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Thread: Grumpig & Slowbro

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Default Grumpig & Slowbro

    Which proves the better?

    Amnesia, Rest, Psychic, Surf


    Substitute, Rest, Extrasensory, ShockWave
    Extrasensory over Psychic for greater Pp. And it's just minus 10base power. It's worth it.

  2. #2
    Advanced Trainer
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    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Default Grumpig & Slowbro

    Slowbro wins it with general tanking ability. Also, calm mind > amnesia.
    Dignity (n): the time elapsed between passing an attractive girl and turning around for another look.

  3. #3

    Default Grumpig & Slowbro

    Slowbro is a better tank - if it's competing with a Grumpig with that particular set. But if Grumpig has this set:

    <DarkBot> Napoleon (GRUMPIG M L100) @LEFTOVERS [TRAIT] THICK FAT [PERSONALITY] TIMID [DVs] 31/31/31/31/31/31 [STAT EXP] 208/0/0/210/92/0
    <DarkBot> [HP] 353 [ATTACK] 113 [DEFENSE] 166 [SP. ATK] 239 [SP. DEF] 256 [SPEED] 272

    Substitute is what makes Grumpig a better tanker. Not only does it protect it from the fugliness of Toxic (which would otherwise force Slowbro to Rest), but combined with the randomness factor of Confuse Ray, Grumpig can come up with as many free turns as luck and Leftovers will allow. Oftentimes, thanks to confusion's 50\50 chance, you'll get enough free turns with the Substitute to set up a few Calm Minds and then blast away. Grumpig is your friend against non-Amnesia Regice - it takes two Ice Beams or Thunderbolts to destroy the Sub, and in that time you can keep powering up and confusing. Just make sure you always have a Sub up - even if you're about to finish a Pokémon off with a Psychic, try to set up a Substitute before you faint them so that you at least have a free shot at the Slaking or Heracross that tries to come in for an assassination attempt.

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