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Thread: Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

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  1. #1
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Battle *
    Link 10
    Darkfrost the Sneasel

    Killer Tai
    Bulbasaur the Bulbasaur

    * Stats *
    Darkfrost the Sneasel
    46% Health
    Covered with small open cuts
    Ice creating abilities fatigued

    Bulbasaur the Bulbasaur
    53% Health
    Covered with small open cuts
    Extremely fatigued
    Very cold
    Use of Solar Beam severely limited

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Link 10
    "Metal Claw ~ Slash ~ Faint Attack"
    Killer Tai
    "Razor Leaf ~ Vine Whip ~ Body Slam"

    * Round Seven Begins *

    The arena begins to change almost at once. From the shining metal comes a rocky floor. black, but with a faint red glow to them. Trees sprout again, but these are different. Black torn, charred. As if they had been burnt. The temperature of the arena rises quicly and both pokemon cringe under the increased heat. In two opposing diagonal corners the rocky floor drops down, to reveal a pit filled with bubbling hot lava. With the sun bearing down from up above it's extremely hot.

    Not one to back down Darkfrost is first to attack. Leaping forward, his claw glows in grey light and is coated by a layer of shining metal. A fast swipe, and an new gash is made in Bulbasaur's side. Bulbasaur cries in pain, but retaliates quickly. From within it's bulb emerge a number of sharp edged leaves. The leaves shoot out at speed, lashing into the Sneasel and cutting it once more.

    Darkforst, backs away again, stepping precariously close to a lava pit. Fortunatly his footing is soild, he jumps high and fast, landing behind Bulbasaur, he makes swift, quick slashes with his claws. Bulbasaur spins around, but is dealt a heavy slash to the face. Crying in pain it unravels it's vines in an attempt to whip the Sneasel at close range, but with the slash having forced Bulbasaur to close his eyes, the vines lash wildly at nothing.

    Darkfrost backs away, panting slightly, and making sure he avoids the vines at all cost. He prepares his final attack. Disappearing from veiw all together, he moves silently through the arena, before finally reappearing behind Bulbasaur once more. Surrounded by dark energy he once again slashes at Bulbasaur. The attacks are all becoming to much for Bulbasaur. The grass pokemon spins around again. It's breathing heavy and difficult, it tries to execute an attack. But it's too much. Bulbasaur falls flat on his face before he can even get close to Darfrost.

    The ref takes out his clock, and give Bulbasaur ten seconds to get back up. The seconds go by, but Bulbasaur is unmoving. The Ref declares Bulbasaur to be out of the match.

    * Results *

    Topic Starter Pokemon
    Darkfrost the Sneasel
    35% Health
    Covered with small open cuts
    Ice creating abilities less fatigued

    Bulbasaur the Bulbasaur
    0% Health
    Covered with open cuts
    Physically exhausted

    * Arena Status *

    Fire arena still in play.
    Sunny Day is in effect for 1 more round.

    * Next round order *

    Killer Tai chooses a new pokemon
    Killer Tai attacks
    Link 10 attacks

  2. #2
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default ahh

    bulbasaurs down but I have charmander,charmander go
    use flamethrower~flamethrower and fire spin
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

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  3. #3
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    ok i want to return my pokemon. GO Houndour.
    Faint Attack~Crunch~Shadow Ball

  4. #4
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    ok sry everybody i didnt know you couldnt switch -_-
    so now what am i sopposed to do?

  5. #5
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    You can switch. It just counts your pokemon out of the match. You recall Sneasel, you can't use it again.

  6. #6
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Battle *
    Link 10
    Darkfrost the Sneasel

    Killer Tai
    Charmander the Charmander


    * Stats *
    Darkfrost the Sneasel
    46% Health
    Covered with small open cuts
    Ice creating abilities fatigued

    Charmander the Charmander
    100% Health
    Ready to Battle

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Link 10
    Sneasel Return ~ Go Houndour

    * Round Seven Begins *

    As Killer Tai brings his new Charmander into play, Link 10 decides he is at a major disadvantage. He chooses to recall his Sneasel and send out Blackflame a male Houndour.

    * Results *

    Blackflame the Houndour
    100% Health
    Ready to Battle

    Charmander the Charmander
    100% Health
    Ready to Battle

    * Arena Status *

    Fire arena still in play.
    Sunny Day is in effect for 1 more round.

    * Next round order *

    Link10 attacks first
    Killer tai attacks seocnd.

    Sorry folks i found out that recalling is done in one round and then the attacks have to be made in a new round.

  7. #7
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Faint Attack~Crunch~Shadow Ball
    i already listed my attacks

  8. #8
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default attacks

    ok charmander wait for him to come near u with the faint attack then grab him andd hit him ur seimic toss to throw him into the lava then burn him with 2 flamethrowers in there

    seimic toss into the lava~flamethrower~flamethrower
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  9. #9
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Battle *
    Link 10
    Blak Flame the Houndour

    Killer Tai
    Charmander the Charmander

    * Stats *
    Black Flame the Houndour
    100% Health

    Charmander the Charmander
    100% Health

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer Tai
    "Seismic Toss ~ Flame Thrower ~ Flame Thrower
    Link 10
    "Faint Attack ~ Crunch ~ Shadow Ball"

    * Round Eight Begins *

    Two fire pokemon now face each other, in the equally as hot Fire Arena. These next few rounds will be intersting.

    Black Flame begins the round, in a flash of dark energy he phases out of visability. Charmander looks around trying to predict where his opponent will reappear. Another flash of darkness, and Houndour is behind Charmander. Quickly the devil dog pokemon swings round slicing the fire pokemon with his sharp tail. Charmander, ready for the attack grabs the tail as it whips past his face and holds the Houndour firmly. Charmander swings around, taking Houndour with him. The momentum builds up, befreo Charmander releases Black Flame. The firey dog is heading straight for a pit of lava.

    Black Flame kicks his legs in an attempt to slow down. He lands hard and skids towards the pit, but the quick thinking dog, digs his sharp claws into the coals and grinds to a near miss. His tail sitting only millimetres from the firey lava.

    Charmander leaps away, preparing for flame attack. A stream of red and orange flickering flames emerges from the pokemon's jaw and heads towards Houndour. Before the dog can escape he is enveloped by the fire. Pushing against it, Houndour jumps out the flames licking at his skin as he escapes. Running fast towards Charmander, Houndour's mouth crackles with dark energy. He bites down hard on Charmander's tail, quickly jutting back and forth in an attempt to swing or inflict great damage on Charmander.

    Charmander squels in pain, but quickly works to remove his attacker. His tail flares, close to Houndour's eyes. Houndour closes them and releases his powerful hold. Charmander quickly moves away, before blowing a long stream of fire. As Houndour reopens his eyes, a wall of fire stands before him. Seeing the image of Charmander through the flames, his eyes glow a sickly purple. In the maw of the mouth, a ball of ghostly energy forms. Houndour throws his head up, releasing the ball into the air. As it falls, he spins around hitting the ball with his back legs, knocking it out through the flames and towards Charmander.

    The attack hits Charmander in the stomach, but not full force. The friction and power of the Fire helped to weakn the attack slightly. Both pokemon watch each other intently. This will be a very interesting pairing indeed.

    * Results *

    Black Flame the Houndour
    89% Health
    A bit hot

    Charmander the Charmander
    87% Health
    A bit light headed

    * Arena Status *

    Fire arena still in play.
    Sunny Day is no longer in effect
    Some of the coals have ignited and a wall of fire seperates the two pokemon.

  10. #10
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default I'm ready

    ok charmander is not going to win him ur seimic toos into the pit again the flame thrower then ur fire spin attack like last time

    seimic too~flamethrower~fire spin
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  11. #11
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Ok wait untill he gets to you with the Sicsmic Toss Attack. When he gets ready to use it use Faint Attack Then Crunch and finally Shadow Ball

  12. #12
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Battle *
    Link 10
    Blak Flame the Houndour

    Killer Tai
    Charmander the Charmander

    * Stats *
    Black Flame the Houndour
    89% Health
    A bit hot

    Charmander the Charmander
    87% Health
    A bit light headed

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer Tai
    "Seimic Toss ~ Flame Thrower ~ Fire Spin"
    Link 10
    "Faint Attack ~ Crunch ~ Shadow Ball"

    * Round Nine Begins *

    The round begins with a wall of fire seperating the two pokemon. Despite both pokemon being fire types it's still a hazard. Black Flame seems reluctant to pass through, so in order for the battle to continue, Charmander leaps through eagerly. As the fire lizard reaches for Black Flame, the black dog disappears in a puff of black smoke.

    Charmander frantically searches all around, but it's no use, as Black Flame rematerialises behind the worried pokemon and bites into his tail. Charmander howls, but manages to shake the canine free. Hopping back, Charmander opens his mouth revelaing a swirling ball of flame. The flame blasts forward, a jet of burning hot fire, straight over Houndour.

    Houndour braces against the flame, and finally pushes his way out of the atatck. Puncing forward, his jaws crackle with dark energy and he bites down, his jaw clamping hard into the scaly hide of Charmander.

    Charmander thinks quikcly of how to break Houndour free, and concentrates fire energy into his tail. The flame tip flares, and Hounrour jumps back to avoid contact with his eyes. When he reopens them, he finds himself staring head on at a swirling vortex of fire, heading straight for him. With no time to run, the flames hit him.

    They don't hurt very much, but they create a wall of fire all around Houndour. Unwilling to step through the flames, Houndour forms an orb of dark energy in his mouth. With a swift wing of the neck he launches the orb up over the flames, and watches it crash down upon Charmander.

    Before both pokemon can rest, a claxon sounds. The arena is changing once again, the hot coals and lava melt away revealing a plain old metal arena again. The heat level drops significantly. The pokemon await their next orders.

    * Results *

    * Stats *
    Black Flame the Houndour
    71% Health
    A bit hot
    Trapped in a circle of flame

    Charmander the Charmander
    76% Health
    A bit light headed

    * Arena Status *

    Metal Arena now in play
    Dig is disabled
    A circle of fire surrounds Black Flame

  13. #13
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Ok use Swift then Smog then Toxic.

  14. #14
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    7 days an no killer tai post. I'll give until tomorrow night, but if there's nothing by then, this battle goes to link10 by disqualification. Killer tai if you read this, you have exactly 24 hours, from my clock. Currently reading 20:27 on my computer screen, you have till then tomorrow night, or you loose.

  15. #15
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default sorry I've been away

    I've been away for a little while hbut now I'm bacl

    get through the swift and grab him and hit him on the floor then burn him until

    seismic toss~flamethrower~flamethrower
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  16. #16
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    *bump* This was on the 4th page.

  17. #17
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Sorry i though i'd just replied to this.

    * Battle *
    Link 10
    Blak Flame the Houndour

    Killer Tai
    Charmander the Charmander

    * Stats *
    Black Flame the Houndour
    71% Health
    A bit hot
    Trapped in a circle of flame

    Charmander the Charmander
    76% Health
    A bit light headed

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Link 10
    "Swift ~ Smog ~ Toxic"
    Killer Tai
    "Seismic Toss ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower"

    * Round Ten Begins *

    The round begins with Blackflame trapped in a circle of fire, caused by Charmander in the preious round. Both pokemon are equally matched, and both have taken similar amounts of damage. Blackflame, unwilling to step through the flames, glows a slight golden colour, before spitting a series of five-tipped golden stars out of his mouth. The stars fly through the flames unharmed and head for Charmander.

    In a faled attempt to outrun them, Charmander is battered by the attack. Choosing to risk the extra damage, the plucky lizard jumps through the flames and grabs Houndour by the legs. With a sharp pull, Charmadner swings the Houndour around, finally letting go and allowing the dog to crash land outside the reach of the flames.

    Angered, Black Flame rears his head and bears his sharp teeth. He takes a deep breath and blows a billowng cloud of noxious purple gas in Charmander's direction. Charmadner not realising the extent of the attack, takes a few steps back and begns spouting a stream of fire. The fire hits the gas and the noxious vapour immediatly ignites! The fire spreads quickly enveloping the gas, before it Explodes! Both pokemon are hit by the blast, knocked back to the very edges of the arena they cling onto the edge for safety, as explosion disapates and the arena becomes covered in embers.

    The force of the blast must have knocked both pokemon hard, as they've forgotten their orders. Instead they stare each other down, both blaming the other for the tremedous blast. A claxon sounds, and on the main screen a tree covered in snow appears indicating the next arena change. The embers sizzle as the arena floor becomes cold, mounds of snow piling up. A lone tree erupts from the ground near Charmander, while beside Blackflame a large rock emerges. Fans begin to low in the stadium and a harrowing cold wind begins to blow the anow about. Both pokemon shield their eyes from the snow.

    * Results *

    Black Flame the Houndour
    59% Health
    Bad Head

    Charmander the Charmander
    62% Health
    Bad head

    * Arena Status *

    Ice Arena in play next round:
    Fire attacks lowered 5%
    Accuracy lowered 5%

  18. #18
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default oh no

    don't worry about the snow charmander just hit him with a snowball in his eyes then burn him with fire spin the flamethrower

    hit him with a snowball~fire spin~flame thrower
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  19. #19
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Houndour: *looks at previous attack* A SNOW BALL!?!?! XD Thats really funny.
    Matt: -_-;; He can choose whatever attack he wants too.
    Houndour: Right but a snowball??
    Matt: Well just ignore it!
    Houndour: Ok ^_^
    Matt: You are stupid
    Houndour: I know i am!
    Matt: O.O right.....
    Houndour: Well can i have the attacks now??
    Matt: Oh ya forgot
    Houndour: And you call me stupid -_-;
    Matt: Ok ~Dodge the Snowball~Faint Attack + Crunch Combo
    Houndour: Good Moves =)
    Matt: Thankz thought of them myself
    Houndour: Thats Hard to believe
    Matt: HEY!
    Houndour: =) Hehehehehhe

  20. #20
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Battle *
    Link 10
    Blackflame the Houndour

    Killer Tai
    Charmander the Charmander

    * Stats *

    Black Flame the Houndour
    59% Health
    Bad Head

    Charmander the Charmander
    62% Health
    Bad head

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer Tai
    "Snowball ~ Fire Spin ~ Flamethrower"
    Link 10
    "Dodge ~ Faint Attack + Crunch"

    * Round Eleven Begins *

    With the ice round in play both fire pokemon are reduced in power, not to mention the snow and wind lashing at their faces. Charmander takes the new environment in his stride, scooping a ball of snow into his hands and throwing it at his enemy. Frozen water it is basically, and it'll do damage just nicely. Blackflame though, is in no mood for games and quickly jumps to avoid the attack, allowing the snowball to plop into the rock behind him.

    Charmander saddens, snow isn't much fun at all. It's cold, wet and not good for the health. But in this environment fire can still be deadly. Releasing a stream of fire Charmander creates a ring of flames that spiral towards Blackflame. The dark pokemon isn't looking too pleased, as he sees snow around melting into water. He thinks quicklt, then evenveloping his body in pure darkness, there's a puff of smoke and he's disappeared from sight.

    The ring of fire hits the snow and melts it into water. But the water doesn't stay long and freezes back into a sheet of ice. Houndour reappears beside Charmander, lashing at the lizard pokemon with his paws. Before Charmander can retaliate, Blackflame digs his teeth into his enemies body. Charamander squeals in pain, shaking to try to release the biting.

    Shaking is no good, so Charmander takes a fast breath. Breathing a cloud of fire at Blackflame, he finally backs off. As the fire cuts through the blizard, droplets of water fall onto Blackflame. Though not a massive water atatck, he isn't happy to be getting wet.

    * Results *

    Black Flame the Houndour
    50% Health
    A bit cold
    Bad Head

    Charmander the Charmander
    51% Health
    Large injury on side
    Bad head

    * Arena Status *

    Sheet of ice where Blackflame one stood.
    Ice is VERY slippery

  21. #21
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Use Sunny Day, Flamethrower, then Faint Attack.

  22. #22
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default hmm

    ok charmander I got a plan thats may work use ur fire spin then fire blast then when he uses faint attack turn around to where he is and then use ur seismic toss to send him into a deep patch of snow

    fire spin~fire blast~seismic toss
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  23. #23
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    Default Round Twelve

    Because i'm behind on my reffings i'm doing these ih short format for now, just to get them up and out of the way. I deeply apologise to all for them being late. It's getting harder for me to spend time on the computer without people looking over my shoulder or wanting to use the phone and get in my way.

    * Battle *
    Link 10
    Blackflame the Houndour

    Killer Tai
    Charmander the Charmander

    Black Flame the Houndour
    50% Health
    A bit cold
    Bad Head

    Charmander the Charmander
    51% Health
    Large injury on side
    Bad head

    Link 10
    Sunny Day ~ Flame Thrower ~ Faint Attack
    Killer Tai
    Fire Spin ~ Fire Blast ~ Seismic Toss

    Round Twelve

    The skies clear and rays of heat shine down upon the arena when Blackflame causes the sun to break through the swirling snow and envelop the stadium in sunlight. But a wary Charmander sweeps the dog up in a circle of flame, surroudning the pokemon in a firey spin.

    Blackflame attempts to break through the firey circle with a stream of his own red hot attack, but only increases the power and flare of the attack surroudning him. The flames lick and lash at him, causing small burns all over his body. Charmander laughs quietly, and adds to the fire with a devastating Fire Blast.

    Blackflame, not wanting to be burned any more, dodges out of the flames, by using dark energy to phase between the actual fires. He reappears beside a suprised Charmander and before the lizard can respond with a counter measure, digs his teeth into the already injured pokemon.


    Black Flame the Houndour
    40% Health
    Covered in light burn marks

    Charmander the Charmander
    43% Health
    Large injury on side

  24. #24
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default eh

    me:that faint attack is to strong anytime he uses faint atack and more or he just dis appears jet ready he'll appear by u so quickly grab him and seimic toss then us firespin then use fire blast to hit him in the flame or to raise the flames of fire spin then use ur flamethrower and remember if he uses faint attack

    charmander:I know I know use seimic toss

    me:hey wait u can talk

    fire spin~fire blast~flamethrower
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  25. #25
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Ok use Double Team
    Then use Faint attack and get behind him
    Then use Shadow Ball

  26. #26
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Battle Status *
    Killer Tai vs Link 10
    6 vs 6

    * Stats *
    Blackflame the Houndour
    40% Health
    Covered in light burn marks

    Charmander the Charmander
    43% Health
    Large injury on side

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer Tai
    "Fire Spin ~ Fire Blast ~ Flamethrower"
    Link 10
    "Double Team ~ Faint Attack ~ Shadow Ball"

    * Round Thirteen Begins *

    As the round begins, Houndour is already quick of the mark. A dull silver glow surrounds his self, and as the snow parts, two identicle Houndour stand beside him. The three dark pokemon split up, bounding around in the snow confusing Charmander. Which one is real? Charmander is certainly confused, but not ready to give up. From deep inside a bellowing flame erupts from Charmander's mouth. The searing hot flames shoot forward, blistering the white floor with patches of steam as the snow melts under the heat. The fre rages on and hits the arena floor around a houndour.

    As the ring of fire slowly closes in on it's self, the houndour trapped inside tries to back away from the contracting flames. With no chance of escape, the flames collapse in on themselves and the houndour inside disappears in a puff of smoke and snow. With only one clone left, Blackflame resorts to new tactics. A viel of dark energy envelops him, and he phases out of sight and mind. Expecting another trick attack, Charmander takes another deep breath. Lo and behold, Blackflame emerges from the dark dimension, fangs bearing and eyes red with fury. But again Charmander is ready. A great burst of flame erupts from Charmander, scorching his own mouth as the flame escapes and crashes into the attacking houndour.

    Blackflame crashes to the floor, using the cool, froen snow to cool his burning body. Charmander, his mouth burnt and scared from the last attack, bites a chunk of snow in an attempt to cool off his own tongue. Both tiring now, Blackflame struggles to his feet. The aches and pains of his body becoming more prominent now, and the cuts, stinging from the cold of the ice. Both pokemon stare each other down, Charmander his thorat dry and coarse, chooses to go against his trainers orders and forgoe the fire attack he was meant to execute. Houndour, taking this opportunity for an o[pen attack forms an orb of black energy in his mouth, and with a push of strength spits the ball into Charmander's gut.

    The firey lizard is sent reeling, the force of the attack knocking it close to the arenas edge. As it scrambles to stay atop the arena, the cold air suddenly dies down. The arena begins to melt back to it's oroginal form and the cold harsh wintery conditions fade away as though they had never existed. The sun high above the open topped arena begins to shine down once again and fill the arena with a warmth it has been lacking for what seems like forever.

    * Results *

    Blackflame the Houndour
    30% Health
    Covered in light burn marks
    Very Tired
    1 Clone

    Charmander the Charmander
    37% Health
    Large injury on side
    Out of fire

    * Arena Status *

    Metal Arena next round

  27. #27
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Ok Evil Dog. Use Crunch to bite his injury. Then use Faint Attack. Then use Shadow Ball.
    If he uses Rest in any slot use Rest right after he does. And use Sleep Talk all the other turns.

    Crunch/Rest|Faint Attack/Rest/Sleep Talk|Shadowball/Rest/Sleep Talk

  28. #28
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default dang

    charmander I wanted u to sleep but I guess u can't welll anyway I want u to listen carefully to find out which one is the clone then dodge the real ones crunch then when he dsappears I want u to seimic toss him when he apears into the ground then use ur double team to make a few clones but don't over do yourself because of my account I can lose the battle but I don't want to lose ya yet

    dodge crunch~seimic toss when he appears by u~double team
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
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  29. #29
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Ok im getting tired of this. RaZoR LeAf has been on but he has not been reffing this battle. We need a sub ref. Someone with experince and ACTIVE!!!!!! Thanks.

  30. #30
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Battle Status *
    Killer Tai vs Link 10
    6 vs 6

    * Stats *
    Blackflame the Houndour
    30% Health
    Covered in light burn marks
    Very Tired
    1 Clone

    Charmander the Charmander
    37% Health
    Large injury on side
    Out of fire

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Link 10
    "Crunch ~ Faint Attack ~ Shadow Ball"
    Killer Tai
    "Dodge ~ Seismic Toss ~ Double Team"

    * Round Fourteen Begins *

    With a fresh metal arena again the combatents get back to the battle. Blackflame, the houndour tends to his burns licking them gently. He turns his head and stares at Charmander with vicious intent. Baring his shapr teeth, they appear to disappear as they are bathed in a powerful dark energy. Charging forward, his jaw opening wider and wider, Blackflame rushes at the red lizard infront of him, his eyes red with hate and his teeth glowing with darkness.

    Charmander waits for the last second before rolling to one side. Blackflame, in a mad rush tries to halt himself, but he's too late. Loosing his footing he skids and falls off the side of the arena. A flash of light floods the underneath of the arena and Blackflame finds himself blown back onto the arena platform, albiet some of his energy sacrificed in the retrival process.

    Eyeing his foe once more Blackflame, phases out of sight and moves with speed and stealth towards Charmander. The red lizard darts his eyes about trying to predict where his enemy will come out. A small burst of black light catches in the corner of his eyes, and his instinctivly reaches out to grab the incoming pokemon. But this time, Charmander has been fooled. As he grabs at the light, blackflame emerges behnd him, and lashes him sharply across the back with his tail, following through with a slash of the claw.

    Eyes burning with anger again, Charmander feels revitalized. His tail erupts into flame as his fire returns to him. Blackflame dodges back eager to avoid the fire again, his burns still itching in pain. Blackflame starts to feed a purple ghostly energy into a ball once more. But before he can finish the atatck, Charmander begins to glow with a silver aura. As Blackflame releases the attack, it cuts through Charamnder reducing it to nothing. A gasp of air catches in blackflames throat as he realises that there are now two identicle Charmanders in the arena before him.

    Blackflame tries to regain his breathing, but finds it increasingly hard to find the strength to breath. He claws at his throat trying to regain his breath but it's no use. The shock sudden shock of the cloens appering, his fall off the edge and he burning pains all over his body are too much. Blackflame finally sucuumbs to the fatigue that has been eating away at him. He collapses out of breath, falling into the realm of unconiousness.

    * Results *

    Blackflame the Houndour
    0% Health
    KO'd from fatigue

    Charmander the Charmander
    28% Health
    Large injury on side
    Very Tired
    Fire is back

    * Arena Status *

    Metal Arena

    * Order *

    Link 10 chooses
    Killer tai attacks
    Link 10 attacks

  31. #31
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Name: Remoraid M
    Nick: Wawa Fish

  32. #32
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    good work Charmander.sorry about ur houndour Matt,

    Charmander that remoraid is going to hit us hard so if it uses any water attacks use sword dance too deflect it but other than that use ur sunny day attack so he can't use rain dance to power up surf then just use a nice toxic attack then grab him with seimic toss
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
    Bagon(M), Aron(M),Torchic(M), Squirtle(F)...

  33. #33
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    ok WaWa Fish. Use Double Team so when he uses Toxic it hopfully wont hit you. Then use Rain Dance. Finally use Psybeam. That should stop him in his tracks.

  34. #34
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    * Battle Status *
    Killer Tai vs Link 10
    6 vs 6

    * Remaining pokemon *
    Killer Tai - 5
    Link 10 - 4

    * Stats *
    Wawa Fish the Remoraid
    100% Health

    Charmander the Charmander
    28% Health
    Large injury on side
    Very Tired
    Fire is back

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Killer Tai
    "Sunny Day ~ Toxic ~ Seismic Toss"
    Link 10
    "Double team ~ Rain Dance ~ Psybeam"

    * Round Fifteen Begins *

    With Blackflame out of the match Link10 brings in a new pokemon. Fresh and ready for battle Wawa Fish, a blue skinned remoraid emerges from a scarlet beam and begins to flap around on the arena. With the arena being as open and flat as it is, movement will be a big issue for the small Remoraid. The commands are issued and the round begins.

    Charmander, his breath heavy as it is looks to the open roof and stares intently at the clouds. Across the arena from him, Wawafish shines, a silver light envelops him and in a simple flash there are two more remoraids flapping about on the arena. Charmander, his eyes burning with redheat, watches smiling as the clouds part, the hot sun emerging to shine down upon the arena. Charmander closes his eyes momentarily to allow the hot waves to bathe him, while Wawa cringes in obvious discomfort.

    As Charmander turns back to his enemy he realises that he now has three targets to contend with. Picking what he hopes is the real wawa fish, he reels his head back and spits a great helping of poison over the pokemon. But alas, the fish dissolves into the pool, it was just a clone. Charmander's breathing is definatly causing him difficulty now, and as Wawa looks up to the brilliant sun, the fire pokemon's flame tail begins to waver. Wawa's eyes are now glazed over with a pale blue, and as quickly as the clouds had parted they converge once more, billowing with water. Rain begins to fall down onto the arena, wetting the floor and hitting both pokemon.

    Wawafish seems happy as his scaly skin becomes moist again. Unfortunatly though, the rain mixes with the toxic attack. Though the posion is not as potent it is still effective. The posion spreads out to cover a large portion of the arena. Charamdner, yealps in discomfort, as the rain hits his wound. The water burns him like fire would burn others. Charmander can't stay on any longer, and he falls to the ground, his flame tail shrinking to a small light.

    A claxon sounds and thw arena begins to change, as Killer Tai recalls his fallen pokemon.

    * Results *

    * Stats *
    Wawa Fish the Remoraid
    100% Health

    Charmander the Charmander
    0% Health
    KO'd from fatigue

    * Arena Status *

    - Graveyard -
    The floor is marshy and soft.
    There are various graves a pokemon can hide behind.
    It's foggy and visability is reduced.

    Raining for 4 more rounds

    KT chooses
    L10 attacks
    KT attacks

  35. #35
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    sorry Charmander sorry for pushing u so hard

    ok I know who I'll pick I choose squirtle

    *throws squirtle's poke ball in the graveyard and he(showing gender) pops out*
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
    Bagon(M), Aron(M),Torchic(M), Squirtle(F)...

  36. #36
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Ok a Squrtle. Piece of Cake. Psy Beam~Ocktazooka~Toxic~

  37. #37
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    squirtle hes insulting u by calling u a peice of cake so use ice beam,toxic and dodge
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
    Bagon(M), Aron(M),Torchic(M), Squirtle(F)...

  38. #38
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Round Sixteen

    * Battle *
    Link 10
    Wawafish the Remoraid

    Killer Tai
    Squirtle the Squirtle

    * Stats *
    Wawa Fish the Remoraid
    100% Health

    Squirtle the Squirtle
    100% Health

    * Trainer Issued Commands *
    Link 10
    "Psy Beam ~ Ocktazooka ~ Toxic"
    Killer Tai
    "Ice Beam ~ Toxic ~ Dodge"

    * Round Sixteen Begins *

    Killer tai releases his squirtle into the misty and depressing new arena stage. A light but thick white mist moves slowly across the arena, while various stone graves pierce the soft marshy underfloor. Wawafish, flaps on the softer floor, finding it more comfortable than the previous metal floor. Squirtle sniffs the air caustiosuly, picking up the scenet of a hard raged battle.

    The fog is begginning to thicken and both pokemon are having trouble seeing the other. Throwing caution to the wind they both attack at once. Wawafish glows, as a wave of psychedelic colours wash over his scaley body, while Squirtle takes a deep breath chilling the air and cooling the water particles in his breath and within his body. Wawafish is first to release the attack, a beam of psychic energy blasts out into the mists, shimmering with bright colours visable through the haze. The beam hits Squirtle on the side of his shell, spinning him around and knocking him off target. Squirtle releases his attack, a beam of frost and frozen water jetting through the mist and encasing a gravestone nearby to wawafish, in solid translucent ice.

    Wawafish flaps forward into the mist, hoping to get closer to his enemy, but further from the chilly ice. Squirtle follows suit and the two pokemon pass so close to each other, but end up passing each other by. How annoying for the trainers, who have both been given infrared goggles to allow them to see through the fog. A flicker of activity besides Squirtle, causes him to spin around. Without hesitation he spits a spray of thick poison towards the movement. Wawafish squels as the posion hits it and begins to sink in. The small fish jumps and spins in the air to face the direction of the attack, and fires his own fast atttack.

    A ball of water splashes into Squirtle, releasing a sticky black ink as the orb looses shape. Squirtle begins to paw at his eyes, in an temmpt to get rid of the ink. Stumbling around the arena, he bumps into a grave and falls onto his shell. Unable to get straight back up, Squirtle is at risk of being hit. Wawafish, who can see the mist being disrupted by Squirtles frantic struggling, takes aim and spits his won spurt of posion. The purple slime hits Squirtle and sinks in.

    Squirtle manages to spin himself into a grave, where he grabs hold and pulls himself up. Wawafish splashes back into the mist, to rest for a moment. Both pokemon have been posioned, so how will this affect the following rounds?

    * Results *

    Wawa Fish the Remoraid
    97% Health
    Toxic Poisoning

    Squirtle the Squirtle
    90% Health
    Toxic Poisoning

    * Arena Status *

    Pokemon having difficulty seeing properly.
    Fast movements disrupt the fog

  39. #39
    Life Is a Ting Gotta Live to G Junior Trainer
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    ok squirtle this match is actually going to be very hard for us lets try to give ourselves the atvantage in this fog so use ice wind to blow the fog around ya so wawa fish can't see ya or if u can't blow it use mist then just pop out and freeze that him with ice beam then finish the round with a nicely put confusion
    Dun got a cool sig yet -_-

    ASB Team:
    Bagon(M), Aron(M),Torchic(M), Squirtle(F)...

  40. #40
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    Default Killer Tai vs Link 10 | Ref: PorygonX

    Ok Wawa Fish. Lets get ready. You need to use Aurora Beam right before he uses Icy Wind. Then use Flamethrower right when it uses Ice Beam. Then use Psy Beam when it uses Confusion.

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