Hey Pokémasters

I'm just going to start typing, and i'm not sure if what i'm going to say will resonate with anyone, but stick with me, and let us find out together!

Its been a little while since I posted anything here, and i'm sure that is the case for the vast majority of members. That being said, how awesome is it that a forum and website, which has been through so much, and was almost lost to time on several occasions, continues to exist? How incredible that the history, culture, and memories of individuals from long ago, still exist here today? Many of them were children when they created their accounts and posted here, and its likely by now many of them will have some significant life experience. Perhaps they have families and children of their own? How many of them will give a passing thought to The Pokémasters and browse, to discover that this communtiy is still around? I wonder if they'll read this message?

I also wonder how many of them are still with us. Did something bad happen in their lives that lead them down a dark path? Are they doing ok? Its sad to think that we may never truly know what happened to the people who one day, decided not to post anymore, for reasons we will never have the privieledge to know. This kind of thought is something that I imagine could be overlooked when there are hundreds, if not thousands of users here. That being said, while this forum exists, a part of their history exists here too.

We may never know when our last post here will be, we may not know what is happening in people's lives. I hope that more users from the past will see this message, and make every attempt they can to reach us and say hello. For those of us lucky to be here, reading and posting messages, it truly is a priviledge to contribute to the history of this great forum, and the long history this website has.

Thank you, to everyone who continue to do their best in keeping this torch lit, and keeping the memory of The Pokémasters alive!