
I'm back from Europe at last. The trip was awesome, the best thing I've ever done with myself, and I'm now slowly returning to the bittersweet reality of home. Bitter because I wish I could have kept travelling forever (it felt like I was gone for years, not months) and sweet because I get to see my family, friends and home once more.

In any case, now that I'm back (arrived home last night) I felt it was about time I posted to take Lisa the Legend off its temporary hiatus and let you all know I'm back at work on the next chapter in front of the computer, or at the kitchen table, depending on whether I'm actually writing or just plotting away. I won't be so insolent (after a nine-month wait) as to say something so bland as "It's going -well"; suffice it to say, I'm doing my best to make this chapter worth waiting for. I hope you all enjoy it when eventually hits your screens.

I'm writing hard!


- Gavin.