I love spiders, and Lisa’s little roommate reawakened fond memories of the “pet” spider I used to have, a little black-and-white, fuzzy thing I named ‘Freak’. He (she?) hung out on the ceiling and ate pesky mosquitoes for me. ^^

Man…having had to stay in the hospital for longer than Lisa had expected—and even during her birthday, what’s more—that certainly had to suck for her. I hope I’m never in the hospital during my birthday—it’s bad enough that flu season seems to like to coincide with Christmas and New Year’s… X.x

And Doctor Rogers made me laugh, especially when it was mentioned that she has “mannish” shoes. XD What a delightfully unpleasant creature she is.

I’ll be back for the next chapter, of course. ^^ Before I go, here’s a couple of little excerpts from the latest chapter that I’d like to highlight:

She opened her eyes to inspect the world beyond the window. As always, the northern half of Redwood City was sprawled before her: a beautiful maze of tree-lined avenues and stately red brick houses. A prominent steeple in the centre of town indicated St Mark’s Cathedral; beside that lay the crystalline meanders of the Acacia River. Lisa thought this was the first big city she had seen that could rival Ecruteak in terms of beauty.
I just thought that was a particularly bit of description there. I especially like the phrase “crystalline meanders”. ^^

PS: Call me ‘Luper’ again and I’ll break your CDs.
That got quite a laugh out of me. XD