That was an epic chapter. Very reminiscient of the Half-Blood Prince. The surface of the lake, pulling out the sword (although I guess that's more Chamber of Secrets/Deathly Hallows), what happened at the end... I was actually quite suspicious that Suicune was lying. Just because it seemed that we could no longer trust "revelations". But after what happened at the end, I don't see how Suicune could have been lying. And I wonder whether the guarded power will ever be revealed to us... because we can't pin it down, it seems more horrible than anything that could be put on paper. I really enjoyed the Jenna O'Brien bit, injecting a bit of humour at a crucial point. But it seemed like Lance and Sarah were acting way too young -- especially Sarah, who actually acted like a high school girl. And the phrase "I assume you are still young enough to believe that power and wealth can be dangerous and corrupting things" felt awkward. It felt like Suicune was saying that Lisa was naive for believing that, and that the truth was that power was not corrupting. Like when people say "you are still young enough to believe in the tooth fairy".

Looking forward to the next chapter!