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Thread: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts [Mature] FINISHED!

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  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts [Mature] FINISHED!

    Chronicles Of The Rift 2
    Brought to you by:
    Roy Karrde

    Series Created by
    Roy Karrde and Fai D. Flowright

    Two worlds collide, two worlds subside.
    Two different strokes that create brilliant,
    Vivid objects upon the canvas of life are blended,
    As the brush overlaps colors.

    As the two connect,
    The surreal surroundings become obsolete
    As they begin to spiral into a centrifugal web of emotions.

    As they cross barriers,
    Each become archeologists of the heart,
    As each dig to find what each world has to offer.

    Things are discovered,
    New territory to be explored,
    Terrain that has never been mapped is uncovered,
    As each set sail upon the ocean of discovery.

    It has been one year since the last group of warriors emerged victorious from their struggle and reunited two worlds. Those chosen ones soon found themselves back in their own bodies and in their own homes. Now it is time for a new set of warriors to step forth, some will be ones that journeyed before, some will be new ones to take the journey.

    In the world known as Sünde there are two continents of civilization. Each as different as day and night. One of them, lives in absolute harmony, they are called God’s People by those that envy them, for they are beautiful and live a life of tranquility of half breeds and humans, in which no harm can touch them. On the other continent there are the Fearls, nasty and horrible looking creatures who live in pain and agony, but at the same time live a life of endless battle. The only thing separating the two civilizations are large crystals erected by God to protect his people, the crystals which take Mana from the core of Sünde not only repeal the Fearls, but also provide the people of Gens with their lavish lifestyle.

    Over the many centuries the people of Gens began to take for granted what God had given them, often taking for granted their lifestyle and beauty. Many believe this is what led to their downfall, as the chapels and shrines built for God were torn down for things that would further their comfort.

    Angered by this God told the Mana to stop powering the crystals and turned his back on the people of Gens. With no way to protect themselves the Fearls soon began to invade and slowly town by town was attacked by the Fearls. The land of Gens soon became too dangerous for most travelers and those that were once known as God’s People had to hide and live in fear.

    Although God was not with out mercy, he sought out warriors to come to Gens since there was none to be found in that land, in hopes that the warriors would visit each of the six shrines hidden in the land and to restart the mana flow and defeat the Fearls.

    This is where you come in, while visiting the Pokemasters boards one day you notice a PM from a new member asking you to join his new RPG. When you click on the link you are surprised to find the plot is intriguing and unique for some one with only one post. You are almost compelled to sign up, and once you do your finger hovers over the enter button. When you press it down, the whole world seems to spin before darkness overcomes you.

    When you wake up you find yourself in a new body, just like the one you wrote in your sign up. You are the next group of Chosen Warriors, tasked with the duty of bringing hope and freedom to a land on the brink of disaster, but the most important thing you bring is... faith

    Chain Group
    Roy Karrde: Adalia
    Kalad1: Danarica
    Bulbasaur4: Moswen
    Crystal Tears: Sierra
    Toxicity: Aroya
    Classy_cat18: Kite
    Dr.McNinja: Dimitri
    Prof JB. Wolf: Ban Ravi
    PoLHaruko-san: Ovan
    PokemonLuver: Loki

    Real Name: What you call yourself in real life, Nicknames if you need
    Gender: Male or Female
    Personality: Your real personality

    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~
    (this is the form that appears in the RPG that your character joins)
    Name: Make it sound ancient or unique; this is a whole new world. Regular names like Mike are not commonplace here
    Gender: Again Male or Female
    Race: Human or Half Breed. Half Breed can be any animal combined with a Human within reason
    Age: List your characters age or atleast the age that they appear
    Bodily Appearance: Include all details on your appearance, you guy’s know the drill. if you are a Half Breed use this part to describe what makes you different from a normal human
    Clothing Appearance: Be as specific as you can be here. If you don’t put it here, people won’t know what you have or don’t have.
    Weapon: Describe your weapon here, what it looks like, functions, and if it has any special abilities. Keep the weapons within reason, and remember this is like the middle ages, so no Guns or superior weaponry, if you are a Summoner or your class requires some sort of pet, describe the pet or spirit here. Remember it needs to be small and weak at first.
    Magic: [I]Describe here how you use your magic, the process and over all ability some of it is, you don’t have to describe all of your magic since there will be things that you pick up or decide to change on the way, but just a brief introduction to it.

    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~
    Changed Personality: Have you been changed any by entering the RPG? If you have describe it here, if not leave this blank
    Other: Insert anything else here

    Magic System: In this RPG the Magic is up to the users imagination. There is several types of magic that could be used from Summon magic, to Tarot Magic, to Object Magic, to Elemental Magic, or what ever else you decide. Magic will vary every time you use it, since nothing can ever be recreated exactly the same down to every detail, magic is no different. Colors can be different such as blue flames instead of red along with intensity and other elements of magic. No two times you use a spell will be exactly the same.

    Character Example:
    Real Name: Ryan Lutz
    Gender: Male
    Personality:[i] He cares about his friends the most, he would bend over backwards to help a friend and do about anything for them. He isn’t that easily annoyed and shrugs most things off. He likes to joke around a lot and have fun; he is also a bit of a womanizer and enjoys flirting. Lately he has had a lot of stress, which has caused his usual happy personality to be somewhat depressed.

    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~
    Name: Adalia
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Age: 11
    Bodily Appearance: PictureOnly measuring 4’8” she’s about right height for her age. She has soft light hazel eyes and long golden blond hair that stretches down just half way before her elbows, she doesn’t have much of a body figure yet, and it is pretty much kept hidden under the thick robe. She has soft skin that with her healing powers allows her to keep from having a single blemish, She has a bit of a small button nose and her hair dips down to just above her eyebrows.
    Clothing Appearance: PictureA long flowing white robe that reaches her feet, the robe covers both of her arms up to her hands. The robe’s color is a pure white to represent her power, with a light purple border that goes around the bottom of the robe and around the sleeves of the robe. The robe has a hood that also has the light purple border; she uses the hood most of the time that she is in town. Her feet are sandaled which are of a tan color with leather straps. The robe comes with a white sash that she keeps around her at all times and is sometimes used to hold the staff.
    Weapon: It’s a brown staff in design and about 2 feet tall, it’s made out of three small branches that are wrapped around each other. At the top of the staff rests a light pink diamond shaped crystal that is held by the three branches. The staff is used as a focal point of the body’s mana to create magic for humans.
    Magic: She channels the mana in her body through her arm and into her hand, before flowing it out into her staff and into the crystal which emits healing powers or what ever she decides for the mana to do.

    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~
    Changed Personality: With a new found sense of freedom, Adalia is a lot more relaxed and loose, she will tease and play around as much as she wants, and almost never takes anything seriously. Also with all the female hormones she isn’t very attracted to girls, yet has a hard time trying to be okay around boys sometimes.
    Other: She has a soft melodious voice which is a distinct change from his old deep voice.

    David Ryan Lutz
    ~*~*~*~*~ Arriving Home ~*~*~*~*~

    Dropping my keys onto the couch and with a slumped over backpack, I stagger into my apartment, exhausted after seven hours of being stuck in one small room working on level design. The stale warm air of the apartment was a fresh welcome from the chill that lingered outside this time of a year. “Welcome home.” I mumbled to myself flipping on the computer and slowly walked into the bathroom as it booted up.

    Mentally as well as physically exhausted I slumped back down in my chair, kicking off my shorts and shirt since I never had visitors around. Even the chair was broken, the arm slumped to one side causing the whole chair to lean to one side. The private messages used to fly at me a hundred a minute, being berated by several people that wanted to know how I was doing or something else. Now they came at a trickle, or even none at all as everyone seemed to have their own lives or responsibilities. The era of the three mod best friends had long passed with Kalah and Tony both being busy now days.

    So here I was, alone, this life just as much of a party as was advertised. My Internet Explorer finding it’s way to TPM as it always does, as I began to scan the forums. A brief flash of bold white caught my eye as I began to scroll down the front page, rolling the mouse back up I found a suspicious, one in the PM window. Boredom and Curiosity over took me as I clicked on the Private Messages link, bringing me to see that the message was from some new poster asking about their new RPG.

    Searching out the RPG I found it floating around the third page, not a single sign up or post in it. Feeling a bit sorry for the poor guy, I went on and clicked on the link, reading the story that was put up, a story about faith lost and a people unable to fight. With nothing to do the next few hours, I shrugged a bit and began to fill out a sign up while sending off the link to Kalah via Instant Message so that she could check it out when ever she got online.

    Even though I had sworn off making any more female characters for the time being to focus on a creating different male characters, I found myself typing out an old sign up. The exact same one that I had written more than a year ago when I took a small trip to another world which now seemed more like a dream. Finishing it up and not even caring about coding it properly, I brought my finger down to the Quick Post button. It hovered there for a second, and then with almost glee I clicked the button down.

    At first it felt like a electric shock that shook me to my core, sending me sprawling back into my chair, breaking the cushion and sending me falling to the ground. Darkness began to creep around the edges of my vision as I groaned and tried to stand up, only to find my body paralyzed. Panic and fear began to run through my vains as the darkness crept closer and filled my vision, and then… the panic and fear vanished… replaced by… nothingness.

    The darkness gave way to the light and I felt as if I were floating in thin air, just floating there, which somewhat freaked me out due to the fact that I was in my underwear. “You have been chosen to bring faith to a faithless world” A strong yet tired voice boomed, it was all around, coming from every crevasse of the expanse I was floating in.

    “It will not be a easy job, it will be filled with trials and tribulations along the way, but you are their only hope. Now go and find the temples hidden in each city before the Fearls do.”


    The light and air began to thin, now filled more with the scent of soot and oil from machines. Bringing my hands up and rubbing my eyes a few times and coughing from the almost toxic air of fumes that clogged my lungs, I sat up and began to look around. All around us were smoke stacks and people bussling in and out, with ragged clothes, the city looked as if it was cut right out of the early 1800s. The faces of the people that passed us looked sad, near hopeless as they walked past. “Hey where..” I began to ask but suddenly found my voice caught in my throat. A lock of blonde hair fell in front of my face; a feeling of joy and satisfaction over took me. “YES!” I screamed in childish delight, pumping my fists into the air as I rose to my feet to find several other people lying around me, most half-breeds but a few humans.

    “Get out of the street!” An angry voice yelled drawing my attention to a man riding a Caligrey and buggy as the others began to stir. “Get out or I will run you over!” He shouted again smacking the reigns of the Caligrey, which were Deer like creatures used for travel.

    I bent down and began to nudge the person closest to me. “C’mon guys wake up, we have to move.” I whispered, my voice soft and melodious now, just as it was before. “Please, we have to get out of the street.” I continued to nudge him as more people began to yell in annoyance as a back up in the street began to pile up.

    Okay guys welcome to one of the largest cities in Sünde, a large industrial city that looks like New York in the 1800s. Although these people are peaceful so they never developed weapons and gun powder so don’t go off and buy yourself a gun. Just wake up and try to get used to your new body, maybe try and guess who is who. But most importantly of all, Get Out of the Road!
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 21st March 2007 at 09:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Dennis Lowrey
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Fairly easy going, but with a desire for real adventure and such, he suffers from Bipolar Disorder, leaving him prone to mood swings, though he tends to keep good control of himself. He doesn't like hurting people, and does not knowingly do so if he can help it. He is cautious in making friends, having had some bad experiences as a kid, but once he considers someone a friend, he keeps them friends for as long as possible.
    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~
    (this is the form that appears in the RPG that your character joins)
    Name: Danarica Fentarial
    Race: Human
    Age: About 19
    Bodily Appearance: Stands at about 5 foot tall, with bloody crimson hair cut short and bound into a pony tail. Her body is well built, lithe and graceful like a gymnast's, speaking of speed and power. Her facial features are elegant and refined, her lips full and brilliantly crimson, but with jarring, cold and calculating grey eyes. Her body is slightly curvy, with breasts slightly on the large size, but not too large, a moderate C cup.
    Clothing Appearance: She wears a form hugging set of slacks and tunic which are dyed a dull black good for sneaking, a leather cross belt, dyed similarly a dull black, holds a travelpack over her shoulder. Similar boots, padded to minimize noise, adorn her feet. And over it all, a black travel cloak.
    Weapon: Twin large curved daggers, practically short swords, both black and dull like the rest of her equipment.
    Magic: Her magic abilities revolve around manipulating shadows, she can stretch them, move them, and fade into them(She's still there, you just can't tell her apart from the shadows).
    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~
    Changed Personality: Danarica's emotional state is stable, without the mood swings, but she catches herself lapsing into either disturbingly amoral thought, or disturbingly sexual thoughts, and it slowly gets harder and harder to catch herself.

    >>Dennis Walter Lowrey<<
    **Boredom Strikes!**

    "What to do... what to do..." I wondered aloud, lounging around in my chair. Classes were out for the day, that Megaman Zero RPG forum wasn't active yet, and no one on deviantArt had added any new art. Looking over at my DS, I shook my head, I'd already beaten all of Portrait of Ruin, and I didn't want to play through Kirby again. I couldn't even annoy my brother, with him being up in Dayton. Well, it couldn't hurt to check TPM one last time.

    First put on some music, lessee here... Beyond the Bounds sounds good. Okay, that's done, time to go check. Lessee, not much, not much, not much... Hmmm? a new PM? Guess I'd better check that before I head to the RPG section. Some guy had a new RPG and wanted good players? Hmmm... well, I'd best at least check it out, I owed the guy at least that much for the implied compliment.

    Hmmm... three pages down? that's not a good sign... well, it looks like Roy posted, so it couldn't hurt to sign up. Hmm.. hmm... female... yadda yadda yadda... Hmmm... should make her sexy... There we go. Better check with Roy to see if there's any flaws.... c'mon, you can reply any year now... oh to hell with it. I moved the mouse...


    The best I could describe the following sensation would be as if lightning had struck me, and was flowing through my body, causing me to jerk and slump forward, face pressing into the keyboard, as darkness began to creep into my vision. Panic welled up within me, no, don't let me be dying, please, no... and then, blessed unconsciousness.

    I awoke to brilliant, illuminating radiance, floating in nothingness. Was this the afterlife? or did something else happen? either way, relief flowed through me, I still existed. Floating in strange brilliance suffused space? Relieving and very calming, easing my panic to a mere simmering in the back of my mind. "You have been chosen to bring faith to a faithless world." A voice, strong, but at the same time oddly tired, suffused the space, coming from all directions, despite the immesurability of this space.

    “It will not be a easy job, it will be filled with trials and tribulations along the way, but you are their only hope. Now go and find the temples hidden in each city before the Fearls do.”


    The brilliance began to... fade, giving way to color, texture and depth, and I smelled soot, and... machinery oil? And who was nudging me? I glanced around, my eyesight adjusting and treating me to the sight of a city straight out of the 1800s, the people dressed in mostly ragged clothes, though one could see one or two people in the crowds with marginally better apparel. I then saw the person nudging me, a little girl, urging me to get out of the street, I did so, sticking close to her, before looking down at myself, and muttering, "Oh GOD, this can't be happening..."
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  3. #3
    Supernova Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Danielle Leone
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Antisocial perfectionist sums it up in 2 words, although to those that Danielle can warm up to, she can be a bit bouncy and "fiesty". Has a mouth, temper and is a bit impatient. Also uses a lot of sarcasm, and thinks too far in the future for her own good. Loves technology and her laptop most of all, seems to spend more time around that then humans themselves.
    Name: Ovan
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Age: 22
    Bodily Appearance: Around 6'7", with messy brown hair(sideburns trimed though) and bright blue eyes, Ovan attracts girls easily, although his mindset isn't quite ready for it.(Not used to having.. THAT!) His body is also a bit muscular, but mostly because of his weapon. His body is mature and is of fair skin, even if he's out fighting. He's very tall because of genetic makeup, both of his parents were tall and it is said his grandma is a halfbreed.
    Clothing Appearance: Wears a light set of mail underneath a black tunic. The mail needs to be light to allow free movement with Ovans big weapon, but it doesn't help much against big blows. Mail does have a rune inscribed in it for magic uses, much like his brown, somewhat-worn-out leather gloves. The gloves have the fingers cut off because he finds that part of a glove uncomfortable. Otherwise, he has black pants and leather boots. Belt around his waist has a pouch for monies, and a hilt for his sword.
    The rune on his mail is protection, and the one on his gloves combine for destruction. He doesn't control the kind of magic that goes into the rune, but how much.
    Looks like this, but the blade is a bit bigger and the red jewel changes with the element of magic Ovan infuses into the sword. When infused with magic, it's weight is increased and therefore is the reason why Ovan uses no shield and little mail armor. Can also concentrate his own energy into the rune on his suit of mail for protection.
    Magic:Can infuse elemental properties into his sword. Water gives it a light blue aura, wind makes a viewable small whirlwind on the sword, fire ignite the blade yet doesn't melt it. Light gives a bright aura, darkness a forbidding aura. Ovan only starts off with controlling water, but then starts with fire and then other elements. The elements also can reflect on his personality: Fire for recklessness, light for optimistic, wind for courageous, water for reliable and darkness for when he's in the worst of moods. Takes energy and concentration out of all. The runes on his gloves are emergency use only. He can't control the rune properties at all, and it saps his energy when he tries to use it, so it's a major last resort.Both runes sap his strength, and he can't protect himself well with his mail's protection rune at first.
    Changed Personality: Danielle...moreso Ovan, has started to pick up his traits for better or for worse. Has started to get reckless and less anxious, although he does still get anxious and still holds everything in. Trys not to go to the local pubs but since he is of age, sometimes he will to get away from the others.XP
    Other: Calls redo. Wants to be a girl.>=D


    "Tabitha, if you don't stop biting that wire..I swear to GOD I WILL.."I shook my fist angerly at my youngest kitten, Tabby, as she was and was still teething on my new laptops AC adapter's wires. My tone of voice rose with the end of the sentence and she ran, most likely to get her stuffed animal 'baby' or something. I sighed, shook my head and plugged the cord into my laptop, flipping the screen up and turning the power button.

    'I wonder if anything interesting is going on..' I thought to myself as I looked at my sister as she sat at the desk, on her laptop organizing her music; a daily chore. I sat down on my bed parralel to her, indian style with my laptop on my lap. The desktop finally loaded and I was ready to go. I clicked on Firefox and quickly typed in through tabs the sites I wanted to check out: the FFXI LJ community, the WoW LJ community and Pokemasters. I had recently returned with Bulba's RPG, and found it a relaxing take away from some of the stress MMO's give.

    "One unread private message found"A Java message appeared on my screen, indicating PoL had a PM, a new one, a very...odd incident. I clicked yes and it popped the Pokemasters tab through the other tabs, loading the PM. It was someone, a new poster, inviting me to join their new RPG. I was only dedicated to one at them moment, so I decided to give it the shot. I left-clicked another tab to the Pokemasters main site and shifted through the RPG forums, trying to find the sign up page for the RPG.

    Untouched, it was found on the third page. The newbie must've sent invites hoping for a gasp of fresh air for his RPG, so I opened it up and read through the plot. It was a story about the faith lost and people unable to fight. Like with RPG's that caught my intrest, I instantly had a character idea in my head and copied the form into Wordpad, to type it up perfectly.

    I normally play boy characters because I'm the vulgar, hot headed type of girl and trying to portray that in a girl in a RPG setting is hard. I typed up the signup for a guy, and the name? I shifted around in my bed, and thought silently.

    "That'll do"I said to myself, putting the name in the field, copying the form and pasting it into a reply box. I moved my mouse over to the reply button with little hesitation, but stopped quickly when Deanna grumbled.

    "When do you think you'll be getting up?"She asked, lazy as ever. She was the religious one, commiting the sin of sloth.
    "Soooonnn"I moaned back and she laughed a little. She went back to her work and me mine, and I hit the enter button to the reply screen.

    A shockwave went through my computer and into me, I could feel my muscles twitching and my eyes being forced shut, as if being put to sleep with general anthesia. The last thing I could feel was my pillow to my head, and my sister asking "Danielle!?"

    My world shifted around me, as if in a dream. I was in a room of white light, floating in the center - light as a feather.

    “You have been chosen to bring faith to a faithless world”A voice of a tired, yet strong man echoed throughout the room. “It will not be a easy job, it will be filled with trials and tribulations along the way, but you are their only hope. Now go and find the temples hidden in each city before the Fearls do.”


    I slowly came to conciousness, leaving my eyes closed as I tried to identify the world around me. My room didn't smell like this even on a bad day; the smell of oil filled the air. The sounds were like a city, and the last I checked, NYC was a good train ride away..I felt a cold ground beneath me and..the senses didn't lie. I wasn't in my room anymore. But where was I? I slowly opened my eyes and looked across a few sleeping people to a girl and another girl who was just coming to. I moved out of the road; it was apparent we weren't in our present day world anymore, but a road was a road.

    "Oh GOD, this can't be happening..."I heard from the girl that was next to a younger girl, as she looked down at herself. I slowly looked down upon myself aswell, and I must've jumped..

    "I call redo!!"I emittted out in shock; I was no longer Danielle the 17 year old girl. But Ovan the 22 year old warrior.

    Last edited by Haruko; 18th January 2007 at 07:57 PM.

  4. #4
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Shonta Jones
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Personality varies. She's usually trying to stay on the sidelines of anything social, preferring to listen instead of talk. At times she tries to avoid talking to some people, especially when she's depressed or irritated (which happens often). But when she's with her few friends, she is revealed to have a great sense of humor and can be talkative about certain subjects. She's one of those "okay, it looks good, but it can be a lot better" kind of people.
    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~
    (this is the form that appears in the RPG that your character joins)
    Name: Kite
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half Breed
    Age: 16
    Bodily Appearance: Kite stands at exactly six feet, with spiky brown hair and emerald green eyes. He seems to have been crossed with a caracal. Two pointy ears with black around the edges stick out of his head and a long tapered tail sticks out the back. A scar runs diagonally over his left eye. His nails are slightly long and sharp, as is his canines.
    Clothing Appearance: Kite's clothing is pretty simple. He wears a royal blue tunic with a gold stripe around the neck and sleeves, a pair of black pants, and leather shoes.
    Weapon: Halberd. He prefers it over his magic since it's weak at first.
    Magic: He can summon shields of different types. At first it will only be weak ones that will shatter after a few blows, but after a while they will get stronger and of different elements (fire, water, ice, etc.). Soon he will be able to bounce attacks back at his opponents and trap others with his shields.
    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~
    Changed Personality: He's still a little antisocial, but he now has a serious edge. He'll get pretty intense during battle.
    Other: Still can't swim.


    " ing..." I whimpered dramatically as I laid on my stomach with my chin resting on my pillow.

    "Quit whining," Rod grumbled.

    "Quit existing," I retorted.

    He left while muttering something that sounded like "lazy sister", leaving me to my growling stomach. I heard another sound that was currently unwelcome but inevitable: an incoming message via AIM. There's a 90% chance of it being Ryan, 5% being Gabi and another 5% being Amy. But there's a 60% chance of them asking me within the next fifteen minutes to do something that requires brainpower. Today there's a 95% chance that I'll just sign out and avoid them until I can get something to eat.

    I knew it was heartless to do such a thing. But I was looking out for number one today and I didn't care about anything else.

    So I signed out without a word and decided to have a quick look around the forums to see what was new. A new PM was found in my inbox. Thinking it was probably someone's Battle Tower attack, I opened it. No, it was a notification of another RPG.

    Nice. Another RPG that will probably fizzle out in two weeks. Okay, it has a nice plot, but I'm not typing a word until I eat something! I winced when my nine-year-old Lhasa Apso started her whole "bark-bark-bark-bark-howl" routine.

    An hour and four slices of pizza later, I worked on my signup sheet with AIM still closed. Tired of playing girls, I opted on a guy. I looked over the sheet for errors and forgotten data and clicked when everything was okay.

    Darkness. Light. Some voice, yada yada.


    "My stomach..." I was on my side with my vision still trying to recover from the White Zone. It took a minute for my eyes to clear. Wait...where were my glasses? I wasn't supposed to see so well without them. And where was I? I was lying in the middle of the street and the air smelled like downtown.

    "GET OFF THE STREET, LAZY OAF!" a voice roared.

    I growled deeply and in a way I've never growled before. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN OAF, YOU BASTARD!" I yelled, still unmoved. A second later I realized that my voice didn't sound the same.

    A little girl hurried over to me and helped me sit up. Forget about my change in wardrobe; I was more worried about the fact that I had gone from black to white. My hands were larger and I may have grown a foot taller. And my breasts...what happened to them?

    "I'm a guy," I groaned as I sat on the curb. I looked behind me and got another "welcomed" surprise. "A guy with a tail. A white guy with a tail."
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  5. #5
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Kalah AKA Bulbie
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Kalah is typically very friendly and tries to remain cheerful for everyone. She usually is quite spunky and enjoys the little things in life, however recent events in her personal life has caused her to be slightly depressed. While she still seems cheerful, she seems to always have a slight inner pain in her eyes- as if she’s hiding her true thoughts about things. To some who know her, it sometimes as if she is a broken mirror- just a shattered reflection of what she used to be and believe in.
    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~

    Name: Moswen, Ebonique (Literally translates to “White & Black”- Egyptian origin)
    Gender: Female
    Race: Half Breed
    Age: Early or Mid twenties
    Bodily Appearance: Moswen Ebonique Picture! Moswen stands at an elegant height of about 5’8” and has a very graceful and exotic appearance. Her skin is slightly tanned with a shimmer to its appearance. Her hair feels like silk to the touch and reaches down to about midway past her back. The oddity about her hair however, is upon her right side her hair is a light blonde in color but as it goes towards her left side the hair turns darker into a deep brunette color- almost to the point of being black. Her eyes mirror the same color change, her right eye being a ice-bitten blue and her left eye being a deep menacing violet. Both of her eyes look very wolfish however.
    Her physique is again, like an exotic dancer’s build. Her bust is sizable and seems to mirror her attractive lower half as well. The oddities of her half breed though are apparent but not too bad. Her eyes are wolfish, and two ears protrude from the hair on her head- the right ear being white and the left ear being black. She also has a fluffy wolfish tail, being black completely except for the tip of her tail which is white. Also, upon her left half seems to be many exotic and smooth curved tattoos upon her skin- black in color.
    Clothing Appearance: Moswen has a very… unique wardrobe. [ Again, the drawn picture I have will give better detail since what she wears is slightly complicated.] Upon her right half, Moswen wears a silk dress-like outfit, except for the fact that the dress covering only covers her right side. It has a long sleeve and flows outwards a bit as it reaches her right wrist. However, it has only two bindings that wrap it around the left side of her body- around the collarbone and then a loose two pair of leather-like strings that just keep it about her hip a bit. Otherwise, her entire left half of her body is exposed.
    Yet, she isn’t completely nude on the left side of her body. She has gleaming silver-like pieces of armor garb that have strange markings etched into them (think of the weird markings of green upon Midna in Twilight Princess- just like that ‘cept not green.) She has a collar-like piece of armor about her neck, a wrist-like circlet piece of armor on her wrist, a small piece of armor covering the bottom half of her breast towards her middle sternum, a large piece of armor protecting her pelvic area and upper thigh, and then lastly a piece of armor that covers her left shin. (all of this armor is ONLY on her left side.) Each piece of armor is connected to each other by small chains. The armor is efficient at protecting her, but they’re very light weight and not heavy looking at all- more showy and exotic.
    Weapon: She has no weapons, most likely due to her magic demands.
    Magic: Moswen’s magic is… very undefined, but never to be underestimated. Her powers derive… in the most simple terms, from Yin and Yang. Most of her magic comes from the own power of yin and yang from within her, but she can also reach into the yin and yang of other things occasionally. She prefers only to use her own however, since her yin and yang magic within her is a great deal.
    The yin part of her magic is considered masculine and “light”- linked with good things and such. This is symbolized by her lighter, right side. However, the left half of her represents the yang and feministic side of herself- the dark side. With her normal garb, Moswen is at a harmonious “balance” and can perform minor magic usually manipulating small mounts of energy- taken both from yin and yang. However, when it comes to battling… Moswen takes her power from her Yang half. She has an overwhelming amount of yang power, which is contained by the pieces of armor that she wears- which is why she has them. In dire situations or situations in where she needs to battle… (depending on the power and battle and such…) Moswen can “deactivate” an armor piece, which causes it to go from being a glittering silver to being completely black- obsidian-like. This releases more yang, causing her to be more off balance but also it releases more power. She has five armor pieces in all, and the more armor she deactivates the more animalistic she becomes… and the more consequences happen with her personality.

    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~
    Changed Personality: Personality doesn’t change much, unless her yin and yang balance changes. If she happens to have more yin, she’s more cheerful but if she has more yang she becomes more dark. If anything, Moswen is more risqué and open about things- in all areas.
    Other: BLAH!!

    ~(~(~(~(~(~(~(~(~(~(~(~(Discovering the Undiscovered)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~)~

    It hadn’t been the most tiring day… and in actuality, I was beginning to feel like I was recovering from the first semester. J-term- or a month-long term in January, was proving to actually be quite fun. I only had one three hour class a day and it was something I enjoyed. “Acting and Directing for the Screen.” Besides class, I spent my time doing little homework and the majority of my time hanging out with my crazy friends.
    Today was going to be no exception.
    “Hiya Loki, Yin, House and Yang!” I chimed lightly, opening the door to my dormitory as I greeted the fish in my little aquarium tank. I swiftly plopped my backpack on the ground and shed my coat, shivering just lightly. It had been snowing all day and while I enjoyed the snow, I couldn’t help but be frosted from the cold slightly.
    Reaching my computer I reached out and shook the mouse slightly, checking my laptop to see that no one had IMed me since I had put up my away message. I was just about to sit down, when a knock sounded on my door. Swiftly I walked to the door and twisted the knob, pulling on it to find Bryan- one of my good friends, on the other side of the door.
    “Hey! We’re going to get dinner at six.” He informed me, and I nodded. “Alright, I’ll meet you guys then.”
    He then left- being informed of dinner from my friends was a common thing.
    I then plopped down on my wooden chair and accessed my laptop again. I was surprised to find that Ryan had left me a message- something about an RPG with a link. I ignored the link for a moment and checked my email and facebook first. There was nothing but the usual, so I then clicked on the link. It was a regular RPG… started by a new member. Checking my PMs, I found he also had PMed me asking me to check it out. The poor RPG had reached page three…. And I couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for the new RPer. It wasn’t too bad of an RPG, however it wasn’t out of the ordinary either. Still, the user asked me to join… I didn’t see any reason why not to.
    The best part of the RPG was that I could have some fun with my character. I thought carefully… and part of me wanted to play a male, but for some reason I decided that I wanted to stick with a female character. And I had an itch to play a rather… sexually risqué one and one with some unique powers. I even did a rough sketch of her, and uploaded it to go with the sign-up.
    “Man… I wonder what she’d really look like if I could do Moswen justice.” I said with a sigh.
    As soon as I finished typing up the form I pressed enter.
    “There we-“ I began, before suddenly I felt a bit woozy. I felt as if my body had frozen slightly, and my vision blurred and darkness began to creep upon my vision. Then it felt as if darkness completely overtook me.

    Then… it was as if I was suspended in darkness- floating like a mere doll. I wanted to speak but for some reason I couldn’t. And then a voice spoke… like the gentle yet booming voice of God himself. Or at least, what I imagined it to be like.
    “You have been chosen to bring faith to a faithless world. It will not be a easy job, it will be filled with trials and tribulations along the way, but you are their only hope. Now go and find the temples hidden in each city before the Fearls do.”
    Then everything went black.

    ~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~<>~< >~<>~<>~

    Moswen Ebonique
    ~ Split into Beyond ~

    It was a strange sensation- to be awake, but yet not to be awake. Before I even opened my mouth and before I even moved… I knew a bit of where I was. It was as if I had another sense… as if I felt other energies- but what exactly these energies were… I couldn’t be too sure.

    I then opened my eyes and sat up slowly, hearing a few murmuring voices. Glancing about, it didn’t take more than a few seconds for me to realize where I was. One sight at the all-too familiar Adalia confirmed everything. Before I even said anything else, I swiftly stood up and glanced at myself.
    “I guess… my imagination did everything justice.” I said with a whisper, feeling a new sense of awe at only half a glance. Holding out my hands, I saw on my left wrist the glistening silver bracelet, which was connected upwards to my neck, which was also connected to my breast armor and leg armor pieces. I couldn’t help but feel… slightly nude upon my left side, which was elaborately tattooed in an exotic pattern. On my other side however was a silky-feeling dress that only covered my right side. Reaching upwards I felt my wolfish ears and wavered my wolf-like tail.

    After that, I couldn’t help but still sense the energies surrounding me… but ignoring them for the moment, I decided to help “Adalia.”
    “Hey Ryan.” I said- my voice sounding smooth and slightly airy, but with an exotic tongue. Adalia – or Ryan, looked up at me as I gave a nod and then turned to the nearest “sleeper” near me. He seemed to have some fox-like characteristics and I swiftly shook him. His eyes fluttered open slightly as I leaned over him.
    “Hey, wake up. You’re in the middle of the road and I don’t think people are happy about it.” I said, absently licking my lips and flickering my tail swiftly, straightening back up as he got to his feet. It seemed most everyone else was starting to wake up… as the “sleeping” group started evacuating the road.

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    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  6. #6
    Laserlight Technomage Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Bryan Lebeau
    Gender: Male
    Personality: It’s hard to tell what goes on in Bryan’s head. A raised eyebrow could either fortel a witty remark, a simple observation, or a random burst of words that make little to no sense. Loyal to friends, indifferent to those who seek to harm him, and unrelentingly energetic, when he gets tired you know you’ve been far too busy. Tries his best to see both sides of an issue, the world is rarely as black and white as poor Moswen is and it is the shades of Grey that hold the most knowledge and insight.
    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~
    Name: Dimitri
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half Fox
    Age: Around his mid to late 20s
    Bodily Appearance: As close to human as a fox can get without actually, y’know, being human, Dimitri utilizes his sly appearance to his benefit. A very fox-like face, complete with pointed ears and snout, rests on a roughly humanoid body, the legs’ reverse joints the only oddity in basic anatomy. Blonde fur is highlighted by black streaks that swirl dizzily around his deep green eyes. The hands are shaped more human than fox, with extremely dexterous fingers, yet still possess the pads that would be on a normal fox’s front paws. Leanly muscled, his small smile hints at some other form of power than physicality.
    Clothing Appearance: Dimitri wears a long indigo robe so deep it nears blackness. Strange patterns, some quite runelike while others just seem to be swirls or sigils of some sort, are embroidered in silver thread yet change with each glance. The inside or the robe is lined with pockets containing all of Dimitri’s magical items. He wears a wide-brimmed indigo hat (think Vampire Hunter D) with a long white feather stuck in it that droops slightly as it flows back over the hat.
    Weapon: Dimitri wields a staff of the same color and odd patterns of his robe. He is quite proficient in smacking people with it.
    Magic: Dimitri’s magic falls under two categories. The first, more utility, category is his Tarot magic that allows him to use his tarot cards as magical focuses causing several effects. He is also a skilled illusionist, both magical forms and more mundane forms, and enjoys telling of the time he once made a horde of rampaging enemies think they had suddenly happened upon Candy Mountain. Items are common elements in his illusion magics, acting as focuses or props.
    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~
    Changed Personality: Bryan becomes a bit more subdued as Dimitri, he realizes what it means now that he’s back in his fox form and he appreciates the gravity of it. Once again he is forced into the position of fighting those he can feel for and he will no doubt attempt to find a solution that varies somewhat from the kill them all method.
    Other: Oddly enough, quiet squeaking noises have been heard around Dimitri revently. (shhhh Kalah)


    Why the hell did I have to go check before dinner...and why did I sign up with the same damn character again? I shoulda known it right then

    The oddly dressed one had awoken Dimitri, but he ignored her for now. Calmly smoothing his robes, he had to at least pretend he wasn't seething inside, Dimitri adjusted his hat before facing the one that he remembered, Ryan's more...feminine form. Scratching behind his ears idly, Dimitri spoke.

    "I thought we fixed this place last time?"

    The young girl shook her head with an almost comically serious look on her face.

    "Different world I think...."

    Dimitri was interupted before he could continue his dialogue. The wolfish one shot her head in front of his, peering suspiciously into the fox's face.

    "You know Ryan? Who are you?"

    Dimitri took a careful step backwards, clutching his staff protectively to his chest as he did. That sharp energy, the tone in her voice...well he supposed he shouldn't have been suprised...yet again.

    "It's me, Bryan."

    Kalah's eye's widened.

    "Ohmygodyoudidn'ttellmeyoudidthisbeforehowcouldyou ?!"

    Dimitri sighed...

    Not again...
    Last edited by Dr.McNinja; 18th January 2007 at 11:04 PM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    David Ryan Lutz
    ~*~*~*~*~ In the road ~*~*~*~*~

    I could only giggle at Bryan’s reaction to Kalah as the others began to wake up in various states of shock. My eyes continued to scan the group to try and find him, to try and find Loki, but my attention was drawn to an old lady who waved us toward the sidewalk. “Hurry young ones, I have been told to come here and help you.” She beckoned as the rest of us woke up, running across the street to where she stood and clearing it for traffic again.

    “Please follow me to my house, I have money and goods for your journey, as well as the location of the first temple.” She explained, her teeth yellow, skin ragged and stretched, her breasts sagging and almost visible under her rags of shirts. “There are only a few of us that follow the ancient texts, but we believe your journey has already been foretold in the texts.” She explained as we walked.

    Some one leaned in whispering the question if we should trust this old woman, as we passed shops after shops of beautiful clothes, and hand crafted goods. My attention was drawn away from them as heavy hands fell on my shoulder, catching my attention as I turned my head to the side, craning it up as far as I could to look at a Half Breed Cat Man. One thing I hated about being little was having to look so far up to look into people’s eyes. “What’s going on?” His voice jumped and shook, understandably nervous at this situation.

    I put on my best reassuring smile possible, and drew in a long breath. “This happened with me before, these people need our help and so we have been teleported into these bodies to help them, I take it you signed up to the Pokemasters RPG?” I asked sweetly. He only nodded in response, something in his eyes though, something seemed so familiar. “It’s okay, we will get through this. I’m Ryan by the way, or at least that was my name before I came here.” I bent my hand up and patted his hand on my shoulder. As brave as I was trying to be, as brave as I wanted to sound, deep down there was a voice screaming inside of me just to find Loki.

    “Ryan from Texas?” He blinked several times in shock. I nodded and turned back around, shrugging it off as Kalad or some one that I knew online. The real entertainment was happening in front of me.

    The old woman, was rubbing her left hand against Bryan’s arm. Speaking about how strong he looked, and if he was interested in staying since she had not been around a strong man for such a long time. “I’m Shonta? Or I used to be!” The boy’s voice spun me around in shock and well, shock.

    “Shouta?” I asked, my eyes growing wide in shock, almost on instinct I took a few steps forward and hugged his waist as tightly as I could.

    “It’s Shonta, how many times do I have to tell you that?” He laughed a bit choked up with tears dripping down into my golden hair.

    For a moment everything felt all right, it felt better than all right. But reality came back with the sound of jingling keys as the woman opened her two story wooden house to us. It smelt musty and the stench of old people, but seemed to be decorated quite nicely despite how poor and weak she looked. “Please make yourself at home. I have food which should be unique to you, please rest as I will return in two hours after prayer and tell you where the first chapel is located.” She instructed us, as we made our way into the house. I slowly moved my hand around Shouta’s and gripped it, his hand feeling twice the size than my tiny hand. Now who else was in our group?

  8. #8
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    >>Dennis Walter Lowrey<<
    **Lost in Thought**

    I shook my head, just sort of... going along with the rest. Repeatedly listing problems. Breasts, check. Lack of baggage downstairs, check. Knockout figure, check. Sexy clothes, check. The fact that said clothes, the weight on my chest, the lack of baggage downstairs doesn't actually feel WRONG anymore, at least, in the physical sense, check.... The creepy old lady hitting on this Bryan person with the fox body... VERY check.

    Then there was this chosen by god business, what sort of god chose his champions through an RPG messageboad? Really, that was a dirty trick. Duping unsuspecting people into becoming your champions. Being thrust into destiny, fine. Calling upon your people to save their fellow man, just peachy. Snatching people from another world, giving them new bodies, and not really giving them fair warning? Waaay in the questionable zone. Also, he's a god, he should be able to do things himself! The whole "Make mortals be my champions" bit made a lot less sense from this viewpoint.

    Still, in a sense, I had agreed to it, almost a promise, really, and I couldn't go back on that... damn. Not like it'd do any good, if I tried, it'd probably try to come back and bite me in the ass. Either way, I had to be sure of what I was signing up for from now on. But... I ought to count good sides too, I me- huh? Oh, someone was about to speak, how long had it been since we got here? Hell if I know....

    "Well, I think we should all at least get basic introductions with each other down, in case we don't know who we are." Stated the little girl. She then glanced around, pointing at me. "How about you first?"

    "Well, alright. I'm Dennis." I answered. They all looked at me with completely blank expressions, and I sighed, this is what I get for not really sharing my name much. "Kalad1 on TPM." The look of recognition was almost painful, and I bit my thumb thoughtfully for a sec before adding, "And, well, I don't know if it's helpful, but the name I picked out on my Signup is Danarica, Danarica Fentarial."
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  9. #9
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    I took in a good long pause to gather up myself from being dumped into a new body; moreso being the opposite sex. I guess this could be the perfect get away that I needed, right? With everything that was happening with me and Johnathan..I looked around and ignored everyone, taking in the scenery of people with faces of despair, and outfits that matched.Although we were out of the road now, we did still drive some attention from the fact of our clothing and..the apparent supernatural beings along with us. I took a long breath in to avoid a panic attack and heard this as I opened my eyes.

    “Hurry young ones, I have been told to come here and help you.”An old lady waved at us from across the screet. As traffic cleared, she ran as fast as an old lady could and came over to our group, most awake or just awakening."Please follow me to my house, I have money and goods for your journey, as well as the location of the first temple.”

    'Don't question it.'I thought to myself.'If this isn't a dream, then something..definatly is going on.'
    “There are only a few of us that follow the ancient texts, but we believe your journey has already been foretold in the texts.”She explained as we started to get up and walk, past shops of hand crafted goods, and beautiful goods. Shops like these infront of people like the ones I saw must be like putting bait infront of mouse on a treadmill. Always there, teasing. But never reachable.

    I decided to pop into and eavesdrop into a conversation, one of a young girl and a half-being. I kept myself at the back of the group, walking at a bit of a snails pace but not within the groups reach, nor not within the grasp of hearing a conversation.

    “This happened with me before, these people need our help and so we have been teleported into these bodies to help them, I take it you signed up to the Pokemasters RPG?”The young girl conversed with the half-being. He only nodded and as she went to pat his shoulder in comfort, she said, “It’s okay, we will get through this. I’m Ryan by the way, or at least that was my name before I came here.”

    I stopped, almost frozen completely - my body shaking in anxiety.

    “Ryan from Texas?” It was to this that I could feel myself clam up. She nodded and I could feel myself having a slight panic attack; Ryan was right there..infront of me.. Thoughts gathered up in my head like a snowball until they stopped, by something I don't know..perhaps I could play out my character as I wanted and not have him know I'm Danielle? Then maybe..

    "Hey!"One of the people in the cluster said, aimming it at me. There was a noticable gap between me and the group, and I jumped; I seemed to have been in my own little world for a minute.
    "I'm sorry"I said, and ran to catch up. The voice that came out was one deep and yet passionate, and kind.

    We approched the old ladies house and the smell of must filled up my nose as she opened the door. The decor inside seemed much different then the owner themselves, most likely a case of "Don't judge a book by it's cover".

    “Please make yourself at home. I have food which should be unique to you, please rest as I will return in two hours after prayer and tell you where the first chapel is located.” She said and left our presence. I sighed, a bit in discomfort at being with people I don't know. I found somewhere I sat and decided to be as quiet as I could be unless someone asked me something direct.

    "Well, I think we should all at least get basic introductions with each other down, in case we don't know who we are."Ryan said, all up in one of his girl characters...knew it'd bite him in the ass someday. He...she then pointed to a female with crimson hair that was in a ponytail."How about you first?"

    "Well, alright. I'm Dennis."I stared at her, the name slightly familiar."Kalad1 on TPM, And, well, I don't know if it's helpful, but the name I picked out on my Signup is Danarica, Danarica Fentarial."
    They all went about into a circle until it was my turn. I sighed and hoped I could just get away with my characters name.

    "I'm Ovan"I introduced myself.
    "Yes..but on Pokemasters?"Ryan asked. I glared at him, not wanting to tell. Some force inside of my kept me calm, maybe the real Ovan. But either way, was my real name so important here?!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Jon
    Gender: Male
    Personality: A friendly and affable person, Jon is always ready with a smile and a laugh. Though a gentleman when the fairer sex is involved, he can be quite blunt and honest with his statements. Has a strong sense of justice and fairness, but is rarely able to act on it due to his own shortcomings. He can have a bit of a temper, but will readily admit when he's in the wrong.
    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~
    Name: Ban Ravi
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Age: Mid-twenties
    Bodily Appearance: Ban is darkly tanned with a solid muscular build. His height, a towering 6'3", gives him a somewhat lanky (or as he puts it 'wiry') build that often gives others a mistaken impression of just how strong he is. Messy, reddish-orange hair covers his head, falling just beneath his chin when not held up by his headband. For some odd reason whenever it is held up, his hair tends to lean to the right. His eyes are bright blue and sometimes seem to glow when feeling an intense emotion.
    Clothing Appearance: Wears a long, whitish tan leather coat that falls to his ankles that is inlaid with chainmail between the fabric for added protection. His right shoulder down to his upper elbow is covered in steel pauldron engraved with a trio of tomoe in a circular pattern. Underneath that he wears a sleeveless black shirt, dark blue pants, and boots. Usually wraps his palms and forearms in bandages to protect his hands from wear and tear. Around his neck on a chain is what looks to be a crescent shaped dagger that doubles as an ocarina made out of red rock. His headband is a plain white cloth.
    Weapon: A large, jet-black broadbladed claymore that is almost as long as he is tall. Called Miroku, it has a golden circular crossguard and its hilt is bound in red thread. A metal ring serves as a pommel and two small bells are bound just beneath it. It is made of an unknown material but is very durable and nigh unbreakable. It has also been enchanted to return to Ban upon calling its name. Carries it in a non-descript sheath on his back.
    Magic: Ban's magic stems from a spirit present within Miroku. So far the magic has served to enhance his strength, stamina, and reflexes to an almost supernatural degree making him quite dangerous when armed. He has also been able to call upon its power to enhance Miroku itself, allowing it to cut through anything with a single strike or unleash a wave of energy. When it does so, markings like red eyes appear on the flat of the blade and Ban's eyes seem to flash with the same light. These are just a few of the powers the spirit itself has taught Ban to utilize and as he grows and experiences more.
    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~

    Changed Personality: Free of his limitations, Jon finds it easier to be more open about his opinions and to stand up for others. He also seems to have developed a bit of a 'battle lust', enjoying the emotions and adrenaline high of a pitched fight. He tries to keep in check, but may sometimes have uncharacteristic bursts of anger.
    Other: The spirit within Miroku has not given itself a name and has so far proven beneficial, though it too seems to have flashes of bloodlust.

    ~Curiosity Gets the...DOG?~

    "It's not fair..." I thought as I shivered in the cold air. "I live in SUNNY CALIFORNIA! It's NOT suppose to be THIS damn cold..."

    Grumbling to myself as I fumbled for my keys, I got the door open and walked into the house. Making a beeline for the kitchen, I dropped my bag and tossed my coat onto the dining table. Digging into the cupboards and pantry for a snack, I soon assembles some semblance of a lunch before plopping himself on to the couch.

    Switching on my laptop, I prepared himself for another dull afternoon alone while he waited for my brother to get back from school. I usually enjoyed the few hours I had alone, a time usued to get caught up with schoolwork or just relax. But the last few weeks had been a bit slow so I had been surfing the web lazily for the last few days.

    As I opened up the browser and began flipping through my daily dose of webcomics, the clacking of nails on the floor reminded me of the only other occupant of the house at this hour. Trotting up to the couch and sniffing at my hands, the little black labrador leapt up and immediately took an interest at what food I had left over in my bowl. Patting Ein's head, the I finally switched over to the TPM Boards.

    I was surprised to find a PM waiting in his box. Apparently a newcomer had invited me to join one of his RPs. Clicking and reading the topic I was pleasantly surprised to find a well thought out and typed RPG. Not only that, but some of the more profilic members of the RPG Community had already joined. "Why not, it'll give me something to do and I might actually have a character already ready...."

    Hitting Reply, I flipped through my documents for the character I had been working on. Tweaking him to fit the specifics of the RP, I quickly copied it into the form. Finished my hand hovered over the Enter button for a moment. "Then again...some tests are comin' up I might not be able to-"

    The decision was taken out of my hand as the little lab next to me suddenly brought his paw down on the enter button. A jolt, like a spark of electricity shot up my back and my vision began to dim. The last thing I remember is Ein's barking as I collapsed on the couch.

    Enveloped in darkness, I'm soon surrounded by a bright blinding light. "Oh crap, I finally had a heart attack and died, didn't I?"

    “You have been chosen to bring faith to a faithless world." A voice, old yet firm and strong echoed around me. "It will not be a easy job, it will be filled with trials and tribulations along the way, but you are their only hope. Now go and find the temples hidden in each city before the Fearls do.”


    ~Ban Ravi~
    Welcome to Destiny

    That had happened only moments ago, but to me it felt longer. A strange world. A new body. A prophecy. It sounded like some generic anime or manga that I so loved to watch. But here I am, where ever the hell 'here' is, living proof that such things happened.

    My mind was clouded with thousands of questions, but most of all it was marveling at my new found body. I had never been that athletic nor that tall and the sheer....power that seemed to radiate from within me was amazing. "Is this what it feels like to be a superhero? To be a warrior from out of fantasy?"

    In a manner of a speaking, yes it is.

    I nearly stopped as another voice entered my head. Was it one of the others? I discreetly eyed each of the others, though all of them seem absorbed with either following the old woman or talking with each other. We had not made any introductions but it did not seem like any were psychic or could communicate telepathically....

    "Wait...your...the spirit? The one inside..." I gingerly touched the red bound hilt of the massive blade on my back, which point of fact felt like it weighed almost nothing.


    "Good, then I'm not going crazy. Perhaps you can answer some of my questions?"

    That I cannot do. Like you, I too am ignorant as to what part we are to play in this world. All I can do is offer you my strength that we both get through this unscathed.

    I sighed , smiling to myself. "Figures, it's never that easy in the shows either."


    "It's nothing. I look forward to our battles together."

    As do I.

    Ending out mental conversation we had apparently come to our guide's home where we were to wait while she went off and did something. Leaning up against a wall as the others stood in a circle, the introductions began. I had only spoken to one of them before, kalad or Danarica as he/she was now, the others I'd only known from reading their posts or having interacted with them in RPs.

    As Kalah or rather Moswen finished her intro, I raised my hand. "I guess you can call me Ban Ravi." My voice was deeper, as I had clearly aged a few years, though it was still somewhat light and resonant. "Though on the boards I was Prof. Jb Wolf, not that it matters much. Anybody else think we're a bit in over our heads?"







  11. #11
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}


    This can't be happening. I finally meet Ryan and he's a girl. I should've guessed that. Now I'm almost relieved to be a guy now. I sighed to myself and looked around at the other members of our motley crew. Ryan suggested that everyone introduce themselves. The first one -- a girl -- revealed that she was really Dennis, a.k.a. Kalad1. I wasn't suspecting that.

    Then it got to another guy that looked about the age I was in my real body. He refused to give us his real name. Feeling like putting my foot in my mouth, I decided to joke on the situation. "You used to be a girl, didn't you?" I asked him. He shot me a glare, and the extra seven inches between us stopped me from pressing the matter any further...for a while. "At least you don't sound like you could be pokemon4eva."

    "How about you?" one of the group asked me.

    "I used to be a 22-year-old girl named Shonta, classy_cat18 on the boards," I said proudly. A few heads stared at me in mild surprise. "Now I'm a guy young enough to go through high school again. What did I name my character? Oh yeah, Kite."

    "Kite?" Ms. Dennis echoed.

    "I was reading my .hack manga today." I turned around and saw my face's reflection. Two long ears twitched in curiosity. "I think I'm supposed to be a caracal." I smiled a little. "I look good."
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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  12. #12
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Moswen Ebonique
    ~* Raise your shields *~

    Walking alongside Bryan- or McNinja from the boards, we both had our eyes scanning everywhere as we followed the old lady. She seemed kind enough, beside the fact that it didn’t take a genius to see her whoring herself with her eyes over Bryan’s new half-breed body. I held a delicate hand to my mouth as I stifled a slight giggle, flashing a look at him with my one icy blue eye.
    That’s right… my character design makes my two eyes different colors, along with a few shades light and dark contrast with my hair. I thought, and mentally made a note to look into a mirror at some point or another.
    The lady talked about ancient texts and temples… and although my hearing was acute, I couldn’t help but half-listen to her. Most likely it was due to the fact that I had been on this trip before… well, at least a similar one. It also could have been the fact that we were passing such fun shops. Or it could have been the fact that I had a better time observing the others in the group. Ryan seemed to be talking with another male, and I made a very conscious effort not to eavesdrop for the pure fact that wolfish hearing made it almost impossible- almost. I gave a lot of extra effort. However, turning back with a keen-eyed gaze I saw a handsome human male lagging off. It seemed as if he was distracted, but I didn’t want anyone getting lost- at least not this early.
    “Hey!” I called out, stopping for a moment as the others continued to walk. My tail lashed back and forth slightly as I waved at him. He swiftly widened his eyes and seemed to realize he was lagging, and then he caught up to the group. I gave a light nod and then continued to walk with the back of the group.
    A random thought also occurred during this process: I did not mind being half-nude and walking through the street. Perhaps it was the armor… which strangely did not feel heavy or uncomfortable.

    Eventually we reached the old lady’s house and found ourself inside. She informed us we basically had some time to kill, so the group decided to do introductions. I was pleased to know that I knew everyone’s user name in the group thus far, and I tried earnestly to remember who they were and their … new names.
    “Crap… I was never good with names…” I thought, but silently I made a hope that perhaps with my new character’s guidance, she at least would remember. Or that part of me. If it wasn’t all me… bah, whatever.
    Then there was the guy again… the one who had lagged behind in the group. He spoke that his name was Ovan. However, when it came time to say who he was on the pokemasters… he was hesitant. Swiftly others mumbled and I believe Ryan- or Adalia, pressed to know the name in pure curiosity. Others might have had annoyance at the secrecy, but I swiftly stepped in. Placing a firm yet delicate hand on Ovan’s shoulder, I looked at everyone sharply with my two-colored eyed gaze.
    “I’m sure Ovan has perfectly acceptable reasons for keeping his user name private. Now, I hope that we can respect this and when he’s ready, he’ll let us know. So shut it.” (Mental note: Yang side has a bit of a sharp point to it, but hopefully it got the point across.) To try to help Ovan further, I introduced myself.
    I gave a light bow with my ears flickering forward. Now that people were actually looking at me, I could tell that they either thought the exotic look was attractive or that it was just… exotic. I smiled delicately none-the-less and spoke with a voice that was sweet and airy, but yet flooded with a bold exotic flair. And of course, there was the gentle trickle of confidence- a trait that I first picked up from this new “me”. As long as it doesn’t go Lucy on me like last time… hopefully the armor will help a bit.
    “I’m Kalah, also known as Bulbasaur4. But in this world my name is Moswen Ebonique.” I said with a slight smile, “As a half breed, my other half is that of a wolf. Don’t mind the odd coloration of the ears and hair though… or the tattoos… or the armor… or perhaps the slight nudity.” I added, scratching behind my left ear for a moment. “Trust me, the armor is a good thing though.”
    If they wanted to ask questions as to why I was the way I was… with the tattoos and all, they could ask. As for now, I was just being in the moment.
    [Please Send Tell]
    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  13. #13
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Laura Anderson
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Laura is, in a nutshell, quite the contrast of somebody with an unusually high ego; instead of the positive aspects, she has come to believe that her composition is purely negative. Kind-hearted? "How can I be after all that I've done to my ex-boyfriend?" Great musical talent? "I honestly think my sound is bad." She, after many years of being kind and open, has become a depressed young woman after taking insults to heart. She doesn't believe that she is in any shape or form, "kind," "intelligent," or the biggest lie of all, "beautiful," mainly because those who have said that she was all of this, in time, eventually began to hurt her feelings, including her ex-boyfriend. In spite of having had a cruel school, love, and even so much as home life, Laura seems to really hate nobody in particular other than her own self, and has come to believe that she has caused misery for all of those around her.
    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~
    Name: Aroya Khachatura
    Gender: Female
    Race: Half Breed
    Age: 17
    Bodily Appearance: Aroya is a graceful young girl in appearance. She has a somewhat thin build, yet has a few graceful curves enough to state her gender, as if she were some sort of goddess at a height of 5'6". However, as toned and healthy as her body is, she has a somewhat pale, sickly color to her skin, but this is merely due to storage of her magical energy. Her eyes are a deep, startling blue much like any ocean or sapphire, that have a deceitful, fox-like look to them. Her hair falls to about collarbone length, and is a rich dark brown in color that even in light cannot be identified from ebony, tipped in an odd silvery color, which brings out her half-breed nature, even if her ears are not noticable.
    These ears are much like that of an Arctic Fox, which stick out from the top of Aroya's head. Small and fuzzy, they're coated in a fur of a similar color to the tips of her hair.
    Clothing Appearance: Aroya is adorned quite simply, and rather modestly; somehow, she finds herself in near identity with clergywomen, more commonly known as "priestesses." Her attire mainly consists of a royal blue robe, which, in design, is much like a Vietnamese ao dai, with dark grey "tights" covering much of her legs. Upon the side of each mid-thigh is a dark blue triangle pointing upside-down, and on her back is the symbol of Mercury (as shown here) in silver.
    For footwear, Aroya's feet are covered by boots of a more medieval style, which are a traditional earthen brown color. Her left ear is pierced twice with small silver hoops, and normally along her neck is a rosary necklace which is black in color, bearing a silver cross. She also wears a bracelet of small ice crystals on her left wrist.
    Weapon: For a weapon, odd enough, Aroya relies on a small harp, which striking a string, or forming a single chord can perform many different effects. For now, Aroya must learn to figure out for herself what string can perform what, even as well-trained as her ears are for identifying notes. It's all a game of chance, really.
    Magic: As figured, Aroya has control over the cold. Her abilities are obviously, for now, rather weak, to where the most her crystals can become are daggers, and the effects of even a major chord played on the harp can only create a few snowflakes. However, her chilling aura has managed to preserve such effects until she no longer needs them.
    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~
    Changed Personality: In actuality, Aroya's personality has not changed much. She has, however, slightly "matured" in her ways of viewing the world - she tries to be more calming and give off a more peaceful air than the gloom she was used to. In spite of this, she is still known to random meltdowns regarding memories of her past life. Also, it is known that she feels a bit more bitter, and a little forsaken by God, whose existance she has been known to question; odd, considering the fact she is dressed quite similarly to a nun.
    Other: In actuality, both girls have a wide understanding of musical theory. It's just the fact that Laura has had no true experience with a stringed instrument before the transformation that she will have to relearn just about everything. Also, when her magic cannot be called upon, she has been known to use hand-to-hand combat as a last resort.

    Laura Kay Anderson, Loser Extraordinaire

    Hey you, see me, pictures crazy; all the world I've seen before me passing by...

    I was upstairs in a hurry as soon as I walked in the door of my empty home. As you would've figured, my life had revolted into hell. Again.

    I was numb to practically all compliments, as few as the sincere ones were, leaving me to fend in a world of insults from many directions. This time, however, it was two people I considered "friends" that did this to me.

    If I interpreted this correctly, God had selected who he wanted to care for, and apparently, I was out because I was depressed, or moreso "bipolar." This was a reason that many people, apparently, decided to just take shots at me.

    Why the hell can't I just listen to and stay around Tim the whole time? I asked myself, tears welling up in my eyes. Tim was my best friend, and "sleazy brother," of sorts. He didn't exactly get along too well with Sean and Derek, the two that had told me of this apparent truth and then left me crying, which was probably why he tended to do his own thing...unless, of course, it was all about my cursed appearance. No, Tim wasn't shallow; he didn't seem like that. It was that he didn't want to deal with Sean and Derek that he often left me hanging.

    And Sarah...god, how much she had become mean to me. When we first met, she was a rather nice girl in eigth grade. Flash forward a year later; she starts dating Sean, and becomes friends with somebody who was always bitter towards me, and I'm no longer a person, but somebody that should take the blame for everything. It didn't matter; only until the twenty-second of May, and I'd hopefully be out of this hell-hole in Florida for good.

    Sighing, I grew slightly frustrated as I slid my messenger bag and "gig" bag with my trumpet, that was now more of a relic than an instrument, down by the closet and stereo before grabbing a pillow from my bed and placing it down in the plain functional chair at the computer desk, turning on my way to escape as I thought about things. Sitting down, I was seriously hoping that today I'd finally work up enough confidence to actually start work on a possible new fic.

    I fumbled through things for a few minutes, at first on Serebii and MSN. Nothing really got at my attention; not even the e-mail I had received from Michael, or "Mike" as he was more commonly known - my ex-boyfriend. I didn't even want to check it, considering it was most likely an insult.

    Contacts...nobody really struck me as the type to talk to right now. Mike, Eileen, and Tony were all on, but most likely doing their own thing, especially Eileen; she was almost always on an Away setting. Jenn, Ryan, and Kirst weren't on, and neither was Derek, even if I didn't want to talk to him in time being. Figuring this meant that Yi-wen wouldn't be on AIM, I shrugged. I guess this meant I'd have some time to start writing, afterall.

    However, when I went onto The Pokemasters, the forum which started me on writing and allowed me to grow after years, I saw at the top bar that Toxicity, my new-ish identity on this forum, had one private message, PM for short, that was sent some time while I was at school. I found this odd, mainly because if people wanted to talk to me regarding anything, they would contact me on AIM or MSN. Wondering who it was from, I opened my inbox, seeing an unfamiliar user as its sender...hopefully, it wasn't Jay evading the perma-IP ban. A nervous pit growing in my stomach, I opened the message, only to be relieved.

    This user was basically complimenting my abilities if he was asking me to join his RPG. After a moment of thought, I agreed to joining this RPG, deleting the message after it was read. I haven't had too much to look forward to RPG-wise for some time; ASBRPG was practically dead, and all I had joined in recent times died so easily. I'd willingly try to create an idea, but mostly, all I could think of were Digimon, and in rare cases, Pokémon...maybe because we didn't have too much of those ideas lately? Sighing, I began my search for this new RPG, which lead me to something untouched...on the third page.

    Pity overcame me as I read it. Dear god, I said to myself, he's as good as some of the best writers on this forum as a newbie! It told something of faith, and how God had divided two worlds by his people, and the hopeless...a slight reminder of what I was told today. When I was done, I copied the sign-up form and began a reply...

    Many questions ran through my mind as I typed out my character. I had decided to make her a priestess of the cold, which was a slightly familiar trait found in many RPG's I had done in the past - at least the cold factor, of course. She would be beautiful, much unlike me. When I was done, I thought of a name. I finally settled for something derived from two Armenian names, and then previewed the post.

    Satisfied with my work, I hit the submit button, which caused a chilling shock to go through my nerves, causing me to rise up in my chair before falling over to the side. My body now numb with paralysis, I couldn't motion to pick myself up. My eyes were forced shut, and the darkness gave to the light, and I was floating in nothing but a white light. My clothing had given way to what I assumed was a spiritual form. Nudity.

    So, my soul is ugly as well.. I thought to myself, finding an inability to speak. I was alone, drifting, naked. And then a ringing, deep voice rose from nowhere in my ears.

    You have been chosen to bring faith to a faithless world. this anonymous voice spoke. It will not be a easy job, it will be filled with trials and tribulations along the way, but you are their only hope. Now go and find the temples hidden in each city before the Fearls do. All I could ask myself was if whether or not this was God, and then, darkness...


    The cobblestone beneath me was the hardest thing I had ever woken up to.

    In fact, it reminded me all too much of my Digimon RPGs of olden times. I opened my eyes, staring at a bleak, clouded sky. Inhaling the air was horrible, as well; exhaust from factories. I wondered to myself if I had returned to Indiana, but when I stood up, it proved different.

    Misery was all I could see; I was torn from home, and placed here, by what I was assuming was God of some sorts, and placed in the industrial revolution. I felt uneasy just seeing people who I shared a similar life to; moderately bad to much worse.

    "Hell.." I whispered to myself, before placing a hand over my mouth in shock. I no longer had the deep, broken voice of an contralto, or alto, stricken with grief and recent sickness, but rather a more smooth, flowing a water lilly drifting in a pond. I looked down...

    "So, I'm now Aroya Khachatura..." I sighed after removing my hand, feeling a twitch above my head rather than on the sides. I reached up, scratching what were now my ears. My left on was pierced; twice, to be exact, yet they were triangular in shape; most likely the ears of a cat or fox. Looking about, I tried to wonder if I was the only person from The Pokemasters here, or not.

    Beginning to pace around nervously, I felt uneasy, trying to adjust to the swaying of my dress-like top, before almost stumbling. I caught myself and regained balance before I would've fallen on a male figure. He looked vaguely familiar...Cloud from Final Fantasy VII, just about. I heard, in the distance, the conversations of people introducing themselves; all the names were recognizable off the bat. Yet, I was still left in question as to who would've chosen a character design much like Cloud...


    Immediately thinking of one of my best friends, I sat there quietly, in hopes that I wouldn't have to wake her--now, him, up...

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  14. #14
    Laserlight Technomage Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Dimitri edged himself away from the old woman, finding himself somewhere to lean against the wall. The room was barely big enough to hold them all, but at least it was away from the bustling streets where it would be all to easy to be spotted by someone less than savory. A hand idly strayed inside the silken folds of his cloak, checking pockets and containers. Everything was like it had been before, that was some relief. Staying silent as the rest of the group spoke, identifying themselves, he finally decided to speak up himself.

    "Like Kalah...or Moswen...said, I'm Dr.McNinja though I guess Dimitri's good enough for now. I was here last time with Ryan"

    Catching Ryan's nod, Dimitri let out a sigh and lowered his head, obscuring his features with his hat's brim. He had barely survived the last time, even with all the power that Dimitri's body gave him. If whoever was summoning them to these places had need of them again, he knew that things were going to get rough fast. He wondered at his chances for surviving an ordeal like that twice...and shuddered.

    "It wasn't all that fun, and I'm guessing that this time won't be a cakewalk either, we're going to be in danger almost constalty I'm sure so why don't you start explaning about these temples and why you knew we would be coming?"

    Turning his lowered head to the woman, Dimtri twisted one of his ears, a movement reminiscent of a raised eyebrow. Any information they could get at this point could save their lives later.
    Last edited by Dr.McNinja; 20th January 2007 at 11:19 AM.

  15. #15
    ♥ <(^o^)> ♥ Advanced Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint. It's cold.

    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Sierra ‘JJ’
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Extremely shy at first, she’s that girl you’ll never notice in your class. And when you do, it’s just to pick on her because she won’t say anything back. Once she opens up, Sierra is a very nice girl, she’ll try to help out anyone who’s her friend, and even those who she tends to ward away from. Even then though, Sierra is secretive, she’ll keep up walls to make people leave her alone, and she has a temper that can cause her to act and do things she doesn’t mean. She’s also one not to panic, thinking that if she does, she’ll make a big deal out of nothing.
    Also has a bad memory, making her somewhat unreliable.

    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~

    Name: Ayreas
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half- Breed
    Age: 20 (looks)
    Bodily Appearance: Appearing mostly human, Ayreas has ‘spiky’ (Think Advent Children Cloud…) golden blond hair with a fair complexion. His eyes are a striking mix of bright yellows and red, and his pupils are slits. His body is lean, and is defined, but his build is bulky. His arms show muscle as well, but again, isn’t bulky. Because of his phoenix half, tribal tattoos that glow deep reds and bright oranges decorate the left side of his chest in a series of swirls and sharp pointed wiggles. The right side of his back is decorated in the same sort tribal design, but in the midst of the design is a tattoo that looks much like a wing. His finger nails are darker then the norm, the tips themselves are completely black and are sharp, like talons. He stands about… 6’1’’
    Clothing Appearance: He wears a loose black tank top (which hides his tattoos) with black pants. He has a black cape with a bright red flaming bird sewn into the middle tied around his waist and comes down to his ankle. His boots have silver armour plating on them, as do his black gloves. He has two black leather sheaths on crossing his back, they are held on by belts that cross his chest like an ‘X’
    Weapon: He wields two 4 foot long swords that appear to be in mint condition. They both are tribal designs engraved in the blade, which glow constantly (they are enchanted with weak fire magic). He usually only uses one though.
    He can summon a small (about Bald Eagle size) Phoenix. It will rip from his tattoos as a ball of flames and then form in a predatory bird looking flyer made completely of red and white flames. As a draw back, the Phoenix causes an immense amount of pain to Ayreas (it is made of fire….), usually rendering him extremely weak and in some rare cases unconscious. (Imagine what its like once it gets bigger *grin*)
    Magic: Ayreas can form and manipulate small fire balls, all the fire needs stream from his vibrant tattoos, they curl around either arm and then form near the palm of the hand, they then fly off to hit whatever. They are quite weak, but will hurt if they hit you in the face.

    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~

    Changed Personality: Ayreas is rather cold; he’s usually quiet and keeps in the background. Though he isn’t afraid to announce his opinion, he rather just watch and see what happens. He doesn’t handle kindness very well, and will usually stay silent and just put it with it. Ayreas is cruel as he believes in no mercy and getting him to actually believe in mercy is difficult, getting him to give mercy is extremely difficult. He doesn’t really know how to act around any girl any age because they differ so much, so he’ll usually keep quiet around them. If he does open up (to any one), you’ll find that he’s distant, like he’s always in deep thought and not there.
    Other: Can’t think of anything. Other then he’s a great fighter, and won’t be taken down easily.

    * * *


    Die Ron Die!” My sister, with her long brown hair and pale complexion laughed. I laughed along with her. My shaggy cut brown hair invading my eyes as our parents gave us the strangest of looks. Our laughter faded to a giggle as she went back to the book, reading out various other hilarious comments Ron and Harry had made in the ‘Harry Potter’ book about divination.

    But as my sister went back to actually reading, I was left with nothing to do. I didn’t exactly want to be on the computer, because none of my most talkative and fun friends would be on. Only the people in the ‘Random People’ list would be talking.

    Truth be told. I hated most of them.

    But as the computer booted up, I found myself looking forward to being online. Maybe either Lauras, one being Hinata and the other being an old school friend, would be on. Steffy would probably be on but she would be depressed and going on about how she’s going to die alone only because she’s seventeen and lacks a boyfriend. Kirsten might be on, but half the time neither of them could hold up the conversation, or she had to leave when there was a conversation. The others on her contact list, Blademaster, Drusilla, and maybe her sister, would not be talkative. Hell it was a miracle if Drusilla wasn’t ‘away or busy’ all the time. In actual fact, Blade would be talkative, but he hadn’t been on in 3 days. No chance of him being on now.

    The computer came on, and I immediately clicked on the internet explorer. I typed in ‘Poke’ and immediately the memory filled in the rest and I was there. I scanned the forums before I noticed the weirdest thing; I had a new pm. Frowning, my mind began to wonder who had sent me a pm? Honestly the only one who did anymore was someone who was complaining about their reffing not being done. I ignored those, if they want their answer, they can go to the absence tower and see why.

    But as the pm loaded, I was surprised to find that it was some new user throwing compliments about and then asking me to join his rpg. I sighed, exiting the pm and going to the ever so alive-but-dying RPG board.

    I found the RPG easily enough, but it was on the damned third page.

    “Oh…” I muttered, the sarcasm in my voice very very apparent. “This is going to be good.”

    As I opened the page, I was surprised to find that the plot was sort of interesting. It was about god abandoning his people.

    ‘Well now.’ I thought cruelly. ‘There’s a change.’

    With a large yawn I copied the sign up form, pasted it on Word, and then stared at it rather blankly.

    ‘Oh fantastic… I don’t even have an idea for a…’ I trailed off as my eyes focused on the t.v screen. I had forgotten to turn off the movie, and who was on the screen? Cloud, the ultimately rigged character in the history of rigged characters. He was look so miserably and serious, his back turned to Tifa before he walked out the door.

    “Ass.” I growled, Tifa was my favorite character, how dare he turn his back to… I immediately turned to the screen, I was really feeling exactly creative, my creativity had been used up on my stories and posts in The Scourge rpg. “Whatever, not like anybody will care… It’s not like he looks particularly all that bad either.”

    When the form was finished, I discovered I had wavered from Cloud a bit, his clothes were different; no thick tank top sweater with a high collar and zipper, or that cape then that was hanging on by belts. Instead, I had simplified it a bit, making him so much easier to picture.


    I turned, looking at my mother who was staring at me.

    “You coming to the barn with me and Rio?”

    “No.” I snapped.

    “Why not?” Rio chimed from behind, with a grin.

    “I don’t like horses, cold, or the horse smell that it leaves after.” I sighed, going back to my sign up.

    They shrugged, murmuring their goodbyes. I rolled my eyes and went back to posting. Once I had sort of double checked everything, I clicked on the button.

    I didn’t know the feeling of being struck by lightning, but I guessed this was really close. The jolt sent shockwave after shockwave through my stomach that spread to the rest of my body. My body shook like it was having some sort of seizure while the feeling in my body seemed to disappear. Well most feeling, my heart and lungs seemed to get an extra boost as another jolt of pain surged through them and wrapped itself around my lungs. I could feel them stop, but crumbling, shrinking as the lack of air took a surprisingly fast shock. It was then my heart stopped. I tried to move my hand, but the darkness, it was closing in, and then it came.

    Set me free, your Heaven’s a Lie

    ‘Ironic…’ I thought, as the last words of a song I had been listening to flowed into my ears before the darkness overcame my hearing.

    My eyes shot open suddenly, revealing that I was floating. Though I should’ve been frightened, it seemed fear was being restricted by a calm sensation.
    But I saw no light, no heaven, no pearly gates… What had I done?

    ‘You have been chosen to bring faith to a faithless world’ the voice was haunting, seeming to echo in this empty place. ‘It will not be an easy job, it will be filled with trials and tribulations along the way, but you are their only hope. Now go and find the temples hidden in each city before the Fearls do…’

    I could hear the song again, but it was faint, but as the same time seemed to deafen me from my own thoughts and words. The floating feeling was disappearing, and instead, my gut seemed to rush to my throat as I tried to scream.

    I was falling.

    Destiny can't replace my life
    Scary shadows of my past
    are alive

    ~ ~ ~ ~


    His head ached, as if someone had slammed it continuously into a brick wall. The song that haunted his mind grew fainter and fainter before disappearing entirely, and instead, he heard the sound of someone breathing. It had the edge of a woman, though not completely enveloped in adulthood yet. And though he wanted to open his eyes, and see the world around him, he couldn’t. Fear had gripped around his heart, and is seemed to viewing whatever place he was would only cause him to shrivel up and die.
    But the breathing, it was quieter now, faint, almost on a normal level. Maybe whatever had surprise the girl had disappeared, maybe he had. Maybe he had just suddenly appeared, and the girl had been too surprised to do anything.
    Maybe he was in heaven.

    Slowly, his eyes opened, they gazed up at a dull grey sky that loomed over top the old buildings that his eyes could just see. Grunting, his arms moved, lifting his upper body off the ground so he could see around him.

    ‘So it was a girl…’ He thought, staring at the girl. Well, she was more teenager-ish, if that was a word. She had odd silvery ears on her head, and her eyes were entrancing, yet had a sparkle in them that was not to be trusted. ‘She’s… Wait.’

    It suddenly seemed to click into the mindset of this male that something was very wrong. His eyes looked at his hands with some sort of amazement to them, and then scanned the rest of his body.

    “What?” was the first word out of his mouth, and then suddenly he looked up. Gently he moved his hand through his hair, and found even it was too short to be…


    The man looked up, seeing the girl eyeing him suspiciously. All of this was too much; this girl seemed to know his name, well sort of… And he was a he, a guy, a gender which mere moments ago he could’ve sworn he wasn’t.

    ‘Ayreas…’ He thought, biting his lip for a moment before rising to his feet. Ayreas was tall, nearly falling over due to the new height, he quickly regained his composure. And though he wanted to exclaim about his abounding happiness for not being the old him anymore, he was restricted, to a mere nod…

    “It’s me.” Her voice was soft, and calming, yet... It held something in it; darkness, maybe a sadness that infected the calming effect. “Laura.”

    “Laura…?” Ayreas pondered, and then looked over at the rest of the group. He was silent.

    “They’re all part of this too.” She stated, “All from TPM.”

    He was silent, eyeing the group cautiously. This personality change, it was so sudden, he voice seemed to be restricted, and his mind was abnormally cruel. Though it was odd, no nervousness seemed to swirl in his stomach; in fact, an endless supply of confidence was there instead. But why he wouldn’t speak, was unknown. He mentally shrugged it off, walking off the side of the road, followed by Laura’s new form.

    sorry if I represented your char wrong Toxicity.... >.<'

  16. #16
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    David Ryan Lutz
    ~*~*~*~*~ In the road ~*~*~*~*~

    In a house that doubled as an Inn, this must have been the first time in a long time that it had received so much activity. After our introductions everyone sat around talking and basically relaxing. Some one must have found the liquor cabinet because it wasn’t long before a few bottles of whiskey and wine was being passed around. All the while Shonta and I remained at the table, looking across at each other, my feet just barely touching the ground.

    My thoughts kept traveling to the mysterious Ovan who continued to sneak glances over in our direction before looking away. “This… isn’t how I imagined we would meet.” Shonta finally spoke up bringing my attention back to him. “And this really isn’t how I wanted to spend my weekend.” He sighed shrugging his shoulders in frustration.

    I opened my mouth several times to speak but closed it each time. What would I say? I’m sorry? I didn’t even know if he… she… he loved me any more. If he could look at me and see Ryan, or if he looked at me and saw an eleven year old girl. “I’m going to go and see if I can find a sink or washroom…” He sighed and moved away from the table. I followed him with my eyes and wished I could say something, anything, but I just watched him walk away. My eyes lingering for a moment before turning and catching Loki out of the corner of my eye.

    My heart leapt into my throat, he looked older, manlier, but at the same time had that youthful innocence of the boy who had the birds sing for me when I was sick. Our eyes met and Loki quickly turned away, and my heart sank to my toes. Sliding my arms down the table, I bent over and placed my head on the table, using my arms as a pillow for my forehead. Everything was going wrong, really really wrong. “I see you youngins have raided my house.” The old lady announced from the top of the stairs drawing all of our attention. “Oh do not worry, no one has used any of this stuff since I shut the Inn down. No need for it if no one travels.” She laughed walking over to the table and laying down some papers.

    “Here are the lay outs to the old church.” She explained laying out a large map across the table as everyone crowded around. “No one has visited it in years, but it still remains locked up down the street, well what is left of it. It was half demolished for a new mansion.” She explained, coughing a few times before rising. “Don’t make too much noise, I head to bed early, there are plenty of rooms for most of you upstairs.” She said before walking back up the steps, turning once to wink at Bryan.

    Everyone remained silent for a few moments before Kalad er… what ever her name was finally spoke up. “I’ll go check it out, my powers help me remain hidden in the shadows.”

    What followed next sent a lot of people into shock. “I’ll go too.” I rose my hand. “I’m small and can move fast, and if er… Kalad gets hurt I can heal him… her .”

    I drew in a breath as Danarica and I entered the temple, and immediately coughed it back out. The air was filled with dust and the smell of mold and decay like everything else in this city. The building was filled with darkness and shadows that gave everything an evil look. Danarica continued to remind me to help stick to the shadows that they would help cover us.

    We moved from a much smaller room into a larger one filled with rows upon rows of pews. In the middle of the room lay a beautiful crystal, it’s beauty seemed to leap out and touch every corner of the room, yet at the same time it’s radiance was dimming. The crystal must have been a reproduction of the real ones that drew mana from the planet. Like how Christian Churches had Crosses, these churches had crystals. “Stay close.” Danarica suddenly whispered as the shadows in the room began to move.

    Yellow eyes began to open from all over the room; monstrous limbs and horrid teeth began to move and stretch. I let out a scream in shock as one of the mutated faces came to life next to me, it’s face twisting from side to side as it awoke. “Damn it.” Danarica swore under her breath as the room came to life with howls. “Run… Run!” She screamed shoving me back into the smaller room.

    I fell to the ground from the shove and quickly rose to my feet, turning to see Danarica backing up, her weapon raised in defense. “Get out of here, head back to the Inn.” She screamed backing up. I turned, picking my feet up underneath me and began to rush out the door. That is when the world went flying; something hit me in my side, something horrible and painful, which sent me sprawling against the wall and coughing up blood. I groaned in pain and looked up to see a Fearl standing over me, it opened it’s maw and looked into my eyes for a second… and then it moved in to bite.

    Alright guys enjoy the Alcohal and meeting each other or finding out about your new bodies. Kalad’s post is going to bring Danarica and Adalia back to the Inn.

  17. #17
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    I mentally noted the path we were taking to get to the church, it would be a good idea to know the way back easily, and it was seeming almost... second nature to do it. That was troubling, I found myself picking up habits that weren't my own, like the fact I was now regularly scanning the area around me, keeping an eye out for things. It wouldn't do to think on my altered movement habits. At least this damn outfit gave me support so I didn't bounce everywhere. Still, I made sure Adalia was next to me as we reached the locked gate. I lifted the lock, getting a good look at it, it was iron, and pretty badly rusted.

    "Sshh." I stated to Adalia, pulling out one of my blades, and bringing the hilt down hard on the lock, snapping it open. Entering... the air was foul, smelling of decay and nasty mustiness, I did my best to keep from coffing.

    "Remember, stick close to me, and stay in the shadow." I reminded her, slinking through the shadows like a dark, shadowy feline stalking though the jungle. The architecture was impressive, even in the current state of destruction and disrepair. Getting into the next, larger room, after prying some boards off the closed up door to it, we stepped in.

    I idly noted the crystal, and its almost ephemeral glow, but that didn't catch my attention, something was... wrong. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing at attention like the best trained soldiers, and there was almost an... itch at the back of my mind. Something wasn't right... The shadows, a good number of them were shaped... wrong. "Stay close." I whispered to Adalia, as they began to move.

    They began to awake, displaying their nasty, twisted forms, their yellow eyes opening. The first thing I could think was that they were REALLY ugly. The second was to glance around, and I caught sight of one waking next to Adalia. "Damn it." I swore, as they began to howl, "Run... Run!" I then followed my instinct, shoving Adalia back through the door, raising my weapons defensively as I backed up. "Get out of here, head back to the inn!" I screamed to her. Then I heard a meaty thunk, and Adalia groaning, and I turned, just in time to see a Fearl moving to bite.

    Suddenly everything seemed to slow, and what to do was crystal clear. I moved, throwing one of my blades, catching the thing in the side of the head, with a satisfactory sound as it pierced in. Then, I ran, grabbed the blade, and wrenched it sideways, then out. Then, finally, grabbing Adalia, and running out, and into the streets, ducking into shadows and fading halfway to the Inn. I waited there, invisible, for around five minutes to make sure I wasn't followed. I then ran the rest of the way to the Inn, running myself ragged, as I staggered in, managing to get out. "She needs help."
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

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    -where shall we go up to/our future roams around now-

    I kept silent as Ryan and Dennis..or should I say Adalia and Danarica left the old inn to go to the temple. I kept myself completely oblivious to the situation, taking pieces in slowly. I didn't want to go, especially with Ry-Adalia. My anxiety would be through the roof and I would be swinging my sword left and right; without a clue of what to do.

    I would guide you there, Danielle. I heard a reassuring voice in my head.
    'And you are..?'
    Ovan. Since you're female in your world, here, me and you coexist. I promise to guide you through your battles.
    'heh, trust a reckless character I created?' I thought, doubting him and myself.
    Atleast I can use a sword.
    'Got me there..' I sighed, remainning in a chair as everyone else looked about the place.

    I continued to think to myself for a bit, the other..presence in me not speaking a word. Was Deanna ok, was I in some coma in my world? What...why exactly were we scouting out these temples for this god. I was never the religious type, but the omniprescent man was a definate figure here.


    "The old lady said there was food in this place, right?"I mumbled to myself, getting off the chair- almost falling due to being much taller then my other worldly self. I walked around in each room, the restroom, a hallway, then a kitchen. It looked like someone already raided it, but I sorted through a piece of bread and some sort of fruit. Solids was good; now for liquids.

    I turned on what looked to be the tap and got a bit disguted. That was a no. I looked around and opened the icebox, and found a tin bucket with ice, a bottle and shot glasses.

    "Fine 100% Whiskey" I read off the label. I was 22, right? So..I could legally drink this stuff..I took my findings back into the main room and sat down, holding the bottle in my hands.

    [Quote is from a translated part of "Owari nai Yume(An Endless Dream)"]

  19. #19
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    Moswen Ebonique

    Do I ever chain you down…?


    Observing everyone was slightly interesting and perhaps a bit boring at the same time. A few of the group decided that getting into the liquor was a good idea… and I just shook my head slightly. Getting intoxicating wasn’t my idea of fun- not in a new world filled with such unique opportunities. Well… at least not now.
    With Ryan and Kalad gone… or rather, Adalia and Danarica gone, I was uneasy. Perhaps it was a bit of the protectiveness I had still in me… or maybe my character had some of it too. Regardless, I was uneasy with them leaving to go off on their own and silently I cursed the fact that I didn’t go. So, while sitting there I tried to take my mind off of things by observing the others.
    Time passed… and it wasn’t long until I felt a rush of uneasiness rise into my being. These energies that I felt… they were everywhere and I was doing my best to ignore them somewhat, but I couldn’t know. It was as if things were balanced… but then at times, the balance would be thrown off. Yet… there were levels of this feeling of ‘balance’. Gah… the sense of energies was so hard to grasp at this time.
    “Maybe eventually I’ll get the concept or handle of it…” I said quietly, twitching my ears to the door at the sound of footsteps over the sound of others talking. A few of the other halfbreeds seemed to twitch their ears too, and soon Danarica came bursting through the door with Adalia- knocked out and slightly bleeding.
    “Damn!” I swore, leaping off the counter and swiftly dodging a few of the bodies standing to reach the two.
    “We ran into these creatures… they attacked her.” She said, and I withdrew a breath shaking my head.
    “I’m not sure about the abilities in this group…” I whispered, looking at everyone and then back to Adalia. “But last time Adalia was the healer. I don’t think that has changed… and with that in mind, I doubt anyone else has real healing abilities.”
    Danarica swore slightly, and I held up my hand.
    “However… if it is okay… I think I need to test some thing…”
    With that, I concentrated on Adalia’s body. The energy… everyone had their own energies, right? Focusing… I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on the part of my mind that seemed to understand these energies. The part that… knew the energies and saw them. Think! Concentrate! Come on Kalah… no… come on Moswen, you can do this! I gritted my teeth, tightly shutting my eyes and focusing… trying to see what my mind was grasping.
    And then suddenly, my eyes opened and it was as if everything was clear. Unbeknown to me, suddenly my left eye became black as the yang and my right eye became completely white. I wasn’t seeing the world as it was meant to be seen by the true eye anymore.
    Bodies and solid objects were not in existence. Instead, there were swirling layers of black and white… but strangely, they seemed to intermix and combine to the point where their union created a sparkling crystallic sheen of an indefinite amount of colors. I could tell after a bit of pondering, where solid objects were supposed to be. However, even the ground itself did not exist anymore- rather an abyss of… the balance. A grounding balance- however its color was something I couldn’t even describe.
    But the combined mass of energy before me- after examination, I could make out its outline to be that of Adalia. The energy had personality… some thing I didn’t think was possible, but I could sense it. I understood it. Within this energy, there were layers… each layer representing a delicate seesaw of balance. Each layer within Adalia’s mass energy was swirling constantly… a struggle between the yin and yang. A few of these layers were bright and luminous with not black and white, but with that crystallic rainbow-like sheen. However, any layer that was not that crystal-like mixture was a swirling mix of black and white. The only difference was each layer seem to have either a certain amount of black and white, upsetting a balance- creating a struggle for power. A constant struggle.
    Is this… is this what balance looks like? The true energies of our cores… I thought, but the question was- what do I do about this?
    No sooner had I thought the question, the answer came to me. While it was probably impossible for all the layers of one’s core to be at complete balance… since there always seems to be an upset in someone’s mental, physical or emotional state. There are even layers within each state as well… it seemed to be that way by what I could see. However, with her current condition… her physical layer…
    Peering deeper, I then saw it- or rather, I saw through the layers. I sifted through them slowly… until suddenly it came at me. A layer that was far too black to be healthy with a small amount of swirling white struggling to cope with its dark counterpart.
    I’m not sure how I knew what to do… perhaps it was just ebbed into my subconscious to help me ease into the world and the slightly elevated situation came to me. Or perhaps it was instinct… or they could have been the same thing. In either case, my body went into motion.
    Reaching my hand outwards, I dipped it into the layer- concentrating until I saw no more energies. All I saw was that one layer… that tiny layer of energy that was so important to Adalia’s life. Focusing, I then became aware of my own energy. Yin- the masculine, the bright… I needed that for Adalia.
    Come on… I need to draw that out of my own…
    Perhaps it was part of my ability- perhaps my body stored extra Yin and Yang so that I could work my abilities. Yin and Yang that were not connected to my mental, physical or emotional layers… but rather, they were reserves- connected to my “magical” layer. Like a sixth sense, but instead it was the fourth section of the energy mass. It would make sense, for magic users to have a fourth section.
    Then Yin, go to her.
    It wasn’t a burning sensation… and it wasn’t exactly a tingling sensation either. Instead, it felt much like what it would feel like to have a cool watery stream pass from your inner core, rush upwards to your shoulder and then pour down from your arm and pass through your fingertips. Yes, like cool water. I watched as the brilliant white energy then poured from my hand like one would pour a pitcher of ice cold tea. It dropped into the middle of the black layer within Adalia, and instanteously it joined with the little remain of Adalia’s yin in her physical state.
    The cool feeling stopped when I felt that it was right- that she had enough light masculine energy to create more of… itself rather, to equal into balance again. Just a droplet more of Yin energy…
    Knowing that it was complete, I closed my eyes to focus on going back to… a normal state. It was much easier than going into… whatever energy-seeing state I was in now, and with in a few moments I reopened my eyes to see things normal.

    However, before I could notice everyone who was watching or the work of what I had done… I gave a yelp as a painful and loud snap came into existence. It startled Danarica and those near me too- a sharp crack echoed in the air and then the sound of sliding metal followed. I fell backwards slightly, feeling a tight presence upon my head as a flash of silvery light materialized from no where. After the light faded, I felt as if I had a headache. Reaching up to my forehead- where I felt it, now was something metallic. I slowly rose to my feet, and walked over to a mirror hanging on the wall.
    There, matching the other five armor pieces upon me… was a shiny, silvery embroided amour piece about my forehead-like a headband. It was connected to my collar around my neck by a small chain, like all the other pieces.
    Turning with understanding, I looked to Danarica.
    “I’m no healer… but I think I helped speed up the process for her body to heal itself now. I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine.”

    So I understand it now… the armor pieces really are holding back the Yang half of my magic reserve. By tapping into the Yin, it made the Yang half that much more powerful… and another amour piece was needed. I’m sure in time this armor piece- being unnatural to my current form, will fade away. But my question is… why do I have so much Yang?

    [ To those who watch this process, when she does what she does… she moves regularily and everything. She just sees different- and when she puts Yin into the body of Adalia, it basically looks like she just transparently-like pushes her hand into Adalia’s abdomen. There would be a faint white glow along her arm as well. ^_^;; ]

    This was a fun post!
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  20. #20
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    "I knew I should've followed her," I grumbled as I knelt beside her. "She's not going to get up anytime soon." I sighed and lightly touched her forehead.

    "She needs some rest," Danarica said.

    "Okay." After some inner arguing I slid my arms under her neck and legs and lifted her off the floor. Although she wasn't exactly as light as a feather I was amazed that I could actually lift something over thirty pounds. Adalia gave a small moan but that was all. I carried her up the stairs and into one of the spare rooms.

    The room had two full beds and not much else. I stumbled to the bed on the left and carefully lowered her down on the mattress. At first I thought I had done something wrong when she winced and moaned again. My breathing stopped until she relaxed again. She's still in pain. I can't just leave her up here.

    I sat on the other bed and enjoyed an apple that I had managed to find earlier while watching over Adalia. My weapon -- which was most likely a halberd -- was only a foot away from me. After a few minutes of watching her sleep my breathing started to match hers. I leaned against the wall and did a cat-like yawn. Hope she wakes up before I nod off.

    The moment got so tense that I jumped at every sound. Soon a loud bump sounded from a wall. A slight chill raced through my body and seemed to shoot out in one small burst. The air around me shimmered and got slightly blue. It stayed that way for a while then went back to normal. "Okay, what happened?" I asked myself.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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    ~*~*~*~*~ In Pain ~*~*~*~*~

    I moaned and rolled to my side, which seemed to only reward me with only more pain. My whole world was quickly becoming more and more painful. My whole chest throbbed in pain, my left arm almost completely numb. “Where? Ow… my voice.” I moaned, bringing my good hand up to my throat. It sounded so soft, so feminine?

    Something jerked the bed in shock as I began to open my eyes. “Adalia?” A boy whispered in almost muted shock. Everything seemed to come back, the world, Kite… the monsters, how they dampened my powers with one bite. “Hey, are you feeling better?”

    I coughed a few times which only seemed to compress my chest even more. “My chest hurts.” I whimpered, wondering how badly the damage was. I slowly peeked under my robe to see if I could look at any of the damage. Quickly realizing that I was next to a boy, I snapped the robe shut and turned to look at him. “I see you’re getting used to your body.”

    “I’m trying not to think too much about my..” He began to say, his face warming into a blush which made me wonder if he actually saw how flat my chest was. “basement.” He picked a timely word.

    “Looked down there yet? And you don't have to stay so far away, I don't bite” I asked, as he began to inch closer and closer. “Besides, can’t be worse than what happened to me when I first went..” Images of my own self-exploration in the tub during our last adventure filled my head, bringing a blush to my face and my heart racing. Part of me, a small part anticipated another time to be alone when I could do it again.

    Kite sat down next to me on the bed and began to talk about something with girls having to aim as I found his tail. Running through the fur with my good hand. “Hmm? What did you say?” I asked my eyes preoccupied by the tail.

    Kite quickly pulled the tail away from my fingers jolting me out of my own little world. “Don’t play with that, it’s sensitive to touch.” He scolded me as I moved my hands back to my lap and mumbled a small apology. “It’s okay… it just felt so nice.” He finally admitted after a few seconds as he laid the tail back into my excited hands.

    I began to run my hands through the fur again and watched as he closed his eyes and released a deep throaty purr. After a few seconds I turned and looked at him, letting the tail go and leaning up, kissing his cheek ever so softly. Kite opened his eyes and leaned in, kissing my forehead. Our eyes made contact in and he leaned in again, this time we touched lips again only for a second before he pulled away. “I love you so much.” He whispered, as I moved, abit with a lot of pain. Pushed myself over to where I laid on his chest.

    “We finally meet and only one kiss?” I asked coyly. This being the moment, this was when I found out if he could see past this body.

    “Of course not.” He whispered after a few seconds, placing his hands under my arms and raising me up with as much care as possible. Kissing me on the mouth, at first slow and then a bit more personally. Each kiss lasted longer and longer, our breaths coming quicker which caused my chest to tighten and tighten.

    My eyes snapped open in shock as I felt his hand push past the opening of the robe and land on my naked hip. “No.” I pushed away, coughing while holding my robe closed with both arms, despite how painful it was.

    Kite’s eyes were also filled with shock, as if he didn’t even notice what had happened. “I’m so…” He stumbled out of the bed. His words trailing off into a sorry as he found his way to the door of the room and walked out, leaving it open in his wake.

    The images of the last few seconds played over and over again in my mind as I rocked back and forth on the bed, holding my knees close for protection. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours before some one else came to the door. “Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?” Kalah asked leaning against the doorway. I didn’t respond, just rocking back and forth in shock. “Listen, everyone down there is starting to have a lot of questions, one of us is going to have to tell them that they will be here for a while…” She sighed crossing her arms.

    “I wanted to see if you had any objections…” Kalah sighed shaking her head. “I’ll come back and talk when you are feeling better.” She turned and left, leaving me alone again as a weight hit my bed. My eyes lifted up to see a Panther looking back, his golden eyes looking into mine.

    It was then when the first tears began to fall, tears of uncertainty, tears of fear, tears of worry, all of them traveled down my cheeks. Loki moved up and licked some of the tears off my cheeks before moving around me and laying down. I responded by laying my head down on his soft fur, my finger clutching a hand full of it. I just buried my head in that fur and let out a long soft cry.

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    -for the things that must be protected / i sacrifice something again today-

    I kept to myself as Adalia was brought up to a room after Kalah healed her wounds. Kalah was a bit easier to pronounce then Moswen, but I guess I'd have to start to get used to this damned world and our new names sooner or later. Just..why did Ryan tag along?

    I fought with the whiskey's cork to get it open. It was tightly placed, and I almost pondered trying to break the top off, but I got the cork off, my fingers burning and the bottle almost have fallen from my grasp; the gloves providing a good bit more friction and holding. I took a shot glass from the ice bucket and pondered about putting an ice cube, but then again; was the water safe? I decided the whiskey was cold enough and poured some, placing the bottle down and staring at the glass.

    'I should check on hi..her..'I thought to myself, looking as Kalah/Moswen went to check on her. But he..she'd just press me for my name. I don't want a confrontation, not now, not like this!

    I chugged the first shot down. Its taste was nasty and remained in my mouth, biting the apple didn't help. I poured another shot though, for after I finished the apple.

    'What will he do if he finds out?! I can't let him..' I started to turn out irrational thoughts as I plowed through the apple. '..I can't.'

    I chugged down the second shot, then a third. I closed the bottle shut and leaned my head against the wall, not wanting to listening to anything.I felt dizzy, out of it..but atleast it was better then anxious and afraid.

    [Lyric is from "No More Words" by Ayumi Hamasaki]

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    I sighed, sitting down in the room, across from that Ovan guy. I was still tense, dear god that was close. I knew it wasn't my fault, but still, if I had acted slower... I spotted the bottle of whisky the guy was drinking from, pouring it into shots. I grabbed myself a glass. I was normally against drinking, but... what the hell. I snatched up the bottle, pouring myself some. I then held it up, pausing with uncertainty, before downing it.

    Dear GOD that was nasty, but... I guess more couldn't hurt... I downed a few more, right in front of Ovan, the fuzziness of the alcohol spreading delightfully through me, the tenseness easing away. I was barely conscious of my posture altering as I went, becoming slightly looser, and almost... enticing. Then, I noticed Ovan eyeing me.

    I smiled, asking, "So, like what you see?"

    "What if I do?" He asked slightly slurring his words.

    "Want to see it out of these bothersome things?" I asked, gesturing to my clothes.

    "I have been looking to find some place to get a bit of air." He replied stumbling to his feet and making his way upstairs to one of the rooms.

    I followed, smiling almost delightedly. "So, which room?"

    He picked one randomly, almost falling completly forward when opening the door, picking himself up he sauntered his way over to the window, raising it to allow the cool dusk air to blow in.

    I entered, closing the door behind me, "Watch me, big boy." I then began to disrobe, making a small show of it.

    He looked at me in shock and almots a bit of lust. "Woah are we really going to do this?" He asked in a bit of shock and disbelief.

    With a seductive pout, I asked, "You don't want this?"

    "I do I was just a bit in shock..."

    I kept on a seductive smile, stating, "Don't worry, you're getting me, all of me."

    He moved closer, a noticable tent in his pants as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Why don't you lead me through it."

    "Let's get those off you first." I stated playfully, tugging at his shirt.

    He grinned back, stepping a few feet backwards before tripping and falling onto the bed while undoing his shirt. "Better?"

    "Now let's get these off you." I stated, tugging on his pants.

    With almost ease he kicked it off, laying there naked with 'it' sticking up in the air, a almost shocked yet bliss expression on his face.

    "Ooh, you're big, this'll be fun..." I stated, crawling over him.

    I smiled, tonight was going to be a good night, but a nagging corner of my mind said it wouldn't be a fun morning....
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

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    -a world like the one I've seen in dreams / without conflict, daily peace / but in reality, I sometimes worry about / love and the day to day grind / those rolling days-

    I kept my head on the wall for a bit until I started to feel really out of it. My whole world felt like it was spinning, and I felt out of control. I moved my head to level, and looked across to see Danarica getting drunk off the whiskey aswell. I felt a certain..enjoyment for eyeing her, and smiled a bit.

    'Let me take care of this, little girl!'I heard a drunken voice in my head, and was forced into a viewing spot, I was no longer in control of my body.'This chick is for big boys!'

    (This is now Ovan, male persona PoV. Bold respresents "Inner Danielle.")

    "So, like what you see?"Danarica asked, smiling.
    "What if I do?"I slurred my speech, from the alcohol.
    "Want to see it out of these bothersome things?"She responded, hinting to her clothing. We both smilied and I got up(stumbling a little, of course), heading towards the stairs, looking back at her.
    "I have been looking to find some place to get a bit of air."

    'Nonononono!!' I heard in the corners of my mind, but shrugged it off. Danarica asked which room but I randomly picked one, it didn't matter. I could feel the girl barking in the back of my mind, it was giving me a pre-hangover headache. I went and opened the window for a bit of air, and she entered seductively, asking:

    "Watch me, big boy." as she undressed herself in a show fashion. Although we were both drunk, we were both really going know?
    "Woah are we really going to do this?" I asked, although keeping my eyes on her. I did like what I saw, whatever what state I was in.
    "You don't want this?"She asked in a seductive voice.
    "I do, I was just a bit in shock..."
    "Don't worry, you're getting me, all of me." She replied, keeping that seductive smile on and hinted for me to come onto the bed. I placed my hand on her shoulders, smiling yet keeping a manly pose.It was hard, being in a state of pure euphoria. It was either the girl, the whiskey, or the combination of both. Probably the latter.

    "Why don't you lead me through it."She smiled and tugged on my shirt playfully.
    "Lets get these off of you." And so I did. I took off my shirt, then the mail underneath along with my gloves.
    "Now let's get these off you."She tugged on my pants, and I did so with ease. She smiled widely and then seductively. I layed down in bed and she crawled to me, both of our breaths smelling of the whiskey.
    "Ooh, you're big, this'll be fun..."

    'Whyyy meeeeeeee!'I could hear Danielle say in the backseat of my mind. I was having fun, and tuned her out completely, not caring for her yelling or cursing.

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    Time for action...of a different persuasion.

    Ban Ravi
    ~Hunting in the Moonlight~

    After what was the hundreth scream in the last twenty minutes I finally grabbed up Miroku, exited my room and leapt down to the first floor. Not long after Danarica and Adalia had returned, the former had begun sharing a bottle of whiskey with Ovan. I hadn't been able to get much information about the church from her and the others all seem to either be caught up in their own troubles or worrying about Adalia. So I'd taken the church plans upstairs to study before getting some sleep.

    Unfortunately, no sooner had a closed my eyes when the two downstairs started having their way with each other in the room next door. It was tolerable at first, but soon enough the damn woman was becoming a little to hard to ignore. It didn't help that whatever part of my mind that housed Ban Ravi was not adversed to the idea of Danarica in the nude. The deft reminder that it was once a guy helped to quell those thoughts, but did nothing to quell the noise emanating from my neighbor's room.

    "I can't believe this..." I thought as I straightened up and headed towards the door.

    What are you planning?

    "Didn't get any info from Danarica on this church and everyone seems to be wrapped up in something else to deal with this. We're suppose to bring 'faith to a faithless world'. What better way to do so than killin' some beasties?"

    It would be wiser to gain the help of at least one of your companions.

    "Right now I don't think any of them are going to be much use. Plus, we can handle a couple of monsters, right?"

    The spirit seemed to sigh and I smirked as I started towards the church.


    "Doesn't look so bad." I stood before the church, its once hallowed visage now broken down and crumbling.

    Careful. I sense gr-

    "Yea yea, GREAT EVIL." Unsheathing Miroku from my back I leaned it against my shoulder as I marched right in.

    Darkness filled every corner of the building as my booted feet thumped against the hardwood floor. Despite that moonlight seemed to still find it sway into this forsaken place, illuminating the large crystal in the middle of the room. Stepping into it, I looked around as the shadows began to twist and move as yellow eyes blinked open and twisted limbs came to life. "All right uglies." I pointed Miroku at one of the uglier Fearls. "Its time to do some exorcising."

    With a guttural screech it leapt forward and I dropped back, raising Miroku tip first before driving forward with a powerful thrust that ripped right through its mouth and out it's back. The others weren't too far behind it so iripped Miroku free and brought it down, cleaving another in twain. Withdrawing the blade, I was barely able to maneuver it in place as two more slammed into me. They immediately lashed out with thier claws and fangs, but my armored coat held up against the onslaught.

    I grabbed one by its throat and threw it back towards the slavering pack leaving me to deal with a single one. Grabbing this one by the head, I smashed it into the floor splintering planks piercing through its head. Barely had I drawn a breath when they pressed their attack. Swinging my large blade back and forth I drove them back as I myself backed towards the entrance way. Another leapt for me as I grabbed up a pew in one hand and, my muscles straining despite my newfound strength, ripped it free and threw it into their path sending them careening backwards in a shower of splinters.

    "Is that a-"

    The breath was blasted from my body as the Fearl barreled into my stomach. Miroku went flying away, smashed from my grip and sent spinning into the darkness. It immediately went into a frenzy of slashing and biting, almost piercing through the chainmail layer. I could feel blood slowly drip down my face and on my chest as gashes were sliced into my skin. It's mouth opened wide, filled with needle sharp teeth as it dove towards my throat. "NOT TONIGHT!" I grabbed two of its longer fangs and held the Fearl at bay with sheer strength. With a roar I twist the monsters head until I hear bone snape and muscles rip.

    Shucking the corpse off of my I hold out my hand and call Miroku back to arms. I was battered, bruised, and bleeding, but I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. My blood was singing with the heat of battle and my body flushed with power. " problem."

    The jabbering beasts before you would say differently.

    "All part of the fun." I panted as I held Miroku in a two handed grip before me. The pack was hanging back, apparently after killing a few of them they'd become wary, but that wouldn't last long.

    Let us hope you live through this. It would be most unwelcome.

    "I'll try not to."

    Ban may be a bit in over his head, so if any of you others would like to drop by and lend a hand?







  26. #26
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    "Stupid...raging...hormones..." I growled, banging my head on the bathroom wall with each word. The banging continued until I felt like I beat the images of Adalia out of my head as well as a little nagging voice.

    I meet him after all this time, after all those chats, and I'm the one to get horny? I hadn't felt that way since I discovered the Playboy Channel! What's worse is that the evidence was hard to get rid of! Stupid...thing wouldn't go back down! But the worst thing of all was that it wasn't all me. Yes, I started it. But something seemed to push me aside and take it further.

    I looked at the mirror, not recognizing the face that stared back. My caracal ears twitched in frustration as I looked at the bruise that was in the middle of my forehead. The voice was gone for now; I would make sure it didn't come back. I sighed in relief a bit too soon, though. My ears picked up the sound of moaning. And banging.

    "AARGH! This world is SCREWED UP! I got to get out of here!" I burst out of the bathroom, almost slamming the door into Kalah/Mowsen's face.

    "Have you seen Ban? He went out but he didn't say where," she told me.

    "I'll get him!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

    Unfortunately, my halberd was still in Adalia's room. I ran out and grabbed it before noticing that she was being comforted by someone else. The voice came back with a vengeance, and I immediately felt a pang of jealousy. "My, you don't seem to have a lot of trouble getting attention and comfort," my mouth said with a hint of venom. The panther glared and I glared right back at it. I said nothing else and ran out of the room.

    I didn't fully realize what I had said until I was halfway to the temple. "God, I'm an idiot," I told myself.

    Of course you are, especially after staying with such a catch for so long.

    "Now I know I've been here too long." I stopped in front of the temple and paused for a minute before cautiously walking in. Some organ music would actually make me feel more at ease.

    "Kite!" Ban yelled.

    "Ban? Whoa!" My eyes caught the movement of a dark creature streaking past me. It circled me and pounced. Something that felt like both me and whoever I was sharing this body with gripped the halberd and swiped at the beast. It gave a piercing cry as it dropped to the floor.

    Behind you!

    It was too fast for me fight back! The same energy from earlier shot out and surrounded me. The Fearl seemed to hit an invisible wall and fall back. "Shields? I do shields? Meh."

    Are you downplaying our power?

    'It ain't throwing fireballs, you know!' I raised my halberd and brought it down on another Fearl's skull. My adrenaline was racing...and I liked it.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  27. #27
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    Default Re: ~*~* Chronicles Of The Rift II *~*~ Starts {Mature}

    Real Name: Becki
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Becki is a rather laid back person who rarely takes anything too seriously, unless angered. She is extremely random at times, often receiving sarcastic comments insulting her intelligence and an overdrawn “riiiiiight…”. She is generally kind to all unless you have done something that irritates her and enjoys other peoples’ company.
    ~~ ~~ FORM START ~~ ~~
    Name: Loki Kinoshita
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-breed panther
    Age: 16
    Bodily Appearance: Loki stands at the much taller height of 5’9’’ and his rather lanky build is beginning to become more toned. His eyes are an olive green colour with a dominant yellow tint to them. His long black hair is left to flop untidily and out of place and often drifts in front of his eyes. Loki’s ears are replaced by Black Panther ears, which are often quite well hidden by his hair and also has a black tail. There are a few scars from previous battles that remain across his chest and his once childish expressions tend to be more serious.
    Clothing Appearance: He wears a simple off-white lose fitting shirt with long sleeves which he has grown into. His navy blue pants have a small hole cut into the back for his tail to hang freely. He has a royal blue wrap that goes around his waist twice and is tied by a double knot at the back, the two ends coming down to the back of his knees with silver embroided patterns on the ends. He uses this wrap as a place to hold his sword when it is not needed. He wears a simple pair of black leather sandals on his feet, a pair of black fingerless gloves and a simple brown shoulder bag.
    Weapon: A simple, thin sword with a panther head at the end of the hilt. It is in no way, shape or form magical; it is simply a weapon used by the half-breed panther race. Loki tries to use his sword more often than his magic, as his full breed form has caused him trouble in the past. He is a skilled and confident swordsman due to this.
    Magic: Unlike other Half-breeds, Loki can fully embrace his animal side and go into a full panther. This power allows him to understand the animals around him and communicate with them, while giving him a deeper understanding of the animals around him. His panther form looks closer to being an adult than before as his age has increased dramatically.
    ~~ ~~ FORM FINISH ~~ ~~
    Changed Personality: Loki tends to be a bit more reserved than Becki and often keeps his true thoughts to himself. He is quite shy at times around people he doesn’t know, but will take a leader stance if required. He enjoys having times of solitude to straighten or rearrange his thoughts. He is glad to have his body back, although is still irritated at the fact that Becki still occupies a portion of it, acting like a conscience. He is unsure of the situation between himself and Adalia as he has grown older and she has stayed around the same age. He won’t deny his past feelings for her but at the same time he doesn’t know where he stands with someone who is around the age of a possible younger sibling.
    Other: Due to the fact he is a big cat, Loki is colour blind. He also has a strong British accent.

    ~Loki Kinoshita~

    “Loki? Do you realise how stupid you are? Lurking around and avoiding the problem isn’t going to help you solve anything, you know!”

    If it was supposed to be a good thing that he had his body back, had freedom for the first time in a year or so and was back in a world that he understood, Loki couldn’t see it. Despite the fact he was now older, taller and generally didn’t look like a pip-squeak with an oversized sword, he couldn’t help but distance himself from the others and casually hiding whenever Adalia went by. He hadn’t missed the annoying, loud and inconsiderate voice of Becki screaming inside his head either. The most irritating thing of all was that he knew she was right.

    This was the reason that since Adalia had been brought home and was recovering in her room that he was sat outside of it, occasionally standing with his hand hovering centimetres from the door, considering whether he should knock or not. Each time he sighed and returned to his place, hearing that Kite was doing a good enough job of comforting her.

    “Do it, Loki! Just knock on the door and check on her! Who cares if Kite’s in there? Technically, you had the Adalia in this world first.”

    “Right…” He whispered in reply, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. “Just knock on the door… What’s the worst that could happen?”

    His ears perked up as he heard violent coughing, mutters of apology and movement towards the door. Loki scanned the corridor for a possible escape route and finding there wasn’t one, changed quickly into his panther form. He watched in the darkness as Kite dashed down the stairs, soon followed by Moswen going up the stairs and into the room to check on Adalia.

    Loki followed her inside; staying close to her heals but not close enough for her to notice. He listened to Moswen saying something about having to wait around for a while before she turned away, taking the opportunity to jump up onto her bed and sit at the end, watching over her. His heart skipped a beat as her eyes met his and sank again once he saw the tears streaming from them. He moved over to her, gently licking her cheeks of tears before laying down for her to rest her head on.

    It wasn’t long before Kite burst back into the room, taking his weapon. Loki sighed in relief as he walked straight out, but tensed up again as he spun around in the doorway. “My, you don't seem to have a lot of trouble getting attention and comfort.” He commented, glaring at Loki.

    “Glare back… Look mean…”

    Loki took her advice, glaring with his yellow-green cat eyes, attempting to growl but making more of a purring noise. “Wow, he’s going to be SO scared of a purring kitty…” He felt triumphant as Kite proceeded to run out of the room, but suppressed it as he looked back at Adalia who remained looking depressed.

    “Loki? Wait! Where are you going?” Adalia called as he hopped off the bed and made his way over to the door. A fresh wave of tears appeared as he disappeared from view.

    “I thought it might be easier to comfort you if I could reply…” He said as he peered around the door in his humanoid form.

    “But why did you leave?”

    “Unfortunately, my clothes still won’t magically put themselves back on when I change back.” He said as he pulled his shirt over his head and tying the obi around his waist, completing his outfit. He smiled as made his way back into the room and sat down on the bed. “I missed you…” He muttered, looking away; his confidence suddenly fading as he remembered just who Kite was.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

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    Dimitri stood in the common room of the former inn, gazing introspectively out the main window to the streets outside. The Old Woman had only just left him alone, he had almost believed he was going to have to resort to using his magic but the crone must have finally gotten the clue and had shuffled away. Now he could think at least, and he certainly had much to think about.

    Like trying to figure out what exactly you're doing here?

    Smiling, he had become so used to this body back before that he almost never heard the Dimitri side of him seperate from his own conscious anymore. He supposed that might should frighten him, but they were so closely alike that he really didn't mind if they happened to merge. Dimitri spoke, though softly...he didn't want the other to know he was talking to himself.

    "Yeah...Adalia and...Danarica wasn't it? Whatever they found at that temple sure sounds evil, but who the heck knows? For all we know we were tresspassing on their holy ground...the Old Woman might just be taking us all for a lark."

    Hearing footsteps behind him, Dimtri smiled. Pulling off his hat for the first time since his arrival, he idly dusted it off on his robe as he turned, bringing his eyes, the spiral fur pattern around them almost dizzying in effect, to bear.

    "And what do you think of this?"

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    ~*~*~*~*~ Hurt~*~*~*~*~

    ”I missed you too..” I replied as he took me by the small of the back, leading me slowly back to the bed, sitting me down upon it and then trying to get me to lay back down. As much as my body ached to lay back down I would rather go off looking for Shonta. It was my fault that he was running off right now and I had to rectify that. “I have to go after him.” I pleaded as Loki lay his hands on my shoulders.

    “Could you tell me what happened between you and Kite?” He asked, our eyes met for a second before I looked down at my hands. Tears began to drip down my face again and onto my hands to which he placed his hands. “It isn’t your fau..”

    I quickly spoke up. “It is! It is! We were kissing, and I got too close. He must have thought the wrong thing, it is my fault.” I repeated over and over to Loki’s shock. His hands began to ball up in anger as he rose to his feet, a deep growl coming from his throat. “Don’t Loki please, don’t be mad at Kite, be mad at me.”

    Loki responded by taking in several deep breaths. “What did he do? Touch you? Did he touch your…” His words came out harsh causing me to sob even harder. Tears began to roll down Loki’s own cheeks as he bent down, wrapping his arms around me. I responded with the same, taking in his smell, it smelled so good, so relaxing. I wanted to just bottle it up and keep it forever. “It’s okay, It’s okay, I’m so sorry.”

    After a moment or two I slowly let go of him, my sobs interrupted by hard coughs from my chest. “I need to go after Kite, he could be hurt because of me, or go and do something stupid.” I struggled to make it to my feet before dropping to my knees coughing. Two large strong hands reached behind me, lifting me up and laying me back onto the bed. “I’m the healer.. if he gets hurt.” I coughed as Loki felt my forehead.

    “You’re burning up. You need to rest.” He sighed pulling up a stool next to the bed, sitting down upon it as he pulled the sheets up to my shoulders. “I promise I will go after Kite and make sure he’s okay.” He patted my hand softly until I moved it away, struggling a bit in the bed before finally getting the robe off of me under the sheets and handing it to Loki.

    “I feel like I am about to throw up.” I gulped, not wanting to really argue with Loki, I was so tired, so exhausted, that I couldn’t heal anyone even if I tried. “I want to go… but maybe I should get a little nap first.” I whispered, my eyes drooping, Loki remaining at my side and holding my hand.

    “Loki?” I mumbled.
    “Hmmm?” He asked.
    “Stay with me till I fall asleep, I’m scared about being alone.”
    “I will…”
    “And be here when I wake up?”
    “I will be, and I will have Kite back safe.”

    I raised my hand to touch his cheek softly before closing my eyes. “Loki?” I asked, my hand slowly dropping from his cheek. “I… love you.” I mumbled drifting off to sleep.

    Okay guys you can try and clean through the twenty or so Fearls in the Church, there is a big evil inside of the Crystal but don’t get there just yet. The Fearls can also cling from the walls and jump from above and all around.

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    <^><^><^><^><^>Oh my mind, how you betray me <^><^><^><^><^>

    My nose and ears betray me.
    That was the first thought that entered my mind as I walked through the Old Lady’s house with a rather grim expression on my face. Adalia wanted me to tell people what was going on… but I really didn’t have the exact clue. I had a grasp of it, but not enough information to let everyone know what was going on- isn’t that supposed to be the Old Lady’s job? In any case, it didn’t matter if I knew what was going on or not. People had either gone out on their own to the church where Adalia and Danarica had come back from or they were having sex- or getting drunk.
    Or both…

    Sighing in slight disgust, I soon spotted a figure sitting in front of me and instantly recognized as Dimitri- some one who I knew at least was half sane. (Or as sane as me anyways.)
    “And what do you think of all this?” His clear voice rang out as I sat down next to him and withdrew a deep sigh. Taking a delicate hand and brushing a few strands of blonde hair from my right eye, I shrugged.
    “I think that people have slightly lost their marbles.” A less-than girly giggle escaped my lips, before I continued. “I am hoping that soon someone lets us know a bit more of what we’re supposed to do… before everyone just goes their own way completely.”
    Dimitri nodded, as a large clunking noise could be heard not too far off along with the added disturbance of sexual noises. My ears flattened against my head slightly, as I looked at Dimitri and then nudged him with my elbow. He looked at me as I grinned wickedly.
    “Wanna join in the fun?”
    Dimitri’s expression was well worth it as I laughed, shaking my head and poking him.
    “Bryan- or Dimitri rather, you know… your expression was priceless.”
    Before he could respond however, I stood back up and wavered my tail a bit in the air. Looking around us again I shook my head and tilted my head to the side as if to gesture to the doorway.
    “Let’s get out of here and get some fresh air.”

    Dimitri nodded as the two of us soon headed out the door and was instantly greeted by the cool night air. My eyes seemed to adjust swiftly to the darkness of the night- and compared to the day time, I almost felt as if I could see better in the darkness. I had no doubt Dimitri probably noticed the same thing, being how his half-breed form was a bit obvious or apparent as the fox.
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    Phoenix of Mana
    ~*~*~*~*~ Rising from the Ashes ~*~*~*~*~

    The falling bodies of the Fearl all around began to twist and turn around the crystal, swirling around into a vertex as the others battled on in a midnight clash of power. The Vortex began to form a outline, and then it began to become more and more defined. The mighty beast cawed once and with a flap of his wings that sent dust flying, he ignited his flames that covered his body and lit every crevice of the temple.

    Rearing it’s head back the beast cocked it into the air and released a torrent of flames that broke through the top of the temple, shining into the air like a spot like. With it’s throat cleared, the beast took to the air, flying around the temple to look at his opponents from all sides before sweeping in and sending them off their feat.

    The Fearls quickly scattered in fear as the Pheonix turned around belching out fireballs that barely missed their targets. The Pheonix may be old, and his aim may be off, but the mighty bird could release balls of flaming hot magma as if he were a hatchling.

    The Warriors had released the defender of the first crystal, and fighting with only half their team their chances were slim to none of winning.

    ~*~*~*~*~ Thirsty ~*~*~*~*~

    With a loud cough and a pain in my lungs I slowly woke back up. Sweat rolled down my head, dripping down into my eyes. “I’m so thirsty.” I whimpered, pulling the sweat soaked covers off of me. “Loki?” I whispered looking around the room, my hair damp and matted to my head.

    There were some weird sounds next door, sounded like some one was having a party. “Well if everyone is next door, no one will mind me getting a drink.” I mumbled, wrapping the sheet around my waist and walking slowly out of the room and down the hallway. “Everything is dizzy.” I groaned almost stumbling down the stairs, before finally reaching the bottom.

    A deep red color lit the room, casting it in an eerie glow. “Now.. where are the drinks.” I asked myself, clearing my dry throat as I made my way to the bar, my sheet tagging along behind me. With the room as dark as it was, it was near impossible to read the bottles, not to mention that everything seemed to swirl around. “Stupid house.” I mumbled.

    “Adalia?” Ovan’s voice asked from behind me as the bottle I was reaching for slipped through my fingers and broke on the ground sending juice and glass flying everywhere. “What are you… are you sick?” He asked rushing forward and wrapping the sheets around me.

    “I was just a little thirsty.” I mumbled, stepping away from the sharp glass. “I woke up, and everyone was at a party in the next room.” I explained as he took me by the small of the back and moved me away.

    Ovan let out a small sigh and returned to the bottles, peering at the label of each one of them before finally grabbing one and pouring out a small glass. “Here.” He placed the glass into my hands and led me upstairs while I gulped down the grape tasting fluid. “Just try and get some sleep Ryan.” He suggested lying me back down onto the bed. Grabbing the sheets off the other bed he draped them onto me, making sure to tuck me in.

    “Thank you Ovan…” Was the last things I remember saying before drifting back off to sleep.

    Alright the Phoenix battle has started! You can try to hold it off but it will be a incredibly hard battle.

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    -the two of us are searching all the time / this accelerated speed can never go back / bind your strength and resolution together /if we don't continue to run, there is no future / so move foward, beyond the door-

    I sighed to myself as I walked out of Adalia's room and slowly back to the one where a most likely sleeping Danarica was. The blow must've infected her a little, or it's just the blood lost and she'd be better by the morning.

    'Ryan will be fine.'I heard Danielle say reassuringly in my head.'He's just a bit..'
    'You're concerned too, don't hide it.' I thought back, staying outside my room.'We'll just keep a close eye on her.

    I stopped at that. I could almost feel a pulse coming from my room, most likely from my sword. Did it sense battle? I sneaked back in, quietly, and looked at my sword. The gem on it glew faintly, the mana crystal in that damned temple must've reacted. It was too late though, half of my body was feeling like it was goign to puke from the alcohol from prior; Danielle wasn't smart enough to eat something prior. The other half..well...Danielle was still freaked about the sex part.

    I bent down to my sword and placed a bit of my mana, what I could extract from my body anyway, into it to calm it down. It gave off a light blue aura for a bit, then died down. The gem still glew, thirsty for battle, but I couldn't feel the pulse from it. I kept my eye faintly on the gem for a small while, and it died down to a small heartbeat. I couldn't go out and try to fight it; I was in no current shape. I'd be a dead weight.

    I placed my sword down, back ontop of my shirt and slipped back into bed, next to the sleeping Danarica. Must to Danielle's horror, I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes, worried for what I'd see in the morning..

    knowing that crystal awoke.

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    "Holy sh...!" Ban exclaimed. Loki looked up and snarled in defiance.

    "What the hell is that?" I yelled as I looked up at the creature.

    It's a guardian. We have to defeat it before it annihilates us.

    "Why would it want to do that?" I raised a shield around the three of us before a fireball could hit us. The shield shattered into thousands of pieces from that one hit, making the sound of a window being broken by a baseball. Another fireball scattered us to different sides of the temple.

    "This isn't good!"

    "We'll have to retreat!" I shouted to the other two. "We're just going to get slaughtered unless we get the others!" I glanced at Loki and got an idea I knew I was going to regret. "Loki, think you're fast enough to dodge these fireballs?"

    Loki gave me a "are you crazy?" look. "What are you thinking?" Ban asked me while he crouched beside me.

    "I'm thinking that he could get back and get the others while we hold the phoenix off. So go already!" I yelled at the panther.

    Loki nodded and took off like a rocket away from the temple. The phoenix turned its attention to him and focused his attacks on him for a while. Hey, never thought about making him a decoy. But it works! Shortly after the phoenix decided that Ban and I were more important. I raised another barrier and tried to keep the energy flowing into it to raise its durability, which actually drained my own energy.

    'Okay, how long can I keep this up?'

    I'd say you would collapse by the time the others get here.

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    "How fortunate."

    Dimitri perched on the rooftop of the nearby building, watching the battle unfold beneath him. Having just arrived, he took a moment to take in the situation. Moswen stood beside him, the two having had their walk disturbed by the nearby explosions. It was pure luck that their treck had taken them this way...well Dimitri guessed that calling it luck wasn't exactly appropriate.


    Dimitri heard Moswen's voice and stood up, deftly removing something from one of his pockets as he did. Turning to his armored companion he shrugged.

    "Well what are you waiting for?"

    With a powerful push of his legs, Dimitri leapt from the rooftop, pointing his staff down at the Phoenix as he flew. The bird didn't notice him until he was on the thing, and Dimtri lashed out with his staff, giving the monster a somewhat mild poke in the face. Landing softly, the fox turned to the Phoenix who seemed somewhat put off by the pitiful attack. Smiling secretely, Dimitri snapped his fingers, igniting the Justice card he had affixed to the thing's face with his staff into burning light. It was blinded for the moment if nothing else, though the golden flames left behind by the card seemed to be causing it much discomfort.
    Last edited by Dr.McNinja; 31st January 2007 at 02:48 PM.

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    <><><><><><> Weakness is only in one's mind <><><><><><>

    Moswen grinned lightly, watching from the roof as Dimitri leapt into the air and then swiftly gave the powerful firebird a nice poke to the face. Her keen eyes however caught the movement of his other hand as he seemed to leave a lovely present behind, causing a rather abrupt wake-up call to the bird as it was blinded. Watching Kite try to fend the beast off as well was impressive, and for the moment Moswen hesitated in joining in. However... she was eager to test another aspect of her powers. Unlike all the others, she had no weapons... however...

    Darn headband... it isn't part of the original armor. Moswen thought, being slightly annoyed as she closed her eyes and focused in on her energies. If she hadn't written up this character form... she doubted she would have known what to do to unlock the armor plating. However, not only did the "Kalah" aspect of Moswen know, but so did Moswen herself. It was so strange how many of the things or moods just came natural...

    With her eyes firmly closed, Moswen felt the wind pick up slightly around her as she focused upon her armor pieces. One "unnatural" armor piece and five natural. That divided their power aspects into groups of... of...
    16.6 divisions of power. A mind abruptly seemed to answer the puzzle for her, which caught her off guard. Kalah was never that adept at math... so having such a swift conclusion wasn't normal.

    "Hey Moswen!" A voice rang out, and she instantly knew that her standing on the roof wasn't exactly assuring if she wasn't joining the fight.
    Right... time to do this.
    Focusing upon the unnatural piece of armor first, Moswen opened her eyes- revealing her yang-sided eye glowing an unnatural omnious purple color. Swiftly her headband began to gather a tendril-like aura which matched of the same color, and swiftly it's metallic silver shine wore off and faded to an obsidian sheen.
    "Releasing Unnatural Armor Piece." Then after a few more seconds it simply seemed to erupt into a delicate explosion of white glowing dust particles.
    "Nuanica power release at 16.6 percent."

    Perhaps there was no noticable change in Moswen by the simple release of one piece of armor... at least, other than her blazing purple eye. But with one bound, it was apparent that there was a change. Moswen was moving swifter than a normal half-breed normally would as she bounded off the roof and simply landed before the Pheonix to join the others.

    Narrowing her eyes she could feel her own yang energies teeming with power from just a small fraction of their release as she concentrated. Swiftly a few of her black shoulder tattoos seemed to glow, matching the violet shaded trend as tendrils of aura rapidly poured from the glowing tattoo and spread downwards to Moswen's hand. Grasping the energy, it began to swirl and churn like a burning marble as it built up energy... crackling occasionally as it destroyed the yin which surrounded it.

    "Let's see how you like being unbalanced..." Moswen grinned, glancing up at the Phoenix as it attempted to rip apart Dimitri and Kite. Rushing at the Phoenix with amazing speed, Moswen bunched up her legs and then leapt upwards into the air so that she was directly in front of the Phoenix for a hesitated moment. Lashing her hand forward, she threw the crackling orb of condensed dark energy at the bird's head. As she descended rapidly, she watched as it connected with an explosion of black energy. It looked a lot like what one would expect to happen if you were to throw a condensed shard of ice- shattering as it hit the bird, yet the small shards seemed to turn to liquid and eat away at the bird's own aura.

    "That should upset it..." Moswen said lightly, grinning as the bird's yin balance was thrown off as the yang energies ate away at it- causing its fire to flicker and grow unsteady.

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    -although I was only living a little / the shadow of this looming solitude / is lengthily and deeply concealing me.-


    'ugh..'I thought, opening my eyes a wink as I could feel my stomach cringing, in need of food. I looked at Danarica and sighed, then smiled. I was sober again, which was apparent by the light headache I had, and it seemed she was out for the night. I slowly got off the bed, and into my clothes.

    'After I get something to eat, we'll probably have to head down to the fight..'
    What fight?
    'Remember the crystal in my sword pulsating? They must've gotten too close to the crystal in the temple and it summoned its guardian.' I adjusted the sword belt around my waist, and placed my sword securely in.

    I headed downstairs to take a much better investigation of the kitchen then my female creator did earlier. I rounded up some bread, and a fruit - Danielle said something along the lines of "Starfruit, gross...", but food was food. I took my finds into the main room, and started to chow down on the bread before attempting the fruit.

    Someone ran through the front door in a hurry, and I jumped, almost choking on my food. He stopped quickly when he saw me, and it seemed to be one of the half breeds, Loki, and he seemed to have a few battle wounds.

    "You..crystal...phoenix.."He tried to utter out, catching his breath. He must've been running pretty fast for a half breed to need to catch his breath. He stopped and took a deep breath, then looked at me.
    "Can you and the others fight? This huge phoenix thing is at the temple and we can barely hold it--"

    "I know about the temple thing.."I interrupted him, then gesturing to my sword."Danarica can, but you should check on Adalia first. I'll head out now."

    I took a big bite of the bread and the fruit, chewed and swallowed then rushed myself out the door. Inside I could feel Danielle panicking, more than likely about the insueing battle.
    'I told you, I'll guide the blade.' I thought, to relieve her anxiety, 'You watch the show.'

    I continued to run as fast as I could, and taking bites of the fruit when needed to keep up stamina. Hopefully there wasn't much else to do at the bird, I didn't feel a lot of mana in me.

    I soon approached the temple, and signs of the ensueing battle were apparent. I looked around for maybe..a secret entrance, or something, for the key element of suprise. I saw a hole in the roof and decided to climb my way near there, I could jump in and stab him nicely. Climbing up was the easy part, looking at the damn monster and trying to find a secure and weak place to stab him was another.

    I slowly took out my sword, and determined to jump in hopes of landing near the left wing. I closed my eyes and placed a small concentration of my mana into the sword, it forming into water energy. The phoenix was unstable as is, hopefully a burst of water magic would do it out.

    What about the fall?Danielled ringed in my head, and I staggered.
    'Hopefully someone will catch us.'I thought and I heard a sigh of disgust. I creeped closer to the ledge, then jumped off.

    To my suprise, I landed near my target. Below the left wing, though, and more on it's back. I stabbed my sword in and felt it in place, the flames around me unstable and burning through my shirt. I used whatever mana I had left and surged it all through my sword, converting it into water magic, then it going straight into the Phoenix. I could hear its roar of pain as I took out my sword, and started my descent to the ground.

    'We're going to die, we're going to die..' is all I could hear Danielle repeat in my head, but I smiled as I saw a bubble encase decrease our speed to the ground to a safe halt. I looked and saw that Adalia did come, despite her state before hand..

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    I... woke, yet... I felt different, not just in that I still had a residual good feeling from what I'd done, but... like I was a different flavor, or person... Oh well, not like it mattered. Ovan, the sexy beast that he was, wasn't here, so something must've been going on. That meant it was a good idea to be dressed and ready. I mean, who knows when someone's going to try to kill you?

    It took barely any time at all to get dressed, with quick, almost instinctive motions. Then getting the gear on, just as that Loki guy, that panther person practically barged in, gasping something about a battle in the church, and a Phoenix. I nodded, that was certainly cause for fast action.

    "Don't worry, on my way." I replied, hopping out the window, and jamming one of my daggers into the wall, bringing about a terrible screeching noise as it slowed me descent enough that when I pushed off the wall, I landed safely.

    I hurried down the street, pushing worries about pregnancy that were already in the back of my mind even further back. Now was not the time for petty concerns, now was the time for action. Hmmm.... Ovan was climbing up to a hole? I ought to sneak in then...

    I got into a shadow, fading, and slinking in, just in time to see Ovan clinging to it, his sword plunged into it, and letting off a burst of energy though his sword. Getting close didn't seem like a good idea, but this was big, best to hit a sensitive spot...

    Readying the same dagger I'd used when going down the building, I took careful aim. I would probably only get one chance at this... I let the projectile fly, it seemed almost an eternity as it flew, spinning through the air, before hitting it, in the right eye, but... it was shallow, glancing off, no penetrating damage, but the eye was out. Now I had to get the hell out of the way before it figured out where I was.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

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    Dimitri saw the bird's fire beginning to flicker, he saw the attacks from the other members of the group who, wonder of wonders, managed to drag themselves away from their own pleasures.

    Definitely something that needs to be addressed, the world's dying and everyone's off having a grand ol' time? Things aren't supposed to be that...cheery

    That would have to come after this thing was dead however. Which, if Dimitri had his way, would be within the next few minutes. Removing another card from his inner pockets, this one inscribed with a burning tower, lightning plowing into it's peak, he pulled it in front of his face and began to concentrate. Snapping, flickering energy began to build around his hand and arm, pale blue surrounding a pure white core. The power building in his arm shooting his cloak out behind him to fly in the artificial wind he created....quite heroicly as a matter of fact. Dimitri's power was so often full of trickery, deception being their greatest power, allowing him to turn his battles into foregone conclusions. This was not like that, this was just pure, open power...he rather liked it. The lightning built, his arm now looking like it was draped in a spiderweb of the intangible energy, the card burning in his hand as it did.

    Well well well, never had a reason to use this I wish I had

    He needed a few more seconds though, seconds the increasingly enraged and damaged Phoenix weren't going to give him. The thing didn't even know where he was, the reason he had taken the opportunity to use this rather flashy and lengthy technique. It was flailing about wildly however, never giving him the target he needed to release the deadly energy he was continuing to concentrate within his arm. Throw this around too loosely without the proper grounding and he could just as well obliterate himself with it.

    "Moswen! Someone! Hold it still!"

    If this works the results should be...visual to say the least...
    Last edited by Dr.McNinja; 31st January 2007 at 10:32 PM.

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    *~*~*~*~*~*~* Sometimes the smallest fire burns brightest in the darkness *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    Moswen continued to dart around the Phoenix, using her speed to distract the bird as much as possible... however it seemed that whoever attacked the bird, seemed to draw its attention. Moswen darting around didn't seem to attract it... just annoy it somewhat, but she was not attacking. A few more people finally joined the battle, causing Moswen to feel a bit more relief but also slight annoyance. More people would have been around had they not been screwing off in the first place...

    But that does not matter now. I believe that this little battle will draw their attention and soon we'll be more of a... group, like we're supposed to be.

    Moswen stopped moving for a second, landing back down upon the ground and sliding slightly with the momentum still upon her. Her old attack had given the others the opportunity to attack the bird without worrying so much about its fire- the yang ate away at the yin, but not just the yin. More specifically, Moswen had it eat at its mana layer... causing the firey attacks to dwindle. However, the bird was awefully tough... even with a watery sword slicing into it and a dagger, the bird still was refusing to go down. Loki seemed to arrive on the scene as well, and had managed to attack the bird some what- creating a nice distraction. Moswen was about to feel good about their new collaborated group, however with a roar the bird suddenly blasted Loki backwards with a firey pillar of fire. Moswen knew it was time to act and do some thing drastic now- before anyone else was hurt.

    It is time to-

    Suddenly, Moswen's keen eye saw a bit off that Dimitri was powering up a wildly blue attack. Wind seemed to pick up around the area, causing Moswen's hair to billow in the air. He called out for someone to hold the bird... which was not paying much attention to him, but was concentrating more on Ovan and Adalia.

    "Hold it still... the bird is HUGE!" Someone said loudly, causing Moswen to narrow her eyes.
    "I'll do it."

    With that, Moswen stepped forward and instantly she pressed two fingers to her forehead and closed her eyes. She had to do this fast. Concentrating upon her first natural armor piece... soon the silvery armor piece around her wrist began to fade away into an obsidian sheen.
    "Releasing First Natural Armor Piece." Moswen said in a rather monotone voice. Opening her eyes, a violet aura erupted from the tattoo markings upon her arm and began twisting and incircling her arm like snakey tendrils.
    "Nuanica Power at 33.2 Percent"
    Exactly at that moment, the obsidian armor piece erupted into a familiar silvery dust.

    Growling as her tail lengthened and fur sprouted about her hands for a moment, Moswen felt an almost intoxicating rush of dark power. Clasping her glowing right hand in her left hand, the aura tendrils spread to her left arm and creating a mirror image of the tattoos on her right half.
    Seeing Dimitri armed and ready, Moswen charged forth at the bird- giving out a snarl-like growl. This seemed to catch the bird's attention enough, but not in time to escape Moswen's grasp.

    Leaping at lightning speed into the air, Moswen grasped the bird's taloned feet and latched on- digging her newly aquired wolfish claws into the bird's legs. Instantly the yang energy from her arms seemed to sound with a large thunderous boom as the energy encased the entire bird.

    "NOW!" Moswen yelled, paralyzing the bird most of the power she had released- causing the bird to glow with a slightly ebony violet shade.

    Dimitri seemed to gather more power as the crackling blue energy from his arm seemed to suck itself into the card. Then he thrusted his arm forward and threw the card into the air. The card sliced through the air and stopped right above the bird. Immediatly a glowing box-like outline of crackling energy surrounded the bird, and for a split second all was still. Then with one rushing motion, Dimitri drove his hand towards the ground, releasing the power of the card. The card then erupted into energy, releasing a massive lightning bolt of crackling energy down upon the bird. A huge explosion was released within the outline as it connected with the phoenix, causing it to shriek with undeniable pain. The bright light from the multitude of explosions caused most everyone to shield their eyes as the shriek echoed into the air.

    After a few moments the crackling energy faded away, but the bird was slumped upon the ground. Moswen had let go of the bird as soon as the energy connected, and had rolled out of the way just in time before the massive explosion occured. Turning around to look at the bird, Moswen watched as the bird gave one last dying cry and then seemed to explode into sparkling green particles of light. The light traveled upwards into the air, and then rapidly seemed to condense upon eachother. As they condensed, it began to darken in color before falling to the ground as a massive, shiny shard of black mananite.

    Moswen heard some one walking up towards her, and she turned back to see Dimitri swaggering towards her- he seemed to be totally drained. Moswen herself was breathing heavily, feeling as if she was about to collapse herself.

    "I think I overdid it..." Dimitri said weakly, collapsing to the ground. Moswen panicked for a split second, weakly walking to his side. However, she realized he was merely drained...
    Time is up. A voice in Moswen's head said, as suddenly she heard herself speak.
    "Nuanica Powers Restrained. Reinniation process activated."
    Suddenly the sound of sliding metal rang through the air and the wrist armor piece reappeared and attached itself back to the rest of the armor pieces by a chain.
    "I... I'm tired now too..." Moswen said in a whisper, her vision going blurry as she too fell to the ground.
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    ~*~*~*~*~ Sleeping Peacefully ~*~*~*~*~

    I lay on a field of flowers wearing a white gown, the sun beating down upon me in one of those peaceful spring days, ones that were few and far between back in Texas. The sound of movement drew my attention to the left of me, Loki drew his head back, exposing his neck, his eyes rolled back in pleasure as he enjoyed the sun. His eyes opened slowly, looking as beautiful as ever. He smiled, and leaned in, kissing my cheek ever so softly. A similar sound to the previous one drew my attention to my right. Kite let out a soft purr as he spread his arms along the flowers, laying on the ground to my right as Loki was to my left. He turned, looking at me, his eyes filled with love. In one graceful movement he leaned in kissing my right cheek. Everything was perfect…

    “Loki… Kite…” I moaned each of their names, my mind drifting in absolute bliss. Then something happened that was wrong, very wrong. I was nudged, first softly, and then harder. “What?” I groaned, finding my world in pure darkness, the flowers gone, Loki, Kite, all gone. I opened my eyes to find myself dragged out of heaven, I was in the hotel room, lying in bed. My left arm clutching a pillow to my chest, my right arm and hand between my legs dripping wet.

    “Adalia wake up.” Loki nudged me again softly, I turned looking at him, and realized where my right hand was, pulling it away quickly and turning several colors of red. “How are you feeling?” He whispered, bending down on one knew and placing his hand on my head. “You’re fever has gone down, although I’m not sure, you were making some weird noises while you slept.” Loki sighed, his eyes trying to search for the right thing to do.

    “I feel fine.” I sat up, using the pillow to cover me as Loki quickly shielded his eyes. His hands moving around quickly, finding my robe and putting it on as quickly as possible. “Just take it slowly.” He helped me off the bed with my left hand as I quickly wiped my right hand off in my robe.

    The two of us made it down stairs, Loki rushing to get Laura and Sierra before running back to me, placing his arm behind my back and clutching my right hand to lead me. Because of this it took us a while to reach the battle, while everyone else had rushed ahead. Loki filling me in on the details along the way. “Hey Adalia?” He asked, unsheathing his sword as I brought out my staff, at this point we usually went our separate ways. “Two of a kind.” He grinned.

    “Nothing can beat us.” I finished the sentence, he rushing off to battle while I stayed behind. “Be careful.” I silently prayed, the sentences were a usual battle cry for Loki and I while in battle.

    My mind wasn’t able to last on Loki for long, there was a battle that needed to be fought and if I did not focus on it, some one would end up dead. My attention caught Ovan as he leapt through the air, his sword going straight into the Phoenix while he plummeted. Whipping my staff around I angled it right at him, a bubble of green mana ensnared him immediately, lowering him to the ground gently. “I see you got better squirt.” He coughed doubling over and holding his burned chest.

    I glanced over at Laura and Sierra who stood close by. “I have to get to Ovan, cover us okay?” I yelled to both of them over the roar of the flames. I didn’t have time to see if either of them understood what I said, for I had already taken off running, keeping my head down as the battle raged all around me. I looked to my left, watching Loki battle, I turned back to the right, my eyes looking into Kite’s. I grinned, a reassuring smile. He smiled back and I turned back, diving the last few feet to get to Ovan.

    The Phoenix battle was all around us as I knelt at his side, examining his badly burned chest. Ovan groaned, his hand clutching his chest, which I had to slowly move out of the way. “Get out of here kiddo.” He growled, gasping in pain.

    “I’m not a kid.” I glared back, placing my hand on his chest, the warm feeling of mana flowing through my arm, into my hand, my fingers, and finally into his body. He continued to groan, twitching around as I closed my eyes and continued to flow mana into his wounds.

    “NOW!” I could hear Dimitri yell, instinctively I pushed my hand away from the wound, throwing my body over Ovan’s chest to shield him. Everything went silent for a second, before the room lit up as if it were mid day, a ear shattering bang rang out causing Ovan and I to scream out in pain.

    When the sound and light faded I raised up, my ears ringing in pain as I placed my hand back on Ovan’s wound, sending mana back into it, stopping the bleeding and healing some of the skin. “Ryan..” He coughed, looking into my eyes as I turned to look at him.

    I quickly turned back, healing up the wound to the point that it was bloody scar tissue now. “The person that created me is..” He began to speak and then caught himself for a moment, I looked back at him and then my arm was jerked away as I was pulled to my feet.

    “It’s Loki.” That was all Danarica had to say, at that moment my heart stopped beating, it felt like forever before it started up again, that second, it felt like a eternity. My eyes searched the room and I found him, on the ground his body covered in burns. I could feel the blood, it had all drained out of me at the moment. Some how I moved one foot, and then the other, my staff dropping to the ground as I took off running.

    “LOKI.” I screamed tears running down my face, my feet getting caught up in themselves as I was sent sprawling to the ground, scraping up my chin and my hands. I pulled myself up, stumbling over to him before collapsing to my knees. “LOKI, LOKI.” I screamed over and over again at the top of my lungs.


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