Hey guys! It's so great to see such questioning replies ... I'll see if I can answer them ...

Hyperness: Lol, I know, I haven't used a cliffhanger for ages (to my knowledge anyway) so I just thought I might as well throw that in there at the end.

Thank God someone liked the battle, I really don't like my battle-writing, it never comes off quite how I want it to!

Powarun: Thanks. Marina put her Butterfree away while they went training ... she keeps it in a little silver container when she doesn't want it to follow her around, of course it goes to sleep during that time.

Marina didn't need to be protected by Raikou - she fainted from shock, rather than an attack.

Do you think Lisa is destined to fight Entei, eh? We'll see ...

Zeldafan: Again? I haven't left you guys hanging for ages! You had it coming! That chapter had you hooked eh? Good. Next one is coming ASAP, hopefully within a week.

Mr Pikachu: Thankyou very much. Raikou has appeared, yes, good, and Entei, you think. Yeah, Lisa's pokes are getting very strong, she's trained them well, if you want a quantitative answer I'd say they're all hovering around level 40 by now.

Nah, the battle's not gonna be finished. EVER! MWAHAHA. Yeah, it was a Bayleef, Meganium has big pink flowers on its neck i think. Weirdness, that's right! Since when has Aipom been able to use a high-levelled electric attack?

Thanks for reading! Oh, btw, Raikou teleported them back to the lake, but on the side closest to town, where they would be safe.

Shiny Marill: Thanks for reading! Elekid may evolve, it all depends really ... you'll see anyway. Elekid is male, by the way, so I think your theory is kinda shot down in flames!

Yes, Raikou seems to have his heart in the right place, doesn't he? You think Entei and HO-OH will come into the equation? I'll leave you hanging there.

GCM: Mmmmm ... yeah, you're right there, they handle injury differently. I think you noticed that just then, and yes, even death is different for them ... or is it?

Has anyone warned Gavin? Does anybody know where he is?

Interesting thoughts on the 'Ho-oh' naming system thingy. I won't answer, I think you'll work it out yourself.

Yeah, the next chapter should be the start of the crossover ---- I say SHOULD, because I just keep on writing more chapters and pushing the other ones further and further back.
