Sinister's End

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  1. Mystic_clown
    A some of you (a.k.a, almost none of you) may know, a while back I entered an OC (original character) tournament on deviantart, known as Sinister's End.

    For those who don't know what an OC tournament is. Each contestant enters their own character. Then, each round, the contestants are paired up and each must draw/write an entry of their OCs fighting, with theirs coming out on top. At the end of the round, the entries are judged and the best one wins and moves on.

    Now, with this particular tournament, the characters all must be villains. So for this one, I'm using a thief/henchman for hire named Shadowdancer, who's able to jump between shadows, create duplicates of himself and send large objects flying with his kicks.

    Now, the first round has begun, and my first opponent, surprisingly enough, is Houndoom_lover. Wish me luck guys ^_^
  2. Asilynne
    Good luck!! You can do it!!!! ^-^
  3. Mystic_clown
    For anyone actually following this, just so you know, my entry for round 1 of the competition is now finished and up. Here's to hoping I get to round two.

  4. Mystic_clown
    For those of you watching, round 1 has finished and I have won ^_^ Now onto Round 2, fighting this guy:

    Here's to hoping ^_^
  5. Asilynne
    YAY!!! good luck again, youll kick his ass XD
  6. Crystal Tears
    Crystal Tears
    Good luck Ben.
  7. Ultimate Charizard
    Ultimate Charizard
    Dude thats cheap. Your second round opponent is a blatant rip off of Bullseye. He even looks like a bald Colin Farrel!
  8. Asilynne
    What I think is funny is both your OC and your opponents have a hatred of witches XD They should be friends not enemies!
  9. Mystic_clown
    My entry for round two is now up:


    The deadline is the 23rd, and no sign from anyone else in my division. I wonder what would happen if I was the only one left.
  10. Mystic_clown
    Round 2 is over and I've made it to Round 3! This one's going to be a tough one as I'm now facing this guy:

    This guy's one nasty piece of work.

    Not only that, but we also have the oppertunity to battle against the judge in a boss fight. So not ony am I facing Death Petal, but this thing as well:


    Does Shadowdancer have a snowball's chance in hell? Let's find out!
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