starjake: Thanks muchly for reading; I can't imagine how onerous a task it would be to read the entire fic in just two days. I think it'd give me a headache.

Yes, Lisa is the girl from the beginning of the third pokémon movie. This was really just a reference point for me to begin with - I actually began writing this story about the character Lisa as a trainer (in the very very beginning, this was going to be a trainer fic). However, I grew attached to her and her character developed far more than the movie would ever have allowed, so now, I think it is safe to say, Lisa has become very much her own entity, quite separate from the pokémon anime.

I'd been at a (very frustrating) mid-way standstill with Chapter 58 for many weeks until today, when I finally figured out a way to move past a particular blockage. The chapter is now back on track and shaping up very nicely ... lots of questions hopefully answered, etc etc.

Thanks for waiting so patiently, everyone. I'll get the chapter done eventually.
