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Thread: .hack//SIGN premiered today...

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  1. #1
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    And for all you worried that CN would "butcher" it, it was 100 % unedited, episode-wise. The only things missing were the opening (duh, it's Toonami!) and Bandai made a COMPLETELY different ending (and a really short one at that) and snipped out the next episode preview. Neither of which was CN's fault.

    So...I hope I wasn't the only one who watched it...

  2. #2
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Yeah, I agree the dubbing was pretty decent. The voices were all well done as well, although I really did not like Mimiru nor Subaru's English voices. Pretty well done for an anime dubbed for television, I'll say.

  3. #3

    Default Man...

    I missed it today...
    Which by the way, are they going to show this anime every week ?
    I hope they do, since I haven't gotten the chance to see any new animes lately, and I want to make sure this one is of those new ones I can see.

  4. #4
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    A new episode every Saturday at 3 PM EST.

  5. #5

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    It was 99.5 % unedited. They cut 2 frames of that girl hitting the boy.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Originally posted by Obi
    And for all you worried that CN would "butcher" it, it was 100 % unedited, episode-wise. The only things missing were the opening (duh, it's Toonami!) and Bandai made a COMPLETELY different ending (and a really short one at that) and snipped out the next episode preview. Neither of which was CN's fault.

    So...I hope I wasn't the only one who watched it...
    That's enough for someone like myself to complain about...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Re: .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Originally posted by PlatinumHawke
    That's enough for someone like myself to complain about...
    Testify! The ending and opening themes are totally awesome, like Change the World that you will never see on CN's Inuyasha. Granted, the anime as still really damned good, and I can't wait to see more. Not like I can't just listen to the full Yasashii Yoake mp3 over and over

    Can't wait to see more... can't wait to see more... which is why I'm downloadng it...

  8. #8
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    The loss of the ending and preview were Bandai's fault, not CN's. And you should all know by now that Toonami and ASA cut the openings for advertising time. So get used to it.

    Besides, "Change the World" didn't fit the "Adult Swim" persona at all. It made Inu-Yasha look like a teeny-bopper show. Yeesh.

  9. #9

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    .hack is a tight a** anime. i havent seen the 1st episode but i've seen the second. its great

  10. #10

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    *freaks out* What does Bear sound like, What does bear sound like! who's his voice acctooorr ;_;

  11. #11
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Yeah, I thought the dub was good, even though I haven't seen enough of the original to compare--only saw the first ep. subbed. I rather like the voice acting. Tsukasa's j/ adorable, and Mimiru's was j/ hilarious! Speaking about the Mimiru slap edit, if you pause/play the scene, you can actually see her hand make contact w/ poor Tsukasa's face. But if you play it normally, you can barely see it happen.

    Still an impressive first showing, though. I like it.

  12. #12
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    And on the slap...
    (If you have a digital video camera and enough time, you can verify this for me.)
    Both my brother and I agree that the SLAP sound of Mimiru hitting Tsukasa (EVIL PERSON! NO HIT TSUKASA!) came a few frames before the flicker of her hand whacking the poor bishonen. I'm checking this ASAP, but that's what we believe.
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  13. #13
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I'll have to check again about the slap sound thing, but yeah. Pause-play the scene, you see Mimiru move back a little, then all of a sudden her hand's whacking poor Tsukasa's face. They apparantly took out the frames where her hand's actually MOVING toward him.

  14. #14
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I just saw my first episode of it a few minutes ago and I think it looks like a pretty good anime.

  15. #15

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I missed it I was looking foward to the premier of .hack//sign...

  16. #16
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Don't worry, .hack//SIGN is moving to 12 midnight EST on Saturday nights starting March 1st, and they'll be airing the first episode instead of a new one for people who missed it.

    Regarding today's episode, hey! - they kept in a cigarette! Unusual, considering Toonami usually edits them.

  17. #17
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I was up until 12 Saturday night. And guess what? Without the Toonami intro, THEY CAN AIR THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE INTRO! I have it on tape! LONG LIVE NON-TOONAMI!
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  18. #18

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I realized something the other night-without the help of a voice actor sheet, thank-you-very-much. Tsukasa has the same voice as Tommy from Digimon season four. Though Tsukasa freaks me out a little bit now that I've seen the first episode. It's like he could be a major punk/sicko, but he's too shy for that so his good side shows more. I've seen only about the first three episodes, dubbed only, but it was mostly in the first episode.

    Though I wonder who that one woman in the opening is. No spoilers, please. I only get the dub of .hack and I like suprises. I've already had all of digimon blown apart. *sigh* that wasn't any fun.

  19. #19
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I enjoyed the episodes a lot. Now I only wish that Evangelion was added as a permanent show to CN instead of just being shown during Giant Robot Week.

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  20. #20
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Originally posted by Modern Casualty
    I enjoyed the episodes a lot. Now I only wish that Evangelion was added as a permanent show to CN instead of just being shown during Giant Robot Week.
    *laughs, thinking of DVD #2* Let's see them get past episode 5. Lots of commercial time, with all they cut out!
    Yeah, I was wondering who the lady on the intro was as well. I THINK (don't know) she may be...
    Tsukasa's mother. Not sure, though.
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  21. #21

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Originally posted by EVme15
    I was up until 12 Saturday night. And guess what? Without the Toonami intro, THEY CAN AIR THE ORIGINAL JAPANESE INTRO! I have it on tape! LONG LIVE NON-TOONAMI!
    Although they totally f*cked up th ending theme, which is the better of the two songs IMHO, even if the animation isn't as cool as the opening animation is. Yasashii Yoake is so much better than Obesession.

  22. #22

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Yeah, I was wondering who the lady on the intro was as well. I THINK (don't know) she may be... Tsukasa's mother. Not sure, though.
    I don't know either, but I think she may be the cat. *shrugs* I really don't know either. But the thing about his mother makes sense. That voice that talks to him could be her, you know around the little girl.

    I would say it was coming from the little girl (who I'm preaty sure is the one found lying on the ground at the end of episode 1) except she's so young I'm not sure.

    Or the voice could be the voice of the cat's person. Do I make any sense?

  23. #23

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    ~No spoilers-only ep 4 and some theories~

    Okay, I just watched the opening to ep. 4 "wanted" and they make it preaty obvious that the voice is that of Tsukasa's mother. But when he asked why she never showed herself, I realized that there's a very good chance that the voice belongs to the cat, since you never hear the cat speak and always leads him to places where hehears the voice.

    Must go, .hack still on 4 me right now.

  24. #24
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    Um. I always thought that that lady in the opening was Morgana, since she was the one who gave the mental guardian to Tsukasa. >_o But I could be wrong... like usual... *sigh* If only my stupid computer didn't download so slowly I'd already be finished watching the entire series and wouldn't be having to wait three weeks to see the third episode of Haibane Renmei... x_x; Slow modems should die.

  25. #25
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Yup, I also saw .hack//SIGN and so far I've seen all the episodes. Heck I even went and bought the DVD of it. I can't wait for episode 6. I love .hack//SIGN.

  26. #26

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Originally posted by Shadow Trainer Ash

    Um. I always thought that that lady in the opening was Morgana, since she was the one who gave the mental guardian to Tsukasa. >_o
    I've seen all of .hack//SIGN and there's nothing to support anything about who the woman in the opening is. I suspect she's no one in particular, but just a random person to have dancin in the opening to look cool.

    Spoiler-...and another thing... I've heard the Morgana term before, but where's it come from anyway? I've also seen 3 of 4 .hack//Liminality episodes and most of .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu and it's never actually mentioned in the show. I muse that the "big evil voice" in .hack//SIGN ["Morgana"] is actually Emma [introduced in .hack//Liminality and the .hack//Infection video game]. But yeah... that's just musing...

  27. #27
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    Well, I finally saw the last two episodes of .hack//SIGN, and now I at least know who the voice is. It's actually The World. o_O Creepy, isn't it. Anyway, FerioFlareon, I thought it was Morgana since that's where all my Japanese sources came to say (About Tsukasa, I mean) ... which is why I wasn't exactly sure. She just... didn't have a point, so it was my only guess. XD But now I have to say I think the lady is The World, considering she was dancing through cyberspace. And she has the goggles because she plays The World in her own way-- as in keeping Tsukasa there to revive Dark Aura.

  28. #28

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Yeah, I finaly found the DVD. I'm suprised that Wal-mart has so much anime. Actualy, that it has anything else besides DBZ was a suprise. They've also jumped on the success of Spirited Away and also are selling two other movies by that guy ( Can't remember who it was that won the award)

    But I digress. I love the DVD. I never realized that the originol opening was in English, lol! I thought that it was Japanese. Though the closing...has a hopeless sound to it that's reflected in the lyrics.

    And the Dubbing is really good. I got mixed up and had it playing enlglish with subtitles and was amazed at how it barely changed. Mainly just a matter of mouth flaps. But the meaning is preaty much directly translated.

  29. #29

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Actually, stupid me didn't remember this before- the actual only "official" mention of "Morgana" I know of is on the .hack//Extra Soundtracks CD [two of the tracks are titled "Morgana" XD]. I'm still not 100% sure what/who the name refers to though... I guess it's the voice in .hack//SIGN, but I still .hack//Liminality and the video games more support the voice being Emma. Tis all speculation when I ought to be doing my homework instead XD

    Anyways.. yeah... I love the .hack//Extra CD! ^^;... And all the other music...

  30. #30

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    *grabs Ferio around the shoulders* What CD? Where did you get a .hack CD?!

  31. #31

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    There's several .hack OSTs.. here's a good info page 'bout em:

    As for where to get em, I think's got at least the opening single and the first OST... probably has em. If you want a specific song or two I can upload mp3s [for you to download]. PM me if so.

  32. #32
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    How many .hack// series are there and what are they? Are they all related to one another?

  33. #33
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Well, first you want to play the .hack games. Then watch either .hack//SIGN or .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet(.hack//DUSK).

  34. #34
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    This show ain't clicking for me. For one the MMORPG setting is a real stretch. Not ONE person has said "newb" or "pwned"!? And the people take the game so dang seriously, it would seem like their social lives are probably several notches below mine. That isn't good, even for fictional characters.

  35. #35
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    Common, I think the show is really neat, it's like a living breathing RPG where people create theri own characters.

    But I'm wondering what others think about this subject:

    Is Tsukasa actually dead? The shots of real-life throughout the Anime are clearly flashbacks of Tsukasa's own life, and even in the present time when he's the one who was on life-support. Shouldn't they find out if there truely is a way to get Tsukasa back into his own body.

    Like hooking up a terminal so that Tsukasa's body can continue to live?

    Common, what are your opinions?

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  36. #36
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    Tsukasa isn't really dead. Something happened to him when he opened that treasure chest. Somehow, from what my theory is, that his memory was somehow transferred into digital data. This would explain why he is able to play the game and not being at a Terminal.

  37. #37
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    2day's, or better yet yesterday's ep. was boring. blah blah blah. noticed that? there isn't much action, battles. but still like it anyways....
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  38. #38
    Da Big Cheez of TCG Master Trainer
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    I think its my first post in this topic, never bothered to check.

    This one's a dub, no? Nah, nevered watched it (i watch my fansub downloaded of kazaa, lol). Bout Tsukasa, there was one eppie when his life support system was shut down for a moment and Tsukasa actually felt it (or so it seemed). I dont think the doctors knew about his existence in the game (do doctors play games? hmm...)

    2day's, or better yet yesterday's ep. was boring. blah blah blah. noticed that? there isn't much action, battles. but still like it anyways....
    Sounds like u got too used to DBZ-style anime. This one's deep. U should watch the OAV liminality, its a lot deeper than this one, tho if ur a guy, Minase would be a good reason to keep u glued on the screen Damn she's pretty, and her hair's really stylish.

    Edit: Juz watched the last eppie, too rushed. Using the pace of the previous eppies, id say this one shouldve stretched another 2-3 eppies. Too much happened in 20 minutes. But the part on Sora was good, albeit scary. Good animation, that part, really made me feel a tinge of Sora's fear and confusion. Aura's cute Tsukasa has a good face too.
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  39. #39

    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    If you've already seen past the eps on Toonami or the entire thing, please don't say anything about this.

    At first in one of the early eps, I was watching the english version while having the subtitles on (I found out that the translation is really acurate.) But I thought they made a mistake when Tsukasa said while looking up at Aura "What would happen if I die here?" That's what it sounded like, but the subtitles said "What would happen if I dyed her?" Did anyone else notice this?

    I thought it was a goof until I re-watched the second episode. The voice told Tsukasa to "imbue her (Aura) with his color" This makes sense since she is pale and in the early eps he never thought about dying.

  40. #40
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    Default .hack//SIGN premiered today...

    .hack//SIGN sux. Its just people flapping their 2- framed mouthes

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