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Thread: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

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  1. #1
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Hey everyone! It's that time of year again!

    Time to be joyous and generous and offering and whatever else you'd like to be for the summer season!

    You can give away points or eggs or pokemon or stones or whatever else your heart desires!

    From now until August 2nd, 2012, this tree will stay, so come on by and give away your wares if you so choose!

  2. #2
    Thread Killer Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Are there any restrictions for the Pokemon we're allowed to give away?

    EDIT: Can't spell apparently

  3. #3
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Well, you can't give away hacked pokemons...

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    *hides the Missingno he was going to give Grey* Oh wait...

    I mean restrictions as in do the Pokémon have to have been used in a battle before, things like that.

  5. #5
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Nope. Everything's golden here.

  6. #6
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    I'd like to give 3 points to each of these persons:

    Charles Legend
    Crystal Tears
    Mew Master


  7. #7
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Thanks for the points, you can have fist dibs on the following Pokémon...

    Machamp|Ganondorf|Male|No Guard
    Rapidash|Catherine|Female|Flash Fire
    Qwilfish|Fugu|male|Poison Point
    Venipede|Magtail Male|Poison Point
    Tirtouga|Fairport |Female|Solid Rock

    ~Charles Legend
    Last edited by Charles Legend; 16th June 2012 at 06:19 AM.
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  8. #8
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    A Gloom named AYEUN!?!

    I can't have the real Ayeun, but I'll take that Gloom! Thanks! (Although I don't know if I should ask Ayeun herself as well)

    AND BTPoke, thanks for the Small Stone! It rocks!

  9. #9
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Legend View Post

    Tirtouga|Fairport |Female|Solid Rock

    ~Charles Legend
    I'll take Tirtouga off your hands.

  10. #10
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint: CHEESE!

    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    I'll claim those 3 points and be giving Mikachu one of my small stones I'm getting from

  11. #11
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint: CHEESE!

    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    I don't wanna be too greedy (tis the season to be greedy, fa la la la laaa la la la lol), but i'll take that rapidash (maybe I could recolor it to make it pinkiedash *squee*), thanks!

    Also, I'm a bit new to this (actually, a lot new to this), do we need to post anything in the approval tower or something? or do we just say "I claim this" and that's it?
    Last edited by BTPoke; 16th June 2012 at 06:46 AM.

  12. #12
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Yes you'll have to post in the Approval Tower about that Rapidash and give a link to this thread there. I may post about the Gloom later today myself, only after that I'll be allowed to add the lovely Pokemon to my Vs. Seeker!!

  13. #13
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    I think if you claim a Pokémon from here you'd just have to link the post to the Approval Tower and let one of the mods approve it there itself.

    If you don't mind Charles, I'd like to take that Machamp off your hands, unless you're reserving it for someone else.

    Even though I don't have much to give, I'd like to offer up my Sableye to anyone who is interested.

    Name: None
    Ability: Prankster

  14. #14
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint: CHEESE!

    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    k, i'll also post later (once I do a bit of spriting work :3)

  15. #15
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint: CHEESE!

    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    *reaches out to take Sableye* *hits own hand away* NO! Must... not... be... GREEDY!

    someone else take it, QUICK!
    lolno I won't take it, don't worry. I'm not THAT greedy.

  16. #16
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Giving away the following leftovers from the last tree:

    Bulbasaur M
    Treecko M and F
    Turtwig M and F
    Snivy M and F
    Charmander M
    Cyndaquil M and F
    Torchic M[ and F
    Chimchar M and F
    Tepig F
    Squirtle M
    Totodile M and F
    Mudkip M and F
    Piplup M and F
    Oshawott F
    Eevee M (x2) and F

    Ash0011: Torchic F, Snivy F.
    Chobi Chibi: Tepig F, Eevee M.
    Chris 2.1: Chimchar M.
    Cynder: Eevee F.
    EraGam: Snivy M, Mudkip M, Oshawott F.
    Gigya: Charmander M, Mudkip F.
    Perfect Chaos: Treecko M, Eevee M.
    Wolfsong: Treecko F.

    First come, first serve. Don't worry about "feeling greedy", and feel free to take up to 3. Abilities and nicknames are up to you.
    Last edited by Greyfox; 5th July 2012 at 12:07 PM.

  17. #17
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Wolfsong, she's yours.

    Meanwhile, I'm reposting this:

    Bulbasaur M
    Turtwig M and F
    Cyndaquil M and F
    Torchic M
    Chimchar F

    Squirtle M
    Totodile M and F
    Piplup M and F

    Ash0011: Torchic F, Snivy F, Totodile M.
    Chobi Chibi: Tepig F, Eevee M.
    Chris 2.1: Chimchar M.
    Cynder: Piplup M, Eevee F.
    Darkfire: Cyndaquil F.
    Emerald_Gen.3: Torchic M, Chimchar F, Squirtle M,
    EraGam: Snivy M, Mudkip M, Oshawott F.
    Gigya: Charmander M, Mudkip F.
    Perfect Chaos: Bulbasaur M, Treecko M, Eevee M.
    Wolfsong: Treecko F.

    First come, first serve. Don't worry about "feeling greedy", and feel free to take up to 3. Abilities and nicknames are up to you.
    Last edited by Greyfox; 12th July 2012 at 05:16 PM.

  18. #18
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    I wouldn't mind taking up that female Cyndaquil if you don't, Greyfox. :3
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  19. #19
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Turtwig M and F
    Cyndaquil M
    Totodile F
    Piplup F
    Sableye M - @Stall

    Ash0011: Torchic F, Snivy F, Totodile M, Aerodactyl F.
    BTPoke: Claydol.
    Chobi Chibi: Tepig F, Eevee M.
    Chris 2.1: Chimchar M.
    Cynder: Piplup M, Eevee F.
    DarkestLight: Sawsbuck F.
    Emerald_Gen.3: Torchic M, Chimchar F, Squirtle M,, Blaziken M.
    EraGam: Snivy M, Mudkip M, Oshawott F.
    Gigya: Charmander M, Mudkip F.
    Perfect Chaos: Bulbasaur M, Treecko M, Eevee M.
    RaZoR LeAf: Tauros M.
    Cyndaquil F, Totodile F.
    Wolfsong: Treecko F.

    Same rules apply. If you haven't already gotten three gifts from me, you can feel free to choose another.

    Meanwhile, I've got a list of specifics here:

    Ayeun, I'm giving you one of my latest catches because, why not? Here's Tam, my Illumise with @Prankster.

    Cynder, you are constantly proving yourself a worthwhile asset of this forum, so I'm granting you a wish... sorta. You've been clamoring for *Aeroblast for a long time now, and while I can't necessarily give it to any of your pokémon, I can give you Falconzord, my male pidgeot with @Keen Eye... who just so happens to've just learned the attack!

    , you're a samurai, and I want to give you one of my favorite pokémon -- Comar Faust, my male marowak. He's got @Lightningrod and has recently learned *Icicle Crash. Enjoy!

    Oslo, you won't be back until after the tree is cut down and sold to slavery, but when you get back, there'll be a gift for you in the spot where it used to be. Oregon, my male yanmega with @Speed Boost belongs to you now. He's got *Hex.

    RaZoR LeAf, you've come and gone and come again much like myself. I'm giving you one of my favorite gen 4 pokémon -- Danaë, my female lucario with @Steadfast and *Magnet Bomb. She'll be a great asset to your team.
    Last edited by Greyfox; 17th July 2012 at 05:47 PM.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by Greyfox View Post

    Oslo, you won't be back until after the tree is cut down and sold to slavery, but when you get back, there'll be a gift for you in the spot where it used to be. Oregon, my male yanmega with @Speed Boost belongs to you now. He's got *Hex.
    Don't forget this one, Os!

  21. #21
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    May i have one of those point bundles please oslo?
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  22. #22
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Here's a bunch of pokemon from my roster, who I haven't battled with for some time (if at all) and would like to see go to better homes.

    Jigoro - Throh (m) Iron Fist
    Marceau - Mime Jr (m) Filter
    Frappuccino - Miltank (f) Scrappy
    Ewango - Girafarig (m) Early Bird
    Morpheus - Drowzee (f) Insomnia

    You can choose the abilities when you approve them.

    Inox - Aggron (m) Rock Head - Perfect Chaos
    Golett (g) - Perfect Choas

    Mercalli - Tympole (f) Hydration - Cue Ball

    Parapuzosia - Omastar (m) Shell Armour - Ash0011
    Croagunk (m) - Ash001

    Futakuchi - Mawile (f) Hyper Cutter - EraGam
    Ishmael - Wailmer (m) Pressure - Emerald_Gen.3

    For anyone asking; don't wait for me to say so; just take them.
    Last edited by RaZoR LeAf; 27th June 2012 at 12:16 PM.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by RaZoR LeAf View Post
    Here's ten pokemon from my roster, who I haven't battled with for some time (if at all) and would like to see go to better homes.

    Futakuchi - Mawile (f) Hyper Cutter
    Mercalli - Tympole (f) Hydration
    Jigoro - Throh (m) Iron Fist
    Marceau - Mime Jr (m) Filter
    Ishmael - Wailmer (m) Pressure
    Frappuccino - Miltank (f) Scrappy
    Ewango - Girafarig (m) Early Bird
    Parapuzosia - Omastar (m) Shell Armour
    Morpheus - Drowzee (f) Insomnia
    Inox - Aggron (m) Rock Head
    I'd like to take up your Aggron if you don't mind Razor. Thanks a bunch

  24. #24
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by RaZoR LeAf View Post
    Here's ten pokemon from my roster, who I haven't battled with for some time (if at all) and would like to see go to better homes.

    Futakuchi - Mawile (f) Hyper Cutter
    Mercalli - Tympole (f) Hydration
    Jigoro - Throh (m) Iron Fist
    Marceau - Mime Jr (m) Filter
    Ishmael - Wailmer (m) Pressure
    Frappuccino - Miltank (f) Scrappy
    Ewango - Girafarig (m) Early Bird
    Parapuzosia - Omastar (m) Shell Armour Ash0011
    Morpheus - Drowzee (f) Insomnia
    Inox - Aggron (m) Rock Head Perfect Chaos
    Ill take Tympole!

  25. #25
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by RaZoR LeAf View Post
    Here's ten pokemon from my roster, who I haven't battled with for some time (if at all) and would like to see go to better homes.

    Futakuchi - Mawile (f) Hyper Cutter
    Jigoro - Throh (m) Iron Fist
    Marceau - Mime Jr (m) Filter
    Ishmael - Wailmer (m) Pressure
    Frappuccino - Miltank (f) Scrappy
    Ewango - Girafarig (m) Early Bird
    Morpheus - Drowzee (f) Insomnia
    You still giving these away? Can I have Futakuchi?

  26. #26
    Does it look like I care? Advanced Trainer
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    It depends on who's asking...

    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Hey Rossymore I'll take some points off your hands for u
    Last edited by Emerald_Gen.3; 29th June 2012 at 10:34 PM.

    Are you ready for this?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash0011 View Post
    Emerald I feel like giving you a Meditite (M)
    and gig u want the girafrig (F), or foongus (F) from the egg I gave you
    also RL I'd like the croagunk, I always liked brock's
    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald_Gen.3 View Post
    ok gotcha

    Hey Razor i was wondering if your still giving pokemon away if you still are then can i have your wailmer (a.k.a. Ishmael)
    Quote Originally Posted by EraGam View Post
    You still giving these away? Can I have Futakuchi?
    Done, done and done.

  28. #28
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by RaZoR LeAf View Post
    Here's a bunch of pokemon from my roster, who I haven't battled with for some time (if at all) and would like to see go to better homes.

    Jigoro - Throh (m) Iron Fist
    Marceau - Mime Jr (m) Filter
    Frappuccino - Miltank (f) Scrappy
    Ewango - Girafarig (m) Early Bird
    Morpheus - Drowzee (f) Insomnia
    Just reposting these from the first page. Any unclaimed pokemon will go into my Pasture.

    Obviously, you don't have to keep the nicknames.

  29. #29
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Gonna do the same as Dan and unload some seldom used team members to people who're willing:

    Riselem - M Sableye @Stall

    Last edited by Greyfox; 10th July 2012 at 02:26 PM.

  30. #30
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Just a note PC: Since yer using Sableye in a battle, it won't be approved by whoever claims it until that battle finishes.

    This also forces me to get my finances in order. Thanks Grey, this completely lapsed my mind last night.

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  31. #31
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    Just a note PC: Since yer using Sableye in a battle, it won't be approved by whoever claims it until that battle finishes.

    This also forces me to get my finances in order. Thanks Grey, this completely lapsed my mind last night.
    Oh derp on me

    Sorry guys, I'll try and post back here again after that battle finishes

    Hmm...if no one else minds, I'd like to take on Grey's Treecko (M) and Eevee (M) as well.

    Thanks again Grey!

  32. #32
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Grey: I'd like the charmander♂ and mudkip♀ (those guys got names and abilities?)

    Everyone else: Short on points until reffings and battles are done, but I do want to do something. So, if anyone wants a costume for one of their beloved pokemon (especially with the contest coming up soon) I'd be happy to make one.

    Here's some reference work:

    This is for Mr Commander Sniffles once he evolves.
    Last edited by Gigya; 16th June 2012 at 02:08 PM. Reason: Didn't realize the machamp had been claimed

  33. #33
    It's like Rossy, but more! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Hmm. Tree.

    Well, everyone who wants it can get two points from me. Enjoy.

  34. #34
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Indeed, thank you very mucho Rossy

  35. #35
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint: CHEESE!

    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    I'll claim some points, rossy, and give all of my points (6 now) to gigya so that he can hopefully catch a rayquaza.

    Bank Post

    Have fun in the SZ, Gigya ;D

  36. #36
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    I will be dispensing presents in roughly a week's time. They will be wonderful... and somebody's gonna end up with a lot of points.

  37. #37
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    For now:

    Nosepass (M) - Sand Force,
    Rattata (F) - Guts,
    Aipom (M) - Skill Link,
    Stunfisk (M) - Static,
    Timber - Timburr (M) - Guts
    Silver Wolf
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  38. #38
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Ah. A fighting type.
    Timber, is it? You're a fine young lad, and you'll grow up into a true warrior. With a strange looking nose.
    Regardless! I am pleased to make your acquaintance here at this summer tree.

    Snagger-machine-go for Timber the Timburr from Wolfsong.

  39. #39
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    My team prolly doesn't need too many more additions but can I snag that Nosepass anyway, Wolfsong? I have a soft spot for them. (Not so much Probopass.)

  40. #40
    Is ASB Back? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Summer Giveaway Tree!

    Grey I'd like the female snivy with antagonist
    And I'm gonna offer my heatmor
    (more details when I have time)

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