Didn't think I'd be revisiting this thread.
Anyway, recently started dabbling with the 3DS games again. Picked up a copy of Y that I found at my local retro game shop that was complete in box. Picked it up on a whim since some of the DS games are getting stupid expensive.
Seriously, have you guys seen the prices lately? For the DS I have Platinum, Soul Silver, Black, and White 2. Respectively, they are as follows for those games CIB (prices in USD$):

Platinum: $102
Soul Silver: $245 for the version with the Pokéwalker, $135 without it
Black: $80 (paid $70 for it CIB due to a damaged box with reproduction art, going to try to rectify that before the price gets outrageous)
White 2: $117

Anyway, enough of that tangent.

Character name on my Y file is Renai (yes, I'm using one of my old WoW names)
If someone wants another character for the Friend Safari, let me know and I'll try to have that file online so the friend can be properly registered.