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Thread: The War of the Earth *Sign Ups*

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    Default The War of the Earth *Sign Ups*

    The year is 2700. There has been a World War Three(damn australians, trynna act all dope). The Earth has faced many hardships, there was the freezing over of the Sahara Desert and the drying up of the Nile and Amazon Rivers caused by the meteor storm of 2300. The Earth, on the year of 2500, has became normal again, except for the Sahara and the rivers freezing and drying up. As if it weren't bad enough the continent of Australia decided to kick the people of Earth while they were down. The people on Earth have tried to make new technology and ways of transportation, they have succeeded in making robots who help in every day life and a underground set of tunnels to help them get to different countries, and even what seemed impossible before, time travel! This time travel limited though, for some reason they have only been able to go back to the year of 1500. The group controlling the people left on Earth is known as the Pentagram Force. They take any and all resources they need and kill anyone in their way. There are many people on Earth that have tried and failed to stop them. But there are four groups in the shadows that want to fight the Pentagram Force, they are just forming but they will be powerful. You are the leader of one of these special groups. The only facts that are known about these groups are their specialties. One is made of powerful assassins who hide in the shadows ready to strike. Another is made of warriors who strike the Pentagram Force in the open. The others are special geniuses, they are trying to bring the earth back to what it once was, they also spy and gather information on the enemy. The final group is made up of the royal people that are trying to take back their countries that have been taken over by the Pentagram Force. They all work together and the geniuses have made new tunnels for a conference room for the groups. So which group are you the leader of?

    To be the leader of a group you must be first to sign up for the position. After that you can sign up to be a recruit for one of the groups.

    Sign up shit:
    Name: What your name is
    Group: What group you are (i.e. assassin)
    Rank: Leader, Second in Command or Recruit
    Weapon: What your weapon is for your group (allowed up to three)
    Appearance: What you look like
    Clothes: What you wear
    Personality: Who you seem like to other people
    History: Why you decided to join the group
    Relationship: Are you related to any other groups or someone famous in some way?
    Other: Are you well known in the world or some other random shit?
    Why He/She is fighting: Why are they fighting to save the world from the Pentagram Force

    That's pretty much it, any questions just ask

    List of fighters:
    Connor Davenport - Emerald Gen.3
    Aeron Sullivan - Kumori


    Name: Connor Davenport
    Group: Assassin
    Rank: Leader
    Weapon: Hidden Blade/Bow and Arrows/Poison Darts
    Appearance: Dark brown hair and brown eyes with olive colored skin
    Clothes: Cloak, mostly white with red and blue accents, and brown gloves and boots
    Personality: He can be nice and helpful to people when he first meets them and if they are nice or are good to him, but if you get on his bad side he can be downright cruel and cold.
    History: Coming from an Indian decent and an English decent he has a hard life, he has found a home with his mentor.
    Relationships: He is the son of the former assassin leader Haytem Kenway, who he ironically assassinated(Oh father-son relationships)
    Other: First Native American assassin
    Why He/She if fighting: He does not like the fact that he was pulled from his life back in the 1783
    Last edited by Emerald_Gen.3; 2nd April 2013 at 08:17 PM. Reason: fixed it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  2. #2
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: The War of the Earth



    First of all, kudos for having the balls to start an RPG. Especially when there's not many going on at the moment. I think this is all the praise I'm likely to give you, so I apologise now.

    Your plot is so thin and watery that it's no wonder that you haven't made your own character for it. What is 2700 like? In fact, is this Earth in 2700, or some place you've made up? If it is Earth, what has happened between 2013 and 2700? Basically, you haven't set the world at all. For instance, one person could see this as a post-apocalyptic world, after some massive nuclear war, or others might see it in a futuristic setting, with hover cars and crazy technology and aliens. In order for people to hold interest and create characters, you have to set them some kind of guideline by setting the world that they live in.

    Secondly, the classes you have created are not balanced at all. Assassins and Warriors, fine, one can assume how they might work, but what about these geniuses? They seem very overpowered. You could argue that your genius was so powerful that he could wipe the face of the planet with just his mind. On the other hand, the Royals seem so underwhelming. Think about it, a member of the Royal Family has no special ability or influence without having other people under them. If you established a monarchy in the world setting, then it would be easy to see how a Royal might have influence. For example, if you had the whole country ruled by a Monarchy, and the Royals were actually the real heirs to the throne and they are fighting to get it back. But then, what are the Assassins, Warriors and Geniuses doing? Why are they fighting? Who are they fighting? You really need to think this through.

    This third thing is a pet hate of mine, so don't be too offended (pleeaaaassseee) by this, because you are not the only one guilty of this. One of the most important things to put in a sign up thread is your own sign up. The character you create can often be make or break an RPG. Fundamentally, it's a guideline to what you expect the other players to produce when they sign up. The outline of the character sheet doesn't matter, it's what you as the GM puts in their own sheet that really makes a difference. People have to want to interact with this guy/gal, and that is what inspires people to create new characters, therefore if you do not make the effort to fill in your own form, people are less likely to want to also. Your character doesn't have to be the best damn character ever to have existed with a full backstory and future plotlines already thought up, but he or she does have to have enough substance for people to like them and want to interact with them.

    I think if you expand on these points, you will be well on your way to creating something people will really want to play :3

    I'm going to leave the thread open, because I want to give you the chance to let your ideas grow. So, I'll be here to bounce ideas around with you, and I'm sure others will help too! Feel free to ask any questions, I am more than willing to help you build this world and your character too. Then when it's ready, we can post a new thread and start again.

    X-rated since April 2012!

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: The War of the Earth

    OMG gurl you made me cry lol jk, i see what your saying but do you have any ideas on how i might be able to increase them like make it better. I also see that you didn't adress the "leader or recruit" thing (atleast I don't think you did ) what are your ideas on that. If you could just put it out there no bars or anything just give me the real deal for whatevs you want.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  4. #4
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: The War of the Earth

    Having leaders and recruits is fine so long as the people playing them have an idea of what their goals are, which they don't because they have no idea what situation they're in. If they don't know what the world is like, how are they supposed to know what they're fighting for? Also, you make it seem like there is life outside these groups, like there are normal, every day people. What role to they have? Are they caught between these factions?

    Also, I don't get what you mean by this, please rephrase:
    i see what your saying but do you have any ideas on how i might be able to increase them like make it better.
    Let me make this clear. I'm not writing this RPG for you. You have to answer the thought provoking questions I've given you and write the RPG. Honestly don't have time to do it for you, so you need to do it yourself...

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: The War of the Earth //Sign Ups\\

    sorry i meant, to make it better, so I think it's good so far. I fixed some things up. The normal everyday people could be part of the Pentagram Force or just normal people who don't really know whats going on
    Last edited by Emerald_Gen.3; 26th February 2013 at 06:14 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  6. #6
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: The War of the Earth

    I'm not that interested in this as it is, but I'd like to help. Because this setting makes NO sense.

    Firstly, is time travel a feature here? Because despite the fact that your timeline states this to be the 28th century, your character is somehow the son of a man that lived in the 1700's. Unless this is simply an AC shoutout, in which case never mind.

    Secondly (and more pressingly), am I to assume this is a post-apocalyptic world? Because despite taking place 7 centuries in the future, the LEADER of one group is using shitty archaic weaponry. I get that the guy is an Amerindian, but I'm pretty sure modern Amerindian descendents know how to use guns.

    Which ties in to my third and final query: If this IS a post-apocalyptic future, what caused the Apocalypse in question? I'm assuming it's post-apocalyptic because, aside from the archaic weaponry implying that we've lost all our technology, the Sahara Desert (possibly including the Nile River) is now an Arctic wasteland and the largest river in the world has been either walled off or evaporated in just a few centuries.

    So, what exactly HAPPENED to this planet? The only way an equatorial desert could freeze over is if the entire planet has been either tipped over (putting northern Africa at one of the poles), like by an asteroid impact, or if the planet is somehow drifting away from the Sun (in which case everything would be frozen and an equatorial landmass - even one covered in ice - would STILL be the warmest place compared to the negative one-hundred degrees of everything beyond the tropical latitudes).

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    Default Re: The War of the Earth

    1. Yes there is time travel and partly a AC shoutout

    2. Post-apocalyptic, assassins are really supposed to be in the shadows, if you played AC then you know what i mean.

    3. Well what happened was a large meteor storm happened in around 2300 and it hit pretty much everywhere on the Earth and in 2500 everything has come back to normal except for the Sahara and Nile which were frozen and evaporated respectively which were caused by the meteor storm. 2550 is when World War III started between Australia (shifty bastards) and the rest of the world. Australia lost and the rest of the world was in waste though because of the war draining most of their resources.

    I think that I'll edit this into the first post

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  8. #8
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: The War of the Earth

    Okay, so you're getting closer...

    First off, be careful with the whole time travel thing. Unless done well, it just makes no sense whatsoever. If you're set on it, you have to create limitations. Who has access to time travel? What do people use it for?

    Now these points will link nicely. You'll see what I did thar.

    How is your character related to this time travel? Why him? If he's from 1700, how has he adapted to living a thousand years into the future? I mean, if Captain America struggled after 50ish years of being frozen, it's reasonable to assume that someone who is now 1000 years in the future would struggle to adapt to modern day life.

    So here's my cleverly linked next point. Your character really doesn't have enough depth to him. I'm sorry, but I'm nice to people I meet, and I'm very helpful (if I do say so myself), but I can be a right bitch if I want to be. There are many things people could say about me that are true, I'm not going to list them, because meh, ego boosting or what, but when it comes to creating characters, you need more for people to go on. Does he actually want to be fighting? Does he hate the fact he was pulled from the past in order to save the future? What about the other groups, what does he think of them? Here, take a look at the last sign up I made recently. It might give you an idea of what level of information people like to see. Doesn't mean you have to go to quite as much detail as I did, but it gives you a bit of an idea...

    Also, I noticed you didn't include name and gender.

    But, I'd like to share this conversation I had with my bf about that:

    Me: Oh, he didn't put age and gender.
    Him: What if they don't live in a society where they keep track of age? What if they live underground and can't see the sun so they don't keep track of time like we do?
    Me: ....
    Him: And why should you ask gender? Cos men and women are equal.

    And then we continued, him playing my devil's advocate. Grrr <3

    I love having a nerdy, RPG-minded bf.

    Anywho, your world is getting better, but it really looks like a random mesh of loads of genres. (Bf: "You're a mesh of random genres") (Also, when I mentioned the tunnels, he said "SEE! I told you! Maybe he didn't ask for age and gender because they live in tunnels and CAN'T SEE THE SUN") You need to expand and simplify at the same time. Someone suggest how, I'm all out... Brain died.

    EDIT: I forgot to thank Blade for contributing too. So thanks Blade
    Last edited by ChobiChibi; 27th February 2013 at 05:17 PM.

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    Default Re: The War of the Earth

    tell him "silly they don't live in tunnels, they use them for transportation." I really wanna see what he says about that

    with the time travel, he has been brought to the future after the events of AC3 because of the Pentagram Force and they were trying to find out how he was such a good assassin so they could use his skills for evil. But he rebelled and they are tryin to kill him
    Last edited by Emerald_Gen.3; 27th February 2013 at 07:48 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

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    Default Re: The War of the Earth

    Alright everyone its now time to pile in and sign up or ask questions, everything is completely fixed and I am ready to do an RPG with the people of TPM

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: The War of the Earth

    I guess I'll pile in seeing I'm your friend and I'd like to support you and I'm bored as hell...

    Name: Aeron Sullivan
    Group: Assassin
    Rank: Secondary leader (if there's room)
    Weapon: Carries a katana and poison darts.
    Appearance: Aeron is tall and thin, with medium-length black hair. Her eyes are brown, though she has heterochromia and there is a small ring of gold around her pupils. She has quite sharp, curved features and is built for speed rather than muscle. She has white skin and small breasts.
    Clothes: She usually wears black clothes. Outfit of choice is a tight, plain black T-shirt and surprisingly flexible skinny jeans with tall black boots, usually covered by a black leather jacket. If she knows she's going to kill someone, she swaps out the jacket for a muddy old trench coat.
    Personality: Cold, unforgiving and absolutely ruthless. Prepared in any way to kill everyone she comes across without hesitation. She does not tolerate anyone insulting the man who taught her everything she knows about assassination, and usually ends up stabbing them on the spot somewhere painful, though non-fatal.
    History: Used to be a street child before being taken in by her mentor. Apparently descends from an English family, as she has an English accent.
    Relationship: She doesn't know who her family is, as they abandoned her when she was young.
    Other: Well-known within her division for being cold and striking people without remorse.
    Why He/She is fighting: Her mentor told her on his deathbed to fight with the Assassin division, and so she joined as her final favour to him.

    "I love you," he said, and pulled the trigger.

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    Kumori: Approved

    I meant to add in Second in command but forgot to thanks for the unintended reminder

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

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