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Thread: What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

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  1. #1
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Say you're in a three Pokemon each battle. Who would you use? Me? I'd stick to the Original's. Blastoise! Scyther! And, you guessed it...... MEWTWO!!!!!!! KICK BUTT!!!!!!

  2. #2

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    A note - there is a board for polls at the bottom of the board list. This topic will probably be moved there soon.

    Anyway, my favorite Pokemon is probably Houndoom. It's hardcore, yo.
    Righteous Chaps

    KissShipping > you.

  3. #3
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    If it's moved to PCG it'll probably get closed for unoriginality, though.

    Anyway, my favourite pokemon is Mareep. I'm not sure why, really; I think it started in an AIM chat, and I was hyper and said "Baa baa black sheep, have you any cheese?" and one of my friends made me a banner with a black Mareep on it, with those lyrics, and my name. Sadly I don't know where it is now, but I'm pretty sure that's why I started liking Mareep. I like Ampharos' too, hence my AIM screename "Kuro Denryuu" (Dark/Evil Ampharos)

    So I'd use Mareep, Ampharos and... um... maybe Bulbasaur. I'm not too bothered with strength.

  4. #4
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    These three, all the way.

  5. #5
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    I'd go with three of my favorites: Ninetales, Slowbro, and Golbat.

    Other ones I'm fond of include Umbreon, Vaporeon, Gengar, Arcanine, Marowak, Charizard...the list could go on.

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  6. #6
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Has to be:


    Why? Because im compulsed to catch one when I find it, no matter how many I already have.


    Why? Same as above.


    Why? Because it looks so cool on R/B versions

  7. #7
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Blastoise,Sceptile,Venasaur,Gardevoir. You disagree you die.
    Random Mark Twain Saying

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  8. #8
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    Default New Question!!!!

    O.K. New Question!!!! Say you had to pick a specific type of Pokemon. (Such as Water, Fire, Electric, Fighting, Psychic, Leaf, Colorless, Dark, Metal.) You still have 3 Pokemon, but what type and who would you pick???? NEED INPUT!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    I'll base my answers off of my two Monotype teams:

    Red - Poison:

    Blue - Water:

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  10. #10
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Flying, of course.


    Not very original, but I'm just playing by favorites.

    And BTW, they aren't Leaf, Colorless, and Metal, they are Grass, Normal, and Steel. You were going by the TCG types.

    I love your sig, Kikyo!

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  11. #11
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    It's hard to choose my favourite pokémon, I've always quite liked Umbreon. Other's such as Arcanine, Blastoise are also worth a mention (all the ones Gary Oak used to have :p), but on a less serious note, I've also liked Cacnea and Koffing, cause they're stupid, or at least James one's are anyway.

  12. #12
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Fire, water and grass do well for me. (hey, like the starters... didnt even mean that)

  13. #13

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    For battle purposes? Probably Psychic. Medicham rocks all dark types, and everything else just gets owned.

    For coolness purposes? Dark, yo. Houndoom+Sneasel+anything = instant win.
    Righteous Chaps

    KissShipping > you.

  14. #14
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?


    i would huggle it if it was real ^^;

  15. #15

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    If we could pick any type combinations I'd go with Umbreon (uber cool, not to mention a damn fine annoyance in battle), Ninetales (token fire type and general pretty creature) and Raticate (no real reason, it's more habit than anything else, I *always* have a Raticate in anything pokémon I may be doing be it games, fics, ASB or whatever).

    For the sticking to one type... I'd go with Dark and pick Umbreon, Houndour and Absol.

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

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    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
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    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  16. #16
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    I like absol... it looks fucking cool and it was about the only pokemon I liked a lot out of ru/sa

  17. #17
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    well i like dragon-styles because they drop trou and squeeze cleveland steamers onto people's chests.

    kingdra - tankkkk
    charizard - sp.sweeper
    tyranitar - phys.sweeper
    “I always say if you’re going to get shot, do it in a hospital.”

  18. #18
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    Default My Favorite Pokemon

    I could sum up all of my favorite Pokemon in one-and-a-half parties


    To sum up my top three, I would choose:
    Deoxys (DUH!)

    I think it would be funny to compare Lucario with Blaziken [tehee!(^-^)]

  19. #19
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Porygon, Porygon2, Exeggcute, Bellsprout, Sentret, Furret, Chimecho, Deoxys ( legend, so sad) and like, 90 other things.

    Edit: +Wobbuffet, Lotad, Mudkip and Ludicolo.
    Hey guys.

  20. #20
    Modding GD for 20+ years Moderator
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    My favorite Pokémon are Raichu (for cuteness), Weezing (for originality) and Absol (for looks).
    Austrian ViceMaster Alex

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  21. #21
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    For me, Pikachu (cute XD), Articuno (cute!), and Gligar (power)

  22. #22

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    For your question, I'd go for Steel Types. You can't go wrong with Skarmory, Metagross, and Steelix. Plenty of resistances and immunties across the board, as well as many special traits such as spiker, sweeper, etc. Fire attacks are its only major weakness.

    As for my favorite pogey overall...I have lots. X_x But Babyleef takes teh cake.

    - Bayleef! ^_^

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  23. #23

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    I guess i like the legned pokemon but mewtwo is my favorite because me and him are not that different

  24. #24
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    i like any fire pokemon. its been awhile since i thought about this. my favorite would still have to be charizard.

  25. #25

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Hmm. Well Torkoal, Snorunt, and Corphish definately have captured my heart.

    Then Seviper, Lombre, Cacnea, Weezing, Victreebell, I really don't have a favorite.

  26. #26

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Gloom remains my unquestionable favorite. A slobbering, noxious-smelling, poisonous weed is everything I could ever want in a pokemon. Unless there was a giant, gruesome, disembodied eyeball pokemon. Then Gloom might have a little competition.

    Trailing behind Gloom, I love everything about Shedinja, Dusclops, Banette, Parasect, Muk, Weezing, and Mawile. I just can't make a very good team out of those.

    I guess Gloom, Shedinja, and Parasect. I'd lose, but I'd lose happy.

  27. #27

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Charizard, kingdra, and girafarig.

  28. #28
    TPM's Statistician Honorary ModeratorMaster Trainer
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Latias: Shie was cool in Movie 5
    Mew: So Cute Mew Mew..
    Pikachu: Who doesn't like ol' Pika
    Torchic: Cute, but flamey.

  29. #29
    The King of Games Elite Trainer
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    vaporeon, mewtwo, and charizard/venusaur

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  30. #30
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    I couldn't possibly choose one (just like a Madonna record!) but I'd have to say Tropius is a particular favourite of mine, it's just so big and leafy - with a cool name - and I always have an affinity for the Pokemon in my team that I use to Fly everywhere and that was mine.
    Persian is another huge favourite, since it was my best fighter in my old Blue game & now I have an equally great one if LeafGreen!
    Also ; Lapras are just fantastic, simple as that.
    And Chansey - although they lost their appeal in G/S/C since they were so easy to find and catch. The cool thing about catching a Chansey was it was so impossibly difficult!!!
    None of the Legendaries overly appeal to me. If I was going to choose one, it'd probably be Mew since I've never had one.

  31. #31
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    My three favourite Pokemon haven't changed at all over the last four years or so. Favourite's still Venusaur, because it's a big ol' blue lump with foliage on its back. Honestly, how many dudes do you know who can carry a giant pink flower without looking like a pansy? Oh, and my first Pokemon Leaves was a Bulbasaur. She's retired. Saur.

    Second favourite is Dragonite, mostly because I like dragons, and it was the only (fully evolved) dragon back in the day. My first Dragonite took so bloody long to evolve, too. Had to work for that sumbitch, who went through about twenty different movesets. At one point it had Razor Wind. lol

    Third favourite is Vulpix. Damn I love that little gaffer. It was like a Pikachu, but not all over the store so I wouldn't get sick of it. It kinda lost favour with me come G/S/C, though. I mean, you just hatched... Where is your single white tail, damn you?? Waiting on pre-evolution. Pleeeeeease?

    One type, I guess it would be grass; Venusaur, Sceptile and Breloom.
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  32. #32

    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    *Sigh*....I look at threads like these and notice that EVERYONE else's favorites are actually "powerful" pokemon. I'm into pokemon for their looks/concept, and sure, most other people are too, but it seems what most consider the coolest-looking pokemon also happen to have reasonably high stats whereas everything that appeals to me gets the short end of the stick

    I'd give anything for weird some nice, strange little worms, bugs and ghosts that could conceivably take on a fully-evolved starter or pseudolegendary...

  33. #33
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    I really like flying pokemon, they are always so beautiful. I do like fire pokemon as well and water pokemon. If I was a pokemon I would like to be fire and flying but not crappy like a Moltres or Charizard, I would like some decent fucking stats. As for my favourite pokemon it is Butterfree. Even since Ash caught his first pokemon aka Caterpie I liked Caterpie even if it was a yucky bug. But then it became Kakuna and I thought it was scary. But finally after the evil Beedrill came to hurt Ash. Butterfree came to be. Ever since then I loved Butterfree. Unfortunately it was Butterfree's need to mate and have caterpies that came to be in the ultra sad "Bye, Bye Butterfree". I could not compose myself in that episode and had to go a Mental Asylum. Only to be tortured by the Psychologists who repeatedly made me watch that episode. IT was then that I went on a murdering spree, killing and dicing anyone that watches "Bye, Bye Butterfree".
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

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  34. #34
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Methinks that Firepokemon has had a bit too much of the sauce.

    But as for me, I'm gonna have to go with my favorite RBY: Squirtle; GSC: Umbreon; RuSaEm: Metagross.

    -Uncle Grey, from Atlanta

  35. #35
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon
    I really like flying pokemon, they are always so beautiful. I do like fire pokemon as well and water pokemon. If I was a pokemon I would like to be fire and flying but not crappy like a Moltres or Charizard, I would like some decent ****ing stats.
    What about Ho-Oh? Ho-oh used to be one of my favorites, but the ones i've always liked are:

    MEW and UMBREON win by far, followed by Kingdra...actually i probably like Dragonite more than Kingdra but i find it's weakness to ice too annoying... ok, they tie. DRAGONS RULE

  36. #36
    Cloyster Moderator
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    I like pokemon for their looks and concept not just usefullness. Like Shedinja, pretty darn useless but the concept of a shedded exoskeleton taking on a life of its own is pretty cool. I also like Kingdra, Umbreon, and Aerodactyl for their looks.
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  37. #37
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    My three favourite Pokemon are Zangoose, Scyther doubt, Tyranitar.
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  38. #38
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    Mr Mime's my favourite. Mainly because its a psychic mime who can slap you around. hehe. Lickitung is close behind for its zaniness. Probably rounding it out is Electabuzz for being powerful and knowing a lot of moves and not looking completely retarded.

  39. #39
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    As you can probably tell from my name and avatar, my favorite's umbreon. Although in retrospect, my top favorite pokemon will always bemew. I've loved the little fella ever since I saw the movie (the windmill ^^) and bribed nearly eveeryone I knew to get it in the game.
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  40. #40
    主の子 Beginning Trainer
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    Default What's your favorite Pokemon(s)?

    It's really tough to choose favorites, but some that come to mind are:
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