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Thread: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

  1. #1
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    Default Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    The title says it all. I want to have these two on my team but I can't think of good movesets for them. My team is:

    Infernape (Fire/Fighting)

    Miltank (Normal)

    Swampert (Water/Ground)

    Glaceon (Ice)

    Honchrow (Dark/Flying)

    Grumpig (Psychic)

  2. #2
    Thread Killer Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    Well, for Honchkrow, what do you plan on using it as? A Physical or Special type moveset?

    As for Glaceon, this could work:

    Ice Beam
    Shadow Ball/HP (Fighting/Electric)
    Fake Tears

    BTW, just so you know, you have a 3x weakness to Rock (Infernape, Glaceon, Honchkrow). That's a very common type seen in battling nowadays (with alot of Pokemon running Stone Edge and Stealth Rock) so you might want to address that for your team

  3. #3
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    Doesn't Fighting resist Rock?

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  4. #4
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    Rock Resists Fire.

    -.- Shut up Blade! I dun even wanna hear you breathe a reply.

    But yes, Fighting resists Rock, making Infernape only neutral to Rock Attacks

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  5. #5
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    Yeah, Infernape's fine.

    Hm. Can't think of a Honchkrow set right now... I guess that's an okay Glaceon set (I'm tired). Just so you know, though, Glaceon tends to be a fairly ineffective Pokémon. Ice simply *isn't* a good defensive type, and Glaceon is awfully slow... now, don't let me steer you away from using it if you want to, but I'm just saying you need to be careful with it.

    Oh, and the Pointy Haired Boss is awesome. Cool name.

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  6. #6
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    For fun times, I use Mirror Coat with Focus Sash on Glaceon. Yeah its incredibly novel-but it makes for fun times. I'd stick with something like

    Ice Beam
    Sleep Talk
    Ice Shard

    Yeah, seems stupid, until you get put to sleep and then have a one in three chance of priority killing some sucker. But I'm just for novelty sets lately, I'm positive there's better. -.-..

    And don't none of ya yell at me about the two moves of same type on this set. :p

    Oh, and are you able/willing to breed. That's the only reason why I didn't state Wish or Fake Tears

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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    I don't know if Ice Shard is a good idea on Glaceon, considering its Physical-based and its Atk is pretty bad.

  8. #8
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    You have to see my setup to understand the reasoning behind this nutzoid set.

    but its basically someone has SD-and then for sheer novelty-pass to Glaceon. Everyone thinks its a mistake pass, they get ready to murder poor Glaceon-and then Ice Shard rapes the sucker. Out comes their Starmie/whatever to try and end me, I know I can survive it (Haha Focus Sash)-Ice Beam or Shadowball it, then merc it with Ice Shard. They try to put me to sleep-I still attack, mwahaha. It takes crazy prediction.

    Back on track here....Another ok set for Glaceon would be the classic Hail set.

    Double Team/Natural Gift

    That's if DT is allowed...but anyway. Simple enough. Hail causes your evasion to rise, Blizzard hits 100%-w STAB, its gonna hurt alot of things that don't outright 2x resist it. Double Team to confuzzle them even more, and SB for bothersome Ghosts and Psychics. Natural gift is always an option too :O.

    Granted, I don't know the setup of your team, and Hail may be a hinderance more than a help.
    Last edited by DarkestLight; 22nd September 2007 at 08:23 AM.

    i Judge your entertainment!
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    Hmmm, I'm rethinking my team and im gonna take Glaceon out. My new team is:

    and I need a recommendation for a sixth

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    Thanks, Phoenixsong. I just came up with the name on a whim

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    Hmm...for a Sixth member, how about an Electric or Ghost-type?

    BTW, awesome job on type-coverage. I checked your weaknesses, and you have VERY VERY little on 2x weaknesses.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    I don't know if Ice Shard is a good idea on Glaceon, considering its Physical-based and its Atk is pretty bad.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Need help with a good moveset for Honchrow and Glaceon

    Quote Originally Posted by eravid View Post
    I don't know if Ice Shard is a good idea on Glaceon, considering its Physical-based and its Atk is pretty bad.
    I don't think it's a worthwhile move. If you chose a physical attack you should give it Ice Fang.
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