Awesome, a new chapter! You got me all excited a couple of hours before when the "Who's Online" thingie said you were posting here, but I guess you had some last-minute editing to do. Still, I'm glad to see another chapter of this fic today!

Very nice description to kick off the chapter. I was a little surprised by it, but I suppose I should've expected Gavin to need something like that. I really liked that opening, though; it definitely set the tone for the beginning of this update. Good battle description overall, too. It was fairly easy to picture most of the action thanks to your explicit portrayal. Nice work. And good closing as well... even if it was yet another classic LTL cliffhanger. *glares*

A little more editing might have been beneficial, though. I saw a few grammatical flaws that were far more blatant than the insanely obscure stuff I usually have to dig to find. There were a few possessive words that were missing apostrophes ("Mortys" and "Vulpixs") as well as a quoted sentence which was inappropriately broken in two by a period (the first period in “ Believe it or not,” Lisa said. “ I had a dream.” should be a comma). Also, there were a couple of sentences that I thought could have been a little more concise for more emphasis, but that was merely an aesthetic concern. I was a little surprised at the outright grammar issues, because it's unlike you to have such problems in your writing. ...And that's actually a compliment, not an insult. You're usually great at detecting these things yourself.

But even with points like that, this was still a great chapter. The emotion you conveyed early on between Gavin and Lisa was superb, and while I caught on to the surprise before Lisa was certain of it, your narrative still made the turnaround quite exciting. I was highly impressed by the passion which was evident throughout this chapter. You did a great job with this one, and I look forward to seeing what lies off the edge of this, your latest cliffhanger! Until the next chapter!