Wow! You sure like to leave people hanging, don't you? Lisa has a habit of finding trouble everywhere she goes. Team Rocket attacks her at home, she gets taken away to Port Valeo, and they attack there too. That was interesting how Gavin had actually been held hostage the whole time Lisa had been home waiting for him, and he just happens to find her at the hotel. I hope Gavin gets his psychic powers back sometime soon. With this new turn of events, Oak reported missing, and now they have found the source of the explosions, it would come in handy to have some superhuman powers to get them out of any trouble they will probably fall into. Plus if he has to face the ultimate psychic power like the rest of his family, he should get practicing.

As usual, your writing has great description. I could really feel the tension building up as some unexplainable force was pulling Lisa to find the source of the disturbance. Keep up the good work. I will be waiting to find what it is that Lisa's intuition had been right about all along.