That was definitely a major chapter in the history of LTL! Up until now, Lisa was just traveling around trying to solve these mysteries, not knowing what role she played in them. Now that she has learned of the Guard, it changes everything. Her world has been turned upside down, and her view of her parents has been completely changed.

You did a great job showing everything Lisa was going through and how she reacted to it. The sections where you mentioned the things that Lisa had been doing up to this point were real helpful since it has been ages since those chapters were written.

I'm glad to hear that Gavin is still in the land of the living, though that was a surprise to hear Joseph Sterling say he killed Professor Oak. The only flaws I could find were minor grammatical errors such as what mr_pikachu mentioned. There also seemed to be more profanity than the average chapter, though compared with the massive length and quality of your writing, I have to say, this turned out pretty well. I bet you sure are glad that you finally finished this chapter, and don't have to hide all these mysteries anymore. Though ........... now that we know what Lisa's parents explained of the legend, that still leaves us with plenty other plot twists. We still don't know how Gavin's psychic abilities are linked to the family curse of an inevitable battle with a Psychic Pokemon. I also was wondering where Lunanine fits into the legend with the other 3 dogs. And why was Entei working with the Union and killing people (a girl in a tree if I remember correctly)? I guess over the 20 years since they were awakened there must have been some falling out between Entei and other two?

You definitely have plenty of writing material and possible directions to take us, so keep up the good work. While it is never "fun" waiting months for a new chapter, when it turns out this well done, I'm glad you didn't sacrifice quality by rushing it. I'm looking forward to Chapter 59 (almost to 60!).