the Aerodactyl is knocked from the sky, falling to land, obscured by a sand dune.
    You hastily scramble over by the Mawile as the Lunatone floats down slightly to get a good look at the fallen Aerodactyl
    What are you going to do?

    I'm going to comment to Mawile that it looks like they went a bit overboard. Then I'm going to peek over the top of the rock for a better look.
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  9. #9
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Slowing your pace, you edge forwards. As you move, the presence in your mind and the pressure it's focring on you increase. Pulling out you Pokémon's Poké Balls, you hold them ready when a figure jumps out of the shadows and hisses warningly at you. It's a Magmar, and it's eyes seem to be strangely out of focus.... though that seems to be the last of you worries as it curl its claws into flaming fists.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    All right, a Magmar!

    This is definitely another of the fire types I came for here (I'm not revealing the last one unless I find one afterwards), so I'm determined to catch it, on account of I once had an adopted Magby.

    I'm going to recall my Jynx and Alakazam, and from here, I'm going to send out Hydronix, my male Blastoise.* From here, I'm going to have him use a Yawn on the Magmar, followed by an Earthquake to shake it up good.* Then, if the Magmar is male, I'm going to throw a Stun Ball if I get him to sleep (if he isn't asleep I'll have Hydronix Yawn again for me to throw the Stun Ball on my next update).

    Edit: Once again it's Monday, so may I have a Pokeball, Great Ball and Ultra Ball please?

    Also, to you guys that have it, happy halloween!
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  10. #10
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Telling Poochyena that you will train him makes his ears perk up; when you continue and explain that you won't be pampering, he stares at you or a second, then grins.
    'Oh well, one out of two isn't that bad, right?'
    You bring out your shiny Master Ball and hit the switch. Poochyena turns into red light and is absorbed into the ball.

    Poochyena M L10

    What are you going to do?

    Mawile nods in response to your comment before following you as you cautiously edge forward to get a look at what's going on. The Aerodactyl is lying rather awkwardly on the sand, both wings bent at odd angles. The Lunatone floats down closer, causing the pteradactyl's eyes to shoot open and he glares at the rock.
    Lifting his head, he begins to scramble slowly to his feet, yet doesn't bother to try to fold his wings. You can't help but notice that a Dugtrio and Numel are cautiously approaching from the opposite side.
    What are you going to do?

    Kyle~ You get the balls. And it's late, but happy Halloween too xD
    Quickly recalling your two Pokémon, you release your best Pokémon for the job. Hydronix grins, then throws his head back and yawns wide and long in the Magmar's direction. He doesn't give any indication of noticing the Blastoise's attack, and charges, electricity flowing over his fist. Hydronix smashes his feet into the ground, making it buckle and lurch, but Magmar springs up, lithely grabbing onto Hydronix's shell, avoiding the attack and delivering a vicious punch as well.
    What are you going to do?

  11. #11
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Kyle~ You get the balls. And it's late, but happy Halloween too xD
    Quickly recalling your two Pokémon, you release your best Pokémon for the job. Hydronix grins, then throws his head back and yawns wide and long in the Magmar's direction. He doesn't give any indication of noticing the Blastoise's attack, and charges, electricity flowing over his fist. Hydronix smashes his feet into the ground, making it buckle and lurch, but Magmar springs up, lithely grabbing onto Hydronix's shell, avoiding the attack and delivering a vicious punch as well.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I had a feeling this Magmar might be trouble.

    No matter, seems like Hydronix is going to need some help, so I'm going to send out Charra, my female Charizard, and have her use an Attract to get the Magmar's attention.

    If Attract managed to work on the Magmar, I'm going to have Hydronix blast him with a few Water Guns.

    If the Magmar ever gets weak, I'm going to throw an Ultra Ball at him.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  12. #12
    Passion's Flames Burns Bright Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Telling Poochyena that you will train him makes his ears perk up; when you continue and explain that you won't be pampering, he stares at you or a second, then grins.
    'Oh well, one out of two isn't that bad, right?'
    You bring out your shiny Master Ball and hit the switch. Poochyena turns into red light and is absorbed into the ball.

    Poochyena M L10

    What are you going to do?
    I will give my fondest farewells to Houndour and Growlithe, then I will move on.

    As for poochyena, here as follows, I shall nickname him Fenris, Bred-on move will be Poison Fang and level 10 TM move shall be Snatch, if thats alright.
    Penname( Twilight The Umbreon

    Am I back? Maybe...just maybe...

    250 posts - October 6th, 2006

    I'm a pokefan, writer and gamer. And don't you forget it!

  13. #13
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Sending out your Charizard, she flutters her eyelashes at the Magmar and utters a seductive coo. Although it's not clear if she's actually managed to attract him, he is distracted enough to allow Hydronix to hit him with a Water Gun. The blast knocks him back; as he staggers back to recover, you notice that his eyelids seeming to be drooping. Encouraged by this, you call to Hydronix who launches another Water Gun.
    Hoping that he's weakened enough, you fling an Ultra Ball in his direction, but he has enough strength left to smack the ball away with his tail.
    What are you going to do?

    SoulflameNinetales~ Remember the location ~_^
    Saying your goodbyes to the Houndour and Growlithe, you decide to walk further on into the South Caverns. Your luck at finding dog-like Pokémon doesn't end there, as you enter a new chamber and discover a magnificent Houndoom sprawled on the rock, fast asleep. A Spoink and Slowpoke are sitting patiently nearby, and both turn their attention intently to you when you appear.
    What are you going to do?

  14. #14
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Sending out your Charizard, she flutters her eyelashes at the Magmar and utters a seductive coo. Although it's not clear if she's actually managed to attract him, he is distracted enough to allow Hydronix to hit him with a Water Gun. The blast knocks him back; as he staggers back to recover, you notice that his eyelids seeming to be drooping. Encouraged by this, you call to Hydronix who launches another Water Gun.
    Hoping that he's weakened enough, you fling an Ultra Ball in his direction, but he has enough strength left to smack the ball away with his tail.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Looks like I'll have to get the Magmar to start panting if I want to conserve the Master Ball I have (against any Pokemon, it is pretty much a last resort unless I was in big time danger), so if the Magmar is still attracted to Charra, I'll have Hydronix continue to soak him with two Water Guns until I can get the Magmar really weak. However, if the Attract is starting to wear off, I'll have Charra Attract him again before I have Hyrdonix give the double drenching to the Magmar.

    If possible, I'll throw another Ultra Ball if I see that the Magmar is getting really weak (e.g. if he is panting heavily).
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Mawile nods in response to your comment before following you as you cautiously edge forward to get a look at what's going on. The Aerodactyl is lying rather awkwardly on the sand, both wings bent at odd angles. The Lunatone floats down closer, causing the pteradactyl's eyes to shoot open and he glares at the rock.
    Lifting his head, he begins to scramble slowly to his feet, yet doesn't bother to try to fold his wings. You can't help but notice that a Dugtrio and Numel are cautiously approaching from the opposite side.
    What are you going to do?

    I'm going to stay safely behind the rock and watch what's going on.
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    SoulflameNinetales~ Remember the location ~_^
    Saying your goodbyes to the Houndour and Growlithe, you decide to walk further on into the South Caverns. Your luck at finding dog-like Pokémon doesn't end there, as you enter a new chamber and discover a magnificent Houndoom sprawled on the rock, fast asleep. A Spoink and Slowpoke are sitting patiently nearby, and both turn their attention intently to you when you appear.
    What are you going to do?
    Oh sorry about that.... :redface:

    South Caverns

    I will greet the Slowpoke and the Spoink cautiously. I will also carefully glance at the sleeping Houndoom, since i'm not sure how deep asleep the Houndoom really is.
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  17. #17
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Jeff~ It's no real problem, just something I wanted to comment on before hand.
    Grabbing Fiamma's Poké Ball, you turn and leg it in the direction the Wynaut went....yet you're not fast enough to out-run the water jetting towards you. It catches you round the ankles and you topple over, slamming your head against the rocky floor. The cold water revives you, but as it splashes around and over your head, you groan and faint.


    Woozily lifting your head, you stare dazedly around at the cavern. You've got no idea what time it is or how long you were out for, when you hear a snickering coming from somewhere close by.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    First, I'm going to curse under my breath. A lot. Then, I'm going to head for the East Caverns.


    The Magmar slowly shakes its head, as if trying to clear its mind. Hydronix takes the opportunity to blast it with another Water Gun, but the Magmar suddenly disappears. You glance around, and notice that it has suddenly reappeared behind you and your Pokemon. Before you can do anything, it opens its mouth and spits out a thick, black cloud of smoke. The Smog wraps around you, and you can hear you Pokemon hacking. What do you do?

    You watch carefully, not making a sound. The Aerodactyl begins to lift off, snorting at the Lunatone, but suddenly dozens of rocks barrel forth from the ground and pin the Aerodactyl's wings down. It screams and thrashes about; you notice the Dugtrio and Numel behind it, looking smug. The Lunatone floats itself down to the bird's level and carefulyl aims at it, but before it can launch an attack, the Aerodactyl blasts it away with a Screech. As you cover your ears, you notice the Dugtrio scurry away, although the Numel seems not to notice. What do you do?


    You haltingly greet the Psychic Pokemon. Th Spoink enthusiastically greets you back, beginning to bounce even higher, while the Slowpoke... well, the Slowpoke doesn't really do much of anything, true to form. You cautiously glance at the Houndoom. It's still sleeping like a big, fiery, canine baby. It seems pretty asleep. What will you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    The Magmar slowly shakes its head, as if trying to clear its mind. Hydronix takes the opportunity to blast it with another Water Gun, but the Magmar suddenly disappears. You glance around, and notice that it has suddenly reappeared behind you and your Pokemon. Before you can do anything, it opens its mouth and spits out a thick, black cloud of smoke. The Smog wraps around you, and you can hear you Pokemon hacking. What do you do?
    South Caverns

    Ouch, this is not good.

    I've got a funny feeling Hydronix and/or Charra got poisoned here.

    No matter, this Magmar isn't going to elude me for long. I'm going to have Hydronix use a Rapid Spin (Hannah, Jeff, Linc, Amy, incase any of you are wondering, I made an Eevee House post where I updated the moves for Hydronix, Blizzi my Jynx and Xeno my male Alakazam, Hydronix got my Rapid Spin TM, Blizzi got the Fake Tears TM I got in a trade from Rebecca, and Xeno got my Thunderpunch TM) to clear the smog, and from there, I'm going to have him Yawn again at the Magmar, and have Charra ready to attack the Magmar with Metal Claw if he tries to interfere with Hydronix' Yawning. If I can get the Magmar to fall asleep, I'll throw a Stun Ball at him.

    Edit: It's Monday again, so I'd like the usual trio of a Pokeball, Great Ball and Ultra Ball please.

    Knight of Time

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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    You watch carefully, not making a sound. The Aerodactyl begins to lift off, snorting at the Lunatone, but suddenly dozens of rocks barrel forth from the ground and pin the Aerodactyl's wings down. It screams and thrashes about; you notice the Dugtrio and Numel behind it, looking smug. The Lunatone floats itself down to the bird's level and carefulyl aims at it, but before it can launch an attack, the Aerodactyl blasts it away with a Screech. As you cover your ears, you notice the Dugtrio scurry away, although the Numel seems not to notice. What do you do?

    Keeping my ears covered, I'm going to make my way over to a different rock to hide behind.
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Sorry for not updating, I went home for the week, and, er, had a lot more things to occupy my time. And yesterday I got side-tracked by my friend.

    Letting loose your feelings, you hear whatever it was sniggering in the dark take fright and run of squealing. Kicking at random stones, you moodily make your way eastwards, eventually arriving in the East Caverns.
    There you discover a Machop attempting to teach a Meditite the correct way to karate chop an object. Unfortunately, the Meditite is not paying any attention to the instruction. This might be a good thing as they're 'practising' on the leg of an unconsious Absol who is beginning to show signs of stirring.
    What are you going to do?

    Kyle~ You've got the balls.
    Shouting out for Hydronix to use a Rapid Spin, you hear a slight thunk, before a rushing sound begins to fill the air. The thick cloud begins to swirl rapidly, into a tighter and tighter vortex. Next second, you hear a thud and a snarl/yelp as your Rapid Spinning Blastoise accidentally strikes the Magmar who apparently couldn't see any better than you could in the cloud. As the last bits disperse, Hydronix spins back to his feet and Yawns in the Magmar's direction. Magmar sways unsteadily; Charra hits him with a Metal claw, regardless; he totters and you decide that half-asleep should count. You fling the Stun Ball, crossing your fingers as Magmar vanishes inside.
    And in a matter of seconds, it's all over.

    Magmar (L16 M)

    What are you going to do?

    Clamping your hands over your ears, you stagger away, diving behind another, further-away, rock. This is just in time as an extra loud screech roars from behind and in a cloud of sand, the Aerodactyl manages to lift off again. The injuries it took to its wings prevent it from flying high, but it swoops down over the land, giving you a fine view of its muscular body. Tilting its wings, it circles low, brushing the ground with its wingtips as it re-faces Lunatone.
    Snarling, it bears it teeth and lunges forward; Lunatone attempts to hit it with an ice Beam, but Aerodactyl stalls and just doges it. Flashing forward with Agility, it swings round to hit Lunatone from the back. The moon tries to counter with a Shadow Ball, but Aerodactyl takes the attack before seizing the rock in its teeth and biting deep.
    Even from where you're sitting, you hear the crunch of rock.
    What are you going to do?

  21. #21
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Kyle~ You've got the balls.
    Shouting out for Hydronix to use a Rapid Spin, you hear a slight thunk, before a rushing sound begins to fill the air. The thick cloud begins to swirl rapidly, into a tighter and tighter vortex. Next second, you hear a thud and a snarl/yelp as your Rapid Spinning Blastoise accidentally strikes the Magmar who apparently couldn't see any better than you could in the cloud. As the last bits disperse, Hydronix spins back to his feet and Yawns in the Magmar's direction. Magmar sways unsteadily; Charra hits him with a Metal claw, regardless; he totters and you decide that half-asleep should count. You fling the Stun Ball, crossing your fingers as Magmar vanishes inside.
    And in a matter of seconds, it's all over.

    Magmar (L16 M)

    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Excellent, that's two out of three fire Pokemon I wanted that I found and caught here.

    It's definitely been a while since I had my old adopted male Magby (his name was Volco), but I'm not going to name the Magmar after him. Instead, I'm going to call him Archimedes. I'll make his breed-on move Cross Chop, and his free TM Flamethrower. For an added bonus, I'm going to give Archimedes a second bred-on move, namely the Barrier TM I got from the EMT at Goldenrod Tower in October. It will probably suit him well.

    As for myself, I'm going to patiently wait, seeing if the original mystery Pokemon that contacted me earlier is around. If it is, and it's nearby, I'm going to check it out. If the original mystery Pokemon is not around, I'm going to ask it to give me directions to it. However, if I hear absolutely nothing, I'm going to move onward. The time has come for me to soon find and catch a Pokemon I almost had in my adoptees team over a year ago (I'm not disclosing the species of the Pokemon I once had, though).
    Knight of Time

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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Letting loose your feelings, you hear whatever it was sniggering in the dark take fright and run of squealing. Kicking at random stones, you moodily make your way eastwards, eventually arriving in the East Caverns.
    There you discover a Machop attempting to teach a Meditite the correct way to karate chop an object. Unfortunately, the Meditite is not paying any attention to the instruction. This might be a good thing as they're 'practising' on the leg of an unconsious Absol who is beginning to show signs of stirring.
    What are you going to do?
    East Caves

    I'ma keep moving.


    You wait. And wait. And wait some more. When suddenly... you wait. After some more waiting, you decide to... wait. Eventually, you decide that the mysterious voice must have left. You continue on through the caves. In the next cavern, you are hit with deja vu - a jet of flame narrowly misses you. A second jet bursts forth and also fails to hit you. Diving behind a rock for cover, you glance around: a Torchic and a Vulpix are aiming blasts all over the room. An Absol is neatly jumping from boulder to boulder, didging. Turning away from them, you notice a small Carvanha in a similarly small puddle, gasping for breath. What do you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    You send out your Pokemon. Moving quickly, they dispatch the three Treecko to slumberland. Thanking them, you move to the pond that the Treecko were guarding. You set the Chinchou in it, and it splashes around a bit before looking up at you and thanking you immensely. What do you do?

    I'll watch the chinchou a few minutes then continue looking around the meadow.


    Not even slightly interested in catching the pokemon in the room, you hurry past the stirring absol into the next room. There you hear the sound of splashing and you look around discovering a small pool. In that pool, is a Carvanah swimming about erratically trying to keep as much distance between the outer edges of the small pool and the curious tyrogue. A snort of amusement from behind causes you to turn around. There is a huge houndoom watching the unfolding scene with much amusement. What will you do?
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Not even slightly interested in catching the pokemon in the room, you hurry past the stirring absol into the next room. There you hear the sound of splashing and you look around discovering a small pool. In that pool, is a Carvanah swimming about erratically trying to keep as much distance between the outer edges of the small pool and the curious tyrogue. A snort of amusement from behind causes you to turn around. There is a huge houndoom watching the unfolding scene with much amusement. What will you do?
    East Caves

    I'll go over and get the Tyrogue's attention. First, I'll ask if it would like to travel with me. If yes, I'll toss a Pokeball at it, if not, I'll challenge it and send out my male Slwoking, Lento.


    You watch the Chinchou - it seems very happy indeed. Eventually, it drifts off into a nap, and you keep moving. However, you're soon stopped by a huge shadow passing overhead, coinciding with a noise very much like a jet. You glance up, and notice a Tropius circling in the sky. Diverting your attention, you see a herd of Girafarig running in the distance. A Lotad wanders absentmindedly in front of you. What do you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger

    You wait. And wait. And wait some more. When suddenly... you wait. After some more waiting, you decide to... wait. Eventually, you decide that the mysterious voice must have left. You continue on through the caves. In the next cavern, you are hit with deja vu - a jet of flame narrowly misses you. A second jet bursts forth and also fails to hit you. Diving behind a rock for cover, you glance around: a Torchic and a Vulpix are aiming blasts all over the room. An Absol is neatly jumping from boulder to boulder, didging. Turning away from them, you notice a small Carvanha in a similarly small puddle, gasping for breath. What do you do?
    South Caverns

    Okay, I already have an adopted Vulpix and Absol, but since this area definitely isn't completely safe, I'm going to send out Xeno my male Alakazam to Teleport me to a different area in the South Caverns.
    Knight of Time

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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Striding over, you easliy catch the Tyrogue's attention; pulling out a Poké Ball, you grin and ask whether or not he'd like to come along with you. He scowls and shakes his head, but before he can turn away, you release your Slowking.
    Lento assumes a battle position, but before you can issue any orders, the Tyrogue charges forward and kicks Lento hard on the side of his head.
    What are you going to do?

    Uninterested, you send out your Alakazam, watching as your surroundings waver and fade away. As you rematerialise, you hear a gasp and a Ponyta comes charging over, looking at you in amazement.
    Behind her, you can also see a Cyndaquil and Poochyena watching you with some trepidation.
    What are you going to do?

  27. #27
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Striding over, you easliy catch the Tyrogue's attention; pulling out a Poké Ball, you grin and ask whether or not he'd like to come along with you. He scowls and shakes his head, but before he can turn away, you release your Slowking.
    Lento assumes a battle position, but before you can issue any orders, the Tyrogue charges forward and kicks Lento hard on the side of his head.
    What are you going to do?
    East Caverns

    I'll have Lento blast Tyrogue with a couple of Psychics, then he'll Yawn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Uninterested, you send out your Alakazam, watching as your surroundings waver and fade away. As you rematerialise, you hear a gasp and a Ponyta comes charging over, looking at you in amazement.
    Behind her, you can also see a Cyndaquil and Poochyena watching you with some trepidation.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Ooh, another Ponyta.

    I'm going to say hello to her and the other two Pokemon before I move on again.

    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Retaliating as fast as he can, Lento sends a blast of psychic power shooting towards the Tyrogue. He rsponds by throwing up a protective shield, which deflects the oncoming attack away. Undetered, Lento aims another shot; Tyrogue attempts to continue with his shield, but it fades away, allowing Lento's attack to send the smaller fighter smashing into the wall opposite.
    What are you going to do?

    Cheerfully saying hello to the Ponyta and other Pokémon, you hurry away before any of them can respond, entering the next cavern. A glittering gem is lying on the floor ahead of you; as you approach, a Houndour charges out of nowhere and bats it away. A Drowzee appears soon after, chasing after and giving the gem a good kick when he can.
    Sobs alert you to another creature; a Torkoal is curled up in the corner, crying, with a gem-shaped hole in his shell.
    What are you going to do?

  30. #30
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Cheerfully saying hello to the Ponyta and other Pokémon, you hurry away before any of them can respond, entering the next cavern. A glittering gem is lying on the floor ahead of you; as you approach, a Houndour charges out of nowhere and bats it away. A Drowzee appears soon after, chasing after and giving the gem a good kick when he can.
    Sobs alert you to another creature; a Torkoal is curled up in the corner, crying, with a gem-shaped hole in his shell.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Uh oh, looks like this gem might belong to the poor Torkoal, so I'm going to ask him if it does belong to him. If it does, I'm going to tell him I'll make sure I get it back for him. Then I'm going to have Xeno (my male Alakazam) use a fast Psychic to pull the gem away from the Houndour and Drowzee and into the Torkoal's shell, telling them it is not nice to take something that doesn't belong to them.

    Say, since it's Monday, may I have a Pokeball, Great Ball and Ultra Ball please?

    Also, there's something else I need to ask. If a wild Pokemon is paralyzed or is asleep, is an Ultra Ball as effective as a Stun Ball?
    Knight of Time

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    Kyle~ You get the balls. And in response to your question, it generally depends on the updater, though giving a Pokémon a status affliction generally will make it easier to catch, regardless. So yes, generally, though other things will obviously be factored in as well.

    The Torkoal doesn't respond when you ask if the gem belongs to him, but it seems too much of a coincidence for you to ignore, so you send out your Alakazam, who focuses on the glittering object being flung around. It shakes, then rapidly jerks away from the Houndour and Drowzee, shooting across the cavern and drifting into your hand. The Torkoal lifts his head and stares at you, his tears drying out as you tell the other Pokémon that what they were doing isn't very nice; both blink, though the Drowzee does look rather shamefaced.
    What are you going to do?

  32. #32
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Kyle~ You get the balls. And in response to your question, it generally depends on the updater, though giving a Pokémon a status affliction generally will make it easier to catch, regardless. So yes, generally, though other things will obviously be factored in as well.

    The Torkoal doesn't respond when you ask if the gem belongs to him, but it seems too much of a coincidence for you to ignore, so you send out your Alakazam, who focuses on the glittering object being flung around. It shakes, then rapidly jerks away from the Houndour and Drowzee, shooting across the cavern and drifting into your hand. The Torkoal lifts his head and stares at you, his tears drying out as you tell the other Pokémon that what they were doing isn't very nice; both blink, though the Drowzee does look rather shamefaced.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Okay, I'm going to ask the Torkoal how he lost his gem, then I'm going to turn to the Drowzee, awaiting an apology from him. If he (the Drowzee) does apologize, I'll forgive him. I'll also be ready to forgive the Houndour if it decides to apologize too.

    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Retaliating as fast as he can, Lento sends a blast of psychic power shooting towards the Tyrogue. He rsponds by throwing up a protective shield, which deflects the oncoming attack away. Undetered, Lento aims another shot; Tyrogue attempts to continue with his shield, but it fades away, allowing Lento's attack to send the smaller fighter smashing into the wall opposite.
    What are you going to do?
    East Caverns

    I will have Lento use Psychic again. Then Lento shall Yawn until Tyrogue's asleep, at which point I shall hurl an Ultra Ball.


    The Torkoal closes its eyes for a second, as if to gather its thoughts. When it opens it eyes, it speaks up, very quietly. "I was... sleeping," it mutters. "When I woke up, they were... kicking my gem around." The Drowzee immediately steps forward, blushing profusely. It apologizes quietly to the Torkoal, who nods slowly. The Houndour, on the other hand, turns away and begins to torment a Slowpoke who just happened to enter the chamber. What do you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  34. #34
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger

    The Torkoal closes its eyes for a second, as if to gather its thoughts. When it opens it eyes, it speaks up, very quietly. "I was... sleeping," it mutters. "When I woke up, they were... kicking my gem around." The Drowzee immediately steps forward, blushing profusely. It apologizes quietly to the Torkoal, who nods slowly. The Houndour, on the other hand, turns away and begins to torment a Slowpoke who just happened to enter the chamber. What do you do?
    South Caverns

    Okay, I'm going to put the gem back where it belongs in the Torkoal (hopefully I won't accidently burn myself), then I'm going to say "You're welcome" to the Torkoal before I recall my Alakazam back into his Pokeball and move on again to another cavern in the area.
    Knight of Time

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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Lento focuses on another Psychic, picking the Tyrogue up and smashing him against the floor. Judging the fighter to be weakened enough, you call out for him to stop and switch to Yawn; as Lento opens his mouth wide, the other Pokémon shudders, before blurring. He shoots across the distance between them, smashing Lento hard in the mouth with a Mach Punch. Your Slowking stumbles back, as Tyrogue eyes droop. He has one last tactic though; seconds before he falls asleep, he spits a mouthful of thick poison on Lento's head.
    Lento yelps as you fling an Ultra Ball in the Tyrogue's direction; after taking that heavy damage and asleep to boot, he is easily caught.

    Tyrogue L10 M

    What are you going to do?

    Desperately hoping that you're not going to get burnt, you carefully manouver the gem into its rightful place in the Torkoal's shell. Luckily enough, you aren't burned; all you feel is a rather nice, steady glow of heat against you hands. Smiling, you say good bye, 'you're welcome', before you recall Xeno.
    Striding away and into the next cavern, you instantly receive a flash of light in your eyes. Yelping, you cover them and stumble around for a bit before something grabs you. Looking down, you manage to make out a Metang staring at you. It quickly apologises; it turns out that it was practising its Flash move, just as you walked in. Nodding, you manage to sneak a look around- a Combusken and Absol are sitting contentedly on the opposite side of the cave.
    What are you going to do?

  36. #36
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Desperately hoping that you're not going to get burnt, you carefully manouver the gem into its rightful place in the Torkoal's shell. Luckily enough, you aren't burned; all you feel is a rather nice, steady glow of heat against you hands. Smiling, you say good bye, 'you're welcome', before you recall Xeno.
    Striding away and into the next cavern, you instantly receive a flash of light in your eyes. Yelping, you cover them and stumble around for a bit before something grabs you. Looking down, you manage to make out a Metang staring at you. It quickly apologises; it turns out that it was practising its Flash move, just as you walked in. Nodding, you manage to sneak a look around- a Combusken and Absol are sitting contentedly on the opposite side of the cave.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'm going to say "Don't worry, I'm okay. Accidents are accidents after all." to the Metang before I go on again.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  37. #37
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Reassuring the Metang that accidents do happen, you trot through the cavern as fast as you can, giving an exaggerated wave at the flustered steel type who is watching you worriedly as you leave.
    Once you're some way from the cave, down the newest passage, you slow down and look around to see what you can spot. A Charmander is sitting poking at the wall a little way off; closer to you, a Kirlia is fanning herself extravantly and looking smug, watched by a contemptuous looking Cacturne.
    What are you going to do?

  38. #38
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Reassuring the Metang that accidents do happen, you trot through the cavern as fast as you can, giving an exaggerated wave at the flustered steel type who is watching you worriedly as you leave.
    Once you're some way from the cave, down the newest passage, you slow down and look around to see what you can spot. A Charmander is sitting poking at the wall a little way off; closer to you, a Kirlia is fanning herself extravantly and looking smug, watched by a contemptuous looking Cacturne.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'm going to move on once again, doing my best to stay away from the Cacturne.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  39. #39
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Ignoring (and avoiding) these Pokémon, you continue further into the South Caverns. After a bit of searching you find a pair of Girafarig's happily grooming each other. As you watch them, you notice that you're suddenly standing in shadow; looking up, you realise that a Solrock is hovering above you.
    What are you going to do?

  40. #40
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V13 [M.A]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Ignoring (and avoiding) these Pokémon, you continue further into the South Caverns. After a bit of searching you find a pair of Girafarig's happily grooming each other. As you watch them, you notice that you're suddenly standing in shadow; looking up, you realise that a Solrock is hovering above you.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'm going to say hello to the Solrock above me and also say hello to the two Girafarig before I keep going on.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

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