Quote Originally Posted by RaZoR LeAf View Post
I think I am one of the few people not playing XY. I want to see movepools and attack info before choosing new pokemon. I hope someone gets them up before then deadline.
I'm with you totally on this, RaZoR LeAf...while it would have been nice to go with the alternative of choosing at least one XY Pokemon in the giveaway (instead of the ability swaps I went with), the one thing that has me bothered is that although it's still fairly early into the new generation, there still isn't a whole lot of reliable information for movepools and stuff (for example, I noticed on Serebii that the movepool information for the older Pokemon is seemingly not going to be available until December 25 aka Christmas, which IMO is just a little on the uncool side; I mean, why should we have to wait until Christmas to get major information on the two newest Pokemon games when they are already out? That just doesn't make sense)...but it looks like they (Serebii) may have this information up by this upcoming weekend.

I'm crossing my fingers for a flood of confirmed information.