Post the whole thing right now. I would read it all.
Although I'm fairly sure I will cry at the end of this book.

It's such a shame that pokemon is copyright otherwise you could make millions. Don't you wish pokemon was real now? Then you would be the John Marsden and I would be the J K Rowling of the pokemon world? Ahhhhhhh *dreams*

More indepth stuff...

I like the way that there is a constant reminder that nobody can be trusted. I think what a lot of people tend to do is have chapters as sort of episodes (and I know I did this with LVH), where I would have one major thing happen, and then characters would continue on as normal. I am glad that no matter the chapter, the same level of tension is held, and the same ideas about peace and safety are held.

I am missing Gavin though. what happened to him? I forget. Did he just disappear? I want him to come back and marry Lisa.

I am just a bit concerned about Lisa's personality. I mean... I do find it hard to remember what's distinctive about Lisa and Gavin. Maybe it's just me and I find all protagonists to be similar, but what is Lisa's personality like? I think something that helped me understand who Ellie was was the fact that her conversations with Homer about strength and weaknesses (especially in book 2 and 3) really brought out how others percieved Ellie and how she saw herself. Maybe that's something you could use to help clear up who Lisa actually is... aside from being the heroine?