RPG Idea Topic... REVAMPED!

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  1. Bulbasaur4

    I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! xD
  2. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    Oh hush... yes you are. You and everyone else has put with me for +/- 7 years XD
  3. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    Okay! On track. What we need (imo) to come up with is a structured way for people to post their ideas, get their RPGs discussed by more than two people saying "that's cool" or "I'd join" because it should be more than getting a test audience. It should be for fledgling ideas for RPGs that the members need more help or constructive criticism on. It's supportive as well as helpful! ^^

    So... My ideas on the table:

    *Short introduction of the Topic, goals, ideas, message statement, general introduction*

    *How to ask for help*

    *Sign-up forum for a rough sketch of their RPG (thinking similar to the current sheet for RPG ideas)*

    *List of Members who would volunteer their time and energy to discuss and help the RPer like so:*

    Short Description:
    Genre's liked:
    Genre's Disliked:
    Time online/Time spent on TPM: (general times online for contact/How many years you've been a member of RPG)

    *Possibly a list of RPGs that haven't received any feedback as of yet, just to give ppl something to do*

    *Free-forum discussion of submitted RPGs with the members, who's genre's interests match the genre of an RPG submitted can discuss (and are encouraged to)*

    *list for RPG Requests [This is so we can group the RPG Request Board and Idea topics into the same thing with a bit more structured] If there is a genre or certian type of RPG you want to see, request it and some of the members can (and are encouraged) to make one based upon it for feedback in the new Topic*

    But anyway... those are some of my ideas, and some things have been edited after speaking with several members. So NOW, for those of us who wish to volunteer our shrinking time, what does thou think?

    Additions, corrections, concerns. Best to get them out now rather than deal with them later. ^^U
  4. Crystal Tears
    Crystal Tears
    I don't think the time on TPM matters, advice is advice. You make it sound like the longer someone has been here the more their advice matters compared to those who have only been here for say, a year.
    Just my opinion though, I need more time for my thoughts to gather XP
  5. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    By all means, that's why the topic is here, for discussion, ideas, and compromise ^^U
  6. Fai D. Flowright
    Fai D. Flowright
    I don't think the Time Online/Spend on TPM section is necessarily for seniority or importance concern... More of just so people have a LITTLE bit of an idea of how long each member has been on the board.

    If we all agree about the introduction stuff, I'm more than willing to type up a rough draft...
  7. Crystal Tears
    Crystal Tears
    Is the form for the actual RPG exactly the same or are there going to be differences?
  8. Mew Master
    Mew Master
    I think the current one is good for a rough draft of an RPG... any suggestions though? I really don't have much to add in that area though <,<U
  9. Crystal Tears
    Crystal Tears
    You know I actually don't know what the original says because I haven't checked out that topic or used it in a while...
  10. Bulbasaur4

    I think the original is fine. We might wanna make a topic requesting names of anyone who wants to put their name up for giving ideas in the idea topic though.
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