Hey Blademaster! Welcome to Fanfic (I know you've been around for a while now, but I've yet to say hi). Thanks so much for reading - all 55 chapters must have taken a helluva long time ^^

I took a look at the beginning of your fic the other day, and it looks good at a glance; I've yet to read it because I'm sure I'm out of my depth plot-wise, but I'll definitely give it a go.

I'm glad you like the LTL's plot. ^^ You're spot on by saying it's not very pokemon-ish ... after the League battles back in chapter 36-37, I more or less began to phase out the focus on pokémon in the fic, purely because I'm not into pokémon anymore and it was becoming too difficult to keep writing about it. But after writing the cool battle in Chapter 55 I think the pokémon aspect will be making a bit of a comeback in future chapters (yay). And there will be one or two new pokémon also!

Geez, I can ramble on about nothing.

Also, about chapter length, I am trying to keep them generally shorter now; as in, mostly under 5000 words (except last chapter ^^). I used to aim for 3000 max, but that kind of went out of the window as I began putting in more description ...

Yes, anyway *cough* I've crapped on for long enough now. Thanks very much for reading Blademaster, and I really hope you like the next chapters! I've already begun Chapter 56, which is surprising in itself, and it's coming along nicely.

I don't know how many chapters I'm going to draw this finale out over, though, it just keeps going!!


- Gavin.