Damn. Some pretty memorable moments in that next-to-last chapter there...

“The key fragment isn’t here …” she muttered, turning to Suicune. “Unless …” She held the sceptre up to the torchlight. “This is the fragment?”

//No, the fragment can only be found once you kill me//
Cue a couple of moments of fairly wide-eyed staring. Hindsight or something like it quickly turned it from a "...what?" moment into a bit more of an "oh shit... yeah, that would make sense" moment, but my point is that yeah, the way that it was executed made it initially hit as a surprise.

And then there was this:

All of a sudden, Suicune gave a guttural growl and threw all his weight down onto the blade. The sceptre burst through his flesh and tore his heart into a hundred pieces. Her arms trapped beneath his bulk, Lisa watched in horror, her scream mingling with his almighty roar, as crimson blood exploded in bucketloads from his chest, his violet-black eyes reeling backwards as he fitted violently, legs and head flailing in agony, until the ice-white aurora on his back extinguished itself and his dead, broken body went limp, leaving Lisa alone to a private eternity of terror.
I'd had my doubts that just wounding him would suffice from the moment that he offered that option. I suppose there is an element of "it's good that he had it in him to do what had to be done" on the one hand. On the other, gotta feel bad for Lisa seeing as how she was tricked. Not fun to have your hand forced.

And then the next chapter. Oh man. First the seeming reveal of Marina having done the same thing with Raikou as Lisa had with Suicune--immediately chased by the actual reveal of that not being the case. Two-hit combo right there. Very nicely executed.

And oh man, that ending. I wonder what she found there...

So anyway, yeah, I'd say switching the name of this part of the story back was a fitting move. Revelation indeed.

Oh. And one more thing:

“I know it’s early but you wanted us to wake you up before we left, remember?”

“Before we go-goed, even.”
Yes, I will admit it: that amused me. :B