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Thread: {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

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  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    The Crystal Caves Pokemon Capture Center

    Mod Approved By: Lady Vulpix, Nala98 and Jay

    The year was 2002 AD. War was sweeping the world, slowly enveloping everything in its path. The Dark Lord was rising, ready to take over everything in its path. The world?s only hopes were the Dragon Tamers and the Pokemon Avengers. They won many battles and hope began to dawn. The people began to think that they were saved, that the DT and the PA were going to win, and overcome the Dark Lord and his dark minions of evil. But some people didn?t foresee a victory; they doubted that anyone could overcome the Dark Lord. They thought that the Dark Lord had the power to crush them all, and then take the world for all it?s worth. They left by shiploads, looking for a place to hide overseas, a place that would be their sanctuary. The ships sailed off, leaving their homes behind, and moving on, to what they thought was, safety.

    The journey was a troubled one; no one could have foreseen the results. The sea was against them, its waves tossing the boats around like limp wooden puppets. The waves crashed upon the sides of the boats, rocking them from side to side. The sea soon began to get rough, the waves getting stronger and taller, the raging waters splashing up onto the deck. Soon, the waves began crashing upon the boats, snapping their masts and taking the boats down with them, escorting them to their watery grave. Soon, only two ships were left. Led by their brave captains, Matt and Frank, they sailed onward, though the virulent storm. But no matter how long they sailed, it seemed that the Dark Lord willed them to fail, the storm following them wherever they go. Soon, the waves seemed to attack the two lone boats, the waves beginning to crack the hull of the ships. The Captains called all on board to the safest place in the boat?the storage room.

    The storage rooms of the boat, being on the bottom of the boat, was covered with more layers, and has a water-proof seal on the door. The water bursted though the outer hull, sweeping away the panicked passengers, as they tried to get to safety. The water enveloped all who didn?t make in, and took their lives. The last of the survivors huddled around in the storage room and formed a close community. They were all that was left. The rest of the boats were ripped to pieces by the savage waves, but the storage rooms of the two boats were miraculously saved. The waves swept the metal rooms around the sea, tossing and turning all who was inside.

    They spent weeks in this state, living off of the canned food in the storage. Days rolled by, and people began to die. Death was gnawing at them, slowly sucking their precious life away. Then, the whole room rumbled, both the storage rooms screeching to halt. The survivors of the journey stepped out of the room, and found themselves in an underwater cavern. On the sides of the metal enforced room, there were clusters of Dratini, who seemed to have pushed them to safety. They owed their lives to those blue, snake-like, Dragon Pokemon. The captains picked up what looked like the two who led the effort, and thanked them. They walked on, bringing the Dratini with them, and found?paradise.

    The world they found was unlike any other. There were Pokemon everywhere, the land untouched by human feet, uncorrupted by human greed. The journeyed inward, and began to explore their new home. They began to build houses and live off the land. The food was plentiful, the lands lush. They began capturing the Pokemon, and starting a whole new civilization there?
    You are one of the last survivors, ready to explore The Crystal Caves and to find what wonders lie in this untouched place. To start, you will either post any Captured Poké*Żn that you own already in this topic, or forfiet the right to use them here. If you don't post any, you get a Master Ball to catch one. You will also be given 3 Pokeballs, 1 Great Ball, 1 Ultra Ball, and 5 Special Balls of your choice. To capture Pokemon, you will explore the each of the different locations.


    Pokemon: Ground (50%), Rock (25%), Steel (15%), Fire (10%)
    A great light source brightens this location, leaving it sandy and barren, drying up all the surface water and withering away all life. In this location, you will most likely find Ground types because of the existence of groundwater deep underground. Rock types are also likely to be found here, as with steel and fire.

    Pokemon: Grass (40%), Normal (40%), Electric (20%)
    A large plateau, covered with lush, vivid green grass. It is a cool area, not to hot and not too cold, the ideal place to find Pokemon.

    Pokemon: Flying (40%), Bug (30%), Grass (20%), Ghost (10%)
    The trees here provide cool shade, but block out most of the sunlight here. Flying-types find refuge here in the trees. The bug-types are also found in the shade. Don?t stay here after dark?

    Pokemon: Water (85%), Ice (10%), Dragon (5%)
    The rushing rapids of this long river is the blood line of the Crystal Caves, supplying fresh water directly from the fresh water lake, carrying many Water pokemon with it.

    Pokemon: Water (95%), Dragon (5%)
    A crystal clear lake that has the purest water in the world, it holds a high concentration of water types, enjoying the clean water unobtainable anywhere else.

    North Caverns
    Pokemon: Ice (60%), Dark (20%), Ghost (20%)
    A cavern filled with icicles, it is the coldest place in the Crystal Caves.

    South Caverns
    Pokemon: Psychic (45%), Fire (30%), Dark (25%)
    A cavern shrouded with psychic and dark illusions. Watch your step. You may end up falling into a hole. Yet, rumor has it that there is a mysterious pond somewhere in here. It may have rare pokemon in it...

    East Caverns
    Pokemon: Fighting (60%), Dark (30%), Dragon (10%)
    A cavern filled with water, there is rumour that powerful Pokemon live there?

    West Caverns
    Pokemon: Poison (40%), Bug (30%), Fire (30%)
    A wasteland, it is filled with tar pits, spewing out toxic gases, making it very much uninhabitable. Only few can survive here.
    State the location you wish to explore and one of our helpful workers will state what Pokemon you have found/stumbled upon. You then will post three actions that can trap, weaken, or whatever you can think of that could help capture the Pokemon. Then, one of the workers will state the results of the actions. You do not have to throw a Pokeball after three actions, but may see the results first. Also, throwing a Pokeball or using one of the many items you can buy takes up an action. Also, to make it more easier, I have designed a simple form for you to use.
    Post Form

    <quote>Originally Posted by (Insert Ref?s Name Here)
    (Insert Last Reffing Here)</quote>
    (Insert Current Location Here)
    (Insert Action Text)

    Remember to replace the ?<? and ?>? with ?[? and ?]?.
    Special Pokeballs

    Fast Ball - Captures Faster Pokemon More Easily

    Heavy Ball - Captures Heavy Pokemon More Easily

    Lure Ball - Captures Water-Type Pokemon More Easily

    Stun Ball - Captures Pokemon With Status Effects More Easily

    Crystal Ball - Has An Equal Chance Of Being A Master Ball, Ultra Ball, Great Ball, Pokeball, Or Not Working

    You MUST post any Captees you want to keep in this topic with your first few posts, and forfieting your one Master Ball. Otherwise, your captees will be considered illegal.

    When you catch a Pokemon, you get a free bred-on move OR TM (A TM can be GSC TMs/HMs, RBY TMs/HMs, Stadium 1/2 moves, and Crystal move tutor move). Then, at Levels 10, 20, etc., you get a free TM. If you start at or over level 10, you get your bred-on move/TM and your Level 10 TM.
    You can't repost unless we skip you.

    Post where you are in the center every time you post.

    Quote the reffing when you post, too. Don't quote the entire post, just your part.

    Don't put where you are in the subject line.
    If you do not follow these rules, we will skip you until you repost with the correct format (shouldn?t be too hard considering that I created a form to use).

    Absolutely no hinting poké*Żn. (ie. I'll ask that Pikachu if he has seen a Flygon anywhere). That is not allowed. Doing it continuously could result in a permanent ban from the center. You'll be warned if you do it once, but do it again after the warning and you're at risk.

    Also, no complaining/pestering the ref about how your update was done. Most of our workers use randomizers to choose Pokemon. And if things don't go your way, its for a good reason, since a game that's too easy isn't very fun, lol. Though, if you feel like a worker is constantly picking on you, please PM one of the owners.

    Here's a rule that we had before but disappeared, and we don't know why.

    Every Monday Poké¬*Great and Ultra Balls will be given out. You can have one of each if you wish. Just post to say what you wish to take. You can't have more than one of each kind, and we aren't forcing you to take them.

    List of Links

    The Crystal Caves Battle Arena
    Buena's Radio Show
    Goldenrod Tower
    The Crystal Caves Kiosk
    Founder- Link 10

    Owner(s)- pokemasterfrank

    Workers- Wolfsong, Sneasel(h)Obsessive, aragornbird.

    The center wouldn't be here today if it weren't for our past and present employees:
    Link 10, pokemasterfrank, Aipom Of Doom, Jay, Cheesey, Wolfsong, aragornbird and Sneasel(h)Obsessive.

  2. #2
    Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Plague » Ignoring the little lovebirds and the Absol who is looking increasingly queasy, you wander on through to the next room, brushing past the side of the doorway as you do so. You can't see very much in here, so you venture into the center of the room and get quite a shock when you step into a puddle! Then you hear splashing sounds, and as you focus your eyes, you can see a Starmie in a small body of water in front of you. Her crystalline gem is gleaming several different colours in the dim light. What would you like to do?

    classy_cat18 » Swiftly snatching up the Wynaut in one arm, Cinder fires a ball of smokeyness (o_O) and you run away from the Smoochum. They can't see a thing and cough weakly as you make your escape. Stumbling to a halt in the next room, Wynaut gasps in your comforting arms as the three of you see an amzing sight - There's a Houndoom peacefully snoozing right in front of you. His dark fur is rippling in the faint breeze from a hole in the wall, making him look distinctly evil. What would you like to do?

    Wild Eevee » Going up to the two pokemon bravely in defense of the Heracross, you tell them to stop it and they burst out into fits of giggles. It seems they can't take you seriously, and completely block out what you just said. Then they go over to the poor Heracross and torture him even more... What would you like to do now?

    Green Lanturn » Attempting to get the mysterious crescent shaped pokemon to chat, it refuses to talk and just stares at you blankly. Venomoth shifts about rather uncomfortably - He doesn't seem to feel very happy around Lunatone. There seems to be some sort of... well... aura about Lunatone that Venomoth doesn't like. Particles of dust blow off of his wings, and it makes Lunatone sneeze like a foghorn! What would you like to do?

    I'll update soggy, Airen, and Kyle later, unless another worker wants to catch that for me.

  3. #3
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    classy_cat18 » Swiftly snatching up the Wynaut in one arm, Cinder fires a ball of smokeyness (o_O) and you run away from the Smoochum. They can't see a thing and cough weakly as you make your escape. Stumbling to a halt in the next room, Wynaut gasps in your comforting arms as the three of you see an amzing sight - There's a Houndoom peacefully snoozing right in front of you. His dark fur is rippling in the faint breeze from a hole in the wall, making him look distinctly evil. What would you like to do?
    South Caverns

    I think we'll leave the nice Houndoom alone and move on.

    EDIT: I'm sorry about forgetting this, but I would like to keep Cinder.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  4. #4
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    My first update!

    classy_cat18 - You cautiously walk away from the sinister looking Houndoom, tiptoeing silently past his slumbering form. Your Cyndaquil follows behind and you encounter a narrow passageway leading to a smaller chamber of the caverns. The area is dark and you can hardly see a thing as you amble along in the darkness. Suddenly, you step on something soft and nearly trip. Cinder flashes his flames to shed some light and you see that you've stepped on a Gulpin, who is looking pretty upset. Something else is lurking in the darkness. Cinders turns his flames upwards and you discover a Scyther hovering nearby.
    What will you do?

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  5. #5
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    Green Lanturn » Attempting to get the mysterious crescent shaped pokemon to chat, it refuses to talk and just stares at you blankly. Venomoth shifts about rather uncomfortably - He doesn't seem to feel very happy around Lunatone. There seems to be some sort of... well... aura about Lunatone that Venomoth doesn't like. Particles of dust blow off of his wings, and it makes Lunatone sneeze like a foghorn! What would you like to do?
    South Caverns

    Ack! Ill withdraw Venomoth and apologize to the lunatone. Then ill continue my effort to chat and come around with an ultra ball, trying to ask the lunatone if it wants to come along, but notr actually saying it,lol.


    Oh, and be4 i forget, congrats to aragornbird and sneasal(h)obsessive
    ...just call me G.L.

  6. #6
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    classy_cat18 - You cautiously walk away from the sinister looking Houndoom, tiptoeing silently past his slumbering form. Your Cyndaquil follows behind and you encounter a narrow passageway leading to a smaller chamber of the caverns. The area is dark and you can hardly see a thing as you amble along in the darkness. Suddenly, you step on something soft and nearly trip. Cinder flashes his flames to shed some light and you see that you've stepped on a Gulpin, who is looking pretty upset. Something else is lurking in the darkness. Cinders turns his flames upwards and you discover a Scyther hovering nearby.
    What will you do?
    Apologize to the Gulpin, let out Beacon, and tell her to use Thunderbolt on the Scyther.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  7. #7
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Going up to the two pokemon bravely in defense of the Heracross, you tell them to stop it and they burst out into fits of giggles. It seems they can't take you seriously, and completely block out what you just said. Then they go over to the poor Heracross and torture him even more... What would you like to do now?
    East cavern

    I'll have Machop step in and fight if he has to.

  8. #8
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Soggy~ Hurridly getting out of the way of the Poliwrath, you continue on your way.
    As you walk along, you suddenly realise that the Lake seems to be getting quieter and quieter. Slightly unnerved by this, you begin to speed up, when suddenly you hear a terrified screaming coming from just behind a nearby cluster of rocks.
    You dash over and see a Mudkip and a Squirtle desperately scrambling up the smooth sides, trying to escape the tentacles of an angry Octillery. It aims again- and manages to grab one of Squirtles legs.
    What are you going to do?

    Airen~ You gently pat the Cyndaquil on the head and tell her that it's ok, and you understand. She smiles and jumps onto your shoulder, then leaps off and runs over to Wobbuffet.
    Smiling, you continue on and upon entering the next cavern, come across a strange sight. An Absol is standing in the center of the cave, pawing at its head-it's trying to reach a Spoink thats managed to get its tail trapped round its horn. It doesn't seem angry, just slightly annoyed.
    What are you going to do?

    DarkPrince~ Leaving all of the Pokémon alone, you press on into the dark caves.
    Gradually, the darkness begins to lift and you see a Ponyta standing outside a small crack in the wall, looking inside.
    You walk over and take a look yourself and see a Meditite crouching in the middle of the room. It's humming quietly to itself..or is it? A slight movement comes from the celing and a couple of Unown suddenly drop down and begin to circle it. It looks like there's some form of communication going on.
    What are you going to do?

    Green Lanturn~ Thanks
    You quickly return Venomoth and stammer out your apology to Lunatone. To your relief, it seems to accept it, and doesn't seem to mind you as you continue talking to it. It actually seems to be enjoying your company.
    Eagerly, you bring the conversation round to how nice a captured Pokémons life is..when it suddenly turns to face you and says 'You do realise I'm pyschic don't you? I know exactly what your hoping will happen.'
    Ah. What are you going to do now?

    Classy_cat18~ Remember the location please.
    Um, Beacon's an adopted Pokémon, so it can't be used here.

    You apologise to the Gulpin, who stares at you blankly before slithering away.
    Turning your attention to Scyther, you try to use a Pokémon-but find you can't. Meanwhile, Scyther seems to have noticed what's going on, and quickly swoops into the air...then dives straight at your face. Luckily, you manage to duck in time.
    As it swoops round for another attack, Cinders runs in front of you and starts yelling at it to stop.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~ You tell Geodude and Mankey that if they don't stop then they'll have to face Machop. They both stare at you for a second...then smirk and turn away. They seem to be taking this whole thing as some sort of joke.
    Angrily, you tell Machop to attack, and it dives forward, crashes into Mankey and begins pounding it with its hands. Unfortunately, Geodude doesn't like seeing its companion being hurt, and shoves Machop away.
    However, it is giving Heracross enough time to edge slowly away from the battle.
    What are you going to do?

  9. #9
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    DarkPrince~ Leaving all of the Pokémon alone, you press on into the dark caves.
    Gradually, the darkness begins to lift and you see a Ponyta standing outside a small crack in the wall, looking inside.
    You walk over and take a look yourself and see a Meditite crouching in the middle of the room. It's humming quietly to itself..or is it? A slight movement comes from the celing and a couple of Unown suddenly drop down and begin to circle it. It looks like there's some form of communication going on.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    'huge sigh'

    I'll go on again...
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  10. #10
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive

    Classy_cat18~ Remember the location please.
    Um, Beacon's an adopted Pokémon, so it can't be used here.

    You apologise to the Gulpin, who stares at you blankly before slithering away.
    Turning your attention to Scyther, you try to use a Pokémon-but find you can't. Meanwhile, Scyther seems to have noticed what's going on, and quickly swoops into the air...then dives straight at your face. Luckily, you manage to duck in time.
    As it swoops round for another attack, Cinders runs in front of you and starts yelling at it to stop.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Sorry and double sorry! "Cinder, use Tackle attack!"
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  11. #11
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    AB can I just suggest you tone the grammar down. It's more annoying to read something that not even an English professor can understand than something a 5 year old can understand.

  12. #12
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasal(h)Obsessive
    Green Lanturn~ Thanks
    You quickly return Venomoth and stammer out your apology to Lunatone. To your relief, it seems to accept it, and doesn't seem to mind you as you continue talking to it. It actually seems to be enjoying your company.
    Eagerly, you bring the conversation round to how nice a captured Pokémons life is..when it suddenly turns to face you and says 'You do realise I'm pyschic don't you? I know exactly what your hoping will happen.'
    Ah. What are you going to do now?
    South Caverns

    Double Ack! Ill apologize to the Lunatone for trying to lead it on, and then ill offer it the ultra ball.

    ...just call me G.L.

  13. #13
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Haunted Toilet - Sorry, it’s just the way I write. If you want me to be less verbose and more laconic, I can do that.

    classy_cat18 – You quickly tell your Cyndaquil to Tackle the Scyther. The fire mouse nods and dashes at his opponent, slamming hard into the bug Pokemon’s chest. The Scyther is angry now and growls in rage. With a burst of speed, it rushes at Cinder with a Quick Attack. Cinder is knocked into the air and lands back on the ground with a thud.
    What will you do next?

    Green Lanturn – You apologize to the Lunatone, who doesn’t reply. Then you grab your Ultra Ball and hold it out in front of the floating rock. The Lunatone looks at it for a while, still keeping silent. Finally, it nods and says, “I will come. I can tell you are a good trainer and would provide a good life for me.” Feeling pleased, you watch as the Lunatone taps on the Ultra Ball and is suddenly sucked in by a red light.
    Congrats, you caught a Lunatone!

    Lv. 13 Lunatone (Genderless)

    What will you do next?

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  14. #14
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    classy_cat18 – You quickly tell your Cyndaquil to Tackle the Scyther. The fire mouse nods and dashes at his opponent, slamming hard into the bug Pokemon’s chest. The Scyther is angry now and growls in rage. With a burst of speed, it rushes at Cinder with a Quick Attack. Cinder is knocked into the air and lands back on the ground with a thud.
    What will you do next?
    South Caverns

    *gulps* Apologize to the Scyther and move on.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  15. #15
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Thanks for updating those three that I didn't do, Hannah. ^^;;

    classy_cat18 » Apologising to the Scyther, you slowly tiptoe over to Cinder and pick him up. The powerful bug pokemon is seething with fury, and slashes the air before retreating back into the shadows. Cradling your injured Cyndaquil in your arms, you walk into the next room cautiously, making sure you're prepared for any dangers that might arise. Suddenly a Houndour brushes past your ankle, making you jump in surprise. It seems that being tense makes things harder. The dark little dog goes over to the far wall and lies down, ready for a little nap. Then, a Ralts catches your eye from the center of the room. He starts to use his psychic powers, and gets enclosed in a blue shield. What do you want to do?

    Originally posted by Nala98


    Not wanting to bother the training pokemon, you continue on. As you continue through the caverns. At first it is quiet, but not long after, you can hear footsteps behind you. You turn around and see the makuhita that you had just left. Turns out that he just finished training and decided to follow you to curb his curosity. You shrug and continue on, coming across a Bagon cowering in fear as a heracross and mankey converging on him. What will you do?

    East Caverns

    I have no problem with Makuhita tagging along after me. Now... I'll send out Xero (Glalie, M, Lv 16) to fire a couple of Ice Beams at the Heracross and Mankey to scare them off and see if Bagon's okay. If that doesn't work, I'll send out Ragnarok (Camerupt, M, Lv 22) to fight a tag team battle along with Xero against the two... Then, I'll see if Bagon's okay afterwards.

  16. #16
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    I am going to restart... xP ...

    I forgot what CCCC pokémon I had. xD

    If you don't post any, you get a Master Ball to catch one. You will also be given 3 Pokeballs, 1 Great Ball, 1 Ultra Ball, and 5 Special Balls of your choice. To capture Pokemon, you will explore the each of the different locations.

    Going to the forest...

    I'll get 3 fast balls and 1 heavy and 1 lure ball. xD

    btw, I like to know if I have to use the master ball first? cuz I forgotten... xP

  17. #17
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    DarkPrince~ Leaving all of the Pokémon alone, you press on into the dark caves.
    Gradually, the darkness begins to lift and you see a Ponyta standing outside a small crack in the wall, looking inside.
    You walk over and take a look yourself and see a Meditite crouching in the middle of the room. It's humming quietly to itself..or is it? A slight movement comes from the celing and a couple of Unown suddenly drop down and begin to circle it. It looks like there's some form of communication going on.
    What are you going to do?
    Originally posted by DarkPrince the Dark Knight
    South Caverns

    'huge sigh'

    I'll go on again...
    I never thought this event would happen outside of a different AC/CC topic, but I have been skipped... x_x
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  18. #18
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    classy_cat18 » Apologising to the Scyther, you slowly tiptoe over to Cinder and pick him up. The powerful bug pokemon is seething with fury, and slashes the air before retreating back into the shadows. Cradling your injured Cyndaquil in your arms, you walk into the next room cautiously, making sure you're prepared for any dangers that might arise. Suddenly a Houndour brushes past your ankle, making you jump in surprise. It seems that being tense makes things harder. The dark little dog goes over to the far wall and lies down, ready for a little nap. Then, a Ralts catches your eye from the center of the room. He starts to use his psychic powers, and gets enclosed in a blue shield. What do you want to do?

    South Caverns

    I'll walk to the Ralts and say hi.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  19. #19
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    WHOOPS! I was supposed to do Kyle’s update, sorry, I’ll remedy this situation immediately!

    Kyle – Sighing with disinterest, you walk away from the psychic Pokemon and continue deeper into the South Caverns. As you trudge on, the area becomes filled with a mysterious white smoke. It is coming from one corner of the room. You look to the left to see a Torkoal releasing a massive amount of smoke into the air. The smoke covers the whole area like thick fog and slightly obscures your vision. Just then, a bluish glow catches your attention and you turn your head to discover a Hypno in the distance. It seems to be practicing its psychic powers.
    What will you do next?

    And for the rest…

    Cheesey – You hurtle a PokeBall into the air and out pops your Glailie. Xero fires a double dose of Ice Beams, sending the first one colliding into the Mankey. The furry primate shrieks at finding his tail frozen and instantly runs off. Next Xero launches the icy beam at Heracross, making it stumble backwards. But the bug Pokemon does not flee. Instead, it flies at the Glailie and gives him a powerful Horn Attack, scratching his icy skin. You then release your Camerupt out to help out. The Heracross is definitely not happy with battling a fire type and flies away disappointedly. You rush towards the Bagon to see if it’s okay. The little dragon cowers in fright and you see that its body is marked with a few bruises.
    What will you do next?

    Cyndaquil – If you do not have any captured Pokemon, you get a Master Ball to catch one. Since you are starting all over again, you get 1 Master Ball along with your other balls.

    You secure your PokeBalls to your belt and march forward towards the Forest. Once you enter, you find yourself surrounded by lush green foliage. Though it is warm and sunny, the dense leaves of the trees provide a comfortable shade from the sunlight. There seems to be a narrow dirt path on the ground and you follow it while keeping your eyes out for any Pokemon. As you walk forward, you notice a pair of Shroomish scuttling across the ground among the dead leaves. But something else catches your attention – the sounds of chopping and slashing coming from nearby. You turn around and brush away some branches to see what is happening. In a small clearing of the forest, a Scyther and a Pinsir are in the midst of a battle.
    What will you do next?

    classy_cat18 – Ignoring the sleeping Houndour for a while, you approach the Ralts. He seems deep in concentration, trying to keep up his glowing blue shield. You give it a big “Hello!” and the shield instantly vanishes as the Ralts looks around in confusion. As soon as he spots you, he gives a small yelp of fright.
    What will you do next?

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  20. #20
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    You tell Geodude and Mankey that if they don't stop then they'll have to face Machop. They both stare at you for a second...then smirk and turn away. They seem to be taking this whole thing as some sort of joke.Angrily, you tell Machop to attack, and it dives forward, crashes into Mankey and begins pounding it with its hands. Unfortunately, Geodude doesn't like seeing its companion being hurt, and shoves Machop away. However, it is giving Heracross enough time to edge slowly away from the battle.
    What are you going to do?
    East cavern

    I'll have Machop keep fighting so Heracross and slip away.

  21. #21
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    classy_cat18 – Ignoring the sleeping Houndour for a while, you approach the Ralts. He seems deep in concentration, trying to keep up his glowing blue shield. You give it a big “Hello!” and the shield instantly vanishes as the Ralts looks around in confusion. As soon as he spots you, he gives a small yelp of fright.
    What will you do next?
    South Caverns

    I'll let Cinder talk to the Ralts. Tell him that I'm not a scary person.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  22. #22
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    WHOOPS! I was supposed to do Kyle’s update, sorry, I’ll remedy this situation immediately!

    Kyle – Sighing with disinterest, you walk away from the psychic Pokemon and continue deeper into the South Caverns. As you trudge on, the area becomes filled with a mysterious white smoke. It is coming from one corner of the room. You look to the left to see a Torkoal releasing a massive amount of smoke into the air. The smoke covers the whole area like thick fog and slightly obscures your vision. Just then, a bluish glow catches your attention and you turn your head to discover a Hypno in the distance. It seems to be practicing its psychic powers.
    What will you do next?
    South Caverns

    I'll keep going on.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  23. #23

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasal(h)Obsessive
    Soggy~ Hurridly getting out of the way of the Poliwrath, you continue on your way.
    As you walk along, you suddenly realise that the Lake seems to be getting quieter and quieter. Slightly unnerved by this, you begin to speed up, when suddenly you hear a terrified screaming coming from just behind a nearby cluster of rocks.
    You dash over and see a Mudkip and a Squirtle desperately scrambling up the smooth sides, trying to escape the tentacles of an angry Octillery. It aims again- and manages to grab one of Squirtles legs.
    What are you going to do?
    I'll send Tangela out, and use its vines to grab onto the Squirtle, and then use Sleep Powder on the Octillery.


  24. #24
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Wild Eevee » Machop is losing the battle by a fair shot, but Heracross has managed to get away and he can now be free of the Mankey and Geodude! Machop continues to battle so that the bug has more time to get away - After about 5 minutes he forfeits from the fight. His arm is rather sore after being tackled by both his opponents, but he's glad he's let the Heracross go free. The Mankey and Geodude walk away, and a Meditite runs over to you, excited about the epic battle. What do you want to do?

    classy_cat18 » Cinder tiptoes over to Ralts and looks him in the eye. The psychic pokemon looks back, shivering in both fear and coldness. Then when Cinder attempts to strike up a conversation, Ralts immediately uses Confusion to lift Cinder up into the air! The weak psionic energy isn't enough to keep him up there for long, but it's enough to plonk him back in your arms. Then, Ralts turns back round and erects his glowing blue shield again, not really wanting to be disturbed. What would you like to do?

    DarkPrince The Dark Knight » Ignoring the psychic pokeon, you wander past it quietly. It's so focused on what it's doing, it doesn't seem to notice! You come to a creaky stone doorway, and press it open. As it swings on its ancient hinges, you come to a room like no other you've seen so far. There are ancient carvings on the wall, and in the middle there's a small, glowing shield. You can't see through it that well because of the psychic energy being pumped through it, but you can make out that it is in fact a Kirlia. Looking down at the ground you think it's communicating with some other sort of pokemon... Maybe there's another pokemon in the caverns that's doing the same thing?

    soggy_cardboard » Tangela shoots out a cluster of vines at the petrified Squirtle, who screams even more! Tugging at the watery turtle, Octillery tugs back stubbornly. The Squirtle whines and squeals, until Tangela unleashes a burst of sparkly powder. It drifts through the air and lies on the two water pokemon, sending them both to dreamland. Octillery drifts back down into the water, but Tangela still however has his vines on Squirtle, and lifts him onto the grass beside your foot. What would you like to do?

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    Cheesey – You hurtle a PokeBall into the air and out pops your Glailie. Xero fires a double dose of Ice Beams, sending the first one colliding into the Mankey. The furry primate shrieks at finding his tail frozen and instantly runs off. Next Xero launches the icy beam at Heracross, making it stumble backwards. But the bug Pokemon does not flee. Instead, it flies at the Glailie and gives him a powerful Horn Attack, scratching his icy skin. You then release your Camerupt out to help out. The Heracross is definitely not happy with battling a fire type and flies away disappointedly. You rush towards the Bagon to see if it’s okay. The little dragon cowers in fright and you see that its body is marked with a few bruises.
    What will you do next?
    East Caverns

    I'll see if it'd like to come along with me (I'm not capturing it, just seeing if it'd like to tag along) until it feels any better. If it doesn't, I'll send out Azure (Vaporeon, F, Lv 9) to use Wish on him, and then continue on.

  25. #25
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Cheesey - You ask the Bagon if it would like the follow you. The tired Bagon remains silent for a while, but finally tries to get up on its legs. He staggers for a bit, but suddenly collapses back down, groaning in pain. Saddened by the sight, you release your Vaporeon out to its aid. Azure glows bright blue and a forms twinkling star-shaped orb in the air. The orb descends upon the Bagon and covers it in a blue light. After the Wish fades, you see that most of the Bagon's wounds have healed and it is feeling refreshed again. It happily follows you as you continue around the East Caverns. As you round a corner, you begin to approach a dead-end. But on the rocky wall in front of you is a Sableye staring back at you with it's gleaming diamond eyes.
    What will you do next?

    NOTE: I won't be able to do much updating until Tuesday, as I've got a couple of big projects to tackle. I'll still check back though.

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  26. #26
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    I have decided to return at long last after I failed to emerge victorious on the workers competition

    Originally posted by Nala98

    Aquatic Fury

    As you look around the river, the current continues to flow down stream. A curious quagsire emerges underneath you, causing you to fall backwards into the water. Spheal giggles as she waits for you to get up. The quagsire apologizes, as a totodile floats past on its back smiling. What will you do?
    I'll jump out of the water and pat the Quagsire on the back. Even though it scared me I did need that.
    I will then ask Quagsire if it can help me on my search for the Spheal's mother (if any of you remember that XD). I will ask it to go out and swim forward, trying to locate Lapras. Once it does, I will ask it to help it locate the Walrein.

  27. #27
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    classy_cat18 » Cinder tiptoes over to Ralts and looks him in the eye. The psychic pokemon looks back, shivering in both fear and coldness. Then when Cinder attempts to strike up a conversation, Ralts immediately uses Confusion to lift Cinder up into the air! The weak psionic energy isn't enough to keep him up there for long, but it's enough to plonk him back in your arms. Then, Ralts turns back round and erects his glowing blue shield again, not really wanting to be disturbed. What would you like to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll leave the Ralts alone and move on.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  28. #28
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    DarkPrince The Dark Knight » Ignoring the psychic pokeon, you wander past it quietly. It's so focused on what it's doing, it doesn't seem to notice! You come to a creaky stone doorway, and press it open. As it swings on its ancient hinges, you come to a room like no other you've seen so far. There are ancient carvings on the wall, and in the middle there's a small, glowing shield. You can't see through it that well because of the psychic energy being pumped through it, but you can make out that it is in fact a Kirlia. Looking down at the ground you think it's communicating with some other sort of pokemon... Maybe there's another pokemon in the caverns that's doing the same thing?
    South Caverns

    o_O I'll look around the room...
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  29. #29
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Machop is losing the battle by a fair shot, but Heracross has managed to get away and he can now be free of the Mankey and Geodude! Machop continues to battle so that the bug has more time to get away - After about 5 minutes he forfeits from the fight. His arm is rather sore after being tackled by both his opponents, but he's glad he's let the Heracross go free. The Mankey and Geodude walk away, and a Meditite runs over to you, excited about the epic battle. What do you want to do?
    East cavern

    I'll let Machop tell him or her about it .

  30. #30

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    soggy_cardboard » Tangela shoots out a cluster of vines at the petrified Squirtle, who screams even more! Tugging at the watery turtle, Octillery tugs back stubbornly. The Squirtle whines and squeals, until Tangela unleashes a burst of sparkly powder. It drifts through the air and lies on the two water pokemon, sending them both to dreamland. Octillery drifts back down into the water, but Tangela still however has his vines on Squirtle, and lifts him onto the grass beside your foot. What would you like to do?
    I'll use my Lure Ball on tha Squirtle

    And where do i post to disown a pokemon?

  31. #31
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Aquatic Fury~ Remember the location please.

    You scramble out of the water and pat the eager Quagsire- who promptly yells out in delight and goes to headbutt you again, but stops in its tracks when the Totodile shoots a Water Gun at him. It then dives down, leaving Quagsire soaked and confused, which Spheal seems to find even funnier.
    You shake your head and ask the Quagsire if he will help you find Lapras and then Spheals' mother; he thinks for a second, then smiles and nods, before diving into the water.
    You sit down, expecting there to be a long wait, when his head suddenly pops out of the water, and he’s smiling. Next second, Lapras’ head emerges from the water-she’s smiling too, and indicates that you should climb on her back.
    What are you going to do?

    You decide to leave the Ralts alone and press on further into the caverns. As you walk, you suddenly hear pounding hooves; and as you turn a corner, you see who’s causing it. A Girafarig is galloping in circles, seemingly terrified about something, but from what you can’t tell.
    You edge forward slowly, trying to make out what’s causing its fright, when Cinders gasps and points at the Girafarigs back. You look over….just as a Sableye materialises, holding onto Girafarigs neck. It’s not acting like it wants to hurt it, just that it seems to enjoy scaring it.
    As you wonder if you should intervene or not, another Sableye in materialises front of you-it seems to figure that you’re about to spoil its companions fun.
    What are you going to do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    You gaze quickly around the cavern, wondering what’s going on.
    You don’t see anything unusual…when suddenly you feel a force crash into you, knocking you back. You look up..and duck just in time as a burst of flame bursts over your head.
    Startled, you swing round and see a Combusken standing in an opening to another part of the caves. It’s acting very aggressively, but even as you begin to back away, you realise it’s not you it’s looking at; it’s facing the Kirlia who seems to have broken off it’s communication and is now standing and facing it calmly. It must have been the one who knocked you aside origionally. But now it looks like you’re going to be stuck in the middle of a fight, whether you like it or not.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~
    Gasping, Machop turns and begins to explain to the Meditite just what was going on; she gasps in amazmenet, then turns and stares at you. She can’t seem to believe what she’s just heard.
    Machop looks at you in confusion-he didn’t think it was such a great battle.
    Suddenly, you hear an angry roar behind you- you look up and see Geodude and Mankey stick their heads back into the room, smirk…then jump back as an angry Breloom runs in. Looks like they decided to get one of their friends to help them out.
    Meditite gasps, but then runs over to where she was origionally standing and yells at you to follow her.
    What are you going to do?

    soggy_cardboard~ If you want to release a Pokémon, just post here and it’ll be gone.

    Not wanting to miss this opportunity, you hurl a Lure Ball at the Squirtle. It opens and drags the Pokémon inside, then begins to shake worringly.
    Nervously, you watch as the shaking intensifies..then dies away and stops.

    You caught a Squirtle(M L10)

    Ecstatic over your new capture, you grab the ball up, when you notice the Mudkip running over. It looks at you, then looks at the ball that now contains it’s friend. It seems rather lost for words.
    What are you going to do?

    I never thought I’d do this, but I’m going to release my Sneasel pair, Li and Ralex.
    *Waves goodbye as they return to the wild where they belong*
    And with those two gone, it means I have got left;
    L20 Shelgon
    L17 Houndoom
    L8 Bagon
    L9 Sableye
    L13 Sneasel
    L15 Sneasel
    L9 Umbreon
    L11 Poochyena
    L5 Sneasel
    L5 Absol
    L11 Chikorita
    L17 Donphan
    L10 Cyndaquil

    Now I’d like to go to the Forest please.

  32. #32
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive

    You decide to leave the Ralts alone and press on further into the caverns. As you walk, you suddenly hear pounding hooves; and as you turn a corner, you see who’s causing it. A Girafarig is galloping in circles, seemingly terrified about something, but from what you can’t tell.
    You edge forward slowly, trying to make out what’s causing its fright, when Cinders gasps and points at the Girafarigs back. You look over….just as a Sableye materialises, holding onto Girafarigs neck. It’s not acting like it wants to hurt it, just that it seems to enjoy scaring it.
    As you wonder if you should intervene or not, another Sableye in materialises front of you-it seems to figure that you’re about to spoil its companions fun.
    What are you going to do?

    South Caverns

    I'm gonna tell 'em to knock it off!
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  33. #33
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    You gaze quickly around the cavern, wondering what’s going on.
    You don’t see anything unusual…when suddenly you feel a force crash into you, knocking you back. You look up..and duck just in time as a burst of flame bursts over your head.
    Startled, you swing round and see a Combusken standing in an opening to another part of the caves. It’s acting very aggressively, but even as you begin to back away, you realise it’s not you it’s looking at; it’s facing the Kirlia who seems to have broken off it’s communication and is now standing and facing it calmly. It must have been the one who knocked you aside origionally. But now it looks like you’re going to be stuck in the middle of a fight, whether you like it or not.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Well, I hate to do this a second time, but I am going to send out Mystic (my male Abra) and ask him to Teleport me to a different room in the South Caverns.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  34. #34

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    soggy_cardboard~ If you want to release a Pokémon, just post here and it’ll be gone.

    Not wanting to miss this opportunity, you hurl a Lure Ball at the Squirtle. It opens and drags the Pokémon inside, then begins to shake worringly.
    Nervously, you watch as the shaking intensifies..then dies away and stops.

    You caught a Squirtle(M L10)

    Ecstatic over your new capture, you grab the ball up, when you notice the Mudkip running over. It looks at you, then looks at the ball that now contains it’s friend. It seems rather lost for words.
    What are you going to do?
    *gives squirtle some shades* 8)
    I'll let out Squirtle to say goodbye to his friend, and release my Togetic and say that he can go off and be Mudkip's new friend

    How much does it cost in fees to disown a pokemon?
    i cant find it anywhere xD


  35. #35
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    Cyndaquil – If you do not have any captured Pokemon, you get a Master Ball to catch one. Since you are starting all over again, you get 1 Master Ball along with your other balls.

    You secure your PokeBalls to your belt and march forward towards the Forest. Once you enter, you find yourself surrounded by lush green foliage. Though it is warm and sunny, the dense leaves of the trees provide a comfortable shade from the sunlight. There seems to be a narrow dirt path on the ground and you follow it while keeping your eyes out for any Pokemon. As you walk forward, you notice a pair of Shroomish scuttling across the ground among the dead leaves. But something else catches your attention – the sounds of chopping and slashing coming from nearby. You turn around and brush away some branches to see what is happening. In a small clearing of the forest, a Scyther and a Pinsir are in the midst of a battle.
    What will you do next?

    Forest I believe ...

    I'll have my hair standing up, turn purple, freak out like Misty, and run away like a thunderbolt. xD

  36. #36
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Aragornbird

    Green Lanturn – You apologize to the Lunatone, who doesn’t reply. Then you grab your Ultra Ball and hold it out in front of the floating rock. The Lunatone looks at it for a while, still keeping silent. Finally, it nods and says, “I will come. I can tell you are a good trainer and would provide a good life for me.” Feeling pleased, you watch as the Lunatone taps on the Ultra Ball and is suddenly sucked in by a red light.
    Congrats, you caught a Lunatone!

    Lv. 13 Lunatone (Genderless)

    What will you do next?
    Great. Ill move on to the meadow, keeping Lunatone out of its pokeball beside me.

    ...just call me G.L.

  37. #37
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    YAY! I’m back!

    Hannah –
    With a great feeling of sadness, you release your two Sneasels. Li and Ralex wave goodbye to you before they dart off into the wilderness.

    With two less Pokemon in your collection, you decide to head into the Forest to encounter some more. The area is sunny, although the large masses of trees and bushes provide plenty of shade. You scan the area and spot a Treecko pressed against the trunk of a tree. Down below, a bundle of leaves shake and you discover an Oddish with its face buried in the ground. They seem to be scared of something… Suddenly, a shadow passes overhead and you realize what they’re hiding from - a large Skarmory is swooping overhead!
    What will you do next?

    classy_cat18 – You yell, “Hey, knock it off!” at the two Sableyes, but they refuse to listen. The one standing in front of you merely points and laughs. Suddenly, both Sableyes’s eyes start to glow black as they fire a pair of Night Shades at you and your Cyndaquil. One crackling beam narrowly misses Cinders, but the other one knocks you onto your back. You stagger back up and brush the dust off your clothes, thoroughly annoyed with these two mischievous Pokemon.
    What will you do next?

    Kyle – Not taking any chances, you release your Abra and tell it to quickly use Teleport. The Abra grasps your hand and you both flash briefly before vanishing into thin air. In a split second, you end up in another part of the South Caverns. Trickling water alerts you to an underground spring nearby, although you cannot see it yet. But your sudden appearance startles a Charmander, who backs away slowly. Your presence attracts the attention of two other Pokemon, a curious Mr. Mime and a Xatu perched upon a ledge. The Mr. Mime approaches you and shakes your hand.
    What will you do next>

    Soggy – I think releasing a captee is free.
    You send out your newly captured Squirtle and hand him a pair of sparkling sunglasses. The turtle gladly accepts them and strikes a fancy pose to show off. Then he approaches his Mudkip friend and waves goodbye. Not wanting the Mudkip to feel lonely, you release your Togetic and tell it to keep the Mudkip company. The Mudkip rejoices at having a cheerful new friend and they both hug and wave goodbye at you.
    What will you do next?

    Cyndaquil – You scream loudly and your eyes bug out (no pun intended!) as you run from the two fighting bug Pokemon. The Shroomishes on the ground make way as you rush past them. You run so fast that you trip on a falling log and crash into the dead leaves and grass on the ground. XD
    Above you, two Taillows in the trees burst out in laughter.
    What will you do next?

    Green Lanturn – Happy with your new capture, you send out your new Lunatone, who floats in midair beside you. You then head off into the direction of the meadow. The sky is blue and a warm breeze blows past as you entire this wide pasture of grass. You notice a slight rustling in the tall grass, and discover a Pichu and an Eevee jumping out as they laugh and play. Just then, another levitating Pokemon floats towards your own Lunatone. It is a curious Porygon, with a skin of green to match the grass.
    What will you do next?

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  38. #38
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    classy_cat18 – You yell, “Hey, knock it off!” at the two Sableyes, but they refuse to listen. The one standing in front of you merely points and laughs. Suddenly, both Sableyes’s eyes start to glow black as they fire a pair of Night Shades at you and your Cyndaquil. One crackling beam narrowly misses Cinders, but the other one knocks you onto your back. You stagger back up and brush the dust off your clothes, thoroughly annoyed with these two mischievous Pokemon.
    What will you do next?
    South Caverns

    Hey, they're creatures of the night. Sunny Day might chase them off.
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  39. #39
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    Green Lanturn – Happy with your new capture, you send out your new Lunatone, who floats in midair beside you. You then head off into the direction of the meadow. The sky is blue and a warm breeze blows past as you entire this wide pasture of grass. You notice a slight rustling in the tall grass, and discover a Pichu and an Eevee jumping out as they laugh and play. Just then, another levitating Pokemon floats towards your own Lunatone. It is a curious Porygon, with a skin of green to match the grass.
    What will you do next? [/B]

    Ill greet the porygon and then move on, hoping the porygon's attraction to lunatone ceases, unless lunatone likes it, then in that case, it'll tell me,lol.

    ...just call me G.L.

  40. #40
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    Kyle – Not taking any chances, you release your Abra and tell it to quickly use Teleport. The Abra grasps your hand and you both flash briefly before vanishing into thin air. In a split second, you end up in another part of the South Caverns. Trickling water alerts you to an underground spring nearby, although you cannot see it yet. But your sudden appearance startles a Charmander, who backs away slowly. Your presence attracts the attention of two other Pokemon, a curious Mr. Mime and a Xatu perched upon a ledge. The Mr. Mime approaches you and shakes your hand.
    What will you do next?
    South Caverns

    I'll say hello to the Mr. Mime before I keep going.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

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