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Thread: The Worst Episodes Ever

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  1. #1
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    What, in your opinion, are the worst episodes of Pokemon that ever existed? Here are my opinions:

    Kanto: The March of the Exeggutor Squad
    The only real good part of this episode was that Charmander evolved into Charmeleon. That Melvin guy was my least favorite character ever, because he was weird!

    Orange Islands: The Wacky Watcher
    All this episode was about was someone who studies a Pokemon that has been in more episodes than I can count. It was nice that Tracey got to meet someone that he always wanted to meet, but it still was a bad episode.

    The Johto Journeys: Flower Power and Grin to Win
    I don't know what it is about Johto Grass Pokemon that I don't like, but these two episodes weren't that great. Flower Power didn't seem to have a very good plot, and Grin to Win had a plot, but it was the weirdest plot I had ever heard of. Who wants to enter a contest where the prize is noodles?

    Johto League Champions: The Dunsparce Deception
    So a kid missed a Dunsparce swarm while he was on vacation. Who honestly cares? Dunsparce isn't that great of a Pokemon! Plus, I thought that his Caterpie should have evolved at the end.

    Master Quest: A Tyrogue Full of Trouble and Xatu the Future
    First, the Tyrogue episode: Kiyo mentioned the P1 Grand Prix, and nobody bothers to mention that Ash had a Pokemon that won the Grand Prix! I think that was the real disappointment of this episode. So, I didn't bother paying attention to the rest of it. Secondly, the Xatu episode: Well, practically nothing happened. The only good part was that Delibird made an appearance. I was watching this episode, and when they said that a big flood was coming, I thought "So what?" The only there there was for miles was that huge auditorium-like place.

    What are your least favorite episodes in Kanto, Orange, JJ, JLC, and MQ?

  2. #2
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    in my opion the ultimate worst episode Ever was Power Play. Gary had no emotion whatsoever!! He just...existed. it was awful. plus, he had Red hair. RED!!!! that episode scarred me for life, it was that ep that scared me away from everything after the Orange Isles.

  3. #3
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Indigo League- Go West Young Meowth
    I didn't find Meowth's past too interesting.

    Orange Islands- Meowth Rules!
    I have nothing against Meowth, but this episode barely had Ash and co. in it and was really weird.

    Johto Journies- Flower Power
    I agree with PAK Man. This one had no plot.

    Johto League Champions- Got Miltank?
    I was bored to death from this episode. It had some interesting parts, but didn't have much action.

    Master Quest- Takin' It on the Chinchou
    I haven't seen many of the Master Quest episodes, but of the ones I've seen, this was the worst.

    This was all my opinion.

  4. #4
    Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: The Worst Episodes Ever

    Originally posted by PAK Man
    Kanto: The March of the Exeggutor Squad
    The only real good part of this episode was that Charmander evolved into Charmeleon. That Melvin guy was my least favorite character ever, because he was weird!
    Really? I liked that episode... and I thought Melvin was cool. He just had this "I don't really have to care if I don't want to" attitude, which made him such a jerk... but he was still cool.

    Let's see... Kanto - Ah yes, "Fire and Ice". We see half of two dumb battles, and nothing else. Ew.

    Orange Islands - There were a bunch of episodes I didn't like in the beginning of this saga, but I liked most of the later ones. I didn't care too much for "The Crystal Onix", though.

    Johto Journeys - NOO! Charizard leaves... "Charizard's Burning Ambition" wasn't a terrible episode, but I did NOT like Charizard leaving. Although, I guess the motive fits well enough with its personality. Ugh. I can't believe Ash gave up Charizard and Squirtle so long before Bulbusaur. Dumb kid.

    I definitely wasn't too thrilled with "The Poké-Spokesman", for Johto League Champions.

    Master Quest - Hmm, haven't seen too many of these myself. But the ones I've seen are actually okay. Well, maybe not "Xatu the Future". That was pretty dumb, I'll admit. Except for the part about flag-speak... I thought that was a cool and innovative new way for a Pokémon to communicate.

  5. #5
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Indigo League
    Not really sure, most of Kanto was good.

    Orange Islands
    "The Crystal OniX". So lame... And I didn't like "The Wacky Watcher" either... Magikarp is supposed to be the lamest Pokemon, yet they keep re-using it... And two other people didn't like these, so I guess that says a lot.

    Johto Journies
    Most of the episodes. "Roll On, Pokemon" "Flower Power" "Spinarak Attack", almost all of them. Blah, so bad...

    Johto League Champions
    This one started out well enough. But "Type Casting" really sucked. "The Dunsparce Deception" was so stupid... Pointless. "Doin What Comes Natu-Rally"... Ash and them just happen to be in town during a carnival and help some kid perfect his act... Just because of this one, I can see the Xatu ep sucking...

    Master Quest
    All three Lugia episodes. Such a let-down... The Red Gyarados 2-part owns this... And "Takin' It On The Chinchou" was bad, but not horrible.

  6. #6

    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    um, that episode with the pokemon translator.......w/the magneton/mite.........that sucked. lame.

  7. #7
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    Default I don't like topics like this...

    I'm might be the only one saying this, but I don't like it when people poin't out the worst episodes.

    I just think it's heartless. I don't think a person should judge the episodes. The creators do the best they can to make episodes for you. The least you could do is give them a little credit.

    I know people have different opinions, but come on...

    Originally posted by Kittymon
    Master Quest
    All three Lugia episodes. Such a let-down... The Red Gyarados 2-part owns this...
    Uhh... Like I said... Opinion...

  8. #8

    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Indigo League
    The Only ones I Find Boring Are:
    "The Tower Terror" + "Bye Bye Butterfree" + "Pikachu's Goodbye" + "Pi-Kahuna" + "Go West Young Meowth"

    Orange Islands
    I Love The Orange Islands Season! It's The Best Of All!

    Johto Journies
    Most Of Them Where Boring!! Except: "Tricks of The Trade" + "The Totodile Duel" + "Fortune Hunters"

    Johto League Champions
    The Only Ones I Find useless are:
    "A Dairy Tale Ending" + "Fossil Fools" + "A Hot Water Battle" + "Mountain Time" + "The Art Of Pokémon"

    Master Quest
    I Like All Of Them up today!!!

  9. #9

    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Most of Johto's fillers (Donphan, Ledyba, Bellossom, Sunflora, etc...)
    [SIZE=1]Super Hyper Mega Ninja Pokémon World Character Randomizer!

    It's ANIMation + MELEE. No "Anime" or "Lee".
    Support watching cartoons in their original languages and formats -- like Japanese Pokémon, and English Transformers Beast Wars; not the other way around!
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    Pokémon LeafGreen Cart - Play Time as of June 7, 2005: 177:01
    Pokémon Diamond Cart - Play Time as of November 21, 2005: 00:00
    GAME FREAK, HAL Labs, Capcom, Genius Sonority, Sega, and Nintendo forever!
    Thanks to Filb for the PHP script, and for hosting my sig!

  10. #10
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Hmmm... Worst episodes, *thinking*:

    "The Indigo League":

    - "Go west, young Meowth": This WAS boring. We got to know some of Meowth´s past life, but anyway, I hate It.

    "Orange Islands":

    - "Shell Shock": Kabuto was cool, but there´s just something I didn´t like from this episode.

    "Johto Journeys":

    - "For crying out loud": Please, for crying out loud !!!, I was so bored with this episode, I just turned off the TV.

    "Johto League Champions":

    - "A hot water battle": It was a rainy summer afternoon, and I was in my couch. Five minutes after the episode had begun, I was sleeping. Aipom looked sooooo stupid!!!

    "Master Quest":

    -"Dues and Dont´s": I know everybody thinks this is such a great episode, but I found it so unintresting, besides, I didn´t like Delibird at all. Maybe I´m weird.

  11. #11
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    I remember it the episode were Gary and Umbreon were featured, Ash is shown at one part eating a ton of sausage like food, that was the WURST episode ever...hahahahahahahahaha!

    But seriously, I think that they ran Problum with Paras back in the old days so much that everything good bout it was sucked out of it.

  12. #12
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Indigo League
    -The Tower of Terror (I actually hated all 3 episodes in the Saffron City trilogy but this one annoyed me the most)
    -The Kangaskhan Kid (the kid and his father were terribly annoying)
    -Pikachu's Goodbye (yeah, it was kinda sad but I don't like Pikachu so there it is on the list)
    -The Problem With Paras (terrible filler)
    -Go West Young Meowth (I liked Meowth's past history but that was it)
    -The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis (all I wanted to see back then were the league episodes but I hated this one from the get-go since Jigglypuff was in it)

    Orange Islands
    -Meowth Rules (no point to this one)
    -Shell Shock (always hated watching it over and over)

    Johto Journeys
    -Illusion Confusion (don't like Hoothoot)
    -Snubbul Snobbery (don't like Snubbull either. Just like Jigglypuff)
    -Forest Grumps (don't like Ursaring)
    -A Better Pill to Swallow (it just didn't amuse me)
    -UnBEARable (look above)

    As you can see, there are a lot I don't ^_^ Luckily, most of them are from the Indigo saga so I see those episodes barely anymore

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  13. #13

    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    There's too much to list. Seriously. In an anime of 276 episodes.....there's just too much bad episodes =/

  14. #14
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    meowth goe west(meowth be better off not talking)
    lights camera quaction(stupid movie)

    uh actually i liked them all

    the fillers its not the fact there there its that johto is almost nuthin but fillers.i hated how they went like 5 fillers then ash gets ash catches pokemon 5 fillers ash wins badge infinite loop.we the viewers continue watchin reruns of fillers for 60 yrs and then we die

    after johto:
    the mukrow one

    master quest:
    the writers still yet to anger me bout this series

  15. #15
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Why do you all hate "Go West Young Meowth" so? It is one of my favorites for it reveals Meowths past, I love episodes that reveal characters pasts.

  16. #16
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Indigo: "The Pi-Kahuna" Okay, some 40 year old guy has an old Pikachu (Pooka) and wants to surf a big wave named... Humungadunga? I intensly disliked this eppie, but I did like Pooka's blue eyes. "The Kangaskhan Kid" OMG, who cares about this stupid kid who's a rip-off of Tarzan? So dumb.

    Orange: "The Mandarin Island Miss Match" It had Lorelei being called 'Prima', and she was weird and talked about hearing the wind and ocean and stuff and somehow got Misty and Tracey to do the same (I think she put something in the tea ), besides, Ash was a real butt-head in that one. "A Way Off Day Off" This had it's funny parts, but the rest was... Ash and co. sitting and enjoying resting... Team Rocket doing the usual... Scyther and Charizard 'looking' at each other... not too exciting.

    Johto: "Right On, Rhydon" I was so bored with this episode, I seriously considered turning off the TV... and I don't ever do that with pokemon. Some girl trying to catch this Rhydon. Why are Ash and them helping her?! Can no one in Johto catch a pokemon on their own? "The Dunsparce Deception" Okay, some kid in a Dunsparce race... this should have been like half an episode, while the rest was something that we all cared about...

    Of course, Johto had way more bad fillers than that, but I just named the two that came to mind first. Personally, I liked the episodes about Meowth. It was nice to have a few episodes away from Ash and co. Plus, when you see Team Rocket for a whole episode, you actually get to see them without the constant joke-making.

  17. #17
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Kanto: Bad to the Bone

    A pointless early example of a filler. I mean look, a guy gets his badges stolen by Team Rocket, I mean, do we care? Just get to the Indigo Plateau already!

    Orange: The Wacky Watcher

    A filler about Magikarp, I mean do we need this. The main plot, to witness Magikarp evolving into Gyarados, we've already seen it twice before, why again!?

    Johto Journies: The Superhero Secret

    Couldn't they think of any other way to introduce Gligar!?

    Johto Championships: A Hot Water Battle

    Terrible filler. I like Aipom and all, but I hated how they introduced him as a villian (well, somewhat).

    Master Quest: None, really. They're pretty good.

    Advance: None, really. They're pretty good.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: I don't like topics like this...

    Originally posted by Hitmontop1503
    I'm might be the only one saying this, but I don't like it when people poin't out the worst episodes.

    I just think it's heartless. I don't think a person should judge the episodes. The creators do the best they can to make episodes for you. The least you could do is give them a little credit.
    They have done some good episodes, but there were some...a lot actually, where the writers pulled something out of their *** at the last minute and decided to call it an episode. They did most of this during Johto. We have seen what they are capable of in the really good episodes and movies, so when they show us these crap *** fillers of course we're going to say it's bad. I really do understand the use of fillers, but make it useful , not something like:

    "Ash and co. meet *random person* and helps *random person* in troubling situation *lost pokemon, sick, etc*
    *Insert Team Rocket*
    *Insert Team Rocket defeat*
    *Insert moral lesson learned*
    *Rinse, lather, and repeat for 10 more episodes*

    Ah yes, and for my worst episodes, they are:

    *Insert any Johto episode*

  19. #19
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    As you are going to see, I have a lot of free time, so I did some statistics (at the style of "The weakest link"), so we can see which is finally the episode voted: The Worst One

    -Indigo League:

    In this season the winner of this title is...

    Go west, young Meowth

    Followed by...

    The Tower of Terror, Pikachu´s Goodbye, The Pi-Kahuna, The Kangashkan Kid and The Problem with Paras

    -Orange Islands:

    We have a tie between...

    The Wacky Watcher, Meowth Rules, The Crystal Onix and Shell Shock.

    -Johto Journeys:

    In this season, the winner is...

    Flower Power

    Followed by...

    Grin to Win and Spinarak Attack

    -Johto League Champions:

    We have a tie in the first position between...

    A Hot Water Battle and The Dunsparce Deception

    Followed by...

    The Poke-spokesman and Power Play

    Note: I didn´t bother to do Master Quest. I took only a top-two ranking of the votes.

    Wait for some updates...

  20. #20
    Master Trainer
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    Default ! considering how

    i really liked a hot water battle...but i've only seen it once, remember:

    The Kangaskhan kid. it's the sort of story that gives Pokemon a bad reputation IMHO, its just pants. I couldnt find anything exciting with it...

    Orange Islands:
    i hate that Wartortle ep cos its always on for fillers! Grr! It's just tedious now.....although it was once good...

    The Double Trouble Header
    i...hate...this...i've seen it about 4 times in two weeks and its just so boring! I cant help but hate got me in a bad mood with Johto...

    Johto Champions:
    it sucks! it sucks it sucks it sucks! considering how many people were eliminated from the Johto leage, loadsa ppl must have gone on that awful radio show! No wonder nobody listens to it!

    Master Quest:
    Hmm....i'm not sure...

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  21. #21
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Man,this just goes to show you that people do have different tastes.Some of the episodes listed here are some of my favorites.Some I thought weren't that bad,and the rest I can see why people would hate them.

    Well,here's my list.

    Kanto - "Holiday Hi-Jynx" - I actually don't hate any of the Kanto episodes.I can live without this particular episode though.It's just sort of weird seeing Santa in an episode of Pokemon.It's funny,I can imagine the writers/animators looking back on this episode wishing that Stantler would've existed back then.A bunch of Ponyta pulling Santa's sleigh didn't make a whole lot of sense. lol

    Orange League - "The Mystery Menace" - Man,this episode was boring as hell and was such a let down.The audience already knew it was some kind of Grass pokemon hiding in the sewers since it was obviously using vine whip to get food.The question was,which Grass pokemon would it be?At first,I thought it might've been a Venusaur since fully evolved starters don't make appearances that often.Hell,I thought it might've a new Pokemon since G/S was on it's way.So what was the "mystery menace"?A larger than average Bulbasaur.-_-; Yeah,we never see enough of Bulbasaur in the Anime.

    Johto Journeys - "Snubbull Snobbery" - First off,I HATE Snubbull.Out of 386 Pokemon,Snubbull is the worst of the worst.The character of the day-Madame MuchMoney-isn't likeable at all and I think people could care less about Snubbull's welfare.(because it's so ugly) So basically,one can less give a crap about anyone in this episode.Except fot that poor Growlithe at the beginning of the episode. Stupid Snubbull.

    Johto League Champions - "Trouble with Snubbull" - Same as above.Only now the thing evolves into Granbull."All that Glitters" is also on the list because it has some of the worst animation I've seen in a Pokemon episode.I bet the animators came REALLY close to their deadline on that one.

    Master Quest - "Xatu the Future" - Really good season so far,but the writers just dropped the ball on this one.This has to be the vaguest episode I've ever seen.We're supposed to be worried about this huge flood destroying this village/town/city we never get to see.Also,this episode literally goes no where.Ash and Co.,TR,and the girl just keep going in and out of the mountain most of the time throughout the whole episode.It's sad because I think Xatu is a really interesting Pokemon.I wish it hadn't been featured in a weird-@$$ story like this.

  22. #22
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    i don't know how anyone can not like "bad to the bone" thats one of my favs.
    kanto:2 epis stand out as the BIGGEST pieces of crap i've ever seen and they are "hypno's nap time" whats bad about it...sleep wave detecter, yep we all have one of those with us all the time and "clefairy tails" damn this just annoide the bejezes outa me
    orange islange:hated them ALL...
    jouto:every filler pissed me off, i'm likin' master quest though...

  23. #23
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Oh, another Johto Champions filler I hate.

    Air Time.

    Pointless. It didn't do anything but introduce the Radio Tower from the game. This is what started the horrible fillers of Johto Champions.

  24. #24
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    Default Worst ever

    In my view, the worst episode of Pokémon that I ever saw was 'Right-on Rhydon'. Non-existent characterisation (were the regular characters even really featured in this episode?). It had a hideously contrived 'crisis' for the characters to solve and, apart from the first use I've ever seen of Iron Tail, added nothing to the long-term storyline or to our understanding of any of the characters or any of the Pokémon species.

    'RoR' was a script straight out of the 'Filler Ep' cookie-cutter and should never have been aired. If they hadn't aired it, who would have noticed? That is the acid test of an episode's worth.

  25. #25
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    I think that the episode with the smeargles was the worst episode, it was so stupid!

  26. #26
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Let's see. I have a lot of episodes that I dislike.

    Hmmm.. The Kangskan Kid simply boring. So stupid kid who was lost from his parents. Yeah! Boring.

    The one where charmander evolves. That was soo boring. Some stupid magician who wants to go to Verges. Borring.

    Oh and the problem with Paras. Yersk, That was one was horrible. What's up with that Paras. God! How boring.

    Go West Young Meowth... That one was confusing. I kept thinking that most of the episode was a flashback even the end. Meowth's past wasn't that interesting and the ending was horrible. Team Rocket dances in then dances out. BORRING.

    The rest were pretty good.

    Orange Island...

    Hmm Let's see.
    The one where Meowth rules. Boring. Meowth didn't even learn pay day. One peachers to a Meowth and wears Meowth whiskers? Those people were sooo selfish. And there was no Ash and Co.

    The Wacky Watcher... boring. Some stupid Magikarp trying to evolve. A stupid not making sense watcher. Boring.

    The Way off Day Off... what's the point of that episode? BORING

    Johto jounreys...

    Most of these was boring I'm serious.

    Okay that Snubull episode. I hate Snubull. They are sooo annoying and that overly fat woman.

    Illuison Confusion. That Hoothoot was soo mean to Ash and those little old ladies gave me the creeps. it reminds me of that little old lady in Holy Acuplaco or was it Tentacool Tentacruel. I can't remember.

    Johto Championships...

    The second Snubull episode. Must I say more. i hate Snuballs.

    The Gligar episode or was that episode in Johto journeys. I can't remember. That episode was stupid. It was soo obvious Gilgar man owns the toy store.

    Oh and that Skiploom episode. I hate Skiploom specially that one. it beat poor Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur could have creamed that thing. Ash was only being nice to it not using solar beam.

    Right on Rhydon... that trainer was soo mean. WHy she have to catch Rhydon for?

    Durparce Deception... who wants a stupid Durparce. Yeah! Sure like Team Rocket can possibly get soo many Moltreses.

    Hot water Battle... stupid!! I never exactlly got what Misty said and Ash said at the beginning. Okay why were Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Chikorita actually fighting? I didn't get that part. And Apiom. Why the writers have to make them bad guys anyways? No plot!! I'm serious. BORRING.

    Master Quest...

    Xatu the Future.... there was no plot. Running around and worrying about a flood! I never got what it actually flooded. Just a wierd cave with this staduim everywhere. i thought it would have been something cool if they had expand on it a bit.

    Dues and Don't.... that was stupid. I didn't exactly get the point of that episode.

    I was disappointed at the lugia sage too. I thought it could have been better but they weren't that bad and so was the Red Gyarados episodes. But they were okay. They didn't bother me like the other ones did.

  27. #27
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Originally posted by T M Pikachu
    Dues and Don't.... that was stupid. I didn't exactly get the point of that episode.
    You don't like Dues and Don'ts!?

    That's one of my favorite episodes, but then again, some people like "Bad to the Bone" and that ep is one of my least favorites, so I shouldn't talk.

    Wow, this was a good topic!

  28. #28
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    Default Who is the winner?

    I´m here again with more updates in this fascinating ranking of dislikes. We are here to discover who is... The Worst One!!!

    -Indigo League:

    Still in the first position in this season we have...

    Go west, young Meowth

    Followed by an episode that has climbed some positions, it is...

    The Kangaskhan Kid

    -Orange Islands:

    We have a tie between...

    The Wacky Watcher and Meowth Rules

    Followed by three episode, they are...

    The crystal Onix, Shell Shock and A way of day off

    -Johto Journeys:

    In this season, the winner is still...

    Flower Power

    Followed by an eppisode that has climbed two positions...

    Snubbul Snobbery

    -Johto League Champions:

    We still have a tie in the first position between...

    A Hot Water Battle and The Dunsparce Deception

    Followed by an episode that is having a lot of problems...

    Right on, Rhydon!

    -Master Quest:

    The last season has a king, and it is...

    Xatu the future

    Followed by...

    Takin´ it on the Chinchou, The mistery is History, A parent trapped, A promise is a promise and Dues and dont´s.

    Wait for more updates...

  29. #29
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Wow, I didn't realize that so many people disliked the Meowth episodes! I know they didn't have much action in them, but at least they weren't totally devoted to spending the whole episode on just some kid with a pokemon problem. And at least Team Rocket do something more in them than just get "blasted off".

  30. #30
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    0_o. Go West Young Meowth is probably in my top 5 favorite episodes ever. The Kangaskhan Kid stunk, and Snubbul Snobbery is horrid. The Lugia saga was just stupid.

    - Rocket Scyther -

  31. #31
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Here are some other episodes that I disliked:

    The Kangaskhan Kid
    What bothered me about this episode was that it was the father's fault that Tommy/Tomo got lost and he put all the blame on his wife for losing him. What I'd also like to know is why did it take them five years to go back and see if Tommy/Tomo had survived or not?

    Wake Up, Snorlax!
    This episode basically had nothing interesting in it. I mean, it rains all the time in that town, yet they insist that they don't need the rain, they need the river! How come nobody from the town ever looked to see what the problem was? Why did Ash, Misty and Brock have to go and look for the Snorlax that nobody captured! (although Ash did capture a Snorlax later on)

    The Battle of the Badge:
    I was disappointed in this episode because I thought that Ash would battle Giovanni or at least some other member of Team Rocket besides Jessie, James and Meowth. Sure, they had Giovanni's Pokemon, but it wasn't Giovanni battling Ash, and I thought it would have been more interesting to see Ash battle Giovanni and possibly lose.

    About the Orange League:
    This isn't about a bad episode, I'm just commenting on something. Remember Prima said that to get to Trovita Island they would have to walk across the entire island, and in Git Along Little Pokemon, Ash was complaining that they had to walk so far? Couldn't Ash have just sent out Lapras when they were by the water and used it to swim to Trovita Island? Just wondering.

    A Shadow of a Drought:
    Okay. This episode bothered me because it slowed Ash down in earning his Hive Badge, and nothing really valuable happened, besides Ash getting all the people mad because he stepped on a Slowpoke tail, and then making them happy for ending a drought.

    Tunnel Vision:
    This episode was interesting because we got to see Jigglypuff again and Ash and the others helping it, but I didn't like it because for some reason in the anime, they believe that only water Pokemon are strong against rock types, when grass types could also defeat them. Ash could have used Bulbasaur and Chikorita, while Misty used Staryu, Poliwag, and Psyduck, and James could have used Victreebel.

    Plant it Now, Diglett Later!
    Okay, what really was the point of this episode other than to get the Silver Wing? It was cool to see Dodrio again, but we've already seen Diglett in two episodes. Did we really need to see them again?

    Keep them coming!

  32. #32
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    It's been ages that I've been watching Pokémon on TV and my memory of it has faded a lot but I remember that really hated the Kangaskhan Kid episode. The kid and his father were drawn in such a silly way, also the father was acting like a complete dork. I guess it was supposed to be funny but I think it was simply boring and annoying.
    Austrian ViceMaster Alex

    Winner of the 2014 UnownN award.
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  33. #33
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    What was so bad about the Lugia saga,The Orange Islands, and the red Gyarados?
    I thought they were awesome.

    And why do you bash the way some episodes are animated? It's anime, it's supposed to look badly animated. Plus, it's hardly noticeable after watching it for a long time. Tell you what, if Pokemon starts looking like some old 50's cartoon that used limited animation, or no animation at all, except with human mouths, I'll change my mind.

    Personally, I don't hate a lot of episodes. The only thing I hate about the show is Team Rocket, so I guess the only episodes I hate are the ones that center around Team Rocket.

    I also hated Friends to the end, mainly because Misty (even though she's my favorite female character on the show) acts like a complete jerk around Ash "Make sure you don't choke like Ash did" She just had to rub it in, did she?
    I used to be Entei Master,but I didn't like it too much.So now I am

  34. #34
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    actually i see kangashan kid and way off day off wasnt popular but i actually liked them(scrambles to protect himself with the star saber and skyboom)

  35. #35
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Everyone's free to have their own opinion, but I just can't understand how anyone could dislike "Go West, Young Meowth". It baffles me. That's got to be one of the best episodes of all time, in my opinion. How did it get picked so often? Even if you dislike the fact that Team Rocket are frequently given little to do in most episodes but recite their motto and get blown up, even if you have some bizarre resentment against them because they always lose or because they try to steal Pokemon for a living, how can so many people nominate that episode? Meowth's sad childhood, amusing film noir pastiche, and a welcome reprisal of the Team Rocket song? Let me guess, you'd trade all of that in for some nameless monsters hitting each other. You people have no souls!

    My least favourite episodes would be tough to pick, since I dislike almost everything non-Team Rocket in the show. Without them, Pokemon holds no interest for me.

    Therefore, I pick the first episode, "Pokemon I Choose You!" because it doesn't have even one second of redeeming Team Rocketness to alleviate the tedium.

  36. #36
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Everyone's free to have their own opinion, but I just can't understand how anyone could dislike "Go West, Young Meowth". It baffles me. That's got to be one of the best episodes of all time, in my opinion. How did it get picked so often? Even if you dislike the fact that Team Rocket are frequently given little to do in most episodes but recite their motto and get blown up, even if you have some bizarre resentment against them because they always lose or because they try to steal Pokemon for a living, how can so many people nominate that episode? Meowth's sad childhood, amusing film noir pastiche, and a welcome reprisal of the Team Rocket song?
    My thoughts exactly!

  37. #37
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Originally posted by Subzero Morgan
    [COLOR=NAVY]Everyone's free to have their own opinion, but I just can't understand how anyone could dislike "Go West, Young Meowth". It baffles me. That's got to be one of the best episodes of all time, in my opinion. How did it get picked so often? Even if you dislike the fact that Team Rocket are frequently given little to do in most episodes but recite their motto and get blown up, even if you have some bizarre resentment against them because they always lose or because they try to steal Pokemon for a living, how can so many people nominate that episode? Meowth's sad childhood, amusing film noir pastiche, and a welcome reprisal of the Team Rocket song? Let me guess, you'd trade all of that in for some nameless monsters hitting each other. You people have no souls!

    Amen to that! Yeah,how could anyone not like this episode? The animation is good,everyone gets to go to Hollywood lol,and we actually get some backstory on one of the characters.

    "She sells Seashells by the Sea shore."

    "Nya Nya Nya-Nya Nya Nya Nya-Nya." lol

  38. #38
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Originally posted by Disco_Cass
    Kanto- "The School of Hard knocks" Giselle is a horrible girl!

    Orange- "Stage fright" It was a pointless ep

    Johto- "No big woop" Boring also. The gang meets a new pokemon, Brock drools over a girl and is sad to leave her as usual

    Johto league champions- "Type Casting" It was a boring ep. The gang needs to look for a pokemon, Brock drools over a girl once again and sad to leave her!

    Master quest- "I Politoad you so!" Tammi was a spoiled brat
    WTF? This is six months old, and you bumped it up? Don't do this, some topics are dead.

  39. #39
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    How droll. Disco_Cass became smart and deleted his post since he broke the rules. Well, the proof is there in my last post, Disco Cass is the one who bumped this topic up.

  40. #40
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    Default The Worst Episodes Ever

    Originally posted by Hanada Tattsu
    How droll. Disco_Cass became smart and deleted his post since he broke the rules. Well, the proof is there in my last post, Disco Cass is the one who bumped this topic up.
    1) I'm a girl

    2) That wasnt even mentioned in the rules

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