Kaia Morgane

  1. Asilynne
    Level: 2 (current xp: 1500)

    Race- Half Aquatic Elf
    Class- Druid
    Alignment- Chaotic Neutral
    Deity- Procan (CN)“The Storm Lord”,“Sailor of Sea and Sky” Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea, Weather, Navigation Animal, Chaos, Storm, Travel, Water, Weather, Wrath
    Animal Companion- Osprey, named Spray
    HP: 16
    Armor Class: 16
    Str: 13 (+1)
    Dex: 16 (+3)
    Con: 14 (+2)
    Int: 14 (+2)
    Wis: 17 (+3)
    Cha: 13 (+1)

    Saves ---------total------base save-----ability mod-----magic mod----misc mod
    Fort----------5-----------3-------------2------------------0---------+2 vs enchant
    Reflex----------3----------0-------------3------------------0---------+2 vs enchant
    Will------------7-----------3-------------3-----------------0----------+2 vs enchant, +1 feat birth
    +2 will save vs fear

    Base atk= 1
  2. Asilynne

    Class skills: Swim, Spot, Listen, Survival, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Knowledge(nature), Heal

    Skills----------Key attr.-------skill mod-----ab.mod-------rank--------misc
    Handle Animal----cha-----------5----------1-------------4------------0

    Feats: Born Under a Rising Sun- +1 bonus on heal, +2 will saves vs fear, +1 all other will saves
  3. Asilynne

    151g in coinpouch

    Wilderness array: Bedroll, Bucket, Daggar, fishhook, fishing net, flint and steel, handaxe, hempen rope, iron pot, sewing needle, shovel, soap, travelers outfit, waterskin, whetstone, winterblanket
    Falconry Training Equipment
    Waterproofed Boots

    Armor bonus to AC: +3
    Max Dex mod: +6
    Armor Check penalty: -1
    Arcane spell fail: 10%

    Quarterstaff 2H
    1d6, crit 20/x2 4 lbs
    4 Level 0 Spells
    3 Level 1 Spells
    1 Level 2 spell
    1 Level 3 Spell
  4. Asilynne
    Kaia's parents met in one of the Floating cities which populate the planet. It was a small fishing village, where her human mother fell in love with her Aquatic Elf father. She is fourth of six children, she has two older brothers, one of whom hates her and the other died in an accident, an older sister who has become mixed up with an addiction, and two younger sisters, one who she keeps in touch with and the other has disappeared. Unfortunately, shortly after the birth of her youngest sister her mom drowned in a storm, and her father, overcome with grief, went mad and vanished into the sea. Her siblings and herself, all being very young, were sent off to live with various relatives of her mother.
  5. Asilynne
    She was raised in a primarily human city, whose focus was on creating bigger and better steam technology. Many of the inhabitants went into science and engineering fields. She was raised by her aunt and uncle, who were both Steam Scientists. They mentally abused her, making fun of the way she looks at the ocean and reveres nature, and they always said that Steam was the future and she should let go of her "childish notions". She was also physically abused and made to do physical labor and help to put together various steam creations. Out of spite the windows to her room were closed off so she couldnt look out into the ocean. Eventually though, her foster parents were caught syphoning money out of certain steam projects they were assigned, doing shoddier work on them and pocketing the extra money, and so were bankrupt and homeless. It was then she decided to get out of her foster parents shadows and set off to follow the druidic path.
  6. Asilynne
    Personal Features
    Clothing: Provocative; Skimpy clothing, showing skin with the intent to attract the opposite sex
    Hair: Dreadlocks; Multitude of individual braids. Often decorated with beads or bells.
    Distinguishing marks: None
    Precious Keepsake: A Document; The deed to her mothers Fishing Boat
    Life Events
    Cupid Strikes A relationship develops -Even More Tragic Pregnancy 7-8 You Marry
    Scruffy! You find yourself a pet
    Made an enemy- Dark Powers Somehow you've come to the attention of dark forces, and they know your name
    Someone that is part of a mercenary outfit or part of the guard, Left the other out to dry or outright backstabbing, This person doesn't exist to you, The animosity is from you for them.
    Tragedy- lost one month of life to battling an addiction
  7. Asilynne
    Ability: Woodland Strider:you're capable of moving through overgrown areas (such as thorns and such) without slowly doing or taking damage.
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